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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Siltakulya

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Siltakulya quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the Battle for Siltakulya Quest

Unicorn overlord Battle for Siltakulya

To begin The Battle for Siltakulya quest in Unicorn Overlord, repair the Siltakulya Bridge then cross it to the west. Head slightly south to trigger a cutscene with Ava.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll be facing mainly Sorceresses and Elven Archers.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
Arbalist / ShieldshooterClerics
Elven ArcherFighters
Gryphon Knight / Gryphon MasterArchers / Swordfighters
Sellsword / LandsknechtThieves
Swordfighter / SwordmasterRanged Units
Witch / SorceressRadiant Knights / Hunters

Battle Stage

Battle for Siltakulya Unicorn Overlord Battle Stage

When you load into the map, you’ll find yourself on the bridge in the northeastern part of the area. The enemy’s Command Post will be to the south surrounded by 3 Watchtowers and barricades. The enemy commander at this Command Post is a Sorceress.

Battle for Siltakulya Command Post

Also note there will be an enemy Gryphon unit over the water that will make a beeline for your Command Post.

The Battle for Siltakulya Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Siltakulya in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x12
  • Pleasant Perfume
  • War Funs x1500G

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Unicorn Overlord – Siltakulya Bridge

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on how to complete the Siltakulya Bridge Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to Start the Siltakulya Bridge Quest

Unicorn Overlord Siltakulya Bridge

To begin the Siltakulya Bridge quest in Unicorn Overlord, interact with the bridge near Elheim’s Siltakulya Town.

Siltakulya Bridge Unicorn overlord Felcite Stone Needed

Where to Find Felcite Stone

To fix the bridge, you’ll need 30 pieces of Felcite Stone. For a listing of where you can find these materials in the wild, click here! Alternatively, you can mine at the Elheim Quarry northwest of Voitarafi Town to receive some Felcite Stone! It costs 600G per mining attempt. When you’ve acquired all the necessary materials, have Kitra or Mordon (whatever masonry unit you have) repair the bridge by interacting with it. Once you fix the bridge, the quest will complete!

Siltakulya Bridge Quest Rewards

For completing Siltakulya Bridge in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Dew of Illusion
  • Honors x10
  • War Funds of 1000G

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Unicorn Overlord – Bowman of the Setting Sun

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Bowman of the Setting Sun side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the Bowman of the Setting Sun Quest

To begin the Bowman of the Setting Sun quest in Unicorn Overlord, speak with the Elheim Soldier at the spot shown on the map below.

Unicorn Overlord Bowman of the Setting Sun Location

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll be mainly facing Berserkers, Elven Fencers and Gryphon Masters.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
BerserkerThieves / Calvary
Dark Knight / Doom KnightWyvern Knights / Gryphon Knights
Elven ArcherFighters
Elven FencerSwordfighters
Housecarl / VikingNo weakness
LegionnaireWitches / Wizards / Warriors
Gryphon Knights / Gryphon MasterArcher / Swordfighters
Sellsword / LandsknechtThieves
Soldier / SergeantHoplites / Fighters

Battle Stage

Bowman of the Setting Sun Battle Stage

When you load into the map, you’ll be on the west side of the area. This map is pretty straight forward as you’ll just need to follow the road to the Command Post in the east, taking out the enemies and liberating Merietra Town along the way. North of the town, you’ll also find some ruins! As you progress through the map, Galadmir will appear in each of the Watchtower to provide ranged support as you go! If you have a unit that has Eltolinde in it and you get close to Galadmir, she will hide until you leave, meaning she won’t support you as she doesn’t want to be seen by Eltolinde!

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Defensive Draught, Hallowed Corne Ash and Mantlet Kit.

Jokisvun Ruins

Liberation Rewards

  • Dew of Acuity

Merietra Town

Merietra Town

The commander at town is a Legionnaire accompanied by other infantry units. Surrounding the town, you’ll have archer units and an Elven Fencer that will provide ranged assist.

Liberation Rewards

  • Magick Bomb

Command Post

Bowman of the Setting Sun Command Post

The Command Post is run by a Berserker who has 2 additional units supporting him: a Cleric for healing and an Elven Fencer for magick assist. Whenever you reach the last Watchtower, an enemy will show up then Galadmir will leave, leaving you without range support. After you take out the enemy, Galadmir will return.

