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Persona 3 Reload Hanged Man Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Hanged Man Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Hanged Man Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Maiko. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll gain the ability to fuse the Persona, Attis. You’ll also receive a Bead Ring which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Hanged Man Social Link in New Game Plus.

Proceed with the game until you reach Early Morning on 5/6. While passing by the lockers you’ll overhear a couple of girls talking about a lonely elementary school student playing alone at Naganaki Shrine. After school, head over there and speak with the girl. She’ll then mention how she’s hungry and wants something round, hot and soft. Leave the shrine and travel to Iwatodai Strip Mall. Stop by Octopia on the east side of 1F and buy 1 Weird Takoyaki for 400 yen. Bring it back to Maiko at the shrine who will eat it then declare that she is thirst for a fizzy drink that is mad and bitter. Leave the shrine once more, this time traveling to Iwatodai Station. Locate the vending machine in the back right and purchase a Mad Bull for 110 yen. Again, bring it back to Maiko at the shrine. She’ll then ask if you’ll be her friend. Choose “Of course.” when prompted. The last step is to leave the Shrine and come back another day that Maiko is there. Speak with her then agree to play with her. After wrapping up, you’ll unlock the Hanged Man Social Link.

In order to rank up the Hanged Man Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Maiko. She can be found at Naganaki Shrine on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Make sure to bring a Hanged Man persona with you to get a boost in affinity which will allow you to rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 is unlocked automatically after you obtain the Hanged Man Social Link.

Rank 2

During Rank 2, we’ll start off by playing with Maiko on the slide. After a while she gets hungry and wants to move the party to Wilduck. Only the first response rewards any affinity points. The other two don’t matter so pick whatever you are feeling.

My tummy’s grumbling. Can we go to Wilduck?Sure, let’s go.
Why would the get a divorce?Any option
…She’s sobbing loudly. What should I do?Either Option

Rank 3

This time on Persona 3 Babysitter, we’ll get to meet Maiko’s other friend, Stripey. After an exchange of words, we’ll take her to get some grub. While, talking to Stripey, feel free to pick either option as neither awards any affinity. You can check the table below for the best answer to choose when you get to the second response.

…And who are you?Either option
Do you think he’ll come home and see me?Don’t worry, he’ll be there.

Rank 4

For Rank 4, Maiko will talk about her birthday and how she had a good time!

They really do care about me!That’s great news.

Rank 5

When speaking with Maiko for this rank, it’s clear something has happened, and she could use a friend.

He’s so mean! It’s not fair!That’s awful.
Do they just wish I would disappear?They would never.

Rank 6

Rank 6 sees Maiko at her breaking point resorting to some desperate measures.

I made up my mind! I have to run away from home!“Calm down.” or “It’s up to you.”
I need lots of snacks, right? And my… insurance card?That should be enough.

Rank 7

It’s finally time to put Maiko’s plan of running away into action. She’ll meet up with us one more time before she says goodbye. Neither of the responses this rank reward any affinity points, so feel free to pick any options you fancy.

She’s never done anything liek this before!Any Option
If you have any idea where she is, I’m begging you to tell us.Either Option

Rank 8

When you meet up with Maiko, she’ll tell you that she’s hungry and ask where you want to eat. She’ll also tell you about what happened with her parents.

What do you wanna get?Hamburgers.
It was sad, but I listened to the whole thing. Did I do good?You’re a good girl.
Who do you think I should pick?Your dad.

Rank 9

At the start of Rank 9, Maiko will request that two of you get some takoyaki. While eating, she’ll then tell you about the decision she’s made.

Even if I’m gone… we’ll still be friends, right?Friends forever.

