Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XV Part II: When Our Paths Part Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XV – Part II: When Our Paths Part in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Hierophant’s Palace (Side Story)

Head to Hierophant’s Palace to view a cutscene with the Saintly Seven.


Twinsgate (Side Story)

Travel to Twinsgate to see what Svarog is up to.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Make your way to Castle Wolffort to check in on Symon.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Exploration)

Travel to the castle to attend a banquet. After a cutscene, you’ll be free to mingle with the guests.


Conviction Choice (Benedict)

  • I would give the people and soldiers a moment to rest. They have earned it, and I doubt another battle awaits us so soon.
  • I would prioritize the protection of the demesne. Our fight is not yet over.
  • I would restore trade and commerce. They were likely thrown into disarray under the duchy’s rule.


Conviction Choice (Patriatte)

  • I heard that you thrived even under the duchy’s rule. I am curious as to where your alliance lies.
  • How are things going in the crown city? Please let me know if you face any shortage of supplies.
  • There is, but we can save it for another time. For now, please enjoy the banquet.



  • Panacea Pellet – on the right side of the stairs past Milo
  • 2900 Money – on the left side of the stairs that Geela is on
  • Cure-All Pellet x2 – on the post near the stairs that Geela is on
  • 1500 Money – at the end of the balcony past Geela
  • Large Ranged Icestone x2 – on a shield on the right side of the stairs



  • Benedict
  • Wolffort Soldier x2
  • Glenbrook Merchant
  • Erador
  • Milo
  • Glenbrook Noble
  • Anna
  • Hyzantian Merchant
  • Glenbrook Subject x2
  • Glenbrook Soldier x2
  • Geela
  • Patriatte


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Patriatte’s Gambit)

Select Castle Wolffort to kick off a fight with the uninvited guests. Afterwards, the part will complete.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XV – Part III: Fate  in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XV Part I: A Banner’s Worth Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XV – Part I: A Banner’s Worth in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Crown City (Main Story)

Stop by the Crown City to view Frederica’s walk of the city streets.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

Make your way to Whiteholm Castle, where Roland is making plans to rebuild the city.


Hierophant’s Palace (Side Story)

Swing by the Hierophant’s Palace to see what Hyzante is up to.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story – Exploration)

Head to the castle to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, you’ll be free to explore the city.


Conviction Choice (Glenbrook Soldier)

  • You needn’t worry so much. The Consortium and merchants are already on the move. Let us give them some time. (utility)
  • If we rush into negotiations, we may be taken advantage of. It is in our best interest to wait for the opportune moment. (liberty)
  • We must have King Roland’s permission before we act. In the meantime, we can share a portion of Wolffort’s stores with the crown city. (morality)


Conviction Choice (Glenbrook Noble)

  • Let us serve King Roland together. Please see to domestic affairs and reassure the people that everything will be okay. (morality)
  • Is it true that the Royalists tried to win the archduke’s favor in order to protect themselves? (liberty)
  • If you want our trust, tell us everything you learned about Aesfrost under their rule. (utility)



  • Milo’s Destination – Speak with Milo
  • Family Banditry – Speak with Wolffort Soldier



  • 1500 Money – on the emblem past the Scales of Conviction on the back wall of the castle
  • Extra Large HP Recovery Pellet x2 – at the top of the stairs behind the Scales of Conviction in the castle
  • Quality Fiber x2 – on a cabinet near Frederica and Geela in the castle
  • Large HP Recovery Pellet x2 – in a small fountain past Milo
  • Superior Stone – on the corner of the stone wall next to a giant tree



  • Milo
  • Glenbrook Soldier x3
  • Wolffort Soldier
  • Glenbrook Noble x2


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story – Voting)

For the voting, you’ll need to pick between return to Wolffort, remaining in the crown city or assisting the Rosellan village. For this choice, Benedict, Roland nor Frederica can be persuaded a different way. Please note that in order to get the Serenoa (best) ending, you’ll need to go back to Wolffort.


Remain in the crown city and expose the corrupt Royalists.


  • I wish to return home and tell Father of our victory.
    • My father has just recently regained consciousness. I would let him know of our accomplishments myself.
    • Now that he is king, Roland must resolve matters in the capital himself. Only he can untie his people and restore Glenbrook to its former glory.
  • We should look into the bandits spotted near the Rosellan village.
    • The Rosellan village is part of our demesne. As lord of Wolffort, it is my duty to see it protected.
    • …I have faith in Frederica, but there is no telling how many bandits await her. It is too dangerous for her to go alone.
    • Now is the time for Roland to show his people what their new king is capable of. We must put our faith in him and focus our attention elsewhere.


