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Like a Dragon: Ishin – Mukurogai Substories

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Like a Dragon: Ishin, you can complete various substories for rewards and virtue points. This guide covers the 8 Mukurogai substories!

The Bad Side of Town

Obtained: Approach area near the arms dealer

After the cutscene, defeat the ruffians to complete the substory.

Brawler for Hire

Obtained: Approach the man standing near a torch in the northern part of Mukurogai

The cutscene will lead to a fight against the troublesome man as the Corrupt Official once again has someone else fighting his battles for him. Defeat Sumi to complete the quest.

Brawler Incarnate

Obtained: During Chapter 6, approach the tattooed brawler in the northern part of Mukurogai First Floor

When the cutscene plays out, speak with Sumi Bozu and accept his challenge. Afterwards, defeat him in battle! Afterwards, the substory will end.

Brawler Enlightened

Obtained: Speak with the tattoed brawler in the northern part of Mukurogai First Floor

Speak with the brawler when you’re ready to fight him. Defeat him in battle to end the substory.

Reward: Berserker Charm

Fallen Warrior’s Ghost

Obtained: During Chapter 6, approach the pair on the eastern side of Mukurogai First Floor

At night scope out the eastern side of Mukurogai along the river. When you approach the area, a cutscene will trigger leading to a fight. Defeat the ghost to complete the substory.

The Servile Beggar

Obtained: Speak with the Beggar between the arms dealer and Paradise

The Beggar requires food. We offered him a Sweet Potato to complete the substory.

Reward: Bond with Servile Beggar

The Trash Dealer

Obtained: Speak with the Suspicious Man standing near the northwestern entrance

The Trash Dealer will require some of your junk. Hand over whatever you’d like to complete the substory!

Reward: Bond with Trash Dealer

The Injured Dog

Obtained: Approach the injured dog in the northern part of Mukurogai, west of the Paradise restaurant

To heal the injured pup, we gave it All-Purpose Medicine.

Reward: Bond with Injured Dog

Like a Dragon Ishin Logo

Like a Dragon: Ishin – Tachibanagumi Requests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To unlock the Tachibanagumi Request Board in Like a Dragon: Ishin, make your way to the upper area of Mukurogai. Along the path, you’ll come across men wearing Tengu masks. They will attack you so defeat them. Afterwards, they’ll run away and a woman will appear. She’ll bring you into the Tachibanagumi HQ and introduce you to the Request Board. Visit this board occasionally to retrieve new requests! As you complete these requests, you’ll fill out the Wanted Men completion list.

Man in Tengu Mask

Location: Eatery in Umekojicho

Objective: 8 Men in Tengu Masks

Reward: 2 ryo

Interact with the rowdy group of men next to the Shady Bar in Rakugai and speak with them. Defeat the waves of enemies that spawn then report back to Tachibanagumi HQ.

Jozo Tengu: Jozo

Location: Near Mukurogai

Objective: 8 Men in Tengu Masks

Reward: 4 ryo

Exit Mukurogai and take a left. Speak with the Tengu standing near the jizo statue. He’ll lead you to his boss. Defeat Jozo and his goons then report back to Tachibanagumi HQ.

Octopath Traveler 2 Logo

Octopath Traveler II – Osvald Chapter 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Osvald is one of the 8 playable characters in Octopath Traveler II. His class is the Scholar allowing him to cast powerful skills that damage multiple enemies. He is on a quest for vengeance, hunting down the man that took everything away from him and sent him to prison. The first two chapters of Osvald’s story are back to back and cover him escaping prison. This is a walkthrough for Osvald’s Chapter 2. For more guides on Octopath Traveler II, click here!


After gaining control of Osvald, follow the past east to trigger a cutscene.

Frigit Isle: Entrance

Back on the Frigit Isle, make your way west. Keep an eye out for a chest on the left of the path on a cliff overlooking the ocean containing a Healing Grape. When you reach the front of the prison, a cutscene will trigger. Continue on and head south across a wooden bridge.

