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Starfield | How to Complete Operation Starseed Mission

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Starfield Operation Starseed mission! In this guide, we’ll cover how you can start the Operation Starseed mission along with the steps you’ll need to take to complete it. If you’re here looking for help with a specific mission objective, be sure to check out our quick links section which should point you in the right direction!

How to Start the Starfield Operation Starseed Mission

Where to start the Starfield Operation Starseed mission

You should get an activity to check out the Crucible simply by flying around near the Charybdis System. Regardless, to start this mission, travel to Charybdis III in the Charybdis System and land at the Crucible.

Starfield Operation Starseed Mission Guide

Talk with Tobias

Upon landing at Crucible, head northwest from your ship towards a grouping of buildings. As you get close, you’ll spot Tobias (a robot) standing near the entrance. Speak with it and tell the bot you received a distress call. This will continue the conversation where Ada will show up and start talking with you. Exhaust her dialog options to find out what’s going on then set out to find Franklin.

Talk to Franklin

Starfield Operation Starseed mission H2 building

Travel straight down the road past Ada entering the building at the end with an H2 on it. You’ll find Franklin standing inside wearing a suit. Speak with the man to learn a bit more about what’s going on. He’ll then recommend you speak with the other leaders before he tells you about his ideals.

Talk to Genghis Khan

Genghis can be found outside of The Crucible on the southwest side. As you approach him, he’ll tell you to draw your weapons. Do so and help him defeat the insect that spawns. Once they have all been defeated, talk with him. He’ll say he leads the Renegades and is trying to find a way off this rock. He’ll then tell you to travel to the Facility and put a stop to it so they can be free!

Talk to Amanirenas

Travel to the east side of The Crucible to find Amanirenas. Speak with her to learn how she leads the Believers and what they want to do. She’ll then ask for your help to fix the facility so that it can do its thing. She’ll also say that it’s located in the Far East and that none of them can travel there.

Talk to Franklin

Return to Franklin and speak with him to get his plan. He’ll want to remove the machines from the picture and learn to think for themselves.

Secret Lives mission

Exit the building Franklin is in to hear a call out from Wyatt Earp. This will trigger the Secret Lives mission that you’ll want to do before heading to the Facility.

Go to the Facility

Starfield Operation Starseed mission the Facility map location

To reach the Facility, you’ll need to return to orbit and choose to land there as it’s on the other side of Charybdis III. You can easily do this by opening your starmap and just selecting it as your travel destination. When you get there, head south to reach the building and head inside through the yellow door.

Find Clues About the Facility

Now that you’re in the Facility, it’s time to do some investigating. Follow the main path down a set of stairs bringing you to a room filled with bugs and a fleshy material covering the room. On the right side you’ll find the DAIRY PAGE – DISCOVERING GALATHEA on top of a multi-person chair. Grab it then head into the cafeteria on the southeastern side of the room past the diary page. You’ll find the DAIRY PAGE – ESCAPE on the table there that you’ll want to collect.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission Diary Page - Escape location

Leave the cafeteria traveling deeper into the Facility. This will bring you to a crew quarters room filled with a couple of beds and some lockers. The next diary page, DAIRY PAGE – REBORN can be found on the nightstand next to the bed. Take in then proceed on through the hole in the wall.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission Diary Page - Reborn location

When you reach the other side, you’ll be in a bathroom with the DAIRY PAGE – GENGHIS EXPLOSION on the floor next to the open stall. Exit the bathroom and follow the hallway down a ramp. Enter the next room which is filled with more bugs and take a left to spot the ANONYMOUS LAST WORDS message on a cushion.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission anonymous last words diary location

Once you’ve read it, cross the room heading into another hallway then go into the room on the right. Look at the desk there to find the DAIRY PAGE – ADA’S QUESTIONS. Now that you have 6 clues, return to the previous room with the bugs and descend down the hole in the middle of the room. After emerging in another section of the ship, you’ll have to defeat a large group of the Hunting species with one of them being a Level 85 boss with multiple health bars. Take them out then head into the room they were guarding. Go left to spot a terminal with the ADA’S DAIRY – HEART OF THE FACILITY on it.

Starfield Operation Starseed mission Ada's Dairy - Heart of the Facility location

Choose Which Society to Give Facility Information

Exit the Facility by climbing up the stairs behind the terminal and going through the door at the top. You’ll then need to use the terminal in the next area on the left to open the door. This will bring you back outside allowing you to travel back to The Crucible. When you arrive it’s time to decide who you will side with. Travel to that leader and give them the notes. They will then send you to Ada for help tracking down the Security Override Code. The choice here doesn’t matter too much as you’ll have another chance later to change who you back if you wish.

Talk to Ada Lovelace

Head to Ada at the east side of the Crucible near Amanireans to speak with her. She’ll tell you that the Beagle isn’t in this system but then remembers that a telescope resets its coordinates every morning thus giving us our heading.

Investigate Bel V

Starfield Operation Starseed mission starmap to Bel System

Return to your ship and plot a course for the BEL System. When you arrive, you’ll spot a Navigation Beacon. Use the prompt to scan is freqency which will tell you that the Beagle was planned to stop in Zelzany I after visiting Bel V.

