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Unicorn overlord – The Battle for Weszait

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Weszait liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Weszait Quest

Approach the town to trigger a cutscene with Bernolt, which will trigger the The Battle for Weszait quest.

Unicorn Overlord Battle for Weszait

How to Complete The Battle for Weszait

For this battle, you’ll be facing mostly Swordfighters and Hunters. Swordfighters are weak to Hunters and strong enemy attacks, whereas, Hunters are weak to Fighters and Hoplites.

Battle for Weszait Stage Map

For this map, you’ll start in the middle of the area with an enemy Command Post and Watchtower to the west and the Watchtower is manned by a group of Archers with the Ranged Assist skill. There will also be a unit of Gladiators on the west side of your Command Post and a unit of Calvary on the northeast side. After you take down the Command Post, the stage will clear!

The Battle for Weszait Quest Rewards

As a reward for completing The Battle for Weszait, you’ll receive the following:

  • Honors x8
  • Music Box
  • War Funds x1000G

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Unicorn Overlord – Where to Find Drakenhold Divine Shards

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on where to find Drakenhold Divine Shards!

Drakenhold Divine Shards

Fort Herstann

Unicorn overlord Drakenhold Divine Shards

Head southwest from the fort along the cliffs to find the shard.

Drakenhold Shards Unicorn overlord

Fort Herstann #2

Drakenhold Fort Herstann Divine Shard

Northeast of the fort just before the gate

Unicorn Overlord Divine Shards Drakenhold

Dreibaum Town

Drakenhold Divine Shard

In the woods north of town

Divine Shard

Dreibaum Town #2

Dreibaum Town Divine Shard

From the above shard, head west to the cliffs to find this shard.

Drakenhold Shard

Dreibaum Town #3

Unicorn Overlord Divine Shards

Exit the gates to the south of town then immediately head west to find this shard.

Drakenhold Divine Shard

Weszait Town

Weszait Town Divine Shards

The shard can be found southwest of town on the beach.

Divine Shard

Weszait Town #2

Weszait Town Divine Shard

On the beach southeast of town

Divine Shard

Ganrafeldt Town

Ganrafeldt Town Divine Shard

This shard can be found northwest of town along the cliff.

Divine Shard

Ganrafeldt Town #2

UO Divine Shards

South of town along the beach

Divine Shard

Bandit’s Keep

Bandit's Keep

Southwest of the keep along the beach

Bandit's Keep Divine Shard

Bandit’s Keep #2

Gozefauss Town Shard

Head north of town to find it on the east side near a white tent

Divine Shard

Nestascheft Town

Nestascheft Town Divine Shard

Take the hidden path south of town to reach a beach.

Divine Shard

Nestascheft Town #2

Nestascheft Town Divine Shard

Southeast of town, south of the Monument to the Anemoi

Divine Shard

Gaufa Town

Gaufa Town Divine Shard

Head south from town and pass through the gate then head immediately east.

Gaufa Town

Gaufa Town #2

Gaufa Town Divine Shard

Next to the southern entrance of the town.

Divine Shard

Gaufa Town #3

Gaufa Town Divine Shard

Northeast of town near the beach.

Drakenhold Divine Shard

Walled City of Adopti

Walled City of Adopti Divine Shards

On the south side of the city

Divine Shard

Walled City of Adopti #2

Walled City of Adopti Divine Shard

North of town near the Old Woman by the lake with the rotting bridge

Drakenhold Divine Shard

Fort Neumont

Fort Neumont Divine Shard

From the fort, head southeast along the road. When you reach the ruins, cross the bridge to find this Divine Shard immediately to the west.

Fort Neumont Divine Shard

Helmjan Town

Helmjan Town Divine Shard

On the east side of town.

Divine Shard

Helmjan Town #2

Helmjan Town Shard

Northeast of town.

Divine Shard

Schaetze Town

Schaetze Town Shard

South of town.

Divine Shard

Schaetze Town #2

Schaetze Town Shard

Just north of town.

Drakenhold Divine Shard

Sechtrieve Town

Sechtrieve Town Shard

North of town in a pile of bones.

Divine Shard

Fort Hossent

Fort Hossent Shard

North of the fort in a pile of bones next to a lake with a waterfall.

Drakenhold Divine Shard

Fort Neumont

Fort Neumont Divine Shard

To the far north of the fort by an encampment in the heavily wooded area just northeast of The Sigil’s Trial, Moderate 2.

Vansberg Town

Vansberg Town Divine Shard

Take the road on the west side of town and follow it north. This shard will be across from the pond.

Vansberg Town Divine Shard

Vansberg Town #2

Vansberg Town Divine Shard

East of town in the patch of forest north of the quarry.

Vansberg Town Divine Shard

Vansberg Town #3

Vansberg Town Divine Shard

Next to the above shard on the east side by the road.

