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How to Complete The Winged Knight Quest in Unicorn Overlord

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Winged Knight side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to start The Winged Knight Side Quest

To start The Winged Knight side quest, travel east from Fort Mainteneaut. As you reach the next town, Alain and Josef will spot an angel flying around. This will trigger a cutscene where she introduces herself as Ochlys and asks the prince to assist her with her task starting the side quest.

The Winged Knight Map Location

How to Complete The Winged Knight

For this battle, we used Hodrick, Alain and Lex as the unit leaders. Hodrick’s unit included Clive and Cloe while Alain’s unit had Travis and Aubin. Lex had Josef and Rolf.

Interact with the banners near where you met Ochlys and choose “Deploy to Stage” then “Yes”. This will trigger a cutscene where you’ll be introduced Mandrin, the new leader of the Black Talons leading to the Battle Stage.

The Winged Knight Battle Stage Start

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: 3,000G, Healing Tonic (S), Empowering Draught

On this map, you’ll need to follow the northern route east to reach the enemy’s Command Post. Unfortunately, its guarded by two Watchtowers that will hail arrows down upon any of your units fighting within range of them. The strategy here is to have Ochlys take out the towers so that your other units only have to focus on the advancing enemies. You’ll mainly go up against Hunters, Fighters and some Thieves.

Unicorn Overlord Winged Knight Watch Tower

When the battle starts, you’ll have two groups of Thieves rushing your base. Having a Hunter like Rolf hang back and to take care of them really helps. Once the Thieves are gone, send one of your units to capture Fort Chandelis. For us we used Hodrick’s unit! He was chosen as a leader because his Leader Effect is that his unit takes less damage from ranged assists. In addition, Lex has the same Leader Effect! As you approach Fort Chandelis, the unit stationed there will use Provoke on any approaching units forcing them to fight each other. You’ll need to take them down to put a stop to this. Also note that as time reaches close to the 2nd notch, a pair of bandits will appear along the southern road from the eastern side. They will attempt to steal gold from your units then flee the map. If you have Lex, he can use provoke on them to prevent them from running away. Keep in mind that it costs 1 Valor Point per use.

Winged Knight Unicorn Overlord - Battle

Take the unit at the fort (preferably a unit that has a Leader Effect of Resist Ranged Assist) to liberate the Bridge and Watchtower. This will free up your other units to assault the Command Post with minimal ranged assist.

Defeating Mandrin will earn you the Fire Bow clearing the stage. This will also trigger a cutscene where Mandrin said that he’s only here trying to get coin for a friend with a sick sister. Doesn’t that sound familiar? You’ll then be given a choice to either free Mandrin or let Ochlys execute him. If you choose to execute him, you’ll receive 15 Divine Shards on top of the default rewards and Ochlys will approve of this decision. Letting him go may open up the option to recruit in later, but our winged friend will not approve. Either way, Sharon will end up joining the Liberation Army as a healer if you allow her.

Unicorn Overlord Winged Knight Command Post

The Winged Knight Quest Rewards

After clearing the Battle Stage, the Winged Knight quest will complete and you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Bronze Bangle x1
  • Holy Herb x1
  • Palevian Orthodoxy x1

If you speak with Ochlys in front of Rondmort Church, you’ll receive the following:

  • Dew of Vitality x3
  • Dew of Strength x3
  • Dew of Protection x3

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Unicorn Overlord Main Quest Walkthrough for The Ravaged Swamp

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for the Ravaged Swamp in Unicorn Overlord. Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this main quest!

How to Start the Ravaged Swamp Main Quest

In order to start the Ravaged Swamp main quest, you’ll need to travel to Fort Groux, which can be found west of Treyes Village. Upon entering the swamp, you’ll see an event where some soldiers will mention looking for a witch. After they leave, approach the nearby cat to trigger a cutscene where you’ll meet Yahna.

How to Complete The Ravaged Swamp

For this battle we used Alain, Clive, Lex and Aubin as the unit leaders. Alain’s team consisted of Travis and Rolf, while Clive’s unit included Hodrick and Sharon. Lex had Josef and Chloe, and Aubin teamed up with Bruno to bring down the barricades.