WolfSword / Fire / Lightning / Light

Frigit Isle: Anchorage

After reaching Anchorage, continue to follow the path west to find a set of stairs leading up. This will bring you to a chest containing a Magic Nut. Backtrack a bit to the steps leading south and take them down. Head east to find a chest with an Inspiriting Plum. Follow the path west down the mountain. This will bring you to a savepoint you may want to utilize. Head west past the savepoint to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight with a couple of Reinforcement Guards. After you defeat the guards another cutscene will trigger. Once it ends, row, row, row your boat to the west. The northern dock leads to a chest containing an Ice Soulstone. The southern dock is the way forward. After docking on the southern dock, a cutscene will trigger. When it concludes, proceed west into the water. As you keep heading west, a long cutscene will trigger leading to the end of Chapter 2.

Frost Mole IDagger / Staff / Fire / Light
Frost Mole IISword / Bow / Staff / Fire / Light
Ice WispFire / Lightning / Light / Dark
Reinforcement Guard IDagger / Ice / Lightning
WolfSword / Fire / Lightning / Light
Octopath Traveler 2 Logo

Octopath Traveler II – Osvald Chapter 1

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Osvald is one of the 8 playable characters in Octopath Traveler II. His class is the Scholar allowing him to cast powerful skills that damage multiple enemies. He is on a quest for vengeance, hunting down the man that took everything away from him and sent him to prison. The first two chapters of Osvald’s story are back to back and cover him escaping prison. This is a walkthrough for Osvald’s Chapter 1. For more guides on Octopath Traveler II, click here!

Frigit Isle: Cell

When you finally gain control of Osvald, approach the Prisoner and use your class action on him to steal back Osvald’s notebook. This triggers a fight against the prisoner who is weak to your staff attacks. After your victory, a lengthy cutscene will trigger.

Frigit Isle: Yard

After the cutscene finally ends, head up the stairs to the right of the savepoint and into the cafeteria building. This will trigger a quick event then you’ll be tasked with finding an accomplice. There will be three prisoners in the room that you can Scrutinize. Use Osvald’s class action on Emerald near the stove to trigger another event. When prompted, choose “The latter.” to continue the conversation while gaining an accomplice.

On your second visit to the yard, travel west of the savepoint to find Bale in the area with the bell. Speak with him to learn his name is Bale and that he is good at procuring items. Osvald will then mention finding his weakness and three additional prisoners will show up in the yard (you can find their locations below).

  • Prisoner – at the end of the path west of the bell on the right side of the firepit
  • Prisoner – west of the savepoint past the firepit
  • Prisoner – next to the cafeteria north of the savepoint

You’ll want to Scrutinize the Prisoner standing next to the cafeteria to find the information you need on Bale’s Weakness. Return to Bale and speak with him again to receive the Cold-Weather Wear.

At this point, there will be a good amount of people you can Scrutinize when you get to the yard for your third visit. You can use the class action on them if want to learn more about them, but it isn’t required. A list of them can be found below.

  • Cafeteria
    • Prisoner – standing next to a table on the right side
  • Library
    • Guard – behind the counter
    • Prisoner – left side of store near a bookshelf
  • Outside
    • Guard – next to firepit right of savepoint
    • Prisoner – right side of firepit left of savepoint
    • Prisoner – left side of firepit left of savepoint
    • Bale – across from the bell
    • Prisoner – next to the bell
    • Guard – across from the bell
    • Prisoner – end of the path west of the bell
    • Guard – in the north of the past west of the bell

When you’re ready, follow the path west of the savepoint to reach the area with the bell. Head down the path leading north from the bell and through the doorway at the end.

Frigit Isle: Prison

In the prison, you’ll be looking for someone who knows about the underground passage. Head up to the second level then enter the far left cell to find a chest with a Bottle of Blinding Dust. You can find another chest on the third level at the top of the back left ladder containing an Inspiriting Plum. There is also another good chunk of people you can Scrutinize if you wish (listed below).

