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Complete Tartarus Harabah Guide for Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Complete Tartarus Harabah Guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll cover what you can expect to find on Floors 173 through 226 that make up the Tartarus Harabah area. In this guide, you’ll find which floors the gatekeepers are located on along with their weakness and tips on how to defeat them. You’ll also find the personas you can recruit while working your way through Harabah and the Shadows you’ll face along the way with their weakness to make the journey a bit easier!

Tartarus Harabah Gatekeeper Floors

179th Floor

  • Cultist of the Storm
    • weak to Dark

The first gatekeeper you’ll run into in the Harabah area is the Cultist of the Storm. It’ll use strong wind based skills along with debuffing the party. Utilize its weakness to dark skills to deal some good damage with all-out attacks.

184th Floor

  • Merciless Judge x1
    • no weaknesses
  • Executive Greatsword x1
    • weak to fire

The next gatekeeper is the Merciless Judge accompanied by an Executive Greatsword. The judge has no weaknesses, blocks slash, strike and ice attack along with resisting electric while the greatsword is weak to fire. They’ll use some slash attacks with a bit of elemental skills thrown in.

188th Floor

  • Chaos Panzer x1
    • no weaknesses
  • Resentful Surveillant x2
    • weak to slash

Gatekeeper number 3 is a Chaos Panzer accompanied by a pair of Resentful Surveillants. The panzer has no weaknesses blocks fire and wind along with repelling light skills. The two surveillants are weak to slash attacks, resist electric skills and block dark skills. During the fight, the surveillants will debuff the party while buffing the panzer which will focus on attacking the party. You can use physical attacks to try and land a crit against the panzer or use your Theurgy for massive damage.

193rd Floor

  • Necromachinery x1
    • no weaknesses

The last gatekeeper for the first half of the Harabah area is the Necromachinery. It has no weaknesses, blocks slash and electric along with repelling light skills. It will attack the party using light and almighty skills.

203rd Floor

  • Icebreaker Lion x1
    • weak to fire
  • Luckless Cupid x1
    • weak to electric

The first gatekeeper of the 2nd part of the Harabah area is an Icebreaker Lion accompanied by a Luckless Cupid. The lion is weak to fire while the cupid is weak to electric. The cupid will hit the party with light skills and trying to inflict charm. The lion will attack with strong ice skills then follow that up with strike attacks.

212th Floor

  • Blazing Middle Sibling x1
    • weak to ice
  • Deadly Eldest Sibling x1
    • no weaknesses
  • Voltaic Youngest Sibling x1
    • weak to wind

The next gatekeeper for the 2nd part of Harabah is the Blazing Middle Sibling, Deadly Eldest Sibling and Voltaic Youngest Sibling. The eldest has no weaknesses and uses dark skills, while the middle sibling is weak to ice utilizing fire skills and the youngest sibling is weak to wind while wielding electric skills. They well cast break to weaken you defenses and the eldest brother can inflict status ailments.

218th Floor

  • Scornful Dice x1
    • no weaknesses

The third gatekeeper for the 2nd part of the Harabah area is the Scornful Dice. It has no weaknesses and drains slash, strike and pierce attacks. This enemy will trying to inflict rage on use forcing you to attack it. It will also throw in some almighty skills for good measure. You’ll want to leverage strong magic skills and Theurgy to take it down.

225th Floor

  • Minotaur Nulla x1
    • no weaknesses

The final gatekeeper of Harabah is Minotaur Nulla. It has now weaknesses, repels strike, resists light and blocks electric. The minotaur’s attack consists of using strong electric and physical attacks. Leverage strong magic skills and Theurgy to take it down. You can also try to freeze it so that you can knock it down with a slash attack to get an all-out attack in.