Follow the Beagle’s Trail to Zelazny I

Starfield Operation Starseed mission starmap to Zelazny System

Purse the Beagle by traveling to the Zelazny System where you’ll find the Beagle in the orbit of Zelazny I. If you are not in orbit and off in space, then the quest is a bit bugged for you. This can be fixed by landing on Zelazny I then heading back up to space. You can also try traveling to another system and back. After doing this, you should be able to reach, dock and board the Beagle.

Find the Facility’s Security Override Code

Now that you’re on the Beagle, work your way through it to reach the command center. To get there, you’ll have to defeat a couple of robots and turrets. When you arrive, interact with the terminal in the center of the room then use it to download the Security Override Code.

See If Ada Lovelace Can Decrypt Security Override Code

Now that we have the override code, travel back to The Crucible. Upon landing, you’ll receive a message from whoever you sided with asking you to check in with them. The game will make you check in with the leader before you can speak with Ada about the code.

See Leader About an Emergency

Tie in with whatever leader you choose to learn that the meeting has been called. During the meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to switch who you support.

Attend Meeting with Crucible Leaders

Exit the building then speak with the leader who challenged the one you sided with in the center of the Crucible. Once the talks begin, you’ll have a final chance to choose who you want to support. The way it works is that of the three leaders, the other two will always side against the one you picked. Additionally, Amanirenas and Genghis will never see eye to eye. If you side with Amanirenas, you can persuade Franklin to abstain from the fight. Same deal if you sided with Genghis. If you pick to back Franklin, you can persuade either Genghis by allowing his people to go free or Amanirenas by Frankin agree to administer a test where they both have equal power to stand down, but you cannot persuade both of them. The other will be who you fight in the next step.

Kill Amanirenas / Franklin / Genghis

Once the fighting starts, you’ll need to take out the other faction’s leaders to stop it. If you sided with Genghis and agreed to allow Franklin to stay in The Crucible, then you’ll only have to deal with Amanirenas. If you instead sided with her, then you’ll only need to take out Genghis.

Speak with Leader

Following the battle, speak with whichever leader you sided with to receive their praise. You’ll then finally be able to check in with Ada.

See If Ada Lovelace Can Decrypt Security Override Code

Now that things have been settled, track down Ada and speak with her about decrypting the Security Override Code. She’ll be able to figure it out relatively quickly.

Deal with the Facility

Return to the Facility and head back to the terminal from the last time to use the Security Override Code to open up the other half. Procced through the rest of the Facility heading for the datacore at the deepest part. Along the way, you’ll need to deal with some robots, turrets, and clones. When you reach the Datacore, interact with the terminal there to be presented with a couple of options. You can see what happens with them below. Also, make sure to grab the Facility Key near the terminal.

If you pick any choice but the “Initiate Full Project Cleanse” option, then you’ll be able to recruit Amelia Earnhardt as a crew member after completing the mission.

Reboot and Restore Current Mission Parameters

If you choose to reboot and restore current mission parameters, then the Facility will be fixed and things will return to the way they were changing nothing. Once the choice is made, then the quest will be completed rewarding you with 3000 credits. If you head back to the Crucible, no one will be happy with this choice.

Reboot and Choose a New Super-Admin

Going into this option, you’ll learn that the last scientist added Amanirenas, Franklin, and Genghis as targets to be the Super-Admin. You’ll then be able to select one of them from the list assuming they are alive.


If you choose to make Amanirenas the admin, return to the Crucible and speak with her. She’ll be overjoyed that you sided with her and thank you for helping her. This will complete the mission and you’ll be rewarded with 6000 credits. In talking with Franklin, he’ll admit that he’s bummed you didn’t side with him but he understands and believes that they will at least finally have peace.

Franklin Roosevelt

If you choose to make Franklin the admin, return to the Crucible and speak with him. He’ll thank you for giving them a chance to live like true humans thus completing the mission and rewarding you with 6000 credits. If Amanirenas is alive, she’ll tell you that she’s at peace with the choice and looks forward to working with Franklin. Likewise, if Genghis is alive, he’ll thank you for giving the Renegades the chance to explore (and most likely try to conquer) the stars.

Genghis Kahn

If you choose to make Genghis the admin, return the Crucible then speak with him and he’ll thank you for your help. If you negotiated to let Franklin stay at the Crucible, Genghis will honor that but also allow anyone who wants to leave to do so. This mission will then be completed and you’ll receive 6,000 credits. In speaking with Franklin, he’ll be happy with your choice as they’ll still be able to live the way he wanted them to, as people.

Initiate Full Project Cleanse

Going this route will see all of the clones wiped out by the machines and all traces of the mission will be removed. Choosing this route will reward you with some credits. If you return to the Crucible, all that will be waiting for you is the corpses of the clones ripe for the looting!

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!

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Starfield | Secret Lives Mission

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Starfield Secret Lives mission! In this guide, we’ll cover how you can start the mission along with the steps you’ll need to take to complete it. If you’re here looking for help with a specific mission objective, be sure to check out our quick links section which should point you in the right direction!

How to Start the Starfield Secret Lives Mission

Where to start the Starfield Secret Lives Mission

To start this mission, you’ll need to travel to The Crucible on Charybdis III in the Charybdis System and progress the Operation Starseed mission until you talk to the leaders of all 3 factions. After doing that, as you exit the H2 building, Wyatt Earp will call out to you. That event will trigger the mission to start.

