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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Exquisite Cuisine Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Exquisite Cuisine quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Exquisite Cuisine quest.

How to Start the Exquisite Cuisine Quest

Map of where to start the Exquisite Cuisine quest in Sand Land

To start the Exquisite Cuisine quest, you’ll need to progress in the game until you’ve completed the main story quest, Water to the World! Once you’ve done that, travel to Talbo and speak with Lirule and Shunan just past the main entrance. Lirule is traveling around searching for unique ingredients with Shunan (a rare game hunter). She’ll talk about wanting to open a restaurant once she finds her signature dish to which Belz recommends Spino. Shunan is also interested in moving there so the pair agree to do so once their ingredient hunt is over! That’s where Belz comes in!!

Exquisite Cuisine Quest Walkthrough

Bring the Cactus to Lirule

To find a cactus, just exit the town heading east and you should spot a few in the desert. Destroy one and collect the items it drops. Take those back to Lirule who is not impressed. Having already sampled an everyday cactus, she requests something more exciting.

Find Some BBQ Scorpion in the Demon Village

Map image of where to find the Scorpion BBQ during the Exquisite Cuisine quest in Sand Land

After Belz mentions BBQ Scorpion as a favorite in the Demon Village, Lirule will start chanting its name. Make your way there and speak with Izuna who can be found cooking food next to a campfire at the southern part of the village. She’ll hand over a BBQ Scorpion which you can take back to Lirule. She’ll try the food which she likes but isn’t quite what she’s looking for. Belz remembers one more thing about a ruin with a lot of rare ancient stuff and agrees to check it out for her.

Find Rare Food in the Hingu Ruins

Map of where to find the Hingu Ruins during the Exquisite Cuisine quest in Sand Land

Our next destination is the Hingu Ruins which can be found in the desert to the west of Demon Village. When you get there, Belz will notice a strange smell. You’ll want to head to the Hingu Ruins: Underground then follow the path through the next room and head left down the hallway bringing you to an area with the middle section of the floor missing. Jump over to the other side and interact with the canned food on the crates to the left.

Bring the Canned Food to Lirule

Now that we have the canned food in our possession (who knows how old it is!), return to Talbo and give it to Lirule. This will trigger a cutscene which leads to the completion of the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,200z and a new decal at the Spino Paint Shop. Lirule and Shunan will also move to Spino.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Vow of Family Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Vow of Family quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Vow of Family quest.

How to Start the Vow of Family Quest

Map of where to start the Vow of Family quest in Sand Land

To start the Vow of Family quest, travel to Junker Market: Lisab then head to the Water Supply Point north of the city. When you get there speak with the little girl named Reya. She’ll appear to be ignoring Belz until he scares her. She’ll then reveal that she took a vow of silence so that her papa would return home safe, but now she’s afraid he’ll be hurt. To stop her from crying, Belz offers to look for him.

Vow of Family Quest Walkthrough

Find Hect

Map of the Mount Lisab Cave that Hect went missing in during the Vow of Family quest in Sand Land

To locate Reya’s father, travel east from the Water Supply Point to reach the Mount Lisab Cave then head inside. Follow the path to the end then blast the rock blocking the way forward on the left revealing a man on the other side. Speak with him to learn that he’s not Reya’s dad and that he’s decided to join his wife. He’ll then offer you money to tell her. Belz will then get the choice to accept it or not. If you decline, then he’ll head further into the cave.

Go After Hect / Defeat the Puraptors

Puraptors attacking Hect during the Vow of Family quest in Sand Land

Pursue Hect through the tunnels until you catch back up to him. He will be stuck on a rock being attacked by a group of Purators. Defeat them all to trigger a cutscene with the man leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 750z. Also, Hect and Reya will move to Spino.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Treasure Trek Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Treasure Trek quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Treasure Trek quest.

How to Start the Treasure Trek Quest

Map of where to start the Treasure Trek quest in Sand Land

To start this quest, you’ll need to travel east from Aro Village Ruins and then enter the Grotto there to find Halvar. Speak with him to learn that he’s searching for an ancient copper coin, but isn’t having any luck finding it. He’ll then request that Belz bring him an ancient coin that he would happily trade something else for.

Treasure Trek Quest Walkthrough

Give An Ancient Copper Coin to Halvar

To find an ancient coin, you’ll need to visit a ruin and loot one of the chests found in its final room. If you need help finding a ruin, there are 4 that can be found in the Wapho Region (see the map image below).

