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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 7 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 7: Dark Emblem in Fire Emblem Engage!


Location: Florra Mill Town

Once you travel to the World Map, a tutorial will introduce skirmishes. These optional skirmishes will now show up at places you’ve already been. If you choose to complete them, you’ll be able to level up your units. Post battle explore the area speaking with your units, picking up items and adopting any helpless animals!

Paralogue: Mysterious Merchant

Location: Bandits’ Hideout

Travel to the Bandits’ Hideout for a dialogue event on what a bad day the bandits are having. For this battle, your units will be divided into two teams of four where you’ll need to assault the hideout. You’ll want to head straight for the treasure to catch the thieves before they can escape with the valuables. While there, use Alear to speak with Anna to get her to join the group and then defeat the boss to win the battle. Make sure to explore the area afterwards for additional items and pets to adopt.

1,000 GDropped by an enemy
1,000 GDropped by an enemy
Master SealIn a chest / dropped by the thief that nabbed it
Strength TonicIn a chest / dropped by the thief that nabbed it

Grand Crossing

Location: The Grand Crossing

When you’re ready to continue with the main story, travel to Grand Crossing for a dialog event. You’ll then need to take on Hortensia and her army to defend your rings. Alcryst, Citrinne and Lapis will join your group to help with this endeavor. After taking her down, make sure to explore the area and adopt any animals before heading out.

Iron GreataxeDropped from an enemy
Master SealDropped from Hortensia
Steel AxeDropped from Rosado
Steel SwordDropped from Goldmary

Intermission: The Somniel

There’s not really anything new at the Somniel. You can return to stock up on supplies, grab any items and speak with allies. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 8 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 6 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 6: The Stolen Ring in Fire Emblem Engage. This guides picks up after leaving the Somniel!

Paralogue: Budding Talent

Location: Tea-Field Village

Once you reach the World Map, a tutorial on paralogues will pop up. Make your way over to the Tea-Filled Village to witness a dialog event between the residents leading to a fight where the Divine Dragon and their allies come to the aid of the village. Make sure you speak with Jean on the map near the clinic to enlist his aid. During this fight, you can receive the below items. After defeating all of the enemies, Jean will officially join you. Also, make sure to explore the village after the battle and collect all of the items and adopt any animals before leaving.

1,000 GDropped from an enemy
1,000 GDropped from an enemy
Defense TonicVisit the house in the southwestern corner near where your units start
Energy DropVisit the house in the southeastern corner
PoleaxeDropped from an enemy

Rewards: Surge, Pure Water

Mountain Settlement

When you’re ready to proceed with the chapter, head to the Mountain Settlement. After a dialog event, you’ll have to take out bandits occupying an abandoned village and recover the ring. The party will split up with Alear following Yunaka to secure the ring while the others take on the main force of bandits. You’ll also be introduced to the darkness/fog mechanic. Please note that you can receive the below items during the battle.

HammerDropped by an enemy
LongbowDropped by an archer enemy
TalismanDropped by the bandit boss
TorchDropped by an enemy

Defeat all of the bandits to win the battle. You’ll then be free to explore the town and adopt any animals in need of a good home! When you leave the area, another dialog event will occur.

Intermission: The Somniel

If you return to the Somniel, head towards Vander on the east side of the area. The game will then prompt you that the Records Hall is available. Another thing to note is that if you bought the season pass, head over to Lookout Ridge to get the Emblem with Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude from Fire Emblem Three Houses. Dining also becomes available in the Cafe Terrace. When you’re done, leave to proceed with the next chapter.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 7 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 5 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 5: Retaking the Castle in Fire Emblem Engage!

Fierne Castle

After the lengthy cutscene at the start of the chapter, you’ll engage in a battle where your ultimate goal is to defeat Nelucce. You can find the below items during this battle!

ArmorslayerIn a chest / dropped by the thief that nabbed it
ObstructIn a chest / dropped by the thief that nabbed it
Seraph RobeDefeat Nelucce

After the battle, you’ll receive 10,000G from Firene and will be in Firene Castle. Explore the area, speaking with the units and collecting items. When you’re done, leave the area and travel to the Somniel.