Travel to the Rosellan village and investigate the bandits.


  • I wish to return home and tell Father of our victory.
    • I wish to see how my father fares with my own eyes.
    • If we go to Wolffort, Milo is likely to come with us. We can take the chance to learn more about her.
      • Milo’s Destination info
  • I believe our time best spent investigating the Royalists in the crown city.
    • House Wolffort is the last remaining high house. It is our duty to support the king, especially in this time of need.
    • We may have reclaimed the capital, but there is still unrest within the city. I worry of what should happen if we leave Roland on his own.




  • I wish to return home and tell Father of our victory.
    • My father has finally opened his eyes again. I would see his condition for myself.
    • Now is the time for Roland to show his people what he is capable of. We would be naught but a hindrance.
    • If we go to Wolffort, Milo is likely to follow. It would be best for us to keep an eye on her.
      • Milo’s Destination info
  • I believe our time best spent investigating the Royalists in the crown city.
    • There are many who are unhappy with Roland’s return, and I doubt the Royalists’ activities are doing him any favors.
    • The crown city has yet to heal from the previous battle. As the ones who fought in it, it is our responsibility to help restore it to its former glory.
  • We should look into the bandits spotted near the Rosellan village.
    • I am curious as to what the bandits seek in the Rosellan village. They would not go there without purpose.
    • The Rosellan village, far through it may be, still falls within Wolffort. And I cannot turn a blind eye to anyone who seeks to disrupt our demesne.



  • I wish to return home and tell Father of our victory.
    • If both Roland and I investigate, we are bound to draw people’s attentions-the Royalists included.
    • My father has just regained consciousness. Don’t you want to see him, too. Erador?
  • I believe our time best spent investigating the Royalists in the crown city.
    • I do not want to give either Aesfrost or Hyzante the opportunity to kick us while we’ere down. We must get the kingdom back into fighting condition as soon as possible.
    • This problem must be resolved if the kingdom is to make a full recovery, and it may be too big an issue for Roland to handle alone.
  • We should look into the bandits spotted near the Rosellan village.
    • My father promised that no harm would befall the Rosellan village, so I must do what I can to see that fulfilled…
    • I am curious as to what bandits would hope to find in the Rosellan village. They must have some goal to travel so far.
      • Family Banditry info


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XV – Part II: When Our Paths Part in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XIV Part II: Glory Shall Find You Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XIV – Part II: Glory Shall Find You in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

When the chapter starts, get cozy and break out the popcorn because a lengthy cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, the chapter will complete.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XV Part I: A Banner’s Worth in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XIV Part I: Vengeance Burns Within Me Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XIV – Part I: Vengeance Burns Within Me in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story – Clash Within Whiteholm Castle)

Travel to Whiteholm Castle to begin the fight against Avlora. You must defeat her to win the battle while making sure Roland doesn’t die. After the battle, a cutscene will trigger and Part I will conclude!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XIV Part II: Glory Shall Find You in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XIII Part II: Time to Say Goodbye Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XIII – Part II: Time to Say Goodbye in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be. Please note that this route is only for if you chose to sneak into the castle in Chapter XIII – Part I.


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

Select Whiteholm Castle to view Anna’s investigation of the warship.


Wolffort Streets (Main Story)

Head to the Wolffort Streets to view the group going over Roland’s plan.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story – Exploration)

Select Whiteholm Castle to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, you’ll then be able to explore the docks.


Conviction Choice (Glenbrook Art Dealer)

  • In my view, a merchant should be fair in all dealings, no matter the client. (morality)
  • So you’ve sold her fakes? Bold of you to try defrauding the duchy. (liberty)
  • Would it not be better to sell the archduke’s sister your finest, and make a good impression? (utility)


Conviction Choice (Aesfrosti Soldier)

  • That which you take from Glenbrook is sure to enrich Aesfrost, no? (utility)
  • I suppose that simply makes Lady Erika a fierce defender of the arts. (liberty)
  • Should the worst come to pass, surely it is the people who would need protecting? (morality)



  • Marvels of Norzelia, Vol. 9 – On the cargo on the dock between the 2 soldiers



  • 2300 Cole – at the end of the dock near where you first gained control
  • Quality Fiber – on the deck of the ship in the middle on the stack of cargo
  • Cure-All Pellet – on the side of the ship to the right of the Aesfrosti Soldier near the wheel



  • Glenbrook Art Dealer
  • Glenbrook Jeweler
  • Glenbrook Subject x2
  • Aesfrosti Soldier x4


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

Select Whiteholm Castle to begin the fight for the ship. During this fight, you’ll have to fight both of Frederica’s half siblings. After defeating all the enemies, a cutscene triggers leading to the end of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XIV – Part I: Vengeance Burns Within Me in Triangle Strategy!



