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Monster Hunter Stories Vicious Vultures Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Vicious Vultures subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Vicious Vultures Subquest Details

The Vicious Vultures subquest can be started by speaking with the Achy hunter bathing in the hot spring at the Darj Rock Baths. He’ll tell you all about the monster he is here to slay but was able to start because all of the Zamite getting in the way. In an effort to make the job easier, the hunter will ask you to help him slay 6 Zamite together. We’ll cover the snow fields while he… stays at the hot spring, you know. In case one gets past us.

Monster Hunter Stories Vicious Vultures Subquest Achy Hunter

How to Complete the Vicious Vultures Subquest

As requested by the Achy Hunter sill chilling in the hot spring, you’ll need to defeat 6 Zamite for this request. Luckily for us, they are supper common in the Darj Snowfields and extremely hostile so you’ve most likely already run more than a few at this point.

Monster Hunter Stories Vicious Vultures Subquest Zamite

When facing them, Zamites like to use two skills, Overpower and Bloodsuck. Overpower will drop the target’s defense while Bloodsuck deals damage to the target while healing the Zamite. When they aren’t using one of those two skills, they will use a technical-typed attack. When defeated, they also have a chance to drop Ice Crystals which you’ll need for the A Cooling Crystal subquest which is also received at the Darj Rock Baths. Upon defeating six of the baby shark things, return to the Achy Hunter to turn in the subquest and receive your rewards.


Upon completing the Vicious Vultures subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Scrummy Recipes book and 1200 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories A Cooling Crystal Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the A Cooling Crystal subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

A Cooling Crystal Subquest Details

The A Cooling Crystal subquest can be started by speaking with the Pruney Hunter standing by the hot spring at the Darj Rock Baths. This hunter is concerned that his boss is going to be mad at him for spending so much time slacking off at the hot springs. To lessen the blow, he thinks bringing back some Ice Crystals will help. The catch is that he wants you to get all 5 of them for him.

Monster Hunter Stories A Cooling Crystal Subquest Guide Pruney Hunter

How to Complete the A Cooling Crystal Subquest

As requested by the Pruney Hunter, your Rider needs to collect 5 Ice Crystals that he can take to his boss in an effort to not get in as much trouble. To find the crystals, head to the Darj Snowfields and search the area for the yellow ore veins that have a chance to drop them.

Monster Hunter Stories A Cooling Crystal Subquest Guide Yello Ore Vein

Additionally, you’ll want to fight the mini-shark Zamites who also have a chance to drop the crystals upon being defeated. They like to use two skills, Overpower and Bloodsuck. Overpower will drop the target’s defense while Bloodsuck deals damage to the target while healing the Zamite. When they aren’t using one of those two skills, they will use a technical-typed attack which can be countered with power-type attacks. Once you have all 5 Ice Crystals, return to the Pruney Hunter to deliver and receive your rewards.

Monster Hunter Stories A Cooling Crystal Subquest Guide Zamite


Upon completing the A Cooling Crystal subquest, you’ll be rewarded with an Essence Vitale and 1200 Zenny.

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Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Monster Hunter Stories Welcoming Lights Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Welcoming Lights subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Welcoming Lights Subquest Details

The Welcoming Lights subquest can be started by speaking with the Furthful Palico standing near the hot spring at the Darj Rock Baths. This furry feline will mention to you that he has a thing for shiny Flashbugs found in the Darj Snowfields. Since the Hunters are slacking off, he requests that you find 2 Flashbugs and bring them to him.

Monster Hunter Stories Welcoming Lights Subquest Guide Furthful Palico

How to Complete the Welcoming Lights Subquest

As stated above, for this subquest you’ll need to collect a pair of Flashbugs for the Furthful Palico. To find them, return to the Darj Snowfields and search for insect gathering points marked by a butterfly flying around. Collecting them will have a random chance to receive one of the Flashbugs.

Monster Hunter Stories Welcoming Lights Subquest Guide Insect Gatherpoint

You can make this process go faster by entering Monster Dens in search of the insert along with hatching a Zamtiros which has the ability to swim in the water. This will allow you to reach additional bug spawns. Once you have two copies of the Flashbug, return to the Palico to turn in the subquest and receive your rewards.


