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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – The Final Battle!

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for The Final Battle! main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

The Final Battle! Goals

Go to the Great Hall

At the start of The Final Battle story, make your way to the Great Hall to… you guessed it!… begin the final war game.

Defeat Dux Aldric

After the war, you’ll find yourself in the Imperial Army Headquarters. If you wish to save, shop, heal, change your gear or party members, turn around. When you’re ready, press forward! At the end of the area, you’ll encounter the Dux. Instead of fighting him now, you’ll face Heinrich and 2 Imperial Elite (Sword). As soon as victory is yours, a cutscene will trigger and Goldwyn, Elektra, Maxim, Vorrdice, Viesskin will join the Alliance.

Imperial Army Headquarters Collectibles


  • Imperial Elite (Sword)
  • Imperial Soldier (Bow)
  • Imperial Soldier (Spear)
  • Imperial Soldier (Sword)
  • Mach Egg
  • Modified Speciment T_1965
  • Ogre
  • Ripper Raptor

Collectible Materials

  • Premium Healing Herb
  • Revival Medicine

Go to give your speech

At the start of the Declaring Victory story, head downstairs, exit your HQ then proceed towards the gathered group.

Go to the Great Hall and hear the other war results

At the start of the Counterattack story, enter the Great Hall for the discussion.

Prepare and return to the Great Hall

Before heading to the Great Hall, make your way over to The Hero’s Den to check on Kurtz. Interact with the mystery chef to meet Trey. This will prompt Kurtz to want the Scroll of Heaven so he too can get his hands on some arcane recipes. For our guide on where to find this fabled Scroll of Heaven for Kurtz’s side quest, click here!

Also, make sure to explore Twinhorne West now that it’s available for an additional recipe and some recruitable characters!

Twinhorne West Collectibles

  • Rohan – Speak with him in the inn and he’ll join you!
  • Hogan – Speak with him on the dock. To recruit him, you’ll need to make a profit of 50,000 baqua by buying and selling at the Trading Posts.
  • Shrimp Doria Recipe – Speak with the woman in the southwestern most house.

When you’re ready to proceed, enter the Great Hall and tell Melridge that you’re ready to go! You’ll then begin a war battle against Chapell’s forces. Eliminate them to recapture Eltisweiss.

Liberate Eltisweiss

Head north fighting the enemies along the way then turn west when you reach the end of the path!

Give your orders from the Great Hall

After liberating Eltisweiss, The Last Order story will begin. Make your way to the Great Hall and give the order when you’re ready to end the war.

Rest to prepare for the final battle

When you’re ready, head up to your room and sleep. The morning after you’ll engage in a war battle. After organizing your legion, defeat Dux Aldric in battle then move your units to the north to end the battle. You’ll then need to form a party to storm the Gardhaven Castle.

Gardhaven Castle Collectibles


  • Arch-Demon
  • Imperial Elite (Sword)
  • Imperial Soldier (Bow)
  • Mine Orb
  • Modified Specimen H_008
  • Ogre
  • Synthetic Specimen C_0282
  • Synthetic Specimen R_0901


Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Gardhaven Castle Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Gardhaven Castle Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Gardhaven Castle Chests
  • Rune of the Knight’s Path
  • Osechi Recipe
  • Ascent Badge
  • Rune of SP+
  • Rune of Tremendous Power
  • Rune of Supersonic Speed
  • Blessed Shield
  • Holy Circlet
  • Sacred Helmet
  • Rune of Medical Studies
  • Rune of Quick Movement
  • Faded Book, Chapter 17
  • Blessed Heavy Helm
  • Blessed Armor

Search for Dux Aldric

In the castle, start with the right path. When the path turns north, take the second opening down a hallway to find some stairs leading up. On 2F, head north to the dead end to find a blue lens. Head back down to 1F and take the western path. Again, take the middle path to find a set of stairs. Take them up to 2F. Once on 2F head to the southeastern corner of the map to find a set up stairs. Take them to reach 3F where you’ll find a rather complicated library.

Gardhaven Castle 3F Library

Gardhaven Castle Library Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes

In this library, you’ll notice 3 statues that require books to be placed in their pedestals.

