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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Picchi Furniture Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Picchi Furniture quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Picchi Furniture quest.

How to Start the Picchi Furniture Quest

The Nice Interior shop in Spino where you start the Picchi Furniture quest in Sand Land

To start the Picchi Furniture quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach the Two Kinds main story quest. Additionally, you’ll need to have completed a chunk of the Spino side quests.

Once you’ve done that, speak with Lutemis at her Nice Interior shop in Spino. She’ll ask Belz for a favor which he instantly shoots down. After sweet-talking him a bit, he agrees to hear her out. She’ll then mention things she’s heard about the Picchi bringing up how wondrous their furniture might be. Her request is for the party to travel to the Picchi village and find a furniture expert.

Picchi Furniture Quest Walkthrough

Talk to the Picchie at the Legendary Spring

Map of where to find the Legendary Spring during the Picchi Furniture quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino and travel to the Legendary Spring in the Wapho Region located in the southeastern corner of Sand Land. Head to the eastern side of the spring and speak with Turus near the houses.

image of Turus during the Picchi Furniture quest in Sand Land

He’ll comment that he makes furniture and would love to share notes on human furniture even going as far as asking to live among the humans. Elna will then appear and forbid him from doing such a thing. After fighting, Elna runs off and Rao offers to go after her.

Bring Elna Back

Elna being attacked by a pack of scorpions during the Picchi Furniture quest in Sand Land

Exit the Legendary Spring to the desert then travel east to find Elna being attacked by scorpions behind a giant rock. Deal with them then speak with Elna to return to the Legendary Spring. This will complete the quest rewarding you with 1,800z, 2 Handrails, and a Split-Level Floor.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Junk Millionaire Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Junk Millionaire quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Junk Millionaire quest.

How to Start the Junk Millionaire Quest

Map of where to start the Junk Millionaire quest in Sand Land

To start the Junk Millionaire quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Gite in the Vulture Nest. He and Hugh were talking about a legendary Junker dubbed the “Junk Millionaire” which Belz thinks sounds interesting and decides to follow in the legend’s footsteps by trying to turn junk into gold. Gite will then give him a broken bolt to help Belz get started.

Junk Millionaire Quest Walkthrough

Make a Trade for the Broken Bolt

Map of where to find Talbo during the Junk Millionaire quest in Sand Land

Time to play the trade-up game! Start by traveling to Talbo and speak with Janus just past the entrance. He’ll offer to trade you an iron ducky toy in exchange for the broken bolt.

Trade Again or Sell to Hugh and Gite

Map of where we found Suu during the Junk Millionaire quest in Sand Land

If you take the iron ducky back to Hugh, he’ll offer you 300z for it. If you want to try trading up again, you’ll need to open your map and look for the objective. The next person who you can trade up with Suu the wandering traveler. For us, he was in the Maphin Region which is located in the southwestern corner of Sand Land. Speak with Suu who will then offer to trade you a Copper Scorpion.

Map of where to find the Giant Bolder Arch during the Junk Millionaire quest in Sand Land

If you take the Copper Scorpion back to Hugh, he’ll offer you 700z for it. Alternatively, you can keep it to trade up again. If you go that route, the next stop is the top of the Giant Boulder Arch southeast of the Pisci Camp. There you’ll find a campfire with Niki resting that. Chat with him to swap the Copper Scorpion for a Silver Jug.

Map of where to find Nei during the Junk Millionaire quest in Sand Land

Take the Silver Jug back to Hugh and he’ll offer you 1,400z for it. To keep trading up, keep it then travel to the Gahlet Region, specifically the southwestern part near the Water Supply Point. Look for a stone archway traveling under it to find Nei. Speak with her to trade the Silver Jug for a golden model engine.

Sell What You Traded for to Hugh and Gite

Now that you have a golden model engine, return to Spino and speak with Hugh. He’ll offer you 2,800z for the golden model engine. Accept the offer to finally complete the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 2,800z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Bororo Boy Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Bororo Boy quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Bororo Boy quest.

