Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Research Procedures

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Research Procedures standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, speak with Namuki in the building behind the canteen then discuss the Namuki topic at the canteen. We acquired this quest in Chapter 5!


Approach the square in front of the Flame Clock to trigger a cutscene then head to the Training Ground. Defeat 26 enemies that are around Level 40! Afterwards, the quest will complete.



  • 2840 EXP
  • 2880 Gold
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Reasons to Evolve

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Reasons to Evolve hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. The quest becomes available in Chapter 5 after raising the Guardian Commander class to Level 10 with Noah and completing all of the Colony 9 related standard quests up to the point. The later portion of those quests will revolve around Kite. Completing this quest will allow you to level up the Guardian Commander class to Level 20.


Listen in on the group of people standing in the canteen next to Fox and Kite. Next, head up into the Ferronis and listen to the two people in the hall. Afterwards, head to the bunks across from the Commissary and listen in. Lastly, head to the Front Gate to listen in on the conversation there. Once you’ve acquired all 4 of the pieces for The Fields topic, head to the canteen and discuss it. You’ll then need to speak with Kite at the canteen.


Next, fast travel to Colony Tau in the Pentelas Region and speak with Juniper near the crops. When the cutscene concludes, return to Colony 9 and approach the crops near the Front Gate to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head to the middle objective northwest of Colony 9 to trigger another cutscene. Once it concludes, speak with Kite in Colony 9.


For the next task, you’ll have to gather 10 Spongy Spuds from the High Maktha Wildwood in the Pentelas Region. To reach the collection area, fast travel to the Vista of Rhonnar landmark then head north. Once you’ve gathered 10, return to the field northwest of Colony 9. When the cutscene concludes, you’ll then have to wait for it to rain. If you’re impatient, you can head north to the ? on the map and speak with Splishsplash. If you pay them 10,000 Gold, it’ll rain! After it rains, return to the field for another cutscene.


When you’re ready, return to High Maktha Wildwood in the Pentelas Region and gather 10 Spongy Spuds. Once you’ve gathered them, return to the field then you’ll have to wait for it to rain. If you want to speed things up, pay Splishsplash 10,000 Gold. Return to the field once it rains.


You’ll then be tasked with gathering the below items for Url.

  • Helix Conch
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Milky Soy
  • Rich-Smelling Anlood Bone

For a guide on where to locate these items, click here! Once you’ve gotten the percentage to 100% for items turned over to Url, return to the field. A cutscene will trigger then you’ll have to wait once again for the rain. Pay more money to Splishsplash to make it rain if you’d wish. Once it rains, return to the field. Inspect the crops until you’ve gathered 5 pieces of information. This will give you a new topic to discuss at a rest spot. Head to the nearby canteen and discuss the Spongy Spud Woes topic.


After the cutscene, return to the field and weed out all the bad apples. When you pull the 5th, a cutscene will trigger. Once it’s over, travel back to Colony Tau and speak with Juniper to give her an update. You’ll then need to return to the field. As you approach your previous crops, you’ll hear a disruption. Defeat the three Level 49 Field-Trashing Ropls. Upon defeating them, another cutscene will trigger and the quest will complete!



  • 4900 EXP
  • 4600 Gold
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Battlescar Hulk

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Battlescar Hulk standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach the hulk in Rottswoe Battlescar.


After the brief cutscene, defeat 7 of the Level 60 Scarred Ansel and Rockheart Ropl around the hulk. Afterwards, climb up the ladder and interact with the panel at the top twice. Put 30 Ether Cylinders into the hulk to complete the quest. Don’t forget to loot the containers at the bottom!



  • 9560 EXP
  • 0 Gold
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – For Colony 9

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the For Colony 9 standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversation at Colony 9 then head to a rest spot to discuss the Kite Gone Missing topic. Please note that Zeon is required to be in your party for this quest.


Head to the objective near the Colony 9 Canteen and speak with Fox. Afterwards, fast travel to the Hillside Ferronis Hulk near the southern part of the map. Once there, head into the nearby cave and make your way to the objective until a cutscene triggers. When it concludes, you’ll face off against Agnus Heavy Scouts who are Level 42. Defeat 4 of them to trigger another cutscene followed by another fight. This time, you’ll face Level 43 Keves Infiltrators. Defeat them to complete the quest.



  • 2280 EXP
  • 1440 Gold
  • 3 SP
  • Jade Support x1



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 10 Harmony Route Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the harmony route of Part 10 in Digimon Survive.


