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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the A Greener Spino Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the A Greener Spino quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Greener Spino quest.

How to Start the A Greener Spino Quest

Map of where to start the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

To start this quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach Forest Land. In addition to that, you’ll also need to have completed quite a few of the Spino quests to add new citizens and grow the town.

After doing that, speak with Eo near Vulture Nest in Spino who will tell the party that he wishes there was more green. Eo will elaborate furthering saying that he wants to make Spino lush with greenery similar to Forest Land.

To do this, he’ll ask that the group travel to Kentaur and speak with his acquaintance named Choux who can help out.

A Greener Spino Quest Walkthrough

Visit Choux in Forest Land’s Kentaur

Map of where to find Kentaur during the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino setting out for Kentaur in Forest Land. It is located in the northwestern corner of the Bahns Region. Once you arrive, head to the northwestern part of the town to find Choux. Speak with her to ask the lady about plants.

After Rao clears things up, she said she would love to see how plants grow in the desert but can’t leave just yet. A junker has taken to asking her for money and she wouldn’t feel right leaving until she knows he can make it on his own. The group decides to help out by looking into this young man to make sure he isn’t up to something nefarious!

Visit the Junker in Sagitta Camp

Map of where to find the Sagitta Camp during the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

You can find Sagitta Camp southeast of Kentaur and south of the Vender Radio Tower. Once you arrive, speak with the Junker to learn that Choux was the one who borrowed money from the Junker and he’s asking about money to collect on the interest that she owes him. He’ll then say if you can pay off the debt, she’s free to go. He needs 10,000 Zeni and that’s after knocking off the interest.

After getting the number, you have the option to have him lower it a bit. If you choose this option, then he’ll forgive the debt if you take on a job for him. The job request you to take out some Wannabe Junkers to take the parts they are hoarding. They can be found in the Big Junkyard.

Head for the Big Junkyard / Reclaim the Stolen Scrap

Map of where to find the Big Junkyard during the A Greener Spino in Sand Land

Travel east from the Sagitta Camp to reach the Big Junkyard. After arriving, head inside then work your way through the junkyard defeating the enemies as you go.

area of where to find the stolen scrap during the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

When you reach the area with the wooden watch tower in the middle, the stolen scarp can be found nearby on top of a pallet of wooden boxes.

Give the Junk to the Junkers

Now that you have the stolen scrap, return to the Sagitta Camp and speak with the Junker to hand them over. This will wipe out Croux’s debt.

Report to Choux

Now that all the leg work is done, head back to Kentaur and let Choux know that her debt has been forgiven. This will complete the quest rewarding you with 1,250z and 5mm Gatling Gun for the Battle Armor.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Cave Cobra Cull Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Cave Cobra Cull quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Cave Cobra Cull quest.

How to Start the Cave Cobra Cull Quest

Map of where to start the Cave Cobra Cull quest in Sand Land

To start the Cave Cobra Cull quest, you’ll first need to progress through the game until you complete the main story quest, To Trikke, Pronto! Once that is done, travel to Terigino in the Gahlet Region of Sand Land and speak with Kotetsu there. He’ll tell the crew that he’s part of the Spades and ask if they need his services. He’ll then say there are so many Cobras in the caves that it hurts their business. Kotetsu will then request the party to clear them out in exchange for some upgrade materials.

Cave Cobra Cull Quest Walkthrough

Defeat the Cave Cobras

Path with the cobras during the Cave Cobra Cull quest in Sand Land

To reach the cobras, follow the road north from Terigino. They will be located on both sides of the road. You’ll need to take out 10 of them to satisfy the objective. Once that’s done, return to Kotetsu to let him know that the job is done. After some dialog, the quest will be completed. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,150z and 3 Quality Cobra Alloy.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Top-Secret Mission Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Top-Secret Mission quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Top-Secret Mission quest.

How to Start the Top-Secret Mission Quest

Map of where to start the Top-Secret Mission quest mission in Sand Land

To start the Top-Secret Mission quest, you’ll need to progress the story until you reach the Counteroffensive! main quest. In addition, you’ll need to have done most of the Spino quests up to this point. Once you’ve completed that, travel to Spino and speak with Hugh in the center of town. He’ll say he’s waiting on Plica and mentions they are planning a top-secret mission. Belz will like the sound of that then ask if he can be a part of it, too! Pilca will then arrive and agree to let Belz in on it if he can keep a secret. The mission is to secretly rebuild Mayor Tors house which the mayor overhears. After entering the conversation, they decide to spruce up the whole town!

Top-Secret Mission Quest Walkthrough

Talk to Halvar

To kick off the not-so-secret top-secret mission, head to the Great Deal shop sand speak with Halvar there. He’ll agree to handle the materials but requests that the party retrieve the fang of a Greater Desert Crocodile. He’ll even point you to the Genji Dragon’s Den by the quicksand to find some.