Intermission: The Somniel

During your travels to the Somniel, a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, check out the newly opened smithy and boutique. If you have amiibos, scan them at the gazebo to receive items and rewards! Please note that you can only scan 5 per day. As always, speak with everyone, collect all the items and visit your beloved guardian spirit. Be sure to also check out the bulletin board! When you’re ready, exit to the World Map.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 6 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Gifts

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Fire Emblem Engage, you can give gifts to your units to increase their bonds with you. These gifts can be found around the world in the form of shiny objects that you can gather or purchase from the Flea Market (when you unlock it during the story). Below is a guide on which gifts the units love, like and dislike! Please note that no one loves, likes or dislikes Horse Manure. You’ll however get some special dialog for it!

UnitLoves (2 Hearts)Likes (1 Heart)Dislikes (0 Hearts)
AlcrystElyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fine Quill Pen
Poetry Book
Spirit Gem
Cute Apron
Dried Meat
Dragon Scripture
Lentil Flower
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Antler Earrings
Large Plate
Quality Kerchief
Strong Perfume
Dragon Scripture
Lentil Flower
Muscle Balm
Spirit Gem
Sun Visor
White Clover
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Cute Apron
Dried Meat
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Fishing Bait
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Lupine Flower
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Spooky Scroll
Strong Perfume
Tea Leaves
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
AmberSpirit Gem
Antler Earrings
Elyos History
Fine Quill Pen
Lentil Flower
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
Cute Apron
AnnaCute Apron
Fine Quill Pen
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Quality Kerchief
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spirit Gem
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Dragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fancy Dagger
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Strong Perfume
Sun Visor
Butterfly Net
Dried Meat
Field Guide
Fishing Bait
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
BoucheronDragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fishing Bait
Poetry Book
Spirit Gem
Sun Visor
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Cute Apron
Dried Meat
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Large Plate
Lentil Flower
Lovely Candle
Lupine Flower
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Spicy Seasonings
Strong Perfume
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spooky Scroll
BunetDried Meat
Large Plate
Spirit Gem
Sun Visor
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Animal Treats
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Dragon Scripture
Fairy-Tale Book
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Fishing Bait
Lentil Flower
Lovely Candle
Lupine Flower
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Muscle Balm
Strong Perfume
CelineAntler Earrings
Dragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Lentil Flower
Poetry Book
Quality Kerchief
Spirit Gem
Strong Perfume
Cute Apron
Dried Meat
Fine Quill Pen
Large Plate
Pretty Pebble
Sheep Wool
Sharp Chisel
ChloeDragon Scripture
Dried Meat
Fairy-Tale Book
Poetry Book
Spirit Gem
Antler Earrings
Elyos History
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Strong Perfume
Cute Apron
Large Plate
CitrinneFairy-Tale Book
Quality Kerchief
Spirit Gem
Dragon Scripture
Dried Meat
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Strong Perfume
Large Plate
Sheep Wool
ClanneDragon Scripture
Fairy-Tale Book
Large Plate
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Quality Kerchief
Spirit Gem
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Animal Treats
Bear Carving
Dried Meat
Fancy Dagger
Lovely Candle
Lupine Flower
Pretty Pebble
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Strong Perfume
Butterfly Net
Field Guide
Fishing Bait
Muscle Balm
Spooky Scroll
Sun Visor
Dried Meat
Elyos History
Fancy Dagger
Fine Quill Pen
Fishing Bait
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Sharp Chisel
Spirit Gem
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Butterfly Net
Dragon Scripture
Fairy-Tale Book
Field Guide
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Sun Visor
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Bear Carving
Cute Apron
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Strong Perfume
EtieDragon Scripture
Dried Meat
Muscle Balm
Spirit Gem
Tea Leaves
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Cute Apron
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fishing Bait
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Lupine Flower
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Strong Perfume
Sun Visor
White Clover
Quality Kerchief
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
FogadoAntler Earrings
Dried Meat
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Spirit Gem
Animal Treats
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Cute Apron
Dragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Strong Perfume
Sun Visor
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Fairy-Tale Book
Fishing Bait
Spooky Scroll
FrammeAntler Earrings
Dragon Scripture
Quality Kerchief
Spirit Gem
Strong Perfume
Cute Apron
Dried Meat
Fairy-Tale Book
Fine Quill Pen
Large Plate