Vansberg Town Divine Shard

Schwarthruse Town

Unicorn Overlord Schwarthruse Town Divine Shard

North of town

Unicorn Overlord Schwarthruse Town Divine Shard

Schwarthruse Town #2

Unicorn Overlord Schwarthruse Town Divine Shard

You’ll get FIVE divine shards for taking the hidden path to the east of the above shard through the mountains.

Unicorn Overlord Schwarthruse Town Divine Shard

Schwieger Town

Unicorn Overlord Divine Shard near Schwieger Town

On the west side of town

Divine Shard Location

Schwieger Town #2

Drakenhold Divine Shard Location

Three divine shards can be found north of town by the waterfall.

Divine Shard

Znova Town

Znova Town Divine Shard

In town

Divine Shard

Pritzlasse Fortress

Pritzlasse Fortress

North side of the fortress.

Divine Shard

Krannich Harbor

Krannich Harbor

South of the harbor to the southeast of the cemetery

Divine Shard

Fort Asterweiss

Fort Asterweiss

On the southeastern side along the rocks

Divine Shard

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Unicorn Overlord – Expanding a Unit (3 to 4)

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on how to complete the Expanding a Unit (3 to 4) Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to Start the Expanding a Unit (3 to 4) Quest

To begin the Expanding a Unit (3 to 4), speak with the mercenaries standing outside of Fort Herstann.

Unicorn Overlord Expanding a Unit (3 to 4)

How to Complete Expanding a Unit (3 to 4)

Before you can complete this quest, you’ll need to have a Renown Rank of C! When you’re ready, head to any fort and choose the “Expand Units” option in the menu where you’ll need to spend 50 Honors to increase a unit’s size from 3 to 4. Once done, exit the fort to complete the quest. As a side note, if you have already done this before receiving this quest, the quest will just auto complete!

Expanding a Unit (3 to 4) Quest Rewards

After completing Unicorn Overlord Expanding a Unit (3 to 4), you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Expert Military Treatise
  • Honors x4
  • War Funds x1000G

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Unicorn Overlord – The General in Black Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for The General in Black main quest in Unicorn Overlord. Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this main quest! For this quest, having reunited with his cousin, Alain agrees to help Drakenhold to return the favor of helping his cousin. As they set out, they’ll be warned about increased security as a Zenorian General is about to be executed.

How to Start The General in Black Quest

You’ll begin The General in Black automatically after completing The Kingdom of Dragons!

The General in Black Unicorn Overlord

How to complete The General in Black

For this battle stage, you’ll be mainly fighting Wyvern Knights, Sellswords and Hoplites so choose your units accordingly. Wyvern Knights are weak to the Crusaders and Hunters, Sellswords are weak to Thieves and Hoplites are weak to Witches, Wizards and attacks from Warriors.

Unicorn Overlord General in Black

When you load in, you’ll notice this is a big stage! Your Command Post will be in the north central part of the map and the enemy will have 3 Command Posts in the southwestern, central and northeastern parts of the area with troops scattered in between. The southwestern and northeastern Command Posts have Watchtowers with Archers stationed within them.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Giant’s Canopy, Revival Orb (M) and Silver Hourglass.

For liberating the central Command Post, you’ll receive a Holy Herb. As you approach the northeastern Command Post, a little scene will play out where Primm is tossed out into the battlefield within range of the Watchtower. Quickly send a unit to speak with her before she dies! If you reach her in time, she’ll join the Liberation Army. You’ll need to deal with a mounted enemy then send Primm to speak with Aramis and he’ll join the Liberation Army.

As you approach the southwestern Command Post, Berengaria will wind up on the field. Send Alain to speak with her and she’ll join the Liberation Army, too! Afterwards, eliminate the Command Post to clear the stage!

The General in Black Quest Rewards

As a reward for completing the Unicorn Overlord The General in Black, you’ll receive the following:

  • Silver Bangle
  • Detoxifying Amulet
  • House Zechshelm

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Unicorn Overlord – The Kingdom of Dragons Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for The Kingdom of Dragons main quest in Unicorn Overlord. Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this main quest!

How to Start The Kingdom of Dragons Quest

After finally saving Scarlett from the clutches of Renault and Glarius, the Liberation Army will discuss their next steps, the first being to travel to the region of Drakenhold in search of Alain’s cousin, Virginia. To begin The Kingdom of Dragons Unicorn Overlord main quest, head for Mier Checkpoint. To reach this checkpoint, travel to Nordplage Town and take the road southeast to Drakenhold. When you reach the gate speak with Flick, who will be guarding the gate into the region. This will also lead to The Battle for Mier liberation quest. For help with this quest, click here!

Once you’ve complete The Battle for Mier, The Kingdom of Dragons quest will complete!

