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Persona 3 Reload Priestess Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Priestess Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Priestess Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Fuuka Yamagishi. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll gain the ability to fuse the Persona, Scathach. You’ll also receive Fuuka’s Headphones which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Priestess Social Link in New Game Plus.

The Priestess Social Link becomes available on 6/19 after Fuuka joins SEES. In order to start the Social Link, you’ll first need to get your Courage Social Stat to Rank 6, Badass. You’ll also need to start the Fortune Social Link which requires you to join the art club. It becomes available on 6/17. After doing that, all you have to do is speak with Fuuka in the hallway and agree to test her cooking.

In order to rank up the Priestess Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Fuuka after school. Make sure to bring a Priestess Persona along to gain additional affinity with her to rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 of the Priestess Social Link is unlocked automatically after you obtain the social link.

Rank 2

Rank 2 starts outs the same was as Rank 1, with you trying a bento made by Fuuka… The second response doesn’t award any affinity points, so feel free to pick whatever option you want. As for the other two, you can find the best option for both in the table below.

Maybe I should give him some food. What do you think?Sure.
I don’t want to put you in the hospital…Either Option
I don’t think I can do this alone. Can I… count on you to help?Sure thing.

Rank 3

On the way home from school, Fuuka will ask the Protag about cooking. The last response doesn’t award any affinity points, so feel free to pick which ever you want for that one. For the other, check the table below to see the best option.

I still don’t have a feel for how much salt to add. How do you do it?Just a dash or two.
O-Oh. sorry. I know you’re just trying to help me, and all I’m doing is being negative.Just take it slow.
Hmm… But in that case, I can’t really read while cooking. I wouldn’t want to get the pages dirty.Either Option

Rank 4

Be prepared!!! Fuuka bought a secret ingredient to be used in her cooking!

But I couldn’t really decide, and I wasn’t sure how to use whatever I’d buy…Either Option
And it’s not like I have any other redeeming qualities.You’re a hard worker.
Not to mention that I’m kind of embarrassed about it all. I mean, it’s not a very feminine hobby,That’s not true.

Rank 5

It’s finally time to try Fuuka’s cooking after she’s been practicing. Let’s see if that pays off for her/

W-Well… How is it?You did a great job.
Because, I don’t think I could have made it this far without you.I’m glad I could help.
That might be the reason why I made such good rice balls. Because I was thinking about who was going to eat them.Can you make more sometime?

Rank 6

During Rank 6, Fuuka will confess that she wants to learn how to cook more than rice balls and ask if you’ll continue helping her.

I promise I’m going to do the best I can. So can I count on you?Of course.
I know I don’t seem very reliable, but I want to make myself a useful member of the team.That’s the spirit.

Rank 7

On the docket today is going cookbook shopping with Fuuka. Only the third response rewards any affinity points so check the table below for the best option. Feel free to make whatever choice you want for the others.

……Either Option
I mentioned that I don’t really like going to bookstores.Either Option
She even threatened to show my parents…That’s messed up.
I’m sure it’s because you’re our leader. That’s why I depend on you so much.Either Option

Rank 8

For Rank 8, the duo will head out to the ramen restaurant to eat.

I am curious about that one, but it sounds like a lot of food.I’ll eat your ramen for you.
And whenever we ate, that’s all we’d talk about. My upcoming tests, my post-graduation plans…Either Option (no affinity points)
Oh, but I’m not quite ready for that yet. I’d probably make so many mistakes.Either Option

Rank 9

After school, Fuuka will invite you to the roof want to talk.

She said, “When you’re friends, you don’t keep score.”Either Option
I hope you can I can continue to be friends.Of course.
I’ve never asked because I assumed I’d be wasting your time, but I’ve always wanted to try cooking with a friend.Sure thing.

Rank 10

Since it’s Rank 10, feel free to choose any options you like. You’ll be given Fuuka’s Headphones which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Priestess Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Star Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Star Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Star Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Mamoru Hayase. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll gain the ability to fuse the Persona, Helel. You’ll also receive a Car Key which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Star Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Star Social Link, you’ll need to join the track club and progress through the game until you reach the track meet in August. During the event, you’ll meet Mamoru Hayase who will be impressed with your performance and want to meet up later. Continue on with the story until 8/7 then travel to Iwatodai Strip Mall to find him. You’ll need to be Rank 4 in Courage to speak with him and start the Star Social Link.

