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Hogwarts Legacy – The Library Annex Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The following collectibles can be found in The Library Annex of Hogwarts:

  • Collection Chests x8
  • Field Guide Pages x20
  • Demiguise Statues x3

Collection Chests

1. Divination Classroom Puzzle Door

From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, head up the small set of stairs to the right of the flame then follow the wooden walkway. Take the first available right then head to the dead end to find the puzzle door. Loot the small chest across from the door for the code. If you look around the door, the symbols start with 0 on the left and end with 9 on the right. The solution to the math problem is shown below. Once you input the correct symbols in the ? and ??, interact with the door for it to open. Loot the chest inside.

2. Puzzle Door

This puzzle door can be found in the hidden room behind the above puzzle door on the left side. The solution is shown in the picture below. Loot the chests inside the small room.

3. Puzzle Door Collection Chest

This puzzle door can be found in the same room as the above puzzle door on the right side. The solution is shown in the picture below. Loot the chests inside.

4. Restricted Section

This chest can be found on a table before you meet Peeves in the bottom of the Restricted Section.

5. & 6. Hogwarts Secret

To find these chests, you’ll need to solve the Hogwarts Secret on the bridge between the Library Annex and the Great Hall.

On both sides of the bridge, there will be two braziers and on the ground near the Library Annex a metal plate with the symbols next to numbers. You’ll need light the brazier to spin it so that the number from the metal plate matches up with the symbol under the brazier.

Once all four are matched up the metal plate will open revealing a hole you can climb down into a secret area. Both chests can be found here.

7. Long Gallery Puzzle Door

From the Potions Classroom, head down the nearby stairs to reach the Long Gallery. Follow that hallway to the end bringing you to a room with two display cases with trolls inside. The puzzle door will be on the left. The solution to the puzzle door is below. Head inside after solving the puzzle to find the collection chest.

Field Guide Pages

1. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

This page will appear near the painting after you put the moth into the painting’s frame during the Like a Moth to a Flame side quest.

2. Arithmancy Classroom Guide Page

This page can be found in a hidden room behind a puzzle door. The solution for this door is shown above in the 1. Collection Chest section.

3. Flying Field Guide Page

From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, head up the small set of stairs to the northwest then follow the wooden walkway to reach the rafters. This page can be found flying around the rafters.

Use Accio to grab it.

4. Palmistry Model Field Guide

From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, head up the winding staircase. At the top, use Revelio on the purple drapes to reveal a ladder. Climb up this ladder to reach a room. Use Revelio to find the page.

5. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found flying around above Central Hall.

6. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found flying around above the southern part of Central Hall.

7. Central Hall Fountain Guide Page

Use Revelio on the water fountain in the center of Central Hall.

8. Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Guide Page

This statue can be found diagonally from the Potions Classroom Floo Flame.

9. Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge Guide Page

Use Revelio in the Potions Classroom.

10. Greenhouse Tree Guide Page

Use Revelio on the giant tree across from the Greenhouses’ Floo Flame.

11. Dirigible Plums Guide Page

Use Revelio on a tree with yellow fruit in one of the greenhouses.

12. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found flying around the library.

13. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

This page comes from solving the empty picture puzzle on the second floor of the library. The moth can be found on the second level of the library near the top of the stairs under the giant painting of the Old Librarian.

14. Enchanted Books Guide Page

This page can be found in the Restricted Section of the library. You’ll come here during the Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest. Use Revelio on a bookshelf across from the mermaid statue on the table.

15. Statue Field Guide Page

This page can be found in the lower level of the Restricted Section in the library. Use Levioso on a statue to reveal the page.

16. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

Use Incendio on the brazier on the northwestern side of the Central Hall to reveal the page.

17. Statue Field Guide Page

This statue can be found in a locked room to the right (southeast) of the doors leading to the greenhouses in Central Hall. You’ll need to use Alohomora to enter the room and then cast Levioso on the statue to make the page appear.

18. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

This Moth Frame can be found in the Long Gallery down the stairs next to the Potions Classroom. To find the moth, follow the hallway northwest then look to the right. It will be on a display case with a troll inside.

19. Gorgon Portrait Guide Page

From the Potions Classroom, head down the nearby stairs to reach the Long Gallery. Follow that hallway to the end bringing you to a room with two display cases with trolls inside. The puzzle door will be on the left. The solution to the puzzle door is below. Head inside after solving the puzzle then use Revelio in front of the painting to make the page appear.

20. Portrait of Sir Cadogan Guide Page

To reach this guide page, travel to the Central Hall Floo Flame then head up the stairs to the Viaduct Entrance. When you reach the door with statues on both sides, take a right heading up the stairs to the next level. At the top of the stairs, take a right onto a walkway to find the portrait on the left.

Demiguise Statues

1. Divination Classroom

From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, head up the spiral staircase then walk towards the purple drapes. A ladder will drop down. Climb up it to find the Divination Classroom! The Demiguise Statue will be on the professor’s desk.

2, Restricted Section

This statue can be found in the Restricted Section of the Library on a cabinet just past an eyeball chest.

3. Long Gallery

This statue can be found in a room along the Long Gallery down the stairs near the Potions Classroom. To reach it, travel to the Potions Classroom in the Library Annex then head through the doors on the southeastern side of the hall. Take a left and go down the stairs (past the Potions Classroom) heading through the doorway at the bottom. Follow along the long hallway and look for the first door on the left. Unlock it using Alohomora Level 2 and enter the room.

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Hogwarts Legacy – The Bell Tower Wing Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The following collectibles can be found in The Bell Tower Wing of Hogwarts:

  • Collection Chests x6
  • Field Guide Pages x34
  • Demiguise Statues x2
  • Astronomy Tables x1

Collection Chests

1. Bell Tower

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head all the way up the staircase on the south side of the room to reach a music room. In this room head to the east side and take the staircase all the way to the top. Exit to the outside and swing right to find the chest along the wall.

2. & 3. Bell Tower

Interact with the frog statue next to the above Collection Chest to be teleported to a different building. Loot both chests on this building.

4. Puzzle Door

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up the stairs to the southwest and enter the wooden door straight ahead. Go up the stairs and take a left to find more stairs. Go up a total of 5 flights. Once at the top of the fifth flight of stairs, you’ll spot a locked wooden door. Open it using Alohomora then head to the back of the room to find a puzzle door. The solution to this door can be found in the image below. Loot the chest inside.

5. Rampart

From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, head south passing the stables. Just after the rampart jets out there will be a locked door. Unlock it using Alohomora then head inside. The chest can be found in this room.

Field Guide Pages

1. Wooden Cat Guide Page

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up the stairs to the northeast. Use Revelio on the cat in the glass next to the wooden door.

2. Three Sisters Bells Guide Page

Use Revelio in front of the bells next to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

3. Goblin Artefact Guide Page

Use Revelio on the display case up the stairs diagonally from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

4. Scorch Marks Guide Page

With your back to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up two flights of stairs on the southwestern side. Use Revelio on the blank space of wall blocked off next to the musical paintings.

5. Broken Broom Guide Page

Use Revelio on the display case next to the door across from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

6. Frog Choir Guide Page

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head all the way up the flights of stairs on the southern side of the room. At the top, you’ll find a music room. Use Revelio on the podium covered with frogs to get this page.

7. Urn of Ashes Guide Page

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head through the door on the southern side of the room. Once inside, head down the stairs go through the doorway and continue heading down the stairs. Take a left then use Revelio on a display case for a dragon urn to find this page.

8. Sleeping Dragon Statue Guide Page

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head through the door on the southern side of the room then head all the way down the stairs. At the base of these stairs, use Revelio on the large dragon statue to find the page.

9. History of Magic Windows Guide Page

From the Bell Tower Courtyard, head up the first flight of stairs to the south and enter the door. Head up the stairs and go through the red doors straight ahead to enter a classroom. Use Revelio on the right side by the stained glass windows to find this page.