The Kingdom of Dragons Quest Rewards

As a reward for completing The Kingdom of Dragons, you’ll receive the following:

  • Standard Military Treatise
  • Honors x4
  • War Funds x3000G

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Mier

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Mier liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn, the key characters in our victorious team, and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Mier Quest

Unicorn Overlord The Battle for Mier

You’ll automatically begin The Battle for Mier liberation quest during The Kingdom of Dragons main quest.

How to Complete The Battle for Mier

For this battle, you’ll be mainly facing Wyvern Knights and Hunters so plan your units accordingly! Wyvern Knights are weak to Hunters, whereas Hunters are weak to Fighters and Hoplites.

The Battle for Mier Stage Map

When you load into the map, take care of the Watchtower so they cannot use their Ranged Assist. Next, head along the road to reach the Command Post. Flick will be accompanied by 2 Wyvern Knights and a Fighter. Once you defeat the enemies, the stage will clear and both Virginia and Leah will join the Liberation Army!

The Battle for Mier Quest Rewards

As a reward for completing The Battle for Mier, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x4
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • War Funds 1000G

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Unicorn Overlord – Bridge SE of Gran Corrine Overworld Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Bridge SE of Gran Corrine Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to start the Bridge SE of Gran Corrine Overworld Quest

In order to start the Bridge SE of Gran Corrine overworld quest, you’ll need to head northwest of Grupont Town to reach a broken bridge. Interact with it to trigger a quick event starting the quest.

Unicorn Overlord Bridge SE of Gran Corrine

How to Complete the Bridge SE of Gran Corrine

To complete the Bridge SE of Gran Corrine, you’ll first need to find a masonry to repair the bridge! You have two options: Kitra or Mordon! Kitra joins the Liberation Army at the end of The Priestess Abducted main quest. Alternatively, you can complete the Battle for Barbatmio liberation quest and recruit Mordon.

To fix the bridge, you’ll need 30 pieces of Corsite Stone. For a listing of where you can find these materials in the wild, click here! Alternatively, you can purchase 20 Corsite Stones from the Miner standing in front of Elzecouvre Town for 2,000G every 3 days.

When you have a unit that can repair bridges and all 30 pieces of Corsite Stone, make your way to the broken bridge and interact with it. Once you fix the bridge, the quest will complete!

Bridge SE of Gran Corrine Quest Rewards

Once you complete the Bridge SE of Gran Corrine, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Dew of Illusion
  • Honors x10
  • War Funds x1000G

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Unicorn Overlord – Cornia Treasure Map 5

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Cornia Treasure Map 5 quest!

How to Start the Cornia Treasure Map 5 Quest

To begin the Cornia Treasure Map 5 quest, you’ll need to first dig up the Cornia Treasure Map 5 from Cornia Quarry.

How to Complete Cornia Treasure Map 5

Cornia Treasure Map 5

Travel to Fontille Harbor then ride the ship to the Secluded Shore. On the western tip, you’ll find the treasure.

Cornia Treasure Map 5

Cornia Treasure Map 5 Quest Rewards

For completing the Cornia Treasure Map 5 quest, you’ll receive the following gifts:

  • War Funds x5000G
  • Miracle Fruit
  • Lapis Pendant

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Unicorn Overlord – Cornia Treasure Map 4

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Cornia Treasure Map 4 quest!

How to Start the Cornia Treasure Map 4 Quest

To begin the Cornia Treasure Map 4 quest, you’ll need to first dig up the Cornia Treasure Map 4 from Cornia Quarry.

How to Complete Cornia Treasure Map 4

Unicorn overlord Cornia Treasure Map 4

Travel to Fort Istania then follow the road southeast. You’ll head through a broken aqueduct. Immediately after passing through this aqueduct head east to find this treasure spot.

Unicorn Overlord Treasure

Cornia Treasure Map 4 Quest Rewards

For completing the Cornia Treasure Map 4 quest, you’ll receive the following gifts:

  • War Funds of 5000G
  • Dew of Illusion
  • General’s Longbow

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Unicorn Overlord – Cornia Treasure Map 3

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Cornia Treasure Map 3 quest!

How to Start the Cornia Treasure Map 3 Quest

To begin the Cornia Treasure Map 3 quest, you’ll need to first dig up the Cornia Treasure Map 3 from Cornia Quarry.

How to Complete Cornia Treasure Map 3

Unicorn Overlord Cornia Treasure Map 3

Travel to Chouvre Town then head directly north on the west side of town along the cliffs to find the treasure spot.

Cornia Treasure Map 3

Cornia Treasure Map 3 Quest Rewards

For completing the Cornia Treasure Map 3 quest, you’ll receive the following gifts:

  • War Funds of 5000G
  • Miracle Fruit
  • Dancer’s Anklet

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For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!