Rank 10

Since this is Rank 10, feel free to pick any options you like. She’ll give you a Bead Ring which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Hanged Man Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Moon Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Moon Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Moon Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Nozomi Suemitsu. For reaching Rank 10, you’ll be able to fuse the Sandalphon persona. You’ll also receive a Gourmet Liscense. This item will allow you to keep the Rank 10 benefits of the social link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Moon Social Link, you’ll first need to get the Magician Social Link to Rank 4 and level your Charm Social Stat up to Rank 2 (unpolished). Once you’ve done that, travel to Paulownia Mall after school and speak with the Cubby Student sitting on the bench by the fountain. Ask him “What are you eating?” which leads to you having to take a Gourmet Quiz. You’ll need to answer all of the questions correctly to proceed. You can find them along with the answers in the list below:

  • What’s the most popular drink at the cafe over there?
    • Pheromone Coffee
  • What color skirt does Azuki Arai’s mascot, Azuki-chan, wear?
    • Red
  • What item is on the secret menu at Hakagure?
    • Hagakure Bowl

Once you pass the quiz, the Cubby Student will then request that you bring him something he’s never eaten if you want to be recognized by him. The item that you’ll need is an Odd Morsel which can be found in one of the chests while exploring Tartarus. Bring him one of those then select “Spend time with him” to learn his name is Nozomi Suemitsu, the Gourmet King. You’ll also start the Moon Social Link.

In order to rank up the Moon Social Lunk, you’ll need to spend some time with Nozomi Suemitsu. You’ll be able to find him at Paulownia Mall after school. Make sure to bring a Moon persona to get a boost in affinity to rank up with him faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 is unlocked automatically after you obtain the Moon Social Link.

Rank 2

For our first outing with Suemitsu, we’ll be going to try some delightfully juicy meat at the strip mall!

Well? Would you wanna be… my younger brother?Sure, why not.

Rank 3

This rank takes places at the ramen restaurant where Suemitsu will explain in detail the best item on the menu.

So? Do you “get me,” hm? Who am I? Go on, I wanna hear it come out of your mouth!The Gourmet King.

Rank 4

Rank 4 has you eating seafood with the Gourmet King while he goes over what he had for lunch that day.

Whew… That was way too close. If that toilet was just a bit further away… Ohhhh, boy.Are you feeling sick?

Rank 5

We’ll meet up with Suemitsu near the fountain in Paulownia mall where he’ll be approached by the Bitter-Looking Man from before.

Right, Makoto-kun? (Your name here!)That’s right.

Rank 6

On the menu this time is seafood soup! During the mean, he’ll even mention paradise!

I don’t get it. I was fine up until a minute ago, then suddenly I felt sick.Are you sick?

Rank 7

At the beginning of Rank 7, Suemitsu will tell you that he wants to eat somewhere where they can talk in private. He has some top-secret stuff he wants to tell you about. Feel free to pick either option for the second response as neither reward any affinity points.

Well? Did that just blow your mind?The world is ending?
Not to mention you’ll get a discount since I’ll be referring you, too. You are one lucky guy!Either Option

Rank 8

During Rank 8, we’ll briefly speak with Suemitsu before he runs off.

Look at me! I’m paper-thin now!No, you’re not.

Rank 9

At the beginning of Rank 9, Suemitsu will inform us that he finally met his quota. Shortly after, a couple of shady dudes show up. Feel free to choose either option for the response as neither rewards any affinity points. It might look bad, but let the scene play out first.

Finally, Paradise is smiling back at me! Yes! Yesss!Either Option.

Rank 10

Please feel free to choose any options you like finally making it to Rank 10. As a token of friendship, Nozomi Suemitsu will gift you a Gourmet Liscense completing the Moon Social Link. This item will allow you to keep the Rank 10 benefits of the social link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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April Classroom Questions and Answers in Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our April Classroom Questions and Answers guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll have the correct answers to all of the questions asked by the illustrious staff of Gekkoukan High School during the month of April! Over the course of the game, the Protag will either be asked to answer a specific question by one of his teachers or begged by one of his friends to help by giving them the correct answer. This guide is broken up based on each day a question is asked. You’ll find a table containing the question asked along with the answer to that question under each section. Answering a question correctly will rewards the Protag with an increase to the Charm stat.

