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Monster Hunter Stories Tingling Tongues Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Tingling Tongues subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Tingling Tongues Subquest Details

The Tingling Tongues subquest is a 2 star subquest that can be started by interacting with any Quest Board after reaching Gildegaran, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client, a Foreign Gourmet, is in search of an exotic ingredient: the Popo Tongue. Apparently, it’s “delicious, tres bon, absolutely buono!” and he would like you to collect 2 of them.

How to Complete the Tingling Tongues Subquest

To complete this subquest, you’ll need to obtain a pair of Popo Tongues. They can be collected from the Popp monster found in the Snowfields near its entrance. They aren’t too hard to fight, mainly attacking using power attacks or throwing snow at you. Upon defeating them, they have a chance to drop the Popo Tongue so keep fighting them until you have 2. If you run out of Popo’s leave the area then come back to make them respawn. Once you have the two tongues in your possession, return to any Quest Board to turn it in and receive your rewards.

Picture of a Popo for the MHS Tingling Tongues Subquest


Upon completing the Tingling Tongues subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Mega Potion and 500 Zenny.

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Monster Hunter Stories A Fascinating Khezu Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB! Here’s our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the A Fascinating Khezu subquest. We’ll cover the details you need to complete it. We’ll explain each step so you can finish the subquest without any issues (mostly!). Happy subquesting, Rider!

A Fascinating Khezu Subquest Details

The Fascinating Khezu subquest is a 2-star task you can start by interacting with any Quest Board after reaching Gildegaran. First, choose Normal mode, and then select the subquest from the list. The client, known as the Khezu Researcher, is intrigued by the Khezu’s ability to stretch its skin and its slight dampness. He asks the Rider to slay the creature so he can study its unique skin up close.

How to Complete the A Fascinating Khezu Subquest

For this subquest, you’ve got to take down a Khezu hanging out in the final area of Wintertide Tunnel. This beast loves technical attacks, so hit it back with power-type moves. Keep an eye on its Roar skill, which can knock you down and leave you vulnerable to more damage. Watch out for its Sav Thunder Breath too, as it shoots an electric ball that packs a punch. When it gets mad, it uses Electric Discharge to hit both you and your Monstie, possibly causing paralysis. Don’t let your guard down, as it might switch to power-type attacks now and then. Once you’ve defeated the Khezu, the subquest will be complete. Head back to any Quest Board to claim your rewards!

Image of a Khezu for the MHS A Fascinating Khezu Subquest


After you finish the A Fascinating Khezu subquest, you’ll get an Armorskin item and 1000 Zenny as rewards.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Monster Hunter Stories Enchanting Ice Snow Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Enchanting Ice Snow subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Enchanting Ice Snow Subquest Details

The Enchanting Ice Snow subquest is a 2 star subquest that can be started by interacting with any Quest Board after reaching Gildegaran, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The Client, a Struggling Dancer, mentions a Lagombi that glides along the snow in such a beautiful manner claiming if they could do that, they would become the best dancer in the world! Thus it falls to us to slay the beautiful creature to learn the secrets behind its dance.

How to Complete the Enchanting Ice Snow Subquest

To complete this subquest, you’ll need to slay a Lagombi which can be found in the Darj Snowfields. If you travel to the Wintertide Tunnel Mouth, there should be one wandering around nearby.

Image of the Lagombi for the MHS Enchanting Ice Snow Subquest

While fighting the Lagombi, its default attack type is technical which can be countered using technical-type attacks. It will also use its Snowball skill which hits the target three times and locks their skill for a couple of turns. Also after taking some damage, the rabbit will start throwing in some power attacks that you’ll need to counter with a speed-type attack. Pay attention for if it looks angrier or if you notice a red vein symbol appearing above it’s head to indicate this. Once it’s defeated the subquest objective will be completed. Return to any Quest Board to turn it in and receive your rewards.


Upon completing the Enchanting Ice Snow subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a pair of Host Mist and 700 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Monster Hunter Stories Shape-Shifter Shark Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Shape-Shifter Shark subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Shape-Shifter Shark Subquest Details

The Shape-Shifter Shark subquest is a 2 star subquest that can be started by interacting with any Quest Board after reaching Gildegaran, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client, a Curious Boy, will tell the Rider about a most that could shape-shift by swelling up and pushing out spikes. Intrigued, the boys will request that the ride find out how it does such a miraculous thing by slaying it in glorious combat!

