
Complete Guide on the Digimon Story CS Legendary Cup

by NightlyGamingBinge in


Welcome to NBG and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition CS Legendary Cup guide. In this guide you find a list of the Tamers and Digimon you’ll face for the Legendary Cup in the Offline Colosseum on Broadway 4F. You can start the Colosseum by interacting with the red arcade machine near Oruru. You’ll have to have won the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Cups before the Legendary Cup is available

CS Legendary Cup Tamers and Digimon

Zaxon HackerTitamon (virus)
Stray HackerDemiDevimon x2 (virus)
VenomMyostismon (virus))
Male StudentImperialdramon DM (free)
BoyHerculesKabuterimon (vaccine)
GranKuwagamon (virus)
NurseMarineAngemon (vaccine)
Magnadramon (vaccine)
Flashy DudeShineGreymon (vaccine)
MirageGaogamon (data)
NerdPrinceMamemon (data)
MetalEtemon (virus)
PlatinumNumemon (virus)
Stray HackerMinervamon (virus)
Lotosmon (data)
Kuzuhamon (data)
MaidOphanimon (vaccine)
Seraphimon (vaccine)
Kerpymon (good)(vaccine)

CS Legendary Cup Rewards

For winning the Platinum Cup, you’ll get a Brave Point A which gives a single Digimon 40,000 EXP.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Full Walkthrough for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Chapter 20

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition full walkthrough for Cyber Sleuth Chapter 20: From the New World. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete Chapter 20 which is the final chapter of the game!

Cyber Sleuth Chapter 20 Walkthrough

Digital World

When you gain control of the sleuth and company, you’ll be in the Digital World! Follow the linear path forward to reach the King Drasil terminal which will kick off a cutscene leading to a fight with the device. It’s not too hard of a fight, but it sure is a bit beefy so you’ll want to use piercing moves to deal the most damage to it. After you defeat it, another cutscene will trigger. Once it ends, head forward toward the giant hole to cause a prompt to appear. Choose the Yes option.

King Drasil Core

Head down the stairs, taking out the King Drasil terminals you come across until you reach the bottom. There will be an access point there you can use to heal up and the game will finally let you save. When you’re ready, approach King Drasil to start a cutscene leading to a fight with the King/Mother Eater. Hit it with some piercing attacks to quickly reduce its health to 1 leading to another cutscene where our sleuth will Connect Jupm into the boss.

Path to the Spirit World

Keep following the linear path forward talking with Tuugo each time you reach him. After the final time, another cutscene will trigger.

King Drasil Core

When you finally regain control of your sleuth, it will be for another bout with King Drasil. This time, however, you’ll also have his hands to contend with. Focus on hitting him with piercing attacks while keeping your health and sp up. Once you’ve taken out all three sections, phase 3 will start. It will be the same as last time, but the arms and body are each a different type. The battle ends as soon as you destroy his chest, so focus on that. Once the chest’s HP reaches 0… Congratulations! You are the winner of the game! Sit back and enjoy the final cutscenes.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge Case Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge cases! In this guide, you’ll find everything you to know in order to start and complete the Great Challenge cases!

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge Case Guide

How to Start the Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge Cases

In order to start the Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge cases, you’ll first need to progress through the game until you reach Chapter 19 which is the 2nd to last chapter. Continue playing through Chapter 19 until you defeat Leopardmon on top of the Tokyo Metropolitan Office but before speaking with Omnimon to travel to the Digital World. Speak with Alphamon on top of the tower who will take you back to the Detective Agency. Next exit the room to get a call from Rina which unlocks her case, Rina Shinomiya’s Challenge. Complete that case to unlock the first Great Challenge Case!

To kick off the Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge cases, you need to reach Chapter 19, the second to last chapter of the game. Play through Chapter 19 until you defeat Leopardmon at the top of the Tokyo Metropolitan Office. Before talking to Omnimon about traveling to the Digital World, speak with Alphamon at the tower to return to the Detective Agency. Leave the room to get a call from Rina, unlocking her case, Rina Shinomiya’s Challenge. Complete that case to unlock the first Great Challenge Case!

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge 1

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: You won against Rina. You’re definitely getting stronger! Do you want to test your strength again?

After accepting Great Challenge 1, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll send you to the Zaxon Forum so head there by using Connect Jump on the TV in the Detective Agency. When you get there, speak with Magnamon and Rapdimon (Armor) to challenge them to battle! Magnamon is a free-type while Rapidmon (Armor) is a vaccine. Rapidmon (armor) will do down easy enough by using data Digimon against it. As for Magmon, you’ll want to use piercing attacks or Apocalymon’s Darkness Zone skill which does a flat 444 damage to all foes. Once you defeat the duo, the investigation will be completed. Return to the whiteboard in the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Digi-Egg of Miracles, Digi-Egg of Destiny

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge 2

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: You easily defeated Magnamon… The next one won’t be so easy!