Tartarus Harabah Personas


Tartarus Harabah Shadows

Angry TableSlash
Apostate TowerFire
Battle WheelNone
Crazy TwinsDark
Curse DiceWind (monad) / Electric
Daring GigasWind
Desirous MayaFire
Dutiful CheckmateFire
Eternal SandSlash
Fate SeekerPierce, Light
Gracious CupidStrike
Hell KnightWind
Immoral SnakeSlash, Pierce
Imprudent MayaElectric
Iron DiceElectric
Jotun of BloodDark
Jotun of EvilSlash, Strike, Pierce
Judgement SwordDark
Kaiden MushaWind
Luxury HandNone
Mad CyclopsLight
Mighty BeastLight
Minotaur IIIce
Miracle HandNone (Drains All attacks except almighty)
Perpetual SandSlash, Strike
Phantom KingFire
Pistil MotherIce
Power CastleIce
Prime MagusFire
Principled CheckmateNone
Rampage DiveNone
Red SigilIce
Ruinous IdolWind
Scarlet TurretElectric
Slaughter DriveElectric
Stasis GiantWind
Vehement IdolIce
Void GiantFire
World BalanceNone
Wrathful BookFire

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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December Classroom Questions and Answers Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our December Classroom Questions and Answers guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll have the correct answers to all of the questions asked by the illustrious staff of Gekkoukan High School during the month of December! Over the course of the game, the Protag will either be asked to answer a specific question by one of his teachers or begged by one of his friends to help by giving them the correct answer. This guide is broken up based on each day a question is asked. You’ll find a table containing the question asked along with the answer to that question under each section. Answering a question correctly will rewards the Protag with an increase to the Charm stat.

Finals also happen to be this month. You can find the answers to those questions after the December Classroom Questions and Answers section at the bottom of the guide. You can skip down to the section by clicking here!

December Classroom Questions and Answers

12/7 – Ms. Ounishi’s Class Question

To kick off the month of December, Ms. Ounishi will ask you a question about science stuff!

What’s the name of the stratospheric layer of molecules comprised of three oxygen atoms?The ozone layer.

12/9 – Mr. Edogawa’s Class Question

Question number two is from Mr. Edogawa who is still talking about magic.

What sorcery was Himiko said to have used?Kido.

12/11 – Ms. Toriumi’s Class Question

Today’s class question is brough to you by Ms. Toriumi who is talking about nouns.

Did you catch what she said? Do you know the answer?Lives.

12/22 – Mr. Edogawa’s Class Question

The final question of the month comes from Mr. Edogawa who’ll be filling in for Ms. Toriumi.

What do we call the feeling of joy that comes from a near-death experience?Euphoria.

December Finals Questions and Answers

Finals start on Monday 12/14 and run until Saturday 10/19 During this period, the days will progress concurrently, and there will be a couple of question you’ll be asked to answer. They can be found in the below table along with the correct answer to them.

Finals 12/14 – 12/19

Which of the following originated in India?The number zero.
When heated, the beta-amylase enzymes in sweet potatoes react with the starch present to produce which disaccharide?Maltose
Which Roman goddess has been theorized as the namesake for the month of April?Venus
In The Tale of Genji, who does Hikaru Genji compare to cherry blossoms?Murasaki-no-Ue
Which of the following words is not in the correct plural form?Geeses

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Sun Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Sun Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Sun Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Akinari Kamiki. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll unlock the ability to fuse the Persona, Asura. You’ll also be given a Worn Notebook which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Sun Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Sun Social Link, you’ll first need to progress the Hanged Man Social Link to Level 3. This will introduce Akinari to you. After that, you’ll need to raise your Academics Social Stat to Rank 4, Smart. Once you’ve done that, speak with him on the bench at the shrine. He’ll mention that he lost his Red Fountain Pen and strongly hint that he wants you to find it. Return to the Student Dormitory and locate Koromaru. Speak with him to find the pen. Return it to Akinair and choose to spend time with him. Time will pass but you’ll gain the Sun Social Link.

In order to rank up the Sun Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Akinari Kamiki at the Naganaki Shrine on Sundays during the day. Make sure to bring a Sun Persona along to gain additional affinity with him to rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 of the Sun Social Link is unlocked automatically after you obtain the social link.

Rank 2

While visiting Akinari, he’ll comment on how you are different than everyone else and ask about dying.

You’re… not like the others.Really?
Dying isn’t so bad, is it? What’s the point of dragging out your time in this world, anyhow?You have a point.

Rank 3

Today, Akinari is having a bit of a coughing fit, but will ask you to sit with him awhile.

…Why is this only happening to me?I couldn’t say.
It’s almost too much for me, if I’m alone…Try not to talk too much.

Rank 4

This week, Akinari is feeling a bit better and apologizes for last time.

