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FF7 Rebirth – Calling All Frogs Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Calling All Frogs side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting Calling All Frogs Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in Under Junon and accept the Calling All Frogs side quest.

Calling All Frogs Objectives

The Frogmaster’s Request

Calling All Frogs

Travel to Under Junon on the Coastline and head to the southern part, past the square floating part. Once there, approach the frog to trigger an event!

Defend the Children

Brace yourself for a slippery fight. Make use of your leapfrog ability to deal lots of damage. Hope you have a hoppingly good time taking out all the enemies! 🙂

Report to Finn

Head back to the kids for the lowdown on Jumpfrog then enjoy playing the mini-game. Your aim is to stay on the platform as long as you can, hopping over the spinning obstacles. Watch out for the shaking floor pieces – that means they are about to drop! Make sure you quickly maneuver off them. If you reach the target time, you’ll move up to the next level. There are 3 different target times indicating 3 separate levels. For each level that you win, you’ll earn an Enfeeblement Ring, which will turn you into a frog at the start of battle.

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FF7 Rebirth – Stuck in a Rut Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Stuck in a Rut side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

You’ll need to first complete the Dreaming of Blue Skies side quest to get yourself a mountain chocobo.

Starting Stuck in a Rut Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in Under Junon and accept the Stuck in a Rut side quest.

Stuck in a Rut Objectives

The Ranch Owner’s Request

FF7 Rebirth Stuck in a Rut

Travel to Gabe’s Ranch, which is southeast of Under Junon. Once there, speak with Gabe!

Head to the Wainwright’s Hut

You can find Wainwright’s Hut northeast of Gabe’s Ranch. Interact with the man sleeping in the bed then select to “Wake him with magic.”

Gather Materials

To wake his ass up, you’ll need to gather the materials from his list using your chocobo and the map he provided. You’ll find the materials at the spots shown on the map below!

Stuck in a Rut Materials

Report to the Wainwright

Fast travel to the Wainwright’s Hut and deliver the materials from his list to wake him. Now that he’s awake, Freddie will make the parts for you.

Deliver the Carriage Parts

Return to Gabe at his ranch to hand over the parts. As a reward, you’ll receive the queensguard bangle and can now travel between the Grasslands and Junon regions using the Chocobo Carriage. Speak with the stablehands at either Gabe’s or Bill’s ranch to use this service.

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FF7 Rebirth – The Hardest Sell Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth The Hardest Sell side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

You’ll need to first complete the Dreaming of Blue Skies side quest to get yourself a mountain chocobo.

Starting The Hardest Sell Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in the Crow’s Nest and accept The Hardest Sell side quest. You might have to complete the When Words Won’t Do side quest first!

The Hardest Sell Objectives

Toby’s Request

You can find Toby in front of the tavern with a piano in the Crow’s Nest. Speak with him to hear the details of the quest.

FF7 Rebirth The Hardest Sell Side Quest

Head to the Abandoned Lighthouse

The Hardest Sell Abandoned Lighthouse

Travel south of the Crow’s Nest to find the lighthouse. You’ll need to use your mountain chocobo, Belle, to reach the lighthouse!

Confront the Merc of Junon

Head inside the lighthouse to meet a familiar face!

Defeat the Fiends

Head downstairs to take on the blue Flans! Afterwards, Ignilisks will spawn. Take them out then more Flans will show up!! Next, up White Mousse will appear. Once you finally take out all the enemies, you’ll receive chocobo gear designed by Kyrie, a merc cap, a pair of merc overalls and merc legwraps.

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FF7 Rebirth – Dreaming of Blue Skies Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Dreaming of Blue Skies side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting Dreaming of Blue Skies Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in the Crow’s Nest and accept the Dreaming of Blue Skies side quest.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Objectives

The Condor Watching Society’s Request

FF7 Rebirth Dreaming of Blue Skies Condor Hill

Travel to Condor Hill, which is in the southwestern part of the Crow’s Nest. In the Crow’s Nest, take the path west of the vending machines to reach Condor Hill. Once there, speak with the man in the wheelchair.

Dreaming of Blue Skies

Capture a Mountain Chocobo

FF7 Rebirth Mountain Chocobo

Next, fast travel to Angler’s Stowage then head south to the Chocobo Intel: Birds of the Mountain. Once there, you’ll need to sneak past all the yellow chocobos to reach Belle. Begin by activating the train and following along to the other side of the tracks.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Step 1

Next, you’ll need to press the switch to call another train to you. Get near this train then throw a rock at the switch you used to call it. Once again, follow behind the moving train to avoid detection. When this train stops, sneak to the next waiting train. You’ll find the switch for this train directly across the way.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Chocobo Step 2

Throw a rock at it then follow it all the way around. When you reach the bird near the switch, you’ll need to quickly switch to the other side to avoid it detecting you.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Chocobo Step 3

After you clear that chocobo, switch back to the other side of the train so Belle doesn’t detect you.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Chocobo Step 4

Once behind Belle, hop on her to wrangle yourself a mountain chocobo!!

