
Monark – Interlude I Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on the Interlude following the Act of Pride: Blind Fool’s Savior in Monark.


TSC Room / Grinding

Speak with Chiyo then with Nozomi who will leave the party. Now would be a good time to get some grinding in to boost the levels of your party. If you in the TSC room near Vanitas, you can call the following number on your cell to grind up some levels at Fertile Ground I: *#*-*#*-000. Exit the room when you are finished.


Main Bldg – 1F

As soon as you enter the hallway a dialog event triggers. When it concludes head to the Infirmary for another one then speak with Kakeru to heal. Your next stop will be to speak with Tensei to take another one of his psychology tests.  Head up to the second floor.


Main Bldg – 2F

Make your way to Classroom 3-A and speak with the group of guys there to get Ketia’s profile entry. Return to the 1st floor and exit the Main Bldg. to read the Street Entrance.


Street Entrance

After exiting the academy, head down the flight of steps to find the Cromwell: Imagigears book leaning against a light post. Afterwards, head west down the street to find Cromwell: Misc. Notes III on the ground near a gate. Return to the academy entrance then follow the path south to find Cromwell: Pride on the ground next to some bushes.


West Street

Make your way to West Street (reachable from the eastern part of Street Entrance) then for the path around back to the left past the Archives to trigger a cutscene. Don’t approach the building, but instead head to the left of the building to find the Cromwell: Ideals book on the ground next to a tree. Approach the building and head inside to trigger another where you’ll meet Ryotaro Date, the Gluttony Packbearer. When it ends, choose not to help him right now.


East Street

Travel to East Street and enter the Library for a cutscene where you’ll meet Kokoro Surugadai, the Pactbearer of Sloth. When asked if you want to help her, said no then exit the building. Follow the path deeper into East Street to find the Cromwell: Madness book on a bench.


Central Street

You can find Central Street by following along East Street. As soon as you reach it, a cutscene will trigger where you’ll meet Shinya Yuda. Don’t agree to help him yet and instead opt to look around. You can find and speak with Yuhso Okawa and Nozomu Hayashida to receive their profiles entries. There is a Cromwell: Vessels book at the top of a flight of stairs near a doorway. Another book, Cromwell: Pactbearers, can be found on the north end of Central Street by a metal gate.


Choice Time

You can now choose who you would like to assist first between Ryotaro, Kokoro and Shinya. For the guide, we will be helping Ryotaro Date. Choosing a person to help ends the interlude and starts the next part of Act I.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Act of Envy: Cause and Infect in Monark!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Final Chapter – For Norzelia Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of the Final Chapter – For Norzelia in Triangle Strategy. This route is unlocked by choosing “There must be another way!” in Chapter XVII – Part I after meeting all the conditions for Serenoa’s ending.


Hierophant’s Palace (Main Story – The Final Battle)

When you’re ready to begin the final fight of the game, select Hierophant’s Palace. After the lengthy cutscene, the battle will begin. Once you win, another lenghty cutscene will trigger and the chapter will complete. The epilogue follows with of course another cutscene! Afterwards, you’ll have beat the game!!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XX – No Turning Back Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XX – No Turning Back in Triangle Strategy. This route is unlocked by choosing “There must be another way!” in Chapter XVII – Part I after meeting all the conditions for Serenoa’s ending.


Central Hyzante (Main Story – Fighting Lyla Viscraft)

Make your way to Central Hyzante to begin the next battle. After you win, a cutscene triggers and the chapter completes!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Final Chapter – For Norzelia in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XIX – The Fortress That is Faith Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XIX – The Fortress That is Faith in Triangle Strategy. This route is unlocked by choosing “There must be another way!” in Chapter XVII – Part I after meeting all the conditions for Serenoa’s ending.


Hyzantian Sands (Main Story – Exploration)

Head to the Hyzantian Sands where you trigger a cutscene during which you’ll regroup with everyone. When it ends, you’ll be free to explore the area. After exploring the area, end exploration to trigger a long cutscene. Afterwards, the chapter will complete.