…Do you enjoy reading books?I’d say so.
…Do you read books all the way through?I stop if I get bored.

Rank 5

At the beginning of Rank 5, Akinari is having some issues and ask you to sit with him while they pass.

I supposed I’m not doing my health any favors like this…You need to listen to your body.

Rank 6

Today’s conversation with Kamiki revolved around a pink alligator.

Say, how do you feel about a pink alligator?Sounds fine to me.
So, what do you think?It sounds interesting.

Rank 7

While meeting up with Kamiki today, he’ll go over what he’s written for the story since the last time you talked.

…That’s as far as I’ve written. I haven’t decided on an ending yet.It sounds really depressing.

Rank 8

Rank 8 starts out with Kamiki struggling a little bit. After some time, he’ll mention that he’s stopped taking his medication.

…Just give me a minute… so I can… calm down…Take as long as you need.
It’s not going to cure me anyway, right? It just eases my pain and suffering…Why did you stop?

Rank 9

While meeting with Akinari, he’ll tell you some big news regarding a decision he’s made.

So… I’d like you to celebrate with me. As of today, I am a free individual.You finished your story?

Rank 10

As its Rank 10, feel free to choose which every options you like. You’ll be given a Worn Notebook which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Sun Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Empress Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Empress Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Empress Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Mitsuru Kirijo. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll unlock the ability to fuse the Persona, Alilat. You’ll also receive the Motorcycle Key which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Empress Social Link in New Game Plus.

The Empress Social Link will become available on 11/21 after the team returns from the class trip. You’ll be able to speak with Mitsuru after school on the 1st floor by the Faculty Office. In order to start the social link, you’ll need to raise your Academics to Rank 6, Genius.

In order to rank up the Empress Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Mitsuru after school. Also make sure to bring an Empress Persona to help rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 of the Empress Social Link is unlocked automatically after you obtain the social link.

Rank 2

Rank 2 has us accompanying Mitsuru over to Wilduck to scope out the inside and eat some burgers!

It’s smaller than I expected.Either Option

Rank 3

For their next dinner date, Mitsuru and the Protag with visit the takoyaki shop at the strip mall.

Sometimes my own ignorance truly astounds me…Why not give it a try?
Maybe he’s just maturing…Are you happy?
It’s the most peculiar feeling.Any Option
Sorry to subject you to my thoughtless rambling. Just forget I said anything.I heard nothing.

Rank 4

Rank 4 will be a change of pace as Mitsuru and the Protag hit up the library.

In just a short while, we’ll be looking back on these days with nostalgia.Did something happen?
What does marriage mean to you?It’s all for love.
Am I… wrong about this?Either Option (no affinity points)

Rank 5

Today’s trip with Mitsuru is to the movie theater to catch a movie together.

It seems a lot of thought goes into the design and construction of a movie theater.Glad you enjoyed it.
She’s likely more suited to riding a motorcycle than I am, as well.A motorcycle?
Well, fantasizing can be fun in its own way.Let’s go for a ride.

Rank 6

Rank 6 has us returning to the library where you’ll finally learn about some of the things on Mitsuru’s mind.

……“”Looking for something specific?” or Need some help?”
…Even if I have to make sacrifices to do it.Either Option (no affinity points)
This is the best solution for everyone involved…I didn’t know…
So… I won’t run from my fate.I’ll do something about it.

Rank 7

Rank 7 takes place in Wilduck where Mitsuru will admit to acquiring a taste for fast food.

Or… is that too selfish a request?I don’t mind at all.

Rank 8

After school, Mitsuru will invite you to go see another movie where a fun night out turns into a big event.

Somewhere far away, where no one knows who you are?Either Option (no affinity points)
Talking to you has become something of an outlet for me. Heh, I’m sure you’re sick of it by now.Either Option
Ah… keep in mind, that is a what-if scenario.That’s up to you.
How dare you say that!?Don’t insult her father!
Please excuse me.Don’t give in.

Rank 9

Following the previous rank, Mitsuru will invite you up to the roof to talk. This conversation will determine if she remains just a friend or becomes something more.