Starfield Secret Lives Guide

Talk to Wyatt Earp

Starfield Secret Lives Mission 
Wyatt standing next to the H2 building

Speak with Wyatt near the H2 building to learn he has something to tell you have Roosevelt. He’ll say it’s urgent and should be done before traveling to the facility and direct you to a cave outside of the community away from prying eyes.

Meet Wyatt Earp at the Cave

Starfield Secret Lives Mission Cave where you'll meet Wyatt

Exit The Crucible and head northwest of it to reach the cave. Go inside to find Wyatt waiting for you (he probably ran right past you on the way there).

Talk to Wyatt Earp (Once More)

Speak with Wyatt now that you’re away from prying eyes (and ears) where he’ll admit to not being a Wyatt Earp, but someone else. He’s worried that when you reach the Facility, you’ll see who he is and that if you tell everyone they will torture and kill him every time he comes back. You’ll be left with two options: either kill him in defense or persuade him that this isn’t the way. Choosing either will complete the mission. If you manage to persuade him to stand down, then he’ll also give you some credits as a reward.

After completing this mission, you’ll have a new option when speaking with the three faction leaders to tell them the truth about Wyatt. If you tell Franklin or Genghis they won’t care and ask you to keep it to yourself. If you tell Amanirenas, then she’ll tell you that this can’t stand and send someone to take him out secretly.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!

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Starfield | Dear Sister Mission Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on how to complete the Starfield Dear Sister mission. In this guide, you’ll find details on what you’ll need to do to start the mission along with the steps you’ll need to take to complete the mission and the rewards you’ll receive at the end. If you’re looking for help with a specific objective, our quick links section will point you in the right direction.

How to Start the STarfield Dear Sister Mission

Starfield Dear Sister Mission Janet on New Atlantis

To start the Dear Sister mission, you’ll first need to complete the Escape from the Endless Voyage mission by helping Janet get off the ECS Constant which can be found in the Porrima II Orbit of the Porrima System. After doing that, travel to New Atlantis leaving your ship from the spaceport. Make your way toward the NAT to to trigger an event where Janet will run up to you thus starting the mission.

Starfield Dear Sister Mission Guide

Speak with Janet

Speak with Janet who will once again thank you for helping her get off the Constant and giving you some credits she’s managed to save up while working her new job. She’ll then ask if you’d be willing to deliver a letter to her sister Julia back on the ECS Constant. Agree to her request to receive the letter. You can also exhaust her dialog options if you want to know what she’s been up to since she gained her freedom.

Deliver the Letter to Julia

Starfield Dear Sister Mission ECS Constant location

Leave New Atlantis head to the ECS Constant in the Porrima System orbiting Porrima II. Dock with the ship then head up to the Command Level making your way to the Classroom where you’ll find Julia. Speak with her then choose the “I have a letter for you, from Janet.” option to hand over the letter. Doing so will complete the request rewarding you with a cool 15,000 credits.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!

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Starfield | How to Complete the Family Reunion Mission

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Starfield guide for the Family Reunion mission. In this guide, we’ll cover how to start the quest and what you’ll need to do to complete it. If you’re here looking for help with a certain mission objective, check out our quick links section to be pointed in the right direction!

This is a repeatable mission that you can do multiple times that will take you to different places. In light of this, it is most likely probable that you won’t get the same person as typed out in this guide. The Family Reunion mission will follow a similar format, however. You’ll speak with Abe who will give you a letter to deliver. You’ll then need to travel to the person it’s addressed to and persuade them to take the letter.

How to Start the Family Reunion Mission

Starfield Family Reunion Mission ECS Constant Location

To start the Family Reunion mission in Starfield, you’ll first need to complete the First Contact mission by purchasing a Grav Drive and having it installed on the ECS Constant. After doing that, you’ll overhear one of the ship’s occupants mentioning that Abe Levitz is looking for someone with a ship to help him out. To find him, head to his room in Living Quarters 1 of the Residential Level on the ECS Constant. The ship itself can be found in the Porrima II Obring of the Porrima System. Speak with him to learn that against his better judgment, he decided to look for living relatives of the crew and managed to track some down. He requests that you deliver some letters to them from their really long-lost family.

Family Reunion Mission Guide

Deliver Message to Daniela Chelbek

Head to your ship then plot a course for the moon Titan which can be found orbiting Jupiter in the Sol System. After arriving in the moon’s orbit, open the planet map and choose to land at New Homestead. Once you’re planetside, follow the walkway to be New Homestead building at the end of the spaceport then head inside. From there you’ll want to walk straight through the lobby, through the hallway, and down the stairs. Interact with the doors there to finally enter New Homestead.

Now that you’re in New Homestead, take a right and enter Chunks to find Daniela sitting on a chair inside. Speak with her then select the persuade option. You’ll need to successfully persuade her that this is real before she’ll accept the letter. Otherwise, she’ll tell you to take a hike.

Return to Abe

Once you’ve delivered the letter (or now), head back to your ship and return to the ECS Constant. Speak with Abe to let him know what happened with the delivery. This will complete the request rewarding you with the following: Antique Piggy Bank, Antique Earth Duck Figure, and Antique Earth Baseball x2.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!