After accepting Great Challenge 2, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei who will send you to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office. Travel there then head inside to find Leopardmon in the lobby. Speak with him to start a battle against the data-typed Digimon so make sure to bring some virus-typed Digimon to deal double damage to him and use dark skills to increase that damage further. He’ll start the battle by increasing his agility and periodically increase his INT as the fight goes on. Most of the damage he’ll dish out comes from light-based skill. Also, make note that he can cast Support End which prevents a Digimon from using support skills like healing the party or providing buffs/debuffs. Once you’ve defeated him, the investigation will be completed. Return to the whiteboard in the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Leopardmon LM Medal x1

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge 3

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: That was easy for you, too, huh? Just don’t get too cocky… I’m not impressed yet.

After accepting Great Challenge 3, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei who will send you to Kowloon Lv 5. Return to the Detective Agency then Connect Jump into the TV and travel to Kowloon Lv 5. You’ll then need to work your way to the center of Kowloon Lv 5 to reach Kentaurosmon (vaccine) and Craniamon (vaccine). Since both are vaccines, make sure you bring from data-typed Digimon to deal double the damage to them. When you’re ready to fight, interact with them. During the battle, Kentaurosmon will constantly be boosting his speed while hitting you with guard and speed break field. Meanwhile, Craniamon tends to keep hitting you with earth-based skills while occasionally buffing himself. A Digimon like Kuzuhamon could be helpful by removing their buffs and as always make sure to bring a couple of Digimon that have piercing attacks. Once the pair both go down, the investigation will be completed. Return to the whiteboard in the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Medical Spray DX x5

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge 4

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: You won again! You’re getting really good. The next Digimon are those guys.

After accepting Great Challenge 4, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei who will send you the Roppongi Underground Research Lab. To get there, travel to the Nakano Underpass and work your way through to the end to find the lab where Crusadermon (virus) and Dynasmon (data) are. Speak with them when you are ready to kick things off. At the start of the fight, they will decrease your speed. Crusadermon will buff her atk and int then hit the part with dark skills while Dynasmon continuously attacks the party. Once you bring them both down, the investigation will be completed. Return to the whiteboard in the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Chrome Digizoid x3

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge 5

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: You made that look like a piece of cake. I don’t have much left to challenge you… How about a trip to Odaiba?

After accepting Great Challenge 5, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei who will send you to Odaiba. Travel there then work your way north to reach the helipad… where Examon (data) is awaiting you! Approach him when you’re ready to kick things off. This fight might be a little tough as Examon really starts to buff himself once things get going and can deal insane amounts of damage. We used Mastemon with her Chaos Degradation skill to deal chunks of damage to his health at a time while using Acceleration Boost and Corona Destroyer on Beelzemon BM. That did enough damage to finish off Examon with our remaining Digimon. After the dragon goes down, the investigation will be completed. Return to the whiteboard in the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Brave Point A x3

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge 6

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: Perhaps you haven’t fought these guys yet? They are Digivolved and very strong. Have fun!

After accepting Great Challenge 6, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei who will send you to the Demon’s Den! You can get there by using Connect Jump on the TV in the Detective Agency to access EDEN and then selecting the Demon’s Den URL. When you get there, you’ll see your opponents: Jesmon (data) and Gankoomon (data). Speak with them when you’re ready to kick off the battle which will start with Jesmon boosting their defence. Gankoomon will then apply crit up to Jesmom who’s gearing up to use signature move. Our strategy for this fight was to use Acceleration Boost followed by Corona Destroyer on Beelzemon BM to deal massive damage. We also brought along Armageddemon who deals increased damage to Royal Knights. Once the pair goes down, the investigation will be completed. Return to the whiteboard at the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Exciting Meat x3, Best Meat x2, Miracle Meat x1

Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge 7

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: You must be feeling proud of yourself? I still have more challenges for you. Can you win against those guys?