  • Prisoner x2 – 1st level near the entrance
  • Prisoner – 1st level on the left side of the stairs
  • Prisoner – 2nd level at the top of the stairs to the left
  • Guard – 2nd level on the left side of the bridge
  • Guard – 2nd level on the right side of the bridge
  • Prisoner – 3rd level near the right ladder
  • Prisoner – 3rd level just north of the right ladder
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side in a cell
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side by the left-most cell
  • Guard – 3rd level on the left side of the floor
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the left side near the ladder

When you’re ready, use your class action on the guy near the stairs on the second floor with a green dialog bubble above his head. This will trigger a cutscene about the passage and you’ll receive the Labor Reports Whereabouts. Head back to the Yard.

Frigit Isle: Yard

Travel to the library, which is the building left of the save point at the top of the stairs. Once inside, interact with the bookshelf that has the flickering blue light to receive the Labor Report. This will trigger a quick event sending Osvald back to his cell.

When you regain control of Osvald on the 4th day, go to the yard and head to the building past the cafeteria north of the savepoint. Speak with Emerald to trigger another event ending the day.

Finally, the day of escape is at hand. After Emerald joins the party, follow the path west of the save point towards the objective. This will trigger an event where Osvald reveals the way to the underground passage and more importantly, Emerald will give him the key to his muzzle. Before heading to the underground passage, now might be a good time to go mug the other prisoners for items and gain a few levels. Below is a table with who you can mug, where they can be found and their difficulty level. When you are ready to proceed with the story, head to the Underground Passage.

Cafeteria – Prisoner next to the stove1Ice / LightHerb of Revival
Tree Nut
Cafeteria – Prisoner near the plate cabinet2Spear / Axe / Fire / IceOld Cloth
Cafeteria – Next to the tables on the right side of the room2Bow /Staff / Wind / DarkBottle of Poison Dust
Yard – Guard to the right of the save point2Sword / Dagger / Axe / LightningInspiriting Plum
Storehouse (behind the cafeteria) – Prisoner in the building1Axe / StaffHealing Grape
Library – Guard behind the counter2Dagger / Spear / Axe / LightInspiriting Plum
Ice Soulstone
Library – Prisoner on the left side of the room2Dagger / Ice /LightningFire Soulstone
Yard – Prisoner on the right side of the area will the bell1Axe / Staff / FireOlive of Life
Yard – Prisoner south part of the area with the bell1Staff / Fire / IceHealing Grape
Inspiriting Plum

Prison: Underground Passage

Head down the stairs then follow the walkway around to reach a ladder. Make sure to grab the chest with a Healing Grape in the nearby cell then climb down the stairs. There will be another chest in the cell at the bottom of the ladder with an Inspiriting Plum. Return to the ladder and head west passing the broken stairs to find a gold chest with a Sinner’s Staff for Osvald. Head back to the ladder and press on by heading down the nearby stairs.

At the bottom of the stars, head west through the broken section of the wall and follow the path to the end to find another gold chest with an Ancient necklace in a cell. Return to the stairs then head east. Grab the chest in the cell you pass for an Olive of Life then save at the save point. There will also be a Prisoner here you can buy supplies from. I’d try to make sure you have around 8-10 Healing Grapes and 3-5 Inspiriting Plums. You may also wish to fight a few enemies in the area until you get a couple of Herbs of Revival that will be useful shortly. I’d also recommend you farm enough JP to teach Osvald Lightning Bolt as it will come in very handy for the upcoming boss fight. When you’re ready, head down the stairs to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight with Warden Davids.


