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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Payment in Paint Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Payment in Paint quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Payment in Paint quest.

How to Start the Payment in Paint Quest

A map image of where to start the Payment in Paint quest in Sand Land

To start the Payment in Paint quest, you’ll first need to complete the Light on the Hilltop side quest which ends with Lutemis moving to Spino. After that, you may need to progress the story a bit or leave the town and come back for the quest to appear. Speak with Lutemis in her furniture store to begin a conversation about paints leading Belz to ask her if her friend would help him with paint. Having already put her order, Belz decides to go ask Lutemis’ friend directly.

Payment in Paint Quest Walkthrough

Search for Adne in Akque Camp

A map image of where to find the Akque Camp in Sand Land

To find Adne, travel to the Akque Camp which is located in the northeastern section of the Wapho Region. You will come through here during the Speaking the Truth main quest, so it you have it, fast travel to the camp. When you get there she’ll be standing nearby. Talk with her to learn that she’s stuck on Lutemis order because she lost the pigments she needs to get to work. She dropped them in the nearby North Laure Ruins while fleeing from Wannabe Junkers and Scorpions. Belz will then offer to retrieve them for her in exchange for making his new color.

Search for Paint Pigments in North Laure Ruins

An area image of the paint pigments needed for the Payment in Paint in Sand Land

To reach the ruins Adne spoke of, travel east. Once you arrive, head inside and work your way through the ruins watching out for the scorpions and cobras that call it home. After a bit, you’ll reach an area where you’ll need to use the Jump Bot to jump through a broken section of the wall. The paint pigments can be found on the other side of the wall lying on the ground. Interact with them to pick up the pigments.

Give Adne the Paint Pigments

Now that we have the paint pigments, return to Akque Camp and deliver them to Agne. This will complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with 750z. In addition, the Spino paint show will have new decals available for purchase.

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Saving Sis Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Saving Sis quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Saving Sis quest.

How to Start the Saving Sis Quest

A map image of where to start the Saving Sis quest in Sand Land

To start the Saving Sis quest, you’ll need to speak with Uzume at the Aro Village Ruins after progressing the Headin’ South! main quest to the point where you’re looking for Ann’s broken motorbike. She’ll tell Belz and the gang that bandits kidnapped her sister as collateral for their dad’s debt. The money they borrowed was to help her sister who is frail to get better. Belz will then decide he’ll go rescue her sister because he hates the thought of someone else being evilier than him!

Saving Sis Quest Walkthrough

Find the Diamonds

A map image of where to find the Diamonds during the Saving Sis quest in Sand Land

To find Diamonds, travel northeast of the Aro Village Ruins towards a grotto where the Diamonds are camped out. You’ll probably need to use the Jump Bot to reach the area the grotto is in. As you get close, you’ll notice a group of people standing guard at its entrance. Approach them then speak with the Bandit Member. After going back and forth you’ll have to make a choice between saving up 10,000 Zeni or ignoring the contract. We chose the second option which lead to a fight against the 5 of them.

Defeat the Diamonds

An area image of the Diamonds during the Saving Sis quest in Sand Land

You’ll have to take on all 5 of the Diamonds members with Belz. After the last one falls, an event will trigger where they flee the area.

Talk to Terasu / Check on Uzume

Now that the Diamonds are gone, enter the cave they were guarding to find Uzume’s sister Terasu. Speak with her to trigger another cutscene where you’ll hear a scream outside. Exit the cave going over to Uzume then interact with her. This will lead to a cutscene that will close out the quest. You’ll receive 650z along with a V2 Engine for the bike. Additionally, Terasu will decide to move to Spino.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Light on the Hilltop Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Light on the Hilltop quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Light on the Hilltop quest.

How to Start the Light on the Hilltop Quest

A map image of where to start the Light on the Hilltop quest in Sand Land

You can start the Light on the Hilltop quest by speaking with Lutemis standing near a hill just past the bridge linking the Tort and Gahlet regions on the Gahlet side. To access this quest, you’ll need to progress the Easy Valley main quest until it brings you into the Gahlet Region. While speaking with Lutemis, she’ll tell the group that she saw something flash on a nearby hill but can’t tell what it is. She also mentions that she is curious as to what it could be which leads to her wanting to paint Belz once she has seen the hill. To expedite the process, Belz decides to check out the hill in her place.