After accepting Great Challenge 7, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei who will send you to the Valhalla Server. You can reach it by using Connect Jump on the TV in the Detive Agecny then select the Valhalla Server URL in EDEN. You’ll then want to make your way to the deepest part of the area to arrive at our next opponents: Alphamon (vaccine), Omnimon (vaccine), and Gallantmon (virus). For this fight, you’ll want to focus on Gallantmon, and then deal with the other two. One thing to note is that as you defeat a Royal Knight, the other two get a huge power-up. So try to defeat Alphamon and Omnimon as close together as possible. We started out with Alphamon Ouryuken, Mastemon, and Apocalymon to take out Gallantmon then swapped in Beelzemon BM, Armaggeddeon, and Craniamon to take out the other two. Once all three of the Royal Knights are down the investigation will be completed. Return to the whiteboard at the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Full Revival Spray x3, Multi-Recovery DX x3

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Parallel World Girl and Destiny Case Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Parallel World Girl and Destiny Case Guide. In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know to start and complete the Parallel World Girl and Destiny cases!

Parallel World Girl and Destiny Case Guide

How to Start the Parallel World Girl and Destiny Cases

To kick off the Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Great Challenge cases, you need to reach Chapter 19, the second to last chapter of the game. Play through Chapter 19 until you defeat Leopardmon at the top of the Tokyo Metropolitan Office. Before talking to Omnimon about traveling to the Digital World, speak with Alphamon at the tower to return to the Detective Agency. You’ll then want to make your way to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei there who will give you the seven Parallel World Girl and Destiny cases!

Regardless of which quest you start with, you’ll be introduced to Sayo after accepting the first one and heading to the DigiLab. Mirei will introduce you to her and tell you about her missing Digimon, Dianamon. In order to save the Digimon, you’ll need to face and defeat the Seven Deadly Digimon!

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Envy

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world

After accepting the Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Envy case, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll tell you that the Seven Deadly Digmon you are after is Leviamon and that they are at Central Hospital. Make your way there then Connect Jump into the vending machine in the lobby to enter the Digital Space. This will throw you into a battle against the virus-type Leviamon. The two things you need to watch out for are its Birting Crush and Mirror Reflection skills. Biting Crush has a high chance to inflict instant death while Mirror Reflection allows Leviamon to counter any magic attacks. To quickly bring it down, when lowered its defense then hit it with Mastemon’s Chaos Degradation to reduce its health by 25% then when used Acceleration Boost followed by Ulitmiate Ouryken with Alphamon Ouryuken. That left it low enough that we could knock it out quickly. We also had Death Barrier DX equipped to Alphamon to prevent it from being insta-killed. Once the Digimon goes down, you’ll receive the Scales of Envy. Return to Mirei at the DigiLab to report Leviamon’s defeat which will complete the investigation. Head back to the Detective Agency and interact with the whiteboard to close the case!

Rewards: 80,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Spirit Disk x1, Feather Disk x1

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Gluttony

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world

After accepting the Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Gluttony case, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll tell you that the Seven Deadly Digmon you are after is Beelzemon and he is located in Nakano. Leave the DigiLab and travel up to the arcade on Broadway 4F. You’ll find an arcade game there that you can Connect Jump into to reach the Digital Space. Doing so will lead to a fight against the virus-type Beelzemon. For this fight, Beelzemon will count down each turn starting from 5 and when he gets to 0 will unleash a strong attack. You’ll want to try and beat him before that happens. Digimon with a piercing attack or Mastemon will really help out here. You can use light-based attacks to deal extra damage. Once you take the Digimon down, you’ll receive the Fang of Gluttony. Return to Mirei at the DigiLab to report Beelzemon’s defeat which will complete the investigation. Head back to the Detective Agency and interact with the whiteboard to close the case!

Rewards: 80,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Assassin Disk x1, Gladiator Disk x1

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Greed

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world

After accepting the Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Greed case, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll tell you that the Seven Deadly Digmon you are after is Barbamon who can be found in Nakano. To find it, head up to Broadway 3F and make your way to the Mandarake manga store. The robot near the entrance will have an access point you can Connect Jump in to reach a Digital Space. Doing so will start the battle with the virus-type Barbamon. He’ll use fire and dark-type skills against you. Make sure to use a Digimon with a piercing attack to bypass his defense which will make quick work of him After he goes down, you’ll receive the Beard of Greed. Return to Mirei at the DigiLab to report Barbamon’s defeat which will complete the investigation. Head back to the Detective Agency and interact with the whiteboard to close the case!