10. Flattened Armour Guide Page

Use Revelio on the statue next to the door across from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

11. The Old Librarian Guide Page

Use Revelio under the giant painting on the second level of the library.

12. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

Use Incendio on the brazier up the stairs northeast of the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

13. Castle Ramparts Guide Page

From the Flying Class Lawn Floo Flame, head north through the courtyard and go down the stairs to the left of the archway. Take another setup of stairs up that lead to the top of the rampart then head to enter the tower on this rampart. Use Revelio to find this page.

14. Flying Field Guide Page

Travel to the Bell Tower Courtyard then look up to the right (northeast) to spot the page flying around.

15. Statue Field Guide Page

From the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame in The Astronomy Wing, head north and enter the second door on the left. If you haven’t unlocked it previously, you’ll need to use Alohomora. The statue can be found inside this room.

16. Moth Frame Guide Page

From the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame in The Astronomy Wing, head north and enter the first door on the left. Head straight ahead and go up the stairs. At the top, take a right then go up another flight of stairs. The moth frame will be on the right.

Use Lumos to view the image then head back down the stairs. At the bottom, head through the door to the southwest to enter a classroom. Use Alohomora on the locked door in this room to open it. Take an immediate right to find the moth on the potted plant.

17. Flying Field Guide Page

Return to the locked room in the previous classroom where the moth was above to find this page flying around. Use Accio to grab it.

18. Statue Field Guide Page

This statue can be found right next to the above Flying Field Guide Page. Use Levioso to reveal it.

19. Sphinx Statue Guide Page

Use Revelio on the statue in the same room as the above Flying Field Guide Page and Statue Field Guide Page to reveal this page.

20. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up the stairs to the southwest and enter the wooden door straight ahead. Go up the stairs and take a left to find more stairs. Go up a total of 5 flights. Once at the top of the fifth flight of stairs, you’ll spot a locked wooden door. Open it using Alohomora to find the dragon brazier inside. Light it to reveal the page.

21. Important Muggle Artefact Guide Page

From The Map Chamber Floo Flame in the Secret Room, head up the nearby stairs to enter the dungeon. At the top, head straight ahead to another staircase and take it all the way to the top. Exit out the gate then head down the stairs to your left. Go straight ahead and follow the hallway to the left. Use Alohomora on the room to the right before the sleeping dragon statue. Once inside use Revelio on the display case to the left.

22. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found flying around the Beast Classroom hut.

23. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, look northeast to find the dragon brazier on the side of the rampart. Use Confringo to light then use Accio to grab it.

24. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, head through the double door on the left (north). Go straight ahead and use Alohomora on the door to open it. The moth frame can be found in the next room on the wall.

Use Lumos to view the image then exit the room. Exit the next room via the door to the left. Once outside, head straight ahead and go past the flight of stairs. Hug the wall to find the moth on the left side when the wall becomes a small one you can jump over. Guide the moth back to the frame to reveal the page.

25. Bloody Meat Field Guide Page

From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, head through the double door on the right (south). Take an immediate right and use Alohomora to unlock the door. Use Revelio inside to reveal the page.

26. Caged Bathtub Guide Page

From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, get on your broom and head south along the rampart. This page can be found in the second to last tower near the Quidditch field.

27. Quidditch Pitch Guide Page

From the above page, head outside the tower and drop down to the side with the Quidditch Stadium. Follow the rampart west until you reach the crumbling part of it just before the last tower. Use Revelio on the cliff to find the page.

28. Statue Field Guide Page

This statue can be found in the rampart above the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame. To reach it, hop on your broom. Enter the tower and use Levioso on the statue to reveal the page.

29. Hogwarts Owls Guide Page

From the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame, head southwest and make your way to the tower on the cliff. Head up the tower and use Revelio by a ladder in the room with all the nooks for owls.

30. Flying Field Guide Page

From the above page, climb up the ladder to reach the top of the owl tower. This page can be flying around. Use Accio to grab the page.

31. Statue Field Guide Page

This page can be found at the top of the owl tower in the same area as the page above. Use Levioso to reveal the page.

32. Werewolf Saga Tapestries Guide Page

From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head southwest up the stairs and go through the wooden door. Immediately take a left and head down those stairs. Enter the door and continue down the stairs. Ahead you’ll spot a giant tapestry with a large K. The K is actually a door!!! (Literally walked by this about 100 times and had no idea!!!) Head through this hidden door and follow the path to reach a room with a bunch of large tapestries. Use Revelio on the smaller version of the one with the hidden door to reveal this page.

33. Glumbumbles Guide Page

From the Flying Class Lawn Floo Flame, head north through the courtyard and go through the archway. Continue following the path until you reach a fountain. From the fountain, head through the nearby archway and take an immediate left. Use Revelio on the beehives to reveal this page!

Possibly #34. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found flying around the fountain mentioned in the page above. It appears to be in The Bell Tower Wing, however, it did not count in our area completion tally nor any others at Hogwarts. We believe this collectible bugged for us.

Demiguise Statues

1. Hogwarts Grounds

This Demiguise Statue can be found in a small room behind a locked door on the grounds. To reach it, travel to the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame then head back onto the school grounds to the fountain. Look north from the fountain to find a doorway on the side of some stairs leading up to the ramparts. Use Alohomora to unlock the door then head inside looking to the right.

2. Beasts Classroom

This Demiguise Statue can be found on a table in the hut where the Beasts Class takes place. Travel to the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame then unlock the door to the hut using Alohomora Level 2. Head inside then go through the doorway on the right to find the statue straight ahead.

Astronomy Tables

For a guide on how to unlock the astronomy tables, click here! This table can be found at the below location!

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Hogwarts Legacy – The Astronomy Wing Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The following collectibles can be found in The Astronomy Wing of Hogwarts:

  • Collection Chests x6
  • Field Guide Pages x23
  • Demiguise Statues x3

Collection Chests

1. Central Hall Puzzle Door

This puzzle door can be found on the southwestern side of Central Hall in the Library Annex. The solution is shown below in the pictures.

For this one, please note that the second symbol can be found on the level above the door. Use the nearby staircase to reach it. Loot the chests inside.

2. Charms Classroom Puzzle Door

This puzzle door can be found right next to the Charms Classroom Floo Flame solution to this puzzle is shown below in the picture. Loot the chests inside.

3. Professor Fig’s Classroom

This chest can be found in Professor Fig’s Classroom.

4. Charms Classroom

From the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, head down the stairs and enter the Charms Classroom. Once inside, take the stairs up and use Alohomora Level 1 on the door to open it. In the next room, take the spiral staircase all the way up and exit through the wooden door to reach an outdoor area. The chest will be straight ahead.

5. Transfiguration Courtyard

From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, head inside the door next to the Floo Flame. Once inside, look west to find a door up a small flight of stairs. Use Alohomora to open this door then head inside to find the chest on the table.

6. Alchemy Classroom

From The Map Chamber Floo Flame in the Secret Room, head up the nearby stairs to enter the dungeon. At the top, head straight ahead to another staircase and take it all the way to the top. Exit out the gate then head down the stairs to your left. Go straight ahead and use Alohomora on the locked door surrounded by stacked cauldrons. Head inside to find the chest on the right side.

Field Guide Pages

1. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

This page comes from solving an empty painting riddle. This painting can be found on the wall south of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame.

The moth can be found on a column across from Professor Fig’s Classroom Floo Flame.

2. Augurey Skeleton Guide Page

From the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame, head down the nearby stairs to reach the next floor. Use Revelio on the glass case next to the white couch to receive this page.

3. Hebridean Black Skeleton Guide Page

This page can be found in the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom.

4. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

This page can be obtained from an empty painting riddle that is located down the stairs and past the green smoke from the West Tower Floo Flame in The Bell Tower Wing.

The moth can be found by the tapestry across from this Floo Flames location.