  • Unfinished Letter – in the grass behind Frederica



  • 3000 Money – in a spot of dirt near Geela
  • 2700 Money – in the corner past a soldier and Erador
  • Large Ranged HP Recover Pellet x3 – in the grass to the left of Hughette
  • 3300 Money – on the mound near Jerrom
  • Panacea Pellet x2 – in the corner in front of the cart next to Jerrom
  • Cure-All Pellet x2 – in the corner near Svarog



  • Geela
  • Frederica
  • Wolffort Soldier x3
  • Erador
  • Clarus
  • Benedict
  • Anna
  • Jerrom
  • Roland
  • Hughette
  • Svarog
  • Aesfrosti Soldier x2


Hyzantian Sands (Main Story – Piercing the Goddess’s Shield)

Make way for Hyzantian Sands to begin the battle in the field.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XX – No Turning Back in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XVIII Part III: For Freedom Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XVIII – Part III: For Freedom in Triangle Strategy. This route is unlocked by choosing “There must be another way!” in Chapter XVII – Part I after meeting all the conditions for Serenoa’s ending.


Hyzantian Castle Walls: West (Main Story – Exploration)

Make way for the Hyzantian Castle Walls: West to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, you’ll be able to explore the area! When you’re done, end exploration.



  • Casualties Among the Roselle – in the corner of the fence near the giant statue



  • 2700 Money – near Party Member (different based on who you picked for Frederica’s squad)
  • Extra Large HP Recovery Pellet x3 – in salt along the fence
  • 3000 Money – near a barrel on the wooden walkway
  • 3300 Money – on ground in front of statue
  • Panacea Pellet – on raised ground of statue



  • Party Member (different based on who you picked for Frederica’s squad)
  • Rosellan x5
  • Child


The Source (Main Story – Frederica’s Battle)

Select The Source to begin the battle! Once you win, a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of Part III.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XIX – The Fortress That is Faith in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XVIII Part II: Bound by Sorrow Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XVIII – Part II: Bound by Snow in Triangle Strategy. This route is unlocked by choosing “There must be another way!” in Chapter XVII – Part I after meeting all the conditions for Serenoa’s ending.


Abandoned Village (Main Story – Exploration)

On Roland’s way to Aesfrost, he stops by the Abandoned Village for a moment’s rest. After the cutscene, you’ll be able to explore the area! When you’re done, end exploration.



  • Report to the King – between 2 Wolffort Soldiers on a stomp



  • Panacea Pellet – top right portion of the map
  • 3300 Money – directly south of the above on the rock ledge
  • Superior Fiber x2 – on top of the building near the merchant
  • 3000 Money – next to the building near the cat
  • 2700 Money – on the roof of a building on the southeastern side of the area
  • Large Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x3 – next to the house near Party Member



  • Wolffort Soldier x2
  • Cat
  • Party Member (different based on who you picked for Roland’s squad)
  • Party Member (different based on who you picked for Roland’s squad)
  • Itinerant Merchant


Twinsgate (Main Story – Roland’s Battle)

Select Twinsgate to begin the battle! Once you win, a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of Part II.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XVIII – Part III: For Freedom in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XVIII Part I: Of Fire and Blood Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XVIII – Part I: Of Fire and Blood in Triangle Strategy. This route is unlocked by choosing “There must be another way!” in Chapter XVII – Part I after meeting all the conditions for Serenoa’s ending.


Wolffort Streets (Main Story – Exploration)

Travel to Wolffort Streets for a quick cutscene. You’ll then be able to explore the village one last time as Benedict. When you’re finished exploring, end exploration to trigger a cutscene.



  • Large Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x3 – on a shelf in the house nearest the council chamber
  • 1700 Money – on a crate in the house nearest the council chamber
  • 2800 Money – on wooden table in house near merchant
  • Cure-All Pellet x2 – in the market in the center of the area
  • 3500 Money – near the Wolffort Merchant in the patch of grass
  • HP Bracelet – on a wooden table in the middle of the house on the right side of Party Member (different based on who you picked for Benedict’s squad)
  • Superior Stone x2 – by the fence of the house near the Saltmonger



