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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Serious Settler Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Serious Settler quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Serious Settler quest.

How to Start the Serious Settler Quest

Map of where to start the Serious Settler quest in Sand Land

To start the quest, you’ll need to complete several side quests to grow Spino in addition to progressing the main story to the Aquanium Recovery main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Hugh. He’ll talk about how awesome it is that Spino is growing to which Belz will ask what Hugh wants. He’ll respond by saying that he would love a big brother causing Belz to set out and find him one.

Serious Settler Quest Walkthrough

Find a Serious Settler for Hugh

Map of where to find a brother for Hugh during the Serious Settler quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino and travel northwest head to Junker Market: Lisab (you can also fast travel to Lisab and follow the road out of town south!) to find Gite along the road. Speak with the Junker to trigger quite an interesting conversation. When prompted, ask if he wants to come back with Spino. He agree to visit, but he didn’t say he’d live there!!

Report to Hugh

Now that we’ve found Hugh a brother, head back to Spino to let him know.

Check on Gite

Mosey on over to the center of town to find Gite by the giant spigot. Speak with him to learn that he doesn’t feel like he fits in with the town and wants to leave. Belz tells him that before leaving, he first needs to meet Hugh. After some encouragement from Belz, he’ll agree.

Wait and See What Happens

To get the next objective, you’ll need to wait for some time to pass. You can do this by completing another quest. Once it’s complete, return to Spino and the objective will change.

Check on Gite

Make your way to the center of town to find Gite and Gugh talking. Approach them to trigger a cutscene will things to an unexpected turn.

Ask the Townsfolk What They Think of Gite

Wander around town asking the people listed below what they think of Gite. After you’ve spoken to all four, the group will meet up to discuss.

  • Mayor Tor
  • Plica
  • Lutemis
  • Zeph

Go Cheer Up Hugh

Head over to the mayor’s house and speak with Hugh outside. He’ll tell you that Gite is missing with the other townspeople saying he went back to his old gang. To cheer him up, Belz promises Hugh that he’ll go after Gite for him.

Find Gite

Map of where to find Gite during the Serious Settler quest in Sand Land

To locate Gite, travel along the road leading to Lisab that you found him on originally. From there head east and you’ll find Gite surrounded by a group of Wannabe Junkers. Approach the group to trigger a cutscene which ultimately lead to a fight with them. After the last one goes down, speak with Gite to encourage him to return to Spino.

Check on Hugh and Gite

Return to Spino one last time and head for the center of the town to find Hugh and Gite. Approach them to trigger a cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,250z and an Enhanced Armor EX Chip for your Motorbike.

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the AWOL Tinkerer Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the AWOL Tinkerer quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the AWOL Tinkerer quest.

How to Start the AWOL Tinkerer Quest

Map of where to start the AWOL Tinkerer quest in Sand Land

To start the quest, you’ll need to complete several side quests to grow Spino in addition to progressing the main story to the Aquanium Recovery main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to the Workshop in Spino and talk with Stan behind the counter. He’ll tell Belz that he’s manning the store while Ves visits Merrick Junker’s Market to stock up on materials. Since he needs to get back to his shop, Stan we’ll request that we go bring Ves back.

We chose to send Ves to Spino over Stan. If you chose Stan, then this quest will probably be slightly different.

AWOL Tinkerer Quest Walkthrough

Head for the Merrick Junker Market

Map of Junker Market: Merrick for the AWOL Tinkerer quest in Sand Land

Set out for Junker Market: Merrick which can be found in the northeastern corner of Sand Land in the Chapa Region under the Merrick Battleship. Once you arrive, enter the market, for some dialog amongst the group.

Speak to the Peddler

Follow the street in the market north and speak with the Peddler standing next to the blue raptor. He’ll say that he might have seen Ves and that she mentioned going to the big scrapyard to the north. Time to head out once more!

Find Ves and Talk to Her

where to find Ves during the AWOL Tinkerer quest in Sand Land

Exit the Junker Market then make your way to the objective in the north. As you approach, you’ll spot Ves being attacked by a Panther Lord. Defeat the beast then speak with Ves. She’ll say she got the materials and the quest will completed. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,250z and 3 Panther Alloy. In addition, the Spino Workshop will now have new items and new decals will become available at the Spino Paint Shop.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Missing Supplier Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Missing Supplier quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Missing Supplier quest.