Lentil Flower
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Elyos History
HortensiaAntler Earrings
Bear Carving
Cute Apron
Lovely Candle
Lupine Flower
Quality Kerchief
Spirit Gem
Strong Perfume
Sun Visor
Animal Treats
Dragon Scripture
Dried Meat
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fancy Dagger
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spooky Scroll
Butterfly Net
Field Guide
Fishing Bait
Large Plate
Muscle Balm
Spicy Seasonings
Tea Leaves
White Clover
IvyElyos History
Fine Quill Pen
Spirit Gem
Antler Earrings
Cute Apron
Lentil Flower
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
JadeAnimal Treats
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Muscle Balm
Poetry Book
Spirit Gem
Sun Visor
Antler Earrings
Cute Apron
Dragon Scripture
Dried Meat
Fancy Dagger
Fishing Bait
Large Plate
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Philosophy Book
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Lovely Candle
Quality Kerchief
Strong Perfume
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Dragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Spirit Gem
Tea Leaves
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Cute Apron
Fancy Dagger
Fishing Bait
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spooky Scroll
Strong Perfume
White Clover
Dried Meat
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Muscle Balm
Spicy Seasonings
Sun Visor
KagetsuDried Meat
Fancy Dagger
Lovely Candle
Muscle Balm
Sharp Chisel
Spirit Gem
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Dragon Scripture
Field Guide
Fishing Bait
Lupine Flower
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Strong Perfume
Sun Visor
White Clover
Cute Apron
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Large Plate
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Tea Leaves
LapisSharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spirit Gem
Cute Apron
Dragon Scripture
Dried Meat
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Large Plate
Lentil Flower
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Antler Earrings
Fine Quill Pen
Quality Kerchief
Strong Perfume
LouisDragon Scripture
Large Plate
Poetry Book
Spirit Gem
Dried Meat
Fairy-Tale Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Strong Perfume
MerrinAnimal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Dried Meat
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Sharp Chisel
Spirit Gem
Dragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fishing Bait
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Lupine Flower
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Sun Visor
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Cute Apron
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Strong Perfume
PandreoAntler Earrings
Spirit Gem
Cute Apron
Elyos History
Fine Quill Pen
Lentil Flower
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
PanetteAntler Earrings
Butterfly Net
Dried Meat
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Sharp Chisel
Spicy Seasonings
Spirit Gem
Spooky Scroll
Animal Treats
Dragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fishing Bait
Lovely Candle
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Strong Perfume
Sun Visor
White Clover
Bear Carving
Cute Apron
Large Plate
Lupine Flower
Tea Leaves
SeadallAntler Earrings
Dried Meat
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Lovely Candle
Poetry Book
Quality Kerchief
Spirit Gem
Strong Perfume
Sun Visor
White Clover
Animal Treats
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Cute Apron
Dragon Scripture
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Fishing Bait
Large Plate
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Philosophy Book
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Tea Leaves
Muscle Balm
TimerraAnimal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Dried Meat
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Quality Kerchief
Spirit Gem
Strong Perfume
Cute Apron
Dragon Scripture
Elyos History
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fine Quill Pen
Fishing Bait
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Sun Visor
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Fairy-Tale Book
Sharp Chisel
Sheep Wool
VanderDragon Scripture
Fine Quill Pen
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Spirit Gem
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Cute Apron
Elyos History
Fairy-Tale Book
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Fishing Bait
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Muscle Balm
Philosophy Book
Poetry Book
Pretty Pebble
Sharp Chisel
Spooky Scroll
Sun Visor
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Dried Meat
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Spicy Seasonings
Strong Perfume
Elyos History
Fancy Dagger
Muscle Balm
Poetry Book
Sharp Chisel
Spirit Gem
Antler Earrings
Cute Apron
Dragon Scripture
Dried Meat
Fine Quill Pen
Fishing Bait
Lentil Flower
Lupine Flower
Philosophy Book
Pretty Pebble
Quality Kerchief
Sheep Wool
Spicy Seasonings
Spooky Scroll
Sun Visor
Tea Leaves
White Clover
Animal Treats
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Fairy-Tale Book
Field Guide
Large Plate
Lovely Candle
Strong Perfume
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Fire Emblem Engage – Emblem Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a guide on how to unlock the Hero Emblems in Fire Emblem Engage. You’ll find the hero, which chapter they become available and how to unlock them. Some heroes are listed twice. These heroes temporarily become unavailable and will be usable in later chapters.

