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Persona 3 Reload Emperor Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Emperor Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Emperor Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct choices to the questions asked by Hidetoshi Odagiri. Maxing out this social link will allow you to make the Odin persona. You’ll also receive the Cheap Lighter as a token of your bond. This will give you the benefits of having a Rank 10 Emperor Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to obtain the Emperor Social Link, you’ll need to progress in the game until you reach 4/27. On that day, Mitsuru will approach the Protag at lunch asking him to meet her after school for a favor. Later on when they meet up, she will request that he join the student council to help her out, claiming that she needs someone familiar with her late-night activities on her side. You’ll then to head to the Faculty Office on the 1st floor and speak with Ms. Toriumi to officially join the student council. All that’s left to do now is head to the student council room to introduce yourself to the other members. This will unlock the Emperor Social Link.

In order to rank up the Emperor Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Hidetoshi Odagiri in the student council room on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to meet the day before a test. You’ll also want to make sure that you have an Emperor persona on you to increase your affinity with Odagiri faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 is reached automatically once you obtain the Emperor Social Link.

Rank 2

After attending your first student council meeting, Odagiri will want to borrow you for a moment to ask your opinion on a topic.

Some students think the school uniform should be abolished, and they’re gathering supporters.Sounds like nonsense.

Rank 3

As you enter the student council room, Odagiri will be in the middle of speaking with a teacher. After he leaves, the secretary warns him about making decisions without talking to the prez. We’ll then have to step in to figure out what’s going on. Either option doesn’t matter as you’ll receive an affinity point for both.

What!? You can’t decide something like that without talking to the president first!Either Option

Rank 4

During the student council meeting, Odagiri will miss the meeting looking into the issue from last time. Afterwards, you’ll run into him in the hallway dealing with a student. The first option you are presented with doesn’t have any affinity points, so feel free to choose which option you fancy. The best option for the second question can be found in the table below:

This guy looks like he’s about to hit Odagiri!Either Options
What is it? Did you need something for me?Looks like you’re hard at work.

Rank 5

As you enter the student council room, Odagiri has started accusing the other members of being the culprit. This of course leads to them exiting the room leaving just the two of you.

…Bunch of neanderthals.They’re the worst.

Rank 6

During this student council meeting, we show up a bit late to see everybody but Odagiri has left already. Since it’s just the two of us, he’ll tell us a bit more about himself. Feel free to pick either option for the first response as neither rewards any affinity points. Check out the table below for the second to see what the best choice is.

It’s nice not having those hyenas around.Either Option
So as you can see, we can’t exactly hold a meeting right now. You can leave if you want.But I just got here…

Rank 7

At the student council meeting, we learn that the teachers want to make an example of the person who left the cigarette bud in the bathroom. After the meeting, Odagiri will ask for your opinion on the matter.

About the smoker’s punishment, I mean.It seems too harsh.

Rank 8

Upon entering the student council room, Chihiro will tell you that the meeting has been cancelled. Feel free to choose which ever option you want for the first response as neither rewards any affinity points. Check out the table below to see the best answer for the second response:

Um, did Odagiri-san do something?Either option
…So, you heard all that?It wasn’t me.

Rank 9

Following the student council meeting, Odagiri will ask to see you on the roof. For this conversation, there will only be one response. Feel free to pick which ever option you like. They both reward max affinity points.

I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power.Either Option

Rank 10

For the final rank of the Emperor Social Link, feel free to choose any of the options that you like as it doesn’t matter at this point. You’ll receive the Cheap Lighter as a token of your bond. This will give you the benefits of having a Rank 10 Emperor Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Collectibles guide! Here we’ll list all of the collectibles in Chapter 5 along with where you can find them! For this chapter, there are 25 treasure chests, 3 slimes and 6 wee pincers. There are more chests in the towns, however, they don’t count toward Treasure Hunter trophy. Also, keep in mind that for the Unlocked and Unloaded trophy, you’ll need to open the locked chests, which can be found in towns.

Mt. Neigelith, Leautagne Is. Collectibles

Treasure Chest 1

When you reach the first ice wall that you’ll need to break to proceed forward, turn right and head down the hill. Break the ice at the dead end to find the treasure chest!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Treasure chest

Archive: Frozen Note

In the area you fight the frozen skeletons for the first time, head to the left side to find this archive.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Archive

Wee Pincer 1

In the same area as the above archive, head to the right side to find this wee pincer on the rock formation jutting out from the cliff.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Wee Pincer

Treasure Chest 2

From the wee pincer, head through the narrow path to proceed forward. Jump up the ledges on the right side. At the top, turn right then jump across the gap to find a chest encased in ice. Break the ice to get the chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Chest

Wee Pincer 2

Back track across the gap and head straight to find this wee pincer.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Wee Pincers

Treasure Chest 3

From the wee pincer, jump all the way down to ground level to find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Treasure Chests

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 4

Return to where the wee pincer was on the higher ledge then jump across the gap to the other side to find this shrouded treasure chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Shrouded Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest 5

From the shrouded chest, jump down and head underneath the stone bridge to find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Chests

