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Unicorn Overlord – The Holy March Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Holy March main quest!

How to Start The Holy March Quest

You’ll begin The Holy March main quest after completing the Bound by Sacred Oath quest.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Featherstaff, Featherbow and Feathersword enemies so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
BerserkerCalvary / Thieves
BreakerThieves / Gladiators
Doom KnightFlying foes
Great KnightFlying foes / Thieves
LegionnaireWitches / Wizards / Warriors
Sainted KnightFlying foes
SergeantHoplites / Fighters
SniperFighters / Hoplites
VanguardWarriors / Magick attacks – Witches / Sorceress / Wizards / Sorcerers / Elven Fencers
VikingFragile – No weaknesses
WarlockRadiant Knights / Hunters

Battle Stage

Unicorn Overlord The Holy March Stage Map

When you load into the map, you’ll find yourself on the southwestern side and the enemy’s Command Post will be on the south central side. You’ll need to follow the main path all the way around the map to reach it! In order for you to breach the North Basilica Gate, you’ll need to escort the battering ram by your Command Post. Luckily, you’ll be assisted by Nigel for this task.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Liquid Fortune, Beckoning Chime and Camping Set (L).

Eightwood Garrison

The Holy March Eightwood Garrison Unicorn Overlord

This garrison is the first place you’ll come across and is protected by a watchtower on the east with ranged assist.

Burnpool Town

Burnpool Town

The next town you’ll come across is Burnpool Town and is controlled by an armored infantry unit that will continuously spawn additional enemies until you take them out.

Liberation Rewards

  • Light Feather

Fort Greyhill

Slightly southeast of the above town, you’ll find Fort Greyhill, which is protected by a catapult.

Wingsabbey Town

Wingsabbey Town

This town is situated in the northeastern corner of the area and is protected by a watchtower.

Liberation Rewards

  • Steel Trap

North Basilica District

North Basilica District

Just after the North Basilica Gate, you’ll come across this district which has barricades in route.

Liberation Rewards

  • Grilled Steak

East Basilica District

East Basilica District

This district can be found in the southeastern corner of the area.

Liberation Rewards

  • Beckoning Chime

Fort Worchester

This fort will be found next along the main path. It is protected by a watchtower and has barricades in the way.

South Basilica District

South Basilica District

Slightly southwest of the above fort, you’ll find this district.

Liberation Rewards

  • Farsight Crystal

Command Post

Unicorn Overlord Command Post

At long last you’ll come across the enemy’s Command Post in the south central part of the area.

Liberation Rewards

  • Holy Broach

The Holy March Quest Rewards

For completing The Holy March in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Papal Crosier
  • Idealist’s Handmirror
  • Albion

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Unicorn Overlord – Carved of Albion Stone – Albion Journal

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on how to complete the Carved of Albion Stone Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!

How to Start the Carved of Albion Stone Quest

Unicorn Overlord Carved of Albion Stone

To begin the Carved of Albion Stone in Unicorn Overlord, you must first find the Albion Journal aka Faded Journal 1.

Carved of Albion Stone Unicorn Overlord

How to Complete Carved of Albion Stone

For the Carved of Albion Stone quest, you’ll need to find 4 carvings in the following order: Snake, Hippocampus, Goat, Octopus.

Snake Carving

Carved of Albion Stone Snake Carving

This carving can be found northwest of Greige Town.

Unicorn Overlord Snake Carving

Hippocampus Carving

Carved of Albion Stone Hippocampus Carving

Board the boat at Citronpool Harbor to reach this Secluded Shore containing this carving.

Unicorn Overlord Hippocampus Carving

Goat Carving

Carved of Albion Stone Goat Carving

This carving can be found directly north of Fort Kingsrock at the end of the path.

Unicorn Overlord Goat Carving

Octopus Carving

Carved of Albion Stone Octopus Carving

This carving can be found along the beach south of Cherrywell Town.

Unicorn Overlord Octopus Carving

Carved of Albion Stone Quest Rewards

For completing Carved of Albion Stone in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Kingstaff Albiore
  • Honors x5
  • War Funds of 1000G

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For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – Albion Treasure Maps

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Albion Treasure Maps quest! To begin the Albion Treasure Map quests, you’ll need to first dig up the Albion Treasure Map 1 from Albion Quarry, which is north of Fort Kingsrock.

Unicorn Overlord Albion Treasure Maps for Treasure Quests

Afterwards, keep digging until you’ve obtained all 5 of the Albion Treasure Maps!! With the maps in hand, you’ll then set out into the world to find all the treasure at the below locations!

Albion Treasure Map 1

Treasure Location

Unicorn Overlord Treasure Quest - Albion Treasure Map 1

At Largion Citadel, pass through the ruins on the north side to reach a secluded area where you’ll find this treasure.

Unicorn Overlord Albion Treasure


  • War Funds x8000G
  • Miracle Fruit
  • Gold Goblet

Albion Treasure Map 2

Treasure Location

Albion Treasure Map 2

This treasure can be found southwest of the Black Market Dealer in the woods.