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Starfield | Escape from the Endless Voyage Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Starfield guide on the Escape from the Endless Voyage mission. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can start the mission and the steps you’ll need to take to complete it. If you’re looking for help with a specific objective, our quick links section will point you in the right direction.

How to Start the Escape from the Endless Voyage Mission

Starfield Escape from the Endless Voyage Mission ECS Constant Location

To start the Escape from the Endless Voyage mission in Starfield, you’ll first need to complete the First Contact mission by purchasing a Grav Drive and having it installed on the ECS Constant. After doing that, you’ll hear talk of Janet Wang not being happy about the crew’s predicament around the ECS Constant (located in the Porrima II Oribt of the Porrima System). You’ll then want to travel to her room in Living Quarters 1 on the Residential Level and speak with her. She’ll say that she wants to get out there and explore, but the captain won’t let her leave to keep their little community together. You’ll then be able to offer to speak with the captain on her behalf.

Escape from the Endless Voyage Guide

Starfield Escape from the Endless Voyage Mission Captain Diana

Speak with Diana

Head up to the Command Level of the ship then travel to the Captains Quarters in the Command Bay. Speak with Diana there and mention Janet wanting to leave. She’ll respond by telling you that Janet leaving would cause them to fall behind in food production which is something that can’t happen. She’ll then come up with the idea of having you gather a large supply of 50 potatoes in exchange for letting her go. You’ll also have the option to persuade the captain to just let Janet leave without the potatoes. If you pass that persuasion check, then you be free to return to Janet.

Collect / Deliver 50 Potatoes

Starfield Escape from the Endless Voyage Mission Shepherd's General

The best (and really the only way) to get potatoes is to purchase them. To do that, travel to Akila City in the Cheyenne System then head to Shepherd’s General Store. Speak with Emerson behind the counter and choose “Show me what you have for sale.”. Once in the shop menu, scroll down to Aid then head for the P section (items are sorted alphabetically) where you’ll find potatoes. The only issue is that he tends to have a random number between 1 and 6 at a time. Buy him out of his stock then exit the story and sit in the chair choosing to wait for 24 hours. You’ll need to do this at least twice to get the potatoes to restock. Repeat this until you have all 50 potatoes. Take them back to Diana in the ECS Constant to receive her blessing to let Janet leave.

Return to Janet

Now that you’ve got Captain Diana on board (begrudgingly) report back to Janet that she’s free to leave the ship. This will trigger some additional dialog leading to the completion of the quest where you’ll be rewarded the following: Advanced XM-2311, 45 Caliber ACP rounds, Antique Piggy Bank x2, Antique Earth Duck Figure x2, Antique Earth Baseball x4.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!

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Trails Through Daybreak | Chapter 3 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 3: Pleasure in Delirium walkthrough. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you’ll need to know about Chapter 3 of the latest Legend of Heroes game! At the top of the guide, you’ll find quick links to each section if you’re looking for something specific. Otherwise, the guide is broken out based on each area you’ll travel to and the things you can do there. Please note we did not include story events unless there was an important choice to make! Instead, you’ll find side quests, important items to purchase, connection events, chests, enemy data and extra tasks to complete needed for trophies.

October 3rd


Items to Purchase

  • Old Town – Purchase Tyrell Times Issue 4 from Melrose Newspapers & Tobacco for 100 mira
  • Riverside – Purchase Black Leather Keycase (gift for Aaron) from Bradley Garage for 2000 mira
  • Tyrell District – Watch a movie in the theater and purchase the pamphlet
  • Seiden District – Purchase Soul Chef: Curry recipe from Maserati Hotel for 1000 mira
  • Seiden District – Purchase Vivid Makeup Bag (gift for Feri) from Erland Boutique for 2000 mira


Change of Heart

Interact with the bulletin board in Riverside to obtain the Change of Heart quest. For the Change of Heart quest, you’ll need to speak with Bruno on the western bridge.

Change of Heart quest giver in Trails Through Daybreak

After accepting the quest, head to the Maserati Hotel in the Seiden District and speak with Cremona. You’ll receive a Topic and you’ll need to use it to speak with the following people:

  • Senator Polanski who is sitting at a nearby table
  • Old Town – Laguna Bathhouse – Huck sitting at the table near the entrance
  • Tyrell District – Tyrell Times – Editor-in-Chief Sullivan

After speaking with all the people, return to Riverside and let Bruno know what you learned. You’ll then need to decide how Bruno should meet Roderick… meet him as the thief or pretend to be someone else. If you meet him as a thief, you’ll receive an increase to Law. After you’ve made your decision, the Change of Heart quest will complete!

A Lost Lover

Interact with the bulletin board in Tyrell District to obtain the A Lost Lover quest. For the A Lost Lover quest, speak with Amy across the cinema in the Tyrell District. After accepting the quest, travel to Station Street and enter the department store. Head up to the second floor and speak with Sylvie in Gun Shop Thunders using the Topic. Next up, travel to the Newberry General Store in Old Town and speak with Eddy using the Topic. Afterwards, travel to the Seiden District and speak with Simon in the basketball court on the east side of the area near the bulletin board using the Topic.

Now that you’ve spoken with everyone, return to Amy. You’ll then need to decide what to tell her… the truth or keep the letter and lie. If you keep the letter and lie, you’ll receive an increase to Gray. After you’ve made your decision, the A Lost Lover quest will complete.