Once you’ve started the quest, interact with the banners and select “Deploy to Stage” followed by “Yes” to kick off another cutscene leading to the Battle Stage. For this fight, you’ll be facing Hoplites and Housecarls lead by Beaumont. The area has three sections, your Command Post is in the north while the enemy has the Lebouge Hamlet in the southwest corner and their Command Post in the southeast corner.

Unicorn Overlord The Ravaged Swamp - Units

Be sure to keep an eye out for shiny objects on the ground during the stage. You’ll be able to find the following items: Concealing Cloak, Empowering Draught, Hallowed Corne Ash.

You’ll want to start by liberating the Lebouge Hamlet in the southwest then swinging over to deal with Beaumont to the southeast. Make sure to use Yahna to deal with the Hoplites via her magic to take them down quickly. You’ll receive a Conveyance Stone for freeing the hamlet. Additionally, you can send another unit to the southeastern corner to start clearing out some of the enemies. Blocking your way will be a couple of barricades, but if you send in a Housecarl like Aubin, he’ll be able to make quick work of them giving you a straight shot to the Watchtowers.

The Ravaged Swamp - Lebouge Hamlet

Make sure to take down both towers on the east side to help make your fights a bit easier. When you challenge Beaumont, also make sure to face him using Yahna. Once he’s been defeated, you’ll be rewarded with an Azure Crest Greatshield and complete the stage. A cutscene will trigger ending with Yahna joining the Liberation Army.

The Ravaged Swamp Quest Rewards

Once you complete the stage, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Leaf Broach x1
  • Silver Hourglass x1
  • Witches of the Swamp x1

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How to Complete As the Tricorns Ride in Unicorn Overlord

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on As the Tricorns Ride side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritize tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the As the Tricorns Ride Side Quest

Follow the main road south from Coquillage Town past Fort Rimitz then cross the bridge. A Mercenary will hail Alain asking if he’s got a moment. Choose “1. Go on.” When prompted to trigger an event with him and Travis. When it concludes, the As the Tricorns Ride side quest will start.

As the Tricorns Ride Map Location

How to Complete As the Tricorns Ride

For this battle, we used Rolf, Clive and Josef as the unit leaders. Rolf’s unit included Travis and Alain while Clive’s had Hodrick and Chloe. Josef had Lex and Aubin.

Head to the banners near where the Mercenary came from and interact with them, selecting “Yes” when prompted to start the Battle Stage to kick of a cutscene. For this quest, you’ll be facing Gladiator and Housecarls so plan for that when putting together your units.

Unicorn Overlord As the Tricorns Ride

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: 4,000G, Liquid Fortune, Revival Orb (S).

When the stage starts, deploy a unit and send them to Thulust Harbor to liberate it (you’ll receive some Smoked Nuts). Deploy a second unit and send them down to take control of the bridge. You may want to include a Hunter in this unit as you’ll be facing some Gryphon Knights.

As the Tricorns Ride - Thulust Harbor

After taking the bridge, send two units east to deal with Fort Mainteneaut and the Watchtower next to it. The tower is occupied by a group of Hunters while a pair of Gryphon Knights are stationed at the fort. We also left a unit at the bridge in case an enemy decide they want to rush our base.

As the Tricorns Ride - Fort Mainteneaut

Once the fort and tower have been taken care of, you should only have the Command Post left with a single bridge. Take the bridge then assault Bruno at the Command Post. Make sure to attack using the Unit that Travis is part of to get some unique dialog. Once you take down Bruno’s unit, you’ll be awarded a Brown Beret and the stage will be completed also triggering a cutscene. Bruno will also join the Liberation Army when the cutscene concludes.