I’m sorry for what happened last time.It made me happy.
I just didn’t think I’d end up shouting them in public like that.Either Options (no affinity)
…I feel like I’m going to die of embarrassment.I’m sorry, but… (friends)
I love you too. (relationship)
*Started a Relationship*
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, but the way you address me…
Either Option (no affinity)

Rank 10

As this is Rank 10, feel free to choose any options you like. You’ll be given a Motorcycle Key which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Empress Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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November Classroom Questions and Answers Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our November Classroom Questions and Answers guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll have the correct answers to all of the questions asked by the illustrious staff of Gekkoukan High School during the month of November! Over the course of the game, the Protag will either be asked to answer a specific question by one of his teachers or begged by one of his friends to help by giving them the correct answer. This guide is broken up based on each day a question is asked. You’ll find a table containing the question asked along with the answer to that question under each section. Answering a question correctly will rewards the Protag with an increase to the Charm stat.

November Classroom Questions and Answers

11/7 – Mr. Edogawa’s Class Question

The first question of November comes to us from Mr. Edogawa once again talking about magic!

What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today?The Upanishads

11/12 – Mr. Ekoda’s Class Question

Question number two will be asked by Mr. Ekoda in his literature class!

What was she describing with such a sparse line?Her favorite time in winter.

11/30 – Mr. Ekoda’s Class Question

The final question of the month come from Mr. Ekoda who is talking about poems.

In the poem that Genji, the protagonist, send to her, what did her compare her to?The cherry blossom.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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FF7 Rebirth – Flowers from the Hill Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Flowers From the Hill side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting Flowers From the Hill Side Quest

To obtain the Flowers from the Hill side quest, speak with Chloe at Bill’s Ranch.

Flowers From the Hill Objectives

Head to the Wildflower Plateau

Flowers from the Hill Wildflower Plateau FF7 Rebirth

After speaking with Chloe to hear the details, you’ll need to make your way northwest of Kalm. Once there you’ll find a field of flowers! Wipe out the horde of Mandragora that spawns then speak with Aerith.

Pick Flowers

Afterwards, pick 3 flowers. You’ll need yellow calendulas, white daisies and red gerbera.

Deliver the Flowers

Return to Chloe at Bill’s Ranch to deliver the flowers. As a reward, you’ll receive Telluric Scriptures Vol I.

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FF7 Rebirth – Where the Wind Blows Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Where the Wind Blows side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting the Where the Wind Blows Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in Kalm and accept the Where the Wind Blows side quest.

Where the Wind Blows Objectives

Broden’s Request

FF7 Rebirth Where the Wind Blows Side Quest Starting Location

Make your way over to the Inn in Kalm and speak with Broden inside to hear the details of the request. You’ll find him sitting on a couch by the stairs.

Speak with Mildred

Where the Wind Blows Mildred FF7 Rebirth

To find Mildred, head to the Windmill Settlement north of Oliver’s Farm then speak with her.

Procure the Transmuter Chip

In order to find the Transmuter Chip, you’ll need to complete two Lifesprings. Once you’re done, a new marker will appear on the map. Make your way over to the Excavation Intel 1: Bygone Settlement and use your chocobo to sniff out the scent of 3 objects. Once of these objects will be the Transmuter Chip.

Procure Materials

To craft the windmill gear, you must procure the following parts:

  • 1 Quetzalcoatl Talon
  • 2 Chunks of Iron Ore
  • 1 Chunk of Lea Titanium
  • 5 Beast Bones

For the Iron Ore and Lea Titanium, you can either find them on the ground or they are dropped from Orcs.

Beast Bones are rare drops from Levrikon and Toxirats which can be found throughout the Grasslands. They are a regular item drop and stealable from Elphadunk.

To get the location of the Quetzalcoatl, you’ll need to have completed a total of 4 Lifesprings. When you’re able, travel to Classified Intel: Winged Lacertilian of Yore.

FF7 Rebirth Quetzalcoatl Talon

Upon your arrival, you’ll need to hold down triangle to engage the Level 22 Quetzalcoatl. This creature is weak to ice so be sure to have Shiva on someone! Defeat the Quetzalcoatl to receive a Quetzalcoatl Talon.

Where the Wind Blows Quetzalcoatl

Deliver the Windmill Gear

Return to the Windmill Settlement then go into your inventory and use the Item Transmuter to craft the Key Item: Windmill Gear. Speak with Mildred to hand over the gear! Before you leave, make sure to grab the green orb (aka Cleansing Materia) that dropped from when the windmill turned.