How to Unlock Emblems

Byleth14 – The Battle for SolmObtained after the chapter battle as part of the main story.
Celica4 – A Land in BloomObtained during the beginning of the battle as part of the main story.
Celica20 – The Kingless CastleObtained after winning the chapter battle as part of the main story
6 – The Stolen RingThis is Wave 1 DLC from buying the Season Pass. Head to Lookout Ridge in the Somniel during the intermission after completing the Mountain Settlement battle. This will trigger an event where you’ll be given the Emblem.
Corrin15 – Dancer in the RuinsObtained during the chapter battle as part of the story.
16 – Seashore TravelsObtained at the beginning of the chapter battle.
Ike13 – Heroes of the OasisObtained during the beginning of the chapter battle as part of the main story.
Leif8 – Brodia CastleObtained after winning the battle at Brodia Castle.
Leif17 – Serenity in RuinObtained after winning the chapter battle.
Lucina11 – RetreatObtained towards the end of the battle at Shadowy Moor as part of the main story.
Lyn11 – RetreatObtained towards the end of the battle at Shadowy Moor as part of the main story.
MarthPrologueThis is the Emblem you start with.
Marth23 – The Four HoundsObtained at the beginning of the chapter following some lengthy cutscenes.
Micaiah6 – The Stolen RingObtained near the beginning of the level after retrieving the ring from a bandit.
Micaiah19 – The Dead TownObtained after winning the chapter battle.
Roy8 – Brodia CastleObtained at the beginning of Brodia Castle battle.
Roy19 – The Dead TownObtained after winning the chapter battle.
Sigurd3 – HostilitiesObtained at the end of the chapter as part of the main story.
Sigurd17 – Serenity in RuinObtained after winning the chapter battle.
Soren7 – Dark EmblemComplete the Divine Paralogue: The Radiant Strategist which becomes available at the start of Chapter 7. This is Wave 2 DLC from buying the Season Pass.
Tiki7 – Dark EmblemComplete the Divine Paralogue: The Ancestor which becomes available at the start of Chapter 7. This is Wave 1 DLC from buying the Season Pass.
Veronica7 – Dark EmblemComplete the Divine Paralogue: The Lonely Heir which becomes available at the start of Chapter 7. This is Wave 3 DLC from buying the Season Pass.

How to Unlock Max Bond Level

Byleth15 – Dancer in the RuinsComplete the Instructor paralogue
Celica 21 – The ReturnCompete the Caring Princess paralogue
Corrin16 – Seashore Travels Complete the Crux of Fate paralogue
17 – Serenity in RuinComplete the Azure Twin paralogue
Ike14 – The Battle for SolmComplete the Radiant Hero paralogue
Lief18 – The Cold VoyageComplete the Sage Lord paralogue
Lucina12 – The SentinelsComplete the Exalt paralogue
Lyn13 – Heroes of the OasisComplete the Lady of the Plains paralogue
Marth23 – The Four HoundsComplete the Hero-King Paralogue
Micaiah20 – The Kingless Castle Complete the Dawn Maiden paralogue
Roy20 – The Cold VoyageComplete the Young Lion paralogue
Sigurd18 – The Cold VoyageComplete the Holy Knight paralogue
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Fire Emblem Engage – Unit Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Fire Emblem Engage, many heroes will become your allies on your quest to reclaim all the Emblems. This guide lists which units join you, what class they come as and how to recruit them.