Book of Knowledge

For the first book, the Book of Knowledge, head up the right set of stairs behind the pedestals and follow the path to the right, hugging the bookshelves. You’ll notice a point to interact with which will move the bookshelf revealing a chest containing the Book of Knowledge.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Final Battle Castle Gardhaven Library Book of Knowledge

Head down to the statues and place this book on the first statue (western statue). This will reveal a new path on the western side.

Book of Power

For the second book, the Book of Power, head behind the statues and take the left path. Follow it up the stairs then head right at the top. Take the stairs up to reach the next level.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Book of Power

Head right and take the curvy ramp up. Head right and follow the path all the way across to the other side. When you go down the steps, head right to find a chest containing the Book of Power.

Gardhaven Castle Library Book of Power

Backtrack all the way to the statues and place this book on the last statue (eastern statue). This will reveal a new path.

Book of Fate

For the third and final book, the Book of Fate, head up the stairs behind the statues and take the right path. Follow it around and take the stairs up. At the top, the chest you got the Book of Power from should be on your right. Head to the far left, taking the ramp up to find a new set of stairs leading down. Take them down and at the bottom head left to find a button to push revealing a chest containing the Book of Fate.

Gardhaven Castle 3F Library Book of Fate

Return down to the statues and place it in the middle one.

Keep searching for Dux Aldric

Head down the newly opened path behind the statues to continue forward. Just after the next save, you’ll encounter Narungarde. After you defeat her, she’ll unfortunately get again yet again.

Track down Aldric

Press forward to find the Red Lens. Once you interact with it, a hidden door will open. Head inside and go down the long staircase. At the bottom, head straight across and take another set of stairs all the way down to the bottom to find yourself on 2F by the previously locked doors next to where the Blue Lens was. Head down to the double doors next to the save point on 1F and place the Blue and Red Lenses in place to open it. If you need to first freshen up your health and supplies, exit to the south to the castle’s perimeter where you’ll find your Alliance waiting!

When you’re ready, head on through and interact with the platform to encounter the dux and his pet, Alde Dracare!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Final Boss Fight against Alde Dracare

During this fight, Alde Dracare will trap one of your allies and you’ll need to use the gimmick to attack the bubble to break the ally free. After defeating the dragon, you’ll enter Phase 2 of the Alde Dracare fight. Not only does the dragon use a bunch of heavy hitting moves but it can also heal itself!

Defeat Aldric

After the dragon fight, you’ll find yourself alone. Continue into the castle and approach Aldric. You’ll then engage in multiple duels with him. Upon emerging victorious, you’ll finish Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes! Congrats!!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – Kurtz’s Side Quest – Scroll of Heaven

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on where to locate the Scroll of Heaven during Kurtz’s side quest in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Starting Kurtz’s Side Quest

To kick off Kurtz’s side quest in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred: Heroes, you’ll need to keep battling chefs in The Hero’s Den just outside your HQ. After a while, Trey will finally appear. This triggers Kurtz’s desire to get the Scroll of Heaven, as he’s eager to acquire some arcane recipes to compete with and hopefully beat Trey during the next cook-off.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Kurtz Side Quest to get Scroll of Heaven

Scroll of Heaven Location

Now, to track down the mighty Scroll of Heaven, head straight to The Seaside Cavern, which can be found east of Hishahn. Navigate through the cavern following along the main path until you find the spot marked on the map below. You’ll then be able to interact with and pick up the scroll located right next to an ore collection point.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Scroll of Heaven location in Seaside Cavern

Once you’ve located the fabled Scroll of Heaven, return to Kurtz in the Hero’s Den outside your HQ to hand it over! He’ll be extremely happy and will get to work learning the recipes!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – Storming Castle Harganthia

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for the Storming Castle Harganthia main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