How to Start the Bororo Boy Quest

Map of where to start the Bororo Boy quest in Sand Land

To start the Bororo Boy quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino.

Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Cress near the pens on the west side of town. She’ll tell Cress that they need more Bororos to offset the people-to-cow ratio! Things like plowing the fields and producing milk will fall behind if more aren’t procured. In light of this, Cress will send the group to speak with a couple who raise Bororo cattle in Mapu Ruins to procure some more Bororo calves or even get them to move to Spino.

Bororo Boy Quest Walkthrough

Find the Cattle Rancher in the Mapu Village Ruins

Map of where to find the Mapu Village Ruins during the Bororo Boy quest in Sand Land

Set out for the Mapu Village Ruins in the Maphin Region located in the southwestern part of Sand Land. When you get there, speak with Waq near the campfire who will say the people Belz is looking for are his parents and that they were eaten. He agrees to send the cattle to Spino but refuses to leave because he has to avenge his parents. You’ll then get the choice to help him or leave him be. We chose to help him. Waq will agree to let Belz help as long as he gets to deal the final blow.

Head to Where Waq Is / Defeat the Alpha Raptor

Map of where to find the raptor during the Bororo Boy quest in Sand Land

From the Mapu Village Ruins, travel southeast to find Waq near 3 giant stone pillars. Speak with the boy to trigger a cutscene which starts the fight against the Alpha Raptor. It will charge in so be ready for that. Defeat the raptor to trigger another cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll receive 1,900z and a Hover Scooter Frame for your reward.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Bee Busters Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Bee Busters quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Bee Busters quest.

How to Start the Bee Busters Quest

Map of where to start the Bee Busters quest in Sand Land

To start the Bee Busters quest, you’ll need to progress in the story until you start the Two Kings main quest. Once you’ve gotten that far, head east from the Trikke Camp to find Bat at a little checkpoint area southwest of the Endmill Base. Speak with him and he’ll invite Belz and Rao to join the Clubs.

After declining him, Bat will then tell the part that a huge swarm of Solider Bees has appeared near their base and that they are trying to get some help to clear them out. He’ll then ask the group to clear them out for the Clubs in exchange for some compensation.

Bee Busters Quest Walkthrough

Defeat the Soldier Bee

Area image of where to go to find the bees during the Bee Busters quest in Sand Land

To reach the bees, travel northwest past the gate near Bat crossing the stone bridge. After you reach the other side, head take a right heading north to reach a clearing where you’ll spot the insects.

image of the bees you'll need to take out during the Bee Busters quest in Sand Land

You’ll then need to defeat 10 of the soldier bees to satisfy the objective. Approaching the bees will cause them to swarm and attack Belz from the sky. We recommend using the Battle Armor to make quick work of them.

Report to Bat

After you’ve taken out the bees, return to Bat and let him know the job is done. This will complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with 1.250z, 10 stones, and 10 B-Grade Cables.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the A Strange Request Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the A Strange Request quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Strange Request quest.

How to Start the A Strange Request Quest

Map of where to start the A Strange Request quest in Sand Land

To start the quest, you’ll first need to progress the game until you reach the Flying Fortress Garam quest. Additionally, you’ll also need to have completed a number of the Spino quests.

Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Ves/Stan in the workshop. She’ll speak to the group in a super friendly manner leading to her asking for a favor. She’ll want the group to travel to the Abandoned Plant and gather some materials dropped by the rare giant birds there.

A Strange Request Quest Walkthrough

Find the Bird in the Abandoned Plant

Image of the Don Pterrano Belz needs to slay during the A Strange Request quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino and travel to the Abandoned Plant which can be found in Nahn Region located in the northwestern part of Sand Land just west of the Hado Village Ruins. The bird you are looking for is the giant red and black one called Don Pterano. You’ll need to fight and slay the monster then collect the materials that it drops. Make sure to leverage the sand mounds so that you can hit the bird while it’s higher up in the sky!