UNITStarting ClassChapterCondition
AmberLancer Cavalier8 – Brodia CastleObtained as part of the main story
AnnaAxe Fighter7 – Dark EmblemComplete the Mysterious Merchant paralogue
AlcrystLord7 – Dark EmblemObtained as part of the main story
AlfredNoble3 – HostilitiesObtained as part of the main story
BoucheronAxe Fighter3 – HostilitiesObtained as part of the main story
BunetGreat Knight12 – The SentinelsObtained as part of the main story
CelineNoble4 – A Land in BloomObtained as part of the main story
ChloeLanec Flier4 – A Land in BloomObtained as part of the main story
CitrinneMage7 – Dark EmblemObtained as part of the main story
ClanneMage2 – Queen LumeraObtained as part of the main story
DiamantLord8 – Brodia CastleObtained as part of the main story
EtieArcher3 – HostilitiesObtained as part of the main story
FogadoFogado12 – The SentinelsObtained as part of the main story
FrammeMartial Monk2 – Queen LumeraObtained as part of the main story
GoldmaryHero16 – Seashore TravelsObtained at the start of the chapter battle during the main story
HortensiaWing Tamer14 – The Battle for SolmObtained at the end of the chapter battle as part of the main story
IvyWing Tamer11 – RetreatObtained towards the end of the battle at Shadowy Moor as part of the main story
JadeAxe Armor9 – A Clash of ForcesDuring the Fort on the Border battle, speak with her using Diamant
JeanMartial Monk6 – The Stolen RingComplete the Budding Talent paralogue
KagetsuSwordmaster11 – RetreatObtained towards the end of the battle at Shadowy Moor as part of the main story
LapisBlade7 – Dark EmblemObtained as part of the main story
LindonSage18 – The Cold VoyageSpeak with him on the eastern ship with Ivy or Hortensia
MauvierRoyal Knight21 – The ReturnObtained at the start of the chapter battle.
MerrinWolf Knight13 – Heroes of the OasisObtained at the start of this chapters battle during the main story
LouisLance Armor4 – A Land in BloomObtained as part of the main story
PandreoHigh Priest12 – The SentinelsObtained as part of the main story
PanetteBerserker13 – Heroes of the OasisObtained at the start of this chapters battle during the main story
RosadoWyvern Knight16 – Seashore TravelsObtained at the start of the chapter battle during the main story
SaphirWarrior19 – The Dead TownSpeak with her at the beginning of the chapter with Alcryst or Diamant
SeadallDancer15 – Dancer in the RuinsObtained in the middle of the chapter battle after speaking with him
TimerraSentinel13 – Heroes of the OasisObtained at the start of this chapters battle during the main story
VanderPaladin2 – Queen LumeraObtained as part of the main story
VeyleFell Child22 – The Fell & the DivineObtained at the beginning of the chapter battle during the main story
YunakaThief6 – The Stolen RingObtained as part of the main story
ZelkovThief11 – RetreatObtained towards the end of the battle at Shadowy Moor as part of the main story
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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 4 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 4: A Land in Bloom of Fire Emblem Engage.

At the start of Chapter 4, you’ll be able to explore the Somniel. Speak with everyone and pick up the items as you won’t be able to do anything else here just quite yet. When you’re ready, interact with the portal to leave. Afterwards, a fight will trigger. Make your preparations then begin the battle. After a brief cutscene, Celine, Louis and Chloe will join your group. This will also be the first time you can collect Spirits of the Fallen during battle if you’re connected to the network. If you wait on a space with yellow spirits, you’ll earn EXP and bond EXP. Purple spirits will give you items. With everything all set, wipe out the enemies in the town. After you start battling enemies, you’ll receive a tutorial about Visiting. In warning the houses of danger, you’ll receive items or gold as a reward. Continue the battle to receive a tutorial about the Draconic Time Crystal. Please note that during this battle you can receive the below items!

