Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Payback for Treason

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Payback for Treason hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, complete the Lovebirds quest then approach the ? in the residential quarters of the City.


For the first task, fast travel to the Eternal Canopy landmark on Daedal Isle in Cadensia Region and rope slide to the center part of the island. Once there, make your way to the objective being mindful of all the high level enemies in this area! To reach the objective, you’ll need to swim through the water on the northeastern side to find a cave. Head through the cave then climb up the purple vines to reach an open area. Run across this plain then jump down onto the plain below to find the objective. Once you reach it, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight with 5 Level 51 Hardliners. Defeat them then return to the City by fast traveling to the Astelle Harbor landmark in the center of the area. Approach the objective to trigger a cutscene.


After the cutscene, you’ll need to acquire 3 pieces of information regarding the Rozana’s Whereabouts topic. First, speak with Drumdrum on the east side of the City. Next, speak with Clara and Hollis in the southeastern corner of the City. Upon acquiring all 3 of the pieces, head to a rest spot and discuss Rozana’s Whereabouts.


When the cutscene concludes, fast travel to The Swordface in Cadensia Region and make your way north to the objective to trigger a cutscene. Head down the passage and open the door at the end to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight against a Level 52 Evolved Sentry. Defeat it then you’ll fight Level 51 / 52 Hardliners. After you defeat this group, the quest will complete!



  • 4900 EXP
  • 4600 Gold
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Lovebirds

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Lovebirds standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversation in the Caelum Residential Quarter on the southern side of the City during Chapter 5. You can do this after leaving the City in the ship then returning. After getting the information, discuss the Gray’s Autonomy topic at a rest spot. Please note that this quest requires Gray to be in your party.


For the first task, head to the objective near the Memorial Hall landmark in the southern part of the City to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, follow Rozana until a cutscene triggers. Once it’s over, continue following Rozana until another cutscene triggers.


Next, fast travel to the Great Sword, Upper and defeat the Medica Pippito until you receive 5 Medica Pippito Claw. Once you’ve obtained all the items, return to Hollis in the City then head over to Rozana in the residential section. After the cutscene, the quest will complete.



  • 2840 EXP
  • 2880 Gold
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Hunt of Plenty

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Hunt of Plenty standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, speak with Cardamine and Glory in Colony Tau then head to a rest spot to discuss the Raine topic. Please note that Juniper is required to be in your party for this quest.


Head to the Colony Tau Entrance and speak with Raine. Next, head back into the colony and speak with Nootka. You’ll then need to travel to the Low Maktha Wildwood and make your way to the objective. After the cutscene, fast travel to the Sparkling Pool Camp in High Maktha Wildwood then travel east to the next objective. Once there, speak with Raine to complete the quest.



  • 4780 EXP
  • 4330 Gold
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Wildwood Life

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Wildwood Life standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To accept this quest, speak with the Nopon in Gingin’s Treehouse.


For the first task, examine Gingin’s tracks next to the house then follow them to the purple water. Examine the tracks again by the water’s edge then follow them until another cutscene triggers. Interact with the tracks then continue to follow them until another cutscene triggers. Yet again, interact with the tracks then follow them back to the tree house. After the cutscene the quest will complete!



  • 4340 EXP
  • 1250 Gold
  • 3 SP
  • Nopon Coin (Silver) x7



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Water of Rhonnar

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Water of Rhonnar standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversation at Colony Tau after achieving a 4 star rank with them then head to a rest spot and discuss the Strength-Giving Water topic. Please note that this quest requires Juniper to be in your party!


For the first task, head to the objective east of the colony and approach Nootka to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, follow Nookta to the Spring of Quarquaka and speak with her there to complete the quest. You’ll also receive The Returned topic upon completing the quest.



  • 3920 EXP
  • 3680 Gold
  • 3 SP



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Phantom of the Night

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Phantom of the Night request in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after unlocking demon fusion as part of the story at Club Cretaceous.


Client: Masayoshi

Location: Shinsando

Ideal Lv: 9

Reward: Gas Mask



Investigate the Source of the Fainting

Travel to Shinsando and head for Bar Heidrun to find the Tired Man wearing a black suit near the stairs. Speak with him to get the details then look for the Scary Story Lover (lady wearing long sleeve shirt) in the bar. Talk to her and ask for details. She will point you to Karakucho. Head there then look for the Breaking Mart and speak with the Well-informed Woman wearing a blue dress. She will tell you to try looking around in the shipping district. That means your next stop is the East Shipping District. Take the portal to Storage Area North: Container Area and head west through the nearby gate. Follow that path to come across the Phantom of Miasma. Speak with them to start a battle against a level 9 Rumor Mad Gasser who is weak to ice. After your victory, return to Masayoshi to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Money Makes the World Go Round

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Money Makes the World Go Round request in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after unlocking demon fusion as part of the story at Club Cretaceous.


Client: Lina

Location: Mansei Realm

Ideal Lv: 10

Reward: Revival Bead x2



Deliver the Item for Lina

Make your way to Yang Yang Palace in the Mansei Realm and speak with Lina. After receiving the item, travel to the Central Line. Work your way through the Middle Area towards the end just before the map transition to the Upper Area to find the Smirking Man wearing a white suit. Speak with him to hand over the items from Lina then return to her to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – The Gunsmith

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Gunsmith request in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after unlocking demon fusion as part of the story at Club Cretaceous.


Client: Tatara

Location: Mansei Realm

Ideal Lv: 14

Reward: More upgrades at COMP Smith



Gather Data for Tatara

Make your way to COMP Smith in Mansei Realm and speak to Tatara. She’ll ask you to gather data for her then task you with defeating 3 Qing Long demons using fire. They can be found at the Central Line Upper Area just past the Upper Area Northwest Path portal. Defeat three of them using fire attacks then return to Tatara to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Mock the Invisible World

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Mock the Invisible World request in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after unlocking demon fusion as part of the story at Club Cretaceous.


Client: Victor

Location: Roppo Realm

Ideal Lv: 17

Reward: 50,000 yen, Compendium summoning costs cut by 5%



Help Victor with his Experiment

Make your way to Cirque du Goymaden at the Roppo Realm and speak with Victor. He’ll ask you to fetch a Koppa Tengu demon for his experiment. They can be found in the Central District Upper area. You’ll need to speak with your scouting demon until one of them recruits a Koppa Tengu. Deliver the demon to Victor to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Academics Wanted

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Academics Wanted request in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after unlocking demon fusion as part of the story at Club Cretaceous.


Client: Kyuta

Location: Roppo Realm

Ideal Lv: 14

Reward: 6,000 yen



Solve the Puzzles

Head to the Roppo Realm and speak with the Panicked Man wearing a black hoodie and green pants on the steps. He will ask you for help answering 3 questions. Those questions and their answers are below. Once you answer them correctly, the request will complete.


Question 1: What is the current name of the country where the story of Night Mokoi originated?

  • Australia
  • Mexico
  • Indonesia


Question 2: What is the translated meaning of Jirae Koropokkur’s name?

  • Fairy who brings happiness
  • Dweller beneath the butterbur
  • Noisy spirit


Question 3: Which demon is also known by the title “count of death and destruction”?

  • Halphas
  • Dormarth
  • Loa