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Hogwarts legacy – Well, Well, Well

by NightlyGamingBinge in

For the Well, Well, Well side quest in Hogwarts Legacy, travel to Aranshire then head southeast on your broom to find a well in the hills.

Approach the Magical Well and speak with it to receive a map.

Travel to the Irondale Floo Flame in the Feldcroft Region then head southwest of town using your broom toward a treasure vault. The tree on the treasure map can be found there.

Use Levioso on it to pull the tree out of the ground revealing a chest. Loot it to receive the Treasure-Seeker’s Bicorne Hat appearance completing the quest.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Sebastian’s Relationship Quests

by NightlyGamingBinge in


This quest becomes available during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective. Head to the Great Hall Floo Flame in the Great Hall to find Sebastian. Speak with him to learn a bit more about Ominis’ family. He’ll then part ways with you and mention that he’ll reach out when he has more information. This quest essentially kicks off the questline to learn the Dark Arts spells.

In the Shadow of the Study

After some time passes, Sebastian will send an owl post to meet him outside the Slytherin common room. Travel to the Grand Staircase area and make your way to the bottom level to find Sebastian. If he’s not there, wait for him to show up then speak with him. Follow Sebastian to Ominis’ location and speak with him to convince him to help you. You’ll then need to light 3 nearby braziers to reveal the entrance.

Head inside then follow the stairs down. You can find the 1st of Noctua’s notes on a ledge. After collecting it, cast Reparo on the broken image and then speak with Ominis. Head through the doorway to reach an area with a lot of locked gates. You’ll need to match the symbols on the gates under a nearby snake statue to open them. If you’re not fast enough, the statue will attack you. As you work through opening each gate, make sure to grab the other pages of Noctua’s notes. The last one can be found on the ground near the final door. Speak with Sabastian who tells you what needs to be done. Speak with Ominis then return to Sebastian. You’ll have three options: Sebastian curses you and you don’t learn the curse, Sebastian curses you and you learn the curse or you learn the curse and use it on Sebastian. Regardless of what you choose, all three options open the door.

Once in the room, grab Sytherin’s Spellbook under the head statue of Salazar then head up the stairs. Also, make sure to use Revelio here to find the Revelio Page. Give the book to Sebastian then grab the note on the desk behind him for a cool Harry Potter easter egg. Use the statue at the back of the room to return to the Slytherin Dungeon. Listen to what Ominis has to say then the quest will be completed.

In the Shadow of Discovery

After some time passes, Sebastian will send an owl post to meet him in the Undercroft. Travel to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame then head to the Undercroft and speak with Sebastian there. You’ll then need to speak with Ominis after their little spat to complete the quest.

In the Shadow of Time

This quest becomes available after learning Transformation during the main objective, Stop Ranrok and Rookwood. Travel to the Feldcroft Catacombs Floo Flame the Feldcroft Region to find Sebastian nearby. Speak with him then enter the catacombs. Follow the path until you reach the room with spiders. Defeat them then look for a block you can use Wingardium Leviosa on. Move the block to the northwest side of the room to climb up onto a ledge.

There will be a collection chest here. Jump back down into the main room then proceed on heading southwest through the hallway. In the next room take left (heading east) down a flight of stairs. Defeat the spiders then continue down the stairs to the east. In this room, examine the note by the alter then speak with Sebastian.

Before you progress with the story, you can obtain one last collection chest. To reach this chest, start by blasting through some rubble on the northern side of the room to make a small hole you can crawl through.

Do so then follow the path until you reach an area with some Devil’s Snare. You’ll need to make a bridge using the 2 sets of bones in this area that are hidden in the tombs along the wall. Use Accio to pull them out and set them up!

Use Accio to open the door then follow the path to find the second collection chest! Pull the door knocker to the left of the gate to cause it to rise. This will give you a short cut to the alter room!

To progress the story, you’ll need to find 3 sets of skeletons to open the skeleton door Sebastian is standing in front of on the east side of the room.