Obtain a Tooth From a Greater Desert Crocodile

Map of where to find Greater Desert Crocodiles during the Top-Secret Mission in Sand Land

Leave Spino traveling to the Legendary Spring located at the Wapho region in the southeastern corner of Sand Land. From there, you’ll be able to find a Greater Desert Crocodile to the west or northwest. After you’ve located and defeated one of the crocs, you’ll obtain the tooth!

Deliver the Greater Desert Crocodile Tooth to Halvar

Make your way back to Spino and head for the Great Deal. Speak with Halvar to hand over the tooth to trigger a cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 2,000z and a Uniride Frame.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Well Well Well Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Well Well Well quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Well Well Well quest.

How to Start the Well Well Well Quest

Map of where to start the Well Well Well quest in Sand Land

To start this quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach Forest Land. In addition to that, you’ll also need to have completed quite a few of the Spino quests to add new citizens and grow the town. After doing that, speak with Reya and Chiffonay in the middle of Spino. Belz we’ll ask them what’s going on and he’ll respond that something happened to the well turning the water a muddy red color leading Reya to call it cursed. Rao will correct them both by saying that it’s actually rust which can be fixed with some rust remover.

Well Well Well Quest Walkthrough

Ask Pollock About Rust Remover

Make your way over to the garage and speak with Pollock there about the Rust Remover. He’ll say he has some, but not enough to clear up a whole well. Pollock will then suggest checking out the Hidden Cliff Village if more is required. A peddler can be found there who takes last minute orders for the stuff.

Visit the Peddler in Hidden Cliff Village

Map of the Hidden Cliff Village during the Well Well Well quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino then travel south to the Hidden Cliff Village in the Maphin Region southwest of the Explosion Site. The Peddler we are looking for can be found next to the Water Supply Point near the town’s entrance. Speak with him to inquire about purchasing some Rust Remover. Rao will tell him that 100 bottles should do the trick. The Peddler will then say he doesn’t have that much on him and will instead send the party to the Forest Land Capital in search of Renj.

Visit Renj in Forest Land’s Capital

Map of the Forest Capital during the Well Well Well quest in Sand Land

Travel to Forest Land then head for the Capital. It can be found in the northeastern section of Forest Land near the center of the Rohti Region. Once you reach the city, head inside and follow the main road north. Renj will be on the right side of the road just before the courtyard with the steps leading up to the capital.

Ares location of Renj during the Well Well Well quest in Sand Land

Speak with him to make your request. He’ll then say he doesn’t have enough materials to make that much cleaner to which Rao will offer the party’s assistance to collect them. Renj will then tell you he needs 15 vials of Sand Land Scorpion venom and 10 vials of Cave Cobra venom. If you have the materials already, then you can just hand them over. If not, then luckily Thief knows where we can find some. Mainly the area south of the Merrick Battleship for Scorpions and the Cobras can be found inside ruins.

Give the Ingredients for the Rust Remover to Renj

Once you have all of the materials, bring them back to Renj to hand them over. He’ll make all the cleaner we need and keep the leftover venom as payment.

Deliver the Rust Remover to Chiffonay

Head back to Spino and speak with Chiffonay to deliver the Rust Remover. This will trigger a cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,200z and a 37mm Light Mortar for the Jump-bot.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Finding Dad Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Finding Dad quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Finding Dad quest.

How to Start the Finding Dad Quest

Map of where to start the Finding Dad quest in Sand Land

To start the Finding Dad quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach Forest Land. In addition to that, you’ll also need to have completed quite a few of the Spino quests to add new citizens and grow the town. After doing that, speak with Phob in Spino who can be found crying near Mos. Belz will ask what set the crybaby off to which Moz will say he told him that his dad was kidnapped by Zeu’s elite guard! Upon inquiring further, Phob will say he was last seen being taken to Napps Base. Rao assures the boy that they’ll save his father!

Finding Dad Quest Walkthrough

Head for Napps Base

Map of the Napps Base during the Finding Dad quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino setting out for Talbo northwest of Spino. When you get, there head east from the city to reach the Napps Base.

Defeat Zeu’s Guard / Guard Members in the Base

entrance of the Napps Base during the Finding Dad quest in Sand Land

As you approach the base, the group will spot Zeu’s Guard near the entrance. After a brief conversation, the group decided to show them that things have changed… with force! Take out the guards gearing the entrance of the base then head inside and deal with the rest.

Rescue Reus

Reus Location in the Napps Base during the Finding Dad quest in Sand Land

Once all of the hostiles have been taken care of, head to the second green warehouse and blow the doors off with your tank. Head inside and exit your tank then speak with Reus to escort him back to Spino. This will trigger a cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,350z and a 5mm Burst Machine Gun+ for your tank.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Mushroom Dye Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Mushroom Dye quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Mushroom Dye quest.