Upon completing the Welcoming Lights subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Bottle Cap and 1000 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Monster Hunter Stories Back in the Water Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Back in the Water subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Back in the Water Subquest Details

The Back in the Water subquest can be started by speaking with the Achy Hunter relaxing in the hot spring at the Darj Rock Baths. He’ll tell your Rider that the real reason he’s here is to hunt a Zamtrios known as the Shapeshifter but is feeling lightheaded due to staying in the hot spring for an extended period. Thus it now falls to you and your Monsties to stop the Shapeshifter before it can hurt anyone! (Please note that you’ll need to complete the Vicious Vultures subquest in order to start this one.)

Monster Hunter Stories Back in the Water Subquest Achy Hunter

How to Complete the Back in the Water Subquest

To find the Shapeshifter, return to the Dark Snowfields then follow the path south of the cabins to spot the monster.

Monster Hunter Stories Back in the Water Subquest Shapeshifter

Just like any Zamtrios it uses technical-typed moves, so counter with power attacks. It often uses its Ice Armor skill, covering itself in ice spikes to boost its defense. It can also use Spread Frost Breath, which targets both your Rider and Monstie, with a chance to seal their skills for a few turns. We also noticed in this fight that it would also throw in a random speed-type attack here and there. Once you take the monster down, return to the Achy Hunter at the Dark Rock Baths to turn in the subquest and receive your rewards.


Upon completing the Back in the Water subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Grt Sword: Focus skill and 2500 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Complete List of Monster Hunter Stories 2 Star Subquests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete list of Monster Hunter Stories 2 star subquests guide. In this guide, you’ll find a list of all the 2 star subquests in Monster Hunter Stories listed by quest name, location, and the rewards for completing the subquest.

MHS 2 Star Subquests

SubquestPick up LocationRewards
A Cooling CrystalDarj Rock BathsEssence Vitale x1 / 1200z
A Fascinating KhezuAny Quest BoardArmorskin x1 / 1000z
Back in the WaterDarj Rock BathsGrt Sword: Focus x1 / 2500z
Bulldrome? RUN!Any Quest BoardMoxie Gem x1 / 600z
Enchanting Ice SnowAny Quest BoardHot Mist x2 / 700z
Shape-Shifter Shark?Any Quest BoardDemondrug x1 / 900z
Smash or Smoosh?GildegaranHammer: Cry x1 / 3000z
Tingling Tongues!Any Quest BoardMega Potion x1 / 500z
Vicious VulturesDarj Rock BathsScrummy Recipes x1 / 1200z
Welcoming LightsDarj Rock BathsBottle Cap x1 / 1000z

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!


SMTV Vengeance – Investigate the Anomalies in Tokyo Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV) Vengeance walkthrough on the Investigate the Anomalies in Tokyo main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

Investigate the Anomalies in Tokyo

The Investigate the Anomalies in Tokyo main quest is only found in SMTV Vengeance. First make your way to either Shinagawa: West or Shinagawa: East. You’re choice does not matter! Once there, speak with everyone in the station.

Afterwards, travel up to Jozoji and speak with everyone. While there, pick up the Picture Perfect Debut subquest.

Next, up, you’ll need to travel to the Jouin U. Medical Research Lab and speak with Koshimizu to complete the Investigate the Anomalies in Tokyo quest. Afterwards, head to the dorm to rest then return to Koshimizu in the Jouin U. Medical Research Lab to begin the Investigate the Salt Incidents quest.

SMTV Vengeance Guides and Walkthroughs

For our next walkthrough, check out our SMTV Vengeance Guides and Walkthroughs page!


SMTV Vengeance – Shinjuku Subquests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV) Vengeance guide on the Shinjuku subquests. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to easily breeze through these quests!

