Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Building Dorrick

by MrsChappie in


After liberating Colony 30, you’ll be able to cooperate with Valdi and Colony 30 in phases to finish Dorrick. Below are those phases!


Phase 1

Completed automatically as part of the story.


Phase 2

Complete Big Friendly Friend standard quest.


Phase 3

Gather a combination of the below materials for Repapa and hand them over until you reach 100% progress. For a guide on where to find these materials, click here!

  • Parched Jalapenjet
    • Parched Branch x3
      • Pentelas Region – Old Cliffside Way
    • Jalapenoki x3
      • Fornis Region – Ribbi Flats, Rae-Bel Tableland, Elaice Highway
    • Serenity Jet x6
      • Fornis Region – Rae-Bel Tableland (Lisza Garden)
  • Rubber Sphercuit
    • Rubber Wood x5
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
    • Spheric Rock x2
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
    • Surge Circuit x5
      • Pentelas Region – Old Cliffside Way
  • Hornedrum
    • Giant Hornet Fossil x3
      • Aetia Region – Melnath’s Shoulder
    • Woodrum x4
      • Pentelas Region – Urayan Tunnels
  • Dessigold Conductor
    • Dessica Bean x2
    • Goldleaf Cypress x1
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
    • Assembly Conductor x8
      • Keves Castle Region – Keves Castle, Syra Hovering Reefs
  • Tearaway Limb
    • Tearaway Oak x5
      • Pentelas Region – Urayan Tunnels
    • Giant’s Limb x1
      • Pentelas Region – Old Cliffside Way
  • Variarite Melon
    • Varicini x1
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
    • Bezoarite x4
      • Aetia Region – Millick Meadows
    • White Melonball x7
      • Pentelas Region – Great Cotte Falls, High Maktha Wildwood
  • Fleet Pillowstone
    • Fleet Shimeji x1
      • Fornis Region – Ribbi Flats, Rae-Bel Tableland
    • Pillowshroom x2
      • Aetia Region – Alfeto Valley
    • Beaconstone x4
      • Pentelas Region – Urayan Tunnels, Old Cliffside Way
  • Riik Stoneoak
    • Riik Fossil x5
      • Fornis Region – Eagus Wilderness, Ribbi Flats, Dannagh Desert, Rae-Bel Tableland
    • Grandcoat Stoneoak x1


Phase 4

Complete Missing Parts standard quest.


Phase 5

Gather a combination of the below materials for Repapa and hand them over until you reach 100% progress. For a guide on where to find these materials, click here!

  • Stingwraith Stabalizer
    • Stinger Pile x4
      • Fornis Region – Ribbi Flats
    • Wraithwood x2
      • Aetia Region – Everblight Plain
    • Hexa-Stabilizer x4
      • Keves Castle Region – Keves Castle
  • Matryzy Lime
    • Matryos Carbon x2
      • Aetia Region – Everblight Plain, Melnath’s Shoulder
    • Squeezy Lime x8
      • Pentelas Region – Great Cotte Falls
  • Bispworm Mudjade
    • Bismuth Slab x7
      • Fornis Region – Dannagh Desert
    • Syrup Spruce x2
      • Fornis Region – Ribbi Flats
    • Earthwormwood x1
    • Mudclam x5
      • Pentelas Region – Urayan Tunnels, Great Cotte Falls
    • Vagrant Jade x1
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
  • Aqua Stinger
    • Aquabello x2
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
    • Stinger Pile x4
      • Fornis Region – Ribbi Flats
  • Nailennial Shroom
    • Nail Stone x7
      • Pentelas Region – Urayan Tunnels, Old Cliffside Way
    • Millennial Clay x1
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
    • Pentashroom x1
      • Pentelas Region – Low Maktha Wildwood
  • Filling Noirsalts
    • Filling Onion x1
      • Aetia Region – Alfeto Valley, Melnath’s Shoulder
    • Salty Soil x1
      • Pentelas Region – Urayan Tunnels, Old Cliffside Way
    • Muscat Noir x2
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
  • Shepherd’s Limesteel
    • Shepherd’s Purse x1
      • Aetia Region – Melnath’s Shoulder
    • Squeezy Lime x1
      • Pentelas Region – Great Cotte Falls
    • Clusterelle x3
      • Aetia Region – Yzana Plains, Alfeto Valley
    • Poison Steel x2
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs
  • Mini Atmorine
    • Minionion x5
      • Pentelas Region – High Maktha Wildwood, Low Maktha Wildwood
    • Green Nectarine x1
      • Pentelas Region – High Maktha Wildwood, Low Maktha Wildwood
    • Atmos Sapphire x3
      • Keves Castle Region – Syra Hovering Reefs