Albion Treasure Quest


  • War Funds x8000G
  • Dew of Illusion
  • Sage Owl’s Shawl

Albion Treasure Map 3

Treasure Location

Albion Treasure Map 3

From Oakford Town, head east through the gate then head north to the cliffs to find this treasure.

Unicorn Overlord Albion Treasure


  • War Funds x8000G
  • Miracle Fruit
  • Heaven’s Mirror Greatshield

Albion Treasure Map 4

Treasure Location

Unicorn Overlord Treasure Quest Albion Treasure Map 4

This treasure can be found directly south of Shroudford Town near a giant statue.

Treasure Unicorn Overlord


  • War Funds x8000G
  • Dew of Illusion
  • Magia Heart

Albion Treasure Map 5

Treasure Location

Albion Treasure Map 5

You’ll find this treasure just north of Burbury Town along the water.

Albion Treasure Map 5 Location


  • War Funds x8000G
  • Miracle Fruit
  • Dream Crown

Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – Bound by Sacred Oath Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord walkthrough on the Bound by Sacred Oath main quest!

How to Start the Bound by Sacred Oath Quest

To begin the Bound by Sacred Oath quest in Unicorn Overlord, you must first complete The Holy Kingdom of Albion quest. Once in the new land, head south until a cutscene triggers. Afterwards, you’ll need to continue exploring Albion. Follow the road north of the Walled City of Peyston to reach a bridge where another cutscene will trigger.

Unicorn Overlord Bound by Sacred Oath

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Featherstaff, Feathershield and Warlock enemies.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
BerserkerCalvary / Thieves
BreakerThieves / Gladiators
Doom KnightFlying foes
Great KnightFlying foes / Thieves
LegionnaireWitches / Wizards / Warriors
RogueHunters / Swordfighters
Sainted KnightFlying foes
SergeantHoplites / Fighters
SniperFighters / Hoplites
SorceressRadiant Knights / Hunters
VanguardWarriors / Magick attacks – Witches / Sorceress / Wizards / Sorcerers / Elven Fencers
VikingFragile – No weaknesses
WarlockRadiant Knights / Hunters

Battle Stage

Bound by Sacred Oath Unicorn Overlord Battle Stage Map

When you load into the map, you’ll start on the eastern side of the area and the enemy’s Command Post will be across the bridge to the west.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Farsight Crystal, Beckoning Bell and Miracle Fruit.

Fort Autumnhill

Fort Autumnhill

This fort can be found just southeast of your Command Post.

Solwell Town

Solwell Town

You’ll find this town directly north of your Command Post.

Liberation Rewards

  • Conveyance Crystal

Burbury Town

Burbury Town

This town will be found directly west of your Command Post at the base of the bridge. It’ll be guarded by numerous barricades. The enemy commander provides magick assist.

Liberation Rewards

  • Steel Trap

Valleyshallow Bridge

Valleyshallow Bridge

This bridge can be found in the center of the area. The middle unit provides magick support and the western unit provides ranged assist. There is also a catapult within range.

Warnby Town

Warnby Town

This town can be found just west of the bridge and is within range of 2 watchtowers and 2 catapults.

Liberation Rewards

  • Healing Font (L)

Willow Garrison

Willow Garrison

This garrison is located on the southwestern side of the area and is within range of the catapult. A nearby Featherbow provides ranged assist at the beginning of the map.

Command Post

Bound by Sacred Oath Command Post

This Command Post can be found in the northwestern corner of the area and is guarded by a catapult, 2 watchtowers providing ranged assist. There will also be a nearby Featherstaff unit providing healing support. For beating Nigel, you’ll receive the Amethyst Pendant.

Bound by Sacred Oath Quest Rewards

For completing Bound by Sacred Oath in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Spellsteel Spear
  • Camping Set (L)
  • Reverend Knights

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Unicorn Overlord – Where to Find Albion Divine Shards

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on where to find the Albion Divine Shards!

Albion Divine Shards

Hampton Harbor

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard

Southeast of town just past the bridge near the encampment

Unicorn Overlord Divine Shard

Hampton Harbor (Secluded Shore)

Albion Divine Shard Unicorn Overlord

Set sail to the Secluded Shore from Hampton Harbor to find this shard on the north side of the area.

Divine Shard Unicorn Overlord

Bordeaux Town

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Southwest of town along the stone building

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard

Greige Town

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

East of town in a hidden path reachable along the back of the town

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard

Greige Town #2

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Southwest of town in woods

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard

Black Market Dealer

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

North of the old man

Divine Shard

Black Market Dealer #2

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

South of the old man

Divine Shard

Fort Viridian Hill

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

From the fort head west and cross the bridge then go south.

Divine Shard

Heavensriver Town

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Southwest of town along the gate

Divine Shard Unicorn Overlord

Citronpool Harbor (Secluded Shore)

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Set sail from the harbor to reach the Secluded Shore where you’ll find this shard.