2,000 GVisit house near Chloe and Louis on the northeastern side of map
Hand AxeDropped from a defeated enemy
JavelinVisit house near where units start on the southwestern side of map

After the battle, you’ll receive a tutorial for Animals. You’ll also find yourself in the peaceful town of Florra Mill. Explore the town, speaking with the people, collecting items and adopting animals. When you’re ready, leave! Durthon and Anisse will set up shop at your base and you’ll receive 10,000G from Vander! The World Map tutorial will also trigger. Before heading off to the next chapter, check in at the Somniel.

Intermission: Somniel

Once at the Somniel, you’ll find the armory and item shop are now open. You can also interact with the bulletin board and make donations now that you have money. As usual, speak with all the people you can and collect the items. Make sure to head to the shrine in the southern part of the area to meet your guardian spirit. You can feed, pet and dress up this creature to receive items! In the northeastern corner of the area, approach Etie to learn that Strength Training is now available! You can do a round to earn some rewards. Once you’re ready to progress the story, leave the area then head to Firene Castle.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 5 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Prologue, Chapters 1, 2 & 3 Walkthroughs

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below are walkthroughs for the Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 in Fire Emblem Engage. Please note that these chapters are mainly tutorials and little exploring can be done.


Just after the first cutscene during the Prologue: The Emblems in Fire Emblem Engage, you’ll begin a tutorial fight with an unknown foe. Defeat the foe following the tutorial prompts to trigger another cutscene leading to the end of the Prologue.

Chapter 1

In Chapter 1: Awake at Last, a battle will ensue following the conclusion of the cutscene. You’ll receive additional tutorials during the fight. Be sure to pay attention and use them to your advantage to defeat the enemies. Post battle, you’ll be able to explore the grounds of the Lythos Grasslands. Speak with everyone if you wish and examine the shiny spots around the area to find items. When you’re ready, leave the area to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 2

At the start of Chapter 2: Queen Lumera, a lengthy cutscene will play out followed by a fight against Lumera. Defeat her to trigger another battle. Once again, defeat the queen who will be using a ring containing Sigurd this time. More tutorials will be shown during this fight. Again, use them to your benefit to win the battle. Post battle you’ll receive the Liberation sword and will be transported to the Lythos Castle Gardens. Speak with everyone if you wish then explore the area to retrieve items. Depart the area when you’re ready to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 3

After the cutscene at the start of Chapter 3: Hostilities, a battle will trigger. Defeat some of the enemies to trigger a cutscene with Alfred. He will join the fray with his retainers, Etie and Boucheron. When the battle resumes, defeat the enemies! After the cutscene, you’ll find yourself in the Ring Vault. Explore the area looking for items and speaking with people then depart when you’re ready to begin the next chapter.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 4 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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One Piece Odyssey – Memory Links

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In One Piece Odyssey, you’ll come across memory links while trying to find a way off of Waford. Memory Links are special instanced areas where only certain characters can enter to fix the link. Doing so unlocks a special attack for the crew members involved.

A Boy’s Desire

Area: Great Sandy Desert

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This is the first Memory Link you’ll complete and is part of Chapter 2’s main episode. Once you enter the Memory Link, head over to the ribcage bridge and approach the boy to prompt a dialog event. When it ends, cross the bridge heading to Usopp for another dialog event followed by a fight. You’ll have to defeat 5 Ambling Stonecrop enemies to continue. Afterwards, return to the kid for another dialog event. Next, head back across the bridge and follow the path past the group of enemies. Interact with the herbs growing under the rock bridge to find the herbs you’re looking for. This will trigger a dialog event ending with a fight against a group of bandits. Defeat them then pursue the bandit boss. When you reach him, another dialog event occurs leading to another fight. You’ll have to face a Sandora Dragon, but luckily you’ll gain access to bond moves. Defeat this beast to fix the Memory Link.

Rewards: Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper’s Bond Art x1, Freeze Element Jewelry x1

A Friendly Chase – Part 1

Area: Water Seven City Area

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found at the Canal Restaurant. After the cutscene, head west. After crossing the bridge, head north up the stairs. Follow the stairs to reach Fountain Square then head west to find Bon Clay and speak with him. When the cutscene ends, head south to find Tashigi. Approaching her will trigger a fight! Defeat all the enemies to fix the memory.