One set of bones can be found found on the altar. The second set can be found by using Accio on the tomb in the wall on the southwestern side of the altar. To reach the last set, blast your way through the door on the southeast side of the room then use Accio on a tomb inside this small room.

Bring all the bones to the door Sebastian is standing in front of on the east side of the room to proceed. When you’re ready, head through the skeleton doorway. Once in the next room, Sebastian will offer to teach you the Imperius Curse. The choice is up to you. After declining or learning the curse, you’ll be attacked by a group of spiders. Defeat them then head down through the southern doorway (the northern path leads to a side room with some chests if you want to explore a bit).

For this room, there are four knockers you can pull using Accio with symbols underneath them. There are also doors with two symbols inscribed on them. You’ll need to pull the knockers that match the symbols on the door looking for skeletons you build the doorway. Use Revelio to see which doors have the skeletons then guide all the bones to the doorway. Once it opens, head through and follow the hallway to the next room.

As you head across the room, you’ll be jumped by a group of spiders. Take care of them then burn the web on the east side of the room. Head over to the table and collect the two scrolls there. Speak with Sebastian afterwards regarding the relic. Either option doesn’t matter as he will grab it regardless. Exit the room to run into Ominis. Speak with him and he’ll ask you to help convince Sebastian to leave the relic. If you agree with him, this will persuade Ominis to allow Sebastian to leave with the relic. To leave the dungeon, make your way back to the room with the alter.

Once outside, head to Feldcroft. When you get there, it will be under attack by Ranrok’s forces. Defeat them all to witness a cutscene. You’ll then need to speak with Solomon to complete the quest.

In the Shadow of Distance

This quest becomes available immediately after completing the previous one. Travel to the Undercroft near the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame in the Astronomy Wing then speak with Sebastian. This will complete the quest.

In the Shadow of Hope

The quest will become available during the Prepare for Your O.W.L.S. main objective after some time passes. Travel to the Feldcroft Floo Flame then head east just outside of town to find Sebastian and Anne. Speak with Sebastian to complete the quest.

In the Shadow of the Relic

You’ll obtain this quest after pushing forward in the story a bit after completing the previous quest via an owl from Ominis. Make your way to the Feldcroft Catacomb Floo Flame in the Feldcroft Region and speak with Ominis there. Head into the catacomb then make your way toward the chamber where you found the relic. After fighting off two big ground of Inferni, speak to Ominis again.

Press on heading east through the catacomb to find Sebastian. You’ll need to create a skeleton bridge using bones from their crypts. Head up the stairs and speak with the man of the hour. This will lead to a boss fight with Solomon who has three sections of health. Defeat him to trigger a cutscene.

Afterward, follow Sebastian out of the catacomb and speak with him outside. This is your chance to learn Avada Kedavra. You’ll be prompted with two choices: “No one should know that curse” and “Everyone should know that curse”. Choosing the first one means Sebastian will not teach you the curse. If you choose the second one, you’ll need to follow it up with “Yes please”. Sebastian will then show you the spell sign.

No matter your choice, the quest will complete when the conversation is done.

In the Shadow of Fate

Sebastian will reach out when he’s ready to talk. Travel to the Undercroft to speak with him. After that, speak to Ominis. You’ll have to choose whether to turn Sebastian in or not. Make your choice to complete the quest.

In the Shadow of Friendship

After some time passes from the previous quest, Ominis will send you an owl. Travel to the Undercroft to find him there and speak with him. This will complete the quest and Sebastian’s relationship questline. Please note, this was after turning him in.