In order to rank up the Star Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Mamoru Hayase at Iwatodai Strip Mall after school/during the day on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Make sure to bring a Star Persona along to gain additional affinity with him to rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 of the Star Social Link is unlocked automatically after you obtain the social link.

Rank 2

Today we’ll be getting some ramen with Hayase.

That’s why I have to make it big-it’s for everyone who’s been helping me.Sounds like a lot of pressure.
By the way, who would you say is your biggest rival?Myself.

Rank 3

This time, Hayase will invite you out for meat.

Maybe I should get some for them, too…Either Option
Our apartment’s pretty small, though, so we’re packed like sardines.Either Option

Rank 4

Rank 4 see’s the duo eating some takoyaki will discussing future prospects.

…All right, just one more!“What are you doing?” or “Slow down and savor it.”
Know what that means? If I do well enough, I might score a scholarship.That would be amazing! – 1
And maybe… this’ll make my mom’s life a little easier.Yeah, I bet it would. – 1

Rank 5

Today we’ll get some beef bowls and learn a bit more about Hayase.

*huff* *huff* Sorry I kept you waiting…Are you okay?
I used to come here all the time with my teammates, but…I’ll come back here with you.

Rank 6

This time we’re changing up the pace and heading to the music store in Paulownia Mall.

Let’s see…Either Option (no affinity)
Hmm…Either Option (no affinity)
Well…Either Option (no affinity)
Sorry, but I don’t think I can make it today.Don’t worry, it’s okay.

Rank 7

When you speak with Hayase at the strip mall, he’ll ask if you have time to talk.

Thanks for coming all the way here for this.It’s no problem at all. – 1
There’s still so much I have to do.Sounds pretty rough.
Why’d you have to die, Dad!?Either Option
Is this… really how it ends for me?Don’t give up yet.

Rank 8

Following the events during the previous rank, Hayase seems to be doing much better today.

Hmm…Do it!
In the end, maybe it was my fault the team couldn’t work together.Don’t sweat it.

Rank 9

For today’s meal, we’ll have ramen with Hayase while he tells us about the results of the big meet.

So, uh, the big meet for that scholarship was yesterday/Did you win?
I got first place, of course!Congrats, man!
Kinda makes me feel empty inside?Either Option
Go ahead and order extra noodles. It’s on me.Thanks!

Rank 10

As this is Rank 10, feel free to pick any options you like. You’ll receive a Car Key which will give you the perks of a Rank 10 Star Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Tower Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Tower Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Tower Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct choices to the questions asked by the monk, Mutatsu. Once you reach Rank 10, you’ll be able to fuse the Chi You Persona. You’ll also receive a Reserve Tag. It will give you the benefits of having a Rank 10 Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Tower Social Link, you’ll first need to level the Strength Social Link up to Level 3 or 4. You’ll also need to increase your courage to Rank 4 (Tough). With both of those things done, then you’ll just need to wait until returning from summer vacation in July. This will cause the Monk to appear in the upper level of Club Escapade in the evenings. Speak with him there and he’ll ask you to get his drink. You’ll need to go downstairs and talk with the server who will get the drink if you help him out by taking drink orders. There are four customers you can speak with. Return to the server when you’re done and give him the drink orders (see the list below). Telling him the correct drinks will free him up to server the Monk unlocking the social link.

  1. Margarita
  2. Bloody Mary
  3. Screwdriver
  4. Oolong Tea

To rank up the Tower Social Link, you’ll need to hang out with Mutatsu at Club Escapade in the evenings on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Also make sure to bring a Tower persona with you to increase the rate you gain affinity with the social link.

Rank 1

Rank 1 will unlock automatically after obtaining the Tower Social Link.

Rank 2

Today’s lesson with our favorite monk is about respect! Specifically respecting your elders!

What’cha doin’ here today, kid?None of your business.
You don’t have to revere me, but at least show some proper respect.How should I address you?

Rank 3

This time, Mutatsu will explain to us what a friend is based on his defenition of the word.

How come you’re always alone when I see ya? Don’tcha got any friends?I don’t have any friends.

Rank 4

This week’s conversation with Mutatsu revolves around the Protag and how long his hair is.

You should cut it. No, better yet, shave it all off… Give the bald look a try.Yeah, that might look cool.

Rank 5

While visiting the monk, he’ll inquire about our financial situation.

High school kids don’t have much money, do they? At least, I never gave much to my son.I have enough.
…And I mean something you can buy with money. Not some crap like “love” or “a sense of humor.”No.

Rank 6

Today, our good buddy the monk isn’t feeling too great. Wonder why?