Liberation Rewards

  • Giant’s Greataxe

Bowman of the Setting Sun Quest Rewards

For completing Bowman of the Setting Sun in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Greatwood Bow
  • Star Iron
  • Faerie Knights

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Voryatan

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Voryatan liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Voryatan Quest

Unicorn Overlord Battle for Voryatan

To begin The Battle for Voryatan quest, approach the Voryatan Citadel. Afterwards, speak with Railanor.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll be mainly facing Elven Fencers and Gryphon Masters so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
BreakerThieves / Gladiators
Elven FencerSwordfighters
Radiant Knight / Sainted KnightsWyvern Knights / Gryphon Knights
Wyvern MasterHunters / Arbalists / Witches / Wizards / Elven Fencers

Battle Stage

When you load into the map, you’ll be located north of the citadel with the enemy’s Command Post in the center. 2 Watchtowers are in range of the Command Post and the bridge leading into the city is guarded by a squad of Gryphon Knights. In addition, there are hidden Elven Fencers in the woods!

After taking the bridge leading into the citadel, we also took the nearby tower and placed our own archer in it while providing ranged assist as we assaulted the Command Post. For taking the Command Post, you’ll receive the Outlaw’s Bracelet!

Battle for Voryatan Unicorn Overlord

The Battle for Voryatan Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Voryatan in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x12
  • Ruby
  • Knights of the Thorn

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Unicorn Overlord – Ervelda Guardian of the Fae

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Ervelda Guardian of the Fae side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the Ervelda Guardian of the Fae Quest

To begin the Ervelda Guardian of the Fae quest in Unicorn Overlord, follow the road west of Quentari Town until a cutscene triggers.

Unicorn Overlord Ervelda Guardian of the Fae

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Sergeants, Swordmasters and Sorceress.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
BreakerThieves / Gladiators
Dark Knight / Doom KnightWyvern Knights / Gryphon Knights
Great KnightGryphon Knights / Wyvern Knights / Thieves
Gryphon Knight / Gryphon MasterArchers / Swordfighters
Housecarl / VikingNo weaknesses
Hunter / SniperFighters / Hoplites
RogueHunters / Swordfighters
Sainted KnightGryphon Knights / Wyvern Knights
VanguardWarriors / Wizards / Witches / Elven Fencers
WarlockRadiant Knights / Hunters
Witch / Sorceress Radiant Knights / Hunters

Battle Stage

Ervelda Guardian of the Fae Battle Stage

When you load into the map, you’ll be located in the southeastern corner. For this battle, you’ll need to liberate all the points on the map, prioritizing the Divine Effigies to put out the fires. You’ll need to continue using these effigies to spread rain throughout the fight to prevent the fire from reaching the tree. After liberating all of the enemy controlled garrisons, you’ll then need to defeat Gailey. As a reward, you’ll receive a Flame Javelin!

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Light Feather, Miracle Fruit, Holy Herb

Fort Aras

Ervelda Guardian of the Fae Fort Aras

This fort can be found west of your Command Post and is within range of a Watchtower manned by some archers. Additionally, there is a ballista just past the fort that you’ll need to watch out for.

Kukulta Town

Kukulta Town

This town can be found west of Fort Aras and the commander of the town is guarded by a lone enemy unit. This town is located next to a Divine Effigy!

Tarvihai Town

Tarvihai Town

This town can be found northwest of Fort Aras and is home to a Divine Effigy. It is guarded by a Watchtower filled with archers.

Liberation Rewards

  • Light Tailfeather

Fort Payvakea / Enteseppa Garrison

Fort Payvakea

These two locations can be found in the north and east has 1 enemy commander to start with.

Ervelda Guardian of the Fae Quest Rewards

For completing Ervelda Guardian of the Fae in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Greatwood Shield
  • Wind Faerie’s charm
  • Flamespear Knights

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Unicorn Overlord – Raising the Submerged Bridge

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on how to complete the Raising the Submerged Bridge Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to Start the Raising the Submerged Bridge Quest

To begin the Raising the Submerged Bridge quest in Unicorn Overlord, approach the broken bridge north of Fort Joperse.

Unicorn Overlord Raising the Submerged Bridge

How to Complete Raising the Submerged Bridge

To raise the submerged bridge, you’ll need to have obtained Eltolinde. Interact with the bridge and she will raise it, thus ending the quest!

Raising the Submerged Bridge Quest Rewards

For completing Raising the Submerged Bridge in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Dew of Illusion
  • Honors x5
  • War Funds x1000G

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For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – O’er Wood and Water Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord walkthrough on the O’er Wood and Water main quest! During this main mission, Alain and the Liberation Army will arrive at Laurhal, the capital city of Elhiem to help liberate it from Zenorian rule.

