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Monster Hunter Stories Lost Poogies Quick Find Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Have you ever wondered where your Poogies wandered off to? These lovable creatures can be a source of joy and companionship, but unfortunately, they are missing. In this guide, we’ll list which Poogies can be found in what area to make locating them easier. Welcome to NGB and our quick find guide on the Lost Poogies in Monster Hunter Stories! Let’s get to tracking down that missing bacon!

This guide is a work in progress that will be updated regularly as we progress in the game!

Lost Poogie Index

Where to Find the Lost Poogies

Darj Mountain Cabins

  • 057 – Goblin

Darj Rock Baths

  • 005 – Porky
  • 080 – Darj Rock Baths

Darj Snowfields

  • 048 – Smoothy
  • 069 – Hogworth
  • 070 – Dr. Hamm
  • 088 – Drift


  • 050 – Deli

Mt. Pondry Caves Lost Poogies

  • 001 – Marshmallow
  • 050 – Cobra
  • 071 – Miriam

Perennial Pass

  • 098 – Goober

Pondry Hills

  • 002 – Pumpkin
  • 031 – Arthur
  • 045 – Edmund

Whistill Forest

  • 016 – Crunchy
  • 028 – Schnumpfnut
  • 095 – Cerberus

Wintertide Tunnel

  • 047 – Jackfruit
  • 058 – Pearl
  • 068 – Shady
  • 079 – Plumpy
  • 086 – Vivian

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!


How to Start the SMTV Vengeance Story

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on how to start the Canon of Vengeance narrative in SMTV Vengeance.

SMTV Vengeance Narratives

If you’re diving into Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV), you’re in for a thrilling ride. This game offers a unique blend of strategic combat, complex storylines, and captivating character development. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance consists of 2 complete story paths: the original story of SMTV called the Cannon of Creation and the brand new route called the Cannon of Vengeance. In this new tale, you’ll embark on a new adventure in a massively expanded definitive version with a brand new storyline featuring new locations, demons and choices.

How to Play the new SMTV Vengeance Storyline

At the very beginning of SMTV Vengeance, you will be presented with the option to take the girl’s hand or not. If you choose not to take her hand, the Canon of Creation, which is the original story of SMTV will begin. Alternatively, you can select to take the girl’s hand. This will automatically start the Canon of Vengeance story. After you make your choice, the game will give you one more chance to change your mind.

SMTV Vengeance Guides and Walkthroughs

For more help, check out our SMTV Vengeance Guides and Walkthroughs main page!

Shin Megami Tensei V

SMTV Vengeance – Tokyo Subquests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V guide on the Tokyo subquests in SMTV. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to easily breeze through these quests! Please note that this guide has been updated to include new content from Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance!

Tokyo Subquests

Classified Courier

Client: Bethel Researcher

Reward: New Testament Tablet x1

Summary: Deliver an Attache Case containing confidential documents to a researcher at the Tokyo Diet Building

Travel to the Tokyo Diet Building in Minato and speak with the guy to the right of the entrance to complete the Classified Courier subquest.

In Pursuit of Knowledge

Client: Male Student

Reward: Treacherous Order Periapt x1

Summary: Take the quiz about demon trivia

The In Pursuit of Knowledge subquest can only be found in SMTV Vengeance! For this quest, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 questions. The answers to these questions can be found below.

The demon Onmoraki is a monstrous bird with a human face. What is its original form?Human corpse
Amongst the hierarchy of daemons, what is the name of the evil spirit from which the word “demon” originates?Cacodaemon
What should you do to remove the omelet-loving spirit Aitvaras from your home?Light a candle

Miracle Research

Client: Bethel Researcher

Reward: Chakra Elixir x1

Summary: Show him a Miracle that allows you to undo a slip of the tongue. If you learn it, talk to him. (Recommended Level: 43)

The Miracle Research subquest can be obtained in SMTV Vengeance.

Picture Perfect Debut

Client: Amabie

Reward: Healing Sutra x1

Summary: Give Amabie’ sBromide Photo to a student in Tokyo. (if you want to give it to someone related to Bethel, do it sooner rather than later.)