As the Tricorns Ride Command Post - Unicorn Overlord

As the Tricorns Ride Quest Rewards

Once the As the Tricorns Ride quest concludes, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Recruit’s Shortsword x1
  • Light Feather x1
  • Tricorn Mercenaries x1

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A Solitary Resistance Side Quest Guide – Unicorn Overlord Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the A Solitary Resistance side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritize tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the A Solitary Resistance Side Quest

To start the A Solitary Resistance quest, head west from Fort Soligie to reach the next region of Cornia. This will trigger a cutscene which leads to the quest starting.

A Solitary Resistance Map Location

How to Complete A Solitary Resistance

Head to the banner and interact with it to prompt the option to Deploy to Stage. Choose Yes to officially start the side quest. A cutscene will follow, leading to the beginning of the Battle Stage. For this fight, you’ll be facing mainly Thieves and Hunters so plan accordingly! You’ll receive a tutorial on Stage Conversations and then need to practice by approaching and talking to Rolf using Alain (you must use Alain!). Afterward, Rolf will join the Liberation Army, and you’ll see a popup explaining how to utilize Hunters in battle.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Holy Herb, Miracle Fruit and Empowering Draught.

For the rest of the battle, bring your units down to the south-central part of the map to liberate Fort Rimitz. One thing to keep in mind is that you’re going up against a lot of thieves so they will be dodging a lot of attacks. In addition to Rolf’s units, we are using Clive with Alain and Aubin supporting along with Josef with Hodrick supporting. Once you’ve taken Fort Rimitz, head east to take on Gammel and the rest of his forces. Taking down Gammel with reward you with the Viperfang shortsword also clearing the stage.

During the closing cutscene, you’ll have to make a choice on whether to set Gammel free or to turn him over to the town watch. If you choose to turn him over to the town watch, you’ll be rewarded with additional War Funds of 10,000G. Gammel will be sent to jail, only to be broken out later by his men. If you choose to let him go free, he’ll remember what you did for him, possibly paying off at some point further on in the game. Either way, Rolf will still permanently join the Liberation Army.

A Solitary Resistance Quest Rewards

These are the rewards you’ll get for completing the Unicorn Overlord A Solitary Resistance quest. Please note that if you choose to turn Gammel over to the town watch, you’ll also receive War Funds in the sum of 10,000G.

  • Recruit’s Shortbow x1
  • Beckoning Bell x1
  • Cornia Militia x1

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Unicorn Overlord Call to Action Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGH and our Call to Action main quest walkthrough for Unicorn Overlord. Here we’ll cover what you need to know in order to complete this main quest! We’ll also cover a couple of introductory main quests that occur during the Call to Action Intermission.


Chapter 2 starts off with a cutscene where we’ll meet another previous knight of the queen, Renault, who shows up to kidnap Scarlett for Emperor Galerius. He leaves the rest of his soldiers behind to keep the party occupied. Before things can escalate, Josef arrives with Clive in tow to help us escape back to his base. There, the group will go over what to do next while formally introducing Clive and his spymaster, Travis. In order to pursue Scarlett, we’ll have to take care of the mercenaries that are preventing us from giving chase. When the cutscene ends, the Battle Stage will start.

Call to Action Battle Stage

  • Victory Conditions
    • Defeat Aubin
  • Defeat Conditions
    • The Liberation’s command post is captured
    • The time limit expires

For this battle, we mainly used two units, Clive and Josef. We teamed up Alain with Clive and Hodrick with Josef. Lex and Chloe were on standby in case any enemy units got past the others to attack the Liberation’s Command Post.

At the start of the stage, when you deploy your units, Clive will suggest switching them up a bit. This triggers the Unit Formation tutorial, where Josef explains class mechanics. You can then adjust the unit formations and deploy them. Your initial goal is to free Ouvrir Harbor. As you near it, the game teaches you about Enemy Reinforcements spawning from enemy garrisons, and how Stamina functions after capturing the Ouvrir Harbor Garrison. You’ll also get a Revival Orb (S) from the harbor’s townspeople.