QA Testing

Interact with the bulletin board in Seiden District to obtain the QA Testing quest. For the QA Testing quest, speak with Manager Mohra in Erland Boutique in the Seiden District. After accepting the quest, travel to the Subway Entrance in Riverside to trigger a cutscene. For the final key in the Tyrell District, enter Esprit Cinema and speak with Guide Hendrick. To save the princess, head to Orbal Cafe Iota in Station Street then head up to the second floor and speak with Ilhan behind the counter. Afterwards, the QA Testing quest will complete!

Memorial Park Extermination

After completing 2 of the 3 quests, you’ll receive the Memorial Park Extermination quest. Before starting this quest, make sure to complete the third quest as you’ll get an extra free time so you can view all the Connection Events. When you’re ready to start, head to the southern part of Old Town and investigate the garage door. You’ll receive a warning that the story will progress if you keep going. Once ready, proceed to Dirke Memorial Park.

Connection Events

During the day, the following Connections will be available:

  • Agnes
  • Rene Kincaid
  • Dingo Brad

Dirke Memorial Park


Dirke Memorial Park Chests
  • EP Charge III – Restores 600 EP
  • Cast 2 – Quartz
  • Shining Goggles – ACC+60% – Prevents Blind (90%)
  • Cobalt Ring – Quartz
  • Each Sepith x400
  • Earthen Verse – Quartz
  • Mute – Quartz
  • Celestial Balm – Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP

Enemy Data

  • Rainbeetle
  • Death Tulip
  • Scarlet Massacre
  • Peshna Knap
  • Iglis Launa

Edith – Night

Extra Tasks

Before leaving Old Town, make sure to take a bath at Laguna Bathhouse! Also, stop in at Espirit Cinema in the Tyrell District to watch a movie and purchase the pamphlet!


Lost and Found

Before heading to Station Street to progress the story, make your way to Riverside. Follow along the boardwalk near Blue Score to trigger a cutscene during which you’ll find that Lyla is looking for her hair ties that she accidentally dropped. When the cutscene ends, you’ll find yourself in the Underground Maintenance Tunnel. Head towards the objective marker along the main path where a fight against a Level 28 Dart Drome and 2 Level 27 Gazing Dromes will trigger.

After you defeat them, head deeper into the area to the next objective marker. There a cutscene will trigger. Once it ends, continue once again through the area towards the next objective. This time you’ll encounter a Level 29 Regina Geist. Take it out to receive the Fortune quartz. Lyla will then find her hair ties and you’ll learn the shocking truth. As a reward for completing the quest, you’ll receive a Vitality Droplet.

Connection Events

  • Aaron
  • Fie

October 5th


Main Story Choice

Al-Jumeirah Hotel

When you visit the Al-Jumeirah Hotel, you’ll be presented with a choice:

  • The Number of Tourists
  • The Desert Environment
  • The Amount of Commotion

Select “The Amount of Commotion” to receive a bonus 2 SP.

Items to Purchase

  • Cultural District – Purchase Soul Chef: Hummus recipe from Hilal Tavern & inn for 2000 mira
  • Cultural District – Purchase Sand Art Bottle (gift for Agnes) from Balsheh Goods & Textiles for 1000 mira
  • Cultural District – Purchase Arabesque Coaster (gift for Elaine) from Balsheh Goods & Textiles for 2000 mira
  • Entertainment District – Purchase Camel Figurine (gift for Yume) from Shadin Souvenirs) for 2000 mira


Bazaar Burglar

Interact with the bulletin board in the Cultural District to obtain the quest then speak with Manager Fazil who can be found east of the bulletin board. Afterwards, you’ll need to ask around about the girl. Speak with the following people using the Topic:

  • Vicar Mukhtar – In the church
  • Rasham – In the bazaar west of the bulletin board
  • Balsheh – Shopkeeper in the bazaar west of the bulletin board
  • Monir – Shopkeeper in the bazaar west of the bulletin board
  • Jaret – Shopkeeper in the bazaar west of the bulletin board
  • Receptionist Jibril – In the southwestern building

After speaking with everyone, a cutscene will trigger where the group will put everything together. Next, you’ll need to stakeout the two stalls in the bazaar by speaking with Jaret. After the cutscene, you’ll find yourself in the Entertainment District where you parked Van’s truck. Approach the girl hiding behind the red sports car with white stripes to trigger a cutscene where you’ll catch the girl.

Bazaar Burglar

You’ll then need to make a choice: leave her with the temple or have him take her in. If you have him take her in, you’ll receive an extra Gray increase.

Hush Money

After finishing the Cultural District, return to the Entertainment District and follow the main story to the Al-Jumeirah Hotel. Afterwards, you’ll be able to freely explore Tharbad. Make your way to the bulletin board in the Entertainment District to collect the Hush Money quest. Next, speak with Marcello in the central part of the Entertainment District to accept the quest. Follow the path south then a left at the casino heading east. Speak with Officer Vernier standing on the corner of the street. From her, head south along the main road until you reach the fountains and speak with Officer Kelvin in front of the police station. Afterwards, head south and speak with Detective Nate. Now you’ll need to travel to the Cultural District and speak with Officer Camilo on the far southeastern side along the ocean. Once you’ve spoken with all the officers, you’ll be sent back to speak with the Marcello. Select Officer Camilo. After the conversation, select to talk to Officer Camilo. You’ll then need to decide to ensure the client’s safety or capture the imposter. If you select capture the imposter, you’ll earn bonus Chaos.