How to Start the Missing Supplier Quest

Map of where to start the Missing Supplier quest in Sand Land

To start the Missing Supplier quest, you must first progress through the main story until you reach the Aquanium Recovery main mission and have completed quite a few of Spino’s side quests. Once there, travel to Junker Market: Merrick located in the Cahpa Region on Sand Land which is in the northwestern corner. Interact with Eo there (past the Peddler near the blue raptor) to eavesdrop on his conversation with Ganga saying that he can’t supply Ganga with what he ordered because his supplier disappeared. Rao will mention to the men that a shop in Spino sells them. If the gang gets them, Ganga will give some Croc Alloy to Belz.

Missing Supplier Quest Walkthrough

Give the B-Grade Meters to Ganga

Ganga will need 10 B-Grade Meters to complete his order. If you already have them, just give them to him to finish the quest. If not, travel to Spino and head to the Item Shop. You can buy them from Ades for 100z each. Upon delivering the goods, Eo will comment about Spino, and Rao will mention all the people who work there. We’ll then learn who Eo’s supplier is, and he’ll set out to Spino to give them an earful. This will complete the quest, and you’ll be rewarded with 1,100z and 4 Croc Alloys.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Sand Land Santa Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Sand Land Santa quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Sand Land Santa quest.

How to Start the Sand Land Santa Quest

Map of where to start the Sand Land Santa quest in Sand Land

To start the Sand Land Santa quest, you’ll first need to progress the story until you reach the Aquanium Recovery main quest. After doing that, travel to Terigino in the center of the Gahlet Region which can be found in the northwest corner of Sand Land. Speak with Phob and Nir there near the white stairs to overhear their conversation about a white-bearded old man who leaves stuff for the kids. After a heated argument, Rao recommends that the team investigate what’s going on.

Sand Land Santa Quest Walkthrough

Talk to Reus

Head to the southeastern part of town and speak with Reus who is the father of Phob. Reus will tell the group that he could lose his job if Nir tells his dad about the argument as to whether the jolly old man exists. That old man is a precious memory from his late mother that he holds dear. Feeling for the kid, Belz will come up with an idea, sending the dad to get a present for his son.

Pay Reus a Visit

Oh yeah, we know where this is going! Leave the town through the northeastern exit to find Reus. Speak with him to initiate the plan!

Santa Thief during the Sand Land Santa quest in Sand Land

Bring Presents to All the Good Children

It’s Sandy Claws!! When you gain control of Thief, take a right, sneaking through the market area then swing around the left working your way back to Reus’ house.

market path for the Sand Land Santa quest in Sand Land

When you get there, interact with the window to deliver the present. This will kick off another cutscene where Belz invites Reus and Phob to move to Spino.

Thief delivers a present during the Sand Land Santa quest in Sand Land

The quest will then be completed and you’ll be rewarded with 1,250z and a 45mm Battery (APDS) part for your tank.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Retired Racer Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Retired Racer quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Retired Racer quest.

How to Start the Retired Racer Quest

Map location on where to start the Retired Racer quest in Sand Land

To start the Retired Racer quest, travel to the Explosion Site and speak with Laius who can be found there. Rao will warn the man that he’s in dangerous territory as the Spades call this area home. He’ll inform the group that he’s looking for them to sell a motorbike part that he made. Belz will strike up a conversation about vehicles and then show off his ride to Laius. This will lead to him wanting to make a custom part of Belz’s motorbike.

This quest won’t be available until you progress through the main story and reach the Aquanium Recovery main quest.

Retired Racer Quest Walkthrough

Choose a Custom Part for Laius to Make

Laius will offer to make either an Engine or Suspension part for the motorbike allowing you to choose which one. Make your selection then go out and get the parts he needs to build whichever one you selected. You can check out each section below to see the stats of each part.

Give the Materials for the Custom Part to Laius (Engine)

Engine Custom Part reward for the Retired Racer quest in Sand Land

If you chose the engine, you’ll need to collect 10 standard gears and 5 desert croc oils. You can get the standard gears you need from the Workshop in Spino if you don’t have them already. The desert croc oil is dropped from Desert Crocs which can be found swimming around in quicksand. Once you have everything you need, return to Laius and give him the materials to complete the quest. You’ll then receive your engine along with 1,250z.

