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Monster Hunter Stories Living on the Edge Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Living on the Edge subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Living on the Edge Subquest Details

The Living on the Edge subquest can be started by speaking with the Talkative Man in Hakum Village standing in front of the red building just past the Smith. He’ll share a bit too much info by telling us about the Bullfango that sneak attacked him really battering up his butt! This leads to his request for you to slay 5 of the beasts as payback for his poor butt! Please note that this subquest won’t become available until after you complete the Cheval and Lilia story quest.

MHS Living on the Edge Subquest Talkative Man

How to Complete the Living on the Edge Subquest

To complete this subquest, exit the village to reach the Pondry Hills then head to the Whistill Forest (on the east side of the hills). There you’ll find the Bullfango that looks like a wild boar. There are a couple of areas that make up the forest, so bounce between them to find them.

MHS Living on the Edge Subquest Bullfango

The monster uses power attacks, so make sure to bring a speed-based Monstie and respond with some speed attacks of your own. One thing to note about the Bullfango is that sometimes it will use Power Charge which increases the damage of its next attack. Once you’ve defeated 5 of them the quest will be ready to turn in. Head back to the Quest Board in the village to receive your reward!


Upon completing the Living on the Edge subquest, you’ll be rewarded with three potions and 1000 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories Over? Easy! Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Over? Easy! subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Over? Easy! Subquest Details

The Over? Easy! subquest can be started by speaking with the Worrywart Rider in front of the red house past the Smith in Hakum Village. She’ll talk to you some more about Monstie eggs then request for your Rider to show her a Fanged Beast Egg. In order for this subquest to show up, you’ll first need to complete the Enigma of the Egg subquest.

Over? Easy! Subquest MHS Worrywart Rider

How to Complete the Over? Easy! Subquest

To begin your search for a Fanged Beast Egg, leave Hakum Village to reach the Pondry Hills. You’ll then want to start searching for Monster Dens and heading inside. Work your way to the deepest part of the den to find the next. Interact with said to retrieve a monster egg. You can do this multiple times to try for a different egg. The one you want looks scarred like the one in the picture below. Don’t worry too much about the color of the egg.

Over? Easy! Subquest MHS Fanged Beast Egg

Exit the Monster Den to learn what kind of egg you have. If it’s a Fanged Beast Egg, then take it back to the Worrywart Rider in the village and show it to her to complete the subquest. If not then keep delving into Monster Dens until you find the correct egg! At this point in the game, the Fanged Beast Egg will hatch into an Arzuros with the Honey Search and Rock Breaker Riding Action.


Upon completing the Over? Easy! subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a book of Delicious Recipes and 900 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories Meat and Greet Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Meat and Greet subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Meat and Greet Subquest Details

The Meat and Greet subquest can be started by speaking with the Cheeky Lad near the Quest Board in Hakum Village. He will mention to the Rider that his mom asked him to get Raw Meat, but he ended up spending the money on something else. To prevent his mom from getting mad at him, he’ll ask you to bring him 5 pieces of Raw Meat. In order for this subquest to show up, you’ll need to have completed the Big Big Sushifigh subquest first.

How to Complete the Meat and Greet Subquest

To obtain some Raw Meat, exit Hakum Village to reach Pondry Hills. Once you’re there, you’ll want to search for the Aptonoth monster. After you locate some, run into them to start a battle then defeat them. You will then receive Raw Meat as a reward.

Meat and Greet Subquest MHS Aptonoth

Aptonoths use power attacks, so make sure to counter them with technical attacks of your own. Fight as many as needed until you have all 5 of the Raw Meat that you need. Make sure to not waste too much time on the other monster species as they don’t drop Raw Meat or it’s not as frequent as the Aptonoth. Deliver the Raw Meat to the Cheeky Lad in the village to complete the subquest and receive your reward!


Upon completing the Meat and Greet subquest, you’ll be rewarded with 3 Silver Crickets and 10 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories Mellow Mushroom Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Mellow Mushroom subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Mellow Mushroom Subquest Details

The Mellow Mushroom subquest can be started by speaking with the Quiet Lad to the left of your house in Hakum Village. He’ll ask you about Unique Mushrooms that only grow in Pondry Hills mentioning their special fragrance and the request that you bring him one because his aunt really likes them. In order for this subquest to appear, you’ll need to have completed the A Spoon Full of Sugar subquest.