Slime 1

Continue following the path under the stone bridge until it curves around to a set of stairs leading across the bridge. This pot will be nestled in the corner against the base of the stairs.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Slime

Treasure Chest 6

After crossing the bridge, you’ll come to a split where the monastery is on the right. Head left instead to find this chest encased in ice.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Collectibles

Wee Pincer 3

From the above chest, look over the side of the cliff to find a wee pincer on the ledge below.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Wee Pincers

Treasure Chest 7

This chest can be found across from the second Hallowed Ground on the side of the stairs.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Chest Location

Omen Stone / Treasure Chest 8

You can find this omen stone in the area you fought Nazarbonu. Interact with it to begin the fight against Level 43 enemies. After defeating all the enemies, the chest will spawn.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Omen Stone

Snowquilt Ravine Collectibles

Treasure Chest 9

At the beginning of the area, you’ll find this chest on the left behind a pillar with a fire near the top.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Snowquilt Ravine

Slime 2

follow the path forward and break through 2 ice walls. You’ll then fight some enemies.In this area, the path will split. Break the smaller ice wall on the left to find a pot at the dead end.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Slimes

Treasure Chest 10

This chest will be located in the ice next to the above slime.

Treasure Chests 11, 12 & 13

Return to the area you fight the enemies and break the other ice wall. Continue forward and hug the right side. Follow the right path to reach 3 chests at the dead end.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Treasure Chests

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 14

Backtrack to the main path and continue forward to find this shrouded chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Shrouded Chest

Treasure Chest 15

Break the ice wall and continue uphill. This chest will be in an icicle. Break it!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Treasure

Slime 3

From the above chest, head up towards the monastery. At the pillar with the fire, turn left to find this pot at the dead end.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Slime

Treasure Chest 16

From the above slime, head across to the other side to find this chest on the edge of the cliff.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Collectibles

Decrepit Monastery Collectibles

Treasure Chest 17

As you head up towards Historiath who is waiting at the top of the path, veer off to the left to find this chest next to a pot.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Decrepit Monastery Collectibles

Path to Tredame Sanctum Collectibles

Treasure Chest 18

Historiath will perform another incantation. Instead of proceeding through the newly opened doors, head down the right path to find this chest under the archway.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5

Wee Pincer 4

Now head on top of the archway to find this wee pincer at the top!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Crabs

Omen Stone / Treasure Chest 19

This omen stone can be found in the area where Historiath performed the incantation. Defeat all the Level 30 enemies for the chest to spawn.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Treasure

Wee Pincer 5

This wee pincer can be found to the right of the bridge leading to the Tredame Sanctum.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Crab

Treasure Chest 20

This chest can be found encased in ice to the left of the bridge.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Chests

Treasure Chest 21

To the right of the bridge, you’ll find this chest on the edge of the cliff.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Treasure Chests

Treasure chest 22

This chest can be found further on the right side of the bridge near the edge of the cliff.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Container

Treasure Chests 23, 24 & 25

After fighting the boss, you’ll proceed forward through the door. Two of the chests will be exposed and the third is hidden in ice.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Treasure Chests
Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Chests

Wee Pincer 6

This wee pincer can be found in an open treasure chest next to the above. It will be in the back left chest.

Wee Pincer

Archive: Sequestration’s Verse

Head up the stairs to reach the area above the chests to find a fountain containing this archive.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 5 Archive

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Collectibles guide! Here we’ll list all of the collectibles in Chapter 4 along with where you can find them! For this chapter, there are 2 treasure chests and 1 wee pincer. There are more chests in the towns, however, they don’t count toward Treasure Hunter trophy. Also, keep in mind that for the Unlocked and Unloaded trophy, you’ll need to open the locked chests, which can be found in towns.


Archive: Tempeal Disaster Report

This archive can be found between the beds in the room you awake in.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Archive

Archive: Rolan’s Care Instructions

You’ll automatically receive this archive during the main story.

Whitewing Key Chest

Facing the church, head through the archway to the right then take an immediate left to find this treasure chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Whitewing Key Chest

Your AirShip

Archive: Installation Request

This archive can be found on the deck of the ship near the cannon.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Archives

Enemy AirShips

Wee Pincer 1

After boarding the enemy ship via the bridge, head straight across the ship to the gun then take a left to find this crab against a wall near a stack of crates.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Wee Pincer

Archive: Your Mission Orders

This archive can be found on the enemy ship near the red Control Unit.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Archive

Treasure Chest 1

On the second ship you board, you can find this chest on the left side near the ether autocannon.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Treasure chest

Treasure Chest 2

On the third ship you board, you can find this golden chest by the red Control Unit.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 4 Chest

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Soaring Dream Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Soaring Dream Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Soaring Dream side quest!

How to Start Soaring Dream Side Quest

To begin the Soaring Dream side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Ambitious Curator in front of the blacksmith in Folca.


  • Charred Lumber x3

You can find Charred Lumber, which is a blue orb, beginning in Chapter 4 on the deck of an enemy ship.