5. Wyvern Fountain Guide Page

Use Revelio on the fountain in the Transfiguration Courtyard to find this page.

6. Statue Field Guide Page

Use Levioso on the statue on the east side of the Transfiguration Courtyard.

7. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found flying around outside the Charms Classroom. Use Accio to reach it.

8. Statue Field Guide Page

This page can be found up the stairs past the sitting area near the Charms Classroom. Look for a statue that you can use Levioso on to reveal the page.

9. Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy Guide Page

From the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, travel south down the stairs across from the entrance to the Room of Requirement. At the bottom, use Revelio on the large tapestry to your left to find the page.

10. Astronomy Telescope Guide Page

Use Revelio on the large telescope in the room at the top of the Astronomy Tower. To reach this room, head to the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame then head all the way up the stairs.

11. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

This page comes from an empty painting riddle that can be found about halfway up the stairs from the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame.

The moth can be found at the very top of the stairs in the room.

12. Partial Transfiguration Guide Page

Use Revelio in the Transfiguration Classroom to find this page.

13. Painting of Illyius Guide Page

From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, head through the nearby doorway. Take a right before the stairs and use Revelio on the painting of the 3 individuals to reveal this page.

14. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be flying around the dungeon. To reach this dungeon, travel to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame in The Bell Tower Wing then head up the first flight of stairs to the southwest. Head straight ahead and go through the door. Take an immediate left and head all the way down those stairs. Keep heading down and follow the path until you see a set of stairs heading up. This will be down the hall from the door with pots stacked around it. At the stairs leading up, take a left. Look up by the archway to find the page flying around.

15. Dragon Brazier Statue

From the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, work your wall all the way up the tower until you reach the area with all the telescopes. In this room on the northeast side, there will be a little metal staircase leading down underneath the telescopes. Take this staircase to find the brazier. Light it to reveal the page!

16. Dark Tower Cell Guide Page

From the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, head down the stairs and enter the Charms Classroom. Once inside, take the stairs up and use Alohomora Level 1 on the door to open it. In the next room, take the spiral staircase all the way up and exit through the wooden door to reach an outdoor area. Take an immediate left and use Alohomora Level 2 to pick the lock. Use Revelio to spot the page inside.

17. Dragon Brazier Guide Page

From the Professor Fig’s Classroom Floo Flame, look northeast to spot the brazier sticking out of the wall. Use Confringo to light it then Accio to grab the page.

18. Boggart Closet Guide Page

From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, head inside the door next to the Floo Flame. Once inside, look west to find a door up a small flight of stairs. Use Alohomora to open this door then head inside. Use Revelio on the cupboard between the stacks of chairs to reveal the page.

19. Serpentine Beast Window Guide Page

From the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame, head down the nearby stairs then go straight ahead, passing a globe and skeleton. Use Revelio in front of the stained glass window to reveal the page.

20. Alchemy Class Guide Page

From The Map Chamber Floo Flame in the Secret Room, head up the nearby stairs to enter the dungeon. At the top, head straight ahead to another staircase and take it all the way to the top. Exit out the gate then head down the stairs to your left. Go straight ahead and use Alohomora on the locked door surrounded by stacked cauldrons. Use Revelio once inside to reveal this page.

21. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

Look up in the above classroom to spot a dragon brazier. Use Confringo to light it then use Accio to grab the page.

22. Statue Field Guide Page

From The Map Chamber Floo Flame in the Secret Room, head up the nearby stairs to enter the dungeon. At the top, head straight ahead to another staircase and take it all the way to the top. Exit out the gate then head down the stairs to your left. At the bottom take an immediate right and follow the path around to find a locked gate to your left. Use Alohomora to open this gate then enter the frog. Use Levioso on the statue next to the other frog.

23. Pungent Passage Guide Page

From the West Tower Floo Flame in The Bell Tower Wing, take an immediate left and head down the stairs to reach a hallway with green gas coming up from the floor. Use Revelio on the right side by a portrait of a man to reveal the page.

Demiguise Statues

1. Professor Fig’s Classroom (Office)

This statue can be found on a table near the fireplace in Professor Fig’s office.

2. Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower

This statue can be found on a desk past a locked door on the first level of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. To reach it, travel to the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame then head through the door next to the flame. Look to the right of the stairs to see a door between two statues. Use Alohomora Level 2 to unlock the door then head inside.

3. Muggle Studies

This statue can be found behind a locked door on a desk in the dungeons. To reach it, travel to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame then head up the southwestern set of stairs going through the door straight ahead. Take the stairs in the stairwell down heading through the door on the right. Continue heading down a few flights of stairs coming to a statue of a dragon. Follow the hallway across from the dragon looking for the first door on the left. Unlock the door using Alohomora then head inside and take a right.

For more guides on Hogwarts Legacy, please click here!

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Hogwarts Legacy – The South Wing Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The following collectibles can be found in The South Wing of Hogwarts:

  • Collection Chests x5
  • Field Guide Pages x23
  • Demiguise Statues x1

Collection Chests

1. Enter Frog Statue

Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head south and go down the flight of stairs. On the landing look in the nook of the stairs to find a frog statue. Interact with it to be gulped up and deposited into a hidden room. Loot the chest inside this room.

2. Clock Tower Courtyard

Travel to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. On the east side of this room, you’ll spot a gated door. Use Alohomora on the door to the left of the exit to the outdoors then head up the stairs until you reach the top. Use Glacius when the pendulum is over the horse symbol to freeze it in place.

Quickly run back to the gated door, which will now be open. Head inside and loot the chest.

3. & 4. Clock Tower

From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head across the area with the swinging pendulum then enter the door to the left of the exit to the outdoors and head up the stairs. When you reach the left, head left to find another set of stairs leading up. Take these stairs to the top. When you emerge into the open area with the pendulum head over to the northeastern side of the room to find a gated door.

Return to the pendulum and use Glacius on the heart like symbol to freeze it in place. Return to the gated door, which will now be open and loot the two chests inside.

5. Faculty Tower

From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, head southwest down the hallway and enter the first door on the right (By Mr. Moon). You’ll need to use Alohomora on this door to open it if you haven’t already. Once inside, head up 4 flights of stairs. Use Alohomora on the door in front of you then enter the room. Use Glacius on the fireplace to stop the flames. Head through the hidden passage to find the chest.

Field Guide Pages

1. Statue Field Guide Page

This page can be found by using the Levioso spell on the statue next to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

**Statue was between the stacks of pots in the image below!**

2. Statue Field Guide Page

To reach this page, head to The Great Hall Floo Flame then exit out the western door. Head northwest past the wolf statue and down the stairs. Take a right through the archway to find the statue on the left. Use Levioso to reveal the page.

3. Portrait of Baruffio Guide Page

Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head southwest. Just before the stairs, use Revelio on the bull painting to the right to reveal the page.

4. Map of Argyllshire Guide Page

To reach this page, travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head southwest to reach some stairs. Head down the stairs and go straight ahead to find a giant map on the wall ahead.

It will be just past the musical room. Use Revelio on the map to reveal the page.

5. Lachlan the Lanky Guide Page

This page can be found down the stairs diagonally by the above page. Use Revelio on the statue in the nook at the base of the stairs to find it.

6. Fat Lady Portrait Guide Page

From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in The South Wing, head south and go up the spiral staircase. At the top, follow the path to the large portrait of the woman.

Use Revelio on this painting to find the page.

7. Haunted Toilets Guide Page

To reach this page, travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head southwest to reach some stairs. Head down these stairs and follow the path until you reach a blocked off bathroom.

Use Revelio on the door to reveal the page.

8. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found flying around above the swinging pendulum in the Crossed Wands room next to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Use Accio to reach it.

9. The Well of the Four Beasts Guide Page

This page can be found in the outdoor courtyard south of the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

10. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

Light the dragon brazier using Incendio. To reach this page, travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head southwest to reach some stairs. Head down the stairs and follow the path to find this in the corner just before the bathrooms.