Rewards: 80,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Full Revival Spray x5

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Lust

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world

After accepting the Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Lust case, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll tell you that the Seven Deadly Digmon you are after is Lilithmon who can be found in Nakano. To find her, head up to Broadway 3F then make your way over to the food court. There you’ll spot an AC unit with an access point. Connect jump into it to reach the Digital Space and be thrown into battle with the virus-type Lilithmon. She’ll start the fight by inflicting all of your active Digimon with poison. She’ll then follow that up with dark-type attacks. As the battle progresses, she’ll start to buff her Int to deal more damage. You’ll want to leverage Digimon with piercing attacks for this fight to deal damage to her quickly before she really gets going. After defeating her, you’ll receive a Hair of Lust. Return to Mirei at the DigiLab to report Lilithmon’s defeat which will complete the investigation. Head back to the Detective Agency and interact with the whiteboard to close the case!

Rewards: 80,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Friendship DX x3

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Pride

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world

This is the toughest fight out of the Seven Deadly Digimon. You’ll have to fight Lucemon over 3 different phases each in a different form. In addition, the last form cannot be damaged and is essentially on a timer (you can read more about that below). We’d recommend bringing a couple of data-typed Digmon to deal with the first form and the rest as Free or Vaccine-types to fight the other two. You’ll specifically want to bring Craniamon to the third fight for his Breath of the Gods skill which prevents him from taking any damage until the next turn. This will make the fight so much easier. Also, make sure you have plenty of healing sprays and revives available.

After accepting the Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Lust case, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll tell you that the Seven Deadly Digmon you are after is Lucemon who can be found at Central Hospital. Travel there then head right past the brochure stand near the front desk to find the access point on the wall. Connect Jump into it to start the battle against the vaccine-type Lucemon. It will attack you using light skills that can hit the whole party. In addition to that, it can also swap an active Digimon with one in your reserves. For this fight, we relied heavily on Alphamon Ouryuken to use a combination of Acceleration Boost and Ultimate Ouryuken to defeat Lucemon.

Once Lucemon goes down, it revives as the virus-type Lucemon FM. This is the part where the battle starts to get through. Lucemon FM will use multiple elemental skills that can deal damage to all of your active Digimon. It can also apply both dot and poison to your Digimon as well as swapping an active Digimon with one in your reserve. In addition, it will be alternating between boosting its atk and int to deal a lot of damage. You’ll again want to use Digion with piercing skills to take him down while making sure your Digimon stay healthy.

After you manage to defeat Lucemon FM, it will come back once more as Lucemon SM. We are in hard mode now! For this phase, you can’t deal any damage to Lucemon, but man can it sure damage you. It will use a combination of skills that deal massive damage, apply the dot status, and be constantly sitting out your active Digimon. Every couple of turns, it will deal 6,666 damage to itself. Your job is to stay alive long enough for him to get down to 1 HP. When that happens, you’ll be able to launch an attack of your own to finish it off. Using vaccine Digimon will reduce the amount of damage you take as will Craniamon’s ability. Once this form goes down, the battle will and you’ll receive the Wings of Pride. Return to Mirei at the DigiLab to report Lucemon’s defeat which will complete the investigation. Head back to the Detective Agency and interact with the whiteboard to close the case!

Rewards: 95,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Chrome Digizoid x3

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Sloth

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world

After accepting the Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Lust case, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll tell you that the Seven Deadly Digmon you are after is Belphemon who can be found in Nakano. To find them, head up to Broadway 3F and make your way to the food court. You’ll find a vending machine there with an access point. Connect Jump into it to start a battle against the virus-type Belphemon. For this fight, Belphemon will be sleeping which heals a good chunk of its health every turn. You’ll need to do more damage than it heals to defeat the Digimon. We used Alphamon Ouryuken, Mastemon, and another vaccine Digmon to do this.

After you defeat Belphemon it will come back as Belphemon RM and start round off by boosting its atk. The other thing to watch out for is when it goes to sleep once its health gets low. Like before, it will start to heal itself, but not as much. After it wakes up it will then boost its atk and crit while also applying being able to counter your attacks. Once it goes down this time, you’ll receive the Nails of Sloth. Return to Mirei at the DigiLab to report Belphemon’s defeat which will complete the investigation. Head back to the Detective Agency and interact with the whiteboard to close the case!

Rewards: 80,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Bug Barrier DX x1, Pixel Barrie DX x1, Death Barrier DX x1

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Wrath

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world

After accepting the Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Lust case, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Mirei. She’ll tell you that the Seven Deadly Digmon you are after is Creepymon who can be found at Central Hospital. Travel there then head over to the watercooler in the lobby to find an access point. Connect Jump into it to start a battle against the virus-type Creepymon. He’ll start off the battle by using his signature move which deals some big damage and immobilizes it for one turn. He also likes to use Mental Break Field to lower your int. Use piercing attacks to deal some decent damage to it. Once he goes down, you’ll receive the Horn of Wrath. Return to Mirei at the DigiLab to report Creepymon’s defeat which will complete the investigation. Head back to the Detective Agency and interact with the whiteboard to close the case!