April Classroom Questions and Answers

4/8 – Ms. Toriumi’s Class Question

This question is asked by Ms. Toriumi when talking about phrases that describe the different seasons. She’ll then ask Junpei the question to see if he was paying attention. He’ll of course freak out and ask the Protag to bail him out. Please find the question and its correct answer in the table below:

Among these phrases, “a rain of flowers,” “mystical mirage,” and “vivid carp streamers,” which one symbolizes summer?“vivid carp streamers”

4/18 – Mr. Ono’s Class Question

The second question for the month of April comes from Mr. Ono. Being super interested in the Jomon period, he’ll ask our hero where the people of that time would store waste such as their poop! Please find the question and its correct answer in the table below:

The places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon period – what are they called?Middens.

4/27 – Ms. Miyahara’s Class Question

The last question of this month comes from Ms. Miyahara during her math class. She’ll show an image with 4 different spirals then ask our buddy Junpei about one of teh images. Not being a math guy, he once again asks the Protag to step in and help out. Please find the question and its correct answer in the table below:

Which of the following is not an algebraic spiral?A

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Complete Tartarus Thebel Guide for Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Complete Tartarus Thebel Guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll cover what you can expect to find on Floors 1 through 22 that make up the Tartarus Thebel area. In this guide, you’ll find which floors the gatekeepers are located on along with their weakness and tips on how to defeat them, the personas you can recruit while working your way through Thebel and the Shadows you’ll faces along the way with their weakness to make the journey a bit easier!

Tartarus Thebel Gatekeeper Floors

5th Floor

  • Ruthless Ice Raven x2
    • weak to Fire

For your first gatekeeper fight, you’ll be up against a pair of Ruthless Ice Ravens. You’ll want to keep hitting them with Agi using both Makoto and Junpei with the goal of dealing extra damage using all-out attacks. Yukari should focus on healing if need then weave in some hits to deal extra damage.

11th Floor

  • Barbaric Beast Wheel x1
    • weak to Wind
  • Magic Hand x2
    • weak to Fire

The second gatekeeper fight has the team up against the Barbaric Beast Wheel and 2 Magic Hands. You’ll want to hit the Magic Hands with Agi using Junpei or the Protag while attacking the Barbaric Beast Wheel with Yukari using garu to get in a couple all-out attacks. Once the hands are gone, you can use the Protag to attack the Barbaric Beast Wheel with Garu via the Angel Persona.

17th Floor

  • Swift Axel x1
    • weak to electric

The third gatekeeper is easily the hardest of the trio. You’ll face a lone Swift Axel with your party of three. At the beginning of this fight, Mitsuru will introduce the party to the guard command which you’ll need to make use of to emerge from the battle victorious. The Swift Axel likes to use wind attacks like garu and maguru so you’ll want to guard with Junpei for pretty much the entire fight. You’ll also want to have Yukari heal and make sure that the Protag has a persona that can use electric attacks like Zio such as Pixie. You’ll want to keep attacking the boss with zio as electric is his weakness then follow that up with all-out attacks to chip away at its health until it’s vanquished.

Tartarus Thebel Persona

ApsarasHigh Priestess
Ara MitamaChariot

Tartarus Thebel Shadows

Barbaric Beast WheelWind
Cowardly MayaSlash / Fire
Grave BeetleWind
Magic HandFire
Merciless MayaIce
Muttering TiaraWind
Obsessed CupidIce
Ruthless Ice RavenFire
Swift AxelElectric
Trance TwinsElectric
Wealth HandStrike

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Chariot Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Chariot Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Chariot Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Kazushi Miyamoto. Reaching rank 10 will reward you with the Sports Tape item which give you access to the Chariot rank 10 perks in a new game plus run. You’ll also be able to fuse the Thor persona.

In order to start the Chariot Social Link, you’ll need to join the track team at Gekkoukan High School. This becomes available on Thursday 4/23. After that date hits, you’ll just need to make your way to the Practice Field down the Gym Hallway. Interact with the doors and you’ll then be prompted to join the Track Team. Say yes to trigger an event where you’ll meet team manger Yuko Nishiwaki and the future captain, Kazushi Miyamoto. When it concludes, you’ll unlock Rank 1 of the Chariot Social Link.