How to Start O’er Wood and Water

Being a main quest, you’ll start O’er Wood and Water automatically after completing The Winding Wood main quest which becomes available after saving Scarlett during The Priestess, Abducted main quest.

Unicorn Overlord O'er Wood and Water Main Quest Location

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll be mainly facing Elven Fencers, Great Knights and Warlocks with some additional units thrown in. You can see the complete list of enemies in the table below along with what units they are weak against.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
Arbalist / ShieldshooterClerics
BerserkerCalvary / Thieves
Doom KnightGryphons / Wyverns
Elven FencerSwordfighters
Gryphon Knight / Gryphon MasterArchers / Swordfighters
Hoplite / LegionnaireWizards / Witches / Warriors
Housecarl / VikingNo weakness
Knight / Great KnightGryphon Knights / Wyvern Knights / Thieves
Radiant Knight / Sainted KnightWyvern Knights / Gryphon Knights
Thief / RougeHunters / Swordfighters
Witch / SorceressRadiant Knights / Hunters
Wizard / WarlockRadiant Knight / Hunters

Battle Phase

When you load into the map, you’ll find your Command Post at the southern part of the battlefield while the enemy’s will be on the northern side. One thing you’ll notice is that a magick barrier surrounds the enemy’s Command Post. To bring it down, you’ll need to raise four bridges in the central and eastern parts of the area. There are also a total of 4 towns you’ll need to liberate in the northwestern, northeastern, southeastern and central parts of the battlefield. After liberating 2 of them, additional units will start spawning across the bridge west of your Command Post. You’ll want to keep a unit garrisoned there to hold them off. Once all four towns have been liberated, the barrier around the enemy’s Command Post will fall and the final bridge will rise out of the water allowing you to make one final assault.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Healing Tonic (M), Barricade Kit, and Hallowed Corne Ash.

Castle Town Center

O'er Wood and Water Castle Town Center

The Castle Town Center is located on an island in the center of the battlefield. You have two options to reach it. One is to follow the path leading northwest from your Command Post. This will raise the bridge there allowing you to access Castle Town Center. The other option would be to send a flying unit to care of it. Additionally, there is a Watchtower next to the town that will provide Magick Assist to all units within range (which is about the whole island) along with a couple of infantry units.

Castle town Northeast

Castle Town Northeast is in the northeastern corner of the battlefield as the name states. To reach it, you’ll either need to use a flying unit or liberate Castle Town Southeast to raise the bridge allowing you to access it. The enemy commander there is an Elven Fencer protected by a front row of Legionnaires and Hoplites.

Castle Town Northwest

O'er Wood and Water Castle Town Northwest

You can reach Castle Town Northwest by following the path west from your Command Post. That will take you across a bridge controlled by an armored unit covered by a Watchtower manned by a unit of Shieldshooters. After you get past them, it’s a windy straight shot to the town which is controlled by a unit of Wyvern Masters.

Castle Town Southeast

Unicorn Overlord Castle Town Southeast

To reach the southeastern Castle Town, follow the path heading east from your Command Post to reach it at the end. It will also be within range on an enemy Watchtower occupied by a Warlock that will provide Magick Assist to enemy units.

Command Post

O'er Wood and Water Command Post

The Command Post will become vulnerable once you have liberated the 4 Castle Towns. Eltolinde will be its commander accompanied by Lord Gailey and she’ll be guarded by a pair of armored units. She can also provide them with Healing Assist so keep that in mind. If you bring Renault, Hodrick and Joesf, you’ll get unique dialog for each of them with Gailey.

Liberation Rewards

  • Charm of Sun & Moon

O’er Wood and Water Quest Rewards

For completing O’er Wood and Water in Unicorn Overlord, Eltolinde will join the Liberation Army and you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Clearsight Amulet x1
  • Healing Font (S) x1
  • Elhiem x1

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Unicorn Overlord – Cemeteries of Elheim – Elheim Cemeteries

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on how to complete The Cemeteries of Elheim Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to Start The Cemeteries of Elheim Quest

To begin The Cemeteries of Elheim in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll first need to discover a cemetery at one of the below locations. For us, we found the Vilta Town cemetery first!

How to Complete The Cemeteries of Elheim

For this quest, you’ll need to accompany Sharon in her pilgrimage to all the Elheim cemeteries! They can be found at the below locations!

Vilta Town

Unicorn Overlord Cemeteries of Elheim

This cemetery can be found on the northwest side of town by the pond.