Light on the Hilltop Quest Walkthrough

Find Out What’s On Top of the Hill

An area image of the hill you'll need to climb up during the Light on the Hilltop in Sand Land

To complete this quest, hop onto your jump bot and use it to ascend the nearby hill. When you get to the top, Belz will comment on the chests up there and how the sunlight reflecting off of the chests is causing the flash of light that Lutemis is seeing. Make sure to loot the chests before heading down. While you’re up there, might as well hop to the adjacent hills to loot the chests on the other as well.

Let Lutemis Know About the Treasure Chests

When you’re done looting all of the chests, report back to Lutemis about them reflecting the sunlight. This will result in a conversation leading to the completion of the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 650z. In addition, Lutemis will move to Spino and over her furniture store.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Mysterious Voice Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Mysterious Voice quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Mysterious Voice quest.

How to Start the Mysterious Voice Quest

A map image of where to start the Mysterious Voice quest in Sand Land

You can start the Mysterious Voice quest by speaking with Mos in Spino village after convincing a couple of people (including Mos by completing the Desert Soldier quest) to move into the village. In addition to that, you’ll also need to progress the East Valley main quest to reach the Gahlet Region. Mos will tell Belz and the gang about a group of monsters that have moved into the east valley and they are so loud that you can hear them growling from the cliffs. This is causing peddlers to become afraid of traveling that way potentially preventing them from coming to Spino. In response, Belz agrees to deal with the monster to help the village.

Mysterious Voice Quest Walkthrough

Find the Truth Behind the Mysterious Voice

An area image of the rock ledge where the owner of the mysterious voice can be found during the Mysterious Voice in Sand Land

To reach the source of the mysterious voice, travel south from Spino then take the bridge leading from the Tort Region to the Gahlet Region. From there, you’ll want to follow the path through the Sand Cascade. As you approach the rock bridge (made of separate rocks) there will be a ledge on the left you can use the Jump Bot to climb. Do so to find Shion cowering next to a rock wall up there. Speak with him to trigger a cutscene where he’ll end up moving to Spino.

Tell Mos About the Mysterious Voice

Now that we’ve cracked the case on who the owner of the mysterious voice was, return to Mos in Spino to let him know he can relax. This will complete the quest and you’ll receive a reward of 650z.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Tinkerer Siblings Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Tinkerer Siblings quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Tinkerer Siblings quest.

How to Start the Tinkerer Siblings Quest

A map image of where to start the Tinkerer Siblings quest in Sand Land

You can start the Tinkerer Siblings quest by speaking with Mayor Torn in Spino after completing the A Jump-bot?! Gimme! main quest. In addition, you’ll need to have completed a couple of other side quests that result in new residents moving to Spino. The mayor will tell the gang that with the new influx of people moving to the town he wants to build some new bridges and buildings, but lacks the materials to do so. He’ll then mention Raptor Steel would help things go much faster and all of the things it can be used for. Belz will agree to help if we can use it to upgrade our stuff too!

Tinkerer Siblings Quest Walkthrough

Visit the Workshop in Talbo

A map image of where Talbo is located for the Tinkerer Siblings quest in Sand Land

In order to procure some Raptor Steel, we’ll need to find someone who knows how to process it. Start out by traveling to Talbo which is north and slightly west from Spino. You visited it early on in the game, so it should be available to fast travel to. Once you arrive in Talbo, enter the town and climb up the first set of steps directly in front of you. Head to the house off to the left then go around back and speak with Stan. Belz will feel him in on the situation and we’ll also get to meet his sister Ves, too.

Obtain Some Puraptor Scales

After having an argument, Ves and Stan decide to have a face-off to see who is the better processor of things! Unfortunately, they just ran out of Puraptor Scales and need Belz to procure some more from them. If you’ve been fighting monsters regularly, then you might have the 4 scales you need and hand them over to the siblings. If not then travel to the Aro Village ruins and head south from there. You’ll need to use the tank to blast away rocks blocking an opening then head through to reach the Raptor Cave. You’ll be able to find some sliver/white-looking Puraptor there that drops the scales upon being defeated.

