Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 2 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Part 2 in Digimon Survive.


Old School – Decision

  • Right now, we should think about…
    • What’s happening here. (moral)
    • The next fight! (wrathful)
    • Keeping everyone safe. (harmony)


Classroom – Decision

  • Can we do something about the fog?
    • Put that off for now. (moral)
    • Go right around it. (wrathful)
    • Stay away from it. (harmony)


Classroom – Exploration

  • Desk
  • Blackboard
  • Ryo / Minoru / Aoi
    • So, what do we do?
      • Disagree with Ryo / Minoru / Aoi.
      • Agree with Ryo / Minoru / Aoi. (affinity up)
    • You can only agree with 1 of the 3. Whoever you agree with, you’ll gain an affinity increase with. We chose to agree with Aoi.


School 2F Corridor – Decision

  • Aoi seems a bit deflated.
    • Kinda weird, huh?
    • Try to be happy here. (Aoi affinity up)


Classroom – Decision

  • Ryo’s been using his phone the whole time.
    • Phones don’t work. (Ryo affinity up)
    • Who were you calling?


Music Room – Exploration

  • Entering this room causes a short cutscene to appear with Agumon.


Woods by School – Decision

  • Minoru’s happy we found some food, but…
    • What about the people?
    • That’s amazing! (Minoru affinity up)


Classroom – Decision

  • But will this really be enough?
    • What is this place? (moral)
    • Should be okay for now. (wrathful)
    • Worried about others. (harmony)


Free Action

For this Free Action, you’ll get 7 moves. Each of the supporting characters (Aoi, Ryo and Minoru) have 2 events each for a total cost of 6. Keep an eye out when you speak with Agumon as he sometimes has a cost of 1. If you speak with him, you’ll receive items, however, doing so more than once will take away affinity or karma points.


Old School – Free Action

  • Agumon
  • Falcomon
  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • Minoru seems pretty sure…
      • I don’t believe you.
      • You know your stuff! (Minoru affinity up)


Corridor – Free Action

  • Agumon
  • Labramon
  • Aoi (cost 1 move)
    • If we find food, huh?
      • Is there food here?
      • Sure, you got it. (Aoi affinity up)


Classroom – Free Action

  • Agumon
  • Kunemon
  • Ryo (cost 1 move)
    • Hmm, how should I respond…?
      • Guess we’ll see! (moral)
      • Let’s stay positive. (wrathful)
      • Might be hopeless…(harmony)
  • Ryo (cost 1 move)
    • Ryo looks pretty worried…
      • He’s not wrong. (Ryo affinity up)
      • Can’t let that slide.


Faculty Room – Free Action

  • Agumon (cost 1 move)
    • You’ll receive Big Bandage x2.


Woods by School – Exploration

  • Use the camera on one of the trees on the left to find a shadow.
    • What do I do?
      • Fight
        • Leads to a battle!
      • Run


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Agumon (cost 1 move)
    • You’ll receive Salve Pack x3.
  • Labramon
  • Stack of boxes in the corner
    • Use camera to find Potency Crystal
  • Aoi (cost 1 move)
    • That might put Aoi in danger…
      • Don’t go on your own.
      • I’ll look out for you. (Aoi affinity up)
    • Receive Guard Charge


Gym – Free Action

  • Agumon (cost 1 move)
    • You’ll receive Boost Seed x2.
  • Falcomon
  • Minoru (cost 1 move)
    • I wonder…
      • Have Minoru find out.
      • I’m guessing not? (Minoru affinity up)
    • Receive Giant Mushroom x2


Gym – Decision

  • How should I react?
    • Go along with it… (moral)
    • Let me try, too! (wrathful)
    • Knock it off. (harmony)
  • What should I say to Ryo?
    • Nowhere is safe. (moral)
    • Do what you want. (wrathful)
    • Look after them. (harmony)


Woods by School – Decision

  • What’s the best way to search?
    • Groups of two? (moral)
    • Split up, it’s faster! (wrathful)
    • Stick together. (harmony)


Woods by School – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Kunemon
  • Ryo
    • Maybe I should tease him just a little?
      • Yeah, let’s go for it.
      • Naw, leave him be. (Ryo affinity up)
  • Tree to the left of Ryo
    • Use camera to receive Ribs x1.