Hump Hunt

After completing the Hush Money quest, make your way to the Entertainment District and speak with Caravan Chief Osman to accept the Hump Hunt quest. For this quest, we’ll need to first head to the site of the attack. Head for the Sandsea on the Region Map. Once there, make your way to the southwest to reach the objective marker where you’ll find a couple of crates in the sand.

Hump Hunt Quest

Interact with them then continue heading southwest until you reach the camel being attacked. Jump in to save it against the pair of Gaze Zu. When you emerge victorious, you’ll find yourself back in Tharbad. The Hump Hunt quest will then complete.


You’ll first come to the Sandsea during the Hump Hunt quest! Only a portion of the area will be explorable! You’ll return to the Sandsea during the main story objective to track down Marielle and Shaheena.


Sandsea Chests
  • Hit 2 – Quartz
  • Frost Charm – STR/ATS+4 – Prevents Burn (90%)
  • U-Material x8
  • Blind – Quartz
  • Burning Verse – Quartz

Enemy Data

  • Desert Elly
  • Gaze Zu
  • Desert Gazer
  • Scorpioshears

Tharbad Underground Waterway

Please note that the last chest cannot be opened until you have raised the water during the Archaeological Expedition quest (see below).


Tharbad Underground Waterway Chests
  • Mind 2 – Quartz
  • Heat Brooch – DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Freeze (90%)
  • Seal – Quartz
  • Celestial Balm – Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
  • Each Sepith x400
  • Each Sepith x400 (reachable during the Archaeological Expedition quest)

Enemy Data

  • Mummy Bat
  • Pul Plantar
  • Harimander
  • Mytholomega (fightable during the Archaeological Expedition quest)
  • Hydra Nubia

Tharbad – Night

Extra Tasks

  • After returning from Tharbad Underground Waterway, you’ll be able to use the bath at Marjan Hamam.


A Bogus Bracer

Enter the Bracer’s Guild in the Cultural District to trigger a cutscene where a guy will be talking to the receptionist about his missing wallet. Once it concludes, speak with the receptionist to kick off another cutscene. Afterwards, head to the eastern part of the Cultural District to speak with the Tourist sitting on a bench using the Topic. You’ll then be able to officially accept the A Bogus Bracer quest!

Next, you’ll need to travel to the Entertainment District. Once there, head to the second floor of the casino and speak with Harold behind the black jack table using the Topic. When the cutscene concludes, speak with Officer Nate outside of Al-Jumeirah Hotel using the Topic. After speaking with Nate, the group will have a conversation. You’ll then need to head for the parking lot in the Cultural District to ambush the fake bracer. As you approach it, a cutscene will trigger and the A Bogus Bracer quest will complete!

October 6th



Archaeological Expedition

In the Cultural District, pick up the Archaeological Expedition quest from the bulletin board. Next, head to the entrance to the waterway and speak with Archaeologist Inigo to officially accept the quest. You’ll then be transported to Tharbad Underground Waterway. For a listing of the chests available in this area, please see above. You’ll finally be able to reach the last chest containing 400 of each Sepith. After you’ve collected the chest, head towards the objective marker where you’ll fight 4 Mummy Bats. After taking them out, head east and flip the lever to lower the bridge then cross it. Head forward to the next lever to trigger a cutscene. You’ll need to make a choice to either defeat the monsters first or let them fight. If you let them fight, you’ll still need to fight them but they’ll have half their HP. Take them out to complete the quest. If you chose to let them fight, you’ll receive an increase to Chaos!

Extra, Extra

In the Entertainment District, interact with the bulletin board to pick up the Extra, Extra quest. After collecting the quest, travel to the Al-Jumeirah Hotel for a cutscene then travel to Vegas Films to find Director Gotti in the lobby. When the conversation ends, you’ll officially accept the quest. Exit Vegas Films and speak with the blonde woman named Cervi standing next to the guy with green hair. Next, head to Night Club Lelouche and speak with Juliana. You’ll then need to make your way to the waterfall near the entrance to the Cultural District and speak with Officer Vernier. After speaking with her, head to the police station and speak with Inspector Daswani. Afterwards, return to Officer Vernier then backtrack to Vegas Films and speak with Director Gotti once again to complete the quest.


You’ll return to the Sandsea during the main story objective to track down Marielle and Shaheena. Once again, you won’t be able to collect all the chests in the area. You’ll return during the Cocktail Crafting and Sandsea Extermination quests (see below)!


Sandsea Chests
  • EP Charge III – Restores 600 EP (during main story objective to track down Marielle and Shaheena)
  • Aqua Verse – Quartz (during main story objective to track down Marielle and Shaheena)
  • Emerald Ring – Quartz (during main story objective to track down Marielle and Shaheena)
  • Curia Balm x3 / S-Tablet x3 (during main story objective to track down Marielle and Shaheena)
  • Zeram Powder – Cures K.O. – Restores All HP – CP+100 (during main story objective to track down Marielle and Shaheena)

Enemy Data

  • Desert Elly
  • Gaze Zu
  • Desert Grazer
  • Scorpioshears
  • Raging Tusk
  • Waspritter


Main Story Choice

After rescuing the girls, you’ll find yourself in a cutscene where you’ll need to make a choice:

  • Forcible Injection
  • A Black Market Deal at a Nightclub
  • Mixing it into a Consumable

Select “Mixing it into a Consumable” to earn a bonus 2 SP.

