Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Knowing Your Family

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Knowing Your Family hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To begin this quest, make sure Ghondor is in your party then head to the ? at the Ascension Grounds in the Agnus Castle Region.


After accepting the quest, travel to Singbreeze Funnel landmark in the northern part of the Fornis Region. Once there, travel east to the objective. When you arrive, a cutscene will trigger then head back west towards the next objective. Once there, join in the battle and defeat the three Level 62 Giant Gogols. Next, inspect the Jumbo Tirkin Tracks then follow them until a cutscene triggers. You’ll then need to gather 5 Juicy Broccoli, 5 Zapcap and 10 Springroot. Juicy Broccoli and Zapcap can be gathered from the Rae-Bel Tableland in the Fornis Region. Follow the objective to find the Springroot in the Great Liente Shelf. After you’ve collected all the items, approach the objective to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, proceed to the next objective to trigger another cutscene followed by a fight against five Level 62/63 Colony 29 Raiders. Defeat them to complete the quest.



  • 5360 EXP
  • 4720 G
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Promise to the Future

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Promise to the Future hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, you’ll need to level up the Lost Vanguard class to rank 10 and then have Monica in the party. Head to the ? in the City to trigger a cutscene starting the quest. We did this in Chapter 7 after completing the Side Story: Sena hero quest.


After accepting the quest, make your way to Michiba Canteen to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head to the Residential District in the southern part of the City. Next, travel to Corne Island in the Cadensia Region then make your way to the objective on the eastern side. When the cutscene concludes, drop down into the pit and join the fray. Defeat the two Level 61 Anti-Candidate Antols. Once you’ve completed this task, the quest will complete as well.



  • 4780 EXP
  • 4330 G
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Shut-In

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Shut-In standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, interact twice with the Ferron that has a magnifying glass in the Central Cell then head to a rest spot and discuss the Mystery Ferron topic. Please note that Segiri is required to be in your party for this quest.


After accepting the quest, return to the Ferron and speak with No. 15 inside. Next, make your way to each of the 3 objectives. In Cadensia Region, travel to the objective on the eastern side in the area with the Cascade Crossroads landmark. When you arrive, defeat the two Level 59/60 Mhamamia Antol there. Afterwards, travel to the objective in the Aetia Region and defeat 3 Gerran Amoney. Lastly, travel to the objective in the Fornis Region and defeat 4 Eclipse Marrin which can be found flying around in the search area.


Once you’ve defeated all the enemies, return to the Li Garte Prison Camp and speak with No. 15 to complete the quest.



  • 3920 EXP
  • 3680 G
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Side Story: Sena

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Side Story: Sena hero quest. To obtain this quest, listen to the conversations around the City during Chapter 7 then head over to a rest spot and discuss the Ghondor’s Grumblings. Please note that Ghondor is required for this quest!


After accepting the quest, make your way to the Swordmarch Great Sword, Upper Material Storage Warehouse landmark and defeat the Feyz Rhogul there. This will trigger a lengthy cutscene. When it ends, follow the path northeast across the bridge and approach the transport for another cutscene. After reigning control of the party, follow the objective through the city fighting the enemies along the way to reach Memorial Hall for yet another cutscene leading to a battle with a Level 55 Moebius S. Her ability is that she can briefly freeze party members in place. After you emerge victorious, a final cutscene triggers leading to the end of the request.



  • 4900 EXP
  • 4600 G
  • 15 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – How to Ascend Cammuravi and Ethel

by Chappie in


In order to ascend Cammuravi and Ethel, you’ll first need to unlock Cammuravi as a hero and level up his Seraph class to level 10 with Taion. Once this is done, progress in the story until you reach Colony Gamma Omega and enter the lab with Cammuravi in the party. Ethel will be with you and ask if she can use the pod to get stronger. Agreeing to help her will result in you regaining Ethel as a hero and both her and Cammuravi’s classes will unlock allowing you to level them both up to 20.



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Special Instructors

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Special Instructors standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You can start it after discussing Ysorra’s Request info which you can receive from Camp Gamma. Ours showed up after completing the Teach’s Teachers hero quest. This quest also requires Teach to be in the party.