Shrine – Exploration

  • Stone lantern to left of stairs
    • Use camera to receive Ribs x1
  • Patch of spider lilies in front of tree to the left of the above lantern
    • Use camera
      • What do I do?
        • Fight
          • Leads to a battle!
        • Run


Spider Lily Forest – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Falcomon
  • Suspicious Thicket
    • Learning Crystal x1
  • Minoru (progress story)
    • They’re kinda like…
      • Master and apprentice.
      • Brothers in arms. (Minoru affinity up)


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Labramon
  • Use camera on trees to the right of Aoi
    • Spirited Away: Chapter 1
      • Read it
  • Use camera on tree behind Agumon
    • Ribs x1
  • Aoi (progress story)
    • Hmm… How should I respond?
      • We’ll be okay here. (moral)
      • We’ll make it home! (wrathful)
      • I don’t know yet… (harmony)


Shrine – Decision

  • Those guys, are they…
    • Hungry, you think? (moral)
    • Really around here? (wrathful)
    • Safe? I’m worried… (harmony)


Inner Shrine – Decision

  • What should I do?!
    • Go with him! (moral)
    • Leave it to him. (wrathful)
    • Don’t let him go! (harmony)
  • After this choice, a cutscene will trigger leading to a fight.


Spider Lily Forest – Exploration

  • Use camera on Suspicious Thicket
    • Energy Seed x2
  • Use camera on far left left tree
    • Giant Mushroom x1


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on a set of bushes at the base of a tree on the left side of the map
    • What do I do?
      • Fight
        • Leads to a battle!
      • Run


Inner Shrine Ent. – Exploration

  • Use camera on suspicious bush to right of shrine
    • Salve Pack x3
  • Use camera on the bush to the right side of the shrine’s entrance
    • All in the Seasoning: Chapter 1


Shrine – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Falcomon
  • Minoru
  • Aoi
    • What should I say to her?
      • Call her reliable.
      • Just say thank you. (Aoi affinity up)
  • Labramon
  • Kunemon
  • Ryo
    • Ryo seems really nervous.
      • I’ll rile him up a bit.
      • I’ll agree with him. (Ryo affinity up)
  • Professor (progress story)
    • What should I say to him?
      • Leave it to us! (moral)
      • We’re counting on you! (wrathful)
      • Please take it easy! (harmony)
  • Minoru (progress story)
    • I can’t see the prints Minoru is looking at.
      • Are they really there?
      • How did you find them? (Minoru affinity up)
  • Use your camera to examine the distortion near the tree Minoru was talking about on the right.


Spider Lily Forest – Exploration

  • What should I say to the professor?
    • Let’s hurry on ahead. (moral)
    • I’m sure they’re fine. (wrathful)
    • Worrying won’t help. (harmony)
  • Agumon
  • Labramon
  • Aoi
    • So, what should I do?
      • Scold her.
      • Encourage her. (Aoi affinity up)
  • Minoru
    • What should I say to him?
      • What’s the difference?
      • Trust your instincts. (Minoru affinity up)
  • Falcomon
  • Professor
  • Use camera to examine distortions on both sides of the screen that reveal 2 sets of footprints heading to different area.


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • If he’s right, there could be a clue.
    • We’ve seen this place. (moral)
    • Are you sure? (wrathful)
    • What a good memory! (harmony)


Woods by Shrine – Battle

  • So, what should we do?
    • There’s too many. (moral)
    • Take them all on. (wrathful)
    • We hate bullies. (harmony)


Inner Shrine – Exploration

  • Shrine
    • Mature Enlightenment Slab


Riverside Forest – Exploration

  • How can we follow after them?
    • Look somewhere else. (moral)
    • They fooled us, too? (wrathful)
    • Maybe they drowned. (harmony)


Aqueduct – Exploration

  • River
  • Professor (progress story)
    • Speaking with the Professor triggers a cutscene.