How to Start the Mushroom Dye Quest

Map of where to start the Mushroom Dye quest in Sand Land

To start the Mushroom Dye quest, you’ll need to progress in the game until you reach Forest Land and complete the Sunken Battleship main quest. Once you’ve done that, head to Junker Market: Rianda in the Bsiquest Region of Forest Land and speak with Banko there. Belz will comment about how awesome and flashy his outfit looks. He’ll then reply that the dye for his outfit is made out of a kind of mushroom that only grows in the Stard Ruins. He’ll then offer to teach Belz the recipe for the dye if he collects the needed mushrooms.

Mushroom Dye Quest Walkthrough

Search for Leopard Mushrooms in Stard Ruins

Map of where to find the Stard Ruins during the Mushroom Dye quest in Sand Land

Exit the Junker Market and set out for the Stard Ruins located northwest of the market. You’ll need to head north from town, crossing the long bridge then follow the road west. It will then be south of the road on an off-beaten path. Head inside. then work your way through the ruins. To locate the mushroom, you’ll need to cross a long stone bridge and then use your hopper to jump up some make-shift rock stairs.

area with the mushrooms during the Mushroom Dye quest in Sand Land

Once you reach the top, you should spot the mushroom growing next to a tree on a circular rock platform. Use your hopper to reach it and collect the mushroom.

Give the Leopard Mushrooms to Banko

Exit the ruins and travel back to Rianda. Speak with Banko to let him know you have the mushroom. He’ll then give you the recipe.

Give the Recipe to Shion

Now that we have the recipe for the new dye, travel back to Spino in Sand Land and speak with Shion. He’ll add the new color to his store completing the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,250z and 30 Dye.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Product Plenitude Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Product Plenitude quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Product Plenitude quest.

How to Start the Product Plenitude Quest

Map of where to start the Product Plenitude quest in Sand Land

To start the Product Plenitude quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach the Joining Forces main quest. In addition, you’ll need to have completed a few of the other Spino quests. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Ades in the Desert Market. She’ll ask Belz about her wares saying that she is dying to know if people are satisfied with her shop’s products. He’ll tell her that it’s not bad and that maybe offering more variety would be nice. She agrees and says that the only time she got new stuff was when a merchant from Forest Land came by. Rao will inquire more about this merchant kicking off the quest.

Product Plenitude Quest Walkthrough

Ask Around Hidden Cliff Village About Trading

Map of where to find the Serpe Camp during the Product Plenitude quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino and travel to Hidden Cliff Village which is located in the Maphin Region in the southwestern part of Sand Land, just south of the Explosion Site. Stop at the Serpe Camp just outside of the village to find the merchant Kaid standing near the ladder leading up to the town. Speak with him to learn that the route through to Sand Land has been over taken by the Kraken preventing merchants from “procuring” goods from Forest Land.

Defeat the Kraken

Map of where to find the Cardamo Ruins during the Product Plenitude quest in Sand Land

Now that we know that Kraken is preventing merchants from getting their wares from Forest Land, travel south from the Hidden Cliff Village and enter the Cardamo Ruins. After you arrive, you’ll notice that the water level hasn’t changed since your last visit during the main story. This will allow you to pass straight through the ruins to reach the Kraken at the end. When you arrive in its chamber, the fight will begin. The mechanics are the same as last time you fought it, but it will be a bit stronger.

Report to Kaid in the Hidden Cliff Village

Once the Kraken has been bested, exit the ruins then return to Kaid at the Serpe Camp outside the Hidden Cliff Village. Speak with him to let the merchant know that the Kraken has been dealt with. This will complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with 1,250z. In addition, new items will be available in the Spino Item Shop.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Face Your Fears Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Face Your Fears quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Face Your Fears quest.

How to Start the Face Your Fears Quest

Map of where to start the Face Your Fears quest in Sand Land

To start the Face Your Fears quest, you must progress the main story until you reach the To Forest! main quest and have completed quite a few of the other Spino quests. After doing that, speak with Shion at Good Feel Paint in Spino. He’ll ask Belz if the fiend can turn into a human to which the price will respond no, but other fiends can. This of course freaks Shion out saying anyone could be a fiend. Rao then suggests that he may devise a way to tell real humans from the fiends.

Face Your Fears Quest Walkthrough

Head for the Demon Village

Map of the Demon Village during the Face Your Fears quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino traveling to the Demon Village in the Hotake Region which is located in the northcentral part of Sand Land. Once you get there enter the village to get some dialog from Belz.

Talk to Phantom

picture of Phantom in the Demon Village during the Face Your Fears quest in Sand Land

Follow the path leading northwest through town to reach Phantom who will be hovering in a circular courtyard near Centaur and Gargoyle. Speak with him to ask about transforming then say you need them to go to Spino. Spook standing next to him will demand to go because it sounds fun. Belz then suggests they have a transform-off to decide the winner. Before this can happen, the pair sends Belz out to get some herbs to help them stay out in the sunlight.