Ugh… I’m in bad shape…You should go home.
It’s always in times like these… ah… when its hardest to be along…Do you have any coworkers?

Rank 7

Tonight, Mutatsu wants us to sit down and listen to him talk.

…Hey! There’s a microphone over there. Bring it over, kid! I’ll perform a live sutra reading.You probably shouldn’t…

Rank 8

Rank 8 has Mutatsu really hitting the bottle. So much so, that we’ll learn a bit more about him.

Didn’t Dad tell you not do that, huh?Dad?
Where the hell were ya wanderin’ around? Iss late!“I was with a friend” or “None of your business.”
I wonder if they felt the same way I did, when I was waiting for you earlier…Either Option
…Now when I got home, I don’t know what to do with myself, so I just come here and drink every night.Are you running away?

Rank 9

Mutatsu will finally have some personal revalations during Rank 9!

I’m workin’ memorial service after memorial service 24/7, as if my little temple was some kinda convenience store…“Why not take a break?” or “Poor me know no leisure.”
I’ve been drinkin’ too much lately… Makin’ a fool of myself like I did the other day.“Hang in there.” or “Time to retire?”
Whaddaya think?“What’s this about?” or “I don’t really care.”

Rank 10

Feel free to pick any choices for Rank 10 since at this point it doesn’t matter. Mutatsu will gift you a Reserve Tag which gives you the benefits of the Rank 10 Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Collectibles guide! Here we’ll list all of the collectibles in Chapter 9 along with where you can find them! For this chapter, there are 19 treasure chests, 3 slimes and 6 wee pincers. There are more chests in the towns, however, they don’t count toward Treasure Hunter trophy. Also, keep in mind that for the Unlocked and Unloaded trophy, you’ll need to open the locked chests, which can be found in towns.

Echo Chamber

Wee Pincer 1

From the starting point, climb up to the top of the remains of the ship to the left to find this crab.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Wee Pincers

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 1 & Treasure Chest 2

Just before the main path that heads through the archway, turn left to find these two treasure chests.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure chests

Slime 1

This slime can be found on the other side of the giant rock next to the above chests.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Slimes

Archive: Corrupted Letter

This archive can be found on the right side of the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 ARchives

Treasure Chest 3

This chest can be found on the left side of the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Collectibles

Treasure Chest 4

This chest can be found on a floating island to the right of the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Chests

Treasure Chest 5

This chest can be found next to the first Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 6

This chest can be found on the left side of the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Omen Stone – Treasure Chest 7

After fighting Furycane Nihilla, an omen stone will spawn in the area the battle occurred.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 8

This chest can be found across from the second Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 9

This chest can be found on the left side of the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 10

Jump to the lower ledge behind the shrouded treasure chest to find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Wee Pincer 2

This pincer can be found on the other side of the giant rock next to the above chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Wee Pincer Location

Treasure Chest 11

This chest can be found next to a pillar jutting out of the ground along the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Archive: Eroded Stone Monument

This archive can be found along the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Archive Location

Treasure Chest 12

Before heading up the small ramp to continue forward, turn left and head down the path to reach this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Slime 2

After heading up the small ramp, take the right path and follow it to the end to find this pot.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Slime Location

Treasure Chest 13

This chest can be found on the left side of the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Passage to False Hopes

Treasure chest 14

This chest can be found along the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Wee Pincer 3

This pincer can be found across from the above chest on top of the rock.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Wee Pincer Location

Treasure Chest 15

When the path splits, take the left path to reach this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Omen Stone – Treasure chest 16

This omen stone can be found across from the Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 17

This treasure chest can be found just past the Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Wee Pincer 4

In the area the purple liquid rises, hug the left path to find the pincer. Be quick so it (and you) are not swallowed!!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Crabs Location

Wee Pincer 5

After defeating Vulkan Bolla Nihilla, you’ll find this crab on the large island closest to the ramp leading up.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Crab Location

treasure Chest 18

Jump across the small rocks to the ramp. This chest will be before the ramp on the right.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

Slime 3

This pot will be to the left of the ramp.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Slime Location

Wee Pincer 6

This crab can be found in the middle of the ramp on a broken section.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Wee Pincer Location

Lobby of the Stars

Treasure Chest 19

From the Hallowed Ground, continue up the hill to find the chest on the platform to the right.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 9 Treasure Chest Location

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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July Classroom Questions and Answers in Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our July Classroom Questions and Answers guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll have the correct answers to all of the questions asked by the illustrious staff of Gekkoukan High School during the month of July! Over the course of the game, the Protag will either be asked to answer a specific question by one of his teachers or begged by one of his friends to help by giving them the correct answer. This guide is broken up based on each day a question is asked. You’ll find a table containing the question asked along with the answer to that question under each section. Answering a question correctly will rewards the Protag with an increase to the Charm stat.