Elheim Cemeteries

Simtukka Town

Elheim Cemetery at Simtukka Town

This cemetery can be found on the northeastern side of town.

Elheim Cemetery Location

Castle Laurhal

Elheim Cemetery Location

This cemetery can be found on the southeastern side of Castle Laurhal.

Unicorn Overlord Cemetery Location

Tarviahi Town

Unicorn Overlord Elheim Cemetery

This cemetery can be found on the southeastern side of town.

Elheim Cemetery

Fort Korim

Unicorn Overlord Elheim Cemetery

This cemetery can be found west of Fort Korim.

Elheim Cemetery Unicorn Overlord

The Cemeteries of Elheim Quest Rewards

For completing The Cemeteries of Elheim in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Cleric’s Bracelet
  • Gravekeeper Boots
  • Bouquet

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For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Quentari – Liberation Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Quentari liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Quentari Quest

Approach Quentari which can be reached by following the road west out of Sarlicotti Town to trigger an event with the enemy commander. The quest will kick off once the event concludes.

The Battle for Quentari World Map Location

Battle Prep Phase

For this map, you’ll be facing mainly Legionnaires and Elven Archers with some additional enemies thrown in. You can see the full list of enemies and their weaknesses listed in the table below:

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
Cleric / BishopHunters
Elven ArcherFighters
LegionnaireWitches / Wizards / Warriors
SoliderHoplites / Fighters
Swordfighter / SwordmasterArchers
VanguardWarriors / Witches / Wizards

Battle Stage

The Battle for Quentari Battle Stage Layout

When you load into the map your Command Poast will be located in the southeastern part of the battlefield with the enemy’s Command Post a short walk up the road to the northwest. Along the road, you’ll have a Watchtower manned by Elven Archers to deal with along with a Ballista right next to it. A unit of Legionnaires also stands guard in front of the enemy commander who will provide Ranged Assist to units within range. Once you deploy units and start moving them, an additional unit filled with Swordfighters and Swordmasters will emerge from the woods near the Legionnaire.

The Battle for Quentari Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Quentari in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x12
  • Paints x1
  • War Funs of 1500G

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For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – The Elven Knight

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Elven Knight side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Elven Knight Quest

Elven Knight Unicorn Overlord

To begin The Elven Knight quest in Unicorn Overlord, approach the town of Simtukka and speak with the group of civilians to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, you’ll need to challenge the Zenoiran soldier to an Overworld Battle. Defeat him in 1 turn in order for you to be successful!

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll be facing mostly Elven Fencers, Breakers and Legionnaires so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
Elven FencerSwordfighters
Fighter / VanguardWarriors / Magick attacks
Gladiator / BerserkerCalvary / Thieves
Gryphon MasterArchers / Swordfighters
Housecarl / VikingNo weaknesses
LegionnaireWitches / Wizards / Warriors
Radiant Knight / Sainted KnightGryphon riders / Wyvern Knights
RogueSwordfighters / Hunters
SergeantHoplites / Fighters
Swordfighter / SwordmasterArchers
Warrior / BreakerThieves / Gladiators
WitchRadiant Knights / Hunters
Wizard / WarlockRadiant Knights / Hunters
Wyvern Knight / Wyvern MasterHunters / Arbalists / Witches / Wizards / Elven Fencer

Battle Stage

Unicorn Overlord Elven Knight Battle stage

When you load into the map, your Command Post will be in the southeastern corner, whereas, your enemy’s is in the northwestern corner. In addition to fighting the enemy commander, you’ll need to speak with Ithilion who is in the western part of the area, working his way towards you. Also make sure that Rosalinde is in the unit that speaks with him.

What we did was sent a mounted unit with Rosalinde to Ithilion to talk so that way we could recruit him. Then we used our other units to start liberating the fort and garrison.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Miracle Fruit, Gold Hourglass and War Funds of 10,000G.

Visimak Garrison

Visimak Garrison layout

The garrison is the first of the enemy occupied structures that you’ll come across. Between it and the fort you’ll find a Watchtower providing Magick Assist to all allied units within range.

Fort Mettza

Fort Mettza layout

The fort is near the middle of the battlefield and is in range of the Watchtower from the garrison. There is a nearby bridge that you might want to commandeer as well.

Command Post

Elven Knight Command Post layout

The Command Post is on the far eastern side of the map. To start, there are only two units guarding the commander.

Liberation Rewards

  • Warrior’s Medallion

The Elven Knight Quest Rewards

For completing The Elven Knight in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Greatwood Sword
  • Camping Set (M)
  • Town Watch

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For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!