Mellow Mushroom Subquest MHS Quiet Lad

How to Complete the Mellow Mushroom Subquest

To track down the Unique Mushroom, exit the village to reach Pondry Hills. You’ll then want to scour the area looking for blue and orange mushrooms to collect. They are RNG-based, so eventually you should get a random Unique Mushroom. It is worth noting that we consistently found them from gathering blue mushrooms.

Mellow Mushroom Subquest MHS Mushrooms

If you are having trouble finding one, you can travel to Mt. Pondry Caves on the northwest side of the Pondry Hills. Across from the entrance to the cave is a rock with monster footprints on it. You can use that in tandem with a Monstie that has the Jump monster skill to jump across the gap to an island. On it, you’ll find a blue mushroom. You can then enter and exit the cave causing the mushroom to respawn. Do this to quickly farm for the Unique Mushroom. Once you have the item, return to the Quiet Lad and deliver the mushroom to complete the subquest.


Upon completing the Mellow Mushroom subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Vital Essence and 200 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories Natural Blessings Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Natural Blessings subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Natural Blessings Subquest Details

The Natural Blessings subquest can be started by speaking with the Cheerful Lady near the mini-ponds along the southern part of Hakum Village. She will inform you that the Smith asked her to collect a pair of earth crystals as her pickaxe isn’t quite fixed yet. In order to start this subquest, you will need to have first completed the Quid Pro Quo subquest.

How to Complete the Natural Blessings Subquest

As stated above, for this subquest you’ll be tasked with collecting 2 earth crystals for the Cheerful Lady so she can repair her pickaxe. To do this, leave the village to reach the Pondry Hills then set out looking for yellow ore veins like the one pictured below.

 Natural Blessings Subquest MHS Yellow Ore Vein

Those are the ones that have a chance to drop earth crystals from gathering them. There is a vein that spawns along the path leading to the Mt Pondry Caves so if you are having trouble, you could collect that one then enter and exit the cave. This will cause it to respawn allowing you to collect it again. If you do this, keep in mind that the ore vein can spawn as blue or yellow. Once you’ve found 2 earth crystals, return to the village and speak with the Cheerful Lady to hand them over. This will complete the subquest and you will receive your reward.


Upon completing the Natural Blessings subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a pair of Lifesoot and 800 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories Rolling Panic Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Rolling Panic subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Rolling Panic Subquest Details

The Rolling Panic subquest can be started by interacting with the Quest Board in Hakum Village, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client is requesting that your rider slay 5 Konchu (Yellow) found in caves around the area because they are getting in the way of his muscle gains!

How to Complete the Rolling Panic Subquest

To find the Konchu (Yellow)s that we need to slay, you’re going to have to make a trek. Exit Hakum Village to reach the Pondry Hills then follow the road north until you reach the lake. You’ll then want to follow along the west side of the lake looking for a path that will take you into the hills behind the waterfalls on its northwest side. It is there that you will find the Mt. Pondry Caves and inside the caves is where the Konchu is.

Rolling Panic Subquest MHS Konchu (Yellow)

While facing these Monsters, you’ll want to use power attacks to counter the technical ones they use. If you run out of Konchu, exit the cave then head back inside to get them to respawn. After you defeat 5 of them, return to the village and interact with the Quest Board to turn in the subquest and receive your reward.


Upon completing the Rolling Panic subquest, you’ll be rewarded with 3 Binoculars and 400 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories A Spoonful of Sugar Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the A Spoonful of Sugar subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

A Spoonful of Sugar Subquest Details

You can pick up the A Spoonful of Sugar subquest in Kakum village by speaking with the Quiet Lad standing near the cliff to the left of your house. He’ll inform you that the Bitterbug stores bitter extract that can be used in making medicine and then request that you bring him some so he can give it to someone.

How to Complete A Spoonful of Sugar Subquest

To complete this subquest, you’ll need to collect 2 Bitterbugs for the Quiet Lad. You can do this by exiting the village to reach the Pondry Hills. Once you are there, search the area for butterflies and collect all of the ones you find. They have a chance of being a Bitterbug. You can tend to find them flying around near flowers on the ground (not the ones you collect, other flowers added in as part of the scenery). It may take a while to find some, so just keep circling the Pondry Hills until you collect the two you need. After they are in your possession, return to the village and deliver them to the Quiet Lad to complete the subquest and receive your reward.