The Picture Perfect Debut subquest can be found at Jozoji during the Investigate the Anomalies in Tokyo quest in SMTV Vengeance. Speak with the girl marked by the objective nearby then return to Amabie to complete the quest.

Prince of Her Dreams

Client: Miyazu Atsuta

Reward: Can of Jelly x3

Summary: Talk to a human who knows legends and mythology

*This request must be completed before a certain point in the main quest or it will be canceled!*

After you accept the quest, progress the story by attending class. When it ends, exit the classroom and head east down the hallway. There will be a dead end where a Male Student is standing.

Speak with him then return to Miyazu. On the way to her a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, speak with Miyazu to complete the Prince of Her Dreams subquest.

Supersonic Racing

Client: Reporter

Reward: Agility Incense x4

Summary: Capture the photographic evidence of the truth behind the urban legend about the Supersonic Lady.

SMTV Vengeance Supersonic Racing

The Supersonic Racing subquest is only found in SMTV Vengeance. When you’re ready to begin this subquest, speak with the Reporter. You’ll then need to speak with the person moving quickly around the map. Figure out the pattern then stand in her path and quickly press X to speak with her. Afterwards, you’ll need to catch her again two more times. Once you catch her the second time, you’ll fight Turbo Granny! She is weak to Light and blocks Dark. When you defeat her, return to the Reporter to complete the subquest.

To New Horizons

Client: Woman

Reward: Lavish Demon Box x2

Summary: Obtain Designer Heels once sold in Minato around 20 years ago (Recommended Level: 37)

The To New Horizons subquest can be found in SMTV Vengeance! For this quest, travel to the Tamachi Leyline in Minato then head north up the road. Just before the split, head into the ruined building on the right. Inside you’ll find a demon. Speak with her and compliment her shoes. Pay her 500 Macca. You’ll then play as Muu Shuwuu. Interact with the red vending machine then exhaust all the options. Follow the hill down to the objective markers. Interact with the car, tent and bus if you wish.

Afterwards, interact with the shiny object on the ground. Interacting the object will trigger a fight against 3 Level 39 Andras. They are weak to Electric. Once you defeat them, return to the woman to complete the To New Horizons subquest.

SMTV Guides and Walkthroughs

For other Shin Megami Tensei V guides and walkthroughs, click here!


Complete List of Digimon Hacker’s Memory Cases

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete list of Digimon Hacker’s Memory cases guide. Here find a list of all the cases in Digmion Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory including when they become available, how to complete them, and the rewards you’ll receive at the end! All of the cases can be picked up from Internet Cafe: Hudie in PC Boot 10. Get out there and raise that Hacker Rank!!!

This guide is a work in progress! Additional cases will be added as we progress in the game!

Hacker’s Memory Cases

The below table contains the case names listed alphabetically along with their difficulty and the rewards you’ll receive for completing them. If you click on a case name under the case column, you’ll be taken to that section in the guide with additional details on that specific case. Some cases will take you to a new page if they are longer and more detailed than the average case!

Airdramon’s Escape2 Star1300 Yen
500 Hacker Points
Fighter Patch x1
Defender Patch x1
Beat the Evil Hackers!2 Star500 Yen
100 Hacker Points
HP Capsule C x3
Choromon Medal X1
Lovely Melody2 Star1000 Yen
300 Hacker Points
Sp Attach D x1
Missing Girl2 Star10000 Yen
300 Hacker Points
Pearl x2
That’ll Work in Ikebukuro!1 Star1500 Yen
500 Hacker Points
HP Capsule C x2
That’ll Work in Nakano!1 Star
1500 Yen
500 Hacker Points
SP Capsule C x2

Airdramon’s Escape

Prerequisite: Complete Beat the Evil Hackers in Chapter 3

Details: 2-star difficulty case requested by DigiMarket Wholesaler

Once you accept the Airdramon’s Escape case, your hacker will contact the DigiMarket Wholesaler. He’ll ask you to get back his Airdramon that escaped sending you to Under Kowloon Lv. 2. Login into EDEN then travel to Under Kowloon Lv. 1. When you get there, travel to the next area and head for the green elevator platform in the center of the area. You can use that to reach Under Kowloon Lv. 2.