Shinjuku Subquests

A Self of My Own

Client: Legion

SMTV Vengeance A Self of my Own

Reward: Soma Drop x1

Summary: Spot the correct Miman for Legion

For the A Self of My Own subquest, you’ll need to pick the correct Miman. The answers are as follows:

  • Left One
  • Rightmost
  • Middle One

A Star is Born

Client: Macabre

Reward: Charm Gem x10

Summary: Find Amabie

Travel to Tokyo then go to Jozoji Temple. Once there, speak with Amabie then return to Macabre to complete the A Star is Born subquest.

A Power Beyond Control

Client: Patrolling Angel in West Shinjuku 1st Block

SMTV Vengeance A Power Beyond Control

Reward: Small Glory Crystal x4

Summary: Investigate the massive hole at Shinagawa North Pier

For the A Power Beyond Control, travel to the Konan 3rd Block leyline in Shinagawa. Once there, head east across the bridge and follow the path to reach Amanozako. She’ll go beserk and you’ll need to fight her!

Amanozako is weak to Fire and Ice, resists Light, blocks Force and Dark and repels Electric. She uses Electric, Force and Almighty skills. Additionally, she can inflict Confusion on your entire party and knows Heavenly Counter which can counter Strength-based attacks with a weak Dark attack and lowers her target’s Attack 1 rank for 3 turns. She can heal moderately and has a skill that lets her reflect a Magic attack once for 1 ally for 1 turn.

After defeating her, return to the Patrolling Angel in West Shinjuku 1st Block to complete the A Power Beyond Control subquest.

Alice’s Wonderland

Client: Alice

Alice's Wonderland

Reward: Dark Sutra x1

Summary: Find her big sis

When you’re ready to begin Alice’s Wonderland, speak with her. You’ll then need to follow along the path, speaking with the humans. At the end of the path, speak with the demon then exit the building to have the demon speak with you again. Afterwards, you’ll need to speak with all the humans again. The subquest will then complete!

An Unusual Forecast

Client: Kelpie

Reward: Soma x1

Summary: Deliver Girimekhala’s Head to Kelpie.

You’ll find Girimekhala in Konan 4th Block of Shinagawa. To reach it, travel to the Mitatebashi Leyline then head directly east.

SMTV Vengeance An Unusual Forecast

Grimekhala is weak to Electric, Force and Light, resists Dark and repels Physical. After you defeat him, collect its head then return to Kelpie.

As God Wills

Client: Throne

SMTV Vengeance As God Wills

Reward: Attack Mirror x2

Summary: Eliminate the Gogmagog in Shinjuku Gyoen.

West of Throne you’ll find Level 45 Gogmagog. Gogmagog is weak to Fire, Dark and Force. He blocks Physical and Ice. Once defeated, return to Throne to complete the As God Wills subquest.

Devotion to Order

Client: Armaiti

Reward: Critical Gem x5

Summary: Defeat Mara to cleanse Shinjuku and report back to Armaiti

For the Devotion to Order subquest, you’ll need to locate a Mara, which can be found below the overpass in Sendagaya.

Devotion to Order Mara

Mara is weak to Ice, resists Light and Dark and repels Electric.

Devotion to Order SMTV Vengeance

After you defeat 1 Mara, return to Armaiti to complete the Devotion to Order subquest. As an additional reward, Herald Armaiti will unlock for fusion.

Heroes of Heaven and Earth

Client: Kikuri-Hime – Jingu Naien

Reward: Soul-Return x1

Summary: Eliminate Yamata-no-Orochi and recover the Heavenly Keystone. Use Purified Sake at Shinjuku Central Park to summon Yamata-no-Orochi

From the Government Building 1 leyline, head northwest and ride the rail. Jump down to the area below and make your way to the objective.

Heroes of Heaven and Earth subquest in SMTV Vengeance

Once there, you’ll battle Yamata-no-Orochi. It’s weak to Electric and blocks Fire and Ice. It’s skills greatly increase its Accuracy and Critical Rate. Be wary of the eight attacks it gets per turn! Whenever it uses it’s Magatsuhi attack, it’ll get a whopping 16 attacks!! Afterwards, return to Kikuri-Hime to complete the Heroes of Heaven and Earth subquest.

Liberate the Golden Stool

Client: Anansi

SMTV Vengeance Liberate the Golden Stool

Reward: Stamina Balm x1

Summary: Eliminate Onyankopon

This quest goes hand in hand with the Reclaim the Golden Stool subquest. Please see the Reclaim the Golden Stool subquest below!