Vegas Films Underground – 5F


Vegas Films Underground Chests
  • Stellar Verse – Quartz
  • Evade 2 – Quartz
  • Military Watch – SPD+6 – Prevents Slow/Delay (90%)
  • Tearal Balm – Restores 4500 HP
  • Diamond Ring – Quartz
  • U-Material x8
  • Each Sepith x400
  • Celestial Balm – Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
  • Break 2 – Quartz

Enemy Data

  • Packard-360S
  • Assault Gunner
  • Hungry Bug MF
  • Gandaluva
  • Rayzanber Ouka

October 7th



Sandsea Extermination

In the Cultural District, interact with the bulletin board to get the Sandsea Expedition quest. Afterwards, travel to the southwestern corner of Sandsea to find a monster in the middle of some rock pillars.

Sandsea Extermination Quest Trails Through Daybreak

Approach it then choose the “Exterminate” option to begin the fight against Level 36 Jahana Frau. Defeat it to complete the Sandsea Extermination quest!

Cocktail Crafting

In the Entertainment District, interact with the bulletin board to get the Cocktail Crafting quest. Travel to the Al-Jumeirah Hotel then head to the pool and speak with Bermotti behind the bar to officially accept the quest. For the big bartender competition, he’ll need more ingredients which is where you come in! Travel to the Cultural District and speak with Monir at her stall using the Topic. She’ll recommend that we speak with Philica in the Entertainment District. Head on over to the ice cream stand near Tharbad Station and speak with her using the Topic. Next up, you’ll need to travel to Sandsea. Once there, head to the southwestern part of the area along the map’s edge where you’ll find 4 Red Cactus balls. Interact with them then return to Bermotti in Al-Jumeirah Hotel to complete the quest.



Sandsea Chests
  • Amethyst Ring – Quartz (available during Cocktail Crafting quest)
  • Lunar Verse – Quartz (available during Sandsea Extermination quest)

Al-Jumeirah Hotel


Al-Jumeirah Hotel Chests
Al-Jumeirah Hotel Chest
Al-Jumeirah Hotel Chest
Al-Jumeirah Hotel Chests
  • Solar Verse – Quartz
  • EP Charge III – Restores 600 EP
  • Ruby Ring – Quartz
  • Impede 2 – Quartz
  • Zeram Powder – Cures K.O. – Restores All HP – CP+100
Chapter 3 Spriggan Report

Additional Trails Through Daybreak Guides

Make sure to check out our The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Guides and Walkthroughs main page for a complete listing of all our guides and walkthroughs!

Sand Land Logo

A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Cry for Help Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Cry for Help quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Cry for Help quest.

How to Start the Cry for Help Quest

Map of where to start the Cry for Help quest in Sand Land

To start the Cry for Help quest, you’ll first need to progress the main story until you reach the Two Kinds main quest. Once you’ve started that, travel to the Royal Capital in the Ghalet Region of Sand Land then head west to find a person being attack by a group of bandits (slightly northwest of Marhan Base). Take them all out then speak with Ele afterwards. She’ll offer the group thanks then ask the group to head to a grotto to collect their reward for helping.

Cry for Help Quest Walkthrough

Make for the Western Grotto

Map of where to find the grotto during the Cry for Help quest in Sand Land

Start by heading west from Ele’s location to reach the Grotto she was talking about (that boulder above the entrance isn’t suspicious at all!). After you arrive, head inside and loot the lone chest to discover that it’s locked. Exit the cave to trigger a cutscene where Rao’s suspicions are confirmed.

Defeat the Wannabe Junkers

When you regain control of the party, you’ll be ambushed by a group of Wannabe Junkers. Make quick work of them then Rao will comment about a noise he heard inside of the cave.

Go Inside the Grotto and Check the Treasure Chest Again

Enter the cave once more and interact with the chest to trigger another cutscene that leads to the completion of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,900z and Armored Legs III for the Jump Bot. Additionally, Rao invites Ele to move to Spino and she accepts.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

Sand Land Logo

A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Get That Geji Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Get That Geji quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Get That Geji quest.

How to Start the Get That Geji Quest

Where to start the Get That Geji quest in Sand Land

To start the Get That Geji quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Zeph. Looking in pretty rough shape, Rao will ask if he’s doing okay. He’ll respond that a Geji Dragon got in which in another failed attempt to avenge his buddy. This one took him time to travel down and he’s not sure if he’ll be able to find it again because of how wary and protective it is of its treasure. The keyword there is treasure which Belz picks up on offering to help track down and slay the beast!

Get That Geji Quest Walkthrough

Head for the Geji Dragon Observation Site

Map of where to find the Observation Site during the Get That Geji quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino and head for the Geji Dragon Observation Site in the Hotkae Region located in the north-central part of Sand Land. You can reach it by traveling to the Demon Village and heading south.