Storming Castle Harganthia Goals

Rest in your room

Enter your room to rest. Since you can’t sleep, leave your room and head up to the roof where you’ll find Yaelu and Seign. After Yaelu leaves, speak with Seign then head back down the stairs then enter Perrielle’s room on the east side of the floor. You’ll discover that she’s not there. Make your way out into the open area of the floor to encounter Euma who will wonder where Perrielle went. Head down to 2F and go to the balcony to find Hildi. On the western side of 2F, approach Lian and Mio. Enter the western room to find Melridge then approach your bedroom to encounter Garr. Following Garr’s instruction, head to your room.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – An Unexpected Ally

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for the An Unexpected Ally main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

An Unexpected Ally Goals

Go to the Great Hall

At the start of the An Expected Ally story, you’ll need to head to the Great Hall where Markus will join your allies. Give the word if you’re ready then make your party formation. Marisa, Wayve and Markus will be required. Once you arrive at the site, head to the castle via the chains to trigger a cutscene.

Castle Harganthia Collectibles


  • Balor
  • Corpse Rider
  • Evil Spirit
  • Hell Guard
  • Hell Knight
  • Hellflower
  • Lilith
  • Petit Gargoyle
  • Soul Reaper
  • Torasampe
  • Xibalba

Collectible Materials

  • Lumber
  • Sacred Tree Chip


Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Castle Harganthia Chests
  • Pearl Bangle
  • Rune of Impassable Resistance
Castle Harganthia Chests
  • Anti-Seal Scarf
Chests Castle Harganthia Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Rune of Arcane Magic
  • Warded Ribbon
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Chests
  • Faded Book, Chapter 9
  • Rune of SP Charge
  • Mystical Bangle
Hundred Heroes Castle Harganthia Chests
  • Turquoise Bangle
  • Tanzanite Bangle
  • Rune of Rapid Shot
Chests Castle Harganthia Hundred Heroes
  • Rune of Runeshard Studies
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Castle Harganthia Chests
  • Elemental Symbol
Castle Harganthia Chest
  • Material Symbol

Storm Castle Harganthia

When you gain control of Marisa, approach the pink flower on the vine to trigger a cutscene where Markus will tell you to hit the flower.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes An Unexpected Ally Walkthrough

Doing so will make the vine disappear! As you make your way through the castle, you’ll need to continue destroying the flowers to remove the vines, allowing you to continue on. When you reach the end, you’ll face off against the Dead Countess. During this fight, Samurai-Revenant, Maiden-Revenant and Spookybear-Revenant will join her. After you take her down, you’ll face off in a duel with Diradhe and Marisa.

Go to the Great Hall

After the battles, you’ll find yourself back in HQ. Make your way to the Great Hall! Lakian will join your party during the cutscene!

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For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – Runebarrows Puzzles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guide the Runebarrows puzzles! Here you’ll find how to solve the puzzles to weaken the rune golem, Prometheus!

CJ’s Runebarrows side quest

After The Next Steps main mission in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, you’ll be able to explore the world, looking for new allies. Start by recruiting Isha in the southwestern corner of Eltisweiss. For a guide on how to recruit her, click here!

Once she’s joined the Alliance, head to the southern exit of your HQ to trigger a cutscene with CJ who is looking for Isha and Garoo. Afterwards, set Isha and Garoo in your party then set off for the Barrows east of Arenside. After the reunion, you’ll face the boss, Prometheus! During the fight, you’ll be told to flee so do that!

Afterwards, step on the right platform to open the door then follow the path to reach a device that will teleport you to a puzzle.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Runebarrows Puzzles

Interact with the piece while facing north to push it onto the red circle. Continue following the path deeper into the Runebarrows to check for more. As you come across the devices, solve the Runebarrows puzzles using the solutions below to disengage all 4! Once all have been disengaged, you’ll automatically be put back into battle with the rune golem. Take it down and CJ will join you!

Northeastern Runebarrows Puzzle Solution

For the Runebarrows puzzle in the northeastern corner, you’ll need to solve 2 puzzles.