Rewards: 80,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Medical Spray DX x5

Parallel World Girl and Desinty: Fanatics

Difficulty: 5 Stars

Client: Mirei Mikagura

Place: DigiLab

Details: The Seven Deadly Digimon have fallen… This is the beginning of a new destiny. Everything is ready…

The case will become available after you’ve defeated all of the Seven Deadly Digimon. It’s triggered by heading into the Detective Agency which prompts Mirei to call you and leave a case on the board. You might have to enter the agency a couple of times to receive the call. Once you accept the case, head to Mirei at the DigiLab. Speak with her there to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight against the all-powerful vaccine-type Monzaemon! Sayo and her Digimon will also join you for this fight. The bear will constantly reduce your SP to 0 for all active Digimon and will apply random buffs and debuffs to them as well. Its Heart Attack also does a lot of damage which will pretty much one-sho most Digimon. I’d bring your best data and vaccine Digimon to this fight and kind of just roll with the punches. Also make sure to have plenty of healing items. Once it goes down, a cutscene will trigger leading to the completing of the investigation. Return to the whiteboard at the Detective Agency to close the case!

Rewards: 100,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Miracle Meat x2

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Full Walkthrough for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Chapter 19

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition full walkthrough for Cyber Sleuth Chapter 19: Lion Knight of the Round. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete Chapter 19.

Sleuth Chapter 19 Walkthrough

Detective Agency

At the beginning of Chapter 19, there will be new cases you can pick up from the whiteboard. They are listed below and you can find a guide for each one in our Case Guide.

  • Could It Be…a Stalker!?
  • Princess’s Signed CD

If you travel to Shinjuku, you’ll find Victory at Shinjuku Downtown near the subway. Speak with him and you’ll receive a Tactician USB. In order to reach Shinjuku Downtown, you’ll need to use the Steal Hide hacker skill to sneak past the guards.

Tokyo Metropolitan Office – Floors 1 to 30

When you’re ready to proceed with the main story, travel to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office which will kick off a cutscene. When it concludes, head inside. Climb up the stairs in the back and take the leftmost elevator with a blue light above it to the 13th floor. You’ll then need to work your way up to floor 14 and then 15. On the 15th floor, interact with the left elevator to gain access to the lobby. you’ll then want to take the right elevator up to floor 27.

Floors 27, 28, and 29 are all connected by elevators meaning that each elevator will take you to one of those 3 floors. To keep climbing up the building, you’ll need to reach the southwestern corner of Floor 27 then take the elevator up to Floor 29. This will bring you to a hallway leading to another elevator that will take you up to Floor 30. While you’re working your way over there, make sure to stop by Floor 28 as there are quite a few chests on that floor. When you reach Floor 30, make sure to use the access point there to heal up and shuffle around your party if needed. I’d also recommend saving because there is a boss fight coming up!

Chest Items / Medals

  • 13th Floor
    • Chrome Digizoid
    • Farm Development Kit
  • 14th Floor
    • SP Capsule A x5
    • PlatinumNumemon Medal
    • HP Attach A
  • 15th Floor
    • HP Spray A x3
  • 27th Floor
    • CRT Attach A
    • Revival Capsule DX x2
  • 28th Floor
    • Bank Expansion Drive
    • HIT Boost x5
    • HP Capsule A x3
    • Multi-Recovery x3
  • 29th Floor
    • Brave Point B
    • Mental Melon x2
  • 30th Floor
    • Memory Up

Boss Fight: Dynasmon

Push forward on Floor 30 to come across Dynasmon. After a cutscene, you’ll have to fight that data-type Royal Knight. He’ll start the fight out by using his Wyvern’s Breath attack which will deal some heavy damage to your active team. Keep an eye out for this move as it also heals him for 20% of the damage dealt. To dish out some heavy damage of your own, make sure to bring some virus types to this fight. For some additional damage, you also might want to consider using electric-based attacks. Once you bring down the Royal Knight, another cutscene will play. Once it concludes, head to the elevator and interact with the right one to open a path back down to the lobby. Also, make sure to head right to find a chest with a Memory Up inside. With that out to the way, use the left elevator to reach Floor 36.

