Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Ryker’s Romance Stories

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Ryker’s Romance Stories in Rune Factory 5.


Chronic Sleeper

Requirements: Friendship Level 2

Location: Great Tree Plaza

Objective: See what Ryker is up to

Stop by the Great Tree Plaza for a dialog event with Ryker, Hina, Julian and Simone. After a couple of days pass, you’ll get another event with Ryker on the beach south of Great Tree Plaza involving Yuki and Ryker sometime after 7pm. When it concludes, wait for the next day, then head to one of the houses south of the Great Tree Plaza in the morning around 8am to find Ryker chilling on the ground near a fence for another dialog event. Wait until the next day then head to Studio Palmo. This will trigger a dialog event with Yuki and Simone. This will complete the event.




Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Fuuka’s Romance Stories

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Fuuka’s Romance Stories in Rune Factory 5.



Requirements: Friendship Level 2

Location: Lackadaisy (restaurant)

Objective: See how Fuuka is doing

Head to the Lackadaisy (restaurant) after it opens to trigger a dialog event with Fuuka starting her romance story. Wait until the following day then travel to the True Strike Smithy for the 2nd dialog event. Wait until the next day then head to the Great Tree Plaza for a dialog event. Wait again to the next day then head to the Lackadaisy restaurant to trigger another dialog event. This will end the event.



Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – The Hunt for Oswald

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of The Hunt for Oswald main story event in Rune Factory 5.


Client: Livia

Location: Atohl’s End

Objective: Investigate Atohl’s End


As you progress through the story, the headquarters will have you investigate Atohl’s End in search of the missing Oswald. Exit the town and head northwest to the Kelve Volcanic Region. You’ll can find Atohl’s End on the west side in the southern jungle region.


Atohl’s End 1F

Work your way through the level. You’ll want to keep heading south. Eventually you’ll end up in a courtyard like area surrounded by a couple of tall buildings with a switch. Activate the switch then fight off the enemies that ambush you. Head north one area then follow the path west (this is where the gate you just unlocked will be). In that area, there will be a purple switch you can press. This will open up the way leading to the next floor.


Atohl’s End 2F

In this second area, follow the path heading southwest. In the most southwest room, you’ll find a blue switch you can flip. This will open a gate in the next northern area leading to a treasure chest. Return to the most southwestern square then head east to reach the next floor.


Atohl’s End: Manor

Head to the center of the floor to trigger a dialog event that will lead to a fight with the Dragon Mummy. For this fight, stay behind the dragon to dodge most of its attacks. Also watch out for it to fly up in the area where it can then shoot down multiple darks orbs that deal damage. After you win, a dialog event triggers leading to the end of the event.




Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Raise Weapon Skills

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Raise Weapon Skills task in Rune Factory 5.


Client: Scarlett

Objective: Increase one of your weapon skills to level 15

Reward(s): Rush Attack x1


After accepting this task from the Task Board, Scarlett will ask you to level one of your weapon skills to level 15. At this rate, there is a good chance you could have one weapon skill to 15 in which case you can turn in the task at the Task Board. Otherwise, pick a weapon then head out in the fray and keep defeating enemies until the weapons level reaches 15 then return to the Task Board.



Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Harvest 6 Kinds of Vegetables

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Harvest 6 Kinds of Vegetables task in Rune Factory 5.


Client: Fuuka

Objective: Harvest 6 different vegetables

Reward(s): New Shop Inventory (Sword Flower and Shield Flower Seeds)


After accepting the task from the Task Board, Fuuka will ask you to harvest 6 different kinds of vegetables at your farm. Any unique vegetables you’ve harvested up to the point will be counted as part of the task. Depending on what tasks you have completed, you can potentially buy turnip, potato, spinach, radish, yam, fodder and carrot seeds from the general store. Pick up enough different ones to satisfy the objective then plant them at your farm. Harvest them when they are ready and turn the task in at the Task Board.



Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Upgrade Weapons

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Upgrade Weapons task in Rune Factory 5.


Client: Randolph

Objective: Upgrade a weapon

Reward(s): Bronze x1


After accepting this request from the Task Board, Randolph will task you with upgrading a weapon. To do this, head to your forge then select the upgrade a weapon option. You’ll then need to select a weapon to upgrade along with a material. Something as simple as scrap metal should do the trick which can be found from smashing giant rocks with the hammer. Once the weapon has been upgraded, return to the Task Board to complete the task.



Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Upgrade Armor

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Upgrade Armor task in Rune Factory 5.


Client: Murakumo

Objective: Upgrade some armor

Reward(s): Silver x1


After accepting the task at the Task Board, Murakumo will task you with upgrading some armor. Head to your Crafting Table and select the upgrade armor. Please note that you cannot upgrade armor that is currently equipped. Select the armor piece you wish to upgrade and the material you wish to use then upgrade the armor. Pretty much anything works, I used Scarp Metal for this one. When you are done, return to the Task Board to complete the task.



Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Raise Magic Skills

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Raise Magic Skills task in Rune Factory 5.


Client: Cecil

Objective: Raise one of your magic skills to 15

Reward(s): Water Laser x1


After accepting the task from the Task Board, Cecil will task you with leveling up one of your magic skills to level 15. You can do this by either using one of your rune spells or equipping a rod and defeating enemies to level up the skill. Once one gets to 15, return to the Task Board to complete the task.



Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – To the Meline Crystal Caverns

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of To the Meline Crystal Caverns main story event in Rune Factory 5.


Client: Livia

Location: Meline Crystal Caverns (Recommended Level: 12)

Objective: Investigate the Meline Crystal Caverns


After taking Lucas to the Silo, Livia will task you with exploring the Meline Crystal Caverns. Exit the town from the northwestern side past the blacksmith and follow the path heading south to reach the frozen mountains. There you will find the Meline Crystal Caverns to the southwest of Crystal Lake. Head inside to trigger a dialog event.


Meline Crystal Caverns B1

Connected to the 1st area of the floor, you’ll find some icicles blocking a small room. Break them to find a chest containing the Fireball spell then work your way to the next floor fighting the enemies along the way. Keep an eye on the falling icicles that will fall as you move around the area. Another thing to note is that there are 3 stairs leading to the next floor. They are in the southeast, eastern and central areas of the floor. The one in the central area is the way forward in this dungeon. The other two are secluded areas that contain chests.


Meline Crystal Caverns B2

Keeping heading deeper into the dungeon. Towards the middle of the middle area, you’ll reach a section where icicles continually fall from the ceiling. For this part, you’ll just want to run through it as fast as possible.


Meline Crystal Caverns B3

Head to the center of this area to trigger a dialog event leading to a boss fight against the Kraken. It will attack from the water in the center of the room using various ranged water attacks. Dodge them then attack the monster when it gets close to the circle around the outside of the area that you’ll be fighting from. After you’ve defeated the creature, another dialog event triggers leading to the end of the event.



Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 – Reinhard Romance Stories

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Reinhard’s Romance Stories in Rune Factory 5.


Hard-Working Knight

Requirements: Friendship Level 2

Location: General Store @ 9am

Objective: See if you can help Reinhard out

Stop in at the General Store to trigger a dialog with Reinhard and Misasagi kicking off Reinhard’s first romance story. Wait until the next day then make your way to Reinhard’s house at the Belpha Ruins to trigger the next dialog event. After the event, you’ll again need to wait until the morning hours of yet another next day. Again, enter the Belpha Ruins to start a third dialog event. Wait another day then go to the restaurant after it opens for another dialog event with Reinhard and Elsje. This will end the first Romance Story for Reinhard.


Minor Event

Requirements: Complete previous event then wait a few days

Location: Belpha Ruins

Objective: Check up on Reinhard

Head to Belpha Ruins to trigger a single cutscene with Reinhard.


Everyone’s Favorite Knight

Requirements: Previous events and Friendship level 4

Location: Beach in the southern part of Rigbarth

Objective: See what Reinhard, Fuuka and Martin are up to

Approach the beach south of the Belpha Ruins to trigger a dialog event. When it concludes, travel to the beach north of Serendipity General Store for the 2nd dialog event with Cecil and Reinhard. After that one, travel to The Crystalabra for the 3rd dialog event with Reinhard and Heinz. Next, head to Great Tree Plaza for the 4th event then head to the Belpha Ruins for the 5th and final dialog event.