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Trinity Trigger – Hoplard Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, there are 4 chests found in Hoplard. Below is a guide on where to find these chests and what they contain!

1000 Liba

This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of town just south of the wooden staircase.

Super Potion

This chest can be found on the east side of the Sanctuary.


Take the long path behind the Sanctuary to find this chest behind the shop and a residence.

Defense Pill

This chest can be found just west of the Verte Workshop. To reach it, follow the path on the west side of the residence to the east of the Verte Workshop.

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Trinity Trigger – Hoplard Mountains: South Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, there are 7 chests to find in the Hoplard Mountains: South. Below is a guide on where to find these chests and what they contain!

Softner x3

This chest can be found right at the start of the area (coming from Astrum) on the southwestern side. Follow the path north of the large crystal you’ll need to break with your bow as part of the story.

1200 Liba

From the above chest, head northeast following along the river to find the next chest.

Divine Extract

From the start of the area (coming from Astrum), follow the path and walk across wooden stairs. Just past them you’ll see a snowman. Knock it down then take the hidden path to reach the chest.

Skill Booster I

After passing under the wooden bridge in the southeastern corner of the area, you’ll find the chest behind some crystals on the east side of the main path.

Slow Defense III

After crossing the wooden bridge in the southeastern part of the area, you’ll see a snowman nestled against the trees. Take it out then follow the hidden path behind it to find the chest.

HP Steal II

This chest can be found underneath the bridge near the northwestern map transition. To reach it, you’ll need to progress further in the story until you’ve unlocked Zantis as a party member. Once you have, travel to the southwestern map transition in Hoplard Mountains: North. To access this map transition, you’ll need to use Zantis’ axe to break the rocks blocking the bridge. When you’ve gone through the map transition, head down the stairs and use Elise’s spear to break the rocks. The path to the chest will now be clear. Continue south to reach it!

Arcane Extract

This chest can be found on the higher eastern ledge. To reach it, you’ll need to have progressed far enough in the story to have the fists. Use Elise or Zantis’ fists to break the rock just before the stairs just after the northern bridge. Once you’ve broken the rock, follow the path to reach the chest.

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Trinity Trigger – Bowsong Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, you’ll find multiple chests in the Bowsong area. Below are guides on where to find these chests and what they contain!

Bowsong F1

Antidote x2

From the entrance take the first left and follow the path to find the chest.


From the entrance, head straight and take the second right. Follow the path to find the chest at the end.

Bowsong F2

HP Booster I

In the center of Bowsong F1, you’ll find 2 sets of stairs. Take the left one up and follow the path where you’ll be trapped in a room with the chest. Defeat all the enemies that ambush you then open the chest.

Antidote x2

In the center of Bowsong F1, you’ll find 2 sets of stairs. Take the right one up and head east, passing a green funky fungi to find the chest.

Stamina Pill

After going past the inactive altar on F1, head up the stairs. At the top, use the red funky fungi to blow up the wall revealing a way forward.

Just before a set of stairs leading up, you’ll find another red funky fungi. Use it to reveal the room containing this chest.

Bowsong F3

Order Shard x3

After heading up the stairs to reach Floor 3, head directly south and use the red funky fungi to blow up the wall revealing this chest.

Super Potion

This chest can be found next to a yellow funky fungi on the east side of the area.

Bowsong F4

This unexplored area will open during the 22. The Bowsong quest.

Dispel Stone II

This mimic chest can be found just west of the starting area (west of the northeastern stairs).

Order Fragment x4

Right next to the above mimic chest, you’ll see a red mushroom with a breakable wall behind it. Strike the mushroom causing it to explode, revealing a hidden path. Take this path to find the chest.

Armor Stone III

This mimic chest can be found along the main path just south of the above chest.

Antidote x3 / Poison Defense III / Super Elixir

Right next to the above mimic, you’ll spot a red mushroom hiding a breakable wall. Again, strike it to cause an explosion revealing the hidden path.

Synchro Stone II

This mimic chest yet again can be found next to a red mushroom along the main path.

Vitality Pill x2

This chest can be found along the main path on the eastern side of the area.


Parry Stone II

From the starting area head east and follow the path to find this mimic chest.

Chaos Fragment x4

This chest can be found just north of the southeastern stairs.

Bowsong F6

5700 Liba

This chest can be found just northeast of the southeastern stairs.

Mega Potion

This chest can be found just southeast of the southeastern stairs.

Brain Stone II / Recovery Stone II

These mimic chests can be found near the southwestern stairs.

Life Stone III

This mimic chest can be found by the northwestern stairs.

Detox Stone II

This mimic chest can be found by the northeastern stairs.

Good Fortune Jewel IV

This chest will spawn at the end of the area by the shrine after defeating all of the above mimic chests.