After receiving the quest, make your way to Colony 4 in the Fornis region and speak with Oleshandra near the medical tents. Next head to Maybacn near the Colony 4 Barracks. Speak with him to trigger an event the return to Colony Gamma and approach Ysorra for another event that will complete the quest.



  • 4780 EXP
  • 4330 G
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Shadow of Enmity

by Chappie in


This is a walkthrough for the Shadow of Enmity ascension quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, you’ll need to have leveled up the Thaumaturge class to level 10 then travel to Colony Gamma with Teach in the party. This should cause a ? to appear on the map in his tent. Approach it to start the hero quest. Please note that if you are having issues getting this quest to show up, you may have to complete Taion, Mio and Sena’s ascension quests first along with the other quests listed in the Teach’s Teachers guide.


After starting the quest, make your way to Everblight Plain in the north part of the Aetia Region past Colony 9. Approach the group of troops near the objective to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, head to the northeastern objective. Once there, defeat the Famished Volffs at the supply drop. Next, head to the southeast objective and fight Team Zakir. After you defeat them, make your way to the southeastern objective. As you approach the chest an event triggers leading to a battle with Foots’s Assault Team.


After dealing with all three objectives, an event with Teach triggers. When it concludes, head to the objective near the Torchlight Hill landmark. After another event, head northwest toward the ruined Ferronis. Once there another event will trigger where we’ll learn a little more about Teach’s past. You’ll then need to follow the objective east to find Kyrie and trigger yet another event. This one will lead to a fight against the Level 55 Avenger. When you drop him to around 50% health, a cutscene will trigger with the battle resuming after against the Level 56 Avenger with full health. After the battle, another event will trigger resulting in the completion of the quest.



  • 4900 EXP
  • 4600 G
  • 10 SP



Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Chapter 5 Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 5 in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden.


Village of Light

At the beginning of the chapter, speak with your companions then leave the town.


Roving Market

Head north to the new location of the Roving Market and enter it. Once inside, speak with the Wandering Merchant to trigger an event. This time he will want to see a Venomslime at least 2 stars or above. If you do not already have this card, the Venomslime can be found in the Lake of Fire and Desert. As a reward, you’ll receive a Quality Omnisalve and the Established Monster Tamer Certificate. The Established Tamer trophy will also trigger!


Speak with the Wandering Merchant again to trigger another event. This time he will want a Gargoyle with at least 2 stars. If you do not have this card, the Gargoyle can be found in the Ruined Edifice. As a reward, you’ll receive a Freezestay Ring and the Skilled Monster Tamer Certificate. The Skilled Tamer trophy will also pop!



Make your way northeast to the glowing card. To clear the snow away, let the Flame Primal at it! Afterwards, proceed to the Cave and enter the Snowfield.



Once in the Snowfield, head forward a short way to trigger a quick cutscene. Afterwards, head forward again to trigger another cutscene. Select that you’d “Better make it snow-worthy!” then “Steel Primal”. Sandskiff Mk.III is now up and running!



  • 1500G
    • Western edge of area

  • Bill of Godly Fortune
    • Southeastern corner of area

  • Chunky Gold Nugget
    • Eastern edge of area

  • Supreme Inspirilixir
    • North central part of the area



  • Open-Air Stall
    • Stop by
      • Roll the dice to determine at which price you can sell your items
    • Keep Walking
  • Dark Warrior – Northeast of Icevale
    • You can fight him if your strong enough! (We were not strong enough yet!)



Once you’re done exploring Snowfield, interact with the Endwall card up in the northeast.



When the cutscene concludes, you’ll be be in Icevale. Speak with the Old Woman. After the cutscene concludes, head up to the Cabin. Choose whoever you’d like to help the Old Woman as she will suggest you get her a flower. Exit the town.



Head directly north of town to find the Solnivea flower card. Once you have it, return to Icevale.