Frost Mole IDagger / Staff / Fire / Light
Frost Mole IISword / Bow / Staff / Fire / Light
White BatDagger / Staff / Fire / Light

Boss Fight: Warden Davids

It’s finally time to tell that snooty warden where to shove it! You’ll face Warden Davids accompanied by two Prison Guards. Check out the table below to see what attacks the enemies are weak to. As stated above, all three enemies are weak to Lightning-based attacks so Osvald’s Lightning Bolt will come in handy for this fight. A couple of things to watch out for. The Prison Guards can cast shackle on your party members causing them to act later. The warden also has an attack that renders a character unconscious. The Herb of Revival can cure this if you managed to get any to drop off of the monsters in the Underground Passage. When the warden starts charging up for (purple mist will surround him), either defend or break him before his next action.

I chose Osvald as my first character so my strategy for this fight was to defeat one of the Prison Guards while only doing enough damage to the other to keep him in break status while focusing on the warden. The reason for this is that if you defeat both guards, the warden will summon another to fight alongside him. Emerald has some skills that allow him to lower an enemy’s physical attack, attack random enemies 2-4 times and heal an ally so his role was more of support. Once an enemy’s shield was broken, I’d then boost my attack to deal massive damage. Once Warden Davids reaches half health, you’ll be introduced to Osvald’s Latent Power. You can use it to deal even more damage with a Scholar Skill to 1 enemy. The battle ends after you defeat Warden Davids.

Prison Guard x2Dagger / Staff / Ice / Lightning
Warden DavidsDagger / Staff / Fire / Lightning

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 2 in Octopath Traveler II!

Marvel's Midnight Suns Logo

Midnight Suns – Venom’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, Venom is a DLC character that you can unlock by completing The Devil’s Due story mission at the mirror table, which is available after completing all of the New York story missions. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with this hero. This guide will help you increase Venom’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Eddie Brock. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level.

Abbey Conversations

After The Devil’s Due mission

  • Uh… Thanks again for what you did for me…
    • You’re welcome here. (+1)
    • Don’t make me regret it. (-1)
    • You should thank Peter. (+0)
  • But enough about us…
    • That’s water under the, uh… Fishing bridge. (+0)
    • I’ll be watching you. (+0)
    • [Joke] You would not have enjoyed that meal. (+0)
  • So now that we’ve cleared the air…
    • We should be worried. (+0)
    • It was Peter’s choice. (+0)
    • That line of thinking is irrelevant. (+0)

After completing Venom’s second mission

  • Your mother controlled me. She took away my free will…
    • Sounds like you need a friend. (+0)
    • Woah! Calm down. (+0)
    • [Joke] Puppet shows are fun! (+0)
    • You are right to be angry. (+0)
  • Something like that might kill Mephisto.
    • What happened to Perseus? (+0)
    • Eddie… That’s a bedtime story. (+0)
    • That sounds fishy. (+0)
  • Well yeah, it’s indestructible…
    • This is too convenient. (+0)
    • Talk to an expert first. (+0)
    • You’re grasping at straws. (+0)

After completing Eddie’s third mission

  • We’ve been so busy. I haven’t processed what I did under Lilith’s control…
    • I want to help. (+0)
    • Take your mind off it. (+0)
    • That doesn’t matter anymore. (+0)
  • The worst are the faces I don’t remember…
    • Tell me about it. (+0)
      • Then… Nothing. I’ve had that one on loop for days.
        • This isn’t healthy. (+0)
        • What do you remember? (+0)
        • I can only sympathize. (+0)
    • Maybe that’s for the best. (+0)
    • Maybe magic can help. (+0)
  • Why shouldn’t I be? Got a full eight last night…
    • Good for you. (+1)
    • I don’t like this energy. (-1)
    • I could use some of what you’re having. (+0)
  • Yeah, but we’ve been so busy fighting Lilin and vampyres-with-a-Y…
    • This doesn’t sound good. (-1)
    • I support you. (+1)
    • [Joke] I’ve got a story for you. (+0)

After finding Eddie’s Journal per the objective

*Eddie’s Journal can be found in his room on a stack of newspapers under the camera.