Lighting the Way

Client: Jack-o’-Lantern

SMTV Vengeance Shinjuku Subquest Lighting the Way

Reward: Chakra Drop x1

Summary: Find 2 Fire Gems

Fire Gems can be collected from the spots your friends point out. Once you’ve found 2, hand them over to Jack-o’-Lantern.

Part-time Gasser

Client: Mad Gasser

SMTV Vengeance Part Time Gasser

Reward: Amrita Shower x4

Summary: Get 10 Poisonous Flower Buds between the new moon and the start of the full moon.

Part-time Gasser Poison Flower Locations

As always, pay attention to the moon in the top left corner of the screen as this mission is timed. You’ll need to collect the shiny orbs on the ground to retrieve the Poisonous Flower Buds while defeating the Zhen in the way. The Zhen are weak to Fire. Once you’ve collected at least 10, return to the Mad Gasser to complete the Part-time Gasser quest.

Reclaim the Golden Stool

Client: Onyankopon

Reclaim the Golden Stool SMTV Vengeance

Reward: Health Balm x1

Summary: Recover the Golden Stool that Anansi stole

SMTV Vengeance Onyankopon

Travel to the Shinjuku 3rd Block leyline and enter the nearby building to find Anansi. When you speak with him and you’ll receive a counter offer in which he’ll want you to take out his dad in the Liberate the Golden Stool subquest.

Siding with Onyankopon

Tao agrees with this choice, however, it doesn’t sit well with Yoko.

If you side with Onyankopon, select the option “Fulfill Onyankopon’s request” then you’ll need to fight Level 49 Anansi. He’s weak to Fire, resists Dark and blocks Ice. During the fight, Anansi will use 3 different skills. The Bufudyne is a heavy attack that will target one of your party members. Makajamaon is a skill that has a chance of inflicting Seal to your whole party. The last move is his signature move that deals Dark attack with a chance of inflicting instakill. After defeating Anansi, Onyankopon will appear. Onyankopon will join your party and both Anansi and Onyankopon will unlock for fusion.

Siding with Anansi

Yoko agrees with this choice, however, it doesn’t sit well with Tao.

If you side with Anansi, return to Onyankopon and select the option “Fulfill Anansi’s request”. You’ll then face Level 50 Onyankopon. He’s weak to Physical and blocks Fire, Electric and Light. He has a Physical blocking barrier and can fully heal himself. He also will throw in some Physical attacks. After the battle, you’ll receive a Stamina Balm and Anansi will join your party. Both Anansi and Onyankopon will unlock for fusion.

Roar of Hatred

Client: Demeter

Reward: Phys Dampener x2

Summary: Eliminate the Tyrant near West Shinjuku

To reach the area needed for the Roar of Hatred subquest, you’ll need to progress the story until the Qadistu Showdown main quest. Travel east of the Shinjuku 3rd Block leyline to find a rail that you’ll need to ride to reach a demon called Moloch. After speaking with him, you’ll begin a fight against 2 Level 49 Orobas, 1 Level 50 Flauros and 1 Level 51 Moloch.

MolochIceElectric / DarkFire
OrobasIceFire / Dark

After emerging successfully, return to Shinjuku 3rd Block to find Demeter in the building. Speak with her to complete the Roar of Hatred subquest.

Shinjuku Jewel Hunt

Client: Attis

Shinjuku Jewel Hunt Location

Reward: Grimoire x3

Summary: Deliver 2 Diamonds, 3 Emeralds and 3 Amethysts

These gems can be found on the ground and are pointed out by your companion. We had Muu Shuwuu following us at the time. After you’ve found 2 Diamonds, 3 Emeralds and 3 Amethysts, return to Attis to hand them over. Afterwards, you’ll be able to trade him jewels for incense at the following rates:

  • Diamond x2 for Vitality Incense
  • Emerald x3 for Strength Incense
  • Amethyst x3 for Magic Incense
  • Garnet x3 for Agility Incense
  • Aquamarine x3 for Luck Incense

Stones of Malice

Client: Zhen

Reward: Dispel Charm x1

Summary: Find 2 Poison Gems

Poison Gems can be collected from the spots your friends point out. Once you’ve found 2, hand them over to Zhen to complete the Stone of Malice.