Head to the Hunting Spot

Dreaming of Blue Skies Head to the Hunting Spot

Now that you have your chocobo, travel to the Hunting Spot in the clearing west of Condor Hill. Once there, sneakily approach the cow.

Track Down the Condor’s Dinner

Use Belle to follow the trail.

Track Down the Dinner Thief

Use Belle once again to follow the thief’s scent!

Head into the Fiend’s Lair

Dreaming of Blue Skies Head into the Fiend's Lair

Once you arrive at the end of the trail, enter the cave and follow the path to reach a Mystic Dragon. Take it out then you’ll be given a choice to pick between the Peculiar Greens, Monster Flesh or Bovine Meat. Select the Bovine Meat!!

Deliver the Condor’s Dinner

Travel back to Condor Hill to deliver the dinner. As a reward for completing the Dreaming of Blue Skies quest, you’ll receive a well-composed condor photograph and warding materia.

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FF7 Rebirth – When Words Won’t Do Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth When Words Won’t Do side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting When Words Won’t Do Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in Under Junon and accept the When Words Won’t Do side quest.

When Words Won’t Do Objectives

Rhonda’s Request

FF7 Rebirth When Words Won't Do Side Quest

Speak with Rhonda in front of the inn to here the details of the quest.

Rendezvous with Salmon

When you’re ready to rendezvous with Salmon, head to the entrance of town next to the Angler’s Stowage fast travel point.

Keep Salmon Safe

Once there, interact with Salmon then follow him. Along the way, you’ll need to fight off enemies that attack! Towards the end a pair of giant birds will appear. Be wary of them as they can petrify you!! Once Salmon arrives at his destination safely, you’ll receive 2 rubies and a Sharpshooter’s Companion Vol. 1.

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FF7 Rebirth – Where to Find the Sheet Music

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth – Where to Find the Sheet Music guide! Here you’ll find the locations of the sheet music found in FF7 Rebirth along with the rewards for performing the songs well.

FF7 Rebirth Sheet Music Locations

To acquire sheet music in FF7 Rebirth, you’ll need to interact with the piano at certain locations! You can find these specific locations in the table below!

Piece TitleLocation
On Our WayJunon Region – Crow’s Nest – In the bar
Tifa’s ThemeCorel Region – Costa Del Sol – In the inn

FF7 Rebirth Performance Rank Rewards

In the bar at the Crow’s Nest in the Junon Region, you can perform songs using the piano and Dorian will reward you for achieving an A Rank. Below are these rewards!

Piece TitlePrize
On Our WayHP Up Materia

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Complete Tartarus Adamah Guide for Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Complete Tartarus Adamah Guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll cover what you can expect to find on Floors 227 through 263 that make up the Tartarus Adamah area. In this guide, you’ll find which floors the gatekeepers are located on along with their weakness and tips on how to defeat them. You’ll also find the personas you can recruit while working your way through Adamah and the Shadows you’ll face along the way with their weakness to make the journey a bit easier! You’ll be able to reach Floor 227 on 1/1.

Tartarus Adamah Gatekeeper

230th Floor

  • Obsessive Sand x1
    • no weaknesses

The first gatekeeper in the Tartarus Adamah area is the Obsessive Sand. It has no weaknesses and resists all elemental skills. The sand will also use light attacks and can also fully heal itself. You’ll want to focus in dealing damage using slash, strike and pierce attacks. A Theurgy here and there will also deal some decent damage.

236th Floor

  • Comeback Castle x1
  • Foot Solider x2
    • weak to fire
  • Mage Solider x2
    • weak to pierce

The second gatekeeper of the Tartarus Admah area is the Comeback Castle accompanied by a pair of Foot Soldiers and a duo of Mage Soldiers. The castle has no weaknesses, repels slash attacks and resists ice and electric skills. The Foot Soldiers are weak to fire skills, repel pierce, block ice, drain light and resists strike and wind. Their counterparts the Mage Soldiers are weak to piece attacks, repel fire, block electric and drain dark skills. The castle will buff the soldiers while they attack the party. The Foot Soldiers will use physical attacks like slash and strike while the Mage Soldiers attack using magic skills such as ice, wind and electric to name a few.