  • Hey, uh… You didn’t read it, did you?
    • Yes, and I’m worried. (-1)
    • Yes. You may be onto something. (+1)
    • [Lie] No. (+2)

After Storm’s second mission

  • I’m now 100 percent focused on defeating Lilith…
    • I support you. (+1)
    • [Joke] Now I can beat you to market. (+0)
    • Thank goodness! (-1)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • You know? It’s funny… My Other has protected me…
    • Forget what anyone else thinks. (+1)
    • People have reason to fear you. (-1)
    • [Joke] Well, you are scary. (+0)
  • Maybe not. I’m not the only person who bonded with my symbiote…
    • Want a new image. (+0)
    • Never change. (+0)
    • [Joke] Mind if I try it on? (+0)

Friendship Level 2

  • My symbiote boosts my metabolism…
    • You’re always so hungry. (+0)
    • Sounds better than an energy drink. (+0)
    • Sounds handy after a fight. (+0)
  • I spent most of my childhood trying to measure up to that monster’s unattainable standars.
    • I am sorry. (+1)
    • I can relate. (+0)
    • Those events made you stronger. (+0)

Friendship Level 3

  • True, it’s just this place reminds me of the church…
    • I’m surprised. (+0)
    • [Joke] A fan of the music? (+0)
    • I like the Chapel, too. (+0)
  • I wanted to mix it up on the streets…
    • Are reporters that powerful? (+0)
    • [Joke] I don’t get jazz. (+0)
    • That sounds noble. (+0)
  • But that’s when I was saved by a higher power.
    • That sounds profound. (+0)
    • [Joke] You found a god? (+0)
    • The symbiote! (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • You know, some days I feel a pull…
    • That would be a challenging journey. (+0)
    • [Joke] How do you call home? (+0)
    • Don’t leave. (+0)
  • It’s a long story.
    • I can handle long. (+0)
    • [Joke] Oh, storytime! (+0)
    • Stop wasting time. (+0)
  • No, he caught the bad guy like he always does…
    • Sounds like a contradiction. (+0)
    • [Joke] Eye for an eye. (+0)
    • I still don’t understand. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • I’m really starting to get used to this place…
    • That sounds inconvenient. (+0)
    • [Joke] Do you miss your furry friends? (+0)
    • You won’t find any rats here. (+0)
  • Okay, well… How do you do it…
    • Stop trying so hard. (+0)
    • You are the master of your emotions. (+0)
    • [Joke] Yoga… Maybe. (+0)
  • Those heroes often do what is “right”, even if that means…
    • Does that make you “wrong?” (+0)
    • [Joke] But you eat them. (+0)
    • That is what makes them heroes. (+0)
  • As much as I sometimes want to see him suffer…
    • It needs you too. (+0)
    • [Joke] You love Spider-Man! (+0)
    • That’s very noble. (+0)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Venom has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities he loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+0
Have a Drink+7
Reading by the Fire+0
Watching a Movie+5
Working Out+7
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+5

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions:

