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Hogwarts Legacy – Minding Your Own Business

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Minding Your Own Business side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available after learning Transformation during the main objective, Stop Ranrok and Rookwood. **Please note this is a PlayStation exclusive quest!** Make sure you have time before you start this quest as it’s awfully lengthy and can be frustrating at times!

When you’re ready to begin, travel to Hogsmeade and speak with Penny the house-elf down the street east of Spintwitches. Afterward, head to the eastern part of Hogsmeade east of Honeydukes to locate and speak with Cassandra Mason. In order to buy the shop, you’ll need 1,500 gold. Speak with Madam Mason a second time to purchase the shop.

Return to Penny and give her the news. Head inside the shop and cast Reparo three times to fix it up. After that, make your way to the back room and open the chest. Unfortunately, this opens a can of worms! Explore the cellar, making your way to the dead end. Loot the chest to receive An Elf-Sized Hat.

Once you open this chest, try to leave via the way you came. The door will slam shut and you’ll be greeted by Fastido. Once you gain control, use Lumos to see then head north for a door to open.

In the hallway, keep heading north and enter the door at the end of the hallway.

In this room, head to the northwestern corner to be teleported to a new area.

Head southeast towards the jack-in-the-box on the crate to again be teleported.

Exit this room via the south doorway to head into a hallway. Follow the linear path until you reach closed double door. On the left, you’ll notice a hand grasping for a lantern to match the one on the other side of the door. Look to the north to see a lantern suspended in the air by a large painting. Use Accio to pull it towards you then guide it to the waiting hand.

Proceed through the door the follow the hallway to the end. Use Lumos to light up the room then head west through the door. Fastido will greet you then fly off again. Now you’ll have to choose to proceed through the north or south door. The southern route will take you to a library. Continue straight ahead to find another door requiring lanterns This time you’ll need to find two. Start on the west side of the room. Follow that path until you come across a room with 3 doors. Take the one on the far left. Interact with the jack-in-the-box on the table.

This will teleport you to a different area where mannequins will attack you. Defeat them all then head through the open door. In the next room you’ll find the lantern.

Bring it to the nearby lantern hanger. You’ll then need to head to the east side of the room to find the path there. Wall down the hallway where the walls turn around you. Head to the dead end then turn around. The room will have changed again. This time head down 2 flights of stairs to come to a set leading up. Look to the west side to find the lantern and grab it using Accio.

Walk up the stairs and drop it off at the lantern hanger. When staring at the lantern, head to the left then climb up into narrow space.

Drop down below then take the stairs in this room up. Follow the path to arrive at the next lantern.

Grab it then bring it to the holder diagonally from it. Head into the newly opened room and pull the lantern to you. Bring the lantern down the stairs and drop it off in the holder. Head through the newly opened door and go up the stairs to find another lantern.

Bring this lantern up the stairs and drop it off at the holder next to the double door to finally get it to open! Head up the stairs to find Fastidio. You’ll have to dodge the stuff he throws at you.

Once he’s done, backtrack down the stairs and straight through the library. When you reach the foyer, one bar will slide from the huge door. It’s now time to head through the north door. At the dead end, you’ll find another double door requiring 2 lanterns.

Facing the door, head to the right side first. Follow the railing and take the path to the left to find an area with green walls.

Head past the holder and look to your left to find the lantern suspended in the air.

Bring it to the holder then head past where you found the lantern into the newly opened room. Head through the door that opens for you then follow the path to reach a wizard’s chess set. Use Revelio to find all the squares that will break if you step on them. To get you started on this maze, go left! When you make it to the other side, follow the path and go through the door that opens for you. Pass the holder then head to the dead end and look to your left. You’ll see the lantern that you previously put into its holder. Grab it using Accio then put it into the nearby holder. Head south down the hallway and enter through the door on the right to find the next lantern.

Bring this lantern straight ahead and follow the path back to the main double doors. Place it in its holder then head to the west side. Follow the path. A couch will come flying at you. Try and dodge it or just take the damage and head to the right to find a dead end. Turn around and retrace your steps to be blocked by mannequins. Turn around again and go back to find that there is now a blocked doorway.