Give the Searing Wing Membrane to Ves

Return to Spino and speak with Ves to hand over the searing wing membrane. This will complete the quest and new items will be added to the shop. Additionally, you’ll be rewarded with 2,050z and 5 Premium Pternao Rubber.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the A Playful Find Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the A Playful Find quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Playful Find quest.

How to Start the A Playful Find Quest

Map of where to start the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

In order to start the A Playful Find quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Arthur at his Extra Chip shop. He’s facing quite a dilemma as he wants to make a new chip but requires another chip that is impossible to get a hold of. Only one chip like it exists and was placed in a Defender bot. According to him, there should be one somewhere on the Merrick Battleship. Rao will agree to help, basically forcing Belz to go too! Arthur says a good place to start would be the Merrick Junker’s Market.

A Playful Find Quest Walkthrough

Head for the Merrick Junker Market

Map of where to find Merrick during the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino and travel to Junker Market: Merrick in the Chapa Region located in the northeastern part of Sand Land.

Gather Information About the Chip

Area map of the junkers you'll need to talk to during the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

When you get there, speak with Kaliho who is standing along the main road, and Burner standing by the northern gate. Afterward, Belz will conclude that the younger Junkers don’t know anything and decides to speak out to some older ones.

Gather More Information

Exit the northern gate and follow the path leading to the entrance to the battleship. Speak with Ritra nearby to ask about the special Defender. He’ll then give you directions to the bot.

Search Merrick Battleship for the Bot

Area image of the special defender bot we are looking for during the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

Enter the battleship and jump down through the giant gap in the middle of the room to reach the bottom level. From there, head south and follow the path to reach a big open room. You’ll then need to use some walkways and fallen debris to work your way over to where the Defender is. Interact with SL005-Z to trigger a cutscene.

Talk to Ritra

Exit the battleship then speak with Ritra nearby who will require 10,000z to purchase the bot. Do so (or go earn some money first) to prompt Belz to hold off on the sale for a moment.

Decide What to do with SL005-Z

You’ll have two options for the bot. You can have Ritra take out the chip which would destroy the bot or choose to save the bot and bring it back to Spino with you.

Report to Arthur

Make your way back to Spino and speak with Arthur. If you had Ritra remove the chip, then you’ll hand it over and the quest will complete. Alternatively, if you chose to save SL005-Z, then Belz will have Arthur fix him up. Arthur will make a comment saying that he gets it, you grew attached to the bot and it’s happened to him before. He’ll then comment that he’ll just trash the project. This is where our new friend will chime in and mention that he has a spare chip that Arthur can have thus completing the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,900z and a Power+ Chip (Laser) either way. Saving SL005-Z will result in him becoming a citizen of Spino.

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For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Build More Zip Lines Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Build More Zip Lines quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Build More Zip Lines quest.

How to Start the Build More Zip Lines Quest

map of where to start the Build More Zip Lines quest in Sand Land

To start the Build More Zip Lines quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Lutia in Spino in the northern part of time close to the water wheel. She’ll be complaining that her legs feel like they are going to fall off due to taking the stairs to stay fit. Ann will mention having Lecto make a new zip line prompting the man to appear! He’ll agree to the request, but asks for the materials to begin working!

Build More Zip Lines Quest Walkthrough

Give the Zip Line Materials to Lutia

In order to build the zip line for Lutia, you’ll need to collect 8 quality steels, 4 magnets, and 2 ropes for Lecto. You can purchase the ropes from Ades at the Item shop in town. The magnets can be obtained from the Workshop by trading in 3 Old Iron Ingots per magnet along with the Quality Steel which requires 1 iron ore and 1 titanium ore.

Once you have everything you need. deliver the materials to Lutia who will grab Lecto. This will lead to a quick event where a couple more zip lines will be added to Spino. The quest will then complete and you’ll be rewarded with 1,900z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the First Bud Burgeons Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the First Bud Burgeons quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the First Bud Burgeons quest.