Next, you’ll want to handle the enemies on the bridge and taking control of it. As you approach the bridge, you’ll learn about Piercing Attacks. We assigned Josef to secure the bridge since he was partnered with Hodrick. After accomplishing that, more enemies started attacking the bridge, triggering the tutorial for garrison effects. Position the unit you used to capture the bridge there to repel the assault. While that’s happening, select another unit to free the Achiemont Ruins. As you get closer to the ruins, another tutorial will explain how you can discover items after liberating areas of interest. Once you capture the ruins, you’ll receive a Dew of Strength.

Continue your assault by moving the unit from the ruins to the southern bridge. You may need to rest to recharge your stamina along the way. After you have both bridges under your control, it’s time to make one final push to take down Aubin’s Unit at the Command Post. As you near him, you’ll get two more tutorials covering Enemy Strength and saving before bigger battles. After you attack him once, you’ll get another tutorial teaching you about Valor Skills. Utilize them to take down Aubin once and for all. You’ll receive a Vitality Talisman triggering the Stage Clear and initiate a cutscene where you’ll be able to construct your own personalized Heraldry (aka banner).

Call to Action Intermission

At the start of Intermission, you’ll be introduced to quests and then set free to explore the area. Here are the next couple of main quests will introduce you to some additional game mechanics.

MAin Quest: Expanding a Unit (2-3)

The first quest the game gives you involves expanding one of your unit slots to allow for a third character to be assigned. To do this, visit the nearby Fort Soligie to trigger a tutorial on Forts. After reading it, choose “Expand Units” from the menu. This action will take you to the Expand Units menu where the game will teach you about expanding units and Honors. You can then pick one of the three available unit slots to upgrade. There are a total of 10 unit slots, and each one can be upgraded multiple times. Select one, then use 10 of the Honors you earned from the previous fight to increase its maximum size to 3. Close the menu and exit the fort to complete the quest. Lastly, the game will explain how Rapport between units functions.


  • Novice Military Treatise x1
  • Honors x2
  • War Funds of 500g

Main Quest: A Change of Clothes

After finishing the Expanding a Unit (2-3) main quest, you’ll begin the A Change of Clothes main quest. Pause the game, open the Overworld Menu, and select Character List. From there, choose a character to equip the Vitality Talisman in one of the accessory slots. Once you’ve done that, exit both the Character List and Overworld Menu to finish the quest.


  • Novice Military Treatise x1
  • Honors x2
  • War Funds of 500g

Main Quest: A Quick Supply Run

After completing the “A Change of Clothes” main quest, Chloe will take you to the nearest town to buy supplies. Interact with Ouvrir Harbor to learn more about towns. Once you finish the tutorial, buy something from the Armorer or Provisioner. We suggest getting one of the Recruit’s weapons as they boost the EXP earned by the wearer by 20%. Once you make a purchase, exit the town to finish the quest.


  • Novice Military Treatise x1
  • Honors x2
  • War Funds of 500g

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Unicorn Overlord The Unicorn Ring Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our The Unicorn Ring main quest walkthrough for Unicorn Overlord. Here you will find everything you need to know to get through The Unicorn Ring!

The Unicorn Ring Intro

At the start of the Unicorn Ring, we meet Scarlett deep in the woods at an altar with a stone carving of a unicorn and lady. After some dialogue, we shift to the Palevian Coast, where Prince Alain is sparring with Lex, a new face. They discuss Josef’s work building the Liberation Army to take on Galerius, previously known as Valmore. Suddenly, a ship flying Zenoira’s colors appears off the coast and heads for the village docks. Lex sets off to warn the town while Alain rushes to the cathedral.

The Unicorn Ring Alain and Lex Sparing

A cutscene will trigger taking place at Palevia Harbor where the Zenorians have docked. We’ll also meet their leader, Hodrick. He’ll order that the vanguard be dispatched to the cathedral to capture their target. Doesn’t he seem familiar? He should as he was one of the knights that fought beside the queen in the Prologue. The game will then transition to the cathedral where we’ll find Scarlett in the middle of prayer. It’s interrupted by a pair of Zenorian soldiers who are there for her. Scarlett will then fend them off long enough for Alain to arrive and finish them off. Josef will arrive shortly afterward with Chloe and present Alain with the Ring of the Unicorn before the group sets off for the nearby town.