Collect Ingredients for the Special Medicine

Map of where to find the herbs for Phantom and Spook during the Face Your Fears quest in Sand Land

To have the transform-off, Belz will need to gather a Sunshade Herb and some Shadow Grass. They can be found in caves to the west and east of the N. Frontier Radio Tower which is northwest of Demon Village.

Deliver the Ingredients to Phantom and Spook

Once you have both of the herbs, return to the Demon Village and bring them to Phantom and Spook. After seeing both of their transformations, Thief decides it would be best to let Shion decide the winner.

Bring Phantom and Spootk to Shion

Return to Spino then travel to Shion and speak with him. This will trigger an event that leads to the completion of the quest. Both Phantom and Spook decide to stay in Spino for the time being to learn how to sound more human. You’ll also be rewarded with 1,200z and 50 Dye.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Fortune Teller’s Fate Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Fortune Teller’s Fate quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Fortune Teller’s Fate quest.

How to Start the Fortune Teller’s Fate Quest

Map of where to start the Fortune Teller's Fate quest in Sand Land

To start the Fortune Teller’s Fate quest, you must progress the main story until you reach the To Forest! main quest and have completed quite a few of the other Spino quests. After doing that, speak with Plica near Mayor Tor’s house in Spino. She’ll tell Belz that she’s practicing sand fortune-telling then read his fortune. It says that he’ll fight his dad and emerge victorious which the fiend prince is sceptical of. After some more dialog, Belz will come up with the idea that if he can predict his dad’s mood, then he’d never get told off again. Rao then comes up with the idea of inviting a skilled fortune teller to come live in Spino.

Fortune Teller’s Fate Quest Walkthrough

Find the Fortune Teller in the Royal Capital

Map of where to find the Royal Capital during the Fortune Teller's Fate quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino and travel to the Royal Capital located in the Gahlet Region on the eastern part of Sand Land. Once you arrive, follow the path north through the middle of the capital until you pass through the doorway at the end leading to an open courtyard just before the palace.

area image of Ace in the Captial during the Sand Land Fortune Teller's Fate quest

Look to the right to spot a girl named Ace. Speak with her to be offered a psychic reading that she can guarantee because she’s in a bit of a slump. To remedy this, Belz and Rao will invite her to stay in Spino.

Tell Pilca You’ve Brought a Fortune Teller

Travel back to Spino then speak with Pilca to let her know about Ace (who will be standing next to her). Rao will then tell Ace to read Belz fortune while muttering to Belz that regardless of the prediction, he can make it come true. They then ask Ace about the results of an upcoming race to which she replies he’ll be victorious in the Wasteland Special Jump Race.

Take on the Wastelands Special Jump Race

Map of where to find the Jump Race Reg: Wastes location during the Fortune Teller's Fate quest in Sand Land

The race you’ll need to enter is located at the Jump Race Reg: Wastes track in the Chapa Region which is located in the northeastern corner of Sand Land, just west of Junker Market: Merrick. Speak with Lanta there then select “Join Race” and “Wasteland Special Jump Race” (you’ll need a Hopper to participate). Complete the challenge within 1:30:00 to come in first place.

Report Your Race Results to Ace

Head back to Spino and speak with Ace to let her know that you were the winner! This will trigger a cutscene where Ace officially moves to Spino and the quest will be completed. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,300z and an Armored Thruster for the Hovercar.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Logo

Trails Through Daybreak | Chapter 2 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 2: Bright Star of the Dazzling City walkthrough. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you’ll need to know about Chapter 2 of the latest Legend of Heroes game! At the top of the guide, you’ll find quick links to each section if you’re looking for something specific. Otherwise, the guide is broken out based on each area you’ll travel to and the things you can do there.

September 19th

Trails through Daybreak Chapter 2 Walkthrough for September 19th

When you gain control at the start of Chapter 2, exit the building to trigger a cutscene during which you’ll visit Victor. Afterwards, make your way over to Siete Florist and purchase the Silver Vase for 1000 mira. This is a gift for Elaine! In addition, make sure to purchase Tyrell Times Issue 3 from Melrose Newspapers & Tobacco for 100 mira. While you’re in Old Town, make sure to also stop in at the hot spring and bathe.

Once you’re ready to proceed with the story, interact with the bulletin board to add Blacking Out Blackmail to the To-Do List. During the conversation, you’ll learn about Semi-Required 4SPG quests and Connection Events.

After interacting with the bulletin board, travel to Riverside and interact with the bulletin board there to get the Missing Sister quest.

Next, travel to Station Street. Head on over to Iota Workshop Counter and purchase the Wall Arts Driver for 3200 mira. If you need to upgrade gear and/or stock up on items, make your way over to the Weston Department Store. Otherwise, make a beeline for the Bracer’s Guild and head inside to trigger a cutscene.