11. Moth Frame Guide Page

From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head into the open room with the swinging pendulum. On the right side look for a locked door with two sets of armor guarding it. Use Alohomora to open the door then head inside to find the moth frame.

Use Lumos to reveal the picture then exit the room. Take a right and head outside. Once in the courtyard, take an immediate right and head through the archway. Take another right to find the moth. Guide the moth back to the frame to reveal the page.

12. Dragon Brazier Guide Page

From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, enter the door to the left of the exit to the outdoor area. You’ll need to use Alohomora to unlock it if you haven’t already. Take the stairs all the way up the clock tower until you reach the clockface area. Once there, you can find this brazier sticking out of the wall. Use Confringo to light it revealing the page. To grab the page, use Accio!

13. Clock Mechanics Guide Page

From the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, head down the hall to the southwest leading to the clock. When you reach the clock, head down 1 flight of stairs. At the landing, take the stairs to the northwest down to the landing. This time take the stairs to the southwest down. Follow the path to the spinning gears and use Revelio on them to reveal the page.

14. Unicorn Fountain Guide Page

Use Revelio on the unicorn statue by the Hospital Wing Floo Flame to reveal this page.

15. Flying Guide Page

This page can be found flying around the hospital room with all the beds by the Hospital Wing Floo Flame.

16. Statue Guide Page

Head down the stairs next to the Hospital Wing Floo Flame to find a statue at the base of them. Use Levioso on the statue to reveal the page.

17. Boris the Bewildered Guide Page

From the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, head down the nearby stairs then go straight ahead to find a statue next to some stairs leading down. Use Revelio on this statue to find this page.

18. Prefects’ Bathroom Guide Page

This page can be found in the Prefects’ Bathroom, which is down the stairs next to the Hospital Wing Floo Flame and to the left. Use Revelio on the mermaid tapestry on the left to find this page.

19. Jewel-Encrusted Tortoise Shell Guide Page

From the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, head down the nearby stairs. At the bottom, head straight across towards the statue then head down that set of stairs until you reach a bookshelf. Next to this bookshelf use Revelio on the encased tortoise shell to reveal the page.

20. Flying Guide Page

This page can be found flying around the stairs next to the above page.

21. Adventure Novel Set Guide Page

From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, head southwest down the hallway and enter the first door on the right (By Mr. Moon). You’ll need to use Alohomora on this door to open it if you haven’t already. Once inside, head up the stairs until you spot the hot air balloons. Use Alohomora Level 2 to open the door to the right. Head inside and use Revelio on the bookshelf in the bedroom.

22. Moth Frame Guide Page

This page can be found behind a map. To reach it, travel to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. Head through the door to the right of the Floo Flame and cross the walkway heading through the door at the end. Look to the left to find the map.

Cast Depulso on the button above the map. Head inside to find the moth frame. To find the moth, exit the room then take a left down the stairs and follow the hallway left. It will be in the first bathroom on the left on a coatrack. Return the moth to the frame to reveal the page.

23. Dragon Brazier Field Guide

From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, head southwest down the hallway and enter the first door on the right (By Mr. Moon). You’ll need to use Alohomora on this door to open it if you haven’t already. Once inside, head up 4 flights of stairs. Use Alohomora on the door in front of you then enter the room. Use Glacius on the fireplace to stop the flames. Head through the hidden passage to find the chest.

Demiguise Statues

1. Locked Bathroom

This statue can be found in the middle stall of a locked bathroom. To reach it, travel to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame in the South Wing then head through the door next to the flame. Walk across the bridge and through the door at the end. Go down the stairs and take a left following the hallway. Look for the locked door on the left with the post and ropes in front of it. Use Alohomora Level I to unlock the door and enter the bathroom.

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Hogwarts Legacy – The Grand Staircase Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The following collectibles can be found in The Grand Staircase of Hogwarts:

  • Collection Chests x7
  • Field Guide Pages x26

Collection Chests

1. Grand Staircase Puzzle Door

From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head east and go up the stairs. When you reach the giant wizard statue with a lion, swing around the stairs and continue up the stairs. Hug the left side to find this puzzle door. The solution can be found in the images below. Loot the chests inside. The second symbol can be found on the floor under the puzzle.

2. Ravenclaw Tower Puzzle Door

From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head northwest to find the puzzle door next to the spiral staircase. The solution to this door can be found in the images below. Loot the chests inside!

3. Grand Staircase Tower Puzzle Door

From the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame, head down 1 long flight of stairs to find the puzzle door.

The solution to this door can be found in the images below. Make sure to loot the chests inside for it to count!

4. Faculty Tower

From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in The South Wing, head southwest down the hallway and enter the first door on the right (By Mr. Moon). You’ll need to use Alohomora on this door to open it if you haven’t already. Once inside, head up the stairs until you spot the hot air balloons. There will be a puzzle door diagonally from them. The solution to this puzzle can be found below. Loot the chest inside!

5. Headmaster’s Office

This chest can be found in the headmaster’s office, which you won’t be able to access until the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest.

6. & 7. These chests can be found behind the locked door across from the headmaster’s office. This area is not accessible until after you enter the headmaster’s office during the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest. Once inside the office, you’ll be able to unlock a door using Alohomora. This door will lead outside. Follow the path up the reach a separate tower. Head inside and loot The Key of Admittance from the chest. Head back down the stairs then exit the headmaster’s office. Head straight across the way and use the key in the locked door.

Take the stairs to the top to enter a room containing both chests.

Field Guide Pages

1. House-Elf Recipe Book Field Guide Page

This page can be found in front of a glass case housing a book down the spiral stairs leading toward the kitchen. To reach it, start at the Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs to the southwest. It should be about halfway down.

2. Statue Field Guide Page

This page can be obtained by using Levioso on a statue in an alcove just off the Grand Staircase down the hall from the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame.

3. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be obtained by using Accio on the book flying around the staircase. Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in The South Wing then head north to the staircase. Go up a little bit to see the book.

4. Honeydukes Passageway Guide Page

This Field Guide Page can be obtained by using Revelio in front of the large witch statue next to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in The South Wing. The easiest way to reach it is to travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in The South Wing. This statue will be diagonally to the north.

5. Hufflepuff Barrels Guide Page

This page can be found in front of the Hufflepuff dormitory entrance. To reach it, travel to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame then take the spiral stairs all the way down. Follow the hallway around to find a stack of barrels. Use Reveilo to locate the guide page. Use Revelio to reveal the page! To reach the Hufflepuff dormitory, travel to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame then head down the spiral staircase encased with a decorative leaf design. You’ll find it at the bottom of the stairs!

6. Troll Armour Guide Page

This page can be found in front of the giant knight statue across from the Trophy Room Floo Flame. To access it, use the Revelio spell.

7. House-Elf Armour Guide Page

From the Trophy Room Floo Flame, head northeast and go through the room. Use the Revelio spell on the little knight to the right of the knight riding a horse to find this page.

8. Trophy Room Guide Page

This page can be found by using Revelio in the Trophy Room.

9. Goblet of Fire Casket Guide Page

This page can be found in the Trophy Room by using Revelio.

10. Centaur Armour Guide Page

This page can be found in the hallway that wraps around the Trophy Room Floo Flame. Use Revelio in front of the encased centaur to find it.

11. Kelpie Statue Guide Page

This page can be found if you use Revelio in front of a large kelpie statue. From the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head north down the stairs then take a left and head up those stairs to find the statue at the top.

12. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

This page can be found by solving an empty painting puzzle in the corridor north of The Great Hall. The moth can be found behind the headmaster’s seat in The Great Hall.

13. Flying Field Guide Page

This page can be found by using Accio on the book flying around the outdoor courtyard. To reach it travel to the Great Hall Floo Flame then exit through the western doors.