The Angel of Destruction

Client: Power – Government Building 1

Reward: Light Sutra x1

Summary: Go to the designated area in Kabukicho and meet with Archangel Camael (Recommended Level: 52)

The Angel of Destruction subquest will become available after completing the Qadistu Showdown main quest. Make your way to the Kabukicho leyline then head north to the marker on the map where you’ll discover a powerful presence. Proceed to complete The Angel of Destruction subquest. Camael will then attack you and is joined by 2 Powers. Camael’s weak to Ice, resists Fire and blocks Light. He deals Physical damage to all your party members, uses a heavy Fire attack and heals. Power is weak to Force and Dark, resists Electric and blocks Light. After the battle, Camael will unlock for fusion.

The Disgraced Bird God

Client: Senri

The Disgraced Bird God SMTV Vengeance

Reward: Force Sutra x1

Summary: Eliminate Gurulu who flies around Shinjuku 3rd Block

Travel to the center of the Shinjuku 3rd Block to find Gurulu. Gurulu is weak to Light and blocks Force. Be careful of his skills that inflict sleep or mirage to all party members. He also has a heavy Force attack that can hit all party members. Watch out for his 2 Physical attacks. One deals heavy damage and the other does 2 medium attacks with the chance of inflicting Seal. After the fight, return to Senri to complete The Disgraced Bird God subquest.

The Horn of Plenty

Client: Demeter

SMTV Vengeance The Horn of Plenty

Reward: Megami Talisman x1

Summary: Find a Horn of Plenty

The Horn of Plenty is held by a Chimera. Take out the demon to receive the horn! Once you’ve found a Horn of Plenty return to Demeter to complete the subquest.

The Hunter in White

Client: Kresnik

Reward: Strength Incense x6

Summary: Defeat Kudlak

See The Vampire in Black subquest below!

The Vampire in Black

Client: Kudlak

Location of The Vampire in Black in SMTV Vengeance

Reward: Magic Incense x6

Summary: Defeat Kresnik (Recommended Level: 53)

Kresnik can be found just south of the Government Building 1 leyline on a bridge. To reach it, you’ll need to use a rail that is west of the West Shinjuku 1st Block leyline. When you speak with him, you’ll receive The Hunter in White subquest.

Defeat Kresnik

If you side with Kudlak, select “Fulfill Kudlak’s request”. You’ll then need to fight Level 60 Kresnik who is weak to Force, resists Physical and blocks Light. He’ll use Strength-based Light attacks and Physical attacks. His Physical attacks have a high chance of landing Critical hits or have a chance of inflicting Mirage. Lastly, he has a skill that will make his next Strength-based attack be 100% accurate and Critical. After you defeat Kresnik, return to Kudlak to complete The Vampire in Black subquest. Kudlak will then give you the option to drink or refuse the Red Soul. It doesn’t matter your choice as the drink won’t work. Instead, Kudlak will join your party.

Defeat Kudlak

If you side with Kresnik, select “Fulfill Kresnik’s request”. You’ll then need to fight Level 60 Kudlak and 4 Level 58 Black Ooze. Kudlak is weak to Fire and drains Dark. He attacks with Heavy Dark attacks that hits all party members. He can also lower the stats of all your party members for 3 turns and drains MP of 1 foe. Black Ooze is weak to Fire and Light and resists Physical. It uses a Physical skill and a skill that has a chance to inflict Poison and lowers the Defense of whoever it hits for 3 turns. In addition it has a skill that drains MP. After you defeat Kudlak, return to Kresnik to complete The Hunter in White subquest. Kresnik will join your party.