The Unicorn Ring Scarlett Taking on Zenorian Soldiers

The Unicorn Ring Battle Stage

We’re now at the Battle Stage portion of the Unicorn Ring. The game will explain how Battle Stages work then teach you how to deploy units. When you gain control of the cursor, select the Command Post, choose “Deploy,” and select Alain’s Unit. Summon him by selecting the Command Post once more. Alain and Scarlett will appear on the stage, and you’ll get another tutorial about consuming and replenishing Valor Points. When that’s done, select Alain’s Unit, choose “Move,” and move the cursor over to the Zenoiran Axebearer. Select him then choose “Battle.” This will cause Alain to approach the enemy. When they meet, you’ll learn more about fighting, such as using the Organize command, where you can check out your gear and details of your units. When you’re done looking around, select “Battle” to start the fighting. You’ll get another tutorial on battle flow and what happens during a fight. Afterwards, you’ll need to attack the enemy one more time to finish them off. This will also cover the First Strikes tutorial.

The Unicorn Ring Alain finishing off an enemy

After the battle, you’ll receive another tutorial on Liberating Facilities and then be able to put it into practice by liberating Palevia Town. After doing so, you’ll meet up with Lex, who will be used for another tutorial on Unit Movement. Select Lex and move him to the indicated point on the stage. When he reaches the location, a trio of enemies will arrive. You’ll then need to use Lex to take them on all by himself. After getting in a little over his head, Josef and Chloe will show up for a tutorial on Unit Mobility. Use the Command Post to deploy Josef’s Unit and then have him move to Lex’s location. This will also prompt the Swapping Positions tutorial. Utilize it to swap in Josef for Lex, who will make short work of the enemy. After the battle, Chloe will give Lex 3 Healing Tonic (S) followed by… another tutorial! Select Lex, head over and choose “Items”. Select the Healing Tonic (S) and target Lex to heal him. Chloe will then swap over to Lex as a backup unit to help him out.

The Unicorn Ring Lex trying to show off

You will now transition to the harbor now to confront Hodrick and his remaining forces. Gather all your units by following the next tutorial and command them to target the enemy forces. You must restart time to initiate the battle. Take out Hodrick’s three allies first then concentrate your attacks on Hodrick himself. For special dialogue, make sure Josef and Alain both engage with Hodrick at least once. After the initial attack, utilize Alain and Scarlett to inflict additional damage, as Scarlett’s magic can bypass his defenses. Once Hodrick is defeated, the stage will conclude, showing you the final results. A cutscene will then trigger, marking the end of the chapter.

The Unicorn Ring The showdown with Hodrick

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Unicorn Overlord Prologue Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord Prologue Walkthrough. Here we’ll cover what you’ll need to do in order to complete the Prologue!

Unicorn Overlord Prologue Intro

When the game starts, you’ll meet Queen Ilenia of Cornia and her knight captain, Josef. Josef will urge the queen to escape the castle, but we’ll soon realize that most of Cornia’s lords have sided with Valmore, leaving her with no safe haven. She will then order the captain to leave the castle with her son, Prince Alain, and instruct him to nurture the young prince into a strong leader! The queen will also give Josef the Ring of the Unicorn, to be passed on to the prince when he grows older. As the conversation nears its end, Alain will arrive for a final chat with his mother before departing the castle with Josef. The queen will bid them farewell and confront Valmore, aiming to buy Josef and Alain as much time as possible to escape.

Unicorn Overlord Prologue - Queen Ilenia and Josef

Unicorn Overlord Prologue Battle Stage

Queen Ilenia will reach the castle gates to confront Valmore, who used to be the General of Cornia before turning on the kingdom to try and take the throne. She will be joined by remaining loyal soldiers to kick off Queen Ilenia’s heroic last stand. This marks the start of the initial battle stage of the game, also serving as a tutorial on moving units. Select Ilenia’s unit and chose “Move”. Next, drag your cursor over to Valmore’s unit (located south of Ilenia on the other side of the wall) and select “Battle”. This action will set Ilenia in motion towards Valmore. On the journey, you’ll encounter two more units to battle. Make sure to choose “Battle” when facing each one to witness the fight. Upon reaching Valmore, a cutscene will trigger where the queen stands her ground to buy time for her son to escape. The Prologue will conclude as the cutscene ends.