Tokyo Metropolitan Office – Floors 36 to 40

Just like the previous group of floors, Floors 36, 37, 38 and 39 are also grouped together. On Floor 30 you want to follow the main path heading south to the most southern elevator. Take that up to Floor 37 then follow the hallway west to another elevator. You’ll want to ride that one back down to Floor 36. Go north to reach the next elevator and take that one to Floor 38. On Floor 38 head to the northeastern corner to find another elevator. Take that one to Floor 37. Follow the path south a short way to reach another elevator. Ride that one up to Floor 39 and follow the long hallway south to reach the elevator that will take you up to Floor 40. On Floor 40, you’ll find an access point so use that to help up and change out your party as needed. On the north side of the floor, you’ll find two elevators. The left one will unlock a shortcut to the lobby after interacting with it while the right one will take you up to Floor 48. Use the latter one to proceed with the story.

Chest Items / Medals

  • 36th Floor
    • Escape Gate x5
    • HP Capsule B x10
    • Revival Capsule DX x3
  • 37th Floor
    • Clever Carrot x2
    • Full Revival Spray
    • SP Capsule A x5
  • 38th Floor
    • Brave Point A
    • HP Spray A x3
    • INT Restraint Chip A
    • Rosemon BM Medal
    • SPD Boost x3
  • 39th Floor
    • Bishop Disk
    • Farm Expansion Plugin
    • Memory Up
    • SP Spray A x2
  • 40th Floor
    • Medical Spray DX
  • 49th Floor
    • Miracle Meat

Tokyo Metropolitan Office – Floors 48 to Roof

Floor 48 takes you outside. From this point, Floors 48 and 49 are a linear path that leads to the roof. You’ll find an access point just before the elevator that will take you to the roof, so make use of that to heal up and make any final changes to your party. There is also a chest past the roof elevator to the east with a Miracle Meat inside. When you’re ready, proceed up to the roof.

If you have 3 PlatinumNumemon with 3 Tactician USBs each then this might be a good place to grind out some levels before pushing forwards in the main story. You can use the Function Call Lv 2 Hacker Skill to force encounters next to the access point on Floor 49 then auto-battle the Digimon that shows up. You’ll earn around 150K + exp per battle when set up correctly.

Boss Fight: Eater Adam

Once on the roof, head to the helipad to trigger a cutscene with Arata. When it concludes you’ll be thrown into a boss fight against Eater Adam. In order to defeat him, you’ll just need to just keep hitting him with attacks. Utilize piercing attacks to deal a good chunk of damage. Eater Adam does have a skill that deals damage and heals him for a percentage of it. Once he goes down another cutscene will trigger placing your Sleuth in the Path to the Spirit World. Follow the main path and keep speaking with Arata as you go. After several attempts, you’ll finally knock some sense into the blockhead. When the cutscene ends, you’ll be thrown into a boss fight against Leopardmon.

Boss Fight: Leopardmon

Leopardmon is a data-type Digimon, so make sure to use some virus types to deal double the damage. In addition to that, he’s also weak to dark attacks so use them for additional damage. After you defeat him, you’ll get another lengthy cutscene.

Tokyo Metropolitan Office – Roof

When you regain control of the sleuth, speak with Arata on the roof. He’ll thank you for helping them then ask if you go with him somewhere. Speak with Alphamon to return to the Detective Agency. Conversely, when you’re ready to proceed with the game, speak with Kyoko in the Detective Agency to return to the roof then speak with Omnimon to enter the Digital World which will trigger a cutscene leading to the end of Cyber Sleuth Chapter 19!

Detective Agency

Back at the Detective Agency, you’ll have new cases including Aratas. Speak with Kyoko and another one will be added. When you exit the Detective Agency, Rina will call challenging you to a battle against Ultraforce Veemon. The case will then appear on the whiteboard. Additionally, travel to the DigiLab and speak with Merei to add an additional 7 cases. They are all listed below and you can find a guide for each one in our Case Guide.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Complete Guide on the Digimon Story CS Platinum Cup

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NBG and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition CS Platinum Cup guide. In this guide you find a list of the Tamers and Digimon you’ll face for the Platinum Cup in the Offline Colosseum on Broadway 4F. You can start the Colosseum by interacting with the red arcade machine near Oruru. You’ll have to have won the Bronze, Silver and Gold Cups before the Platinum Cup is available

CS Platinum Cup Tamers and Digimon

Old ManShogunGekomon (virus)
Modern GirlGotsumon (data)
Pumpkinmon (data)
Female StudentLilymon (data)
Lilamon (data)
NerdDatamon (virus)
Wisemon (virus)
Demon HackerMetalGreymon (vaccine)
SkullGreymon (virus)
GuyGrapLeomon (vaccine)
Leomon (vaccine)
Panjyamon (vaccine)
Office LadyRapidmon (vaccine)
Taomon (data)
WarGrowlmon (virus)
Zaxon HackerPaildramon (free)
Shakkoymon (free)
Silphymon (free)

The Zaxon Hacker fight at the end will be a bit tough. He’ll increase his team’s speed and int while lowering your attack. The Silphymon also has Aura which can heal all three of them at once.