241st Floor

  • Overseer of Creation x2
    • no weaknesses

The third gatekeeper of the Tartarus Admah area is an Overseer of Creation duo. They have no weaknesses and repel light and dark skills. The pair will also attack you using various magic skills and will apply buffs to each other. Hit them with your strongest attack throwing in a Theurgy and they should go down.

246th Floor

  • Appropriating Noble x1
    • weak to ice
  • Invasive Serpent x2
    • weak to strike

Up next is the Appropriating Noble accompanied by a pair of Invasive Serpents. The noble is weak to ice skills while the serpents are weak to strike attacks. There serpents will make it so you are more likely to get a status ailment then will trying to poison you while the noble will drain you SP and try to hit the party using a variety of skill. Hit their weakness to trigger an all-out attack to make short work of them.

247th Floor

  • High Judge of Hell x1
    • no weakness

Immediately after the 246th floor gatekeeper you’ll have to face the High Judge of Hell on the next floor. It has no weaknesses, resists slash, pierce and dark while blocking strike, ice and wind skills. It will also attack you using various magic skills and follow that up with slash attacks. Also watch out for when he buffs himself. You’ll want to utilize your Theurgies to take it down.

253rd Floor

  • Cultist of Death x1
    • weak to wind

The next gatekeeper is the Cultist of Death. He’s weak to wind, resists ice and electric and drains light and dark skills. It will attack the party using almighty attacks. Capitalize on its wind weakness to take it out with all-out attacks.

254th Floor

  • Hedonistic Sinner x2
    • no weaknesses

The 2nd to last gatekeeper of the first part of the Tartarus Adamah area is a pair of Hedonistic Sinners. They have no weaknesses, repel slash and piercing attacks, block fire and drain electric skills. Once the fight starts, they’ll cast Stagnant Air to make everyone more susceptible to status ailments then try to inflict a number of ailments on you. Try to capitalize on the increased ailment chance to inflict shock or freeze. This will allow you to hit them with a physical attack, downing them in the process. You can also use other magic they don’t resist.

255th Floor

  • Genocidal Mercenary x1
    • no weaknesses

The final gatekeeper of the Tartarus Adamah area is the Genocidal Mercenary. It has no weaknesses resists slash attacks, repels strike, electric and dark while also draining ice skills. At the start of the battle, the enemy will use a skill trying to inflict confuse on the party. It will then use concentrate and hit the party with an almighty skill. To take it down, you’ll want to hit it with skills it doesn’t protect against and finish it off with some of your Theurgies.

Tartarus Adamah Personas

Baal ZebulMoon
Qitian DashengTower

Tartarus Adamah Shadows

Amenti RavenDark
Bigoted MayaLight
Carmal SnakeIce
Death CastleWind
Death DiceElectric
Devious MayaDark
Divine MotherNone
Doom SwordFire
Emperor BeetleNone
Eternal EagleIce
Fanatic TowerPierce (Monad)
Fierce CyclopsSlash
Final CheckmatePierce
Glorious HandNone (repels all attacks)
Grand MagusFire
Green SigilElectric
Harmony GiantNone
Infinite SandSlash, Pierce
Intrepid KnightNone
Jotun of EvilSlash, Pierce
Light BalanceWind
Minotaur IDark
Noble SeekerLight
Onnen MushaLight
Platinum DiceElectric
Reckoning DiceNone
Royal DancerStrike
Tenjin MushaNone
Vehement IdolIce
Wicked TurretElectric

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Aeon Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Aeon Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Aeon Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Aigis. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll unlock the ability to fuse the Persona, Metatron. You’ll also receive a Charred Screw which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Aeon Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Aeon Social Link, you’ll need to progress in the game until you reach 1/8. On that day, you’ll be able to speak with Aigis in the classroom to spend some time with her.

In order to rank up the Aeon Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Aigis after school. Make sure to bring an Aeon Persona along to gain additional affinity with her to rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 of the Aeon Social Link is unlocked automatically after you obtain the social link.

Rank 2

For this rank, we’ll hang out with Aigis on the roof of the school before heading home.

What about you? Do you… like it here?I like it here.

Rank 3

On the way home today, Aigis and the Protag will be visited by a group of animals.

How can we make them understand?Either Option (no affinity points)
……That’s not true.

Rank 4

Today’s adventure with Aigis takes us to Paulownia Mall where will run into a lady looking for her lost cat.

A white, spotted cat… Did you see one?Either Option (no affinity points)
Goodness, really!? Where might this have been?Any Option (no affinity points)
Being separated from a loved one can be very distressing after all…All right.
And I was the one who insisted we search… I’m sorry.Any Option (no affinity points)

Rank 5

On the way home, Aigis runs into a certain someone!

It seems that living is something that can’t be done along.You might be right.