Corridor – Decision

  • Kaito is…
    • Missing the point. (moral)
    • Just venting. (wrathful)
    • Totally right. (harmony)


Free Action

For this Free Action, you’ll be given 7 moves. After you use the 4th move, you’ll be forced to view a cutscene in the Cafeteria then Phase 2 of Free Action will begin. Choose your moves wisely during the first half of this Free Action!


Spider Lily Forest – Exploration

  • Use camera on the center tree to find an item.


Inner Shrine Ent. – Exploration

  • Use camera to the left of the shrine to find an item.
  • Use camera to the right of the shrine to find a shadow. Either fight it or run!


Deep Woods – Battle

  • Doing this battle will unlock Floramon’s ultimate form.
  • This should unlock when Saki’s affinity is around level 80.
  • Will receive an Ultimate Enlightenment Slab


Deep Woods – Battle

  • Doing this battle will unlock Falcomon’s ultimate form.
  • This should unlock when Minoru’s affinity is around level 70.
  • Will receive an Ultimate Enlightenment Slab.


Free Action – Phase 1

Old School – Free Action

  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • What can I do for Kaito?
      • Talk to him.
      • Get out of here.
      • Watch and wait. (Kaito affinity up)


Corridor – Free Action

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • When you’re out of ideas, you should…
      • Deal with it later.
      • Try to adjust first.
      • Go step by step. (Minoru affinity up)


Music Room – Free Action

  • Use camera next to Floramon to find an item.
  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • How can I encourage Saki?
      • Okay to be weak. (Saki affinity up)
      • Don’t worry!
      • We can trust them.


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • To me, the most important thing is…
      • My friends? (moral)
      • My own life? (wrathful)
      • World peace? (harmony)
    • Gives Vexing Alacrity Crystal


Gym – Free Action

  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to calm her down?
      • Counting on you.
      • We want you to rest.
      • Haste makes waste. (Aoi affinity up)


Exploration / Story Progression

Deep Woods – Battle

  • Doing this battle will unlock Labramon’s ultimate form.
  • This should unlock when Aoi’s affinity is around level 70.
  • Will receive an Ultimate Enlightenment Slab.



  • Just dialog!


Free Action – Phase 2

Old School – Free Action

  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • What’s my recommendation?
      • A good scream? (Saki affinity up)
      • A good talk?
      • A nice, cool breeze?


Classroom – Free Action

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • Should I listen to Minoru’s stories?
      • I’ll pass for now.
      • Why not listen a bit? (Minoru affinity up)
      • No kid stuff for me.


Woods by School – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • ??? (to left of Agumon)
  • Professor


Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on the left side near the statue to find a shadow. Either battle it or run!
  • Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • I should tell it…
      • Don’t be scared. (Tentomon will join the party!)
      • We don’t want a fight.


Cafeteria – Decision

  • What should I do about those two?
    • Leave ’em to everyone. (moral)
    • Search for Aoi alone. (wrathful)
    • Search for both! (harmony)


Woods – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be up against Level 40 Kyubimon and their Kenzoku minions. The chests on the field contain an Acceleration Charge and Hell Crusher. Defeat all the enemies to finish the battle!



  • Cutscene.



  • Cutscene.



  • Use camera on the column to the left of Saki to find an item.
  • Saki (story progress)


Reception – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll only have Agumon and two of your Digimon that are not partners with the other characters. You’ll be up against some Kenzoku. Take them all out to be victorious. The chest on the field contains a Purifying Earth Crystal.


Bookshelves – Exploration

  • Use camera to the right of Agumon to find an item.
  • Minoru (progress story)


Bookshelves – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll get to choose 2 Digimon to assist you! Defeat the Kenzoku in the room to win. The chest on the field contains a Burst Flame.


Far Bookshelves – Exploration

  • Aoi (progress story)


Far Bookshelves – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll get to choose 2 Digimon to assist you! Defeat the Kenzoku in the room to win. The chest on the field contains a Venom Trap.


Far Bookshelves – Exploration

  • Dracmon (progress story)


Far Bookshelves – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll get to choose 2 Digimon to assist you! Defeat the Kenzoku in the room to win. The chest on the field contains a Restore.


Far Bookshelves – Decision

  • What should I do for him…
    • Watch and wait. (moral)
    • Hear him out. (wrathful)
    • Tell him to chill. (harmony)



  • For this battle, you’ll face off against Level 46 Taomon and their minions. The chest on the field contains a Fine Aegis Crystal. Defeat all the enemies to be victorious!
  • After a cutscene, you’ll engage in a second battle! For this battle, you’ll face off against Zenzoku enemies. The chest on the field contains a Speed Charge+. Defeat all the enemies to complete the battle.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 9 Harmony Route Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the harmony route of Part 9 in Digimon Survive.