Unicorn Overlord Prologue Attacking Valmore

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FF7 Rebirth – All 7th Infantry Units in Junon Parade

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth 7- All 7th Infantry Units in Junon Parade guide! Here we’ll cover how to recruit all Midgar 7th Infantry units for the parade in Junon. Once you’ve recruited all members, you’ll earn the 7th Assemble trophy! By having all the members, you’ll be set up to win the prize for outstanding performance, which is needed to earn the Stealing the Show trophy.

All Locations of the Seventh Infantry

Unit 1

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

As soon as you reach Main Street – City Center from the Larboard Passage (where Cloud, Tifa and Aerith practice their performance for the commander), head to the left side of the street and up the stairs to reach the boardwalk. Just follow along it and you’ll find a group of soldiers. Speak with them to round up the team!

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 2

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

The second group can be found outside of the Materia Vendor taking a picture with the cardboard cutout of President Shinra. Interact with the group and take a good picture of them with the cutout!

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 3

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

The third team can be found in The Full Arsenal weapon shop.

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 4

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

This group can be found in the Larboard Garrison – Storeroom.

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 5

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

This unit can be found in the Barracks – Assembly Room being interviewed by a camera crew.

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 6

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

This group can be found in the Barracks – Briefing Room, which is the next level above the Barracks – Assembly Room.

Unit 7

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

This unit can be found in Shopping Center – 3F looking at a display.

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 8

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

This group can be found in Cicilia’s of Junon materia shop.

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 9

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

This unit can be found in The Glabrescent.

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

Unit 10

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

This group can be found in Le Sourire.

FF7 Rebirth Location of 7th Infantry Unit in the Junon Parade for the 7th Assemble Trophy

How to Win the Prize for Outstanding Performance

FF7 Rebirth How to Win the prize for Outstanding Performance

Once you’ve acquired all 10 units, you’ll need to update your Parade Formations to include 2 Grenaiders, 2 Riot Troopers and a Flametrooper. The Grenaiders should be linked together, just like the Riot Troopers.

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FF7 Rebirth Junon Region World Intel Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Junon Region World Intel Guide! Here we’ll cover all the world intel for Junon in FF7 Rebirth, including Remnawave Towers, Combat Assignments, Summon Crystals, Lifesprings, Protorelic, etc. The FF7 Rebirth Junon region consists of 2 towns called Under Junon and The Crow’s Nest and the surrounding areas! In Under Junon, you’ll be able to increase your bonds of friendship with party members via dialog options and play against Queen’s Blood opponents to earn cards. Keep in mind that you can also purchase Queen’s Blood cards from venders in Junon. For a guide on where to purchase these cards, click here!

Under Junon

Bonds of Friendship Dialog Options

In this table, you’ll find all the Bonds of Friendship dialog options for each party member along with the best answer in Chapter 4. Giving the best answer will reward you with the most bond points for that party member in a given conversation. You’ll be able to speak with your party members during the Respite Main Scenario after retiring to the inn.

Party MemberLocationStatementBest Answer
AerithUnder Junon – In the innDo you remember the first time we met?You shoved a flower at me.
BarretUnder Junon – In the innWhat do you think Yuffie wants with us?Your autograph.
Red XIIIUnder Junon – In the innI doubt I’ll smell Shinra till it’s too late.We’ll manage.
TifaUnder Junon – In the innDo you remember a guy named Emilio?The general store kid?

Queen’s Blood Opponents

In this table, you’ll find all the players you can challenge to Queen’s Blood during Chapter 4 along with the rewards you’ll receive!

