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Midnight Suns – Deadpool’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, Deadpool is a DLC character that you can unlock by completing A Man of Culture story mission at the mirror table, which is available after completing Spiderman’s mission. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with this hero. This guide will help you increase Deadpool’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Deadpool. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey Conversations

First conversation

  • The forbidden nap, if you will. Mercenary work is a grab bag of awful stuff…
    • Sounds awful. (+0)
    • It’s a living. (+0)
    • A necessary evil. (+0)
  • Because looking at it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
    • Sin wanted it. (+1)
    • But you don’t like art… (+0)
    • Your client wanted it. (+2)

Day after recruiting him

  • I’m sure you’ve got plenty of that.
    • Doesn’t everyone? (+1)
    • I embrace it. (+0)
    • I block it out. (+2)

After mission with just Blade and Deadpool

  • I can play nice all day when we’re out there kicking bad guy booty…
    • It’s not that bad. (+0)
    • Where’s the harm in trying? (+0)
    • Pretend to like everyone. (+0)
  • They could start an “I Hate Deadpool” club…
    • Make the most of your time here. (+0)
    • What you do is your business. (+0)
    • Better to be hated than loved. (+0)

After defeating his third story mission

  • Uh, haven’t you listened to anything I’ve said? Money!
    • The job sounded risky. (+2)
    • What’s your deal with money? (+0)
    • You betrayed him. (+1)
  • I hope my heroics with the Magna Corrigo back there bought me brownie points…
    • I was not expecting you to destroy it. (+2)
    • Destroying it was for the best. (+0)
    • I would have gone for Sin instead. (+1)
  • I’ve got an exclusive contract with the Midnight Suns!
    • Good! (+2)
    • Don’t rock the boat. (+0)
    • Stay focused. (+1)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • I forgot. You aren’t as self-aware as I am…
    • Being a weirdo is not bad. (+1)
    • I was not prepared for this. (+0)
    • Takes one to know one. (+2)
  • Besides, I’m more interested in your answer…
    • Sometimes. (+0)
    • There’s no harm in it. (+0)
    • I don’t care. (+0)

Friendship Level 2

  • Well, your friends have been avoiding me like the plague…
    • Of course I am. (+1)
    • It’s part of the job. (+0)
    • I haven’t noticed. (+2)
  • What makes you so sure?
    • We are vulnerable. (+0)
    • We respect each other. (+0)
    • Because I said so. (+0)

Friendship Level 3

  • He waved goodbye and peaced out to live a life of solitude…
    • You’ve had a hard time. (+2)
    • I’m sorry to hear that. (+1)
    • Everyone is always in danger. (+0)
  • Duh. Don’t you?
    • I try not to. (+0)
    • No. It isn’t helpful. (+0)
    • It keeps me grounded. (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • You may have noticed that I mess around a lot…
    • You are doing it again. (+1)
    • [Joke] I could not tell. (+2)
    • An “act?” (+0)
  • What would you do in my position then, huh?
    • Be honest. (+1)
    • It’s hard to say. (+0)
    • Fight harder. (+2)
  • You sure put on a good show…
    • Constantly. (+0)
    • I can be fixed. (+0)
    • It isn’t worth my time. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • Since that’s ruined, I guess we can cut straight to the chase…
    • I accept. (+0)
    • For what? (+0)
    • What did you do now? (+2)
  • Oh yeah? Convince me.
    • Do it for yourself. (+0)
    • That’s your job. (+0)
    • It’s like a mystery. (+1)
  • I’ve been retconned before, let’s do it again!
    • Absolutely. (+2)
    • I hope so. (+0)
    • Only if you want to. (+1)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Deadpool has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities he loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Exploring the Grounds+5
Have a Drink+7
Playing Cards+7
Pool Lounging+0
Reading by the Fire+5
Watching a Movie+7
Working Out+0
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+7
Foraging for Mushrooms+7

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions:

  • At least buy me dinner before you peg me like that…
    • Because I feel the same.
    • You needed to hear it. (+0)
    • I felt like it.
  • It’s the best way to trick other people into thinking you have your crap together…
    • Sure I do. (+0)
  • Y’know, being responsible for everything…
    • No. (+0)
      • That has great marketing potential…
        • Sometimes.
    • Sometimes.
    • Yeah.
  • Says the poster child of heroism…
    • I can’t afford to. (+0)
    • Sounds too romantic.
    • More than once.
  • Hey, answer this for me. What does commitment mean to you…
    • An oath.
    • A contract. (+0)
    • A burden.
  • But-and it’s a but-it’s scawy…
    • You get paranoid.
    • You want to run. (+0)
    • You sabotage.
  • Sssh, it’s question time. Would you ever cut ties with me?
    • I do not understand.
    • Under what circumstances? (+0)
    • If I had to.
  • I was just curious, ’cause…
    • You’re scared.
    • You should stop. (+0)
    • Why?