Give the Materials for the Custom Part to Laius (Suspension)

Suspension Custom Part reward for the Retired Racer quest in Sand Land

If you decide to pick the suspension, then you’ll need to obtain 10 Standard Cables and 5 Quality Pterano Rubber. To get some standard cables, you’ll have to do a bit of farming if you don’t have enough already. They have a chance of being dropped from Wannabe Junkers after defeating them. There is also a chance you can get them when looting chests.

As for the Quality Pterano Rubber, you can make those at the Workshop in Spino. The materials for it can be dropped off of the Pterano found in the nest in the center of the Tort Region.

Once you have everything you need, return to Laius and give him the materials to complete the quest. You’ll then receive your suspension along with 1,250z.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the All for the Hopper Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the All for the Hopper quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the All for the Hopper quest.

How to Start the All for the Hopper Quest

Map of where to start the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

You can start the All for the Hopper quest by traveling to Patago and speaking with Dorn. He’ll ask Belz and the gand for help rescuing his daughter from the Royal Army who took her in retaliation for him crossing them. In exchange for saving his daughter, he’ll allow Belz to keep a special one-of-a-kind Jump-bot frame.

All for the Hopper Quest Walkthrough

Head for Lidr Base

Map location for the Libr Base for the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

Make your way to the Lidr Vase which can be found to the north of Patago then head inside. There, you’ll hear a voice coming from a girl asking for help.

Find Io

Map location on where to find Io during the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

Follow the road west making sure to avoid the soldiers as you reach the grouping of buildings. Take the road right heading up the dirt ramp which will bring you above the enemies that Io is being held in. From there you can jump onto one of the roofs and follow it to the last building on the right to find her.

Speaking with Io through the window during the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

Drop down to the back of it and speak with Io through the window.

Obtain the Hopper Frame

Rock wall to climb up during the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

After speaking with Io, she’ll tell Belz to grab the frame first then come back for her. From her location, go north climbing up the rock wall there then going through the gate at the top. Head staring following the road then take a right to spot the giant green warehouse.

Green Warehouse with the frame during the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

Again, keep an eye out for the soldiers as we don’t want to be spotted. When you reach the warehouse, follow along the left outer wall, hugging it all the way to the shipping containers. Jump on top of them to spot an open door on the other side.

Entrance to the warehouse during the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

Enter the warehouse through it. You’ll then need to sneak through the warehouse to grab the frame. Make sure to get the blue chest on top of the containers first because as soon as you loot the frame, you’ll be transported out of the base triggering a cutscene.

inside of the warehouse during the All for the Hopper quest in Sand Land

During it, Io and her dad Dorn will decide to move to Spino and the quest will be completed. You’ll be rewarded with the Hopper Frame and 750z.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Furniture Favor Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Furniture Favor quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Furniture Favor quest.

How to Start the Furniture Favor Quest

Map of where to start the Furniture Favor quest in Sand Land

You can start the Furniture Favor quest by speaking with Rumeth and Tole in Junker Market: Lisab which is located in the northwestern part of the Tort Region in Sand Land. Rumeth will tell Belz that he accepted an order he can’t fulfill by accidentally selling Pterano Wings to the Furniture Maker in Spino instead of its intended customer in Lisab. After some bragging on Belz’s part, Tole will task him with getting 10 wings in exchange for some other furniture materials.

For this quest to show up, you’ll need to complete several side quests in Spino Village, specifically ones involving Ves/Stan. You’ll need to have progressed in the main story to the Aquanium Recovery main mission.

Furniture Favor Quest Walkthrough

Give the Pterano Wings to Tole

Map location of where to find the Pterano Nest for the Furniture Favor quest in Sand Land

So for this quest, you’ll need to deliver 10 Pterano Wings to Tole in Lisab. If you’ve been diligent about fighting enemies while exploring Sand Land, then you’ll most likely have them on you and can just them over. Otherwise, travel to the Pternao Nest in the middle of the Tort Region northwest of Spino. There, you should find plenty of Pternao to defeat and gather their wings.

After giving Tole the wings, you’ll start a conversation with Rumeth who decides it’s finally time for him to settle down in Spino. Reya’s been asking him to live there with her so he’s finally decided to take her up on the offer. After it concludes, the quest will be completed and you’ll be rewarded with 1,100z, 10 Lumber, and 5 Glass.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Prince of Racing Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Prince of Racing quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Prince of Racing quest.