IsabelleUnder Junon – At the tavern on the patio#96 Shiva
The Moore TwinsUnder Junon – In the residence up the stairs to the right of Armentis#21 Ogre
ZoganUnder Junon – At the docks in the Coastline #24 Zemzelett

Crow’s Nest

Queen’s Blood Opponents

CameronCrow’s Nest – In the southeastern building#113 Midgardsormr
MichaelaCrow’s Nest – In the southern part of the town on the walkway diagonally from the Community Noticeboard##27 Mindflayer
NeilCrow’s Nest – Near the northern entrance of town on the east side of the path on a wooden deck#30 Flametrooper

Junon Region

Before exploring Junon in Chapter 4, we recommend pushing forward until you unlock the Mountain Chocobo, Belle. This will make traveling MUCH easier, plus you’ll be able to reach all the Remnawave Towers, Combat Assignments, Summon Crystals, Lifesprings and Protorelic which are all scattered around Junon!


Once you discover a Remnawave Tower, you’ll need to interact with the red button to activate the tower. To reach this button, you may need to defeat enemies surrounding a tower. Sometimes the button will be on the ground level and other times you’ll need to scale the tower to reach it.

Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower

FF7 Rebirth Junon Activation Intel 1

Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower

FF7 Rebirth Junon Tower 2

Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower

FF7 Rebirth Junon Activation Tower 3

Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower

FF7 Rebirth Junon Activation Intel 4

Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower

FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Tower 5

Combat Assignments

For Combat Assignments in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you’ll need to defeat a group of enemies while completing the stated combat objectives! These guys won’t show up on the map by default. You’ll need to approach their location to get a notification about them.

Fiend Intel 1: Cacophonic Corvid

FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Combat Assignments
  • Combat Objectives:
    • Pressure an enemy
    • Stagger an enemy
    • Defeat the enemy within the time limit

Fiend Intel 2: Zemze Breaks

FF7 Rebirth Junon Fiend Intel 2
  • Combat Objectives:
    • Stagger an enemy
    • Prevent enemies from taking flight when using Soothing Breeze
    • Defeat all enemies within the time limit

Fiend Intel 3: Scorched Earth

FF7 Rebirth Junon Field Intel 3
  • Combat Objectives:
    • Pressure an enemy
    • Stagger an enemy
    • Defeat all enemies within the time limit

Fiend Intel 4: Weather the Storm

FF7 Rebirth Junon Fiend Intel 4
  • Combat Objectives:
    • Pressure an enemy
    • Stagger an enemy
    • Defeat all enemies within the time limit

Summon Crystals

To complete the Summon Crystals, you’ll need to memorize the position and necessary timing for a series of points. When the points disappear, you’ll need to make inputs at the correct times to replicate the memory matrix. If you succeed, you’ll weaken the summon in its combat trial and strengthen its corresponding materia.

Divine Intel 1: Phoenix Sanctuary a

FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Summon Crystals

Divine Intel 2: Phoenix Sanctuary B

FF7 Rebirth Junon Divine Intel 2

Divine Intel 3: Phoenix Sanctuary Y

FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Divine Intel 3

Head to the Crow’s Nest – South Gate. Facing south look to the left to find a path that leads you under the Crow’s Nest. Take this path to reach the sanctuary.


Interact with the giant crystals and press the button when prompted to complete the Lifesprings. While at each Lifespring, be sure to also collect the cache of materials around the crystal!! Every two Lifesprings will unlock a new intel on the map for you to investigate.

Expedition Intel 1: Chocobluff Lifespring

FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Lifesprings

Expedition Intel 2: Castaway Lifespring

FF7 Rebirth Junon Expedition Intel 2

Expedition Intel 3: Mountain Outpost Lifespring

FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Expedition Intel 3

Expedition Intel 4: Pharecape Lifespring

FF7 Rebirth Junon Expedition intel 4


The below intel will appear on your world map after you’ve completed a couple of Lifesprings. Every 2 Lifesprings will give you new intel. Once you arrive at a location, you’ll need to use your chocobo to dig up artifacts!