After arriving in Kowloon Lv. 2, head north from the warp pad and interact with the yellow firewall to fight it. Reduce it’s HP to 0 bring it down, allowing you to proceed to the warp pad at the end. Use it to reach the next area then follow the linear path to arrive in an open area. There will be numerous hackers with exclamation points (!) above their heads you’ll need to check with for info on the missing Digimon. The one you want to look for is the girl wearing a red dress near the warp pad. She’ll tell you that Airdramon was seen heading deeper into Under Kowloon Lv. 2.

Use the warp pad then follow the linear path to reach the deepest part of the area where Airdramon awaits. Head over and speak with the Digimon to initiate a battle with the it. Its a vaccine-type, so if you have a data Digimon, bring it to deal double the damage. It’s also weak to electric attacks which deal additional damage. Take down Airdramon to trigger a cutscene leading to completion of the case. Return to the BBS to report the case as solved!

Rewards: 1300 Yen, 500 Hacker Points, Fighter Patch x1, Defender Patch x1

Beat the Evil Hackers!

Prerequisite: Reach Chapter 3

Details: 2-star difficulty case requested by Mirei Mikagura

After accepting the Beat the Evil Hackers! case, you’ll head to the DigiLab automatically. Speak with Mirei who will request that you punish an evil hacker in EDEN somewhere around Under Kowloon Lv 1. Exit the DigiLab then use the PC to travel to Under Kowloon Lv1 then make your way to the next area. The hacker you’re looking for can be found near the center of the area near the green platform elevator. Speak with him (select “Yes” when prompted) to battle his team of Bukamon (free) and Tsumemon (free). Defeat them to complete the case. You’ll then need to travel back to the DigiLab to let Mirei know the job is done. This will complete the case. Return to the PC in Hudie to report the case as solved on the BBS!

Rewards: 500 Yen, 100 Hacker Points, HP Capsule X x3, Chormon Medal x1

Lovely Melody

Prerequisite: Complete Beat the Evil Hackers in Chapter 3

Details: 2-star difficulty case requested by Music School Girl

Upon accepting the Lovely Melody case, our hacker will contact the client to ask for the details. She will request us to track down a singing woman that she heard while wondering around Junk Plaza in Kowloon Lv. 1. Following the conversation, you’ll be sent there automatically, so head over to the client and speak with her by the giant stuffed bear. Now that she’s with us, progress deeper through Kowloon Lv. 1 heading to the deepest part. As you get near it, a cutscene will trigger where we’ll start hearing the singing. Continue on to find a Lalamon. Speak with her to trigger a battle against the data-type Digimon. Defeat it to kick off another cutscene that will lead to the case completing. Return to the BBS and report the case solved!

Rewards: 1000 Yen, 300 Hacker Points, SP Attach D x1

Missing Girl

Prerequisite: Complete Beat the Evil Hackers in Chapter 3

Details: 2-star difficulty case requested by Royal Generation 3

After accepting the Missing Girl case, you’ll reach out to the client to get the details on the case. Royal Generation 3 will you to find his girlfriend who suddenly went missing the pair were on a date in Kowloon. After pressing him for more info, you’ll also learn her nickname is Rumi and she was last seen at Junk Plaza in Kowloon Lv. 1 as the conversation comes to a close. The game will then transport you to Junk Plaza. Speak with all three people there to trigger a cutscene leading to a battle against Lunamon (data). To make quit work of the Digimon, make sure to use a virus type of your own otherwise just keep attacking her. Once she goes down, another cutscene will trigger leading to the completion of the investigation. Return to your PC in Hudie to report the case solved on the BBS!

Rewards: 10000 Yen, 300 Hacker Points, Pearl x2

That’ll Work in Ikebukuro!

Prerequisite: Reach Chapter 2

Details: 1-star difficulty case requested by Chitose!

Upon accepting the That’ll Work in Ikebukuro! case, you’ll notice a grocery list that Chitose attached with items you’ll need to pick up. Leave the cafe to reach Ikebukuro Main Street, then follow the sidewalk to the left. After passing the building with all the sale signs, you’ll be stopped by a Kamishiro Employee who will give you an Advertising Tissue. You can show it to Mr. Navit the next time you’re at the EDEN Entrance in EDEN to receive a special prize! You’ll then call Chitose for a little event. Once it ends, continue past the lady to reach Tokyo Handy. Interact with the door to mysteriously grab everything on the list, leading to another cutscene that will complete the investigation. Return to the PC in Hudie to report the case solved on the BBS!