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
New Mutants #98
Passion in the Moonlight
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
All New Ghost Rider #1
Advanced Photography
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Growing Up With Trauma
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Madripoor in Pictures
Magic for Normies
Meat Market
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
Photo Frame
Runaways #1
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Snax)
Strange Tales #110
Tactics of the Ancients
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
A Stoic Companion
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry

For more guides on Marvel’s Midnight Suns, click here!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 16 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 16: Seashore Travels in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Crux of Fate

Location: Crossroads of Fate

Travel to the Crossroads of Fate for a dialog event leading to a battle with Corrin to increase her bond. For this battle, be wary of the water near the starting point. Corrin will set this on fire after a couple of turns pass. Outside of that, this fight is pretty straightforward. The enemies will rush you so make use of the terrain for extra avoidability. Deplete both of Corrin’s heath bars to win the fight. You’ll then be free to explore the area while collecting items, speaking with your allies and adopting all of the animals.

500 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
500 GDropped by a Sniper Fabrication
500 GDropped by a Swordmaster Fabrication
500 GDropped by a Great Knight Fabrication
500 GDropped by a Wyvern Knight Fabrication
500 GDropped by a Royal Knight Fabrication
500 GDropped by a Paladin Fabrication
500 GDropped by a Mage Knight Fabrication


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Azure Coast

When you’re ready to continue with the story, travel to the Azure Coast. To win this battle, you’ll need to defeat Marni and Mauvier. Goldmary and Rosado will join your group and you’ll receive the Ring of the Azure Twins. There will be a few Corrupted Wyrms accompanying the standard enemies. The tide will randomly rise and fall which can hinder movement. Also, enemies will spawn out of the forts littered around the map. Leaving one of your units in them can prevent this. Additional enemies will also spawn on the northern and eastern sides of the map as well. After you defeat both of the hounds you’ll be free to explore the area collecting items and adopting animals. When you’re ready to depart return to the Somniel.

Master SealDropped by Marni
RecoverVisit the villager’s house on the northwestern part of the map
Spirit DustDropped by Mauvier

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, speak with Goldmary and Rosado to add them to your Ally Notebook. Also, stock up on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel in search of the next ring.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 17 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 15 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 15: Dancer in the Ruins in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Instructor

Location: Sacred Tomb

Head to the Sacred Tomb to trigger a dialog event with Byleth. You’ll need to face another trial to strengthen your bond with the professor. There will be an assortment of enemies you’ll have to face in this challenge including two Phantom Wyrm. You’ll also have to prevent Byleth’s forces from destroying crystals scattered around. The more you save the better reward you get. After defeating the northern enemies and approaching Byleth, the Martial Masters will warp the Halberdier and General Fabrications down to the open area. Byleth will then buff all of his allies and two more enemies will spawn in. Make note that the Wyvern Knight, General and Halberdier all have 2 health bars while Byleth has 3. Once you defeat Byleth a dialog event will trigger. You’ll then be free to explore the area collecting items and speaking with allies.

1,000 GDropped by a Sage Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a Wyvern Knight Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a Halberdier Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a General Fabrication
ElixirRewarded for protecting crystals
TalismanRewarded for protecting crystals


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you normally don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Northern Fortress

When you are ready to proceed with the story, make you way to the Northern Fortress. For this battle, you’ll need to fight your way to Seadall then lead him to safety. Speak with him using Alear. This will cause the doors near the entrance of the fortress to close and a new path will become available. Defeat the enemies while working your way through the fortress. When you reach the last room, the final enemy will have two health bars. Watch out for the miasma that will lower your stats if you stand in it. Once you reach the exit and choose to escape, the battle is won. After a dialog event, explore the area collecting items and adopting pets. When you are done, head to the Somniel.

Energy DropLooted from a chest at the end of a hallway past a breakable wall in the northern part of the fortress
TalismanLooted from a chest near the end of the map

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel make sure to speak with Seadall to get him added to the Ally Notebook. Also stock on any supplies you may need and collect the items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel in search of the next ring.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 16 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 14 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 14: The Battle for Solm in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Radiant Hero

Area: Fort of Hope

Head to Fort Hope for a dialog event with your boy Ike. This will be proceeded by a battle against the Radiant Hero to strengthen his bond with Alear. A good chunk of the enemies you’ll be facing are armored, so it might be a good idea to bring a couple of mages along. After defeating a few of the starting enemies and getting closer to Ike, he will summon some sword-mounted units and charge at you. Additionally, more enemies will appear along the southern and western parts of the map. Defeat Ike to win the battle then explore the area collecting items and adopting animals… you know, the usual.