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Needed: Assistant Alchemist 4

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Needed: Assistant Alchemist 4 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Snowflake Crystal with quality over 150

For guidance on how to unlock the Snowflake Crystal recipe, click here! When synthesizing the Snowflake Crystal, make sure to get it’s quality over 150. Alternately you can purchase a Snowflake Crystal with quality over 150 from Pirka’s Emporium. Once you’ve obtain the item, deliver it to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Silver Crystal (quality 150) x3



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Cold Steel, Burning Heart 1

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Cold Steel, Burning Heart 1 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Flame Emperor Dust

For guidance on how to unlock the recipe for Flame Emperor Dust, click here! When you’re ready, synthesize a Flame Emperor Dust then deliver it to Kati to complete the quest!



  • Gold Eisen (quality 75) x2
  • 2250 Cole



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XIII Part I: Our Time Has Come Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XIII – Part I: Our Time Has Come in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Central Aesfrost (Side Story)

Travel to Central Aesfrost to see what the Archduke is up to.


Telliore Streets (Main Story)

Travel to Telliore Streets for a cutscene.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

Make your way to Whiteholm Castle for another cutscene.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Exploration)

Speak with the Concierge to travel to the city streets.


Conviction Choice (Wolffort Townsperson)

  • I regret to tell you that his condition remains unchanged. I only wish there were some magic elixir to see him back to health…
  • My father’s name carries great weight, even now. There’s no way we would lose him, not when we need him most.
  • I appreciate your concern, but you needn’t worry. My father is the strongest man I’ve ever known. Doubtless he’ll be back on his feet in no time.


Conviction Choice (Wolffort Soldier)

  • Our demesne can only support so many people. Why not convince them to look to Hyzante for refuge? (liberty)
  • These people have nowhere else to go. We will accept them with open arms. (morality)
  • We must prioritize the happiness of our people. To do so, we must regrettable ask the more problematic individuals to leave. (utility)



  • Aelfric Blast Crystals – Speak with the Hyzantian Soldier near the council chamber
  • The Occupied Crown City – Speak with the Wolffort Soldier near the council chamber
  • Roland’s Wanted Poster – Examine the wall of the house next to the stairs near the merchant stalls
  • People of the Crown City – Speak with the Glenbrook Subject



  • Quality Iron x2 – on the ground next to the torch by the entrance to the council chamber
  • Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x2 – at the top of the stairs near the house closest to the council chamber
  • 1000 Money – in a house near the Wolffort Townsperson conviction
  • Superior Iron x2 – in the same house as the above item next to a barrel
  • Black Anklet – on the stall next to the Wolffort Townsperson near the Wolffort Soldier with a conviction choice
  • Wind Amulet – on the side of the stairs near the Wolffort Soldier with a conviction choice



  • Hyantian Soldier
  • Wolffort Soldier x3
  • Wolffort Townsperson – in the house closest to the council chamber
  • Milo
  • Wolffort Townsperson x2
  • Child
  • Itinerant Merchant
  • Cat – in house next to Itinerant Merchant
  • Saltmonger
  • Wolffort Merchant
  • Glenbrook Subject


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Voting)

Destroy the bridge and trap the enemy in the castle, then negotiate


  • We should destroy the dam to cleanse the crown city of the Aesfrosti
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We cannot afford to lose this battle, and to do so, we must be willing to make sacrifices.
      • There are few soldiers guarding the reservoir. We can catch the enemy unawares and greatly cull their numbers this way.
        • Aelfric Blast Crystals info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Sneaking in would put Roland in great danger. If he were to fall, our fight would lose its meaning.
      • Roland’s plan relies solely on us to claim victory and makes little to no use of Hyzante’s forces.
  • Using the secret passages to infiltrate the castle is the soundest course of action.
    • His plan is simple and relies solely on House Wolffort to reclaim the city.
    • We have successfully infiltrated the castle using the tunnels before. I have no doubt we can do it again.
    • General Avlora guards the castle. There is a chance your plan could result in a prolonged battle.
      • The Occupied Crown City info