In order to rank up the Chariot Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Miyamoto and the track team. You can do this by attending track practice on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday. Speak with Miyamoto in your classroom or head to the Practice Field to start practice. Keep in mind that there will be no practice on the days before a test. Another thing you’ll want to do is make sure you have a Chariot Persona on you while attending practice. This will net you extra increases to Kazushi’s affinity that will help you rank up much faster.

Day Off Invite

On days off from school, Miyamoto might message the Protag asking to hang out. If you agree to it, then you’ll have a chance to deepen your relationship with him.

That way, I’m ready to go 24/7, y’know? That’s real dedication, man.Impressive.
I’m trying to cut down on carbs.Are you on a diet?
Man, why do I even bother anymore? What’s the point of going through all this pain just to win…?That’s just who you are.

Rank 1

Rank 1 of the Chariot Social Link is unlocked automatically after you obtain the social link.

Rank 2

This will be first track team practice that the Protag attends. You’ll make some small talk with Miyamoto who will have a couple of chances for you to respond to him. Only the first one results in affinity points. Feel free to choose which ever options you fancy for the other two.

When track practice ends, you’ll run into Yuko at her locker. Speak with her then ask if she wants to walk home with you. Being Rank 2 for the Chariot Social Link will cause her to say yes. This will then lead to an event where you’ll obtain the Strength Social Link.

M-My side is killing me… I might’ve overdone it a bit.Toughen Up
You don’t even look tired… Uh, what kind of a training regimen do you have?Either Option
Let’s get go- Argh!Either Option

Rank 3

During rank 3, Miyamoto will fall to the ground in pain and be taken to the nurse’s office. There he’ll tell the Protag that his knee hasn’t been the same since that first practice. You’ll then have some dialog with to deepen your bond.

It’s just, um… my anemia’s acting up.Are you going to be okay?
I tried medicine, I tried wrapping it, but the pain won’t stop.Will it heal?

Rank 4

Miyamoto is acting weird and tells you to go onto practice without him. You’ll quickly notice that he ended up skipping practice. On the way back to the dorm, you’ll run into our good buddy looking a bit depressed. The first option doesn’t matter as it doesn’t reward any affinity, but the second one does. Check the table below for the correct response.

Wh-What’s up? I was just gonna sneak back into practice.Either Option
She made the appointment without telling me, so ther was nothingI could do!That really sucks.

Rank 5

The Protag will attend another practice where Miyamoto is a no show. Afterwards, we’ll run into him again by the lockers striking up a conversation.

Man… I keep running into you at the weirdest times.Back from the hospital?
You gotta be kidding me… Why can’t I… stand up!?Take my shoulder!

Rank 6

Another practice, another no show for Miyamoto. Towards the end of practice, he’ll message Yuko to tell you to meet up with him after practice.

I want to win, so I have to practice.Show some guts, man!
I promised I’d win at next year’s meet and become the number one athlete in Japan.Why go so far?
That’s why I have to win this meet – so I can make it to nationals!What about your knee?

Rank 7

Miyamoto is at practice today but not preforming at his best and the rest of the team is noticing. After practice we’ll walk home with him and catch up a bit.

I know you didn’t say anything. I just think he can tell something’s up.How’s your knee?
Otherwise, I won’t be able to keep my promise to my nephew!You have to get tougher!

Rank 8

Miyamoto’s secret finally comes out at practice.

You must know what’s going on.……

Rank 9

After practice, Miyamoto will invite us out to eat some ramen. He’ll then start to realize the gravity of his situation.

I’m sure you love lugging all this dead weight around, huh?I don’t mind at all.