Aqueduct – Exploration

  • Aoi
    • Crisp Apple x1
  • Dam


Waterway Entrance – Exploration

  • Minoru
    • Earnest Banana x1
  • Door


Riverside Forest – Exploration

  • Grass
    • Power Pineapple x1


Dam Base – Exploration

  • What to do? No time to think!
    • Just hurry!
    • Get its attention!
  • Are we going to die?
    • Stand up. (moral)
    • Shout. (wrathful)
    • Offer encouragement. (harmony)


Dam Base – Boss Fight

  • After making the above choices, a cutscene will lead to a boss fight against a level 10 Fangmon. It’s a champion level data Digimon and will be accompanied by some virus friends. There is a chest on the left lower walkway that you can destroy for some loot.


Dam Base – Decision

  • For the time being…
    • Let’s rest a little. (moral)
    • Let’s go after it. (wrathful)
    • Let’s get out of here. (harmony)


Riverside Forest – Decision

  • I…
    • Observation is the key. (moral)
    • So many things to try. (wrathful)
    • I’m scared, of course. (harmony)



Click here for the next walkthrough for Part 3 in Digimon Survive!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Gotsumon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Gotsumon’s questions!

  • Next! Whaddaya think’d be a good prank?
    • Pranks are bad!
    • A pit trap?
    • Tripping someone?
    • Water balloons?
  • Boy, you’re a tough-lookin’ mug, aren’t ya?! I bet I’d lose if we threw down…
    • Why don’t we find out?
    • Have more confidence!
    • We’d probably tie.
    • I’d definitely lose.
  • I don’t feel so good… someone, help… Pffft, ha ha ha, just kidding! Did I getcha?!
    • That was lame!
    • Whoa, you scared me!
    • What awful acting…
    • I’m glad you’re okay.
  • Go on… Try guessing what I think of ya!
    • That I’m funny!
    • That I’m cool?
    • That I’m trouble…
    • That I’m easygoing?
  • I don’t care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain’t gonna trust no human!
    • Fine by me.
    • I’ll earn your trust!
    • What can I do, then?
    • I trust you.
  • Hey, what kinda food do ya like?
    • Why should I tell you?
    • Love me some meat!
    • Fruit’s my favorite!
    • Veggies all the way.
  • Don’t you think every day’s just sooo boring?
    • Wanna fight for fun?
    • I’m too busy living.
    • Let’s go do something!
    • Makes me wanna yawn.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Gazimon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Gazimon’s questions!


  • Go on… try guessing what I think of ya?
    • That I’m funny!
    • That I’m cool?
    • That I’m trouble…
    • That I’m easygoing?
  • I don’t care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain’t gonna trust no human!
    • Fine by me.
    • I’ll earn your trust!
    • What can I do, then?
    • I trust you.
  • Boy, you’re a tough-lookin’ mug, aren’t ya?! I bet I’d lose if we threw down…
    • Why don’t we find out?
    • Have more confidence!
    • We’d probably tie.
    • I’d definitely lose.
  • Next! Whaddaya think’d be a good prank?
    • Pranks are bad!
    • A pit trap?
    • Tripping someone?
    • Water balloons?
  • Hey, what kinda food do ya like?
    • Why should I tell you?
    • Love me some meat!
    • Fruit’s my favorite!
    • Veggies all the way.
  • Don’t you think every day’s just sooo boring?
    • Wanna fight for fun?
    • I’m too busy living.
    • Let’s go do something!
    • Makes me wanna yawn.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Betamon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Betamon’s questions!



  • What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect?
    • I’d claim I was right!
    • Get annoyed!
    • I’d be embarrassed.
    • Thank that person.
  • How do clouds in the sky look to you?
    • Makes you think, huh?
    • Fluffly and tasty.
    • Always transforming.
    • I wanna ride one!
  • Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think?
    • Efficiency is key.
    • That sounds dangerous.
    • Be true to yourself.
    • Leap before you look!
  • I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible…
    • Then let’s retreat.
    • And yet fight we must.
    • Get ready.
    • There’s no such thing!
  • Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime?
    • Yeah, shame on you!
    • No, but it’s not easy.
    • I prefer fun.
    • You should go for it!
  • If your friend was causing trouble, how would you deal with it?
    • Nothing to do with me.
    • With my fists!
    • I’d scold them!
    • I’d protect my friend.
  • Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it?
    • What a gentle soul!
    • Not for me, nope.
    • Love the nice guy act.
    • They’re so cute!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 1 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Part 1 in Digimon Survive.