Cafeteria – Decision

  • What should I talk about?
    • Miyuki’s family. (moral)
    • Piedmon and the gate. (wrathful)
    • Connected world. (harmony)


Old School – Free Action

  • Use camera behind Minoru to receive an item.
  • Use camera behind Falcomon to receive an item.
  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • Just dialog mentioning a strange presence by the shrine


Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera to the right of Agumon to find an item.
  • Use camera on statue to the left to find an item.


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on bush in center of the screen to find a shadow. Either fight it or run!


Music Room – Free Action

  • Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say?
      • It’s hard to say. (moral)
      • Trust me, all right?! (wrathful)
      • Really and truly! (harmony)


Corridor – Free Action

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say about it?
      • Falcomon’s changed.
      • He’s the same guy.
      • Minoru’s shaped up! (Minoru affinity up)


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
    • What’s the “magic touch” of hers?
      • Not a clue, honestly.
      • Aoi’s a wizard?! (Saki affinity up)
      • She healed everyone? (Aoi affinity up)


Gym – Free Action

  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • What should I do?
      • Leave him alone. (Kaito affinity up)
      • Calm him down. (Miu affinity up)


Woods by School – Free Action

  • Dracmon (costs 1 move)
    • Just dialog


Inner Shrine – Decision

  • Which level should I ask about?
    • The third level.
    • The second level.
    • The first level.


Old School – Decision

  • How should I ask him?
    • Tell him your side. (moral)
    • Ask him straight. (wrathful)
    • Ask what’s wrong. (harmony)


Old School – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll face a Level 38 1st Class Kenzoku and its 3rd Class Kenzoku minions. The chest on the field contains Holy Light. Defeat all the enemies to finish the battle.


Cafeteria – Decision

  • I want to ask everyone to save Miyuki…
    • The professor can… (moral)
    • We need Miyuki. (wrathful)
    • Let’s talk to her! (harmony)


Park Gate – Exploration

  • Use the camera on the tree to find a shadow. Either fight it or run away!


Central Plaza – Exploration

  • Patamon
    • Attack Charge+
  • Minoru
    • What should I say to him?
      • Let’s stay cool.
      • Gotta stop the Master.
      • We’ll save ’em all! (Minoru affinity up)
  • Aoi
    • How can I get Aoi to calm down?
      • Focus her on our task. (Aoi affinity up)
      • Give no time to think.
      • Tell her to stay calm.
  • ??? (on left side of screen)


Performance Space – Exploration

  • Biyomon
  • Miu
    • I gotta cheer her up. Tell her we have to…
      • Work for the fallen.
      • Save others out there. (Miu affinity up)
  • Kaito
    • How do I calm things down?
      • Be appreciative. (Kaito affinity up)
      • Cover for Dracmon.
      • Pacify Kaito.
  • ??? (grass to right of Miu)


Castle Courtyard – Exploration

  • Use camera in grass to the right of Saki to find an item.
  • Palmon
    • Gives an item
  • Saki
    • How can I get her to look forward?
      • Get Floramon to help. (Saki affinity up)
      • Get Agumon to help.
      • Cheer her up.
  • Professor
    • What should I say to the professor?
      • What’s their goal? (moral)
      • Should we fight, then? (wrathful)
      • Rescue comes first. (harmony)
  • ??? (grass to the right of Professor)


Throne Room – Decision

  • What should we do?
    • Some other way? (moral)
    • Defeat the Master! (wrathful)
    • Keep calling to her… (harmony)



  • For this fight, you must make sure Palmon, Patamon and Biyomon don’t die. You’ll face off against 4 Kenzoku. The chests on the field contain Attack Charge+ and Awesome Quake. Defeat all the minions to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, a few more adds will show up. Defeat them, too!


Park Gate – Decision

  • I want to go help Kaito and the other…
    • Let’s all escape. (moral)
    • I wanna go! (wrathful)
    • I’ll go look. (harmony)



  • For this fight, Agumon cannot die! You’ll face off against 6 Kenzoku. The chest on the field contains X-Heal. After the cutscene, a few more adds show up. Defeat all the enemies!


Click here for the next walkthrough for the harmony route of Part 10 in Digimon Survive!



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Pentelas Region Collectibles

by MrsChappie in


Below are the collectibles that can be found around the Pentelas Region in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.



For a detailed guide on all the containers found in the Pentelas Region, click here!


Soldiers’ Husks

For a detailed guide on all the soldiers’ husks found in the Pentelas Region, click here!