Rank 10

For the final rank of the Chariot Social Link, Miyamoto will invite us out for some food wanting to talk. He’ll then give us the Sports Tape item along with telling us about the decision he’s made. Since this is rank 10, feel free to choose any of the options that pop up during the conversation.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Hermit Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Hermit Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Hermit Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Maya. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll be able to fuse the Arahabaki persona. You’ll also be given the Screenshot Data. It will give you the benefits of having a Rank 10 Hermit in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Hermit Social Link, you’ll need to progress through the game until the evening on 4/28. When that day arrives, the internet to the School Dormitory will be restored allowing you to finally access the web! Head up to your room and interact with the laptop on the desk. You’ll then want to play the MMO, Innocent Sin Online. This will lead to an event where you’ll obtain the Hermit Social Link.

To raise the rank of the Hermit Social Link, you’ll need to spend time in Innocent Sin Online with Maya. They can be found in the game on their days off. Make sure to have a Hermit persona on you when doing this to get a boost to your affinity which allows you to rank up a bit faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 is unlocked automatically after you obtain the Hermit Social Link.

Rank 2

Rank 2 starts off with you wandering around in the game when our friend in red shows up for a chat.

u remember me rite? :OOf course.
hmm… what kinda people r we, playing inside on such a beautiful day?Sunshine is overrated.

Rank 3

When you meet up with Maya for Rank 3, she’s totally hammered and will talk a little bit more about herself.

so ummmmmm…… im drunk! xDOh really? o_O
but lately i can’t get motivated to get work done @ work. =/You don’t like your job?

Rank 4

Just another day of hanging out with Maya in Innocent Sin Online!

its like all she cares about is marrying me off to some dude >=/ whys it her problem?Let’s plan our wedding, then.

Rank 5

Today in Innocent Sin Online, it’s such a nice day that the Maya and Tatsuya decide to go outside and enjoy the weather!

Mr. E is such a stupid eh so bee!! t(-_-t)“Who’s Mr. E?” or “Do you mean S.O.B.?”
…oh noes! u cant figure out what my job is can u? O_o“A drunken master?” or “Are you a teacher? “

Rank 6

Maya will start this conversation talking about the gym and how she went to work out because she as angry. The conversation only evolves from there!

actually, i only went cuz i was so pissed at that bastard! >=/What bastard?

Rank 7

Maya will spend todays session blowing off some steam. If you’ve maxed out the Magician Social Link, then you’re in for a treat!

…do men only want younger women? b honest ._.Well, yea.
she even stuffs her bra!! lolEither Option

Rank 8

This time upon signing in, Maya is waiting for us with some exciting news!

oh noes… now im starting to get sweaty =/Hurry up and tell me.
thats kinda crazy even for me >_>;what is he like?

Rank 9

It’s been a good run! When you sign on to Innocent Sin Online, you’ll be greeted with a message saying they are terminating service. The second response doesn’t award any affinity points, so feel free to pick your favorite option. For the other two, check out the table below for the best option.

it said their cancelling innocent sin. …think its for real?No way!
tatsuya… do u think we’ll still be able to see each other? T_TAny Option
maya’s not going quietly! >=/ i’ll beat em to the punch!what are you planning?

Rank 10

For the final rank of the Hermit Social Link, feel free to pick any options you want as they don’t matter at this point. You’ll also be given the Screenshot Data. It will give you the benefits of having a Rank 10 Hermit in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Strength Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Strength Social Link Guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Chariot Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct choices to the questions asked by Yuko Nishiwaki. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll gain the ability to fuse Atavaka. You’ll also receive the Kids’ Letter which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Strength Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Strength Social Link, you’ll first need to join the track team and unlock the Chariot Social Link. Once that’s been done, spend time with Kazushi Miyamoto until you reach Chariot Rank 2. Afterwards, you’ll need to talk with Yuko after track practice and walk home with her trigger an event. When the event ends, you’ll unlock the Strength Social Link.

In order to rank up the Strength Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Yuko. You can find her in the hallway of School Building 2F on days when there is no track practice. Make sure to bring a Strength persona with you when you hang out with her to get a boost to your affinity that will help you rank up faster.

Day Off Invite

Yuko may message the Protag about hanging out on days off from school. If you take her up on the offer, you’ll have a chance to deepen your bond with her.