  • Wolffort Soldier x2
  • Wolffort Townsperson x4
  • Party Member (different based on who you picked for Benedict’s squad)
  • Child – in house near Anna
  • Child
  • Itinerant Merchant
  • Cat – in house near merchant
  • Wolffort Merchant
  • Party Member (different based on who you picked for Benedict’s squad)
  • Saltmonger


Wolffort Streets (Main Story – Benedict’s Battle)

Select the Wolffort Streets to begin a battle. You’ll have to fight through 3 waves of enemies to claim victory. Once you win, a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of Part I.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XVIII – Part II: Bound by Sorrow in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XVII Part II: Those of Aspiration Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XVII – Part II: Those of Aspiration in Triangle Strategy. This route is unlocked by choosing “There must be another way!” in Chapter XVII – Part I after meeting all the conditions for Serenoa’s ending.


For this chapter, you’ll have to divide your forces up into 3 groups led by Benedict, Roland and Frederica. Afterwards, you’ll see various cutscenes leading to the end of the part.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XVIII – Part I: Of Fire and Blood in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XVII Part I: If Griefs Could Passions Move Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XVII – Part I: If Griefs Could Passions Move in Triangle Strategy.


Hierophant’s Palace (Main Story)

Head to the Hierophant’s Palace as word of the discover reaches the Hierophant.


Twinsgate (Main Story)

Travel to Twinsgate to view Gustadoph’s activities.


Central Aesfrost (Main Story)

Head to Central Aesfrost to see what’s going on!


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Head to Castle Wolffort to learn of Roland’s decision.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Travel to Castle Wolffort for a cutscene. This will end with Serenoa ending up in his study being faced with a choice. If you met all of the conditions, there will be 2 options:

  • The scales will guide us.
  • There must be another way!

“There must be another way!” is the Serenoa ending, which is the best ending. That is the option we’re going to select so the walkthroughs from here on out will reflect this choice. After choosing “There must be another way!”, there will be four sets of choices. We’ve listed the answers to each below but the game forces you to pick them anyway.


  • Choice 1
    • Greet them with the Wolffort demesne’s wildfire.
  • Choice 2
    • Might Lord Svarog be the key?
  • Choice 3
    • We can expose the truth hidden within the Goddess’s statue.
  • Choice 4
    • They’re of the Consortium.


After making the four choices above, the part will end!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XVII – Part II: Those of Aspiration in Triangle Strategy!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XVI – Sleep, My Friend Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XVI – Sleep, My Friend in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Hierophant’s Palace (Main Story)

Stop by the Hierophant’s Palace to view the Saintly Seven gathering.


Twinsgate (Main Story)

Visit Twinsgate to view the cargo being received from the mines.


Grand Norzelian Mines (Main Story – Exploration)

Head into the mines to trigger a cutscene then you’ll be able to look around.


Conviction Choices (Anna)

  • They gain nothing by hiding in the tunnels. Perhaps they are luring us into some sort of trap…
  • I doubt they do it on their own volition. It may be some tactic that they have been ordered to carry out.
  • The burden of defeat would likely be thrust upon them if they returned to the duchy. They might just be hiding, knowing they have no place to return to.


Conviction Choice (Roland)

  • Why not leave them be for now? Someday the world will be at peace again and mining can resume.
  • The mines are located in our demesne within the kingdom of Glenbrook. Let us manage them together as one of the kingdom’s assets.
  • We can use it to rebuild the kingdom and as a place to work for those who have lost their jobs during the war.



  • Quality Timber x2 – in the pit near Anna
  • Large Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x2 – down the tracks south of Anna
  • Cure-All Pellet x2 – on a pillar behind Frederica
  • Superior Fiber x2 – behind a mine cart near Hughette
  • 3500 Money – near Geela
  • 3500 Money – near the cart to the right of the pillar behind Erador



  • Benedict
  • Anna
  • Frederica
  • Roland
  • Hughette
  • Geela
  • Erador


Grand Norzelian Mines (Main Story – Eliminating the Aesfrosti Soldiers)

Select the Grand Norzelian Mines to fight off the Aesfrosti Soldiers. Afterwards, the chapter will complete!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XVII – Part I: If Griefs Could Passions Move in Triangle Strategy!