Gather a combination of the below materials for Repapa and hand them over until you reach 100% progress. For a guide on where to find these materials, click here!

  • Lagoon Chain (+30%)
    • Lagoonite x1
    • Blue Chain x2
      • Aeita Region – Yzana Plains
  • Prop-Palm Screw (+20%)
    • Prop Branch x2
      • Cadensia Region – Great Sword’s Base
    • Ten-Term Palm x8
      • Cadensia Region – Great Sword’s Base
    • Warrior Screw x4
      • Fornis Region – Rae-Bel Tableland
  • Electric Cricket Sorghum
    • Electric Cricket Fossil x2
      • Pentelas Region – Urayan Tunnels, Great Cotte Falls
    • Blue Sorghum x5
  • Ocean Gear (+15%)
    • Ocean Polyp x2
      • Cadensia Region – Great Sword’s Base (water)
    • Android Gear x4
      • Pentelas Region – High Maktha Wildwood, Urayan Trail
  • Anti-Thermal Chassis (+10%)
    • Anti-Grav Chassis x2
      • Cadensia Region – Great Sword’s Base
    • Thermal Parts x7
      • Cadensia Region – Great Sword’s Base
  • Ruby Thirstdish (+35%)
    • Thirstweed x1
    • Dish Philodendron x1
    • Gyanna Fossil x2
      • Fornis Region – Eagus Wilderness, Ribbi Flats, Rae-Bel Tableland, Elaice Highway
    • Ruby Pineapple x1
      • Fornis Region – Ribbi Flats (Tonic Waters and Colony 30), Rae-Bel Tableland
  • Sunny Splendorchid
    • Sunny Aloe x1
    • Splendorshell x1
      • Aetia Region – Millick Meadows (water)
    • Anarchy Orchid x3
      • Fornis Region – Eagus Wilderness (Wall of the Great Hand), Dannagh Desert
  • Spore Urchon (+15%)
    • Splodespore x10
      • Cadensia Region – Great Sword’s Base
    • Urchon Fossil x10


Phase 6

Make sure Valdi is in your party then approach the ? in Colony 30 to trigger a cutscene. This will trigger the I’m a Mechanic hero quest. Complete this quest then speak with Repapa who will need the below materials. Hand them over until you reach 100% progress. For a guide on where to find these materials, click here!

  • Galapearl Tube (+30%)
    • Galaxy Swirl x2
    • Pearl Snail x2
    • Helix Tube x1
  • Armored Flaskcoating (+20%)
    • Flaskform Aquapolyp x2
    • Armored Chestnut x3
    • Dynamic Coating x2
  • Vivid Conductor (+25%)
    • Vivid Alexandrite x7
    • Assembly Conductor x2
  • Magimono Stone
    • Magitech Core x1
    • Monochromagnetite x4
    • Greedstone x6
  • Sunfire Danderald
    • Fire Apricot x1
    • Sundialflower x2
    • Chrysanthemany x1
    • Strong Dandelion x3
    • Blood Emerald x3
  • Thinskin Polysnail
    • Thinskin x5
    • Polychromium x3
    • Pearl Snail x2
  • Darkmunch Ponibyss
    • Dark Fish Fossil x4
    • Munchygrub Fossil x1
    • Ponio Fossil x2
    • Abyss Lazuli x3
  • Maxihelix Glitter (+35%)
    • Maximushroom x1
    • Helix Conch x1
    • Glitter Radish x3