How to Complete the Shape-Shifter Shark Subquest

To complete this subquest, you’ll need to slay a Zamtrios which can be found in the Darj Snowfields. If you travel to the cabins and then follow the path east from the Catavan Stand, you might run into one there. If there isn’t one then it might be a monster required for another subquest. Defeat it and the Zamtrios should show up. Alternatively, you can enter Monster Dens until you find one.

picture of the Zamtrios for the MHS Shape-Shifter Shark Subquest

When fighting the Zamtrios, they usually attack with technical moves, so counter with power attacks. It often uses its Ice Armor skill, covering itself in ice spikes to boost its defense. After a Power Clash victory, Zamtrios tends to follow up with a power attack, so hit it with a speed attack. It can also use Spread Frost Breath, which targets both your Rider and Monstie, with a chance to seal their skills for a few turns. When it’s angry, it starts adding technical attacks to its mix. After defeating the monster, the subquest objective will be completed. Return to any Quest Board to turn in the subquest and receive your reward.


Upon completing the Shape-Shifter Shark subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Demondrug and 900 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Monster Hunter Stories Bulldrome RUN Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Bulldrome RUN subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Bulldrome RUN Subquest Details

The Bulldrome RUN subquest is a 2 star subquest that can be started by interacting with any Quest Board after reaching Gildegaran, choosing Normal, and then selecting it from the list. The client, one Pawdacious Felyne, will request that the Rider slay a Bulldrome that chased it for two days before it managed to escape.

How to Complete the Bulldrome RUN Subquest

To complete this subquest, you will need to defeat any Bulldrome monster. You can find them wandering around the snowfields or in Monster Dens in the same area. Just make sure not to confuse them with the smaller Bullfangos. The Bulldrome are much bigger, have longer tusks, and are a deeper brown color.

image of the Bulldrome for the Monster Hunter Stories Bulldrome RUN Subquest

When fighting the Bulldrome, it will use mainly power attacks with some technical ones thrown in. It also uses the Power Charge skill which increases the damage of its next attack. Once you’ve done so much damage to it, it might enrage. After doing this, it will use the skill Reckless Charge which deals quite a bit of damage. Bring the beast to satisfy the subquest objective. Return to any Quest Board to turn it in and receive your rewards.


Upon completing the Bulldrome RUN subquest, you’ll be rewarded with a Moxie Gem and 600 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!


SMTV Vengeance – Investigate the Salt Incidents Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV) Vengeance walkthrough on the Investigate the Salt Incidents main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

Investigate the Salt Incidents

This is a SMTV Vengeance only main quest. To begin, travel to Jozoji and speak with Tao. When you’re ready to travel to the Netherworld, speak with Tao again. You’ll find yourself in Shinjuku Gyoen, where you’ll fight the Level 42 boss named Power. Power is weak to Force and Dark, blocks Light and resists Electric. After defeat the boss, you’ll be free to explore Shinjuku Gyoen.

Shinjuku Gyoen Collectibles

Shinjuku Gyoen Miman

Shinjuku Gyoen Miman


Muu ShuwuuFireForce

Shinjuku Gyoen Subquests

Aogami Husks

  • Southwest of the leyline across the pit you’ll find a husk. Interact with it to get the Aogami Essence Type 6.
Shinjuku Aogami Husk


Location: Northwestern side of area

Shinjuku Abscess
Level 40 SucubusLightFireIce
Level 40 KumbhandaElectricDarkForce
Level 40 Muu ShuwuuFireForce

Location: South central part of the area

SMTV Vengeance Shinjuku Abscess

Large Stone Demon Statue

Location: North central part of the area

Demon Power Absorption Point - Large Stone Demon Statue - SMTV Vengeance

Investigate the crow’s whereabouts within Da’at

Head north of the leyline to the objective where you’ll run into 2 angels. The team will decide to sneak around them so head to the very southern part of the area. There you’ll run into 2 Power demons who will attack you. These Level 42 demons are weak to Force and Dark, resist Electric and block Light.

After the battle, follow the overpass west to trigger a cutscene. When it ends, head further west for another cutscene.

Jingu Naien Collectibles

Jingu Naien Miman

SMTV Vengeance Jingu Naien Miman


Sendagaya Collectibles

Sendagaya Miman

Sendagaya Miman


After exploring the areas, you’ll approach the Yoyogi Leyline and a cutscene will trigger with Nuwa and Yakumo.