How to Start the First Bud Burgeons Quest

Map of where to start the First Bud Burgeons quest in Sand Land

To start the First Bud Burgeons quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Siris near the fields on the west side of town. He’ll be in the the middle of talking with the land which is telling him that in the current environment, this is the best it can do.

To help Spino keep growing, Siris will mention special seeds from his time in the Royal Army that were genetically modified to grow anywhere. To procure some, Rao recommends checking out the Lisab Battleship.

First Bud Burgeons Quest Walkthrough

Search for Seeds on the Lisab Battleship

map of the lisab battleship during the First Bud Burgeons quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino and head for the Lisab Battleship in the northwestern part of the Tort Region in Sand Land. When you get there, you’ll want to use the entrance that requires the extended jump of the Hopper.

Once you’re inside, follow the ramp heading north and press on until you are above the quest marker. Look for an opening on the floor and drop down to reach the correct floor. Use your Battle Armor to move the crates out of the way revealing a new path.

area image of the chest with the seeds during the First Bud Burgeons quest in Sand Land

Continue working your way through this new path moving crates and looting chests until you reach the metal hallway with all the stairs. There will be one last chest there with the seeds.

Give the Seeds to Siris

Exit the battleship and return to Spino. Speak with Siris to deliver the seeds which will complete the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,900z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Punk Painters Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Punk Painters quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Punk Painters quest.

How to Start the Punk Painters Quest

Where to start the Punk Painters quest in Sand Land

To start the quest, you’ll first need to progress the game until you reach the Flying Fortress Garam quest. Additionally, you’ll also need to have completed a number of the Spino quests.

Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Shion at his Good Feel Paint shop. Shion we’ll mention that he’s exhausted from all the work and that another pair of hands would allow him to take a break now and then. He’ll then suggest Leda and Loppe from the Royal Capital who have the necessary skills. Belz will agree to bring them over to keep the shop open.

Punk Painters Quest Walkthrough

Find Leda and Loppe in the Royal Capital

Map of where to find the Royal Capital for the Punk Painters quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino and travel to the Royal Capital in search of Leda and Loppe. Upon entering the city, take a left and follow along the wall. You’ll run into Leda towards the end next to a painting of the king on the wall. Speak with her about Shion in Spino to learn that Lope is at the Marhan Base. She will agree to move there if you spring Loppe from jail.

Head for Marhan Base

Map of where to find Marhan Base for the Punk Painters quest in Sand Land

Exit the Royal Capital and travel southwest to reach the Marhan Base. You’ll need to sneak into the base and follow the objective into the green warehouse. There you’ll need to take out 4 enemies and then speak with Loppe in the cell. This will trigger a cutscene where the party will escort her back to the capital. When it concludes, the quest will be complete and you’ll receive 1,900z as a reward.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Hungry Hearts Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Hungry Hearts quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Hungry Hearts quest.

How to Start the Hungry Hearts Quest

Where to start the Hungry Hearts quest in Sand Land

To start the Hungry Hearts quest, you’ll need to progress the story until you reach the Flying Fortress Garam main quest. After doing that, travel to the western part of the Bisquet Region of Forest Land northeast of the Cardamo Ruins to find Tokuri standing on a rock in the middle swap. Speak with him to learn that he is hungry. So hungry that he can’t even move to get food. As Belza begins to leave, Tokuri offers to give him superhard croctor alloy and premium gunpowder for help.

Hungry Hearts Quest Walkthrough

Defeat Mega Crocodile

Mega Crocodiles for the Hungry Hearts quest in Sand Land

To satisfy Tokuri’s hunger, you’ll need to slay 10 Mega Crocodiles. Travel to the Forest Lake in the Rohti Region located in the western part of Forest Land. There you will find plenty of Mega Crocodiles swimming in the lake. Use your hovercar to glide around the lake defeating them.

Report to Tokuri in the Hearts Hideout

After slaying 10 of the Mega Crocodiles, return to Tokuri and speak with him to hand over the meat completing the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,900z, 3 Superhard Croctor Alloy, and 3 Premium Gunpowder.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!