When the cutscene concludes, travel to the Tyrell District. Make your way to Stuart Bookstore and purchase the Soul Chef: Samosa recipe and Walking Edith gift. The gift is for Feri! When you’re ready to progress the story, move to the eastern part of the district where a cutscene will trigger. During the cutscene, you’ll pick up the Bounty in the Waterworks quest.

When you’re ready to progress, travel to the Seiden District, which will force the main story to advance. You will not be able to freely explore for awhile so make sure you’ve done everything in Edith that you wanted! After the cutscene, you’ll emerge in Seiden Waterworks.

Blacking Out Blackmail

Travel to the Tyrell District and follow the path south to the southern building where you’ll find a restaurant. Head inside and move up to the second floor. Speak with the man named Jess sitting by himself at a table. After he gives you the details, you’ll be able to officially accept the quest. Next, you’ll need to search Giacomo’s hideouts. The first one can be found in Station Street. Enter the Underground Ruins then head to the hideout in the northern part of the area. Check the candle, section of floor and a wall. The wall is what you’ll need to progress!

Blacking out Blackmail Trails Through Daybreak

The second hideout can be found in Riverside. Enter the Underground Maintenance Tunnel then head to the hideout in the middle of the area. Interact with the posters on the wall.

Next, travel to Gordon’s Tacos in Riverside and select “Horizon”. Head across the street to the apartment complex and approach the building to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, return to Jess in the Tyrell District to complete the Blacking Out Blackmail quest.

Missing Sister

For the Missing Sister quest, travel to Cafe & Bar Bermotti in Riverside and speak with the guy wearing a suit who is sitting at a patio table outside to meet Jonas.

Jonas sitting at a table in front of Cafe & Bar Bermotti during Missing Sister in Trails Through Daybreak

After getting the details, officially accept the quest and you’ll get a Topic! Travel back to Tyrell District and speak with the guy standing across the monument to put the Topic to use!

Trails Through Daybreak Missing Sister

Afterwards, enter the nearby McMillan Cafe and speak with the server Lucia using the Topic. You’ll then need to travel to the Orbal Cafe Iota on Station Street. Head up to the second floor and speak with Ilhan behind the counter using the Topic. After the conversation, sit at the couch. You’ll then need to make a choice to hand him over to the police or blackmail him. If you select to hand him over to the police, you’ll gain additional Law.

Connection Events

By doing all of the optional 4SPG’s you’ll earn an extra free time slot. Go to the To-Do List then the Connections tab. There will be three available:

  • The Object of Agnes Search
  • Ferida’s New Life
  • Montmart Shopping

Seiden Waterworks

Seiden Waterworks Chests

Locations of all the chests in Seiden Waterworks in Trails Through Daybreak
  • Force Emblem – Crit+3% – Prevents Stat Down (75%)
  • EP Charge III – Restores 300 EP
  • Curia Balm x3 & S-Tablet x3
  • Sepith Mass x200
  • Celestial Balm – Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
  • Citrine Ring – HP+150 – Grants ATS (S) when HP is low

Seiden Waterworks Enemy Data

  • Rozu
  • Al-Billgasso
  • Injans Launa
  • Mother Billgasso

Work your way to the southeastern corner of the Seiden Waterworks where you’ll find a Charging Station. After making use of the station, enter the room to encounter the Level 17 Southern Octo, which is weak to Earth and Wind. Be careful of this boss as it inflicts Rot and boosts itself when its health gets low! Right after defeating Southern Octo, you’ll be thrown into another boss fight against Level 18 Phantom Thief Grimcat.

Phantom Thief Grimcat

She’s not weak to any elements and cannot be instant killed by a Deathblow effect. You won’t have to fully kill her you’ll just need to take her down to about half health to trigger a cutscene during which she’ll run away.

Fun quote from Van - "Do your worst, toots."


After the lengthy cutscene, you’ll be able to explore Edith at night. Exit the building to trigger a cutscene with Hermes. Afterwards, make your way to Riverside and speak with Shino at Shino’s Bar to pick up the What Once Was Lost 4SPG quest. Make sure to go to the movie theater in the Tyrell District, watch a movie and buy the pamphlet as you’ll need it for a trophy! In addition there are some Connection Events that you can choose from!

Once you’re ready to progress the main story, interact with Van’s desk to end the nighttime activities.

What Once Was Lost

Shino in Trails through Daybreak

After your conversation with Shino, you’ll receive a new Topic. Make your way over to the Blue Score Concert Hall and speak with the Ticket Clerk using the Topic.

Blue Score in Trails Through Daybreak

Afterwards, travel to Tyrell District and make your way to Esprit Cinema. Speak with the Receptionist Polecca using the Topic. Next, exit the building and head to the Metro on the northwestern side of the area to enter the subway. A cutscene will trigger with a Man in Suit. You’ll need to decide whether to “Talk Him Out of It” or “Pretend to Abandon Him”. If you talk him out of it, you’ll get Law ++ and Chaos +. If you pretend to abandon him, you’ll get Law + and Chaos ++. After the conversation, the What Once Was Lost quest will complete.