Rewards: 1500 Yen, 500 Hackers Points, HP Capsule C x2

That’ll Work in Nakano!

Prerequisite: Reach Chapter 2

Details: 1-star Diffuctly Case requested by Chitose!

Once you’ve accepted That’ll Work in Nakano! case, you’ll check out the list of items that Chitose needs you to pick up at the junk shop. Leave the cafe then head left along Ikebukuro: Main Street. When you pass Game World, take a right to reach the map then travel to Nakano (running into a certain sleuth). The junk shop Big Yard we’re looking for can be found on Broadway 1F. Head straight past the escalators which will transition you into a new area where you’ll spot the shop. Go inside and speak with Junk Shopkeeper to purchase everything on the list prompting a call from Yu which leads to a lengthy cutscene. Once it ends, the investigation will be complete. Return to the PC in Hudie to report the case solved on the BBS!

Rewards: 1500 Yen, 500 Hackers Points, SP Capsule C x2

Digimon Story CS Hacker’s Memory Guides and Walkthroughs

For more help, check out our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory guides and walkthroughs main page!


List of Where to Find Digimon in Hacker’s Memory

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on where to find the Digimon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory! Here you’ll find a listing of all the Digimon including their number, type, attribute and location.

Training I

NoDigimon (Type / Attribute)Location
001Kuramon (Free / Neutral)???
002Pabumon (Free / Neutral)Kowloon Lv. 1
Under Kowloon Lv. 1
003Punimon (Free / Neutral)Under Kowloon Lv. 1
004Botamon (Free / Neutral)Under Kowloon Lv. 1
005Poyomon (Free / Neutral)Kowloon Lv. 1

Training II

NoDigimon (Type / Attribute)Location
007Koromon (Free / Fire)Kowloon Lv. 1
Under Kowloon Lv. 1
008Tanemon (Free / Plant)Under Kowloon Lv. 2
009Tsunomon (Free / Earth)Kowloon Lv. 1
010Tsumemon (Free / Dark)Under Kowloon Lv. 1
Under Kowloon Lv. 2
011Tokomon (Free / Netural)???
012Nyaromon (Free/ Light)???
013Pagumon (Free / Dark)???
014Yokomon (Free / Plant)Kowloon Lv. 2
Steam Dealers Hideout
015Bukamon (Free / Water)Under Kowloon Lv. 2
016Motimon (Free / Neutral)Steam Dealers Hideout
017Wanyamon (Free / Wind)Kowloon Lv. 2


NoDigimon (Type / Attribute)Location
018Agumon (Vaccine / Fire)???
019Agumon (Blk) (Virus / Fire)???
021Armadillomon (Free / Earth)???
022Impmon (Virus / Dark)???
023Elecmon (Data / Electric)Steam Dealers Hideout
024Otamamon (Virus / Water)???
025Gaomon (Data / Neutral)???
026Gazimon (Virus / Dark)???
027Gabumon (Data / Fire)Under Kowloon Lv. 2
028Gabumon (Blk) (Virus / Fire)???
029Guilmon (Virus / Fire)???
030Kudamon (Vaccine / Light)???
031Keramon (Free / Dark)???
032Gotsumon (Data / Earth)???
033Goblimon (Virus / Earth)Kowloon Lv. 2
034Gomamon (Vaccine / Water)???
035Syakomon (Virus / Water)???
036Zybamon (Vaccine / Neutral)???
038Chuumon (Virus / Earth)Steam Dealers Hideout
039Terriermon (Vaccine / Wind)Under Kowloon Lv. 2
040Tentomon (Vaccine / Plant)???
041ToyAgumon (Vaccine / Neutral)???
042Dracmon (Virus / Dark)Under Kowloon Lv. 2
043Dracomon (Data / Fire)???
044Dorumon (Data / Neutral)???
045Hagurumon (Virus / Electric)Steam Dealers Hideout
046Patamon (Data / Wind)???
047Hackmon (Data / Fire)???
048Palmon (Data / Plant)???
049DemiDevimon (Virus / Dark)???
050Biyomon (Vaccine / Wind)Kowloon Lv. 1
051Falcomon (Vaccine / Wind)???
052FanBeemon (Virus / Plant)???
053Veemon (Free / Neutral)???
054Salamon (Vaccine / Light)???
055Betamon (Virus / Water)???
056Hawkmon (Free / Wind)???
057Mushroomon (Virus / Plant)???
058Monodramon (Vaccine / Neutral)???
059Lalamon (Data / Plant)Under Kowloon Lv. 2
060Lucemon (Vaccine / Light)???
061Lunamon (Date / water)???
062Renamon (Data / Plant)???
063Lopmon (Data / Earth)???
064Wormmon (Free / Plant)???