Map image of where to find some ruins for the Treasure Trek quest in Sand Land

You can enter any one of them (if you haven’t already) to find the ancient coin you need from Halvar. Once it’s in your possession, travel back to the Grotto east of Aro Village Ruins and hand it over to complete the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,150z and 5 magnets. Halvar will also decide to set up a Trading Post in Spino.

The Trading Post is a facility where you can trade in the ancient coins found in looting ruins in exchange for unique items. It contains a lot of blueprints that will come in handy for upgrading your vehicles and even has a Hopper Frame to build a new vehicle so be sure to utilize it.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Top Time Triumph Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Top Time Triumph quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Top Time Triumph quest.

How to Start the Top Time Triumph Quest

Map of where to start the Top Time Triumph quest in Sand Land

To start the Top Time Triumph quest, you’ll need to speak with Ves at her workshop in Spino. She’ll tell the group that she’s trying to work on making strong metals which would result in stronger vehicles, but it’s not working out. She’ll then mention her friend Kuo in Talbo and request that we ask him to come to Spino. That way she can purchase some more rare materials from him as he’s the only one she knows who has them. Belz will reluctantly agree to this as long as it means a stronger tank! This quest will appear as you complete other quests for the residents of Spino and add new members to the town. Also worth noting is that it might be a bit different if you chose Stan to move to Spino.

Top Time Triumph Quest Walkthrough

Find Kuo

Map of where to find the Race Reg: Cliffs in Sand Land during the Top Time Triumph quest

To locate Kuo, exit Spino and travel northwest to the Lisab Radio Tower. After reaching it, continue following the road heading northwest to reach the Race Reg: Cliffs. You’ll find Kup there standing near the watchtower. Speak with him to pass on Ves’s request to which he’ll say he’ll swing by after he gets done at the races. He refuses to move from this spot until he finds the next up-and-coming star.

Finish the Motobike Race (Noice)

In order to get Kup to head towards Spino, you’ll need to complete the novice motorbike race in under 37 seconds. To begin the race, speak with Heelu standing across from Kuo then select “Join Race” and “Bike Race (Novice)”. This will bring you to the race screen where you can then start the race. Complete the course in under 37 seconds to move to the next objective.

Report to Kuo

Now that Belz is the fastest novice, speak with Kuo to sign his name for his number 1 fan!

Report to Ves

Head back to Ves in Spino to learn that Kuo stopped by and she got what she needed. This will complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with 750z, 4 Standard Gears, and 4 Standard Springs. In addition, new items can be made at the Spino Workshop and new decals will be available at the Spino Paint Shop.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the From Lifeless to Lush Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the From Lifeless to Lush quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the From Lifeless to Lush quest.

How to Start the From Lifeless to Lush Quest

A map of where to start the From Lifeless to Lush in Sand Land

You can start the From Lifeless to Lush quest by speaking with Mayor Tor in Spino. The mayor will inform the group that the town is running out of food and supplies. To combat this, he is looking for someone who is an expert in agriculture to help the town grow its own food. He suggests his old friend Siris from Talbo who might be able to help. Belz agrees to go speak with him to witness his might for himself!

From Lifeless to Lush Quest Walkthrough

Meet with Siris in Talbo

A Map of Talbo during the From Lifeless to Lush quest in Sand Land

Fast travel to Talbo then speak with a girl named Cress who can be found wandering around near the entrance. She’ll mention that Siris is her granddad and ask what Belz’s business with him is. After catching her up to speed, she thinks having him teach the town to grow food is a wonderful idea and sends us to Aro looking for him.

Find Siris in the Aro Village Ruins

A map of the Aro Village Ruins during the From Lifeless to Lush quest in Sand Land

Set out for the Aro Village Ruins which is north of Talbo. When you get there. Siris can be found lurking near the campfire. Talk with him and after some back in forth, he’ll request 3 gifts to convince him to help in Spino. The first he requires is 10 iron ore.

Give the Iron Ore to Siris

Chances are that you’ll already have the 10 iron ore needed already. If that is the case, then just speak to him again to hand them over. If not, wander around the desert outside of town looking for ore veins. They can be located near rocks so leave no stone unturned.

Give the Lumber to Siris

Our next task is to present Siris with 10 pieces of lumber. To get that you’ll need to explore the desert looking for trees. When you find them, destroy them and loot the Plant Matter they drop. Once you have 30, travel to Spino and head into the Workshop where you can trade them in for 10 pieces of lumber. Talk those back to Siris to get the final task.