Check the Antenna

image of the antenna during the Get That Geji quest in Sand Land

Once you arrive at the Geji Dragon Observation Site climb to the top of the building using the Hopper then interact with the antenna.

Find the Materials Needed to Repair the Antenna

Look on the north side of the tower to spot a ruined squared building. Head there and read the paper on the ground inside. You’ll then want to enter the big circular building and work your way to the bottom. The part can be found here in the sand. Collect it and return it to the antenna.

Repair the Antenna

Interact with the antenna to trigger a cutscene where Ann will fix it and use it to track the Geji Dragon.

Defeat the Treasure-Hoarding Geji Dragon

Map of where to find the treasure Geji during the Get That Geji quest in Sand Land

Travel southeast of the Observation Tower to find the Geji Dragon! As soon as you approach the marker it will rise out of the sand ready for battle. Slay this fearsome beast then snag the loot it drops.

Brag to Zeph

Return to Spino and speak with Zeph to serenade him with word of your victory. This will complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded with 1,900z and an 88mm Tank Gun (APDS) part for your tank.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

Sand Land Logo

A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Music Heals the Soul Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Music Heals the Soul quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Music Heals the Soul quest.

How to Start the Music Heals the Soul Quest

Where to start the Music Heals the Soul quest in Sand Land

To start the Music Heals the Soul quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach the Two Kinds main story quest. Additionally, you’ll need to have completed a chunk of the Spino side quests.

Once you’ve done that, speak with Desse and Lecto near Little Oasis in Spino. They are talking about the restaurant causing Rao to enter the conversation. They ask him and the group to look into it so they can unwind after a hard day’s work.

Music Heals the Soul Quest Walkthrough

Check on the Restaurant

Enter the Little Oasis and speak with Shunan who will tell the group that Lirule is having a cooking crisis saying none of her food tastes good. He’ll also mention this happened before back in the Royal Capital due to stress and that it took Orphe playing some music to knock her out of it.

Visit Orphe in the Royal Capital

area image of where to find Orphe for the Music Heals the Soul quest in Sand Land

Travel to the Royal Capital located to the northeast of Spino in the Gahlet Region of Sand Land. When you get there, head down the road then in the area just before the castle courtyard, look to the west. Speak with Orphe there who can be found sitting on a bench behind the stalls. He’ll mention that his lute is busted and doesn’t sound right. Belz will agree which leads Orphe to ask him to retrieve his sacred lute that was stolen by some Wannabe Junkers.

Take Back the Priceless Lute

Map of where to find the priceless loot during the Music Heals the Soul quest in Sand Land

Exit the capital and head northwest to find the Wannabe Junkers in a grotto. Approach the entrance to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight against them.

Defeat the Wannabe Junkers

Once the fight starts, take out the group of enemies to kick off another cutscene where the Wannabe Junkers will hand over the lute.

Bring the Priceless Lute Back to Orphe

Return to the Royal City and speak with Orphe to hand it over. To thank Belz for helping him out, he’ll agree to travel to Spino and play a song for Lirule.

Go Check on the Restaurant

Make your way back to Spino and head to the Little Oasis speaking with Shunan inside. A cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,900z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

Sand Land Logo

A Sand Land Guide | Complete the Long Lost Friend Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Long Lost Friend quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Long Lost Friend quest.

How to Start the Long Lost Friend Quest

Where to start the Long Lost Friend quest in Sand Land

To start the Long Lost Friend quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach the Two Kinds main story quest. Additionally, you’ll need to have completed a chunk of the Spino side quests.

Once you’ve done that, speak with Teus in Spino at the bottom of the stairs near Mayor Tor’s house. She’ll be in pain and when asked about it, Teus mentions having to deal with chronic back pain. During the conversation, she’ll indirectly ask the group to check on an elderly man named Dagd and request that he move to Spino.

Long Lost Friend Quest Walkthrough

Visit Dagd in Patago Village

Map of where to find Patago Village for the Long Lost Friend quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino and travel to Patago Village located at the western part of Sand Land in the Skoan Region. Enter Patago and locate Dagd who can be found standing under one of the makeshift tents. Speak with him to mention Teus and her request. He’ll thank you for the offer, but decline saying he can’t because of a prior engagement. Belz decides to help out in order to get Dagd to move to Spino.

Go to the Merrick Junker Market

Map of where to find Merrick for the Long Lost Friend quest in Sand Land

Head to Junker Market: Merrick in the Chapa Region which is located in the northeastern section of Sand Land. Once there, speak with Lars, Apam, and Saras. Saras specifically will know him and tells you that he was last seen going to the Amiton Ruins searching for treasure.

Head for the Amiton Ruins / Investigate What Was Left Behind

Map of where to find the Amiton Ruins during the Long Lost Friend quest in Sand Land

Exit Merrick traveling east and slightly north to find the ruins. Go inside and deal with the scorpions.

Bag containing the treasure during the Long Lost Friend quest in Sand Land

Once they are cleared, interact with the sack on the left side of the stairs.

Deliver Eohid’s Pacakge to Dagd

Return to Patago Village and hand over the final package to Dagd with the letter to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, Dagd will agree to move to Spino completing the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 2,000z and an Interception System for the Battle Armor.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!