Coming Soon!


Comming Soon!


Comming Soon!

Digimon Story CS Hacker’s Memory Guides and Walkthroughs

For more help, check out our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory guides and walkthroughs main page!


Complete Hacker’s Memory Chapter 2 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NBG and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory Chapter 2 walkthrough. In this walkthrough, you’ll find everything you need to know to complete Chapter 2 Handyman of Hudie!

Hacker’s Memory Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Internet Cafe: Hudie

After logging out of EDEN, head to the front of the cafe and talk to Ryuji. He’ll tell you to wait in Erika’s room and then leave to find Chitose. Enter the VIP door in the back of the cafe to trigger a cutscene. Once it ends, exit the room to start your Newbie Education 101 with Chitose. Follow the walkthrough on boards and what Hubie does. Interact with booth 10, selecting “Yes” when prompted to use the PC. Check the BBS Posts to see that two new cases were added. You’ll need to complete both of them to progress the story. You can find more details for them on our Complete List of Digimon Hacker’s Memory Cases!

EDEN Entrance

Once both cases have been solved, exit the PC to get a call from Chitose checking in. He’ll then send you on patrol with Erika to do some light maintenance. Log back onto the PC and select EDEN then travel to EDEN Entrance. After a quick event plays, you’ll receive the Unhappy Girl keyword leading to the Keywords tutorial. Before doing anything, speak with Mr. Navit who will give you 3 Home Gate and 3 Export items as a gift via the Advertising Tissue.

Now back to the main story. To progress, you’ll need to use the keyword to track down Erika. There are four individuals with a lock icon above their heads you’ll need to speak with to get the info we’re looking for. You can speak to them all if you want to reach the dialog, but the one we need is on the very top level of the EDEN Entrance on the right side wearing a black business suit. Speak with him and use the keyword to learn that Erika might be in another area. You’ll also receive the EDEN Free Area URL. To use it, return to the entrance of EDEN Entrance and use the warp pad to go to another area.

EDEN Free Area

From the EDEN menu, select the EDEN Free Area URL. Follow the main path left, then go north near the storage units for a cutscene. When it ends, head behind the storage units to find a Digimon medal. With it in your possession, use the warp pad to return to the EDEN Entrance.


  • Pafumon Medal (behind storage units)

EDEN Entrance

Now that we are back in EDEN Entrance, head up to the top level and go to the northwestern corner. You’ll spot a small Digimon there with an exclamation point (!) above his head. Approach it to trigger an event going over your role on this patrol. You’ll also receive the EDEN Community Area URL which is our next destination!


  • Brave Point E – under a bench in the middle level

EDEN Community Area

At the EDEN Community Area, locate the nearby stairs and climb down them. You’ll spot the Digimon we are after hiding behind an empty chair. Interact with the little guy to examine it. During the conversation, Erika will mention a problem tasking you to check with the people in the area while she does some debugging. There are 3 people in the sitting area and 2 in the upper area that you’ll need to speak with all with exclamation points (!) above their heads. If you speak with the 3 in the lower area and one by the warp pad, you’ll get enough information to kick off the next cutscene during which you’ll receive the Kowloon Lv. 1 URL. Make your way there with Erika when you are ready.