Inner Shrine – Decision

  • Good question…
    • Watch and wait. (moral)
    • Run away! (wrathful)
    • Save Minoru! (harmony)
  • I wonder what they think about all this?
    • I’ll ask Minoru. (Minoru affinity up)
    • Better talk to Aoi. (Aoi affinity up)


Old School – Decision

  • Answer directly. (moral)
  • Answer vaguely. (wrathful)
  • Focus on first-aid. (harmony)


Classroom – Exploration

  • Blackboard
  • Agumon
  • Aoi
  • Labramon
  • Minoru
  • Flacomon
  • Ryo
  • Kunemon


Classroom – Camera Mode

  • Use the camera to investigate the blackboard on either side of the room


Classroom – Decision

  • Exercise some caution. (Ryo affinity up)
  • Hurry up and save Aoi!


Free Battle

This would be a good point to get in some Free Battles. There are 3 new Digimon you can potentially recruit through the battles. They are listed below. Click on each of the links to see the correct answers to the questions needed to befriend them.

  • Betamon
  • Gazimon
  • Gotsumon


Gym – Exploration

  • Door to Gym
  • Agumon


Cafeteria – Exploration

  • Labramon
  • Agumon
  • Food Cart
  • Menu
  • Locker (vinegar)
  • Nutrition Chart
  • Dishes


Toilet – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Stall
  • Waterway
  • Toilet
  • Locker (bandage)
  • Use the camera on the floor to the left of Agumon (Salve Pack)


Faculty Room – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Teacher’s Desk
  • Use the camera on distortion to the right of the Teacher’s Desk
    • What should I do
      • Fight (leads to a battle against Betamon and Gazimon)
      • Run
  • Vice Principal’s Desk
  • Shelves (salve pack)
  • Filing Cabinet


Classroom – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Kunemon
  • Ryo
    • Ryo looks so stressed out. What can I do?
      • Focus on Aoi.
      • Raise his spirits. (Ryo affinity up)
  • Window
  • Blackboard
  • Desk
  • Desk (Spirit Lamp Kit – requires vinegar which is in the locker at the cafeteria)
  • Locker (salve pack)


School 2F Corridor – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Use the camera on the floor right of Agumon (salve pack)
  • Music Room Door


Corridor – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Falcomon
  • Cobwebs
  • Door to Gym
  • Ceiling
  • Minoru (progress story)


Classroom – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Kunemon
  • Ryo (progress story)


School 2F Corridor – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Music Room (progress story)


Gym – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Labramon
  • Door to Gym (progress story)
    • What should I do for Labramon? (choice doesn’t seem to matter)
      • Maybe I’ll keep quiet.
      • I should talk to her.


Classroom – Exploration

  • Ryo
  • Kunemon


Faculty Room – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Desk (near Vice Principal’s Desk – progress story)
    • She’s pretty down… What should I say?
      • Be cheerful! (moral)
      • Prioritize next steps. (wrathful)
      • Comfort her gently. (harmony)


Toilet – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Ceiling (progress story)
    • After a series of cutscenes, you’ll be thrown into a boss fight against 3 level 1 and 1 level 5 champion Digimon.
    • Note that if you haven’t gotten the Sprit Lamp Kit yet from the Classroom, now would be a good time as it comes in handy for the upcoming boss fight.