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Hogwarts Legacy – South Sea Bog Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The World Map shows the complete area of the Highlands that includes Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and many other small villages and hamlets. If you zoom all the way out using the L2 button while viewing the World Map, you can see that the area is further broken apart into different regions that each contain a listing of the collectibles found there. This guide will focus on the following collectibles can be found in the South Sea Bog region:

  • Collection Chests x1
  • Field Guide Pages x1
  • Merlin Trials x2

Field Guide Page

1. Abandoned Bothy

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Hogwarts Legacy – A Thief in the Night

by NightlyGamingBinge in

This quest can be obtained from Irondale hamlet in the Feldcroft Region at the southern tip of the map. Travel there then speak with Padraic Haggarty at his shop stall. He’ll tell you that he thinks his sister robbed the people of the hamlet.

Wait for night to fall then return to Padraic’s stall. Use Revelio to find some gold on the ground nearby. Follow the trail of gold west to arrive at the culprit, a Niffler’s lair. Rescue the beast using your bag then loot the area making sure to grab the heirloom. Travel back to Padraic and speak with the merchant to tell him the true identity of the culprit. You can then hand over the heirloom to complete the quest. You’ll be rewarded with a Niffler Mask.

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Hogwarts Legacy – How to Unlock Astronomy Tables

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Hogwarts Legacy, astronomy tables are a collectible that you can find in Hogwarts and around the World Map. This collectible unlocks after completing the Astronomy Class main quest.

During this quest, you’ll be given a tutorial on how to use the astronomy tables to view constellations. As you may have guessed, these tables can only be used at night. To change the time, press R3 on the Map tab in your menu if necessary. Once you use a table, you’ll then need to line up the constellation with the circles by resizing and repositioning it. When it is correctly lined up, the constellation will be revealed!

Once you’ve completed the tutorial, symbols with a moon and star will appear on the map. These are the astronomy tables! Complete all of these challenges to earn rewards!

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Hogwarts Legacy – Feldcroft Region Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The World Map shows the complete area of the Highlands that includes Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and many other small villages and hamlets. If you zoom all the way out using the L2 button while viewing the World Map, you can see that the area is further broken apart into different regions that each contain a listing of the collectibles found there. This guide will focus on the following collectibles can be found in the Feldcroft Region:


This town can be found in the western part of the Feldcroft Region and contains the following collectibles:

  • Collection Chests x4
  • Field Guide Pages x2
  • Demiguise Statues x1

Collection Chests

1. This chest can be found in the house behind the shop.

2. & 3. One chest can be found inside the locked house with a laundry line and the other can be found outside against it.

4. This chest can be found in a locked shed next to the wooden lookout tower.

Field Guide Pages

1. The Feldcroft Well Guide Page

Use Revelio on the well near the Feldcroft Floo Flame to find this page.

2. Practice Dummies Guide Page

Use Revelio on the line of practice dummies to find this page.

Demiguise Statue

1. This statue can be found on the first floor of the locked house with a clothesline.


This town can be found in the southern part of the Feldcroft Region and contains the following collectibles:

  • Collection Chests x3
  • Field Guide Pages x1
  • Demiguise Statues x1

Collection Chests

1. This chest can be found in the locked house directly behind Padraic Haggarty’s shop.

2. This chest can be found in the house next to the giant windmill.

3. This chest can be found in the side of a cliff near a waterfall northwest of Irondale.

Field Guide Pages

1. Jewelled Brooch Guide Page

Use Revelio on the windmill in Irondale to find this page.

Demiguise Statues

1. This statue can be found in the kitchen of the house directly north of the Floo Flame.

Wold Map

These collectibles can be found outside of towns and other nameable places in the open areas of the Feldcroft Region.

Field Guide Pages

1. Broken Binoculars Guide Page

This page can be found atop a stone building near a shop north of Feldcroft.

2. Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder Guide Page

This page can be found near the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame, which is southwest of Lower Hogsfield.

3. Lovage Bouquet Guide Page

This page can be found directly south of Feldcroft at the base of a cliff.

4. Cinnamon Bark Guide Page

This page can be found southeast of the Feldcroft Catacomb Floo Flame in the Medium Bandit Camp. Use Revelio on the chimney to reveal the page.

Landing Platforms

For this collectible, fly your broom to a landing platform then dismount on it.