For a detailed guide on all the materials found in the Pentelas Region, click here!


Unique Enemies

The below Unique Enemies can be found in the Pentelas Region.


Raucous Ron (Level 27)

Urayan Tunnels – Roaring Spring


Massive Georges (Level 37)

Great Cotte Falls – Hidden Freshwater Inlet


Budding Francis (Level 32)

Great Cotte Falls – East of Aquifer Exhaust


Soaring Virion (Level 36)

Great Cotte Falls – Amoney’s Hallows


Gallivanter Buckley (Level 30)

Great Cotte Falls – Northeast of Titan Rock Camp


Frolicking Parker (Level 31)

Great Cotte Falls – Northwest of Cascade Ferronis Hulk in lake near Cotte Trick Ruins


Phantasmagorical Rist (Level 35)

Great Cotte Falls – Northwest of Cascade Ferronis Hulk in Cotte Trick Ruins


Dimwitted Tirkin (Level 45)

High Maktha Wildwood – Tirkinhold


Besieger Sheritt (Level 48)

Urayan Trail – Balquors Gate


Bushwhacker Farritt (Level 48)

Urayan Trail – Mountain Front: Agnus


Shimmering Marcko (Level 28)

Urayan Tunnels – Directly south of the Ore Stockpile landmark


Gracious Titania (Level 50)

Urayan Tunnels – Start at the Ruins of Seebu Camp rest spot then head south and use the rope slide to the southeast of this rest spot. Take the next rope slide and jump off midway to the lower area!


Bloodsucking Elvis (Level 53)

Urayan Trail – Loska’s Cavern – You’ll come here during the Side Story: Eunie hero quest.




Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Pentelas Region Containers

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on the location of the containers around the Pentelas Region in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.


Urayan Tunnels

Gemstone x3

Elevator No. 1 – Southwest of the Garf Mine Track


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Elevator No. 1 – Just south of the above container


Gemstone x3

Mine No. 1 – At the bottom of Elevator No. 1


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

South of Ruins of Seebu Camp


Gemstone x3

East of Ore Stockpile landmark


Gemstone x3

Southwest of Ore Stockpile landmark


Gemstone x3

South of Stoneyard landmark


Pure Gemstone x3, Optical Headband

Ruins of Seebu – Southwest of the Ruins of Seebu Camp; rope slide to reach it


Spiked Pauldrons, Pure Gemstone x2

Directly south of the Stoneyard landmark; To reach it you’ll have to go south from the Ruins of Seebu Camp rest spot then use the rope slide twice!


Pure Gemstone x2, Ultra Aural Sensor

Southeast of the Ore Stockpile landmark in a little cave


Nopon Coin (Silver) x5

Guarded by the unique enemy Gracious Titania (Level 50); To reach it, start at the Ruins of Seebu Camp rest spot then head south and use the rope slide to the southeast of this rest spot. Take the next rope slide and jump off midway to the lower area to reach the container!


Great Cotte Falls

Master Spanner, Gemstone x3

South of Aquifer Exhaust


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Colony Lambda – On the northwestern side of Colony Lambda in a storage unit that you have to open


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Colony Lambda – Southeast of the Clearwater Shelf landmark


Gemstone x3, Trusty Hunter’s Tool

Colony Lambda – North of the Clearwater Shelf landmark behind the commander’s tent


Nopon Coin (Silver) x5

Colony Lambda – North of the Clearwater Shelf landmark near the water


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Cave at Pira Bluffs – On ledge near entrance


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Second Cataract – Northeast of Aquifer Exhaust above Colony Lambda


Nopon Coin (Gold), Pure Gemstone and other misc items!

Cascade Ferronis Hulk


Gemstone x3

Northwest of Cascade Ferronis Hulk near Cotte Trick Ruins


Gemstone x4, Warrior’s Armlet

West of Cascade Ferronis Hulk in middle of lake near Cotte Trick Ruins


Nopon Coin (Gold)

Northwest of Cascade Ferronis Hulk in the Cotte Trick Ruins


Gemstone x4, White Wraps

South of Cascade Ferronis Hulk


Pure Gemstone x3, Luminous Memory

Northwest of Cotte Fountainhead, which is northwest of Colony Tau Entrance. To reach the secret area, you’ll have to head north from the Vista of Rhonnar landmark and take the rope slide north. This will bring you to a long root that will take you south through some high level enemies, leading you to the area.