  • We should destroy the dam to cleanse the crown city of the Aesfrosti
    • The damages will be great, but it is the most certain way to cull the Aesfrosti forces. We can then claim victory without the need for a drawn-out battle.
    • If we show the duchy that we will do whatever it takes to win-even flooding our own city-we will instill fear in their hearts and dampen their morale.
    • We ought to make the greatest use of the blast crystal now that we have one, and this plan allows us to do just that.
  • Using the secret passages to infiltrate the castle is the soundest course of action.
    • If we sneak into the castle, we may be able to catch the enemy unawares and rescue Queen Cordelia.
    • His plan would allow us to reclaim the crown city unharmed. We could show the people that we mean well.
    • Aesfrost needs their ships for both travel and transport. Destroying them now would undoubtedly avail us in future battles.
      • Aelfric Blast Crystals info


Destroy the dam and wash away the troops in the crown city


  • I believe it best to trap Aesfrost’s troops in the castle and force them to negotiate.
    • The Norzelia River was originally prone to heavy flooding. We cannot be sure how far the damage will spread.
    • Telliore Reservoir is where the kingdom gets its water. And between the dam and the bridge, the latter is far easier to rebuild.
  • Using the secret passages to infiltrate the castle is the soundest course of action.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Even if Aesfrost knows of the tunnels, they won’t be expecting anyone to use them.
      • The tunnels are a royal family secret. I highly doubt Queen Cordelia would have divulged them to anyone.
      • Aesfrost needs their ships for both travel and transport. It would do us well to destroy them at the soonest opportunity.
        • Aelfric Blast Crystals info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Taking the enemy by surprise may grant us a swift victory and reduce the burden on the people.
      • The more time our plan takes, the more likely Queen Cordelia is to be taken hostage. If we sneak into the castle, however, we may be able to help her escape.
      • Allowing harm to befall the crown city and castle would sully House Wolffort’s honor as one of the high houses. We should avoid flooding the city if we can avoid it.
        • Glenbrook’s Three High Houses info



  • I believe it best to trap Aesfrost’s troops in the castle and force them to negotiate.
    • It will take time and effort, but would mitigate damages to the people.
    • The capital can be repaired, but the dead cannot be brought back to life. The lives of the people should outweigh the importance of efficiency.
    • We must have the people’s support. If we were to lose it, even reclaiming the capital could not keep the kingdom together
      • People of the Crown City info
  • Using the secret passages to infiltrate the castle is the soundest course of action.
    • Only the royal family knows of the tunnels. There is no way Queen Cordelia has revealed their location.
    • The flood would destroy the crown city whereas stealing into the castle would spare the people harm. And I can think of no one better at covert operations than you, Anna.
    • The enemy is scattered throughout the city and castle. Inside Whiteholm, a small and elite force would have the advantage over numbers.
      • The Occupied Crown City info


Infiltrate the castle, launch a surprise attack, and destroy the duchy’s warship


  • I believe it best to trap Aesfrost’s troops in the castle and force them to negotiate.
    • Frederica wishes no harm to come to anyone, and that includes your sister.
    • We cannot be sure of Aelfric’s power. If we set it off near the castle, we may be putting Her Majesty in danger…
      • Aelfric Blast Crystals info
  • We should destroy the dam to cleanse the crown city of the Aesfrosti
    • There is a chance Her Majesty has divulged the location of the secret passageways.
    • There will be damages, but all that can be fixed once we reclaim the kingdom, and this plan will give us our best chance of doing that. Hyzante will provide aid to the citizens.
    • We cannot be sure of Aelfric’s power. There is no telling how far the damages would reach if we set it off near the castle.
      • Aelfric Blast Crystals info



  • I believe it best to trap Aesfrost’s troops in the castle and force them to negotiate.
    • If Roland wishes for the people’s support, he must act in a way befitting royalty. Unfortunately, flooding the city and surprise attacks hardly make the but.
    • No matter how much time the negotiations take, it is still better than bringing harm to the people. And the bridge can easily rebuilt.
    • It is House Wolffort’s job to protect Glenbrook. I would choose Frederica’s way to safeguard both Roland and his people.
      • Glenbrook’s Three High Houses info
  • We should destroy the dam to cleanse the crown city of the Aesfrosti
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Right now, the Aesfrosti forces are gathering in the capital. His plan would help rid the city of them in one fell swoop.
      • There are few soldiers guarding the reservoir, making his plan more likely to succeed than the others.
      • His plan puts Roland in a safer position than the others. He is the reason we fight, and we must protect him at all costs.
        • The Occupied Crown City info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • There is a chance the duchy has heard about the tunnels from Queen Cordelia…
      • The longer the battle draws out, the greater the damages will be. This strategy puts a swift end to the Aesfrosti and almost certain victory in our hands.