14. The Hogwarts Architect Guide Page

From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north and go through both sets of double doors. Take an immediate left and use Revelio on the statue at the base of the stairs to find this page.

15. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head west and go to the bottom of the spiral staircase to find an empty frame. Use Lumos to reveal the picture then head back up the stairs to find the moth on a green wall to the right. Return it to the frame to receive the page.

16. Ravenclaw Doorknocker Guide Page

This page can be found in front of the Ravenclaw common room entrance, which is at the top of the stairs northwest of the Ravenclaw Tower Floos Flame.

17. Moving Staircase Guide Page

From the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame, head down 2 long flights of stairs. On the landing use Revelio near the cat painting to find this page.

18. Headmaster’s Office Gargoyle Guide Page

To reach this page, travel to the Trophy Room Floo Flame then follow the hallway southeast to arrive at a locked gate. Use Alohomora to open it then proceed up the stairs and through a long hallway. At the end of the hallway, keep taking the stairs up until you reach a room filled with statues. Take a left heading to the end to find the guide page.

19. Butterfly Portrait Field Guide Page

This mirror can be found to the right of the above collectible. Use Lumos on the portrait to cause the image to appear. You’ll then want to head back down the stairs. The butterfly will be on the rafters above the long wooden hallway. Use Lumos (if it’s still not activated) to grab the moth and bring it back to the portrait. Deactivate Lumos so the moth files into place causing the page to appear.

20. Dragon Brazier Guide Page

Climb to the very, very top of the moving staircase in the Grand Staircase then look on the wall to find a brazier. Light it using Confringo then use Accio to grab the page.

21. Ravenclaw Bust Guide Page

From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head up the stairs northeast of the Floo Flame. About halfway up, you’ll spot a bust to your right. Use Revelio on this bust to reveal the page!

22. Sleeping Portraits Guide Page

This page can be found in the headmaster’s office, which you won’t be able to access until the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest.

23. The Sorting Hat Guide Page

This page can be found in the headmaster’s office, which you won’t be able to access until the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest.

24. Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance Guide Page

This page is not accessible until after you reach the headmaster’s office during the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest. Once inside the office, you’ll be able to unlock a door using Alohomora. This door will lead outside. Follow the path up the reach a separate tower. Head inside and loot The Key of Admittance from the chest. Head back down the stairs then exit the headmaster’s office. Head straight across the way and use the key in the locked door.

Take the stairs to the top to enter a room. Use Revelio on the book to reveal the page.

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Hogwarts Legacy – The Great Hall Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The following collectibles can be found in The Great Hall of Hogwarts:

  • Collection Chests x3
  • Field Guide Pages x24
  • Demiguise Statues x1

Collection Chests

1. Great Hall Puzzle Door

This puzzle door can be found on the northeastern side of The Great Hall down the short hallway off of the dining area. The solution to this puzzle can be found in the pictures below. Once inside the hidden room, loot the chests.

2. Great Hall Locked Room

This collection chest can be found in a locked room to the west of the faculty table in the Great Hall.

3. Kitchen

The collection chest can be found in the kitchen under the Great Hall. To reach it, take the stairs down near the Grand Staircase Floo Flame in The Grand Staircase and tickle the pear in the portrait on the left side of the hallway to head through the portrait. The chest will be next to a cabinet with a bunch of tea cups.

Field Guide Pages

1. Slytherin’s Sink Guide Page

This page can be found in a bathroom. To reach this bathroom, travel to the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame then head down the stairs and take a right. Follow the path until you reach a second set of stairs. The bathroom can be found just before these stairs.

2. Moth Frame Field Guide Page

From the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head down the stairs and take a right. Follow the path until you reach the bathroom on the left side. Diagonally from this bathroom, you’ll see an empty picture. Use Lumos to glimpse the image in the picture frame.

To find the moth, follow the path around and go up two small flights of stairs. Take the second left to find it on a column along the right side of the hallway. The moth will be a short way down this path in front of a tapestry on the right. Use Lumos to get the moth to follow you then lead it back to the empty picture. Once in front of the picture, turn off Lumos to have the moth enter the picture frame thus causing the Field Guide Page to appear!

3. The Great Hall Ceiling Guide Page

This page can be found at the start of the middle aisle in the Great Hall. Use Revelio to reveal it.

4. Owl Lectern Guide Page

This page can be found at the podium in The Great Hall. Use Revelio to reveal it.

5. Field Page Guide

This page can be found flying around the courtyard west of The Great Hall.

6. Field Page Guide

This page can be found by using Levioso on a statue in the Viaduct Courtyard. To reach it, head up the stairs to the right then go east through the quad. Enter the covered walkway and turn right. The statue will be at the end of the walkway on the right.

7. The Yawning Gargoyle Guide Page

This page can be found in front of a wolf statue howling in the outdoor courtyard west of The Great Hall. Use Revelio to reveal it.

8. Moth Frame Field Page Guide

This page can be obtained from an empty painting riddle which can be found on the stone wall of the outer northern wall. From the Viaduct Courtyard, head north taking the small flight of stairs down then hug the right wall until you reach a set of stairs. The painting will be on the wall at the top.

After you use Lumos, head up the stairs on the left. At the top, take an immediate right and follow along the rail. Take the opening on the left and head straight ahead. When you reach the wall, look left to find the moth.

9. House Point Hourglasses Guide Page

From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north and go through two sets of double doors. Look on the right and use Revelio in front of the hourglasses to reveal the page.

10. Statue Field Page Guide

From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north and go straight through three sets of double doors. Take a right and head down the staircase to find a statue. Use Levioso on it to reveal the page.

11. Hogwarts Crest Guide Page

From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north and go straight through three sets of double doors. Take a right and head down the staircase. At the bottom, use Revelio to find the page in front of the crest.

12. Pear Portrait Guide Page

From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame in The Grand Staircase, head down the spiral staircase decorated with stone leaves. At the bottom, use Revelio on the fruit painting to reveal the page.

13. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

Use Incendio on the dragon brazier, which can be found up the stairs on the northwestern side of the Great Hall on the second level.

14. Flying Guide Page

From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north through all the doors until you reach a staircase leading down. This page can be flying around this area.

15. House-Elf Living Quarter Guide Page

This page can be found southeastern part of the kitchen in front of the stacked barrels. You’ll need to use Revelio to spot it. To reach the kitchen, starting at the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head down the stairs to the southwest. At the bottom head through the hallway and look to the left for a painting of fruit on a door. Pass through the door to reach the kitchen.

16. Kitchen Tables Guide Page

To find this page, use Revelio near the middle of the tables in the kitchen under the Great Hall. To reach the kitchen, starting at the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head down the stairs to the southwest. At the bottom head through the hallway and look to the left for a painting of fruit on a door. Pass through the door to reach the kitchen.

17. Headless Hunt Tapestry Guide Page

This page can be found at the dungeon dance party on the west side of the room by the musical instruments. You’ll need to use Revelio to grab it. To reach the dungeon, start at the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame in the Great Hall. Head up the stairs to your right (east) then make your way to the courtyard. Pass through the doors leading to the entrance hall then take a right (not going up the stairs) heading past the statue of a hog. Take the door on the left heading down the stairs. Pass through the doorway heading into the hallway. Take a left at the T. Continue following along the path looking for a gate on your left. Use Alohomora to open and follow the path to reach the party. If you’ve already been to the party, it will be an empty banquet hall.

18. Flying Field Guide Page

The page can be seen flying around the eastern side of the dungeon dance party room. See 17 above on how to get there.

19. Deathday Party Room Guide Page

This page can be found on the eastern wall of the dungeon dance party. You’ll need to use Revelio to collect it. See 17 above on how to get there.

20. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

This brazier can be found behind a locked gate in the dungeon. Use a fire spell to ignite the brazier allowing you to collect the page. To reach the dungeon, start at the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame in the Great Hall. Head up the stairs to your right (east) then make your way to the courtyard. Pass through the doors leading to the entrance hall then take a right (not going up the stairs) heading past the statue of a hog. Take the door on the left heading down the stairs. Pass through the doorway heading into the hallway. Take a left at the T. Continue following along the path looking for the second gate on your left. Use Alohomora to open it and then look to the right.

21. Black Lake Guide Page

This page can be found in the boathouse at the Boathouse Floo Flame next to a boat in the water. You’ll need to use Revelio to collect it.

22. Dragon Brazier Field Guide Page

This page can be found in the boathouse at the Boathouse Floo Flame by lighting a dragon brazier using a fire spell.

23. Detention Chamber Guide Page

This page can be found behind a locked door in the dungeon. To reach the dungeon, start at the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame in the Great Hall. Head up the stairs to your right (east) then make your way to the courtyard. Pass through the doors leading to the entrance hall then take a right (not going up the stairs) heading past the statue of a hog. Take the door on the left heading down the stairs. Pass through the doorway heading into the hallway. Take a left at the T. Continue following along the path to find a locked door at the end. Use Alohomora Level 2 then head inside. Use Revelio in front of the desk to make the page appear.

24. Underground Harbour Guide Page

This page can be found on the third dock along the right side of the room. You’ll need to use Revelio to make it appear. To reach it, travel to the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame then head down the stairs and follow that path hugging the right wall. At the end of the overhand just before the werewolf statue, there will be a gate on the right leading to the Underground Harbour. Take it to reach the page location.

Demiguise Statues

1. Great Hall Locked Door

This Demiguise Statue can be found in a locked room to the west of the faculty table in the Great Hall.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Hogwarts Revelio Pages

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can find a total of 150 Revelio Pages that give you interesting tidbits about the world around you and fill out the Collections page in your field guide. These Revelio Pages are Field Guide Pages that you can find scattered around the world using the Revelio spell. Below are the pages you can find in Hogwarts! For guides on the locations of the Revelio Pages in the other areas, click here! Please note these pages are listed in the order they appear in the field guide.

Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy

The Astronomy Wing – From the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, travel south down the stairs. At the bottom, use Revelio on the large tapestry to your left to find the page.

Astronomy Telescope

The Astronomy Wing – Use Revelio on the large telescope in the room at the top of the Astronomy Tower. To reach this room, head to the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame then head all the way up the stairs.

Partial Transfiguration

The Astronomy Wing – Use Revelio in the Transfiguration Classroom to find this page.

Portrait of Baruffio

The South Wing – Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head southwest. Just before the stairs, use Revelio on the bull painting to the right to reveal the page.

Broken Broom

The Bell Tower Wing – Use Revelio on the display case next to the door across from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Flattened Armour

The Bell Tower Wing – Use Revelio on the statue next to the door across from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Goblin Artefact

The Bell Tower Wing – Use Revelio on the display case up the stairs diagonally from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Three Sisters Bells

The Bell Tower Wing – Use Revelio in front of the bells next to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Scorch Marks

The Bell Tower Wing – With your back to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up two flights of stairs. Use Revelio on the blank space of wall blocked off next to the musical paintings.

Grimbald Weft

You’ll gather this page during the History of Magic Class side quest.

Frog Choir

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head all the way up the flights of stairs on the southern side of the room. At the top you’ll find a music room. Use Revelio on the podium covered with frogs to get this page.

Waving Knight

You’ll gather this page during the History of Magic Class side quest.

History of Magic Windows

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Bell Tower Courtyard, head up the first flight of stairs to the south and enter the door. Head up the stairs and go through the red doors straight ahead to enter a classroom. Use Revelio on the right side by the stained glass windows to find this page.

Wooden Cat

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head up the stairs to the northeast. Use Revelio on the cat in the glass next to the wooden door.

Black Lake

The Great Hall – This page can be found in the boathouse at the Boathouse Floo Flame next to a boat in the water. You’ll need to use Revelio to collect it.

Underground Harbour

The Great Hall – This page can be found on the third dock along the right side of the room. You’ll need to use Revelio to make it appear. To reach it, travel to the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame then head down the stairs and follow that path hugging the right wall. At the end of the overhand just before the werewolf statue, there will be a gate on the right leading to the Underground Harbour. Take it to reach the page location.

Arithmancy Classroom

The Library Annex – This page can be found in a hidden room behind a puzzle door. From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, head up the small set of stairs to the northwest then follow the wooden walkway. Take the first available right then head to the dead end to find the puzzle door. The solution to this puzzle can be found in the image below.

Central Hall Fountain

The Library Annex – Use Revelio on the water fountain in the center of Central Hall.

Clock Mechanics

The South Wing – From the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, enter the door to the left of the exit to the outdoor area. You’ll need to use Alohomora to unlock it if you haven’t already. Take the stairs all the way up the clock tower until you reach the clockface area. Use Revelio on the gears to reveal the page.

The Well of Four Beasts

The South Wing – This page can be found in the outdoor courtyard south of the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.

Haunted Toilets

The South Wing – To reach this page, travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head southwest to reach some stairs. Head down these stairs and follow the path until you reach a blocked off bathroom. Use Revelio on the door to reveal the page.

Augurey Skeleton

The Astronomy Wing – From the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame, travel south and head down three flights of stairs. Use Revelio on the glass case next to the white couch to receive this page.

Boggart Closet

The Astronomy Wing – From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, head inside the door next to the Floo Flame. Once inside, look west to find a door up a small flight of stairs. Use Alohomora to open this door then head inside. Use Revelio on the cupboard between the stacks of chairs to reveal the page.

Dark Tower Cell

The Astronomy Wing – From the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, head down the stairs and enter the Charms Classroom. Once inside, take the stairs up and use Alohomora Level 1 on the door to open it. In the next room, take the spiral staircase all the way up and exit through the wooden door to reach an outdoor area. Take an immediate left and use Alohomora Level 2 to pick the lock. Use Revelio to spot the page inside.

Hebridean Black Skeleton

The Astronomy Wing – This page can be found in the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom.

Painting of Illyius

The Astronomy Wing – From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, head through the door next the the teleporter. Take a right before the stairs and use Revelio on the painting of the 3 individuals to reveal this page.

Serpentine Beast Window

The Astronomy Wing – From the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame, head down the nearby stairs then go straight ahead, passing a globe and skeleton. Use Revelio in front of the stained glass window to reveal the page.

Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge

The Library Annex – Use Revelio in the Potions Classroom.

Gorgon Portrait

The Library Annex – From the Potions Classroom, head down the nearby stairs to reach the Long Gallery. Follow that hallway to the end bringing you to a room with two display cases with trolls inside. The puzzle door will be on the left. The solution to the puzzle door is below. Head inside after solving the puzzle then use Revelio in front of the painting to make the page appear.

Urn of Ashes

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head through the door on the southern side of the room. Once inside, head down the stairs. Use Revelio on a display case for a dragon urn to find this page.

Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium

This page can be found during the Shadow of the Study quest.

Map of Argyllshire

The South Wing – To reach this page, travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame then head southwest to reach some stairs. Head down the stairs and go straight ahead to find a giant map on the wall ahead.

It will be just past the musical room. Use Revelio on the map to reveal the page.

Boris the Bewildered

The South Wing – From the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, head down the nearby stairs then go straight ahead to find a statue next to some stairs leading down. Use Revelio on this statue to find this page.

Lachlan the Lanky

The South Wing – This page can be found down the stairs diagonally by the above page. Use Revelio on the statue in the nook at the base of the stairs to find it.

Adventure Novel Set

The South Wing – From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, head southwest down the hallway and enter the first door on the right (By Mr. Moon). You’ll need to use Alohomora on this door to open it if you haven’t already. Once inside, head up the stairs until you spot the hot air balloons. Use Alohomora Level 2 to open the door to the right. Head inside and use Revelio on the bookshelf in the bedroom.