Blast through the boards then head inside. Head straight ahead to the holder then look to your left to find a lantern floating in the open space.

Grab it using Accio then place it on the holder to cause a door to open straight ahead. Head through this door. Take a left and jump over the gap then turn left to find another boarded doorway.

Blast through the boards then head inside. Head straight ahead and blast through the doorway in front of you that is boarded to reveal a lantern. Grab the lantern using Accio then backtrack through the doorway. Take a left and follow the path. Drop off the lantern at the holder. Retrace your steps to the middle platform where you just grabbed the lantern that was behind the boarded door. There is now a holder near the edge. Grab the lantern in its holder on the east side of the room and place it into this holder. Head back to the west side of the room and enter the newly opened door just past the the lantern.

Head towards the open door for it to be slammed in your face. Mannequins will then attack you! Defeat them all then head through the open door. Walk toward the closed door in front of you for it to run away. When it stops, turn around and head west. Go through the open door on the left. Loot the chest on the left if you wish then head back through the door (which has now changed). Follow the path to find the last lantern and bring it to the double door which will then open.

Head inside and go down the stairs. Fastidio will attack this time with mannequins. Defeat them all then return to the foyer. The last bar will slide across allowing you to now open this door so head on up the stairs and go inside!

Follow the linear path west into a graveyard. A cutscene will trigger with Fastidio followed by a boss fight against a monster that he creates. Defeat the creature to continue the cutscene. When it concludes, head up the stairs on the west side of the courtyard.

Exit to Hogsmeade via interacting with the ladder. Head through the red door then speak with Penny near the entrance of the shop. Exit the shop and speak with Officer Singer in Hogsmeade Square. Afterwards, make your way to Cassandra Mason’s house behind Honeydukes to confront her. As you approach her house, a cutscene will trigger followed by a tough fight.

After you finally defeat her, return to the shop and speak with Penny inside. You’ll be able to free Penny by giving her the hat from the dungeon. If you choose to do this, she’ll still want to help you run the shop! You’ll then be able to choose the name of your shop from the following options:

  • Vesters and Venum
  • Cladwell and Brewster
  • Stitches and Draughts

Once you select your shop’s name, the quest will complete and you’ll receive the Shopkeeper’s Coat, Shopkeeper’s Top Hat and Shopkeeper’s Ensemble appearances.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Poppy’s Relationship Quests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

A Dragon Debrief

This quest becomes obtainable during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective after learning the Transformation spell. Head to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade to find Poppy. Speak with her to discuss the next steps. This will complete the quest.

Poached Egg

After some time passes from the previous quest, Poppy will reach out via owl post and tell you to meet her in Hogsmeade at the town circle near the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame during the say. Speak with her there to be transported to the area with the dragon’s nest.

Once at the nest, follow the southeastern path heading towards the den. When you reach the bridge, look to the left near a tent to find a poacher’s corpse with a note on it. To continue on, use Reparo on the bridge then head across. Keep following the linear path until you trigger an event. Use the cover to head towards the doorway under the dragon. Continue following along the path dodging the dragon’s fireballs eventually coming to another bridge. Use Reparo on it then cross to finally reach the dragon’s nest and return the egg. Talk with Poppy afterward to return to Hogsmeade to complete the quest.

The Poacher’s House Call

After some more time passes, you’ll be able to check up on Poppy who can be found down a path near the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame in the Bell Tower Wing. Speak with her to complete the quest.

Surprise Meeting

You’ll be able to start this quest during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective after receiving the Headmistress Speaks main quest. Travel to the middle of the Forbidden Forest northeast of Jackdaw’s Tomb and speak with Poppy there. This will trigger a cutscene ending with the quest completed.

The Centaur and the Stone

This quest will become available when Poppy sends you an owl after some time passes from the previous quest. Travel to Irondale in the Feldcroft Region then head west out of town to locate Poppy. Speak with her then head inside the Moonstone Garden. Proceed down the stairs then break through the southern door. Pass through the doorway and continue to follow the path until you reach a room rectangular room with symbols on the walls. The doors will have 2 symbols and there will be 4 symbols under some handles. You’ll need to use Accio to pull the handles of the symbols on the doors to cause them to open. 2 of the doors have moths behind them you’ll need to open the gate. Another door has a collection chest behind it. Collect the moths and put them on the dials near the door then blast them with Depulso until they open.