What!? Now way! That’s such bull! This has to be rigged or something!Want me to give it a shot?
I wonder what I’ll be doing then…“Studying for entrance exams.” or “Looking for a job.”

Rank 1

Rank 1 will be unlocked automatically once you have obtained the Strength Social Link.

Rank 2

During Rank 2 with Yuko, the Protag will accompany her to Paulownia Mall where they’ll do some shopping for the track team. Yuko will then talk with him about how it’s too early to be planning for the future.

Also, I wasn’t really in the mental state to do this alone today.What happened?
And before I knew it, I’d dozed off. I ended up handing in a blank paper.It wasn’t your fault.
But come on, it’s way to early to worry about the future, isn’t it? we’re still just teenagers!That’s true.

Rank 3

For rank 3, Yuko’s locker will be pranked by a piece of gum sticking out from the locker. She’ll then catch up with some old “friends” at the Paulowina Mall. The choices in the first question don’t matter as neither awards any affinity points. You’ll find the answers for the second and third questions below:

Going that far would’ve been crossing the line.Either Option
Sorry you got dragged into that.Don’t worry about it.
They called you my boyfriend. That must have made you feel awkward, huh?“I’m honored.” or “I don’t mind.”

Rank 4

The pair will decide to hang out at Paulownia Mall where Yuko’s neighbor will bump into her again. Feeling sorry for them, she brings him and his friends to the track field to train them. The first prompt you get won’t reward any affinity points, so feel free to pick either option. Check the table below for the best response for the second prompt.

Yuki-kun, what do you think I should do?Either Option
I mean, why not, right? Please? Honestly, I don’t think I can handle it on my own…Sure thing.

Rank 5

Rank 5 see’s Yuko and the Protag coaching the youngsters in the way of track where you’ll see Yuko putting in a lot of effort.

Elementary school kids really learn fast, don’t you think?It’s because you teach so well. – 2
Should I change the training routine? Maybe they should be running more.“You shouldn’t change it.” or “I trust whatever you decide, Yuko.”

Rank 6

During the Rank 6 practice, Yuko will tell the kids that if they want to win, then they need to train on their own too.

…Oh, why don’t you give them some advice too?Either Option
Age difference really matters when you’re as young as they are. Do you really think they can beat the sixth graders?As long as we believe in them.

Rank 7

If finally time to learn the outcome of the race against the 6th graders!

They called you my boyfriend till the very end…Any Option
It’s like the kids have left the nest…Are you relived?
Maybe we should throw a little party. You know, to celebrate our first attempt at coaching.Let’s do it.

Rank 8

It’s party time!!… at Yuko’s!?!?!? Only the last response awards any affinity points, so feel free to choose what ever for the first two.

I was out buying stuff that might be useful for running practice, and I ran out of money.Any Option
Hmm… Oh, do you like children?Either Option
Would you want it to be a boy or a girl?“A boy.” or “A girl.”

Rank 9

After School, Yuko and the Protag will head the cafe to hang out. This is the big one! Your choices will determine if Yuko stays a close friend of if you’ll enter a relationship with her.

Close Friend

All it did was make me more confused that I originally was. Guess I’ll have to go ask again tomorrow.Either Option (no affinity points)
Can you guess what it is?An instructor?
I realized now that I might’ve been relying too much on you.Either Option (no affinity points)
Are you like this… just with me? N-No, no, th-that can’t be it, huh…It’s because you’re a close friend.
So you should really be careful about that. It could land you in some hot water.Okay, I will.


All it did was make me more confused that I originally was. Guess I’ll have to go ask again tomorrow.Either Option (no affinity points)
Can you guess what it is?An instructor?
I realized now that I might’ve been relying too much on you.Either Option (no affinity points)
Are you like this… just with me? N-No, no, th-that can’t be it, huh…It’s because I love you.
What’s happening…? Is this a dream?Either Option

Rank 10

Since this is Rank 10, feel free to choose any of the options as you see fit. You’ll receive the Kids’ Letter which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Strength Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Magician Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Magician Social Link Guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Magician Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct choices to the questions ask by Kenji Tomochika. Once you reach Rank 10, you’ll be able to fuse the Futsunushi persona. You’ll also receive the Handmade Choker which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Magician Social Link in New Game Plus.

