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Dead Island 2 – More Than the Badge

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the More Than the Badge side quest in Dead Island 2, speak with Jimmy at the Serling Hotel on Ocean Avenue. (We spoke to him post game but you might be able to do it sooner!) For this quest, he’ll need us to catch the thieves in the alley by the Beancup. You can find this place on the northwestern side of the area. Head to the far end of the alley to find a poster on the wall.

Inspect the poster to cause the Screamer Sasha to spawn. Take her out then loot “The Badge” Poster from the ground. Next, travel to MegaPark on the northeastern side of Silicon St.

When you reach the building inspect the trail of posters leading up the white van to the roof.

On the roof, head straight ahead and collect the Note to Jimmy journal. Next, you’ll need to travel all the way to the very northern part of the area to find Zack the Butcher. Take him out then collect the Manger’s Pass. Hightail it to the mall. Once there, clear out the zombies on the first floor then hand off the key to Ava. Continue fighting the enemies then head to the second level. Defeat the zombies there then head up to the third floor and speak with Jimmy to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 3,000 XP and a pistol.

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Dead Island 2 – It’s Not Your Fault

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the It’s Not Your Fault side quest in Dead Island 2, speak with Luciana at Emma’s house in Bel-Air. For this quest, you’ll need to head to the sewers access point just south of Emma’s.

Just outside interact with the Seismometer Placement journal on the ground by the white truck.

Afterwards, head inside the pipe. Make your way through the sewers, passing Patton’s place, to reach the Brentwood Sewer. Once in the Brentwood Sewer, head north then look to the left down a short tunnel to find the Seismometer Key Alpha.

Use this key on the box next to it to recover the data from the first seismometer. Continue deeper into the sewer to find the Seismometer Key Beta next to a corpse.

Use this key to unlock the box on the other side of the room behind a grate.

Continue to the next room and head up the stairs. Enter the room at the top to find Niran’s Note on the table.

Head underneath the room and open the door. Head a short ways down the hallway to find Eli’s Note next to a corpse.

Head deeper down the hallway to come to a fire puzzle. Turn off the gas then proceed forward. Take the first right to find a room with sludge. You now have the fun task of sifting through it! The key can be found on the right side of the sludge down the tunnel.

Now that you have the key, return to the room above where you’re at where you found Niran’s Note. A Butcher now awaits your return. Take it out then loot the chest! With one more seismometer to go, continue deeper into the sewer. Along the path you’ll find Fieldnotes Journal.

Continue on and enter the Main Septic Tank. Defeat the Seismologist and gather the Seismometer Key Delta. The box to unlock is found nearby.

Afterwards, return to Luciana at Emma’s and speak with her to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 3,500 XP and a Big Shot (pistol).

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Dead Island 2 – Landscaper’s Keys

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To find the Landscaper’s Keys in Dead Island 2, travel to Colt’s house near his pool. We came here towards the end of the game.

Once there, you’ll find Green Thumb Eddie.

Take him out then loot the Landscaper’s Keys from where he falls. Now that you have the keys head to the northwestern side of Emma’s house.

When you arrive, loot Eddie’s Toolbox then pick up the Vampiric Machine Pistol.

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Dead Island 2 – CDC Disposal Key for the Suspicious Container

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To find the CDC Disposal Key needed to open the Suspicious Container in Dead Island 2, travel to the beach at Venice Beach. We came here during the Red Tide side quest.

Once there, you’ll find CDC Viscera Cleaner.

Take him out then retrieve the CDC Disposal Key from where he falls. Now that you have the key, travel to the spot at the CDC as shown in the map below.

You’ll now be able to open the Suspicious Container which will pop out a Liquidator Auto Carbine!

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Dead Island 2 – Beacon of Hope

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Beacon of Hope side quest in Dead Island 2, speak with Sebastian in the backroom of Lotusville Re-Aging Clinic in Hollywood Boulevard after beating the game. For this quest, make for the Old Dynasty Chinese Theater.