CS Platinum Cup Rewards

For winning the Platinum Cup, you’ll get a Brave Point B which gives a single Digimon 20,000 EXP.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Full Walkthrough for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Chapter 18

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition full walkthrough for Cyber Sleuth Chapter 18: Lost, Lost Memories. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete Chapter 18.

Cyber Sleuth Chapter 18 Walkthrough

Detective Agency

When you gain control of Nokia, you’ll be in the Detective Agency. Exit the room to select “Yes” when prompted to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, head to the access point to meet with Mirei in the DigiLab. Heal up and swap Digimon if needed, then leave when you are ready.

Beginning in EDEN

Keep heading south making your way towards the park. There will be a couple of chests along the way containing Best Meat x2, Friendship DX and Full Revival Spray. When you get close a cutscene will trigger. Afterward, interact with the hole by the pole to kick off another cutscene.

Boss Fight: Crusadermon

When that awesome cutscene ends, you’ll be thrown into a battle with virus-type Crusadermon, but this time you’ll be supported by my personal favorite Digimon! Damage Crusadermon until she’s around 1/4 health to witness a scripted event. After it ends, you’ll need to fight Crusadermon again, but this time with Yuuko. Same as the last time you fought her, make use of vaccine-type Digimon to deal double damage and throw in some light-based attacked additional damage on top of that. After she goes down this time, it’s light out.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Full Walkthrough for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Chapter 17

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition full walkthrough for Cyber Sleuth Chapter 17: Recollection. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete Chapter 17.

Cyber Sleuth Chapter 17

Detective Agency

At the start of Chapter 17, there will be two new cases you pick up. They are listed below and you can find a guide for each one in our Case Guide.

  • Desperately Seeking Babysitter
  • Dr. Datamon’s Medicine Trial


You can find Victory Uchida on the other side of the street standing next to Woodmon. Speak with him and he’ll give you a Boost Banana, Belphemon SM Medal, and Belphemon RM Medal for finding him.

When you’re ready to proceed with the story, travel to Akihabara. Head to the other side of the street next to the shop to find Yuuko. Speak with her to head into the Digital Shift after Crusadermon.

Akihabara: Digital Shift

Once in the Digital Shift, head east down the road passing the access point. Use the list below on how to navigate through the labyrinth to make it to the next area.

  • East 2 block
  • North 1 block
  • West 1 block
  • South 1 block
  • West 1 block
  • North to the next area

Before interacting with the orb in the new area, examine the shining object on the ground behind it to receive a Flymon Medal. You can then approach the orb to start a battle against a pair of virus-type MetalTyrannomons. Defeat them then return to the previous area. You’ll then need to work your way to the southeastern corner of the Digital Shift to reach the 2nd orb.

  • East 1 block
  • South 1 block
  • West 1 block
  • South 1 block (near entrance)
  • East 3 blocks

Approach the orb to start a fight against 2 virus-type Bademons and a virus-type Ebemon. After the battle, a new path will become available. Take the nearby road north, stopping by 2nd access point if you need to heal. Continue heading north to reach the next area where you’ll find Crusadermon.

Boss Fight: Crusadermon

Approach Cruadermon to trigger a cutscene where she’ll drop some truth bombs. Immediately after, you’ll be thrown into a fight against her. She’s a virus-type Digimon so make sure to use some vaccine-types to deal double damage to her. If you also use light-based skills, you’ll deal additional damage. After defeating her, another cutscene will trigger.


When you regain control of your sleuth, follow along the path and watch the events as they play out closing out Chapter 17.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.

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Fallout 76 – Opportunity Knocking Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Opportunity Knocking quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Opportunity Knocking

To begin the Opportunity Knocking quest, speak with Jeremiah Hopkins under the “Come Visit Atlantic City” sign in the common room of the Whitespring Resort.

Fallout 76 Opportunity Knocking

Afterwards, you’ll receive a miscellaneous main quest to read the nightclub advertisement. You’ll find this advertisement on the wall by the “Volunteer Here” sign near the entrance to the Whitespring Resort.

Read the nightclub advertisement

Opportunity Knocking Objectives

Attend the nightclub opening

Opportunity Knocking Nightclub called Rose Room

You’ll find the Rose Room east of Vault 76 and can fast travel there for free!