Enter the cabin. The next day you’ll have to make a choice about what to do. Select “Attempt to Scale the Endwall”. Afterwards, return to the cabin to check on the Old Woman. Next, interact with the glowing card on the southeastern side of the town. When the cutscene concludes, exit town.



Wander around Snowfield fighting enemies until you come across the Treant. We found ours on the second encounter with an enemy so it shouldn’t take you too long! Defeat the creature then Pulche will want you to defeat 5 more. Again, set out in search of them. Once you defeat all of them, return to where you previously picked the flower and pick another one. Afterwards, return to Icevale. When the cutscene ends, exit the village to trigger a cutscene.



Once in the Snowfield, make your way to the Endwall. For how to scale it, select “Upgrade the Sandskiff!” to turn the sandskiff into Sandskiff Mk.IV! When the cutscene concludes, head forward and enter Endwall 44F. On the western side of the area sits a chest containing a Quality Omnisalve.

Continue north then swing around to the center of the northern area. Head up the path to the very north to find a chest containing a Gemstone Ring.

Once you collect the chest, follow the path east to trigger an event. You’ll receive the Friend’s Memo key item, detailing the location of a treasure.

Head to the very northeastern corner to find a set of stairs leading to Endwall 45F. Take them then head directly south to find a chest containing Omnipanacea.

Afterwards, back track to the north then continue following the path to trigger a cutscene with a Fairy. After the cutscene concludes, a fight with two monsters will trigger. Defeat them then continue forward to reach the Endwall – Midpoint. Once at the Midpoint, follow the linear path up then enter Endwall 72F. Travel west to find a chest with a Bill of Godly Fortune inside.

In the center of the area, you’ll find a chest with a Soothstone.

Keep heading through the area until you trigger a cutscene with a Fairy warning you of the Frost Primal. When it concludes, you’ll be attacked by some monsters. Defeat them then continue heading forward and enter the Endwall – Upper Reaches. Avoid the snowballs as you make your way north to Endwall 99F. A chest on the northwestern side of this area contains a Ring of Sharpness.

When you’re ready, make your way to the southwest side to reach the stairs leading to Endwall – Top. Enter this area to trigger a cutscene. Select that “They’re both acting funny…” Afterwards, a fight will trigger. Defeat both of the enemies using only Al’e and L’gol. After you defeat them, head directly north to encounter the Frost Primal. It has 34 attack, 280 HP and 18 defense. It uses a move that restores it HP by 20 periodically so it was a LONG fight. Please note that it is weak to fire! Defeat it then head north to the glowing card to trigger a cutscene that finishes this chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter 6 in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden!



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – All’s Fair in Love and Commerce

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the All’s Fair in Love and Commerce request in Soul Hackers 2. It’s available from Club Cretaceous after reaching Ozaki Hope Towers Tower B during the main story.


Client: Lina

Location: Mansei Realm

Ideal Lv: 30

Reward: Yang Yang Palace’s prices drop



Deliver the Two Parcels for Lina

Make your way to Yang Yang Palace in the Mansei Realm then head inside and speak with Lina. She’ll give you two items to deliver to clients at Subway Line 14. Head there and use the portal to head to Upper Area West Path. Follow the path west to reach a room where you can find the first client to deliver the Blade of Ruin. Afterwards, return to the portal then head to the Lower Area Past the Hidden Door. Follow the path east and head through the doorway at the end to find the second client. Speak with him to deliver the Sword of Holy Light then return to Lina to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Vanity, Calamity, Humanity

by Chappie in


This guide is for the Vanity, Calamity, Humanity request in Soul Hackers 2. It’s available at Club Cretaceous after unlocking the 24th Ward Municipal Tower on the City Map.


Client: Makiko

Location: Karakucho

Ideal Lv: 50

Reward: 200,00 yen



Retrieve the Research Notebook

Head for Karakucho then speak with the Exhausted Woman wearing the light pink suit across from the vending machine near De La Mancha. When you’re done, head for the 24th Ward Municipal Tower then explore the area talking to your recon demons. Eventually one will hand over the Research Notebook. Return to it Makiko to complete the request.