  • Puttimon Medal – near the giant hologram orb

Kowloon Lv. 1

Immediately after reaching Kowloon, you’ll notice a white cat along the path leading to the next area. Approach the cat for a little event, then follow it into the next area. Once you arrive at the park, interact with the three areas identified by an exclamation point (!). Following the examination of the third point of interest, another event will trigger where a second cat shows up.

Press on by following the white cat into the next area for a cutscene where our hacker will be sent to the DigiLab meeting Mirei Mikagura. You’ll then be free to examine everything in the DigiLab. When you’re done with that, interact with the warp pad across from Mirei to leave. On the way out, she’ll give you a Hacking Skill and the DigiLab URL.

Back in Kowloon, another cutscene will play out between the hacker and Erika only to be cut short by a scream. Follow the path heading east to reach the northwest side of the area to find Wormon being attacked by a Waspmon (virus). Interact with them to challenge the Waspmon. Defeat the Digimon for another cutscene ending Hacker’s Memory Chapter 2!


  • Hyogamon Medal – Near Wormmon

Digimon Story CS Hacker’s Memory Guides and Walkthroughs

For more help, check out our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory guides and walkthroughs main page!


Complete Hacker’s Memory Chapter 1 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NBG and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory Chapter 1 walkthrough. In this walkthrough, you’ll find everything you need to know to complete Chapter 1 Back Alley Hackers!

Hacker’s Memory Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Under Kowloon Lv1-1

After you gain control of the Hacker, speak to the four people with exclamation points (!) above their heads in the current area. They’ll give you some general information, but not exactly what we are looking for. Once you’ve spoken with the 4th one, your hacker will suggest heading deeper into the area to gather more information about Shiga.

Under Kowloon Lv1-2

In the 2nd area of Under Kowloon Lv1, there will be five individuals you’ll need to speak with to progress the story. Four of them will be along the main path heading north through the area while the last one will be to the northwest. While you’re here, keep an eye out for the chests and items in the below list. Following the conversation with the 5th person, an additional hacker will show up in the center of the area near the green elevator. Speak with him then select “Yes” when prompted to install malware on his person triggering a cutscene where you’ll learn a little bit more about our hacker friend.

Chests and Items

The items listed below can be found in chests or as shiny objects lying on the ground.

  • Mokumon Medal
  • HP Capsule C x2
  • Escape Gate

Hacker Forum

When you load into the Hacker Forum, speak with the Shopper Hacker sitting on the bench. He’ll send you to the Penny-Wise Hacker near where you loaded in wearing a white shirt. Talk to her who will recommend you speak with one of the market dealers which leads to an event where you’ll do just that. During this conversation, you’ll be able to choose one of three Digimon. You can select one of the options to learn the Digimon’s name, type, and attribute. You’ll then be able to pick that Digimon or look at another one. Make your choice then show that Black Market Merchant what’s up (with some help)! This fight is a tutorial teaching you the battle mechanics of the game. You’ll be facing an Ogremon (virus) and Devimon (virus). With Ryuji’s help, you’ll make quick work of them. Following the battle, a cutscene will trigger.


  • Xiaomon Medal

Under Kowloon Lv1-2/LV1-3

Back in Kowloon, head toward the warp pad in the northern part of the area. Along the way, a Veteran Hacker Man will call out to you. Speak with him to learn more about Digimon battles. Check out each of the topics in the window that pops up then close when you’re done. Use the warp pad to transition to the next area.

Follow the path all the way to the end to reach the deepest part of Under Kowloon Lv1. You’ll spot Shiga at the end of the path ahead of you. Approach him to trigger a cutscene making sure to loot the chest along the way. This will of course lead to a fight against Shiga and his Golemon (virus). Defeat him to trigger a cutscene where an Eater will make its grand entrance! When it concludes, Hacker’s Memory Chapter 1 will end.


  • SP Capsule C

Digimon Story CS Hacker’s Memory Guides and Walkthroughs

For more help, check out our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory guides and walkthroughs main page!

Starfield Logo

Starfield | The Starjacker Bounty

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on The Starjacker Bounty mission. This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the most relevant information for you.

How to start the Starjacker Bounty mission

You’ll automatically begin this quest after completing The Trackers Alliance mission!