Rewards for Completing Soaring Dream

  • EXP x55
  • MSP x5
  • Garrison I
  • Fortitude Shard x3

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink A Lingering Regret Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink A Lingering Regret Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Lingering Regret side quest!

How to Start A Lingering Regret

To begin A Lingering Regret side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Nearly Retired Adventurer in the town square of Folca to the right of Knickknack Shack.


  • Goldem Finger

To complete this side quest, you’ll need to wait until Chapter 6 to encounter your first goldem. When activating a key to lift the central ruins, you’ll fight a Level 26 Rock Goldem. Take it out to get its Goldem Finger!

Rewards for Completing A Lingering Regret

  • Aegis II
  • Silver Key
  • 3000 Gold

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Infested Skyways Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Infested Skyways Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Infested Skyways side quest!

How to Start Infested Skyways Side Quest

To begin the Infested Skyways side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Sincere Laborer in Folca.


  • Defeat Wyvern x1

In Folca, head to the Quest Counter and complete Gran’s Fate Episode 4. During this Fate Episode, you’ll fight Wyverns!

Rewards for Completing Infested Skyways

  • 5000 Gold
  • Stun Power I
  • Fortitude Shard x5
  • Standard Refinium x2

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Pebbles of Perfection Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Pebbles of Perfection Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Pebbles of Perfection side quest!

How to Start Pebbles of Perfection Side Quest

To begin the Pebbles of Perfection side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Folk Artist in Folca.


  • Cobblestone x5

You can find these in essentially all the area if you’re picking up the blue shiny orbs you come across while exploring.

Rewards for Completing Pebbles of Perfection

  • EXP x145
  • MSP x20
  • Critical Hit Rate I
  • Prism Chip x1

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Results Guaranteed Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Results Guaranteed Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Results Guaranteed side quest!

How to Start Results Guaranteed Side Quest

To begin the Results Guaranteed side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Famed Apothecary in Folca.


  • Whorlshroom x3

You can find these in essentially all the area if you’re picking up the blue shiny orbs you come across while exploring. Alternatively, you can obtain them from completing Quest Counter quests such as Bash the Goblin Hordes, Worried about Papa and Protect Our Woods.

Rewards for Completing Results Guaranteed

  • EXP x55
  • MSP x5
  • Attack Power I
  • Fortitude Shard x8

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Long Time No Fix Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Long Time No Fix Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Long Time No Fix side quest!

How to Start Long Time No Fix Side Quest

To begin the Long Time No Fix side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Pleasant Elder near the church in Folca.


  • Archive Entry Wanted: Need a Handyman?

We found the Need a Handyman? archive in Chapter 1 across from the entrance of the church.

Rewards for Completing Long Time No Fix

  • EXP x145
  • MSP x20
  • Rupie Tycoon I
  • Prism Chip x1

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Collectibles guide! Here we’ll list all of the collectibles in Chapter 3 along with where you can find them! For this chapter, there are 10 treasure chests, 3 slimes and 3 wee pincers.

Mines of Tempeal

Treasure Chest 1

From the starting point facing the Hallowed Ground, turn right and head to the end of the broken bridge to find this chest on the tip.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Collectibles Treasure Chest

Slime 1

From the above chest turn around and head back to the grass. Make a sharp right to find this pot resting against the tall part of the bridge.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Collectibles Slime

Treasure Chest 2

Along the main path on the left side in a shack just before the cutscene with the gusting wind.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Collectibles Chest

Wee Pincer 1

From the above chest, proceed downhill towards the cliff. At the drop off, take a right to find this crab hidden against the tall structure.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Wee Pincer

Slime 2

This slime can be found in a pot above the omen stone along the mine cart tracks.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Slimes

Omen Stone / Treasure Chest 3

This omen stone can be found along the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Omen Stone Treasure chest

Treasure Chest 4

Instead of lowering the bridge, head to the right and climb all the way up to the top to find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Treasure Chest

Wee Pincer 2

After lowering the bridge, you’ll fight a group of goblins. In this area you’ll find the wee pincer along the edge.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Wee Pincers

Treasure Chest 5

Instead of lowering the second bridge, head across from the bridge to find a treasure chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Chest

Archive: Miner’s Meeting Minutes

After escaping the collapsing bridge, head straight ahead to spot this archive.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Archive

Treasure Chest 6

This treasure chest is located right next to the above archive.

Slime 3

From the above chest, head to the left side of the area to find this slime hiding in a pot.

Wee Pincer 3

Cross the room to the right side to find this wee pincer next to a shrouded chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Shrouded Treasure Chest & Wee Pincer

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 7

This chest is located on the right side of the area next to the above Wee Pincer.

Treasure Chest 8

Retrace your steps down to the bottom of this area on the path you just took when seeking the purple crystals for the above shrouded treasure chest to find this treasure chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Chest

Treasure Chest 9

After escaping the mine shaft, you’ll enter a windy outdoor area. The chest will be on your left along the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Treasure chests

Treasure Chest 10

This chest can be found on the stones behind the Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 3 Treasure Chest

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!