A map image of where you can find the Raptor Cave to hunt a Puraptor for the Tinkerer Siblings quest in Sand Land

Give the Puraptor Scale to Stan and Ves

Now that you have all of the materials, it is time for the contest! You’ll need to give Stan one of the scales while Ves uses the other 3 to perfect her craft. You’ll do this one at a time, getting a little scene between each one.

Talk to Stan

After the contest is over, speak with Stan to proceed with the contest. You’ll then have to choose who you want to invite to Spino: Stan or Ves. The one you choose will move to Spino while the other one stays in Talbo. Feel free to choose whoever you want to complete the Tinkerer Siblings quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 750z and 3 Raptor Steel. Additionally, the Spino Workshop will now be open for business.

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Car Part Scavenge Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Car Part Scavenge quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Car Part Scavenge quest.

How to Start the Car Part Scavenge Quest

A map image of where to start the Car Part Scavenge quest in Sand Land

You can start the Car Part Scavenge quest by speaking with Knoll in Spino after completing the A Jump-bot?! Gimme! main quest. He can be found standing across from the entrance to Ann’s garage. Speak with him to have an awkward conversation about staring at Ann. During said conversation, he’ll mention how it filled him with joy watching her work cars. He’ll then mention to Belz that if wants his own car, then he should check out the Junk Pit where Scavengers toss the things they don’t need. There could be a car frame there ready for the taking!

Car Part Scavenge Quest Walkthrough

Head to the Junk Pit

A map image of where the Junk Pit can be found for the Car Part Scavenge quest in Sand Land

To reach the Junk Pit in search of a car frame, follow the path leading to Junker Market from Spino (or just fast travel to the Water Supply Point) then take a right halfway between Junker Market and the Water Supply Point. From there, continue heading east to reach the Junk Pit. Exit your vehicle then jump down the spiraling rock platforms until you reach the bottom.

Defeat the Scorpions

Upon reaching the bottom of the Junk Pit, you’ll be attacked by a couple of scorpions. Make quick work of them to clear the area of hostiles giving you a safe environment to search in.

Search for a Car Frame

An area image of where you can find the car frame during the Car Part Scavenge quest in Sand Land

To find the frame, jump over to the debris to find a case with a car symbol on it. Interact with the case to collect it.

Ask Koll About Other Car Parts

Now that we have the car frame, travel back to Spino and speak with Knoll near the garage to ask him about car parts. He’ll admit that he hasn’t gotten the slightest idea of where to find parts, but he’s sure you’ll come across what you need on your travels. This will then complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with 500z and a Car Blueprint 1. (You can use the blueprint at Ann’s garage to build parts for the car and assemble it!)

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Gifted Flowers Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Gifted Flowers quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Gifted Flowers quest.

How to Start the Gifted Flowers Quest

A map image of where to start the Gifted Flowers quest in Sand Land

You can start the Gifted Flowers quest by speaking with Lassa in front of her home which is located in the desert southwest of Spino. She’ll ask if you are the flower person saying she needs to thank them for leaving flowers around when she’s not paying attention. Her grandma will then coming out yelling at the gang to leave her precious granddaughter alone. Belz agrees to take a detour to seek out this person. This quest becomes available after completing the A Jump-bot?! Gimme! main quest.

Gifted Flowers Quest Walkthrough

Find the Truth Behind the Mysterious Flower Gifter

A map image of where to find the mysterious flower gifter during the Gifted Flowers quest in Sand Land

To find the mysterious flower gifter, travel northeast towards a large rock formation. As you get closer to the rock, you should notice a small cave entrance on the southern side. Exit your vehicle and head inside to find the culprit in the middle of a flower bed. Approach them to trigger a cutscene.

Defeat an Alpha Raptor and Get Its Essence

Area image of the Alpha Raptor you'll need to slay during the Gifted Flowers in Sand Land

Our next stop is to travel northwest from the cave heading toward the objective marker on the map. There will be an Alpha Raptor there accompanied by a group of smaller raptors. Take care of them and the Alpha Raptor to collect its essence.

Give Knocker the Alpha Raptor Essence

With the essence in hand, return to the cave and hand it over to Knocker so he can make the remedy.

Go Check on Knocker

Worried about what the grandma might do, the gang decided to return to Lassa’s house to check in on how things were going. When you get there, speak with the girl to trigger an event that will lead to the completion of the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 750z.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Dispirited Diamond Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Dispirited Diamond quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Dispirited Diamond quest.