Rewards: None

A Friendly Chase – Part 2

Area: Water Seven Lower Coast

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found on the Water Seven Lower Level. Interact with it then head south towards the harbor. About halfway down the path you’ll be attacked by some Marines. Defeat them then continue following the path. A little bit further down the path, you’ll be attacked by more Marines. Continue on to the dock for another fight. It’ll be against Smoker and his minions. Defeat them! A quick event will trigger leading to another fight with Smoker. This time you’ll have a new bond event to try out. After defeating Smoker the second time, the memory will be fixed!

Rewards: Luffy, Nami and Sanji’s Bond Art 1, Shock Element Jewelry x1

An Evil Deed – Part 1

Area: Nanohana – South Alley

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found on a rooftop along South Alley in Nanohana. It won’t show up until you return to Alabasta during the main episode in Chapter 3. This time around Luffy, Zoro and Usopp will be your party members. To kick things off, climb down off the roof and speak with the Strange Merchant with a ring above his head in front of the stall to trigger a dialog event. When it ends, head south through the South Alley to Harbor Market. Once there, take a right going west through the gate. Eventually, you’ll come across Eye-lashes causing another dialog event. With the moss in hand, return to Usopp for another dialog event which also leads to a fight. Defeat the bounty hunters for another dialog event leading to the case being closed.

Rewards: Nothing!

An Evil Deed – Part 2

Area: Nanohana -South Alley

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

To find this Memory Link, you’ll first need to finish An Evil Deed – Part 1 then head to the alley southwest of the Spice Bean tavern. Once the trio enters the historia, approach the merchant for a dialog event leading to a fight with some bandits. After the fight, head to the water fountain in front of the tavern. From there, go south towards South Alley. This will trigger another dialog event leading to a fight with more bandits. Defeat them to another dialog event followed by another battle with their leader. You’ll also unlock a new bond art you can use. Defeat the rest of the bandits to finally fix the frayed link.

Rewards: Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp’s Bond Art x1, Shock Element Jewelry x1

Distant Promise – Part One

Area: Desert Near Alubarna

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found along the path that runs through the center area of Desert Near Alubarna. It will become available after Brook joins your party. Whenever you load into the area, follow the path northeast until a cutscene triggers. Afterwards, head west to find a ground of people next to a camel and speak with them. Next, cross the bridge behind them then head past the overturned cart and up the hill. At the top of the hill, take a left before the army camp to find Lania by the wooden fence and speak with her. Afterwards, return to the gator to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight. Defeat the enemies to complete the Memory Link.

Rewards: None

Distant Promise – Part Two

Area: Desert Near Alubarna

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found just past the bridge leading to the army garrison. After loading in, head east to find the merchant’s butler sitting next to a camel and speak with him to learn the pirates headed east with Lania. Pursue them east, taking the pirates’ trail to their hideout. When you reach the hideout, an event will trigger leading to a battle against the pirates. Defeat them to trigger another battle. Defeat the enemies once again to complete the Memory Link.

Rewards: Sanji, Chopper and Brook’s Bond Art x1, Drop Rate Up Jewelry x1

Force of Happiness – Part One

Area: Water Seven City Area

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found at the Elevator – Top Floor. For this memory, you’ll have Zoro, Nami, Sanji and Robin. First, speak with the girl that Robin pointed out during the cutscene. Next, travel to the Sewage Plant. To reach it, head north taking the second left then keep heading west through a courtyard. Entering the Sewage Plant will trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, speak with the Large Merchant near the wagon. Next, speak with the man wearing a red and white striped shirt next to a lamp post. Lastly, speak with the lady wearing a pink dress next to an empty cart. Once you’ve spoken with everyone, take a right just past the lady and head north to the Abandoned Factory. Once there, head north over the bridge and approach a person standing under a shed. After the cutscene, you’ll need to defeat the mafia to fix the frayed memory.