Bounty: The Starjacker Walkthrough

Report back to Agent No. 1

Speak with Agent No. 1 in the Trackers Alliance HQ.

Discuss the plan with Roach

Speak with Roach who is standing next to the bounty board where you picked up the Starjacker bounty!

Use Scanner to find Adrastos on Akila City Streets

Exit the HQ and press LB to use your scanner on the people in Akila City. When the person your scanning turns red, you’ll know you’ve found him! Speak with him then persuade him to work with you.

Speak with Roach

Follow Roach a short distance away then speak with him.

Board the decoy ship

Head to Gate 03 at the spaceport in Akila City and enter the ship.

Starfield Starjacker Bounty

Once aboard, enter the pilot seat!

Take the decoy ship to the chop shop

Travel northwest of Cheyenne to the Andromas system then land at the starstation orbiting Andromas IV. Answer the hail when you get close to the chop shop then dock and board.

Find Hannibal

Head towards the objective to discover that the room containing Hannibal has been sealed. You’ll need to make your way to the top of this area to find a box with a red cable coming out of it.

Starfield Bounty Starjacker

Follow the cable back down to the ship below and head to the back of this ship. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to open it since you don’t have the key. Enemies will shop up and attack you. Take out the Space Punk and loot the body to receive the Command Tower Key, which you’ll need to open the yellow doors of the command center.

Starjacker Bounty Starfield

Inside, interact with the computer then select “Inventory Logs” and “Sunsail”. You’ll get a hint in this log about the Sunsail Ship Key being in Niklas’ locker. Before leaving the computer, make sure to select “Station Lockdown Override” then “Disable Station Lockdown…”. Next, exit to the large area with the Sunsail Ship and head to the Crew Quarters on the left of the ship.

Bounty Starjacker Starfield

Once in the Crew Quarters, take out the enemies inside then head to the lower level where you’ll find the locker. Loot the key then return to the ship.

Make your way to the objective nestled behind a red door. On the other side, an enemy will be waiting. Take them out then interact with the computer. Select “Debug Menu” then “(Online):: Weapon-Missile Pod” then “Execute Test Sequence”.

Exit the ship then head all the way up to where the box with the red cord coming out of it was. You’ll now find a hole in the wall. Proceed on through then defeat the group of enemies awaiting your arrival inside. Afterwards, head on through the Docking Bay 03 door.

Deal with Hannibal

Speak with Hannibal.

Take the Key

After the surprise, you’ll need to loot the chest at the end of the walkway for the key. Be sure to grab all the goodies inside while you’re at it!

Claim the Junker Watchdog Ship

Unlock the door next to the chest to board the ship. Make your way to the cockpit then sit in the pilot seat.

Return to Agent No. 1

Undock then travel to Akila City in the Cheyenne System. Once in Akila City, head to the Trackers Alliance HQ and speak with Agent No. 1. You’ll have passed the test and will get to join the Trackers Alliance, however, you must first pick your call sign from the below options:

  • Bear
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Nightstalker
  • Nova
  • Raven

The Starjacker Bounty will then complete! You’ll be able to select other bounties from the board near Agent No. 1 along with other harder ones from downstairs. Happy hunting!

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

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Starfield Logo

Starfield | The Trackers Alliance Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Starfield walkthrough for The Trackers Alliance mission. This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the most relevant information for you.

How to start The Trackers Alliance

The Trackers Alliance mission dropped on June 9, 2024 during a surprise announcement at the XBOX Games Showcase 2024! To begin this new mission, simply enter the game and the mission will automatically be added to your mission log!

The Trackers Alliance Walkthrough

Speak with the Trackers Alliance Agent

First, you’ll need to make your way over to the Lodge on Jemison and interact with the Mysterious Tracker who is trying to get your attention just outside the building. During your conversation with her, sign up to join the Trackers Alliance!

Go to the Trackers Alliance HQ

Starfield The Trackers Alliance

Travel to Akila in the Cheyenne System then land at Akila City. Once there, head straight into the city and take the path on the right side of the Rock to find the Trackers Alliance building. Enter the HQ!

Speak with Agent No. 1

After Agent No. 1 is finished speaking to Roach, speak with him and agree to officially try out for the Trackers.