  • Oh, that’s my stomach. I think it’s time for a snack…
    • A few minutes!
    • Go get a snack.
    • That isn’t normal. (+0)
  • That’s all part of the suit. The symbiote learned to mimic Spider-Man’s webs…
    • That’s useful.
    • Sounds complicated.
    • Sounds sticky. (+0)
  • Yeah, try swinging from one.
    • Is that scary?
    • That sounds nice.
    • No thanks! (+0)
  • That’s got my symbiote beat. Eh, but I’m a T-Rex man, anyway.
    • I wish dinosaurs were still around.
    • Would you fight one?
    • Space is okay. (+0)
  • I woke up one night? The symbiote had absorbed an old toothbrush…
    • What about big things?
    • Could have been worse.
    • Anything in there now? (+0)
  • I–I think you misunderstand. The suit turns into my clothes…
    • Do you have to wash the suit?
    • [Joke] Can the suit become anything?
    • You’re naked?! (+0)
  • Okay, so far. Kinda reminds me of summer camp, but…
    • You don’t like summer camp?
    • The kitchen isn’t full anymore. (+0)
    • I never went to camp.
  • It sounds dangerous and I like that…
    • You still had a say.
    • [Joke] There were other options. (+0)
    • I also like your sense of style.
  • Yeah. But it’s also distracting having someone chew your ear off…
    • I bet Spider-Man hated that. (+0)
    • [Joke] But nice for parties. (+0)
    • Can you shut out the voice?
  • Well… I went home hungry that night.
    • Nice bluff.
    • Fighting hungry is hard.
    • [Joke] Like you know what a spleen is… (+0)
  • Actually, my symbiote often keeps me grounded…
    • But you eat spleens!
    • [Joke] What about your hair? (+0)
    • You don’t sound “grounded”. (+0)
  • Yeah. Never thought I’d be crashing a few doors down from Spider-Man.
    • This is a good “bonding” opportunity. (+0)
    • Don’t worry about it.
    • [Joke] Wolverine’s room smells.
  • Honesty, Hunter? I feel out of place…
    • I think you fit in.
    • [Joke] We could find you a new room. (+0)
    • You are more helpful than you know.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.


Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Magic for Normies
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Advanced Photography
All New Ghost Rider #1
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Growing Up With Trauma
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Madripoor in Pictures
Meat Market
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
New Mutants #98
Photo Frame
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Snack Box (Snax)
Strange Tales #110
Tactics of the Ancients
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
A Stoic Companion
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme

For more guides on Marvel’s Midnight Suns, click here!

Hogwarts Legacy Logo

Hogwarts Legacy – Portrait in a Pickle

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Portrait in a Pickle side quest in Hogwarts Legacy can be obtained during the Lodgok’s Loyalty main quest. Travel to the Library Floo Flame then interact with the nearby portrait of Ferdinand Octavius Pratt. He’ll inform you that his other frame has been stolen and will task you with recovering it.

Travel to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade then speak with Astoria Crickett near the entrance. She’ll mention that the portrait is being kept with the people who stole it. Travel to the Marunweem Ruins at Marunweem Lake and deal with the enemies there. In the ruins, find the set of stairs next to a stack of barrels and take them down.

You’ll need Alohomora Level II to pick the lock of the gate. Once inside, speak with the portrait. Afterwards, you’ll have the option of returning it to the Three Broomsticks or Hog’s Head. Do whatever you see fit to the portrait. The quest will complete and you’ll be rewarded with an Oddities Shelf configuration.

Hogwarts Legacy Logo

Hogwarts Legacy – Phoenix Rising

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Phoenix Rising side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available during the Prepare for Your O.W.L.S main objective. Make your way to the Room of Requirement and speak with Deek. He’ll mention a Phoenix is nesting nearby. Set out in search of the mythical bird by heading to the northeastern part of the Poidsear Coast to find the Phoenix Cave Mountain. Head inside then follow the path through the cave. Eventually, you find the Phoenix. Follow it while taking out the Dark Wizards hunting it. When you reach the end, the Phoenix will let you rescue him. Return to Deek to complete the quest.

Like a Dragon Ishin Logo

Hogwarts Legacy – The Unique Unicorn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Unique Unicorn side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available during the Prepare for Your O.W.L.S main objective. Travel to Hogsmeade and speak with Betty Bugbrooke near Hogsmeade Square. She’ll ask you to check on her friend Hazel, the unicorn. Exit Hogsmeade and travel to Upper Hogsfield. From there, go west into the Dark Forest to find the Unicorn Den. When you reach the search area, you can easily locate Hazel by looking for the white dot on your mini map. Once you find her, capture her using your bag. Use Levioso to make catching her easier. Once you’ve caught her, return to Betty and let her know Hazel is safe to complete the quest. You’ll receive Wooden Maiden configuration as a reward.