1. Northeast of North Feldcroft Floo Flame

2. East of Feldcroft

3. Near Irondale

4. South Feldcroft

This platform can be found along the water next to the South Feldcroft Floo Flame.

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Hogwarts Legacy – E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The E-vase-ive Manoeuvre side quest can be obtained from Irondale in Hogwarts Legacy. Irondale is located way south of Hogwarts on the world map. Travel there then speak to Althea Twiddle who can be found sitting on her lawn chair. She’ll tell you about a puzzle her late husband was interested in and wants to know of anything you should find when it’s solved.

Exit the village heading southwest on your broom to locate some ruins near the lake. The objective will the update to activate the statute.

To do this, you’ll need to destroy 20 vases in the area. Cast Revelio to locate them. Once all 20 are destroyed, the statue will activate. You can then return to Madam Twiddle and tell her what happened to complete the quest. You’ll receive the Column-Beige wand handle as an award.

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Hogwarts Legacy – The Plight of the House-Elf

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Plight of the House-Elf side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective. Travel to the Room of Requirement to find Deek. Speak with the house-elf to get a new addition to the room. Deek will then ask you to check on his friend Tobbs in a cave near Hogwarts.

Exit the school and travel north to the Spinners Cavern slightly northwest of Hogsmeade and west of Upper Hogsfield. Deal with the spiders guarding the cave entrance then head inside.

Near the entrance, you’ll find a wooden table with a lantern on it. There will be a note here that you can collect. Head deeper into the cave. Eventually you’ll reach a room where a Thornback Matriarch will show up. After you defeat it, there will be another note on a desk next to a lantern you can collect. Continue heading even deeper into the cave and you’ll come across the boss spider, Acromantula and its horde of minions. Defeat them all then continue on to find Tobbs. Return to Deek to give him on update on his friend to complete the quest.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Merky Depths

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Mer-ky Depths side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available during the Prepare for Your Search for the Final Keeper main mission. Travel to the Boathouse Floo Flame at The Great Hall and speak with Nerida Roberts to learn about her desire to become a liaison between the wizarding community and the Merpeople. Afterwards, swim out west of where Nerida is sitting to find a whirlpool then dive down into it to reach an underwater cavern.

There will be 3 moths here you need to lead to the main door to proceed further. Two of the moths are stuck behind a spider web. Burn the web away using a fire spell then use Lumos to attract the moths one at a time and lead them to the door.

This will open it revealing a chest. Loot it to receive A Mermish Artefact. Take the item back to Nerida. You can choose to either give it to her or not. Either way you’ll be rewarded with the Mermish Liaison Uniform appearance and the quest will complete.

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Hogwarts Legacy – The Hall of Herodiana

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Hall of Herodiana side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available during the main quest to Prepare for Your Search for the Final Keeper main chapter after completing a couple of the main quests. Travel to the Charms Classroom to find Sophronia Franklin nearby in the sitting area and speak with her. She’ll ask you to complete a series of Depulso trials to find Herodiana’s ensemble.

To start, head down to the first level of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. Look on the southern side of the floor to find a wall with a switch on it. Cast Depulso on the switch to find the entrance to the Hall of Herodiana then head inside.

To solve the first puzzle, use Depulso to send the blocks to the east side of the room then climb up on the ledge and head through the door to find a chest containing the Herodiana’s Cape appearance.

For the second puzzle, you’ll need to combine the two groups of squares together and then move them to the southeastern corner of the room to reach the ledge leading to the next area. You’ll find a chest with Herodiana’s Attire along the way to the final challenge.

To solve the third puzzle, get the block into the position shown in the below image.

This will allow you to cross over to the cube ledge. You’ll then need to reset the puzzle allowing you to move the block to the other side of the cube ledge to reach the ledge at the end of the puzzle.

Pass through the door and loot the chest to receive Herodiana’s Cap. Return to Sophronia and speak with her while wearing the outfit to complete the quest.