Head to Spiral Mountain

Map of Spiral Moutain during the From Lifeless to Lush quest in Sand Land

The next destination is Sprail Mountain which can be found to the west of Talbo. Head there to locate the Wannabe Junkers.

Defeat the Wannabe Junkers

Time to assault the mountain! You’ll need to take out 30 of the Wannabe Junkers. You can find them around the multiple tiers of Spiral Mountain.

Go Underground to Get the Lisabite

Area image of the ladders you'll need to climb down to head underground during the From Lifeless to Lush quest in Sand Land

Once the Wannabe Junkers have been taken care of, head to the lowest level and locate the ladders that head underground. Use one then follow the path on the bottom to reach the Lisabite. The objective marker will point to where you need to go.

Give the Lisabite to Siris

Now that we have the Lisabite, return to Siris at the Aro Village Ruins to deliver the material. This will cause him to finally move to Spino.

Talk to Siris

Travel back to Spino then head to the west side of town to locate Siris. Speak with the farmer to trigger a cutscene where both Cress and the mayor show up to complete the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,250z, 4 Desert Croc Oil, and 4 Quality Pterano Rubber.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the EX Chip Hunt Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the EX Chip Hunt quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the EX Chip Hunt quest.

How to Start the EX Chip Hunt Quest

Map of where to start the EX Chip Hunt quest in Sand Land

To start the EX Chip Hunt quest, you’ll need to speak with Arthur just outside of Junker Market: Lisa, digging through some scrap. He’ll tell Belz that he’s looking for rare metal required to make an EX Chip but mentions it can only be found in the Old Junkyard, which the Queen Scorpion guards. After learning more about Belz and how strong he is, Arthur will request that we handle the monster in his stead! If the quest isn’t showing up, then you’ll need to complete some of the other side quests to get more residents to join the town.

EX Chip Hunt Quest Walkthrough

Defeat the Queen Scorpion in the Old Junkyard

Map of where to find the Old Junkyard during the EX Chip Hunt quest in Sand Land

To reach the Old Junkyard, travel southeast from Junker Market. When you get there, head over to the center of the area to begin the fight against the Queen Scorpion. Something to note is that she can shoot her venom at you and will also destroy the stone pillars in the middle of the area.

Once she falls, Arthur will show up to collect those metals for the shop he wants to open. The team will then recommend he set up shop in Spino to which he agrees thus completing the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 750z and the HE Ammo Chip (Cannon). Additionally, the Spino EX Chip dealer will open up in Spino.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Brothers’ Oath Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Brothers’ Oath quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Brothers’ Oath quest.

How to Start the Brothers’ Oath Quest

A map on where to start the Brothers' Oath quest in Sand Land

The Brother’s Oath quest becomes available after reaching the Water to the World! main quest. Travel to the Aro Village Ruins then head east of time to find Gillingr standing on a rock. Use your Jump Bot to reach the top then speak with him. He’ll disrespect Belz which results in the Fiend Prince kicking his butt. After calling out uncle, Gillingr will tell Belz about a mean pack of raptors that has moved into the area. It’s so bad that it’s even causing problems for the Diamonds. He’ll then ask for Belz’s help in getting rid of them. Agree to help him out when prompted!

Brothers’ Oath Quest Walkthrough

Defeat the Raptors

image of the raptors you'll need to slay during the Brothers' Oath quest in Sand Land

The raptors for the quest are in the open section of the desert beyond the rock that Gillingr is standing on. Head on down there and lay a can of whoop butt on the raptors. After taking out 10 of them, the rest will scatter (not really, but it sounded good!) updating the objective.

Report to Gillingr

Head back to Gillingr’s rock and speak with him to let him know the job has been completed. Impressed by Belz’s strength and gusto, he’ll request that the two become sworn brothers. Belz likes the idea of having an underling so he agrees to it. Once the cutscene completes, so too will the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,100z, 3 Standard Steel, and 2 Croc Steel.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Tiny Bandits Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Tiny Bandits quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Tiny Bandits quest.

How to Start the Tiny Bandits Quest

A man on where to start the Tiny Bandits quest in Sand Land

To start the Tiny Bandits quest, you must travel north from Orio Camp in the Gahlet Region to find a chest along a rock wall. Interact with it to trigger a cutscene where a brother and sister will show up claiming it to be their chest. Upon further integration, we’ll learn they plan to sell those parts to buy some food. Trying to be nice, Belz will ask what kind of parts they have. While this is happening, the younger brother steals the keys to Rao’s car then the siblings run off. Time to chase them down!