Puzzle 1

For the first Runebarrows puzzle that you’ll come across with is on the northeastern side of the Runebarrows, you’ll need to start by moving the western most piece to the east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzle 1 Solution

Next, you’ll move the easternmost piece north then west then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzle 1 Solution

Move the southern piece north to solve the first puzzle!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzle 1 Solution

Puzzle 2

For this puzzle, start with the easternmost piece and push it west.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Next, move that same piece north then west then north again.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Next, move the nearby piece west

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Take the last piece and move it east

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then north and west to its final resting place.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Southwestern Runebarrows Puzzle Solution

For the Runebarrows puzzle in the southwestern corner, you’ll solve the puzzle by pushing the piece in the following directions: north, east, south, west then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Northwestern Runebarrows Puzzle Solution

For the northwestern Runebarrows puzzle, you’ll need to solve 2 puzzles!

Puzzle 1

For this puzzle, start by pushing the northwestern piece south

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Push the northern piece south

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then east

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then south

then west

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

and lastly north to its resting place.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Puzzle 2

For this puzzle, start by moving the southern piece east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Next, move the middle piece south

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then east.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Afterwards, move the northern piece east

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then south.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Head down to the southeastern piece and move it north into its resting place.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Move the last piece west

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

then north and east to solve the puzzle.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes CJ's Runebarrows Puzzles Solution

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – The Next Steps

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for The Next Steps main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

The Next Steps Goals

Gather Strength

For this task, you’ll need to travel around the world in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes to find and recruit more allies! Before setting out, make sure to set up your party! Afterwards, explore the area outside your HQ to find the following:

  • Blue Impact Curry Recipe – Speak with Chef Forreger in the inn for a cooking battle. When you win, you’ll receive recipe.
  • Rune of Radiance – Speak with Sayid Ali in the northwestern corner of the area surrounding your HQ.

When you’re ready to set out into the world, approach the southern exit of your HQ to trigger a cutscene with Markus. Afterwards, The Next Steps story will complete! Now is a good time to clean up some allies that can be recruited from the areas you’ve previously been to along with recipes.

Fort Xialuke

  • Galactic Meat Recipe – Speak with the Traveler inside the fort.


  • Larla – Speak with her in the Hero’s Den. To recruit her, you’ll need to first have the Mission Guild in your HQ unlocked (see Fume below in Dappled Forest section). Once you have the Mission Guild, you’ll need to get an “Epic Success” on a mission. Do do this, form the Mission Party with the highest overall rating by paying attention to the character’s Mission Aptitude! Once you get an Epic Success, return to Larla and she’ll join you!
  • Isha – Speak with Isha in the southeastern corner of town to learn that she is looking for a black cat with a slinky walk. You’ll find this cat in the southwestern corner of town.
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Isha Black Cat
  • Once you find it, Isha will give you a Stamp Card. She’ll then want some cockatrice eggs which can be found in the Mountain Path Homeward, which is to the northwest of town on the way to Nowa’s hometown. This egg will come from fighting an adult cockatrice that just randomly spawns as you’re walking around.
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Cockatrice Eggs
  • Please note that it may take some time for this creature to show up! Once you have the egg, return to Isha to hand it over. Lastly, she’ll want you to deliver a package to Arenside. Once in Arenside, enter the inn and hand the package over to the woman behind the counter (right side). Afterwards, return to Isha for your third stamp and she’ll join you!
Isha Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Shooting Star Recipe – Speak with the man in the northeastern house.
  • Douglas – Speak with him in the smithy. In order to get him to join, you’ll need to give him 10 Iron Ore.
  • Faded Book, Chapter 20 – Approach him in the southwestern corner to learn about beigoma. Afterwards, head east passing the shops and enter the house to find Dr. Corque. You’ll then have Beigoma Battle with Reid! Follow the tutorial! Before leaving this building, make sure to loot the chest in the back to get the Faded Book, Chapter 20!

Altverden Village

  • Pancakes Recipe – Speak with the lady in the house east of the inn.

Werne Village

  • Pieter – Speak with him tending the field in the northwestern corner of town.

Abandoned Mine

  • Galdorf – At the entrance, speak with Galdorf who is looking for palenight mail. You’ll find this equipment laying around near where you find Ormond along the western path just after the Abandoned Mine 2 save point (see map below). Return this mail to Galdorf to get him to join your alliance!
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Palenight Mail
  • Hiro – Speak with Hiro (the merchant) in the second area of the mine. He will then join your party!
  • Ormond – Make your way past the Abandoned Mine 2 save point then take the first path to the west. Speak with Ormond to learn that he wants 3 Iron Ore. Bring him this ore then he’ll join you!