Rewards: None

Force of Happiness – Part 2

Area: Sewer 1F

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

To reach this Memory Link, travel to the Sewage Treatment Plant in the southwestern corner of Water Seven City Area. Head down the sewer drain to reach Sewer 1F. Once inside, speak with the Yagara to reach the other side where you’ll find the Memory Link. Interact with it to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head east deeper into the sewer until a cutscene triggers during which you’ll have to fight the mafia. Defeat them then climb down the ladder to reach the captives. Approach the scene to trigger another fight. During this fight you’ll have access to a new Bond Art. Use it to wipe out most of the enemies then do your clean-up on the remaining one. Next, speak with all the captives. Garf is the man wearing a green polka-dot shirt. Speak with him to close the case.

Rewards: Zoro, Nami, Sanji and Robin’s Bond Art x1, Fire Element Jewelry x1

Price of Betrayal – Part One

Area: Marineford City Area

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found along the walkway next to Ox Bell Plaza. Once you load in, head to the plaza towards the group of Marines to trigger an event followed by a fight. Defeat the enemies then follow Eliza through town. If you speak to any of the soldiers with pink above their heads, it will lead to a fight. Eventually, you’ll find her cornered in North Town. Approach her to trigger an event. Defeat the enemies to close the case.

Rewards: None

Price of Betrayal – Part Two

Area: Marineford City Area

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found in North Town by the restaurant. After loading in, head down the stairs to trigger an event. When able, head north and go down the stairs. Approach the group in the Crumbled Ground to trigger a fight. Defeat them then follow the path south into the Town Outskirts where you’ll have to fight another group of enemies near the gate. For this fight, a new bond art will be unlocked. Again, wipe out the Marines to close the case.

Rewards: Luffy, Chopper and Robin’s Bond Art x1, Evasion +20 Jewelry x1

Toy Chivalry

Area: New Royal Plateau: Bottom

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found northwest of the N.R.P. 1F Camp in the southern part of New Royal Plateau: Bottom. Once started, head north and approach Usopp to trigger an event. When you gain control of Usopp, head down the southwest path. At the end of the path, you’ll trigger another cutscene. Once it ends, jump down the ledge and head east. At the far eastern part of the path, another cutscene will trigger. This time follow the path north for a cutscene leading to a fight. There will be 5 speed, 1 technique and 1 power. After you defeat them, there will be a cutscene leading to another fight. During this fight, you’ll unlock a new bond art. Wipe out the enemies to close the case.

Rewards: Usopp, Chopper and Franky’s Bond Art and TP Regen Jewelry

Violin of Memories – Part 1

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found in the ruined house next to the Square, At Fountain Yoisa Travel Sign. For this Memory Link, you’ll have Nami, Brook and Franky. After loading in, head to the broken section of the street across the way then speak with the lady wearing a pink dress. The second person to speak to is the merchant south of the coliseum. When it ends, head to the area east of the merchant for another event where Brook will play the violin. Two back-to-back fights with just Franky and Nami will trigger when the cutscene ends. Once you defeat the enemies, the case will close.

Rewards: None

Violin of Memories – Part 2

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Fix the Frayed Memory

This Memory Link can be found in Old Royal Plateau Area. After loading in, head west through the city. As you pass the Coliseum, you’ll run into a group of Marines you’ll need to fight. When the battle has been won, follow the path south to Square, At Fountain until a cutscene triggers leading to a fight where you’ll get a new bond art. Take down the enemies to close the case.

Rewards: Nami, Franky and Brook’s Bond Art x1, Death’s Edge Power Jewelry x1

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One Piece Odyssey – Robin’s Alabasta Cube Fragments

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In One Piece Odyssey Robin’s experience and skills will be taken from her. In order to get them back, you’ll need to locate 30 cube fragments scattered around Waford Island. Below is a guide on where to find her cube fragments in Alabasta. You’ll receive the Cube Collector: Robin trophy/achievement for finding all of her cube fragments.



Sea Cat Plaza

This fragment can be found next to the stairs on the west side of the courtyard leading to the Royal Mausoleum.

Desert Near Nanohana

Desolate Valley

From the camp in the northern part of the valley, head west using Chopper to pass through a small tunnel. The cube can be found immediately to the right after exiting the tunnel behind the bush.


Spice Bean Plaza

This cube can be found above the sign near the roof of the Spice Bean Bar & Restaurant.