Head into the next area to find two more dials and a door on the west side of the room that requires 3 moths to open. Spin the dial near the door to raise a bridge then spin the dial on the northwest side of the room to raise a moth out of the water. Cast Arresto Momentum on the dial then run across the room and grab the moth from the water and place it on the door. Next, grab the other two to open the door.

Before heading through, jump in the water on the south side. Look for the dive point and use it. Follow the path until you reach a room with enemies. Defeat them then head south to find an area with a collection chest. Return to the room where you defeat the enemies and use the eastern path to return to the room with the symbols on the walls. Head through the moth door you previously opened and deal with the enemies. Follow the path to the end to find a diving point. Use it the follow that path up to the tree to find the Scholar’s Moonstone. Speak with Poppy then head over to the stone and place the moonstone inside of it. Speak with Poppy afterward to learn more about her. Collect the moonstone then speak with her again to complete the quest.

It’s in the Stars

You’ll receive this quest after some time passes from the previous quest. Travel to the Forbidden Woods to find Poppy near where the Centaurs were (close to Jackdaw’s Tomb). Speak with Dorran there to learn the location of the Snidgets. This will complete the quest.

A Bird in the Hand

This quest becomes available almost immediately after the previous one (you may have to cycle the time of day to receive it). Travel to the forest south of Brocburrow and speak with Poppy there. Afterwards, follow the southeastern path to reach Dorran. Speak with Dorran to learn what to do next. Place the moonstone on its pedestal then move the pillars so that their shadow covers the images that are glowing on the door. This will allow you to enter the Gilded Perch.

Follow the path heading further in the Gilded Perch. When you come to a bright room with trees, look for a block you can move to on the second level. Bring the block down then cast Levioso on it to reach the upper level and follow the walkway around to find a collection chest. You can then continue following the path under the tree in the next room to a dead end.

Once here, use Revelio to locate the two cubes and place them on the panels on the floor matching the symbols on the cubes. Then cast a fire and ice spell matching the symbols to open the way forward. Heading into the next room will cause a fight with the poachers. Defeat them all then unlock the door to the Snidget sanctuary and head inside for a cutscene. This will complete the quest.

Poppy Blooms

Wait for some time to pass to receive this quest. Travel to the Great Hall and speak with Poppy there to complete the quest and Poppy’s relationship questline.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Natty’s Relationship Quests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Lost Child

This quest becomes available during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective. Travel to Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame in the South Hogwarts Region to find Natty. Speak with her then head through the nearby gate and talk to Johanna Bickle. Afterwards, exit the hamlet following the path heading south. Eventually, you’ll reach Archie’s hideout. After Natty gets done talking, use Revelio to find Archie’s footprints then follow them. Along the way, you’ll be attacked by a pack of wolves then arrive at Archie’s satchel hanging from a tree. Use Revelio again to pick up the trail. Continue following the footprints and casting the Revelio as needed. Also, make sure not to get too far away from Natty, as that could cause the quest to fail. At the end of the footprints, you’ll arrive at a camp. Defeat the Dark Wizards then enter the Ashwinder Tent.

Work your way through the tent to find an open area filled with enemies. Take them out then look for some stairs heading down to find Archie. Use Alohomora on the lock to free him from his cage then speak with him to leave the area. Talk with Mrs. Bickle to complete the quest.

Mum’s the Word

This quest becomes available after learning Transformation during the main objective, Stop Ranrok and Rookwood. Travel to the Divination Classroom Floo Flame in the Library Annex. Head up the stairs towards the classroom to find Natty and her mother. Speak with them for a cutscene then talk with Natty afterward. This will complete the quest.