A Crusher and other zombies await your arrival. Defeat them then speak with Sarah up on the western window.

She’ll need you to head into the metro station to look for the SpaceFox spotlight filter. You’ll find it on the floor in the ticket office. Return to Sarah to find out that fireworks are somehow going off. This of course draws zombies so fend them off while Sarah shuts the shutters. Once you’ve defeat the waves of enemies, put the filter on the spotlight then speak with Sarah.

She’ll congratulate you on a well job done. Return to Sebastian to report back your success. As a reward, you’ll receive 6,000 XP and The One (a sword).

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Dead Island 2 – Going Viral

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Going Viral side quest, interact with Amanda’s phone on the counter in the Lotusville Re-Aging Clinic in Hollywood Boulevard after completing the game. For this quest, you’ll need to head over to the western side of Hollywood Boulevard to find her by the Los Angeles Tattoo behind the seating area.

Speak with her then turn around and interact with the set up to activate the cameras. Afterwards, you’ll need to take out a bunch of named enemies all along the red carpet. Once you’ve taken care of them all, It’ll then be time for the last boss. Defeat her as well then loot the Sorry journal from where she fall. Lastly, make your way back to Amanda’s laptop where you turned on the cameras.

Once you do, the quest will complete!

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Dead Island 2 – Red Tide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Red Tide side quest, speak with Carmen at the Santa Monica Pier in the Lifeguard HQ during the Rage Quit story quest. For this quest, you’ll need to pick up Cooper’s trail at the CDC HQ. Make your way all the way to the southeastern side of the area and enter the white tent.

Once inside, loot the Cashing Out journal from a yellow medical waste container near the door leading deeper into the tent and the Paging Doctor Whom journal from the table in the same room by the computer monitors. Next, head down the hallway to find another journal, Change of Scenery, behind some room dividers. Exit the tent and head northwest to the next white tent.

Interact with the keycard reader to enter then clear out all the Butchers! Make sure to pick up the Huang’s Warning journal that drops from one of the Butchers. Next, head to the beach in search of the boat. First, inspect the partially sunken boat in the water.

Thankfully this was not the boat we’re looking for! Unfortunately, you’ll find it under the southern end of the Pier. Once you arrive, you’ll need to search the red containers scattered around the boat. The one you’re looking for can be found south of the boat.

Be mindful that you’ll also have to clear out all the zombies in the area. Once you touch the red containers, more will spawn. When you’ve found the correct red container, Cooper spawns. Take out the mutating zombie to complete the quest!

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Dead Island 2 – The Terror of Sound Stage 7

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain The Terror of Sound Stage 7 side quest in Dead Island 2, interact with the radio at the Tower in Venice Beach during/after The Search for Truth story quest.

To learn more about this quest, make your way to Sarah in her trailer outside Sound Stage 4 at Monarch Studios. After you speak with her, make for Sound Stage 7, which is south from her trailer. Clear out all the zombie in the jungle set then head to the city set. You’ll need to investigate all 3 victims spread through the city set. Once you’ve investigated the last one, you’ll need to lure 5 zombies into the city set in hopes of drawing out the big guy. Your plan worked and The Terror of Sound Stage 7 (aka Mr. Blades) will appear. Take him down then report your success back to Sarah. As a reward, you’ll receive 3000 XP and a Jade Dragon.

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Dead Island 2 – Tasty Donut Safe Key for Tasty Donut Store Safe

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To find the Tasty Donut Safe Key needed to open the Tasty Donut Store Safe in Dead Island 2, travel to the northern side of Venice Beach.

Once there, you’ll find the Tasty Donut Boss.

Take him out the loot the Tasty Donut Safe Key. Now that you have the key, make your way over to the Tasty Donut.

Loot the Tasty Donut Store Safe to find the Liquidator Shotgun!