1,000 GDropped from a Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Martial Master Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a General Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Swordmaster Fabrication
ElthunderDropped from a Sage Fabrication guarding Ike


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you normally don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Solm Palace

When you’re ready to proceed with the story, travel to Solm Palace. For this chapter’s battle, you’ll need to defeat Hortensia, Zephia, Marni and Mauvier. The enemies are pretty even as to which types are present so a diverse team might provide an advantage. Please note that you can receive the below items during this battle! For the two chests on each side of the throne room behind destructible walls. Be careful when going to loot them as enemies can spawn nearby. When you reach the throne room, Hortensia will break one of your units within range on her turn while the three hounds rush you. After dealing with them, you’ll be free to take on Hortensia. She will have 3 health bars and is capable of dishing out high damage. She will also summon 4 additional enemies to fight alongside her. Defeating her will trigger a dialog event and you’ll also receive 40,000 G. You’ll then be free to explore the palace collecting items and speaking with your allies. Head back to the Somniel when you are done.

BootsLooted from a chest on the northeastern side of the map
Hurricane AxeDropped from Marni in the throne room
Radiant BowLooted from a chest on the northeastern side of the map
Silver-Spirit ArtLooted from a chest on the northwestern side of the map
Silver SwordDropped by a Hero Elusian Soldier in the throne room
Steel BladeDropped from a Swordmaster Elusian Soldier on the steps leading to the throne room
WyrmslayerLooted from a chest on the northwestern side of the map

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel make sure to speak with Hortensia to get her added to the Ally Notebook. Also stock on any supplies you may need and collect the items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel in search of the next ring.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 15 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 13 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 13: Heroes of the Oasis in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Lady of the Plains

Area: Plains of Swift Winds

This paralogue has you fighting against Lyn to deepen her bond. Your army will be separated into 3 groups of 4 at different corners of the map. There will be 3 sages in the center of the map that will cause break on your units each turn and a majority of the enemies will be Bow Knights. To win the battle, you’ll need to defeat Lyn. When you reach her corner on the map, she’ll start using her bow skill which has a large range. Additional enemies will also spawn out of both tents near her.

500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Bow Knight Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Bow Knight Fabrication
2,000 GDropped by Lyn


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you normally don’t use or get others closer to classing up.

Oasis Village

When you’re ready to proceed with the story, head to the Oasis Village for a dialog event followed by a cutscene. Timerra, Merrin and Panette will join your group. For the battle you’ll need to fight your way past the Corrupted to reach the bandit brothers and defeat them. Along the way, bandits will attack some homes in the village and you’ll have to save them. The battle ends as soon as both brothers go down. Make sure to explore the area afterwards, gathering items and adopting pets.

ElwindDropped from a Corrupted Mage in the southeastern corner of the map
RescueVisit the house in the southwestern part of the map
Seraph RobeVisit the house near where Timerra, Panette and Merrin start

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel make sure to speak with your new allies to get them added to the Ally Notebook. Also stock on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 14 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 12 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 12: The Sentinels in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Exalt

Location: Arena of the Gods

The recommended level for this paralogue is 19, so you may have to come back later depending on how strong your units are. When you are ready to take it on, travel to the Arena of the Gods. After a dialog event, you’ll have to fight against Lucina and a group of enemies to strength your bond with her. You’ll need to be careful as she’ll be using a bow. As soon as you take down all of the other enemies and aggro her, four additional archers will show up at each of the stairs around the area. If you aggro Lucina in the middle of the arena, you have a chance to deplete both of her health bars before the additional units can even attack. Winning unlocks the max bond level for Lucina.

1,000 GDropped from the first enemy on the right side of arena
1,000 GDropped from the first enemy on the left side of arena
1,000 GDropped from a Sage enemy on the right side of the arena
1,000 GDropped from a Fighter enemy on the left side of the arena


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you normally don’t use or get others closer to classing up.

Tullah Desert

When you’re ready to proceed with the story, travel to the Tullah Desert to view a dialog event. For the battle, you’ll help the Sentinels deal with some Corrupted causing mayhem in the desert. You’ll also be joined by Fogado, Pandreo and Bunet of the Sentinels. There will be some people in the southwestern corner you’ll need to save from the Corrupted. As the mission progresses, more enemies will spawn on the northeastern, northwestern and eastern sides of the area. Defeat all of the enemies to win the battle. Post battle make sure to speak with your new companions, loot any items, adopt any animals and talk to the citizens you saved.

