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Unicorn Overlord – Cornia Treasure Map 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Cornia Treasure Map 2 quest!

How to Start the Cornia Treasure Map 2 Quest

To begin the Cornia Treasure Map 2 quest, you’ll need to first dig up the Cornia Treasure Map 2 from Cornia Quarry.

How to Complete Cornia Treasure Map 2

Unicorn Overlord Cornia Treasure Map 2

Travel to Treyes Village then take the road on the east side north. When it veers to the east, head west through the forest then examine the point to complete this quest.

Cornia Treasure Map 2 Unicorn Overlord

Cornia Treasure Map 2 Quest Rewards

For completing the Cornia Treasure Map 2 quest, you’ll receive the following gifts:

  • War Funds x5000G
  • Dew of Illusion
  • Guardian Gloves

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Unicorn Overlord – Cornia Treasure Map 1

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Cornia Treasure Map 1 quest!

How to Start the Cornia Treasure Map 1 Quest

To begin the Cornia Treasure Map 1 quest, you’ll need to first dig up the Cornia Treasure Map 1 from Cornia Quarry.

How to Complete Cornia Treasure Map 1

Cornia Treasure Map 1 Unicorn Overlord

Travel to Lis de Prairie Village then head east out of town and cross the bridge. Head immediately north through the forest to find a face in the mountain. Approach the face to get a prompt to examine the area. Doing so will complete the quest!

Unicorn Overlord Cornia Treasure Map 1

Cornia Treasure Map 1 Quest Rewards

For completing the Cornia Treasure Map 1 quest, you’ll receive the following gifts:

  • War Funds x5000G
  • Miracle Fruit
  • Hallowed Blade

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Paradis Liberation Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Paradis liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the Battle for Paradis Liberation Quest

To start the Battle for Paradis liberation quest, travel to the Walled City of Barbatimo and head east. You’ll run into Jude at Fort Paradis stationed near a 3-way split. This will trigger an event leading to you obtaining the quest.

The Battle for Paradis Unicorn Overlord

How to Complete The Battle for Paradis

When you’re ready to start the battle, interact with the banners. This will trigger a cutscene leading to the Battle Stage. For this battle, you’ll be facing mainly Fighters and Knights with some Thieves thrown in, so keep that in mind when putting together your units.

For this battle, we used the following units:

  • Josef’s unit = Chloe and Lex
  • Thief’s Unit = Mordon and Yahna

When the battle starts, you’ll notice that battlefield isn’t that big at all. You’ll have just one Watchtower with the Command Post will be just beyond that. There will be a pair of Thieves rushing your Command Post. When he gets close enough, he’ll steal war funds from one of your units the flee the area. Use 1 Valor Point to hit him with the Provoke Valor Skill that Lex has so he doesn’t get away. You’ll also want to send a mounted unit to deal with the Watchtower so to get rid of the Ranged Assist.

The Battle for Paradis Watchtower

At this point, all that should be left is Jude at the Command Post and maybe another enemy unit. Jude is accompanied by a pair of Knights, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to bring him down.

The Battle for Paradis Command Post

Once he’s been defeated, you’ll get the stage clear making Fort Paradis all yours. A Mercenary will also approach you saying that various mercs are gathering at the fort, so you may want to check out what’s available.

The Battle for Paradis Quest Rewards

As a reward for completing The Battle for Paradis, you’ll receive the following:

  • Honors x4
  • Palevian Scripture x1
  • War Funds of 500G

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Lisiere Liberation Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Lisiere Liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle For Lisiere Liberation Quest

In order to start the Battle for Lisiere, travel to Lisiere Town down the road to the west of the Priestess, Abducted objective marker. When you get close enough to the fort, an event with Mardie will trigger after which you’ll receive the quest.

Battle for Lisiere Liberation Unicorn Overlord

How to Complete The Battle For Lisiere

When you are ready to start the battle, interact with the banners. This will trigger a cutscene leading to the Battle Stage. For this fight you’ll be facing Soldiers, Knights, Armored Units and Sorcerers so keep that in mind when selecting your units.

For this battle, we used the following units:

  • Thief’s unit = Mordon and Yahna
  • Josef’s unit = Chloe and Lex
  • Clive’s unit = Hodrick and Sharon

When the battle starts, you’ll be on the west side of the enemy’s Command Post. There will also be a Knight enemy unit and an armored enemy unit along the road. Off to the side you’ll see a group of Sorcerers taking cover in a manlet. Use a magic character or Warrior to make quick work of the armored enemy. We used Josef’s unit to take care of the Sorcerers. Pick off the stragglers then focus on the Command Post.

Battle for Lisiere Liberation Command Post

Mardie will revive a unit to 1 HP between fights, but it is not enough to really change anything. Once you defeat him, the stage will be cleared.

The Battle For Lisiere Quest Rewards

As a reward for completing The Battle for Lisiere Liberation, you’ll receive the following:

  • Honors x4
  • Vilta Herbs x1
  • War Funs of 500G

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Unicorn Overlord – The Self-Effacing Sorcerer Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Self-Effacing Sorcerer side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Self-Effacing Sorcerer Side Quest

To start this quest, head north from Fort Thessalon then turn left at the T. Speak with the Zenorian Solider there who will tell you that the great sorcerer Auch is currently investigating the ruins ahead. Select “1. Forge ahead.” when prompted to receive the quest.

The Self-Effacing Sorcerer Unicorn Overlord

How to Complete The Self-Effacing Sorcerer

When you ready to get the battle under way, interact with the banners to start a cutscene leading to the Battle Stage. For this fight, you’ll be facing mainly Wizards and Housecarls so keep that in mind when selecting your units.