Divine Shard

Citronpool Harbor

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

West of the harbor in the grass north of a bridge

Divine Shard

Cherrywell Town

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Northeast of town

Divine Shard

Shroudford Town

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Northeast side of town

Divine Shard

Walled City of Peyston

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

South of city along gate

Divine Shard

Roastford Town

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Southwest of town along beach

Divine Shard

Fort Foxwell

Unicorn Overlord Albion Divine Shard Location

Northwest of town along cliff wall

Divine Shard

Fort Kingsrock

Fort Kingsrock Divine Shard

Southeast of the fort

Unicorn Overlord Divine Shard

Fort Kingsrock #2

Divine Shards

Directly east of the fort on the north side of a cliff

Fort Greyhill

Fort Greyhill Divine Shard

On north side of fort

Divine Shard Location

Fort Greyhill #2

Albion Divine Shard Location Unicorn Overlord

Southwest of the fort

Albion Divine Shard Location Unicorn Overlord

Palevia Harbor

Albion Divine Shard Location Unicorn Overlord

Northwest of harbor along the beach

Albion Divine Shard Location Unicorn Overlord

Palevia Town

Albion Divine Shard Location Unicorn Overlord Palevia Town

South of town along the beach

Albion Divine Shard Location Unicorn Overlord

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For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn OVerlord – The Battle for Foxwell Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Foxwell quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Foxwell Quest

Unicorn Overlord Battle for Foxwell

To begin The Battle for Foxwell quest in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll need to approach Fort Foxwell.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Featherstaff and Sniper enemies so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
BreakerThieves / Gladiators
LegionnaireWitches / Wizards / Warriors
SergeantHoplites / Fighters
SniperFighters / Hoplites
VikingFragile – No weaknesses

Battle Stage

Battle for Foxwell Unicorn Overlord

When you load into the map, you’ll be on the southern side of the area with the enemy’s Command Post to the north. The first thing you’ll notice are barricades along the road. There are also 2 watchtowers within range with one offering healing assist and the other ranged. The enemy Commander also provides healing assist. Be careful of the magick mines scattered throughout the grass! It’s best to not even go in the grass unless you are using a flying unit!!

The Battle for Foxwell Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Foxwell in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x20
  • Snack Tray
  • War Funds x2500G

Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle of Roastford Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle of Roastford liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle of Roastford Quest

Unicorn Overlord Battle of Roastford

To begin The Battle of Roastford quest in Unicorn Overlord, approach Roastford Town.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Featherbow and Sergeant enemies so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
Sainted KnightFlying foes
SergeantHoplites / Fighters
SniperFighters / Hoplites

Battle Stage

Battle of Roastford Unicorn Overlord

When you load into the map, you’ll find yourself on the east side of town with the enemy’s Command Post in the center. There will be two watchtowers nearby providing ranged assist to the Command Post.

Battle of Roastford Command Post

The Battle of Roastford Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle of Roastford in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x20
  • Chemise Dress
  • War Funds x2500G

Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn OVerlord – The Battle for Peyston

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Peyston liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Peyston Quest

Unicorn Overlord Battle for Peyston

To begin The Battle for Peyston quest in Unicorn Overlord, approach The Walled City of Peyston.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Feathershield and Featherbow enemies so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
Doom KnightFlying foes
SergeantHoplites / Fighters

Battle Stage

When you load into the map, you’ll find yourself in the middle of the area with the enemy’s Command Post to the north. You’ll have enemies on all sides of you!

Battle for Peyston Unicorn Overlord

The Battle for Peyston Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Peyston in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x20
  • Ruby
  • Heavenswing Knights

Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Citronpool Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Citronpool liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Citronpool Quest

To begin The Battle for Citronpool quest in Unicorn Overlord, approach Citronpool Harbor.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Bishop and Great Knight enemies so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
Great KnightFlying foes / Thieves
SergeantHoplites / Fighters
SorceressRadiant Knights / Hunters

Battle Stage

When you load into the map, you’ll find yourself right next to the enemy’s Command Post. There is a watchtower providing ranged assist to all enemies in the area along with some magick mines scattered on the ground.

The Battle for Citronpool Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Citronpool in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x20
  • Carving Knife
  • War Funds of 2500G

Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Unicorn Overlord – The Battle for Shroudford Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Shroudford liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Shroudford Quest

Unicorn Overlord Battle for Shroudford

To begin The Battle for Shroudford quest in Unicorn Overlord, approach Shroudford Town.

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Feathersword and Featherbow enemies so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
RogueHunters / Swordfighters
SergeantHoplites / Fighters
VikingFragile – No weaknesses

Battle Stage

When you load into the map, you’ll find yourself on the west side of town with the enemy’s Command Post on the east side. As you approach the Command Post, thieves will spawn from the bushes!

The Battle for Shroudford Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Shroudford in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x20
  • Table Game
  • War Funds x2500G

Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!