  • I believe it best to trap Aesfrost’s troops in the castle and force them to negotiate.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We will need the people’s support when rebuilding the capital. To do so, we must win it back fair and square, and with as little damage as possible.
      • I think it the most efficient plan of the three, driving Aesfrost into a corner with only a single bridge to mourn – and one that can be repaired fairly easily.
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • We cannot foresee the damage that a deluge would do to the city, and stealing into the castle would put Roland in great danger.
      • I know that House Wolffort can claim victory without having to sacrifice the capital or the people’s safety.
      • Winning isn’t everything. We must face the consequences of our actions and take responsibility for rebuilding. To that end, I would see as little damages as possible.
  • We should destroy the dam to cleanse the crown city of the Aesfrosti
    • There are few soldiers guarding the reservoir, making his strategy more likely to succeed than the others. We must choose a plan that gives us the highest chance of victory.
    • The deluge will deal the duchy a heavy blow by flushing their soldiers out of the capital.
  • Using the secret passages to infiltrate the castle is the soundest course of action.
    • Infiltrating the castle is proof of Roland’s resolve as a member of the royal family. And as his vassal, I wish to stand beside him.
    • The duchy’s warships are a troublesome force to be reckoned with. It would avail us to destroy them at the soonest opportunity.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XIII – Part II: Time to Say Goodbye in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XII In the Still of the Night Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XII – In the Still of the Night in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Rosellan Village (Main Story – Exploration)

Select the Rosellan Village to trigger a cutscene. You’ll then be free to explore the village. After finding all the below, end exploration. Please note that finding The Pink Rock info is required for the Serenoa (best) ending. After ending exploration, show the Elder the pink rock.


Conviction Choice 1 (Rosellan)

  • I feel your pain, but I only need know if Lady Orlaea left anything behind. It may help us achieve peace. (utility)
  • No so. We are all confronting the results of the Rosellan uprising from thirty years ago. (liberty)
  • You will never know how sorry I am that we could not protect you. I beg you, gather your things and go. (morality)


Conviction Choice 2 (Child)

  • Why yes, I am on a treasure hunt. And you? Are you playing hide-and-seek?
  • I’m looking for something that could help everyone in the village. I’m sorry we’re causing such a commotion.
  • Aye. I hear there’s something incredible hidden in this village. Do you know anything about it?



  • The Pink Mirror
    • Speak with the Rosellans until you find the one that mentions the mirror. Afterwards, travel to the back of the tallest house in the village past Hughette to find the mirror. Interact with it to trigger a quick cutscene.
  • The Pink Pelt
    • Speak with the Rosellans around the village until one mentions the pink pelt that Jerrom’s parents had. Afterwards, speak with Jerrom in front his house then head inside Jerrom’s house and inspect the pink pelt.
  • The Pink Rock
    • Speak with Benedict who will want to search the Elder’s home. Next, speak with Frederica. She will lure the Elder out, allowing you to freely search his house. After she does, enter the house and examine the middle of the rug he was sitting on to find the pink rock.



  • Superior Iron x2 – on the roof next to Roland
  • Silver – on the roof next to the Rosellan with a conviction choice
  • Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x2 – on a rooftop near the well next to Frederica
  • Azure Crystal – in Elder’s house by the blue cloth on the table in the back (required to upgrade Serenoa’s weapon to rank 3)
  • Iron x3 – Jerrom’s house on the table



  • Hughette
  • Frederica
  • Roland
  • Rosellan x6
  • Child x2
  • Erador
  • Anna
  • Jerrom
  • Benedict
  • Cat – near Benedict
  • Geela
  • Elder – in his house


Hierophant’s Palace (Main Story)

Travel to the Hierophant’s Palace to trigger a cutscene.


Central Hyzante (Side Story)

Pop into Central Hyzante to tie in with the Saintly Seven following the audience with Wolffort.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

Make your way to Whiteholm Castle for a cutscene. Afterwards, the chapter will complete!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XIII – Part I: Our Time Has Come in Triangle Strategy.