An easy way to do this is to travel to Mt. Pondry Caves northwest of the lake in the northern part of Pondry Hills. There are two flowers with a bug just outside the cave and along the path to the right. Collect the bug then head into the caves and go back outside. This will respawn the bug allowing you to collect it multiple times by creating this process until you get 2 Bitterbugs.

A Spoonful of Sugar Subquest MHS Farming Area


Upon completing this subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a single Demondrug and 750 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories Burn Medicine Run Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Burn Medicine Run subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Burn Medicine Run Subquest Details

The Burn Medicine Run subquest can be started by interacting with the Quest Board in Hakum Village, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client for this request is asking the Rider to retrieve a few Aloe Leaves to treat some injuries that her father sustained.

How to Complete the Burn Medicine Run Subquest

As stated above, to complete this quest, you’ll need to collect 3 Aloe Leaves for this subquest. You can find them by traveling to Pondry Hills and circling the area looking for flowers to gather. While doing this, you have a chance for one of them to be an Aloe Leaf. If you want to expedite this process, head to Pondry Caves northwest of the lake in the northern part of the hills. Just outside the cave, there will be a pair of flowers a short way down the path on the right.

Burn Medicine Run Subquest MSH Aloe Vera plant

Additionally, you can use your Velocidrone to jump on the rock between the waterfall to collect an additional plant. Once you’ve gathered all three, enter the cave and collect the 5 plants in there. If you head back outside, the 3 plants will respawn again. Likewise, entering the cave again will cause the 5 plants in there to also respawn. By bouncing between the two, you can collect plants quickly until you secure 3 Aloe Leafs. Once you do so, head back to the Quest Board in the village to turn in the subquest and receive your rewards.


Upon completing the Burn Medicine Run subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a pair of Herbs and 120 Zenny.

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Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

Monster Hunter Stories I Want to Paint Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the I Want to Paint subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

I Want to Paint Subquest Details

The I Want to Paint subquest can be started by interacting with the Quest Board in Hakum Village, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client for this request is asking the Rider to collect a trio of Paintberries for him as he has a bad hip and can’t do it himself!

How to Complete the I Want to Paint Subquest

To collect the Paintberries needed for the subquest, exit the village to reach the Pondry Hills. Once you’re there, explore the area in search of the red apple-like fruit in the image below. That is the Paintberry that you are in search of.

I Want to Paint Subquest MHS Paintberry

When you find one, you will simply need to interact with it to collect the berry. Once you have 3 in your possession, head back to the village and interact with the Quest Board to turn in the subquest and receive your reward!

A quick and easy way to collect the Paintberries you need would be to head to the Pondry Caves northwest of the lake in the northern part of the Pondry Hills. Along the path leading up to the lake will be a Paintberry. Collect it then head up and enter the cave. If you exit the cave, that Paintberry will respawn allowing you to collect it again. Do this one more time to get all three that you need.

 I Want to Paint Subquest MSH Farming Location


Upon completing the I Want to Paint subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a pair of Herbs and 100 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

Monster Hunter Stories Enigma of the Egg Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Enigma of the Egg subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Enigma of the Egg Subquest Details

The Enigma of the Egg subquest can be started by speaking to the Worrywart Rider standing in front of the building past the Smith in Hakum Village. She’ll start describing her favorite pattern of Monstie egg leading into a request where she’ll ask you to bring her a Herbivore Egg.

How to Complete the Enigma of the Egg Subquest

For this subquest, you’ve been asked by the Worrywart Rider to show her a Herbivore Egg. In order to do this, you’ll need to progress in the story until you reach the Moster Den. Head inside and work your way to the deepest part of the den where the nest can be found. Interact with the nest to grab an egg then hightail it out of there. You can interact with the nest multiple times to try and get a different egg, but the more you do this, the bigger the chance a monster is going to show up and try to stop you from leaving with the egg. To successfully keep the egg, you’ll need to leave with it. After you get outside, you’ll learn what kind of egg it is. If you grabbed a Herbivore egg, then you can show it to the Worrywart Rider back in the village to complete the subquest. If you didn’t then you’ll need to head back to the village and hatch the egg. This will unlock Monster Dens so you can find more in the Pondry Hills to try again.

Enigma of the Egg Subquest MHS Monster Den


Upon completing the Enigma of the Egg subquest, you’ll be rewarded with S&S: Guard and 900 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!