Phase 7

Make sure Valdi is in your party then listen in on the conversation near the Commissary in Colony 30 to obtain the Ether Shortage topic. Afterwards, head to the canteen to discuss it! This will kick off the There’s No Ether!!! standard quest. Complete this quest then speak with Repapa who will need the below materials. Hand them over until you reach 100% progress. For a guide on where to find these materials, click here!

  • Airy Circuit (+10%)
    • Airy Whelk x4
    • Surge Circuit x3
  • Raznaiti Stabilizer (+30%)
    • Razzle Basil x1
    • Delicate Bell x1
    • Naiti-Nait x2
    • Hexa-Stabilizer x5
  • Dreamethyst Flange (+20%)
    • Amethyst Melon x2
    • Dream Lemon x3
    • Thick Flange x7
  • Poppergreen Engine (+15%)
    • Popper Pumpkin x2
    • Green Nectarine x4
    • Jazz Engine x1
  • Fool’s Poison Flame (+25%)
    • Poison Ivy x4
    • Flammethyst x2
    • Fool’s Chrome x4
  • Red Carrot Ingot
    • Red Nameko x5
    • Ingot Carrot x5
  • Obscurian Sensor
    • Obscurian x1
    • Ocular Sensor x5
  • Thicksurge Stabilizer
    • Thick Flange x2
    • Surge Circuit x3
    • Hexa-Stabilizer x4


Phase 8

Speak with Repapa who will need the below materials. Hand them over until you reach 100% progress. For a guide on where to find these materials, click here!

  • Rainbow Chewheart (+20%)
    • Chewy Radish x4
    • Rainbow Boronia x3
    • Heart Peach x1
  • Neo-Mirac Shrinkseed (+35%)
    • Neo Walnut x2
    • Miraculite x1
    • Shrinking Orchid x2
    • Cling Seed x4
  • Frag Marble (+25%)
    • Frag Coral x4
    • Demon Marble x3
  • Ocean Generator (+10%)
    • Ocean Polyp x4
    • Twin Generators x3
  • Delicate Juice-Limb
    • Juicy Melon x4
    • Delicate Bell x2
    • Giant’s Limb x3
  • Jade Aspid (+10%)
    • Jade Coral x5
    • Aspid Fossil x2
  • Golden Tude
    • Golden Beetroot x4
    • Tude Fossil x4
  • Ushlime Minibark
    • Heavy Pomegranate x4
    • Limelightstone x10
    • Usherine x10
    • Minionion x3
    • Vermilion Bark x1


Phase 9

After you complete 100% progress for the above needed materials, you’ll automatically receive the Dorrick is Online! standard quest. Complete this quest to end Phase 9!


Phase 10

For Phase 10, listen in on a conversation at the Colony 30 Canteen then head to a rest spot and discuss the Dorrick Complete topic. You’ll automatically receive The Final Cog standard quest. Complete this quest to end Phase 10 and finish Dorrick!!



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Missing Parts

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Missing Parts standard quest. You’ll automatically obtain this quest after completing Phase 3 of rebuilding Dorrick.


Speak with Ven in the Maintenance Bay, Zooza on the higher platform and Ritz in the canteen. Once you’ve acquired all 3 parts of the Parts Gone Missing topic, discuss it at the canteen. Next, fast travel to the Killy Fors landmark west of Colony 30. Once there, drop down to the lower ledge and collect the parts from the base of a tree. Next, travel to the Conqueror’s Peak landmark and make your way northeast to the objective near the Tenderling Rumi unique enemy. Again, collect the Mechafriend parts. Afterwards, fast travel to the Urayan Tunnels, Entrance landmark and head east towards the objective. Collect the Levenis parts from the base of the tree. With your collection complete, return to Colony 30 and speak with Repapa.