SMTV Vengeance Nuwa and Yakumo

Afterwards, you’ll get the Breaking Angelic Ranks quest will begin.

Breaking Angelic Ranks

For the Breaking Angelic Ranks quest, you’ll need to lure the Cherubim away from their post by defeating the Power angels in Yoyogi. They are weak to Force and Dark, resist Electric and block Light. During the fight, you’ll start off with just 1 Power then fight multiple waves of them back to back. Eventually, they’ll call for the reinforcements. You’ll then need to head all the way back to the eastern side of the area where the objective marker is. The Breaking Angelic Ranks will then complete.

Yoyogi Collectibles

Yoyogi Miman

Yoyogi Miman
Yoyogi Miman


Location: Northern Yoyogi

Yoyogi Abscess SMTV Vengeance

Aogami Type C Essence

Location: Northern part of Yoyogi reachable via a rail

Aogami Type C Essence

Investigate the Salt Incidents

Head north to Yotsuya and explore the area as you make your way to Shinjuku 1st Block leyline where a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, you’ll return to Tokyo.

Yotsuya Collectibles

Yotsuya Miman

SMTV Vengeance Yotsuya Miman
Yotsuya Miman SMTV Vengeance




Location: Eastern side of Yotsuya

Yotsuya Abscess
AnzuForcePhysical / Electric


Large Demon Statue

Location: Northeastern edge along the waterfalls

Large Demon Statue Location for Power Absorption Point

Medical Research Lab

When you find yourself in the Medical Research Lab, speak with everyone then head to the Bethel Meeting Room to speak with Koshimizu. You’ll then receive the Rescue Miyazu Atsuta quest.

Rescue Miyazu Atsuta

At the start of the Rescue Miyazu Atsuta quest, head over to the dorms to find Yuzuru.

SMTV Vengeance Rescue Miyazu Atsuta

After the cutscene, you’ll find yourself at the Bethel Egypt Approach in Minato. Head forward a short ways to trigger a cutscene with Isis, which will turn into a battle against her. She is Level 45 and is accompanied by 2 Level 45 Lamia. Isis is weak to Dark. The Lamia are weak to Ice. After the fight you’ll get the Lady Talisman.

Next, head further into the area to trigger another cutscene where you’ll find Khonsu. The conversation will quickly lead to a fight against him. Level 46 Khonsu is weak to Ice. After the battle, the Rescue Miyazu Atsuta quest will complete.

Investigate the Salt Incidents

Return to the Shinjuku 1st Block then head west of the leyline to trigger a cutscene during which you’ll use the feather to summon Mastema. Afterwards, the Investigate the Salt Incidents quest will complete.

SMTV Vengeance Guides and Walkthroughs

For our next walkthrough, check out our SMTV Vengeance Guides and Walkthroughs page!

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Monster Hunter Stories Running Free Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Running Free subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Running Free Subquest Details

The Running Free subquest is a 3 star subquest that can be started by speaking with the Talkative Man in Hakum Village after reaching Gildegaran. He’ll tell your Rider about the sick Great Sword named the Azure Serpentblade. Its sleek and swift movements are said to be akin to a Velocidrome hunting down its prey! This will then lead to a request where the Talkative Man will ask the Rider to show him one!

image of the Talkative Man from Hakum Village who gives you the Running Free Subquest in MHS

How to Complete the Running Free Subquest

In order to complete this subquest, you’ll need to forge the Azure Serpentblade and show it to the Talkative man. You can do this by visiting any Smith (like the one in Hakum Village) and selecting “Forge Quests” then “Veloci Great Sword” to start the quest where you’ll have the sword forged. For the Smith to make this happen you’ll need to pay 2500z in addition to providing 7pts worth of Velocidrome material in the form of Velocidrome Hide (1pt) and Velocidrome Claw (3pts).

If you don’t have the materials, then you can find Velocidrome in the Pondry Hills to hunt. They are the ones with the orange fin atop their heads as in the image below. Once you’ve had the sword forged, return to the Talkative Man, equip the Azure Serpentblad, and then speak with him to turn in the quest.

Image of a Velocidrome for the Running Free Subquest in MHS


Upon completing the Running Free subquest, you’ll be rewarded with the GS: Last Stand skill and 4000 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Complete List of Monster Hunter Stories 3 Star Subquests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete list of Monster Hunter Stories 3 star subquests guide. In this guide, you’ll find a list of all the 3 star subquests in Monster Hunter Stories listed by quest name, location, and the rewards for completing the subquest.

