Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Vacancy Verification

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Vacancy Verification support request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Crossbell City Hall

Salary: 1000 mira


Travel to the Administrative District and inquire with the Receptionist Shion at Crossbell City Hall reception. First, travel to the Residential District and interact with the gate closest to the map transition to the Entertainment District. Next, make your way to East Street. Head into the Fisherman’s Guild and speak with the Branch Manager behind the counter. Exit the guild then head two buildings to the left and enter Arcadia. Head upstairs and interact with the door on the left to trigger a dialog event. Now it’s time to head to the Downtown District. Enter Lotus Heights to trigger a dialog event then head up to the second floor and interact with the door on the left. Exit the building then return to City Hall and speak with the receptionist.



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Lost Item Search

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Lost Item Search support request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Tront

Salary: 1000 mira


Head to the Hotel Millennium in the Entertainment District. Once there, head to the right side to find Tront in a room and speak with him. Afterwards, travel to Central Square and enter the Times Department Store. Speak with the receptionist behind the counter to receive the Man’s Wallet. Next, travel to East Street and speak with Marte at the fish stand to receive the Souvenir. You’ll then need to make your way to the Harbor District. Once there, speak with Zell at the food stand. You’ll have to locate the blond young girl wearing the green dress walking around this area to receive the Republic-Bound Ticket. When you’ve found all the items, return to Tront to complete the quest.




Valkyrie Elysium – The Serpent’s Nest Territory Hollow and Verdant Blossoms

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on where to find the hollow and verdant blossoms around the The Serpent’s Nest Territory in Valkyrie Elysium. For the purpose of this guide, all of the blossoms were obtained during the Chapter 8: The Truth Unmasked and Chapter 9: The Fate of the World main quest.


Chapter 8: The Truth Unmasked

Verdant Blossom

After the first Storage Camp, head southwest then take multiple Soul Chains to reach a secluded island. This blossom can be found on the southern tip.


Spear-Wielding Remnant Soldier

This blossom can be found on the same island as the above blossom near Armand on the northern tip.


Helpful Trader

This blossom can be found between the first and second Storage Camps on the west side.


Elderly Sailor

This blossom can be found between the first and second Storage Camps along the eastern side of the map.


Light-Fingered Grave Robber

This blossom can be found north of the second Storage Camp down a narrow path.


Fisherman Bengt

This blossom can be found northwest of the second Storage Camp behind a ruined building.


Butcher’s Widow

This blossom is located in a ruined building along the path northwest of the second Storage Camp.


Riverside Scribe

This blossom is along the water in the northern tip of the map.


Servant Einar

This blossom can be found on the western side of the map along a ruined building.


Chapter 9: The Fate of the World

Verdant Blossom

This blossom can be found between the first and second Storage Camps at the end of the western path.


Royal Professor Victor

This blossom is located on the western side of the map along a ruined building along the inner map’s edge.


Iron-Booted God

This blossom can be found on the western side of the map along the map’s outer edge in a ruined building behind some crates.


One-Armed God of Military

This blossom can be found on the path leading to the third Storage Camp.


Spore-Soaked Man

This blossom can be found just after the third Storage Camp along the rim of the pit.




Valkyrie Elysium – Midgardian Studies 3

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Midgardian Studies 3 subquest in Valkyrie Elysium.


Obtained: Interact with the white orb in the library at Valhalla after completing Chapter 8


Objective: Purify the Soul Trees


Follow the path, fighting the enemies along the way, until you reach the final area. Purify the Soul Tree to complete the quest!



  • Nibelung Valesti II
  • Physical Attack Boost III




Valkyrie Elysium – Combat Training for Taika

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Combat Training for Taika training ground subquest in Valkyrie Elysium. This quest is obtained by unlocking the training ground as part of the story. To accept this quest, go to the subquest menu!


Objective: Defeat Taika


Speak with her to begin the fight. Once you defeat her, the quest will clear.



  • Fire Storm III
  • Arts Gauge Restoration Boost III




Valkyrie Elysium – A Bout with Kristoffer

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the A Bout with Kristoffer training ground subquest in Valkyrie Elysium. This quest is obtained by unlocking the training ground as part of the story. To accept this quest, go to the subquest menu!


Objective: Defeat Kristoffer


Speak with her to begin the fight. Once you defeat her, the quest will clear.



  • Grave Edge III
  • Soul Gauge Restoration Boost III




Valkyrie Elysium – Advice for Cypher

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Advice for Cypher training ground subquest in Valkyrie Elysium. This quest is obtained by unlocking the training ground as part of the story. To accept this quest, go to the subquest menu!


Objective: Defeat Cypher


Speak with Cypher to begin the fight. Once you defeat him, the quest will clear.



  • Hail Shot III
  • Magic Attack Boost III




Valkyrie Elysium – Training Duel with Eygon

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Training Duel with Eygon training ground subquest in Valkyrie Elysium. This quest is obtained by unlocking the training ground as part of the story. To accept this quest, go to the subquest menu!


Objective: Defeat Eygon


Speak with Eygon in the middle of the training grounds to begin a fight against him. Defeat Eygon to clear the quest.



  • Lightning Bolt III
  • Magic Damage Reduction III




Valkyrie Elysium – This Flower for Thee 3

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for This Flower for Thee 3 subquest in Valkyrie Elysium.


Obtained: Speak with Taika after completing the This Flower for Thee 2 subquest.


Objective: Follow the spirit’s trail


Head to the altar area to trigger a fight against Naglfar Taika. Defeat it to complete the quest.



  • Ifrit Caress III
  • Crimson Strike
  • Crimson Fist




Valkyrie Elysium – This Flower for Thee 2

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for This Flower for Thee 2 subquest in Valkyrie Elysium.


Obtained: Speak with Taika after completing the This Flower for Thee 1 subquest.


Objective: Explore Romali


Work your way through the area, fighting enemies as you go. Towards the end there is a Soul Tree you can absorb. When you’re ready, head to the end of the area and start the fight. After you defeat them, head further into the forest to trigger a cutscene. Once it concludes, the quest will clear.



  • Ifrit Caress II
  • Burn Trap
  • Fire Storm