Exams also happen to be this month. You can find the answers to those questions after the July Classroom Questions and Answers section at the bottom of the guide. You can also jump down to that section by clicking here!

July Classroom Questions and Answers

7/3 – Mr. Ekoda’s Class Question

Our first classroom question comes from the illustrious Mr. Ekoda during literature class. He’ll say a phrase and ask good ole Junpei a question. He won’t know (typical Junpei) and will ask you for help!

H-Hey, lend me a hand here, [YOUR NAME]. What kinda tale is talkin’ about?About romance.

7/8 – Ms. Toriumi’s Class Question

For the second question of the month, we have Ms. Toriumi in class discussing comma splices. She’ll directly ask our favorite Protag the question this time.

“Because it is 10:30 right now, we will not reach the theater in time, it’s already started, to my dismay.”Between “time” and “it’s.”

7/9 – Mr. Ono’s Class Question

The next question comes from Mr. Ono during his history class where he’ll be going over feudalism. You’ll be asked the question directly this time as well.

At the same time, a serious problem arose for the farmers. Do you remember what it was?Social disparity.

7/10 – Mr. Edogawa’s Class Question

Another class with Mr. Edogawa, another discussion about magic. Our Protag will get his 3rd direct question this month!

What is the esoteric study of Jewish texts called?Kabbalah.

7/11 – Mr. Ono’s Class Question

The 5th question of the month is asked by Mr. Ono and wouldn’t you know it? It’s finally about Samurai!

Now, what do you think that item was? It’s something every samurai needs!The katana.

July Exam Questions and Answers

Exams start on Tuesday 7/14 and run until Saturday 7/18. During this period, the days will progress concurrently, and there will be a couple of question you’ll be asked to answer. They can be found in the below table along with the correct answer to them.

Midterms 7/14 – 7/18

Which form of magic is used to find water sources?Dowsing
How did the Witch of Agnesi gain the first half of its name?An error in translation
Who designed the prototype for the katana?Taira No Masakado
There’s an error in this sentence, what kind is it?Comma Splice

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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June Classroom Questions and Answers in Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our June Classroom Questions and Answers guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll have the correct answers to all of the questions asked by the illustrious staff of Gekkoukan High School during the month of June! Over the course of the game, the Protag will either be asked to answer a specific question by one of his teachers or begged by one of his friends to help by giving them the correct answer. This guide is broken up based on each day a question is asked. You’ll find a table containing the question asked along with the answer to that question under each section. Answering a question correctly will rewards the Protag with an increase to the Charm stat.

June Classroom Questions and Answers

6/15 – Ms. Toriumis Class Question

Today in Ms. Toriumi’s class, we’ll be discussing phrases. Since Junpei can’t sit still, it’s up to our favorite Protag to answer the question. Please see the table below for the question and correct answer:

Which phrase means, “able to see things for what they really are?”Keen eye.

6/17 – Mr. Edogawa’s Class Question

For the second question of the month, Mr. Edogawa will ask our hero about the origin of magic!

What early religious practice was the origin of magic?Shamanism.

6/22 – Ms. Miyahara’s Class Question

The third question of the month comes from Ms. Miyahara during math class where she’s discussing a graph of the Cartesian equation (exciting right?). She’ll ask Junpei to answer her question who in turn asks us to help bail him out. The question and answer can be found in the table below:

What else do people call this curve?Witch of Agnesi.

6/25 – Mr. Takenozuka’s Class Question

The next question for June is asked by Mr. Takenozuka while talking about Lorentz Force and the left-hand rule. He’ll then ask Junpei a question about air bubbles in a whirlpool bath.

What’s it called when the air bubbles in a whirlpool bath hit you and make your body vibrate?The flutter effect.

6/29 – Mr. Edogawa’s Class Question

The final question of the month comes from Mr. Edogawa while discussing natural magic. He’ll select the Protag to answer it.

What form of natural magic is used to find water sources?Dowsing.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Collectibles guide! Here we’ll list all of the collectibles in Chapter 8 along with where you can find them! For this chapter, there are 14 treasure chests, 4 slimes and 5 wee pincers. There are more chests in the towns, however, they don’t count toward Treasure Hunter trophy. Also, keep in mind that for the Unlocked and Unloaded trophy, you’ll need to open the locked chests, which can be found in towns.