Connection Events

Unfortunately, you’ll only have time to pick between one of the following so select whoever you’d like to spend time with!

  • Cafe Break Time
  • A Cinephile’s Duty

September 20th

Maxim in Trails Through Daybreak

During the cutscene, you’ll race Maxim and will need to make several choices:

  • Maintain Speed
  • Wait for the Right Moment


When you arrive at Langport – Eastern Quarter, follow the street and stop by the bulletin board to receive the Special Delivery quest! A little further down you’ll find the Da’antang Antiques & Exchange. Speak with the seller then head south and swing around the path to the right, heading west. Enter Bar Gambit to meet some new people during a cutscene. You’ll also receive the Tour de Force quest.

While in Langport – Eastern Quarter, make sure to stop in at Langport Eastern Theater and purchase the Rosewood Fountain Pen for 2000 mira, which is a gift for Dingo. Also, make your way over to Baogui Books & Souvenirs and purchase Soul Chef: Citrus Tea recipe for 1000 mira.

Now that you’ve done everything here, start the Special Delivery quest and complete the Tour De Force quest! Afterwards, make your way to Langport – New Town.

Special Delivery

Special Delivery in Trails Through Daybreak

Speak with the old lady sitting on a bench across from La-Kau’s Health Foods in the southern part of the area to learn the details of the quest. After you accept the quest, you’ll immediately be treated to a cutscene with Neil. You’ll now have to wait to continue with this quest until you reach Langport – New Town!

Tour de Force

Head to the southwestern corner of Langport – Eastern Quarter and speak with Ferryman Shou on the dock.

Tour De Force in Trails Through Daybreak

Afterwards, interact with the boat to officially accept the quest and travel to the Eroded Cave. Make your way through the area on your tour. At the end, you’ll face a Level 20 Grime Crab that is weak to Earth and Wind arts. Its attack can hit multiple party members if they are grouped up so keep your party spread out. After taking down the boss, the quest will complete. As a reward for completing the Tour de Force, you’ll receive 2500 mira and 4 SP.

Eroded Cave

Eroded Cave Chests

Locations of Eroded Cave Chests in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 2
  • Fear (Quartz)
  • Sepith Mass x250
  • Yellow Pendulum – DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Seal/Mute (75%)
  • Each Sepith x300
  • EP Cut 2 – Arts EP cost – 20%
  • EP Charge II – Restores 300 EP
  • Curia Balm x3 / S-Tablet x3
  • Pearl Bracelet – STR+10 – Prevents Seal (90%)

Eroded Cave Enemy Data

  • Slimy Jelly
  • Migrating Crustacean
  • Omegacean

Langport – New Town

When you arrive at Langport – New Town, a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, make your way over to Ziyao Accessories in the Kowloon Department Store and purchase the Amber Tie Pin for 2000 mira. This is a gift for Kincaid! Now would also be a great time to continue the Special Delivery quest.

When you’re ready to progress the story, interact with the bulletin board to receive the Substitute Sensei and In a Foreign Land quests. After completing these quest, make your way to the Messeldam Trading Company on the east side of Langport – New Town. When you approach the building, a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, you’ll need to travel to the Harbor District.

Special Delivery (Cont.)

After arriving in Langport – New Town, make your way to the park on the eastern side to trigger a cutscene. You’ll then need to decide whether you want to persuade them or fight them. If you persuade them, you’ll receive 3 Shining Almond Tofu and the Special Delivery quest will complete! As a reward for completing the quest, you’ll receive 2500 mira!

Substitue Sensei

Travel to the western part of Langport – New Town to find an old man in the grass near the water. Speak with Old Man Wang to officially accept the quest!

Old Man Wang in Substitute Sensei

Next, enter the Bracer Guild by the map transition to the Harbor District and speak with Bracer Xioling next to the bulletin board.

Bracer Xiaoling

Afterwards, return to the park where you found the old man and speak with him again. You’ll then need to answer questions. You’ll find the correct answers below!

  • Thrust Both Palms
  • Swing Right Arm Upward
  • Strike with Elbow
  • Extend Left Leg
  • Palm Heel to Hand Slice

When the cutscene completes, the Substitute Sensei quest will complete. You’ll receive 2 SP for answering the questions correctly and 2000 mira.

In a Foreign Land

For the In a Foreign Land quest, head to the southeastern corner of the area and enter the Kowloon Hotel. Speak with Caroline, who can be found sitting at a table, to officially accept the quest.

In a Foreign Land in Trails Through Daybreak

Upon accepting the quest, you’ll immediately start with a cutscene. Afterwards, enter the theater to your left.