How to Start the Prince of Racing Quest

Map of where to start the Prince of Racing quest in Sand Land

To start the quest, you’ll need to complete several side quests to grow Spino in addition to progressing the main story to the Aquanium Recovery main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Tesu who can be found standing next to the mayor. She’ll thank the gang for bringing her back to Spino then ask if there is anything she can do for them. Belz asks for bot parts so when mentions the racetrack in Merrick which is offering a Dirty Buggy frame as a prize. Time to go win yourself a new frame!!

Prince of Racing Quest Walkthrough

Score the Top Prize in the Desert Bike Race

Map of where the Race Reg: Desert is located for the Prince of Racing quest in Sand Land

To win the Dirt Buggy frame, travel to the Race Reg: Desert race track in the Chapa Region. The race track itself is located in the center of the region, just south of Junker Market: Merrick. Once you arrive, speak with Eeh and select “Join Race” then “Bike Race”. In order to win the Dirt Buggy Frame, you’ll need to clear the race in 1:40:000. The best way to do this is to stick to the road as much as you can. While on the road, your boost gauge will not diminish. It also seemed like the boost recharged faster if you stopped it just before it ran out. Once you emerge victorious, you’ll receive the frame.

Report to Teus

Return to Spino and speak with Teus to let her know how the race went. This will complete the quest and you’ll receive 1,200z as a reward.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the A Girl’s Gratitude Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the A Girl’s Gratitude quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Girl’s Gratitude quest.

How to Start the A Girl’s Gratitude Quest

Mayor Tor during the A Girl's Gratitude quest in Sand Land

To start the A Girl’s Gratitude quest, you’ll need to progress in the game until you’ve completed the main story quest, Water to the World! In addition, you’ll need to have completed the mayor’s previous quests. Head to Spino and speak with Mayor Tor. He’ll tell the group that he’s giving up on searching for a little girl named Teus. One day she got tired of living in Spino so she decided to leave. The mayor will then request that you tell her he’s still waiting if you run into her. Last he heard, she was once spotted in Patago Village.

A Girl’s Gratitude Quest Walkthrough

Go Check on Teus in Patago Village

Map of where to find Patago during the A Girl's Gratitude quest in Sand Land

Kicking things off, travel to Patago Village which can be found in the Skaon Region west of Spino on the western part of Sand Land. When you arrive, speak with Teus to deliver Mayor Tor’s message. During the conversation, we learn that some raiders are attacking her daughter. Rao then suggests we save her in Teus place because of her bad knees.

Beat the Spades and Save Karyu

Map of where to find the Melty Village Ruins during the A Girl's Gratitude quest in Sand Land

To reach Karyu, you’ll need to travel north to the Melt Village Ruins. When you get there, you’ll see the girls surrounded by the Spades. Defeat them then speak with her. Keep in mind, that they will be at least Level 20.

Report to Teus

Now that Karyu has been saved, return to Patago and speak with Teus. This will trigger a cutscene where she decides to move back to Spino with her daughter in tow. The quest will then complete and you’ll be rewarded with 1,200z and a 12mm Heavy Burst Machine Gun for your tank!

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Operation Bororo Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Operation Bororo quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Operation Bororo quest.

How to Start the Operation Bororo Quest

Map of where to start the Operation Bororo quest in Sand Land

To start the Operation Bororo quest, you’ll need to progress in the game until you’ve completed the main story quest, Water to the World! Additionally, you may have to progress some of the other quests in the town to make it appear including the mayor’s quest, From Lifeless to Lush. Once it does, speak with Cress on the west side of Spino who is freaking out because she is missing her Bororos. After further conversation, she’ll tell the gang that she needs a boss cow and request they convince Mayor Verona in Talbo to hand over hers.

Operation Bororo Quest Walkthrough

Ask ABout Bororo Cattle in Talbo

Mayor Verona during the Operation Bororo in Sand Land

Start out by traveling to Talbo and heading up the stairs in the middle of town to find Mayor Verona. Speak with her about the Bororo to learn that Cress’s favorite cow left town after her and also happens to be a boss cow. The mayor will tell Belz that if he finds the cow, he can bring it back to Spino. She’ll also mention that Roro was last seen at the mine ruins and could still be around there.

Find the Escaped Bororo

Map of where to find Roro during the Operation Bororo quest in Sand Land

The Talbo Mine Ruins can be found just outside of town to the west. Make your way there then head left when facing the Water Supply Point. You’ll then need to use your Jump Bot to ascend some rocks near the center of the tunnel on the right. From there, follow the mooing to find the cow. Approach Roro to trigger a cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,200z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!