How to Start the Dispirited Diamond Quest

A map picture of where to start the Dispirited Diamond quest in Sand Land

You can start the Dispirited Diamond quest by speaking with Hez in the Wapho Region. You’ll come across him while heading east towards the objective during the Speaking the Truth main quest after reaching the region upon completing the East Valley main quest. Hez will tell the group that he was kidnapped at a young age and forced to work for a local gang that barely acknowledges him. They also assigned him the crap job of exterminating 10 Pteranos so they can expand their territory. After some persuasion from Rao and Hez offering him some Raptor Metal, Belz decided to lend a hand.

Dispirited Diamond Quest Walkthrough

Defeat the Pteranos

A map image of where to find the Pteranos during the Dispirited Diamond quest in Sand Land.

To help Hez out, travel west along the road to find some Pteranos nests located high up in the rocks. Approach them then start firing away at the Pteranos there (orange pterodactyls) until you get 10 of them. If you run out of monsters and still need a couple more, head a littler further west to find more nests.

Report to Hez

Once you’ve taken care of enough Pteranos, return to Hez to let him know the job has been done. This will complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with 750z, 2 Raptor Steels and 3 Shock-Absorbing Rubber. In addition to that, Hez will also decide to move to Spino village after being invited by Rao.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Desert Soldier Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Desert Soldier quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Desert Soldier quest, from where to start it to how to complete it!

How to Start the Desert Soldier Quest

a map image of where to start the Desert Soldier Quest in Sand Land

To kick off this quest, you’ll need to find Mos, who’s hiding out in a ramshackle hut smack dab in the middle of the desert, just west of Spino. After you reach Spino for the first time and get your tank fixed up, you can head out to find him. When you talk to Mos, he’ll spill the beans to Belz, explaining that he’s holed up in the shack because he’s on the run from some Wannabe Junkers. They’re gunning for him since he defied his commander’s orders by choosing to save a caravan they were attacking. Feeling partly responsible for Mos’ predicament by drawing more attention to the shack, Belz makes the call to lend him a hand.

Desert Soldier Quest Walkthrough

Defeat the Wannabe Junkers

area image of the 4 Wannabe Junkers during the Desert Soldier Quest in Sand Land

While you’re chatting with Mos, the Wannabe Junkers will catch wind of the ruckus caused by Belz and start attacking the shack. When you step outside, you’ll be greeted by four Junkers itching for a fight. They’re all level 5, so be ready to throw a few solid punches to take them down. It won’t take much to knock them out, just stay on your toes. Once you’ve dropped the last one, a cutscene will kick in, wrapping up the quest. You’ll earn a nice 500z and snag a V8 Engine for your efforts. After all this, Mos decides to head over to Spino since he doesn’t have anywhere else to go.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Suspicious Cave Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Suspicious Cave quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Suspicious Cave quest.

How to Start the Suspicious Cave Quest

An image of the map area to start the Suspicious Cave Quest in Sand Land

To start the Suspicious Cave quest, you’ll need to speak with Zeph in the desert west of Spino. This quest showed up for us after gathering info at the Junker’s Market during the main story and completing both the Task From Mayor Tor and Lost Peddler side quests. Zeph the prideful hunter, tells the gang about a strategy he came up with to slay a Geji Dragon. Unfortunately, the guide was sealed in a cave after a cavein. If Belz wants to check out the strategy for himself, then he’ll need to retrieve it for the hunter.

Suspicious Cave Quest Walkthrough

Bust the Cave Rocks and Nab the Guide

The cave Zeph mentioned is on the other side of the rock mountain you find him standing by. Drive over there in your tank looking for the rocks blocking the entrance then shoot them with your cannon. This will clear them allowing you to enter the cave. Head inside and descent down the rock steps to find the guide resting on a circular wooden table. Grab it and make sure to loot the three chests in the cave before leaving.

An image of the blocked cave entrance in the Sand Land Suspicious Cave Quest

Give the Guide to Zeph

Now that you have the guide, return to Zeph to hand over the goods. For your efforts, you’ll be rewarded 400z and an Incendiary Ammo Chip (Cannon) x1. Zeph will also decide to settle down in Spino to write his book.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!