After the dialog event, speak with Dinkidinki near some containers in the Maintenence Bay and Widgewidge near the Traderpon. Next, speak with Yuzet to complete the quest.



  • 1760 EXP
  • 490 Gold
  • 3 SP
  • Nopon Coin (Silver) x5



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Natural Selection

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Natural Selection hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You’ll automatically obtain this quest as part of the story!


When the cutscene completes, defeat the 5 Mystery Ninjas! Interact with the nearby tracks then follow them until a cutscene triggers! When it concludes, follow the path to reach an abandoned colony. After a brief cutscene, follow Juniper into the colony and approach the objective to trigger another cutscene. Return to the entrance to face off against the Tau-Raiding Monsters. These 3 enemies are in the low 30s level wise. Defeat them to complete the quest.



  • The Art of Flow
  • 2080 EXP
  • 2240 Gold
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – A More Balanced Recipe

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the A More Balanced Recipe standard quest. To obtain this quest, approach the ? at Old Way Camp rest spot. Please note that we completed the Dorin and Bambam standard quest, which might be a prerequisite!


For this quest, you’ll need to gather 5 Bubblesia from Amoney’s Hallows in Great Cotte Falls. Once you have the Bubblesia, return to BamBam. After the cutscene, head to the nearby tree marked by the objective then interact with it. Next, you’ll have to defeat the Level 37 Sweet Plambus that spawns. Once defeated, return to camp to trigger another cutscene. Aferwards, the quest will complete!



  • 2080 EXP
  • 560 Gold
  • 3 SP
  • Nopon Coin (Silver) x5



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Cascade Hulk

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Cascade Hulk standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach a husk northeast of Titan Rock Camp.


Defeat 14 Piranhax enemies, including a couple of elites. You’ll then need to climb the Cascade Hulk. Interact with the panel at the top and use 15 Ether Cylinders to reboot it. Afterwards, the quest will complete!



  • 3520 EXP
  • 0 Gold
  • 10 SP



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 12 Moral Route Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the moral route of Part 12 in Digimon Survive.


Passing Time – Decision

  • What do I do?
    • Try to learn more. (moral)
    • Join the attack. (wrathful)
    • Stop the professor. (harmony)


Passing Time – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll fight a couple of the Master’s minions. There will also be several cutscenes that happen as you chip away at the enemies!


Adoration and Envy – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll only be able to choose 1 Digimon to help you. Make your choice then defeat the Level 55 3rd Class Kenzoku to win!


Clashing Values – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll only be able to choose 1 Digimon to help you. Make your choice then defeat the Level 49 and Level 52 3rd Class Kenzoku to be victorious!


Sibling Bonds – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll only be able to choose 1 Digimon to help you. Make your choice then defeat the Level 50 and Level 53 3rd Class Kenzoku.


Master’s World – Decision

  • How do I really feel about the Master?
    • Maybe we could talk? (moral)
    • I want revenge. (wrathful)
    • He’s the enemy! (harmony)


Master’s World – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll face off against the Super Ultimate Level 62 Master. When you get the boss to half health, a cutscene triggers resulting in the boss gaining its health back and a stat boost. Keep chipping away at its health, to get some more cutscenes.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending MetalGreymon

by MrsChappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to MetalGreymon’s questions!


  • If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it?
    • Nothing to do with me.
    • With my fists!
    • I’d scold them!
    • I’d protect my friend.
  • What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect?
    • I’d claim I was right!
    • Get annoyed!
    • I’d be embarrassed.
    • Thank that person.
  • How do clouds in the sky look to you?
    • Makes you think, huh?
    • Fluffy and tasty.
    • Always transforming.
    • I wanna ride one!
  • I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible…
    • Then let’s retreat.
    • And yet fight we must.
    • Get ready.
    • There’s no such thing!
  • Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think?
    • Efficiency is key.
    • That sounds dangerous.
    • Be true to yourself.
    • Leap before you look!
  • Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it?
    • What a gentle soul!
    • Not for me, nope.
    • Love the nice guy act.
    • They’re so cute!
  • Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime?
    • Yeah, shame on you!
    • No, but it’s not easy.
    • I prefer fun.
    • You should go for it!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Myotismon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Myotismon’s questions!


  • Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me… You humans sure are cruel.
    • You’ll say anything…
    • You attacked me!
    • I love peace, myself.
    • So let’s call it off.
  • You sure like to puff out your chest around a weak monster like myself.
    • Oh. My bad.
    • Liar. You’re not weak.
    • How rude!
    • Strength’s irrelevant.
  • Who do you think is worse? The deceiver, or the deceived?
    • I don’t like either.
    • The deceiver, duh!
    • Only dupes get duped!
    • It depends, I guess.
  • You may think of those around you as friends, but perhaps you’re actually alone?
    • Don’t mess with me!
    • That’s not true!
    • Do you have friends?
    • I wouldn’t mind.
  • Let’s make a deal: Throw the fight and I’ll give you an item!
    • Interesting proposal!
    • I don’t believe you.
    • I’ll just beat you up.
    • That sounds dodgy.
  • What do you think decides what’s right or wrong?
    • Majority rule?
    • Your own beliefs.
    • Your preferences?
    • Reality itself.
  • I bet you’ve got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you!
    • I’m not telling you.
    • You first…
    • I’ve nothing to hide.
    • Secrets? I wonder…




Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Beelzemon

by MrsChappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Beelzemon’s questions!


  • Those whose positions waver from little more than words do not amount to much.
    • Maybe try listening?
    • I respect your spirit!
    • Never happened to me.
    • Hearts will waver.
  • What would you say is your favorite expression?
    • Can’t say I have one.
    • Two birds, one stone.
    • Steady progress.
    • Survival of fittest.
  • Some things in this world cannot be overturned… Do you know what I speak?
    • There’s no such thing!
    • You mean power?
    • Talent, right?
    • Yeah, money!
  • It’s hard to believe there are monsters out there that coexist with humans…
    • It’s common interests.
    • Friends help friends!
    • We needs servants!
    • It’s a way to survive.
  • Supreme beings can’t be understood by others. But that doesn’t mean I’m lonely or anything!
    • Look on with pity.
    • Ah… You feel alone?
    • I get it. Me too.
    • A lone wolf, huh?
  • Do you like the moon? The sight of a full moon is so heartwarming, don’t you think?
    • Its light is useful.
    • Reminds you of you?
    • Makes me feel alive!
    • I wanna eat cheese.
  • Inferior creature, surrender and you may yet live!
    • How about YOU give up?
    • Like I’d believe that!
    • Surrender’s an option.
    • Humans ain’t inferior!




Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Phoenixmon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Phoenixmon’s questions!


  • It’s better to take some sort of action than just sit idly by and worry.
    • I’ll do the same!
    • Look before you leap!
    • Gotta move forward.
    • Clean your own messes.
  • Is there something you’d like to say to me? Go on, don’t be shy.
    • Don’t kill me!
    • You’re super cool!
    • You’re in my way…
    • Thanks for being kind.
  • Are there bonds stronger than the family?
    • Why should I answer?
    • There must be.
    • Not a chance.
    • I really can’t say.
  • What do you think is the most important thing for building trust?
    • Just slug it out!
    • Trusting your partner.
    • Opening up…
    • Exchanging ideas.
  • The goal of this battle is to test each other’s strength.
    • Who has time for that?
    • I’ll come out on top!
    • I’m the stronger one!
    • Fighting sounds scary.
  • What kind of human are you?
    • I like to fight!
    • A friendly human!
    • A cowardly human…
    • My own kind of human.
  • By the way, why exactly are you here?
    • To defeat monsters.
    • To meet you.
    • Trying to get home.
    • I was guided here.