ElixirSpeak to the villager after the battle if you saved her to receive it
Levin SwordDropped by the Corrupted Swordmaster
Master SealSpeak to the old villager after the battle if you saved him to receive it
ObstructSpeak to the villager after the battle if you saved him to receive it
SpearDropped by the Corrupted Lance Flier

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel speak with your new allies to get them added to the Ally Notebook. Make sure to stock on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. The Boutique will also have new stock. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 13 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 11 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 11: Retreat in Fire Emblem Engage!

Shadowy Moor

Well, that’s not good… During your preparations, please note that if you bought the season pass and obtained Tiki and the Three Houses Trio, they are available for usage on this map. For this fight, make a b-line to the extraction point as fast as you can to complete the map. You’ll be stuck using the units from the previous chapter for this one as well. Defeating any enemy holding a ring will not award you that ring and Lumera’s killer will keep handing them out to a new Corrupted. As you near the escape route, a dialog event will trigger where the hounds are called to join in on the pursuit. Luckily for you, a new ally shows up to answer your call of aid! You’ll be given a new ring that automatically gets placed on Alear and Ivy, Zelkov and Kagetsu will join your group. When you reach the escape point, use it to complete the map. Please note that during your escape, you can find the below items!

Master SealDropped by the archer guarding the escape route
TomahawkDropped by a Corrupted on western side

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, stock up on supplies, grab any items and speak with allies (especially new ones). The Armory, Boutique and Item Shop will have new inventory including 2 Master Seals and 3 Second Seals. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 12 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 10 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 10: The Fell Dragon Sombron in Fire Emblem Engage.


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up or earn money.

Destinea Cathedral

When you’re ready to mount the rescue mission for the king of Brodia, head to the Destinea Cathedral. This chapter has a series of battles, so it will be a little bit before you can return to the Somniel. After the dialog event, you’ll have to fight your way through Hortensia and destroy the door to reach the back part of the cathedral. A thing to note is that King Hyacinth’s ring allows him to fire arrows at any spot in the back room. So quickly defeat the corrupted boss then take down the king. Please note that you can obtain the below items during this fight!

500 GDropped by an enemy on the left set of stairs at the beginning of the area
DracoshieldLooted from a chest / Dropped by the thief that looted the chest
ElfireLooted from a chest / Dropped by the thief that looted the chest
Energy DropDropped by Goldmary
FreezeDropped by Hortensia
Killer AxeDropped by Rosado
Master SealDropped by Hyacinth
Steel DaggerDropped by the Thief

Post battle a long cutscene will trigger. Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show! After the juicy reveals, the chapter will complete and you’ll be placed directly into another battle!

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 11 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 9 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 9: A Clash of Forces in Fire Emblem Engage!


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you normally don’t use or get others closer to classing up.

Fort on the Border

When you’re ready to push the story, head to the Fort on the Border for a dialog event leading to a battle. You’ll need to defeat Ivy again but this time during a snowstorm. When the fight starts, both retainers will split from Ivy heading for two forts in the middle of the map where they will hold their position until defeated. Also, near where your units start in the center of the map is an allied unit named Jade. Speak with her using Diamant to gain her as an ally. You’re now free to defeat Ivy! Please note that you can obtain the below items during the fight!

ElsurgeDropped from an enemy mage enemy on the northern side
Spirit DustDropped from an enemy on the northern side
Steel-Hand ArtDropped from the Martial Monk guarding Ivy

Post battle explore the area when the cutscene is through, collecting items and adopting pets.

Intermission: The Somniel

When you’re done exploring, exit the area and stop in at the Somniel. Stock up on supplies, speak to new allies and complete any support/bonding events you may have. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 10 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 8 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 8: The Kingdom of Might in Fire Emblem Engage!


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you normally don’t use or get others closer to classing up. Afterwards, you’ll be able to explore the area to gather items and adopt animals.

Brodia Castle

When you’re ready to proceed with the main story, travel to Brodia Castle for a dialog event. Once it ends, prepare to battle Princess Ivy and her legion of warriors. Diamant and Amber will join your group. To win, you’ll need to defeat Ivy while preventing her soldiers from taking the castle. An additional enemy will start spawning each turn as the battle progresses. You may want to make sure to bring an archer/bow user to handle the ballista. Please note that you can obtain the below items during the battle!

500 GDropped by an enemy
Secret BookDropped by an enemy
Slim LanceDropped by an enemy Lance Flier
Wind (Tome)Dropped by an enemy mage

Once you take Ivy down, a dialog event will occur. You’ll receive 30,000 G when it ends. Make sure to explore the area, collecting items. Leave when you are ready.

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, fishing is now available. The Item Shop and Armory will also have additional goods for sale. This includes a Master Seal and 3 Second Seals at the Item Shop. Also make sure to check in with your allies and view any new dialog events or bonding scenes with the Emblems. When you’re ready to start the next chapter, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 9 in Fire Emblem Engage!