Like a Dragon Ishin Logo

Like a Dragon: Ishin – Other Substories

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Like a Dragon: Ishin, you can complete various substories for rewards and virtue points. This guide covers the 7 Other substories!

It’s What’s on the Inside

Obtained: Head through the arch west of the Otake Tea Parlor in Mibu

After witnessing the act of the Wandering Samurai, speak with him. Afterwards, follow him east into Rakunai. Continue heading to the eastern side of Rakunai where you’ll end up in Teramachi, which is just east of the General Goods store. Approach the river to find Suzu. You’ll need to encourage Aguri by saying “Have faith in Suzu”.

After witnessing the disturbing words of the scorned man, return to Mibu and make your way to the far western side of the area. When you approach the group, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight against Ikesugi’s men. Defeat them all to complete the substory.

Reward: Gion Hood

Hope Blossoms Again

Obtained: Approach the elderly couple being confronted by the warrior to the west of Otake Tea Parlor in Mibu

After witnessing the despicable act of the warrior, the elderly man and woman will task you with finding a cherry blossom tree. Head to the boat in the southwestern corner of Fushimi and take it to Ryoma’s villa. Interact with the dead tree next to the jizo statue then return to the elderly couple in Mibu. Afterwards, the substory will complete.

A Warlord’s Ambition

Obtained: Cook 10 meals in Ryoma’s villa to trigger a cutscene

Agree to cook this warlord a meal then play the minigame to cook the fish. (We made two attempts at this substory. The first time we were just so-so for all 3 fish and were great each time for the second. The reward did not change!) After you finish cooking, the substory will complete!

Reward: Dragon Whisker

The Boy Who Cried Bear

Obtained: Approach the boy and his dad talking near the shrine on the western side of Mibu

After hearing their conversation, speak with the Bear Boy. A fight will then trigger. Dispatch of the bear to complete the substory.

Reward: Inviting Hat

Mama Ryoma

Obtained: Approach the group of 3 kids in Mibu

To stop their crying, agree to play house. As the mom, select the following options:

  • Vegetables, potatoes, and tofu
  • How was work?

When the “samurai” shows up, things get dark awfully fast. After the 2 kids take off, one will stay behind to talk to you. Defeat the Warrior to complete the substory.

The Amnesiac

Obtained: Approach the Incapacitated Man along the path leading to the Kiyomizu Temple

For this substory, you’ll need to give the man an item. We gave him the All-Purpose Medicine to complete the substory.

Reward: Dead Branch and form bond with the Amnesiac

The Boy Who Loves Veggies

Obtained: Speak with the boy to the east of the Otake Tea Parlor in Mibu

If you don’t have any veggies on you, head to the boat in the southwestern corner of Fushimi and take it to Ryoma’s villa. Plant and harvest some crops then return to the Veggie-Loving Boy in Mibu. We gave him Daikon, which he loved, and the substory completed.

Reward: Bond with Veggie-Loving Boy

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Hogwarts Legacy – History of Magic Class

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The History of Magic Class side quest in Hogwarts Legacy becomes available during the Prepare for Your O.W.L.S main objective. Travel to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame then head up the stairs on the southwest side and through the door straight ahead. Go up the stairs and into the History of Magic class the being the quest. You’ll have to follow Professor Binns through the school on a guided field trip. You’ll then have to collect the Grimbald Weft Field Guide Page. It can be found next to right of the Floo Flame (when looking at it) in the nook of the stairs. Use Revelio to make it appear and collect it.

Next, you’ll be tasked with locating the Waving Knight Guide Page. It can also be collected by using Revelio on the stone statue in the wall to the left of the Floo Flame (when looking at it) at the top of the second flight of stairs.

Speak with the professor afterward. This will complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with a Books and Cauldrons Shelf conjuration.