For this battle, we used the following units:

  • Alain’s unit = Travis and Rolf
  • Josef’s unit = Lex and Chloe
  • Clive’s unit = Sharon and Hodrick
The Self-Effacing Sorcerer Fort Veille Unicorn Overlord

When the battles begins, you will be on the southeastern side of the battlefield and have to work your way around to the northern area by heading east. The first obstacle you’ll need to overcome is the 1st Watchtower. There are Sorcerers there that will fling down spell while fighting other units. You’ll want to try and rush them with a mounted unit to quickly liberate the tower and its surrounding enemies. You can also bring a Hunter like Rolf and use his Arrow Rain Valor Skill to deal damage to a large area of enemies. After that’s done, liberate Fort Veille then head a little further west and take the 2nd Watchtower. One thing to note, every time to take one of the watch towers, Auch will deploy two additional units at his location.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Farsight Crstal, Beckoning Chime

Next, you’ll want to take the bridge, cutting of the troops coming from Auch. Send a unit to take care of the third and final Watchtower leaving just Command Post left.

The Self-Effacing Sorcerer Command Post

All that’s left to do now is take down Auch to complete the stage. Josef really excelled this map with Chloe healing the small amount of damage he was taking. Defeating Auch will reward you with a Chlorotic weapon. During the following cutscene, you’ll be given the choice to either recruit him into the Liberation or execute him.

The Self-Effacing Sorcerer Quest Rewards

After completing The Self-Effacing Sorcerer quest, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Baroque Rod x1
  • Revival Orb (S) x1
  • House Aubry x1

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Unicorn Overlord – Bridge SW of Gran Corrine Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Bridge SW of Gran Corrine Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to start the Bridge SW of Gran Corrine Overworld Quest

In order to start the Bridge SW of Gran Corrine overworld quest, you’ll need to head southeast from Fort Thessalon and cross the stone bridge. At the end of the path you’ll come to a broken bridge. Interact with it to trigger a quick event starting the quest.

Bridge SW of Gran Corrine Unicorn Overlord

How to Complete the Bridge SW of Gran Corrine

To complete the Bridge SW of Gran Corrine, you’ll first need to find a masonry to repair the bridge! You have two options: Kitra or Mordon! Kitra joins the Liberation Army at the end of The Priestess Abducted main quest. Alternatively, you can complete the Battle for Barbatmio liberation quest and recruit Mordon.

To fix the bridge, you’ll need 30 pieces of Corsite Stone. For a listing of where you can find these materials in the wild, click here! Alternatively, you can purchase 20 Corsite Stones from the Miner standing in front of Elzecouvre Town for 2,000G every 3 days.

When you have a unit that can repair bridges and all 30 pieces of Corsite Stone, make your way to the broken bridge and interact with it. Once you fix the bridge, the quest will complete!

Bridge SW of Gran Corrine Quest Rewards

Once you complete the Bridge SW of Gran Corrine, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Dew of Illusion x1
  • Honors x10
  • War Funds of 1000G

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Barbatmio Liberation Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the The Battle for Barbatmio liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the The Battle for Barbatmio Quest

The Battle for Barbatmio Location

To begin The Battle for Barbatmio, approach the city to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, the liberation banner will appear on the world map outside of the town.

The Battle for Barbatmio

How to Complete The Battle for Barbatmio

Interact with the banner to begin the Battle Stage. For this fight, you’ll be going up against mainly Warriors and Hoplites. The Hoplites are weak to magic so if you have a magic character you should try and bring one!

For this battle, we used the following units:

  • Alain’s unit = Yahna and Travis
  • Josef’s unit = Chloe and Lex
  • Clive’s unit = Hodrick and Sharon

When the battle starts, you’ll be outside of the city and all 3 entrances will be guarded by a Hoplite and are encased in a Mantlet. You’ll need to fight them 3 times to destroy a Mantlet, but you can still do damage to them while that is happening.

Battle for Barbatmio Mantlet

Mordon will be in the center of the town continually spawning additional units that you’ll have to face. Once you take down the Hoplite, you’ll be able to enter town to face Mordon.

Battle for Barbatmio Command Post

When this happens, he’ll call the other two Hoplites in to back him up. It’s up to you if you wish to face them for the extra EXP. Otherwise, just focus your attention on Mordon. One thing to note is that we do not recommend you using an armored character such as Hodrick to fight Mordon directly. His class is the Warrior and they deal extra damage to armored units.

Once he goes down, the battle will immediately end and you’ll be rewarded with a Warrior’s Medallion. A cutscene will then trigger during which you’ll be able to choose to spare or execute Mordon. If you spare him, he’ll join the Liberation Army and you’ll learn that he’s a stone masonry so he can repair broken bridges.

The Battle for Barbatmio Quest Rewards

For completing the The Battle for Barbatmio liberation quest, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x4
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Iron Helm Mercenaries

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Unicorn Overlord – In Search of Riches Overwrold Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on how to complete the In Search of Riches Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to Start the In Search of Riches Quest

To begin the In Search of Riches quest, you’ll need to first finish The Mercenary’s Trial quest, which will enable the town of Lis de Prairie Village to become available. This in turn will unlock the Cornia Quarry. Head down to the quarry and speak with the man to kick off this quest.

Unicorn Overlord In Search of Riches

How to Complete In Search of Riches

In order to complete this quest, speak with the man with the pick above his head then choose the option to dig. This will start a mini game! Your goal is to dig up a treasure map. After you find the map, return to the Townsperson to complete this quest.

In Search of Riches Quest Rewards

For completing the In Search of Riches quest, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Novice Military Treatise
  • Honors x6
  • Free Mining Pass x3

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