Mountain Path Homeward

  • Maureus – Speak with Maureus who will want to see some with “muscle points”. We had Yuferius in our party and this was acceptable! After you show him someone, he’ll join you!
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Maureus

Kyshiri Village

  • Tomato and Cheese Sandwich Recipe – Speak with the woman in the house just north of the inn.

Bounty Hill

  • Enemies
    • Gold Bug
    • Hippogriff
    • Qualasmi
  • Collectible Materials
    • Dire Beastbone
    • Legend Beast Horn
  • Chests
Bounty Hill Chests
  • Scallop Lunch Set Recipe
  • 4000 Baqua
  • Mixed Fruit Recipe

Dappled Forest

  • Fume – To get him to join, you must first upgrade your HQ to Level 2 then recruit Huang (see Hishahn below). In your HQ you’ll then be able to unlock the Guild Missions on the blueprint. Speak with him after you do this and he will join.
Fume Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Fume
  • Enemies
    • Forest Ruler
    • Phantombird
    • Red Wyvern
    • Seed Conqueror
  • Collectible Materials
    • Excellent Laquer
    • Mystic Lumber
  • Chests
Dappled Forest Chests
  • Rune of Power Smash
  • Vegetable Milk Soup Recipe
  • Magic Holy Water
  • Sautéed Chicken Breast Recipe
  • Magic Holy Water

The Treefolk Village

  • Squash – To get him to join, you’ll need to fight Phantombirds in the Dappled Forest until one drops a Sparklestone.


  • Huang – To get him to join, give him a wheel-eye bream which can be obtained from a fishing spot south of The Seaside Cavern which is east of Hishahn.
Huang Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Huang
  • Cold Pho Recipe – Speak with the woman in the house west of the smithy.
  • Syd – To get him to join, he’ll need an iron ore, mystic lumber and dire beastbone.
  • Jorhan – To get him to join, you must first have Perrielle in your party to learn that he is looking for a treasure that is dropped from the Scarabs in the Eastern Desert (fast travel to Dabavin and you’ll be there!). Specifically, you’ll need to keep fighting the Scarabs until you receive an Unknown Antique. Bring this to an appraiser. Hopefully it will be a Yellow Rose Censer! If not, keep fighting the Scarabs until you get another Unknown Antique then bring it back to the appraiser. Once you get a Yellow Rose Censer, return to Jorhan and he’ll join the Alliance.
  • Aire – Speak with her on the southwestern side of town and agree to race her! If you loose, equip any speed increasing items that you have then try again! Once you win, Aire will join you!
  • Momo – Approach the southeastern side of the area to cause Momo to stop you. Agree to depart with her and you’ll find yourself in the Seaside Cavern. At the end of the area by the second save point, you’ll find a seal and a cutscene will trigger. After Momo breaks the seal, continue deeper into the area to find the boss, Kraken. For this battle, you can use the gimmick called “Open the Floodgates”. To use the gimmick, you’ll need to attack the lever on the right wall twice to cause the flood gate to open and the water level to lower. Next, use the “Load the Harpoon Gun” gimmick, by interacting with the harpoon on the left side of the Kraken. Once loaded you can then use the “Fire Harpoon Gun” gimmick to deal massive damage! After defeating the Kraken, Momo will join the Alliance!

The Seaside Cavern

  • Enemies
    • Sahagin
    • Savage Crab
    • Sea Slater
    • Shell Octopus
  • Collectible Materials
    • Iron Ore
    • Stone
  • Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Seaside Cavern Chests
  • Rune of Water Enchantment
  • Mint Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe
  • Unknown Pocket-Watch
  • Faded Book, Chapter 6
  • 2500 Baqua
  • Blue Symbol
  • Lucky Badge
  • Rune of SP

Daphan Village

  • Herb Tea Recipe – Speak with the musician to the left of the entrance of town.
  • Enoe – Speak with him in the southwestern corner of town and he’ll join your cause if you’ve recruited Fume (see above under Dappled Forest section).
  • Hakugin – With Mio in your party, speak with her and she’ll join you.
  • Code L – With a Rune of Currents in your inventory, speak with Code L in the Rune Shop and he’ll join you!
  • B’baba – Speak with B’baba in the northwestern house and she’ll join you!