You’ll obtain the Magician Social Link automatically on 4/22. Kenji Tomochika will approach the protag after class asking to get some ramen. This is a scripted event that you’ll have to attend. Once it completes, you’ll receive the Magician Social Link.

In order to rank up the Magician Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Kenji Tomochika. You can do this by hanging out with him After School. He can be found at his desk. Make sure you have a Magician persona on you while spending time with him. This will net you extra increases to the Magician Social Link that will help you rank it up much faster.

Day Off Invite

On days off of school, you may get a message from Kenji wanted to hang out. The below table has some of the possible questions and answers that can come up if you choose to accept his offer.

By the way, are you picky about your food?I refuse to eat certain things.
Well? Whaddaya think? Perfect plan, right?Yeah, it’s perfect!
Do you think I can make her happy?You’ll do fine.

Magician Ranks

Rank 1

Rank 1 will unlock automatically after obtaining the Magician Social Link.

Rank 2

For Rank 2, you’ll accompany Kenji to the ramen restaurant where he’ll want to talk about girls. You’ll even learn what is master plan is!

Can you, like, just waltz on into Takeba-san’s room and stuff?“No way.” or “That’s a secret.”
I’m more into older women. How ’bout you?“I’m into older women, too.” or “I like them all!”

Rank 3

Rank 3 sees us enjoying yet another bowl of ramen in the company of Kenji. While eating, he’ll mention how he’s tired of how things are going and decides it’s time to get a girlfriend by putting his plan into action!

Maaan… I’m so sick of this, dude.What, of life?
Okay, that settles it. I’m going to get myself a girlfriend! Right now!Good luck!

Rank 4

Rank 4 starts off with Kenji taking you down to the courtyard then decided it’s time to finally ask a certain lady out! Feel free to choose either option for the first question as it doesn’t matter. For the answer to the second question, please check the table below:

Hey, thanks for coming, man. You mind waiting here for a sec?Either Option
I’m gonna go ask Ms. Kanou out! Like, right now!Good luck!

Rank 5

This time the pair wind up eating at Wilduck to discuss the results of Tomochika’s master plan.

Yea, good-looking people just flock together, y’know? It’s like a law of attraction.Okay…

Rank 6

On our way out to get some ramen, Tomochika decides he’s not into handing out anymore and is going head out. During the conversation, either option for the first response don’t matter, so feel free to pick which ever you fancy. The best answer for the second response can be found in the table below:

Sorry, man, but I’ve gotta pass this timeEither Option
I mean, getting into college is pretty important, don’t ya think? You think about the future too, right?I’ve got plans already.

Rank 7

Tomochika invites us to Wilduck to hang out. While were there, he mentions some life changing stuff to us.

I can’t eat…What happened?
I saw a magazine in Emiri’s room. Guess what it was called.Bride-to-be?
You think that’s a good plan?Congrats!

Rank 8

Our buddy Tomochika seems to be freaking out a bit and will ask to talk with us in private. We’ll head to the shrine to learn about what’s making him uneasy.

H-Hey, man. Sorry to make you come here. I um… Ah, dam it…Are you in trouble?
And now she’s being transferred to a school in Kyushu. What do I do?“You should go with her.” or “You two should talk it out.”

Rank 9

Kenji will invite us out to eat Ramen. Along the way, we’ll run into a certain someone which will derail our plans a bit.

I was so excited about going with her that I… I…Let me handle this!