Eastern Theater

You’ll then need to exit the building and head left down the main road. Another cutscene will trigger then you’ll need to visit the following:

  • Jiafei’s Curios & Sundries
  • Baogui Books & Souvenirs
  • La-Kau’s Health Foods

Next, your destination will be Bar Gambit! Make your way over there to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head up the road to the acupuncture treatment building. Now that your sightseeing journey has come to its end, so will the In a Foreign Land quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 2500 mira.

Langport – Harbor District

When you approach the Harbor District map transition, you’ll receive notification that visiting the docks will cause the main story to advance. When you’re ready to do so, proceed! During the cutscene, you’ll encounter a fight against 5 enemies:

  • Gangster – Machete x2
  • Gangster – Nail Bat
  • Gangster – Gun x2

After the fight, Aaron will show up to save the day! You’ll then have to fight him, too! This time, however, the fight will be one on one. You’ll only be able to use Van! Once you reduce his health just under half, the fight will end and the cutscene will return. During this cutscene, you’ll receive the Pair of Jokers quest.

Langport – Eastern Quarter

For the Pair of Jokers quest, speak with Poisson behind the bar using the Topic. Next, speak with Halle by the bar to get some extra dialog. Afterwards, exit the bar and follow the road north. Take the next left then speak with Doctor Longkai in Longkai Clinic using the Topic. When the conversation concludes, make your way to the center of the area and speak with Jigen at Da’antang Antiques & Exchange shop using the Topic. Follow the lead north to speak with Syd in front of the Eastern Theater using the Topic.

Langport – Harbor District

Before traveling to Langport – New Town to continue with the Pair of Jokers, make your way over to the Harbor District and speak with Elaine in the southern part of the area for a special event.

Langport – New Town

When you’re ready, travel to the Langport – New Town to continue learning more about the Topic. First, head to the eastern side and speak with Dart who is sitting on the bench across from the Messeldam Trading Company using the Topic. Select “Police Officer”. Hotel Kowloon is up next! Head inside and speak with Receptionist Humin behind the counter. Next, head to the park on the western side of the area to trigger a cutscene.

Langport – Eastern Quarter

With your tour concluded, travel to the Eastern Quarter and speak with Jack and Halle in Gambit Bar. Jack will give you the run down of all the signals and their meanings! When you’re ready to end the nighttime activities, agree to begin the match.

  • Fold
  • Discard the Jack

After you win, a fight will trigger against Jaeger Dropout – Stun Rod and Jaeger Dropout – Gun. Take them out then you’ll need to make a decision to hand them over to the Guild (Law++), the Police (Gray++) or Heiyue (Chaos++). Since you answered everything correctly, you should receive 2 SP and the Pair of Jokers quest will complete!

After the cutscene, you’ll find yourself in a fight against 3 Grappler Dobers and 4 Packard-360R. The Grappler Dobers are weak to water and earth while the Packard-360R are weak to fire and water.

September 21st


At the start of this day, you’ll need to track down Almata and Aaron! In the Eastern Quarter, travel to Gambit Bar to find Jack and speak with him. Next, head to the clinic up the road to the north and enter the back room to encounter Dr. Longkai.

After the cutscene, travel to New Town and head for the Hotel Kowloon in the southeastern part of the area. Inside speak with Ashen near the counter. Afterwards, head north to the Messeldam Trading Company. When you arrive, a cutscene will trigger!

Next up, you’ll need to head back to Gambit Bar in the Eastern Quarter. Speak with Jack and Halle inside.

Afterwards, you’ll need to travel to the Harbor District. Once there, head to the Harbor District Storehouse and select “Investigate”. You’ll then find yourself in the Harbor District Storehouse.

Harbor District Storehouse

Trails Through Daybreak Van quote "Whoop his ass."

Once inside the Harbor District Storehouse, you’ll need to work your way through the area. At the end, you’ll find Level 21 Aaron. During the fight, he’ll use his S-Craft a lot and it does a lot of damage to your party. Make sure to save up Agnes’ S-Craft so you can quickly heal! After you take him out, you’ll meet Viola and Alexandre. They’ll make their escape and a long cutscene will trigger.

Harbor District Storehouse Chests

Harbor District Storehouse Chests
  • Teara Balm – Restores 1500 HP
  • Leather Watch – SPD+3 – Prevents Slow/Delay (75%)
  • Soldier’s Medal – Crit+6% – Prevents Stat Down (90%)
  • Burn – Quartz
  • Airy Verse – Quartz
  • Celestial Balm – Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
  • EP Charge II – Restores 300 EP

Harbor District Storehouse Enemy Data

  • Packard-360R
  • Grappler Dober
  • Hungry Bug MF-LB
  • Aaron

Langport – Eastern Quarter

Once in the Eastern Quarter, make your way over to the Eastern Theater and speak with Manager Hairen. He’ll want us to find spring lilies for him. While you’re here, interact with the bulletin board to acquire the Tour de Force 2 quest (see below). You’ll need to defeat the Ghastly Djinn from the Tour de Force 2 quest in order to reach the flowers at Manager Hairen is looking for!