SMTV Guides and Walkthroughs

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Monster Hunter Stories Rider Reports 2 Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Rider Reports 2 subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Rider Reports 2 Subquest Details

The Rider Reports 2 subquest can be started by speaking with the Protective Rider across from the Hall of Rites in Hakum Village. He’ll tell you about a Blue Yian Kut-Ku called the Wily Bird that has been seen nearby and injured a couple of villagers. You’ll then be asked to slay the beast before it can cause any more harm. For this subquest to show up, you’ll need to have completed the Rider Reports 1 subquest and the A Catavan Quandary story quest first.

MHS Rider Reports 2 Subquest Protective Rider

How to Complete the Rider Reports 2 Subquest

To complete this subquest, you’ll need to exit Hakum Village to reach Pondry Hills. Once you are there, you should see a blue objective marker on the map. Follow that to reach a Subquest Den with a silver color. This is where the Wily Bird calls home. Head inside then make your way to the deepest part of the den where the nest can be found to locate the monster. Run into him to engage the bird in glorious combat!

MHS Rider Reports 2 Subquest Subquest Den

For this fight, the Wily Bird will alternate between shooting fireballs at you and using technical attacks. After knocking it down or winning a head-to-head battle, it will switch to use its peak speed skill so make sure to use a technical attack to counter this. We used the Arzuros at the start of the fight then rode on him when the Wily Bird started using its speed attacks. After winning three bouts, we finished it off with our Kinship skills. Once you defeat the monster, return to the Protective Rider in the village to turn in the subquest and receive your reward!

MHS Rider Reports 2 Subquest The Wily Bird


Upon completing the Rider Reports 2 subquest, you’ll be rewarded with S&S: Bash and 1500 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories Call of the Kut-Ku Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Call of the Kut-Ku subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Call of the Kut-Ku Subquest Details

The Call of the Kut-Ku subquest can be started by interacting with the Quest Board in Hakum Village, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client will tell the rider that their research involving the Konchu causes them to reek of the monster which results in them being frequently attacked by the Yian Kut-Ku. Because of this, they are asking for your help in defeating the monster so they can go outside again! Please note that this subquest won’t become available until after you complete the Cheval and Lilia story quest.

How to Complete the Call of the Kut-Ku Subquest

To pursue this subquest, exit the village to reach the Pondry Hills and follow the white road north through the area. Just before reaching the lake, there will be a giant rock on the left side of the road with a Yian Kut-Ku on top and another circling it on the ground. Run into the one on the ground to engage it in battle then show it the old 1-2!

MHS Monster Hunter Stories Call of the Kut-Ku Subquest guide Yian Kut-Ku

A couple of things to keep in mind during the fight. The Yian Kut-Ku will often spit fireballs at you, so any accessories or gear you may have to reduce fire damage will help out in this fight. It also will attack using technical attacks so counter that with power attacks of your own. The Arzuros Monstie is a good choice if here if you happen to have one. Defeating the monster will complete the subquest objective, so all you need to do now is return to the Quest Board to receive your rewards!


Upon completing the Call of the Kut-Ku subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a pair of potions and 700 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories The Honey Guard Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Honey Guard subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

The Honey Guard Subquest Details

The Honey Guard subquest can be started by interacting with the Quest Board in Hakum Village, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client for this task talks about how much he loves freshly gathered natural honey, but every time he tries to go collect some, an Arzuros attacks him. Thus he’s submitted a subquest to have the bear dealt with! Please note that this subquest won’t become available until after you complete the Cheval and Lilia story quest.

How to Complete the Honey Guard Subquest

To pursue this subquest, exit the village to reach the Pondry Hills and follow the white road north through the area. As you get close to the lake, keep your eye on the right side of the path to spot an Arzuros wandering around. Run into the guardian of honey to engage it in battle.

MHS The Honey Guard Subquest Arzuros

For this fight, the Arzuros will use power attacks so make sure to counter that with some speed attacks of your own. Your starting Monstie the Velocidrome is a good pick here or any other speed Monsties you have have. Keep an eye out for when the bear starts eating honey. This will give it a buff that regenerates its health for the next few turns. Outside of that, it shouldn’t be too hard to take down. Once you defeat the monster, return to the Quest Board in the village to turn it in and receive your reward!


Upon completing the Honey Guard subquest, you’ll be rewarded with 3 Honey and 600 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!