Old Cliffside Way

All-Terrain Cart, Gemstone x3

Northeast of Old Way Camp on a higher walkway


High Maktha Wildwood

Burned Rice Sugar, Pure Gemstone

Southeast of Vista Rhonnar just outside of Colony Tau


All-Terrain Cart, Pure Gemstone

Colony Tau – Southwestern corner of the colony


Nopon Coin (Silver) x5

Northwest of Colony Tau Entrance; reachable via rope sliding


Pure Gemstone, Burned Rice Sugar

Colony Tau – At the Colony Tau Watchtower landmark; To find this landmark, you’ll need to climb up a tree root to reach the Ferronis’ arm. From there, you can make your way up to the tower.


Nopon Coin (Silver) x5

North of Vista of Rhonnar landmark


Nopoon Coin (Silver) x2

Yellowgrove – South of Sparkling Pool Camp landmark in a tree


Nopon Coin (Silver) x5

Tirkinhold – East of Sparkling Pool Camp rest spot


Pure Gemstone x2, Iron Misanga

Archaic Tower – At Tower Camp rest spot


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Archaic Tower – From the Tower Camp rest spot, head south to the ledge then follow the path left to find the container at the end


Pure Gemstone

Runo Ruins – East of Tower Camp rest spot


Lazure Vambraces, Pure Gemstone x2

Engardo Pass – North of Engardo Pass Camp rest spot


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Engardo Pass – Just west of Engardo Pass Camp rest spot


Low Maktha Wildwood

Nopon Coin (Silver) x5

Just south of the Warning Tree landmark


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

In Gingin’s Treehouse


Cosmos Anklets, Ultra Pure Gemstone x4

In the Ancient Storehouse


Ultra Pure Gemstone x2

To the far south of the Warning Tree landmark along the map’s edge


Ultra Pure Gemstone x4, Metal Foot Protector

Next to the Cross-Maktha Elevator directly south of the Warning Tree landmark along the map’s edge


Ultra Pure Gemstone x3, Champion Belt

Southeast of the Warning Tree landmark


Urayan Trail

Pure Gemstone x2

Mountain Front: Keves – Northwest of Engardo Pass Camp rest spot


Pure Gemstone x2

Mountain Front: Agnus – Northwest of Engardo Pass Camp rest spot


Nopon Coin (Silver) x2

Northwest of Tower Camp reachable via the climbing wall with purple vines


Pure Gemstone x3, Jade Support

Along the map’s edge, southeast of the Clifftop Ferronis Hulk rest spot


Pure Gemstone x2,3, Circlet of Wisdom

Loska Plateau – In a container south of the Bloodsucking Elvis unique enemy which is south of Pelza’s Pass landmark after completing Side Story: Eunie



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Pentelas Region Soldiers’ Husks

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on the locations of the soldiers’ husks found around the Pentelas Region in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.


Urayan Tunnels

Southwest of the Generator Control Room rest spot


South of Ruins of Seebu Camp


Quarry Road


Directly south of Stoneyard landmark


Directly south of the Ore Stockpile landmark


Great Cotte Falls

Footfall Battlescar – Southeast of Aquifer Exhaust landmark


Cave at Pira Bluffs – On ledge near entrance 


Slightly southeast of Hidden Freshwater Inlet on a rock reachable via the land bridge


Northeast of Aquifer Exhaust landmark – Near a ladder


East of Aquifer Exhaust


Amoney’s Hallows – Southeast of Titan Rock Camp rest spot


Amoney’s Hallows – Guarded by the unique enemy Soaring Virion


Northeast of Titan Rock Camp


Northeast of Titan Rock Camp guarded by the unique enemy Gallivanter Buckley


Cotte Trick Ruins


High Maktha Wildwood

At the Vista of Rhonnar landmark


Northwest of Vista of Rhonnar. To reach it, head north across the rope slide then backtrack via the long root.


Yellowgrove – Just south of the Sparking Pool Camp landmark


East of Sparkling Pool Camp landmark


Urayan Trail

Runo Ruins – East of Tower Camp rest spot


Northwest of Tower Camp rest spot


In a nook northwest of Tower Camp rest spot


On a small ledge northwest of Tower Camp rest spot



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Merciless Pursuit

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Merciless Pursuit standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach the ? on the western side of Colony 11.


Fast travel to Engardo Pass Camp rest spot then make your way northwest towards the objective. When you approach the objective, a cutscene will trigger. Once it concludes, interact with the tracks then follow them. You’ll pass the Tower Camp rest spot. Eventually, you’ll head down a long tree root and a cutscene will trigger. When it finishes, follow the tracks to find the deserters. Defeat the three Level 55 enemies to complete the quest.



  • 3080 EXP
  • 1530 Gold
  • 3 SP
  • Bronze Choker x1