Prefects’ Bathroom

The South Wing – This page can be found in the Prefects’ Bathroom, which is down the stairs next to the Hospital Wing Floo Flame and to the left. Use Revelio on the mermaid tapestry on the left to find this page.

Honeydukes Passageway

The Grand Staircase – This page for Honeydukes Passageway can be obtained by using Revelio in front of the large witch statue in a passage off the main staircase.

The easiest way to reach it is to travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in The South Wing. This statue will be diagonally to the north.

Jewel-Encrusted Tortoise Shell

The South Wing – From the Hospital Wing Floo Flame, head down the nearby stairs. At the bottom, head straight across towards the statue then head down that set of stairs until you reach a bookshelf. Next to this bookshelf use Revelio on the encased tortoise shell to reveal the page.

Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance

The Grand Staircase – This page is not accessible until after you reach the headmaster’s office during the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest. Once inside the office, you’ll be able to unlock a door using Alohomora. This door will lead outside. Follow the path up the reach a separate tower. Head inside and loot The Key of Admittance from the chest. Head back down the stairs then exit the headmaster’s office. Head straight across the way and use the key in the locked door.

Take the stairs to the top to enter a room. Use Revelio on the book to reveal the page.

Centaur Armour

The Grand Staircase – This page for Centaur Armour can be found in the hallway that wraps around the Trophy Room Floo Flame.

Use Revelio in front of the encased centaur to find it.

Moving Staircase

The Grand Staircase – From the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame, head down 2 long flights of stairs. On the landing use Revelio near the cat painting to find this page.

Headmaster’s Office Gargoyle

The Grand Staircase – To reach this page, travel to the Trophy Room Floo Flame then follow the hallway southeast to arrive at a locked gate. Use Alohomora to open it then proceed up the stairs and through a long hallway. At the end of the hallway, keep taking the stairs up until you reach a room filled with statues. Take a left heading to the end to find the guide page.

Goblet of Fire Casket

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found in the Trophy Room by using Revelio.

House-Elf Armour

The Grand Staircase – From the Trophy Room Floo Flame, head northeast and go through the room. Use the Revelio spell on the little knight to the right of the knight riding a horse to find this page.

Sleeping Portraits

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found in the headmaster’s office, which you won’t be able to access until the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest.

The Sorting Hat

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found in the headmaster’s office, which you won’t be able to access until the Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial main quest.

Troll Armour

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found in front of the giant knight statue across from the Trophy Room Floo Flame.

To access it, use the Revelio spell.

Trophy Room

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found by using Revelio in the Trophy Room.

The Hogwarts Architect

The Grand Staircase – From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north and go through both sets of double doors. Take an immediate left and use Revelio on the statue at the base of the stairs to find this page.

The Great Hall Ceiling

The Great Hall – This page can be found at the start of the middle aisle in the Great Hall.

Use Revelio to reveal it.

The Yawning Gargoyle

The Great Hall – This page can be found in front of a wolf statue howling in the outdoor courtyard west of The Great Hall.

Use Revelio to reveal it.

Hogwarts Crest

The Great Hall – From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north and go straight through three sets of double doors. Take a right and head down the staircase. At the bottom use Revelio to find the page in front of the crest.

House Point Hourglasses

The Great Hall – From The Great Hall Floo Flame, head north and go through two sets of double doors. Look on the right and use Revelio in front of the hourglasses to reveal the page.

Owl Lectern

The Great Hall – This page can be found at the podium in The Great Hall.

Use Revelio to reveal it.

Greenhouse Tree

The Library Annex – Use Revelio on the giant tree across from the Greenhouses Floo Flame.

Dirigible Plums

The Library Annex – Use Revelio on a tree with yellow fruit in one of the greenhouses.

Bloody Meat

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, head through the double door on the right (south). Take an immediate right and use Alohomora to unlock the door. Use Revelio inside to reveal the page.

Caged Bathtub

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, get on your broom and head south along the rampart. This page can be found in the second to last tower near the Quidditch field.


The Bell Tower Wing – From the Flying Class Lawn Floo Flame in the Bell Tower Wing, head south along the building and pass through the archway. Keep heading straight, passing the moving shrubbery, to find a fountain. Head just past this fountain through the archway and take an immediate left. Use Revelio on the beehives to discover this page.

Castle Ramparts

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Flying Class Lawn Floo Flame, head north through the courtyard and go down the stairs to the left of the archway. Take another set of stairs up that leads to the top of the rampart. Head right to enter the tower on this rampart and use Revelio to find this page.

Hogwarts Owls

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame, head southwest and make your way to the tower on the cliff. Head up the tower and use Revelio by a ladder in the room with all the nooks for owls.

Quidditch Pitch

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, get on your broom and head south along the rampart. Follow the rampart west until you reach the crumbling part of it just before the last tower. Use Revelio on the cliff overlooking the Quidditch Stadium to find the page.

Statue of Gregory the Smarmy

The Library Annex – This statue can be found diagonally from the Potions Classroom Floo Flame.

Unicorn Fountain

The South Wing – Use Revelio on the unicorn statue by the Hospital Wing Floo Flame to reveal this page.

Hufflepuff Barrels

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found in front of the Hufflepuff dormitory entrance.

To reach the Hufflepuff dormitory, travel to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame then head down the spiral staircase encased with a decorative leaf design. You’ll find it at the bottom of the stairs!

Kitchen Tables

The Great Hall – To find this page, use Revelio near the middle of the tables in the kitchen under the Great Hall. To reach the kitchen, starting at the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head down the stairs to the southwest. At the bottom head through the hallway and look to the left for a painting of fruit on a door. Pass through the door to reach the kitchen.

Pear Portrait

The Great Hall – From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame in The Grand Staircase, head down the spiral staircase decorated with stone leaves. At the bottom, use Revelio on the fruit painting to reveal the page.

House-Elf Living Quarters

The Great Hall – This page can be found southeastern part of the kitchen in front of the stacked barrels. You’ll need to use Revelio to spot it. To reach the kitchen, starting at the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head down the stairs to the southwest. At the bottom head through the hallway and look to the left for a painting of fruit on a door. Pass through the door to reach the kitchen.

House-Elf Recipe Book

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found in front of a glass case housing a book down the spiral stairs leading toward the kitchen. To reach it, start at the Grand Staircase Floo Flame and head down the stairs to the southwest. It should be about halfway down.

The Old Librarian

The Bell Tower Wing – Use Revelio under the giant painting on the second level of the library.

Enchanted Books

The Library Annex – This page can be found in the Restricted Section. You’ll come here during the Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest. Use Revelio on a bookshelf across from the mermaid statue on the table.

Palmistry Model

The Library Annex – From the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, head up the winding staircase. At the top, use Revelio on the purple drapes to reveal a ladder. Climb up this ladder to reach a room. Use Revelio to find the page.

Book on Intermediate Transfiguration

This page is obtained during Professor Weasley’s Assignment.

Alchemy Class

The Bell Tower Wing – From The Map Chamber in the Secret Room, head up the nearby stairs to enter the dungeon. At the stop, head straight ahead to another staircase and take it al the way to the top. Exit out the gate then head down the stairs to your left. Go straight ahead and use Alohomora on the locked door surrounded by stacked cauldrons. Use Revelio once inside to reveal this page.

Important Muggle Artefact

The Bell Tower Wing – From The Map Chamber in the Secret Room, head up the nearby stairs to enter the dungeon. At the stop, head straight ahead to another staircase and take it al the way to the top. Exit out the gate then head down the stairs to your left. Go straight ahead and follow the hallway to the left. Use Alohomora on the room to the right before the sleeping dragon statue. Once inside use Revelio on the display case to the left.

Sleeping Dragon Statue

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head through the door on the southern side of the room then head all the way down the stairs. At the base of these stairs, use Revelio on the large dragon statue to find the page.