Spring Lilies in Trails Through Daybreak

Once you’ve acquired the flowers, return to Manager Hairen to hand them over. As a reward, you’ll receive 4 Purifying Spices.

Tour de Force 2

For this quest, head to the southwestern part of the area and speak with Ferryman Shou to learn that there is another monster that needs to be taken care of. Travel to the Eroded Cave in search of this monster. The tide will have receded, opening up a new route that contains some new chests! Explore this route until you reach the end where you’ll find a fearsome monster.

Tour de Force 2 boss called Ghastly Djinn

Approach it and select “Exterminate” to trigger a fight against the Level 21 Ghastly Djinn. It’s weak to fire and water. Watch out for its ice attacks that inflict the freeze status ailment on you! Once you defeat the monster, the quest will complete and you’ll receive a Mercy quartz!

Eroded Cave

Eroded Cave Chests

Eroded Cave Chests
  • HP 2 – Quartz
  • Marble Bracelet – ATS+10 – Prevents Mute (90%)
  • Each Sepith x300
  • Tearal Balm – Restores 4500 HP
  • Topaz Ring – Quartz

Eroded Cave Enemy Data

  • Slimy Jelly
  • Migrating Crustacean
  • Omegacean
  • Vitalevia
  • Ghastly Djinn


Now that you’ve done everything you can, make your way to Bar Gambit in the Eastern Quarter and speak with Jack and Halle. Next, you’ll need to head to the church and speak with Pao who is praying in front of the altar.

After learning more about the mist, travel to the Harbor District and visit the Harbor District Storehouse. Speak with Elaine then head back to the Eastern Quarter to trigger a cutscene with Marielle.

Next, travel back to the Eroded Cave for a fun little scene then return to the Eastern Quarter. Approach the dock in the southwestern corner to trigger a cutscene which will allow you to travel to Heilong Cheng Zhai. Interact with the boat to actually head there. Please note that once you interact with the boat, you will not be able to return to Langport for awhile!

Heilong Cheng Zhai

When you enter the building, a cutscene will trigger leading to a fight against Ghoul Gangster – Nail Bat and Ghoul Gangster – Gun. Both are weak to the higher elements.

Once you take them out, you’ll be able to freely explore the area. Work your way to the girls where you’ll fight Ghoul Gangster – Machete, Ghoul Gangster – Gun and Ghoul Gangster – Nail Bat who are all weak to the higher elements. Defeat them then continue through Heilong Cheng Zhai.

When you reach the Charging Station, you’ll need to climb up a ladder where a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight against 2 Hungry Bug MF and 3 Packard-360R. Afterwards, a cutscene will trigger followed immediately by another fight! This time you’ll face Level 25 Melchior and 3 Timer Orbs: Karmic Bolts. Once you’ve whittled Melchior’s health down to about half, a cutscene will trigger and the fight will end.

In order to press forward through the area, you’ll need to push a device in the corner. You’ll then find yourself back outside. Keep head through the area.

When you finally arrive at the next Charging Station, use it then press forward to trigger a cutscene followed by a boss fight against Level 26 Alexandre and Level 26 Viola. During this fight, Alexandre will guard making it hard to deal damage to him, and Viola likes to cast a lot of arts. You’ll need to get both their health down half way for another cutscene to trigger.

When it concludes, you’ll finish the fight against The Tyrant who is weak to earth and water. This boss likes to make duplicates of himself during the fight! Eventually yet another cutscene will trigger then you’ll fight The Tyrant with Aaron. He will be weak to earth and water again.

Heilong Cheng Zhai Chests

Heilong Cheng Zhai Chests
Heilong Cheng Zhai Chests
Heilong Cheng Zhai - Entrance Chests
Heilong Cheng Zhai Chests
Heilong Cheng Zhai Chests
  • U-Material x6
  • Curia Balm x3 / S-Tablet x3
  • Each Sepith x300
  • Green Pendulum – Crit/EVA+3% – Prevents Delay/Slow/Stat Down (75%)
  • Freeze – Quartz
  • Celestial Balm – Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
  • Defense 2 – Quartz
  • Attack 2 – Quartz
  • Gold Rosario – EVA+6% – Prevents Deathblow (90%)
  • EP Charge II – Restores 300 EP
  • Strike 2 – Quartz
  • Fairy Earring – EP+40 – Prevents Fear (90%)
  • Zeram Powder – Cures K.O. – Restores All HP – CP+100

September 27th

After the long boss fight, a cutscene will trigger and Chapter 2 will conclude!

September 27th Chapter 2 Spriggan Report

Additional Trails Through Daybreak Guides

Make sure to check out our The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Guides and Walkthroughs main page for a complete listing of all our guides and walkthroughs!