Rank 10

It’s time for our final bonding event with Kenji Tomochika. Since it is the last one, feel free to choose and options you like! You’ll also receive a Handmade Choker which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 bond with Kenji in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Hierophant Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Hierophant Social Link Guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Hierophant Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct choices to the questions asked by Bunkichi and Mitsuko. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll gain the ability to fuse the Persona, Kohryu. You’ll also receive a Persimmon Fruit which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Hierophant Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Hierophant Social Link, you’ll need to progress through the game until you reach After School on 4/25. On that day, the bookstore, Bookworms will open at Iwatodai Strip Mall 1F. Travel there and speak with the old couple inside. One of them will mention a persimmon tree growing at Gekkoukan High School before you depart the bookstore. Next, you’ll want to travel to Gekkoukan High School and make your way to the Corridor. That’s where you can find the tree. Interact with it to receive a Persimmon Leaf. Take that Persimmon Leaf back to the old couple at the Bookworms bookstore at Iwatodai Strip Mall. Entering the store with the leaf in your possession will trigger an event leading to you obtaining the Hierophant Social Link.

In order to rank up the Hierophant Social Link, you’ll need to hang out with Bunkichi and Mitsuko in their bookstore. Its open everyday but Monday during the day/after school. Make sure to bring a Hierophant persona with you to boost the rate you earn affinity with them to rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 is obtained automatically after obtaining the Hierophant Social Link.

Rank 2

During your Rank 2 visit, the old couple will offer you some snacks and you’ll learn a bit more about them. Only the first two responses award affinity points so please check the table below for the best options. After that, feel free to pick which ever one you want as the rest don’t offer any affinity points.

What was your name again?Makoto Yuki. [YOUR NAME HERE]
Someone gave it to me, but I have more than enough. Go ahead and take it, Makoto-chan.Thank you.
We have so many, my wife and I would take forever to finish them all.Either Option
He should be here helping customers… Sorry about that, Makoto-chan.Either Option
Oh, my dear, he’s…Either Option

Rank 3

Upon entering the store, the couple is searching for a misplaced wallet. We’ll also meet a fellow exchange student, Andre Laurent Jean Geraux. Only the first two option award any affinity points, so feel free to pick whatever choices you want for the rest of them.

I don’t see it anywhere…Looking for something?
I’m looking for my glasses- Er, not my glasses, my wallet! I can’t seem to find it…Can I help?
I am one as well! I am a student at Gekkoukan!Either Option
But you can call me “Bebe”! It’s quite nice to meet you!Either Option
Why must you get into a car…? Do you want me to end up all alone!?Either Option
On his way home from work, he got int an accident… He was hit by a dump truck driver who was drunk on the job…Either Option

Rank 4

When we reach the shop, only Bunkichi is there today. The second response doesn’t matter so feel free to pick which ever choice you want. As for the other two, you can see the best option for each in the table below.

My wife just headed out to Gekkoukan.I’ll wait here.
The… The.. The tree…Either Option
Do you know anything about this?I’m worried.

Rank 5

During Rank 5, you’ll learn a bit more about the Persimmon Tree from the old couple.

We’ve been feeling a bit guilty for troubling you about the persimmon tree…I wouldn’t worry about it.
Why now? Why do they want to cut it down now…?Either Option

Rank 6

After you enter the shop, you can sense the tension in the air.

If we lose that tree… it would be like losing our son all over again…Please don’t fight.
Unfortunately, that just reminded my dear of the pain we felt the day our son died…Either Option (no affinity points)

Rank 7

Upon entering the shop this time, Mitsuko will be crying.

Ah…What happened?
They say the tree is a memorial to their former teacher… They don’t want it to be cut down.That’s great.
You must be the one who called on them for this, right? Any Option

Rank 8

For Rank 8, you’ll enter the shop where the old couple are excitedly waiting for you to arrive.

Who do you think it was? Here’s a hint: “signature.”Either Option
He’s already gathered a number of signatures from students who were in our son’s class!Either Option (no affinity points)
I have to tell my son the good news!Either Option

Rank 9

Upon enter the shop, the old couple will be in the process of writing a secret letter!

What, is that surprising? I’m actually quite the net surfer, you know!Either Option
Are you curious about the letter? Excited, perhaps? Even exhilarated?Either Option (no affinity points)

Rank 10

Since this Rank 10, feel free to choose any options you like. You’ll receive a Persimmon Fruit which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Hierophant Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.