Tiny Bandits Quest Walkthrough

Go After Poy and Meno

A map of where to track the siblings during the Tiny Bandits quest in Sand Land

Chase after the siblings by heading east up the dirt ramp. When you get to the stop, you’ll spot the pair being attacked by a group of Wannabe Junkers. Approach them to trigger a cutscene leads to a fight against them.

Defeat the Wannabe Junkers

an image of the siblings surrounded by junkers during the Tiny Bandits quest in Sand Land

Take down the group of 5 Wannabe Junkers to trigger another cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 650z and some Armored Legs for the Jump Bot. Additionally, Rao will invite the siblings to turn their lives around in Spino village. After thinking about it carefully, they decide that they’ll give it a shot and make their way there.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Build a Zip Line! Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Build a Zip Line! quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Build a Zip Line! quest.

How to Start the Build a Zip Line! Quest

A map on where to start the Build a Zip Line! Quest in Sand Land

To start the Build a Zip Line! quest, you’ll need to progress in the game until you’ve completed the main story quest, Water to the World! Additionally, you may have to progress some of the other quests in the town to make it appear. Once it does, speak with Lecto near the town entrance. His dilemma is that he’s transporting supplies, but its a pain to move them where they need to go. Rao recommends building a zipline to make things easier to which Lecto agrees. Belz will then be tasked with tracking down the materials he needs to build one.

Build a Zip Line! Quest Walkthrough

Give the Zip Line Materials to Lecto

In order to build the zip line, Lecto will need 8 pieces of Standard Steel and 2 Ropes. If you’re lacking on Standard Steel, you can make 1 using 1 Iron Ore and 1 Lead Ore at Spino’s workshop. The Ropes can be purchased at the Item Shop in Spino for 50z each. After you’ve collected all of the required items, take them to Lecto which we’ll use right away to build the zip line. This will lead to the completion of the quest and you’ll receive a nice reward of 1,200z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Town Waterwheel Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Town Waterwheel quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Town Waterwheel quest.

How to Start the Town Waterwheel Quest

Map of where to start the Town Waterwheel quest in Sand Land

To start the Town Waterwheel quest, you’ll need to progress in the game until you’ve completed the main story quest, Water to the World! Additionally, you may have to progress some of the other quests in the town to make it appear. Once it does, speak with Hugh in the northern part of town who is deep in thought. He thinks that the town might benefit from a waterwheel. Lutemis suggested to him building one as a symbol of Spino, but the mayor thinks it would be a waste of space. Regardless Lutemis shows up with a blueprint and list of materials asking Belz for help. He agrees just so he can see the waterwheel in action!

Town Waterwheel Quest Walkthrough

Give the Waterwheel Materials to Hugh

To create the waterwheel, you’ll need to provide Hugh with a bunch of materials. If you’ve been diligent in exploring, fighting monsters, and gathering materials, you’ll probably have everything that you need and can just turn them in. If not, then make all of them at the town’s Workshop using various materials collected from around Sand Land. Crocs can be found near areas with quicksand and raptors are pretty much everywhere.

  • Standard Steel x12
  • Standard Gear x8
  • Standard Cable x4
  • Standard Meter x4
  • Desert Croc Oil x3
  • Quality Pterano Rubber x3

Gather Info in Patago Village

Map of where to find Patago for the Town Waterwheel quest in Sand Land

After handing over the materials on the list to Hugh, he’ll say one thing is missing: a giant magnet. In order to find one, you’ll need to travel to Patago Village to gather intel. It can be found to the west of Spino in the southcentral part of the Skoan Regio. When you arrive, locate and speak with Aza. He’ll tell the group about an area to the far north controlled by the Spades. There, they have a magnet you can take, if you can drive off the Spades.

Take the Giant Magnet from the Spades

Map of where to find the Spades during the Town Waterwheel quest in Sand Land

The area we need to head to is located northwest of Patago. When you arrive, locate and defeat the Spades. They will all be around one camp and there aren’t too many of them. Once they have all been defeated, you’ll receive the magnet.

Give the Giant Magnet to Hugh

Now that we have the final piece for the waterwheel, return to Spino to deliver the magnet to Hugh. This will trigger a cutscene where the waterwheel is built and the quest will be completed. As a reward, you’ll receive 2,250z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!