Sphinx Statue

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame in The Astronomy Wing, head north and enter the first door on the left. Head straight ahead and go up the stairs. Enter the classroom and use Alohomora on the locked door in this room to open it. The statue can be found inside.

Werewolf Saga Tapestries

The Bell Tower Wing – From the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, head southwest up the stairs and go through the wooden door. Immediately take a left and head down those stairs. Enter the door and continue down the stairs. Ahead you’ll spot a giant tapestry with a large K. The K is actually a door!!! (Literally walked by this about 100 times and had no idea!!!) Head through this hidden door and follow the path to reach a room with a bunch of large tapestries. Use Revelio on the smaller version of the one with the hidden door to reveal this page.

Groundskeeper’s Tools

This page is actually not found at Hogwarts and is located at the spot shown in the image below.

Enter the hut and use Revelio to spot the page!

Fat Lady Portrait

The South Wing – From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame in The South Wing, head south and go up the spiral staircase. At the top, follow the path to the large portrait of the woman.

Use Revelio on this painting to find the page.

Ravenclaw Bust

The Grand Staircase – From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head up the stairs northeast of the Floo Flame. About halfway up, you’ll spot a bust to your right. Use Revelio on this bust to reveal the page!

Ravenclaw Doorknocker

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found in front of the Ravenclaw common room entrance, which is at the top of the stairs northwest of the Ravenclaw Tower Floos Flame.

Deathday Party Room

The Great Hall – This page can be found on the eastern wall of the dungeon dance party. You’ll need to use Revelio to collect it. To reach the dungeon, start at the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame in the Great Hall. Head up the stairs to your right (east) then make your way to the courtyard. Pass through the doors leading to the entrance hall then take a right (not going up the stairs) heading past the statue of a hog. Take the door on the left heading down the stairs. Pass through the doorway heading into the hallway. Take a left at the T. Continue following along the path looking for a gate on your left. Use Alohomora to open and follow the path to reach the party. If you’ve already been to the party, it will be an empty banquet hall.

Kelpie Statue

The Grand Staircase – This page can be found if you use Revelio in front of a large kelpie statue.

From the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame, head north down the stairs then take a left and head up those stairs to find the statue at the top.

Slytherin’s Sink

The Great Hall – This page can be found in a bathroom.

To reach this bathroom, travel to the Lower Grand Staircase Floo Flame then head down the stairs and take a right. Follow the path until you reach a set of stairs. The bathroom can be found just before these stairs.

Wyvern Fountain

The Astronomy Wing – Use Revelio on the fountain in the Transfiguration Courtyard to find this page.

Detention Chamber

The Great Hall – This page can be found behind a locked door in the dungeon. To reach the dungeon, start at the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame in the Great Hall. Head up the stairs to your right (east) then make your way to the courtyard. Pass through the doors leading to the entrance hall then take a right (not going up the stairs) heading past the statue of a hog. Take the door on the left heading down the stairs. Pass through the doorway heading into the hallway. Take a left at the T. Continue following along the path to find a locked door at the end. Use Alohomora Level 2 then head inside. Use Revelio in front of the desk to make the page appear.

Headless Hunt Tapestry

The Great Hall – This page can be found at the dungeon dance party on the west side of the room by the musical instruments. You’ll need to use Revelio to grab it. To reach the dungeon, start at the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame in the Great Hall. Head up the stairs to your right (east) then make your way to the courtyard. Pass through the doors leading to the entrance hall then take a right (not going up the stairs) heading past the statue of a hog. Take the door on the left heading down the stairs. Pass through the doorway heading into the hallway. Take a left at the T. Continue following along the path looking for a gate on your left. Use Alohomora to open and follow the path to reach the party. If you’ve already been to the party, it will be an empty banquet hall.

Pungent Passage

The Astronomy Wing – From the West Tower Floo Flame in The Bell Tower Wing, take an immediate left and head down the stairs to reach a hallway with green gas coming up from the floor. Use Revelio on the right side by a portrait of a man to reveal the page.

Portrait of Sir Cadogan

The Library Annex – To reach this guide page, travel to the Central Hall Floo Flame then head up the stairs to the Viaduct Entrance. When you reach the door with statues on both sides, take a right heading up the stairs to the next level. At the top of the stairs, take a right onto a walkway to find the portrait on the left.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Wand Handles from Quests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can collect appearances as rewards from quests. These cosmetic alterations can be applied in the Gear Menu via the Change Appearance option.

Arrow – Black

To obtain this wand appearance, complete the Brother’s Keeper side quest.

Checkerboard – Brown

To obtain this wand handle appearance, complete the Absconder Encounter side quest.

Column – Beige

To obtain this wand handle appearance, complete the E-vase-ive Manoeuvre side quest.

Orbicular – Violet

To obtain this wand appearance, complete the Gobs of Gobstones side quest.

Avian – Grey

To obtain this wand handle appearance, complete the Flying Off the Shelves side quest.

Hogwarts Legacy Logo

Hogwarts Legacy – Wand Handles From Exploration

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can collect 37 appearances from exploring. These cosmetic alterations can be applied in the Gear Menu via the Change Appearance option. Please note that the chests randomly spawn items. We included the chest locations below that spawn wand handles.

Wands From Exploration

Shell – Grey

Shell – Honey Brown

Shell – Metallic

Sabre – Brown

Sabre – Grey

Sabre – Ash Brown

Arrow – Pink Swirl

Basketweave – Black

Basketweave – Blue

Checkerboard – Teal

Corkscrew – Light and Dark Brown

Corkscrew – Brown

Column – Teal and Brown

Column – Dark Brown

Orbicular – Brown

Orbicular – Gold

Swirl – Lilac

Swirl – Dark Grey

Imperial – Brown and Gold

Imperial – Grey and Silver

Celestial – Dark Grey

Botanical – Gold Leaf

Botanical – Bronze Leaf

Botanical – Silver Leaf

Avian – Beige

Chest Locations

Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flames location in The South Wing. Head south down the hall and go down the first flight of stairs.

At the base of these stairs on the landing, interact with the frog statue to enter a hidden room. Loot the chest inside this room to receive a wand handle.

Hogwarts Legacy Logo

Hogwarts Legacy – Gobs of Gobstones

by NightlyGamingBinge in

This side quest becomes available during the Attend Your First Day At Hogwarts main quest while doing your first assignment for Professor Ronen. Make your way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower in the Astronomy Wing to find Zenobia Noke standing near a statue. Speak with her to learn her Gobstones were stolen and hidden around the grounds. After agreeing to help her, Zenobia will say that her 6 Gobstones can be found on high hard-to-reach areas around the school ground.

Gobstone Locations

The Astronomy Wing – Transfiguration Courtyard

This Gobstone can be found on the roof of a walkway along the eastern side of the courtyard near the Floo Flame. Use the Accio spell to nab it.

The Library Annex – Divination Classroom

This Gobstone can be found in a cannelure hanging in the stairwell across from the ladder leading up to the Divination Classroom. Use Accio on the stone to collect it.

The Library Annex – Divination Classroom

From the Floo Flame, head through the doorway on the right. You can find the Gobstone resting on a rafter. Use Accio to collect it.

The Grand Staircase – Ravenclaw Tower

Travel to Ravenclaw Tower in the Grand Staircase to find this Gobstone on a high ledge in the same hallway as the Floo Flame.

The Grand Staircase – Trophy Room

When you reach the Trophy Room, this Gobtsone can be found high up on a ledge above a window across from the Floo Flame.

The Grand Staircase – Trophy Room

This Gobstone can be found on a shelf along the northern wall in the trophy room.


Once you’ve collected them all, return to Zenobia. You have the option of giving her the Gobstones or keeping them. If you hand them over, she won’t learn her lesson and runs off to play with her classmates in the common room again. If you don’t hand them over, she’ll of course be mad at you. Either way you’ll receive the Orbicular-Violet wand handle.