A Basis for Blackmail

You’ll receive an owl from Natty to start this quest during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective after receiving the Headmistress Speaks main quest. Travel to the entrance of Hogsmeade (south of Tombs and Scrolls) to find Natty. Speak with her then head into Hogsmeade. Locate and speak with all three people:

  • Agabus Philbert – The building next to the Magic Keep
  • Daisy Rabe – The Three Broomsticks on the third level
  • Otto Dibble – Behind Gladrags Wizardwear

Once you’re done, return to your meeting spot outside of town. After reaching the meeting spot, head back into Hogsmeade then travel to the Hog’s Head. When facing Hog’s Head, squeeze through the tight alley on the right between it and another building. Head to the dock straight ahead and search the stack of crates to find Natty’s wand. Collect it then cast Revelio and follow the footprints through the Hog’s Head and out the front door. Take a right and hug the building to find the cellar where the Ashwinder Hideout is. Enter the hideout! Use Accio on the two giant barrels on the left and right side. This will reveal a door in the middle.

Head through then follow the path to the big open area filled with enemies. Along the west side of the room, there will be a big stack of barrels behind a bar. You can find a collection chest there. Also on the bar is a chest that contains the book of poems that was taken from Mr. Philbert.

On the southeast side of the room, head up a flight of stairs. Climb up the ledge to find a chest with Mr. Dibble’s love letter from Rosie.

Also, make sure to use Revelio to grab the rest of the loot in the room. When you’re ready to proceed, head up the northern steps then through the doorway to enter an office. Speak with Isko Rabe in the cell then head over to the desk in the center of the room and cast Revelio. This will reveal a hidden chest. Use Alohomora to unlock it then return the wand to Mr. Rabe.

With that taken care of, leave the hideout with Natty in tow via the way you came in. Speak with Officer Singer outside of the hideout to complete the quest.

Grief and Vengeance

You’ll receive this quest after some time passes once you complete the previous quest. Travel to the Great Hall Floo flame to find Natty. Speak with her to complete the quest.

Finding Focus

This quest will be obtained when Natty sends you an owl after some time passes from the last quest. Travel to the Great Hall and speak with her there to complete the quest.

Harlow’s Last Stand

After some time passes from the previous quest, Natty will send you an owl. Travel to Bainburgh in Manor Cape then follow the trail southwest to reach Natty. Speak with her to learn that Halow is planning to ambush you. Let her know when you are ready to finish it. Follow Netty to the manor to trigger the ambush. Defeat all of the Dark Wizards to trigger a cutscene with Harlow. This will lead to a fight against him. Defeat him and his allies (they show up after a bit) to trigger a cutscene. Speak with Natty after the fight. This will complete the quest and Natty’s relationship questline.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Room of Requirement Challenges

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can complete challenges to receive rewards. Below are all the rewards you can receive from completing the Room of Requirement Challenges!

Breed Unique Beasts

Breed 10 Unique BeastsLegendary Masquerade Mask

Rescue Beasts

Rescue 10 BeastsBillywig Hive Spellcraft
Rescue 20 BeastsMagic Chime Spellcraft
Rescue 30 BeastsPhoenix Statue Spellcraft

Upgrade Your Gear

Upgrade Your Gear 5 TimesAncient Magic I Recipe
Upgrade Your Gear 10 TimesAncient Magic II Recipe
Upgrade Your Gear 15 TimesAncient Magic III Recipe
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Hogwarts Legacy – Professor Weasley’s Assignment

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Professor Weasley’s Assignment quest in Hogwarts Legacy will be obtained after meeting Poppy during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main object as part of the story. Professor Weasley will task you with collecting the Field Guide Page from the Underground Harbour. To reach it, travel to the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame in the Grand Hall then head down the small flight of stairs. Follow the path hugging the right wall. The entrance to the Underground Harbour can be found on the right just before the end of the overhang. This will be near a werewolf statue. You can then travel to the harbour and use Revelio to locate the page.

The other task will be to collect the Field Guide Page from the Intermediate Transfiguration book in the library. Travel to the Library Floo Flame in The Library Annex, head up to the 2nd floor and make your way to the northeastern corner. Speak with Sophronia Franklin. She will give you the book only if you agree to answer questions from her quiz. It doesn’t matter if you answer the questions correctly or not as either way she puts the book back on the pedestal. You’ll also have the option to answer more of her questions. If you answer them all (either correctly or not as it does not matter), she’ll give you potions. When you’re ready, use Revelio on the book to collect the Book on Intermediate Transfiguration guide page.