Accept the Bounty

On the wall near the agent, accept the Bounty: The Starjacker. The Trackers Alliance mission will then complete and the Bounty: The Starjacker mission will automatically begin!

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

For more help with Starfield, check out our Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs!

Fallout 76 Logo

Fallout 76 – All the World’s a Stage

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the All the World’s a Stage quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

All the World’s a Stage

You’ll automatically obtain the All the World’s a Stage main quest after completing the Opportunity Knocking quest! In order to progress this quest, you’ll first need to have finished Responders Reborn.

All the World’s a Stage Objectives

Speak with Orlando

Speak with Orlando inside the management office of the Whitespring Resort after they are done arguing with Evelyn.

Fallout 76 All the World's a Stage - Orlando's Location

Travel to the Casino Quarter in Atlantic City

Open up your map and press square (if playing on PlayStation!) and select “Atlantic City” then “Casino Quarter”.

Speak to Evelyn

After arriving, speak with Evelyn who can be found pacing nearby.

Find Stanley Soriano

Fallout 76 Neapolitan

Head down through the area until you find the Neapolitan. Inside Stan awaits your arrival. To reach him, start by heading down the right set of stairs then take the first available right. Head straight, passing the slot machines. Take a right at the end of the path and enter the Washrooms door.

Stanley Soriano

Head right then lock pick the door (requires Lock Picking 3). Alternatively, head down the stairs from the entrance and turn around to find the Doorman between the stairs. If your Charisma isn’t high enough, attack and kill him to get the key for the High Rollers Lounge.

How to reach Stanley Soriano

Head to the back where you’ll find Stan sitting at a table in the middle of a poker game. Wait for the events to unfold then speak with Stan. If the other options aren’t available for you, you’ll need to do a favor for him.

(Optional) Bet Stan’s caps at his lucky slot machine

Bet Stan's Caps at his Lucky Slot Machine

Exit the High Rollers Lounge then head upstairs towards the objective to find the lucky slot machine. You’ll need to return to Stan and tell him that the machine was tampered with. He’ll then want you to make sure Zayde gets the “message”.

Get into Zayde’s show

Head southwest to reach a sewer. Once at the boardwalk, head to the northeastern part of the area. You’ll need to pass through some buildings to get there!

Fallout 76 how to get into Zayde's show

Once you arrive at the Showman’s Pier building, interact with the ticket booth just outside of the entrance.

Investigate backstage

Head inside Showman’s Pier and make your way through the building, passing under the red neon ARCADE sign. After passing through the ARCADE sign, enter the second door on the left with a red star on it to reach a bathroom. Equip the clown suit and clown hat on the table next to all the balloons.

Look for Zayde

Head across the hall and knock on the dressing room door that also has a red star on it.

Take the stage

Head west to the stage and stand at the microphone to introduce yourself. You’ll then need to activate the microphone to tell 2 jokes to the audience. Next, you’ll need to equip the throwing pies on the table in front of you and throw them 5 fellow clowns running around. You’ll then need to equip the juggling grenades and throw them through the hoops 3 times. Afterwards, return backstage and speak with Evelyn Russo near the door with the red star.

Return to the stage for the final act

Return to the stage to find Zayde on the board. Listen to his speech then perform the knife-throwing act by using the throwing daggers on the table. You’ll have 3 choices:

  • Aim for the backboard
  • Aim for the torso (reveal the vest)
  • Aim for the head (kill Zayde)

Flee the venue

If you select the options to aim for the torso or head, be prepared to fight your way out of the venue. Once outside, you’ll be fine!

Meet up with Stanley Soriano

After exiting the venue, continue straight to find Stanley waiting for you up a small flight of stairs. Speak with him to conclude your business with him.

Return to The Rose Room in Appalachia

Open your map and fast travel to The Rose Room in Appalachia. Once inside, head downstairs and speak with Vin to hand over the Devil’s Blood. After you agree to speak with Antonio about a possible cure, the All the World’s a Stage will complete and the Honor bound quest will begin!

Fallout 76 Guides and Walkthroughs

Find more Fallout 76 guides and walkthroughs here!