  • Cabana – Speak with him and he’ll join you!

Ardinale City

  • Clarke – First, purchase The Star-Cross’d Lovers Script for 5,000 baqua from the General Store in the lower southwestern corner of the city (commoner’s section). Afterwards, speak with Clarke by the water fountain in the noble’s section of the city and he’ll join the Alliance.


  • Foxiel – After speaking with Fox, head to your HQ approach Kurtz in the inn and he’ll give you Vegetable Milk Soup. Return to Fox and she will join the Alliance!

Your HQ

  • Faye – Once you’ve recruited B’baba (see Daphan Village section above) approach B’baba’s new shop on the eastern side of 1F to trigger a cutscene. Next, head all the way up to the roof to find Faye with Yusuke. She’ll run away again so speak with B’baba again to learn her next location. This time, exit B’baba’s room and enter the western room on 1F to find Faye with Francesca. Yet again, she’ll run away and you’ll need to return to B’baba. For the last time, make your way to 2F and you’ll find Faye with Yume and her friend in the center of the area near the stairs leading up to the 3rd floor. The Mighty Faye will then join the Alliance!
  • In the Hero’s Den, speak with Allaby and she’ll join you!
  • In the Hero’s Den, interact with Chef Sears and win the cook-off to get the Roast Beef Recipe.
  • CJ – Head to the southern exit to trigger a cutscene with CJ who is looking for Isha and Garoo. Afterwards, set Isha and Garoo in your party then set off for the Barrows east of Arenside. After the reunion, you’ll face the boss, Prometheus! During the fight, you’ll be told to flee so do that! Afterwards, step on the right platform to open the door then follow the path to reach a device that will teleport you. Interact with the device again to get it to move forward onto the red circle. Continue following the path deeper into the Runebarrows to check for more. As you come across the devices, solve the Runebarrows puzzles to disengage all 4! Once all have been disengaged, you’ll automatically be put back into battle with the rune golem. Take it down and CJ will join you!

Runebarrows (East of Arenside)

  • Enemies
    • Borschy
    • Darkcat
    • Earthcat
    • Firecat
    • Lightcat
    • Orbguard
    • Trovegeist
    • Watercat
    • Windcat
  • Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Runebarrows Chests
  • Wealth Badge
  • Faded Book, Chapter 8
  • Super Lucky Badge
  • Nanami Ice Cream Recipe
Runebarrows Chests Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Dark Chocolate Cake Recipe
  • Rune of the Warrior’s Pinnacle
Runebarrows Chests
  • Monster Repel Charm
  • Rune of the Warrior’s Path

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For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – Returning / The Way Forward

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for the Returning and The Way Forward main quests. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through these quests.

Returning / The Way Forward Goals

Go to the Great Hall

Now that your in your HQ, make your way to the Great Hall.

Walk around the castle

For this objective, you’ll need to wander around the castle, approaching the groups to trigger cutscenes.

  • 1F
    • Iris / Gocteau
    • Barnard / Sabine / Yusuke
    • Sumire / Ymir / Caine
  • 2F
    • Yulin / Euma / Kassius / Stadler
    • Janquis / Perrielle / Melridge
    • Valentin / Pohl / Hildi / Yaelu / Seign / Mihlu
    • Allaby / Garoo
  • 3F
    • Yuferius / Skyd / Scarlet / Prunella / Goldsmid
    • Nowa / Perrielle
    • Wayve / Marisa / Nil / Alwe / Lilwn

After you approach all the groups, a cutscene will trigger.