With all the tasks completed, head to the Transfiguration Classroom in The Astronomy Wing during the day to attend class to learn the Transformation spell. Speak with Professor Weasley after class to complete the quest.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Beeting A Curse

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Beeting a Curse side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective. Travel to the Greenhouses Floo Flame in the Library Annex during the day and speak with Samantha Dale. She tells you her brother has been cursed and asks you to help out.

Exit Hogwarts and head for the Dale Family Tomb, east of Brocburrow. Head inside the work your way to the doorway covered in Devil’s Snare. Use Lumos to head through the drop down into the area below. Here you’ll have to fight a troll guarding the tomb. From the troll room, if you head southwest, there will be a path with a wall at the end you can break. This will lead you to an area with a collection chest. Heading southeast will take you to the sarcophagus where you can return the crest to Marmaduke. You may want to do that before getting the collection chest to prevent you from having to backtrack.

After returning the crest, head back to Samantah and speak with her to complete the quest. You’ll receive a totem conjuration as a reward.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Professor Howin’s Assignments

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you progress through Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll receive assignments from Professor Howin, who can be found around the Beasts Classroom in The Bell Tower Wing. You’ll receive the first assignment during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main quest. Below are walkthroughs for these assignments.

Assignment 1

For your first assignment, Professor Howin will task you with acquiring a Diricawl and Giant Purple Toad in your nab-sack. To find them, travel south of Hogwarts to locate a Diricawl Den in the forest near a treasure vault. Use Levisos on the beast to make capturing it easier.

The toad can be found even further south (east of Irondale) along the river. After you obtain both beasts, return to the Beasts Classroom during the day to attend a class then speak with Professor Howin afterwards to learn Bombarda.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Foal of the Dead

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Foal of the Dead quest in Hogwarts Legacy is obtained after completing the Plight of the House-Elf side quest. You’ll receive an owl post from Professor Weasley mentioning that Deek wants to train you on breeding beasts. Speak with him in the Room of Requirement and he’ll task you with capturing a male and female Thestral along with purchasing a breeding pen spellcraft.

To catch the Thestrals, travel to the East North Ford Bog northeast of Hogwarts. You can find the den northwest of the Floo Flame. There you can save a male and a female.

For the spellcraft, travel to Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade and buy the breeding pen for 1,000 gold. With both items now in your possession, return to the Room of Requirement and speak with Deek. This will trigger the Swamp Vivarium to appear. Head inside and conjure a breeding pen. Also, make sure to put the pair of Thestrals in the Vivarium. You’ll then need to interact with the pen and pick the two beasts you want to breed. This will give you a 30-minute timer. After the time is up, brush and feed the baby then let Deek know about it to complete the quest.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Take the Biscuit

by NightlyGamingBinge in

This quest becomes available during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective. Travel to Hogsmeade then head for the bridge to the left of J. Pippin’s Potions. Speak with Garnuff under the bridge to learn his precious Mooncalf was stolen by poachers.

Exit Hogsmeade and head north past Upper Hogsfield to find the poacher’s camp. Defeat the lot of them then open the cage to free Biscuit and the other Mooncalfs. You’ll then need to rescue Biscuit using your bag. Also, make sure to check the nearby tent to find a collection chest.

Return to Garnuff to complete the quest. You can choose to hand Biscuit over or convince the Goblin she’ll be safe with you. You’ll receive the Beast Rescuer Robe appearance as a reward.

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Hogwarts Legacy – Spot Removal

by NightlyGamingBinge in

This quest becomes available during the Stop Ranrok and Rookwood main objective. Travel to Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade then speak with Sacharissa Tugwood outside. She’ll ask you to collect some Bubotuber Puss from the Forbidden Forest.

Exit Hogsmeade heading northwest in search of Bubotuber Puss in the Forbidden Forest. Explore the search area looking for this miracle plant. A couple of them are guarded by a troll, so make sure to be prepared for that. After finding all five return to Sacharissa to complete the quest. You’ll be rewarded with a Bubotuber Harvesting Attire appearance.