Archive: Memo from Zathba

This archive can be found next to a stack of crates near Zathba.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Archive

Archive: Order for Emergency Supplies

This archive can be found by the gate across from the blacksmith.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Archive Location

Corridor of Peace, Seedhollow Castle

Treasure Chest 1

Head through the narrow hallway to reach the room with all the resting knights. Hug the left side to find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Archive: Urgent Missive

You’ll find this archive on the right side of the main path.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Archive Location

Wee Pincer 1

From the above archive, head diagonally to the left side of the room on the way forward to find this wee pincer under a row of chairs.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Wee Pincer Location

Treasure Chest 2

This chest can be found behind a weapon rack just before exiting this room to the hallway.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Wee Pincer 2

After exiting through the door to reach the outdoor area, hug the right side to find this pincer in a little nook along the railing.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Crab Location

Wee Pincer 3

After clearing the rubble, you’ll reenter the castle. Take the left path at the T to find this pincer at the dead end.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Crustacean Location

Treasure Chest 3 / Slime 1 / Archive: 493rd Seedhollow GA Notes

After dropping down and enter through the broken section of wall, the chest will be to your left along the main path. The slime can be found next to this chest and the archive can be found on a bookshelf.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 4

This chest can be found across from the above archive.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 5

This chest can be found across from the Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 6

In the room just past the Hallowed Ground, head up the right set of stairs to find this treasure chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Slime 2

Open the door to the next room then take an immediate right to find this slime.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Slime Location

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 7

After opening the door to proceed forward, turn around and this chest will spawn in the middle of the previous room where you fought all the enemies.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 8

At the dead end where there is a bunch of rubble, you’ll need to break the knight statue to reach this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Omen Stone – Treasure chest 9

After defeating the Tayu’itar, you’ll find an omen stone in the battle area. Interact with the stone and defeat the enemies to reveal the chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Wee Pincer 4

This pincer can be found next to the above omen stone on some rubble.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Wee Pincer Location

Treasure Chest 10

This chest can be found at the base of the stairs leading up to the next Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Slime 3

After your battle with Maglielle and Gallanza, turn around when you gain control to find this pot.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Slimes Location

Treasure chest 11

This chest can be found at the end of the hall.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Slime 4

This slime can be found along the main path on the right side just before a doorway with red curtains.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Slime Location

Wee Pincer 5

You can find this crab in the large fountain.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Wee Pincer Location

Archive: Memoir of a Patrolman / Treasure Chest 12

You’ll find this archive and chest across from each other on the left side of the fountain.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 ARchive Location

Hollowhaze Altar

Treasure Chest 13

This chest can be found on the right side of the main path on a platform at the bottom of the stairs.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

Treasure Chest 14

This chest can be found across from the Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 8 Treasure Chest Location

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink – Red Hot Seller Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Red Hot Seller Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Red Hot Seller side quest!

How to Start Red Hot Seller Side Quest

To begin the Red Hot Seller side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Dagger in Seedhollow.


  • Red-Hot Cactus x3

You can find these quite plentifully in Chapter 7. They are a blue shiny orb.

Rewards for Completing Red Hot Seller

  • EXP x545
  • MSP x100
  • Injury to Insult II
  • Griffin Feather x3
  • Fortitude Crystal (S) x5
  • Quality Refinium x2

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink – Wrath of the Sword Veil Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Wrath of the Sword Veil Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Wrath of the Sword Veil side quest!

How to Start Wrath of the Sword Veil Side Quest

To begin the Wrath of the Sword Veil side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Motivated Fella in Seedhollow.


  • Sword Veil Fellowship x5

Rewards for Completing Wrath of the Sword Veil

  • EXP x15000
  • MSP x100
  • Landbeast Claw x3
  • Bizarre Wing x3
  • Fortitude Crystal (M) x1
  • Quality Refinium x2

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Granblue Fantasy Relink A Barrold of My Own Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink A Barrold of My Own Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Barrold of My Own side quest!

How to Start A Barrold of My Own Side Quest

To begin the A Barrold of My Own side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Penniless Swordsman in Seedhollow.


  • Busted Manikin x5

You can find these quite plentiful during Chapter 8.

Rewards for Completing A Barrold of My Own

  • EXP x545
  • MSP x100
  • Cascade II
  • Chieftain’s Braid x3
  • Fortitude Crystal (S) x10

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!