Watch the performance

Once inside head to the right and walk down to the basement where you’ll find Evelyn Russo performing in a blue dress on stage. Watch her performance then listen to the banter that follows.

Speak to the bartender

Speak with Vin Russo behind the bar near the stage.

Take a seat for the next performance

Across from the bar sit down on the white couch then Evelyn will begin the next performance.

Watch the next performance

For this performance a musician will play the tuba.

Wipe out the attackers

During the performance, a patron will kill the musician. Quickly jump up and take out the 3 attackers.

Interrogate the surviving attacker

Head over to the bar to find the surviving patron spewing blood by Vin and speak with him.

Listen to Evelyn and Vin

Just stand there and listen to the mother and son’s conversation.

Check on Abbie

Speak with Abbie near her mom and brother.

Talk to Vin

Speak with Vin after his mom storms off and ask him what else he needs.

Ask Evelyn to return downstairs

Follow Evelyn up the stairs and speak with Evelyn near the stairs.

Inform Antonio of the situation

Per Evelyn’s request, head up the stairs and speak with Antonio.

Reconvene with Vin

Head back to the basement and speak with Vin. Agree to get the Devil’s Blood so his sister can be saved! Afterwards, the Opportunity Knocking quest will complete and you’ll begin the All the World’s a Stage!

Fallout 76 Guides and Walkthroughs

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Fallout 76 – Responders Reborn Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Responders Reborn quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this main story quest!

Responders Reborn

You’ll automatically obtain the Responders Reborn main quest after arriving at the Whitespring Resort! You’ll need to complete this quest if you wish to continue with the Atlantic City questline!

Responders Reborn Objectives

Go to the Whitespring Refuge

Fallout 76 Responders Reborn Walkthrough

At the start of the Responders Reborn quest, you’ll need to locate the Whitespring Refuge can be found northeast of the Uncanny Caverns. Once there, head inside the fancy building.

Speak to somebody in charge

Head past the greeter standing at the podium and speak with Orlando on the walkway straight ahead under the Volunteer Here sign.

Fallout 76 Responders Reborn Speak to Somebody in Charge

Complete Refuge Daily Quests:

Code Blue

For the Code Blue daily quest, you’ll need to talk with Rucker who can be found in the area just past Esme’s Kitchen. You’ll then need to search for information at a random location. Once you arrive at the location, search for the terminal marked by the objective then use it to get the location of your information. After you retrieve the records you’re looking for, return to the Refuge and speak with the Responder Medic in the clinic section. Doing so will complete the Code Blue daily quest.

Mutual Aid

For the Mutual Aid daily quest, you’ll need to speak with Sophie Wagoner who can be found in the common room. She’ll request that you bring her 50 of a material. If you need to gather some from your stash, there is a stash box to the right of Sophie! Once you’ve collected what she asks, the Mutual Aid daily quest will complete!

Recipe for Success
Fallout 76 Recipe for Success

For the Recipe for Success daily quest, you’ll need to speak with Esme who can be found in the restaurant. When you’re ready to cook, select that option but be warned that this next part is timed so you’ll have to be quick! First, you’ll need to interact with the ladle next to the pot to stir it! Next, you’ll need to enter the storage room directly behind Esme to begin your search for the tatos, venison and carrots. Please note that these are in a different location for everyone! If you can’t find what you’re looking for in this storage room, head through the doors to the east to find another storage area.

Recipe for Success Fallout 76

Now that you have the ingredients, return to Esme and stir the stew to keep it from burning. You’ll then need to interact with the hammer on the counter to pound the venison, the cutting board to chop the carrots and the sink to wash the tatos. Afterwards, interact with the pot to add all the ingredients. Next up, you’ll need to return to the storage rooms and search for a white bowl containing pepper and a white bowl containing salt. Once you’ve found them, return to Esme and speak with her to finish the stew. She’ll then ask you if you’d like to add a Stimpak, Spices or Psycho to the soup. Make your selection or select that you don’t have anything to add. You’ll then be given a choice to deliver the soup to the Raider or Settler representatives who can be found in the lobby bar area.

Raider Representative or Settler Representative

Upon making your decision, the Recipe for Success daily quest will complete!

Speak to Skippy Roerich

Skippy Roerich

Skippy can be found in the workshop. Speak with him!

Speak to Lennox

Lennox Roof Access

Next, you’ll need to head up to the Roof Access to find Lennox next to the bird. After speaking with her, the Responders Reborn quest will complete.

Fallout 76 Guides and Walkthroughs

Find more Fallout 76 guides and walkthroughs here!