Rank 6

During Rank 6, we’ll see a scene playout then Aigis will want to follow the student and ask him a question.

Did I do something wrong?“No, you didn’t.” or “He thought I was your boyfriend,”

Rank 7

After school, you’ll head to Paulownia Mall again with Aigis where you’ll run into the old lady once again.

Was Mii-chan-san happy?Either Option (no affinity points)
Was Mii-chan-san… grateful to have been born…?Either Option (no affinity points)
For what purpose… was Mii-chan-san born…?Either Option (no affinity points)

Rank 8

Today we’ll head to the roof to spend some time with Aigis.

I was just curious.I’m doing it now.
……Either Option (no affinity points)
Why are you so important to me?Either Option (no affinity points)

Rank 9

Aigis will ask you to the roof because she has something important to talk about.

January 31st…You’re right.
But, even so… my wish is to be your closest friend.Either Option.

Rank 10

Since this is Rank 10, feel free to pick any options you wish. You’ll receive a Charred Screw which will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Aeon Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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Persona 3 Reload Temperance Social Link Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Temperance Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Temperance Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct answers to the questions asked by Bebe. When you reach Rank 10, you’ll gain the ability to fuse the Persona, Yurlungur. You’ll also receive a Money Pouch that will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Temperance Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to start the Temperance Social Link, you’ll first need to progress the Hierophant Social Link to Rank 3. During that rank, you’ll meet Bebe who is also an exchange student. This will cause him to show up in the Home Ec room. In order to enter the room and being the social link by joining the fashion club, you’ll need to be Rank 2 in Academics,

In order to rank up the Temperance Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Bebe (Andre Laurent Jean Geraux) after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Make sure to bring a Temperance Persona along to gain additional affinity with him to rank up faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 of the Temperance Social Link is unlocked automatically after you obtain the social link.

Rank 2

At the end of fashion club, Bebe will ask if we want to go get some tea!

It will be my first time going. Will you maybe, how do you say, show me the ropes?“Sure, let’s go.” or “You like sweets?”
I love the culture of Nihon! Japan is sugoi-amazing!I totally agree.

Rank 3

During fashion club, Bebe will make known that he wants to create something Japanese but isn’t sure what.

You have gotten much better at this! Subarashii-wounderful!“I can do better.” or “Thanks.”
I would like to make something Japanese, but what?How about a kimono?

Rank 4

Today at fashion club, Bebe isn’t quite acting like himself.

……Are you all right?
She was taken by the angels!Any Option (no affinity)

Rank 5

At fashion club, Bebe is still a bit off and will ask to go out to eat afterwards.

Could we go somewhere to eat after this?Sure.
I might never come back to Japan again!Just stay in Japan!

Rank 6

Today at fashion club, Bebe is having problems focusing on his sewing.

I have barely sewn anything at all.Why not take a break?
Will you go to Azuki Aria with Moi?Let’s do it.
I want to stay here in Japan even if I have to eat dirt!I have your back!

Rank 7

Bebe has finally come up with a plan to convince his uncle to let him stay!

I will show him a kimono! When he sees it, he will understand the beauty of Nihon!That’s a great idea.

Rank 8

During Rank 8, Bebe will be hard at working making his kimono.

When my uncle sees this, I know he’ll agree with me about how great Nihon is!He’ll definitely agree!

Rank 9

By the end of fashion club, the kimono will almost be finished, and Bebe will be grateful for your help!

And that to all your help, the kimono is almost finished! I feel so blessed!Aren’t you homesick?

Rank 10

As it’s Rank 10, feel free to choose any of the options you like. You’ll receive a Money Pouch that will give you the perks of having a Rank 10 Temperance Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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January Classroom Questions and Answers Persona 3 Reload

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our January Classroom Questions and Answers guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll have the correct answers to all of the questions asked by the illustrious staff of Gekkoukan High School during the month of January! Over the course of the game, the Protag will either be asked to answer a specific question by one of his teachers or begged by one of his friends to help by giving them the correct answer. This guide is broken up based on each day a question is asked. You’ll find a table containing the question asked along with the answer to that question under each section. Answering a question correctly will rewards the Protag with an increase to the Charm stat.

January Classroom Questions and Answers

1/8 – Mr. Toriumi’s Class Question

It’s another month and another set of classroom questions. This first of January comes from Ms. Toriumi!

“The new year is the index of a journey to a certain place.” Where is this “certain place” he’s referring to?The underworld.

1/18 – Mr. Edogawa’s Class Question

The final class question comes from Mr. Edogawa who’s talking about sorceresses.

I’ve mentioned two Greeo sorceresses. One was Medea. Who was the other?Circe.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.