Go to the Great Hall

Make your way to the Great Hall to give them your decision.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – The Generals’ Decision

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for The Generals’ Decision main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

The Generals’ Decision Goals

Escape to Twinhorne to the east

Once in Norristar, head east to Twinhorne. You’ll have to huff it as you can’t fast travel! When you arrive at Twinhorne, you’ll need to form your team consisting of Nowa, Seign and Marisa. After you make the additions to your team, head north to find yourself facing Experimental Specimen A_0099. Take it out then approach the broken ships straight ahead to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, The Generals’ Decision story will end.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – The Threat of the Empire

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for The Threat of the Empire main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

The Threat of the Empire Goals

Rest at the inn

Once the meeting is over, head down and rest at the inn.

Go to the castle

Afterwards, head back up to the castle and enter the meeting room. You’ll then begin the war battle. After war, you’ll be treated to another cutscene. You’ll need to first form a party with Seign, Hildi, Valentin and Pohl.

Hurry to the west gate

With your party formed, head to the western gate of Athrabalt. Along the way, you’ll fight Corpse Riders. When you reach the gate, you’ll fight Maiden-Revenant.

Hurry to the east gate

After your battle with the Maiden-Revenant, you’ll immediately be thrown into a cutscene during which you’ll become Nowa. After selecting your team, head to the eastern gate. Along the way you’ll fight Corpse enemies! Once you reach the eastern gate, you’ll face Samurai-Revenant.

Hurry to the south gate

After your battle with the Samurai-Revenant, you’ll immediately switch over to Marisa and her required team members of Wayve, Lilwn, Nil and Alwe. After selecting the rest of your team, head to the southern gate. Along the way you’ll fight some Corpse enemies! Upon reaching the southern gate, you’ll face Spookybear-Revenant and 2 Corpse Knights. Immediately after this fight, you’ll face Spookybear-Revenant again. This time, however, it will be by itself.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – A Secret Plan

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for the A Secret Plan main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

A Secret Plan Goals

Go to the west peak

Once in the Snowpeak Pass, you’re party will split into 3. For the first team, you’ll be required to have Seign, Valentin, Pohl and Hildi. Be mindful of the other party members that you choose to complete this team as you will not be able to use them for Nowa or Marisa’s teams! Seign’s team will be the first team that you’re going to play as! As Seign, take the western path. Make your way up to the northern part of the area to find a giant boulder blocking the path. The game will then switch over to Marisa’s team.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes A Secret Plan

Western Snowpeak Pass Collectibles


  • Frost Shell
  • Jotunn
  • Snow Boxer

Collectible Materials

  • Pelt


Snowpeak Pass Chests Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Anti-Blind Scarf
  • Wyvern Leather Shoes
  • Peridot Brooch

Go to the east peak

For Marisa’s team, you’ll be required to have Marisa, Wayve and Nil! After selecting your party, set out for the eastern path! Leene will want to join your party so you’ll need to boot someone or add her as an attendant! When you reach the northwestern corner of the area, it’ll be Nowa’s turn to take over!

Eastern Snowpeak Pass Collectibles


  • Frost Boar
  • Jellysalis
  • Snow Boxer

Collectible Materials

  • Legend Beast Horn
  • Pelt


Snowpeak Pass Chest
  • Magic Holy Water
  • Elemental Crystal
  • Opal Bangle

Go to the north peak

For Nowa’s team, you’ll be required to have Nowa, Garr, Mio and Lian. After selecting your party, head north to reach the north peak. When you reach the midpoint where the ! is, you’ll switch over to Seign’s team! Finish heading north through the Snowpeak Pass.

Northern Snowpeak Pass Collectibles


  • Assault Tiger
  • Frost Shell
  • Snow Boxer
  • Sonic Wolf

Collectible Materials

  • Legend Beast Horn
  • Pelt


Snowpeak Pass Chests
  • Rune of the Sniper’s Pinnacle
  • Anti-Sleep Scarf

Reach the north peak runic bomb site

As Nowa’s team, you’ll need to keep pressing through the area to reach the northeastern side where you’ll find a save point.

Return to Athrabalt

Head all the way back down to the beginning to trigger a cutscene followed by a boss fight against Heinrich. After you win the bout, the explosives will trigger causing the avalanche.

Hurry back to Athrabalt

Continue making your way back to Athrabalt! When you arrive, head north to the castle.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!