Where the Wind Blows Windmill Gear

Report to Broden

Return to the Inn in Kalm and speak with Broden to complete the Where the Wind Blows side quest. As a reward, you’ll receive a Whistlewind Scarf.

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FF7 Rebirth – Lifeline in Peril Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Lifeline in Peril side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting Lifeline in Peril Side Quest

Speak with the Mayor of Kalm in Kalm to begin The Lifeline in Peril side quest.

FF7 Rebirth Lifeline in Peril

Lifeline in Peril Objectives

Head to the Maintenance Warehouse

Lifeline in Peril Maintenance Warehouse

To deliver the mayor’s message to the hotshot merc, you’ll need to make your way to the Mako Pipeline Maintenance Warehouse. Once there, a cutscene will trigger during which you’ll find Kyrie.

Gather Parts

Lifeline in Peril Gather Parts Location

To repair the mako pipeline, you’ll need 1-3 Slabs of Rusted Sheet Metal and 2-5 Corroded Nails. You can find these materials in trash piles around the area. We highly recommend that you collect all the materials you can find! Once you’ve found everything needed, return to Kyrie to deliver the parts.

Repair the Mako Pipeline

Follow Kyrie until she gets attacked by some wolves. Defeat the pack then continue forward a short way to run into a Noxicap. Take this enemy out as well and more will then show up. Again, defeat these mushrooms in battle.

Report to the Mayor

With the pipe repaired, return to Kalm and speak with Fritz, the mayor. As a reward, you’ll receive 3,000 Gil.

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For more Final Fantasy VII Rebirth guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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FF7 Rebirth – A Rare Card Lost Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on FF7 Rebirth A Rare Card Lost side quest! Here we’ll go over all the steps to complete this side quest and earn the #107 Chocobo and Moogle Queen’s Blood card!

Starting the A Rare Card Lost Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in Kalm and accept the A Rare Card Lost side quest.

A Rare Card Lost Objectives

The Bartender’s Request

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth A Rare Card Lost

To the left of the Community Board, you’ll find The Rusty Arrow. Head inside and speak with Vash, the bartender, to hear the details for the A Rare Card Lost side quest!

Defeat Vash in a Game of Queen’s Blood

Agree to take the job then you can challenge Vash to a match to prove you’re good enough.

Track Down Virgil

Once you’ve won, make your way over to the clock tower on the northeastern side of town and interact with Virgil who can be found sitting at a table.

A Rare Card Lost Virgil

Challenge him to a match then win back the Chocobo & Moogle card through a game of Queen’s Blood.

Track Down Thorin

A Rare Card Lost Thorin FF7 Rebirth

To find Thorin, exit town and head slightly northeast to Thorin’s Card Shop. Once you arrive, head inside and speak with Thorin. Again, you’ll need to play a match of Queen’s Blood to win the #107 Chocobo & Moogle card.

Deliver the Card

Return to Vash in The Rusty Arrow and he’ll let you keep the card!!

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For more Final Fantasy VII Rebirth guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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FF7 Rebirth – Livestock’s Bane Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Livestock’s Bane side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting the Livestock’s Bane Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in Kalm and accept the Livestock’s Bane side quest.

Livestock’s Bane Objectives

The Farmer’s Request

FF7 Rebirth Livestock's Bane Side Quest Location at Oliver's Farm

Travel to Oliver’s Farm in the Grasslands and speak with Oliver to hear the details of the Livestock’s Bane side quest.

Investigate the Scene of the Attack

Livestock's Bane Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Head into the cow pen and follow Red XIII to an overturned container by a broken part of the fence.

Search the Area with a Chocobo

Summon your chocobo then hop on and investigate the overturned container.

Begin Tracking the Perpetrator

Follow the scent while riding on your chocobo. When the trail ends, you’ll need to sniff for another scent then continue following the trail.

Defeat the Fiend

Livestock's Bane Defeat the Fiend

When you arrive at the beach, which is east of Oliver’s Farm, you’ll find a White Terror. Engage in battle with it then defeat it!

Report to Oliver

With the fiend taken care of, report your success to Oliver. As a reward, you’ll receive an Owl Bracer!

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For more Final Fantasy VII Rebirth guides and walkthroughs, click here!