Music Room – Decision

  • What should I say to them?
    • We’ll be just fine! (moral)
    • Are you gonna fight? (wrathful)
    • Will you two be okay? (harmony)


Gym – Boss Fight

When the fight starts you’ll get to pick 2 Digimon to fight alongside Agumon and Labramon. The enemies will be 3 level 1 and a level 5 Dokugumon. It would be best to start by picking off the level 1s before going after the level 5. When the level 5 takes about half its health in damage, a cutscene will trigger summoning 2 level 2 Dokugumon into the battle. Also note that there is a chest with a Guard Break in it on the left side of the battlefield. Attack the chest with a Digimon to loot it. After beating the boss, a cutscene triggers.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Part 2 in Digimon Survive!



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Where the Heart Is

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Where the Heart Is hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversations around Colony 30 after liberating the colony. Afterwards, head to the rest spot and discuss Colony 9.


Objective: Help Colony 9


Travel to the Forward Post Camp in the Aetia Region then make your way east. Once you approach the objective, a cutscene will trigger followed by a battle with Level 21 and 22 enemies. After you defeat them, head to Colony 9 and make your way to the objective to trigger a dialog event in the Commander’s Office. Next, head to the Everblight Plain to trigger another cutscene. Afterwards, head deeper into the plains towards the objective. Defeat the members of the Angus Strike Force then the Vanguard Elite to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, head back to Colony 9 for another cutscene. Defeat Level 24 Moebius B to complete the quest!



  • 1440 EXP
  • 1650 Gold
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Desert Hulk

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Desert Hulk standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach the spot in Apex Wing, which is southeast of Zorza’s Stonehammer near the map’s edge.



Objective: Defeat 10 monsters dwelling around the Ferronis hulk


Please be aware that the enemies you’ll need to defeat for this are level 35 and there are a couple of elites among them! The enemies can be found flying in the sky or partially hidden in the sand. After taking care of 10 of them, climb up the ladder of the central tower and reactivate the Ferronis using 20 ether. This will complete the quest.



  • 4640 EXP
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Big Friendly Friend

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Big Friendly Friend standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversations around Colony 30 after liberating the colony. Afterwards, head to the rest spot and discuss the Yuzet’s Reputation.


Objective: Talk with Yuzet


Make your way to the Maintenance Bay and speak with Yuzet. Afterwards, speak with Repapa nearby. You’ll then be tasked with gathering materials. For a guide on where to find these materials, click here! Once you’ve gathered all the materials, speak with Repapa. Afterwards, the quest will complete!



  • 870 EXP
  • 1060 Gold
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Wish Upon a Clover

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Wish Upon a Clover standard quest. To obtain this quest, listen in on 2 conversations around Colony 30. One is at the Canteen and the other is on the raised platform north of the Canteen near the tents. Afterwards, head to the rest spot and discuss the Fortune Clover.


Objective: Talk to Ven


Follow the objective to the Maintenance Bay then speak with Ven in the corner. Next, fast travel to Shikashaka Mesa landmark and head south to the objective to trigger a cutscene. If you get close to a Fortune Clover, the objective marker will update on top of it We found ours on the rock next to the Unruffled Narrah named grave and underneath a tree near the container. After you’ve collected both Fortune Clover, return to Colony 30 and speak with Ven. The quest will complete.



  • 870 EXP
  • 1060 Gold
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Kind Right Hand

by NightlyGamingBinge in


Below is a walkthrough for The Kind Right Hand hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You’ll automatically obtain this quest as part of the story in Chapter 3.


Objective: Defeat the Mysterious Keeves Unit


After the cutscene concludes, defeat the Level 21 and Level 19 enemies to continue to another cutscene. You’ll then be tasked with collecting the following parts:


  • Levnis Endoskeleton – Just east of the Shikashaka Mesa landmark; Cutscene
  • Levnis Self-Charger – East of the Igno Viaduct in Caitlin Drum; Cutscene; Fight a Level 21 Equites
  • Levnis Auxiliary CPU – East of Elsie’s Spout along route to Tirkin HQ; Cutscene


Return to Elsie’s Spout and approach the machine to trigger another cutscene. When it concludes, follow Valdi’s Mini-Levnis to Colony 30. A cutscene will trigger followed by a fight with a Level 22 Incomplete Siege-Lev. Defeat it! After the cutscene, the quest will complete.



  • 1160 EXP
  • 1410 Gold
  • 10 SP