MHS 3 Star Subquests

SubquestPick up LocationRewards
Flummoxing FelyneGildegaranS&S: Saver x1 / 1800z
Riddle Me This 1Darj Winterlands CabinHunting Horn: Trio x1 / 1200z
Running FreeHakum VillageGS: Last Stand x1 / 4000z

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Monster Hunter Stories Flummoxing Felyne Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Flummoxing Felyne subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Flummoxing Felyne Subquest Details

The Flummoxing Felyne subquest is a 3 star subquest that can be started by speaking with the Stupurrous Felyne standing along the walkway just before the harbor in the western part of the city. This felyne will tell our Rider how it used to be a dreaming poet but alas it was not meant to be. Instead, he’s a Quizmeowster! Following this declaration, the felyne will then challenge the Rider with a quiz. Answer the three questions correctly and you’ll win yourself a reward!

Image of the Quizmeowster Felyne for the Flummoxing Felyne Subquest in MHS

How to Complete the Template Flummoxing Felyne

In order to complete this request, you’ll simply need to answer all 3 of three of the questions in its quiz correctly. The format of the quiz is that the felyne will ask you 3 questions in a row and you’ll have to answer one to progress through the next. After answering the 3rd and final question, you’ll then be presented with the results! Get all three correct and you’ll receive your rewards. If you miss any questions, then you’ll have to retake the quiz. If you check out the table below, you’ll find all three questions and the correct answer for each!

Which of the following monsters is NOT in Hakum Village?Arzuros
How much zenny will you make fur selling an Herb at a shop?6z
How many men are there at the Darj Rock Baths?4


Upon completing the Flummoxing Felyne subquest, you’ll be rewarded with the S&S: Saver skill and 1800 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!

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Monster Hunter Stories Smash or Smoosh Subquest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Monster Hunter Stories guide on the Smash or Smoosh subquest. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the subquest details along with how you can complete the subquest. Happy subquesting Rider!

Smash or Smoosh Subquest Details

The Smash or Smoosh subquest is a 2 star subquest that can be started by speaking with the Senior Hunter in Gildegaran near the town square. He’ll excitedly tell you about the super cool hammer known as the Meaty Smash. It’s rumored to be hard like ice…or soft like meat? Either way, it’s made from materials carved from a Zamtrios. Our new friend will then inform the Rider that while he would get one himself, his wife would not approve of him getting another weapon. So instead he requests that we bring one to show him!

The senior hunter who give you the Smash or Smoosh Subquest in MHS

How to Complete the Smash or Smoosh Subquest

In order to complete this request, you’ll need to obtain the Meaty Smash hammer and show it to the Senior Hunter. This can be done by heading over to the Smith found along the staired path leading to the bell and talking with him. You’ll then need to select “Forge Requests” and then “Zamtrios Weapon Set”. Completing this quest will allow you to forge the Meaty Smash (and the Sharkutter). You can do this by delivering 10 pts. worth of Zamtrios materials which are: Zamtrios Hide (1 pt.), Zamtrios Fin (3 pts.), and Zamtrios Tailblade (10 pts.). In addition, you’ll also need to pay 3000 Zenny.

The smith to forge Zamtrios Weapon Set for the Smash or Smoosh Subquest in MHS

Depending on how much fighting you’ve done, you may already have enough materials to forge the weapons. If not, then you’ll need to travel to the Darj Mountain Cabins in the Snowfields. From there, if you head south, a Zamtrios might be spawned along the path leading toward the Wintertide Tunnel entrance. If not, then you’ll want to run through Monster Dens until you find one. Alternatively, you can travel between regions to try and get the Zamtirios to spawn.

After procuring enough materials worth of points, return to the Smith in Gildegaran and deliver them (along with 3000z) to complete the Forge Quest thus receiving your weapons. Head back to the Senior Hunter then go into your Equipment Tab in the Camp Menu to equip your shiny new Meaty Smash hammer. This will complete the subquest objective flagging the quest for turn in. You can now speak with the Senior Hunter to show him the hammer and complete the subquest!


Upon completing the Smash or Smoosh subquest, you’ll be rewarded with Hammer: Cry skill and 3000 Zenny.

Additional MHs Guides

Check out our Monster Hunter Stories main guide page for additional guides that may help you on your monster hunting adventure!