Excavation Intel: The Scars of War

FF7 Rebirth Junon Excavation Intel

Classified Intel: The Whisperer in the Darkness

FF7 Rebirth Junon Classified Intel

When you arrive on site, you’ll need to defeat the Mindflayer to complete this intel.


The Protorelic can be obtained after completing the questline which will begin after completing 1 tower! To complete these Phenomenon Intel, you’ll need to play Fort Condor and win.

FF7 Rebirth Junon Protorelic Fort Condor

These battles can be annoying with the fact that you can’t really control the pieces once you put them down. The best thing that worked for us was to build up one giant push and using the momentum to take the tower. We focused on attack from one side while defending the other lane as needed. Our standard strategy was to build up your ATB to max then summon 2 Enforcers and 2 Clerics at one of your points. Then you can drop other units with them to hit enemy weaknesses. This will start your initial push then you’ll be able to drop additional units as needed.

Phenomenon Intel 1: Wrack and Ruin

FF7 Rebirth Junon FF7 Fort Condor

You’ll acquire this intel after completing 1 tower! As you approach the site, you’ll be instructed to investigate the area. In the center of the boat near where the map icon is, you’ll find a stool with a Fort Condor board on it near a green tent.

FF7 Rebirth Junon Fort Condor Battle

Interact with this object to trigger a cutscene after which you’ll engage in a game of Fort Condor. Complete the game to finish this intel.

Phenomenon Intel 2: Flotsam and Jetsam

FF7 Rebirth Junon Phenomenon Intel 2

Head to the location of this intel on the map then interact with the gameboard to enter the Fort Condor game. Once again, win the game!

Phenomenon Intel 3: Crumbling Fastness

FF7 Rebirth Junon Phenomenon Intel 3

Head to the location of this intel on the map then interact with the gameboard to enter the Fort Condor game and win!

Phenomenon Intel 4: Encampment Vestiges

FF7 Rebirth Junon Phenomenon Intel 4

Head to the location of this intel on the map then interact with the gameboard to enter the Fort Condor game. Yet again, you’ll need to win the game!

Chocobo Stops

The Chocobo Stops are convenient fast travel locations! To fix a stop, interact with the sign to pick it up! By fixing a Chocobo Stop, you’ll receive a Golden Plume, which you can trade at Gabe’s Ranch or Bill’s Ranch for Chocobo armor.

FF7 Rebirth Junon Chocobo Stops
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Chocobo Stops
FF7 Rebirth Junon Chocobo Stops
FF7 Rebirth Junon Chocobo Stops
FF7 Rebirth Junon Chocobo Stops
FF7 Rebirth Junon Chocobo Stop
FF7 Rebirth Junon Chocobo Stops
FF7 Rebirth Junon Chocobo Stops

Moogle Intel

Moogle Intel: Mariner Moogle

FF7 Rebirth Junon Moogle Intel

Head inside the Mog and assist the Moogle Merchant who will need your help wrangling the 5 Mooglets. Once you’ve successfully rounded up all the Mooglets, you’ll be able to exchange Moogle Medals for items at the Moogle Emporium and will increase your Moogle Emporium Merchant Rank to 2.

Cache Locations

Cache locations can be found throughout the Grasslands. When you encounter one, you’ll need to find all the chests there to have it marked as complete.

Crows Camp

  • 2 chests
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Cache Locations Crows Camp

Fishermen’s Strait

  • 2 chests
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Cache Locations Fishermen's Strait

Ruined Treasury

  • 2 chests
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Cache Locations Ruined Treasury

Republic Shipwreck

  • 2 chests
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Cache Locations Republic Shipwreck

Cargo Shipwreck

  • 3 chests
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Cache Locations Cargo Shipwreck

Desolate Worksite

  • 2 chests
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Cache Locations Desolate Worksite

Shinra Construction Site

  • 3 chests
FF7 Rebirth Junon Region Cache Locations Shinra Construction Site

FF7 Rebirth Guides and Walkthroughs

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