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Trinity Trigger – Astrum Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, Astrum has 3 chests. Below are the locations of these chests and what they contain!

1000 Liba

This chest can be found on the northwestern side of town behind a house. To reach it head between the house and shop closest to the Bowsong exit.

Divine Extract

This chest can be found on the east side of the inn. To reach it, hug the backside of the inn and follow the path!

Super Potion

This chest can be found behind the Verte Workshop. To reach it, follow the path on the west side of the workshop.

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Trinity Trigger – Astrum Forest Trail: South Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

First Area

Divine Extract

In the center of the area, pass under the bridge and head north then east. Take the southeastern path and follow it to reach the chest just before the wooden stairs.

Second Area

Antidote x3

From the above chest, continue up the stairs and follow the path to reach a new area where you’ll find this chest. If you look on the map, it will be in the southwestern corner of the second area.

HP Absorber I

Continue following the path just northwest of the above chest to find the next one in some bushes near a monolith.

Poison Defense I

This chest can be found along the eastern side of the area down a hidden path. The entrance to this path is across from the second yellow funky fungi.

Super Potion

This chest can be found just after the third yellow funky fungi. Head up the wooden stairs then immediately head east, skirting the small wooden box and following along the ledge going around the tree.

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Trinity Trigger – Beast Keys

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, there are a total of 10 blue treasure chests that contain beast keys. Below are the locations of these blue treasure chests.

1. Woodroost

This chest can be found in the northeastern corner of town.

To reach it, you’ll need to enter the trees to the east of the residence that is just south of the shop. From there, continue north, passing a chest until you reach the blue chest.

2. Astrum Forest Trail: South

In the center of the Astrum Forest Trail: South, you’ll find a wooden bridge. Cross under this bridge heading north and go up the wooden stairs. On the left side you’ll notice two rows of mushrooms.

Head through them, passing underneath the stone pathway then follow the path to reach the blue chest.

3. Hoplard Mountains: South

In this area, make your way to the spot shown in the picture below.

Use Fists to break the rock (might need to progress further into the story until you unlock this ability). Wait a bit then a bridge of ice will form. Hop on the bridge and head west to reach the blue chest on the other side of the river.

4. Desert Tombs

Head to the fast moving sand pit just north of the oasis in the Desert Tombs and purposely fall in!

In this area, you’ll spot 4 chests clumped together to the northwest.

They are all mimics! Take them out to cause the blue chest to spawn. Open it to reveal the Beast Key!

5. Urbantheria: Wharf

This chest will spawn on the east side of the area during the Guardian of Stahl main quest after you beat Noire and need to report back to Gris.

6. Stahl Plains: South

To get this blue chest to spawn, cut the grass by the trees in the north central part of the area. You can come to this conclusion by following the golden birds that fly from tree to tree. You’ll discover this chest at the end of their path.

7. Festibane Trail: West

In order to get this blue chest to spawn, you must destroy EVERYTHING on this map… enemies, flowers, logs, crystals, rocks and crates!

Once you do, the chest will spawn along the wooded path in the north at the green marker shown in the map above.

8. Oread Mountain

This chest can be found off the beaten path. Start here…

then follow the arrows to reach the chest down a long and windy not to mention narrow path!

9. Grimgreed

After completing the 32. Maiden of the Marsh side quest, speak with the Junkmonger in Grimgreed then agree to pay 100,000 liba. As a reward, the chest will spawn.

10. Desperacia

Speak with Gabriel on the northwestern side of town. As a reward, he’ll spawn this chest!

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Trinity Trigger – Gladius Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, you’ll find a total of 3 floors at the Gladius location. Below are the location of the chests in each area along with what items they contain.

Gladius 1F

600 Libra

This chest can be found by busting through the wall in the northeastern corner of the area.

Order Shard x3

This chest can be found by busting through the cracked wall next to a tree’s roots in the northern part of the area.

Gladius F2

Potion x1

This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of the area.

Chaos Shard x5

To obtain this chest, break the cracked wall next to a tree’s root in the north central part of the area.

Gladius F3

1500 Liba

To reach this chest, take the northwestern stairs on Gladius F2 up.

Divine Extract / Potion

After taking the northeastern stairs on Gladius F2 up, break the cracked wall straight ahead to reveal the room containing both of these chests.

Gladius F4

**This area is available during the 21. The Gladius side quest!**

Seal Defense III / Harmony Fragment x7 / Order Fragment

These chests can be found in the northeastern corner behind a breakable wall.

Dodge Stone IV

This mimic chest can be found on the eastern side of the map near the orb challenge.

Energy Booster IV

This chest will spawn on the eastern side of the area if you get all the orbs to glow by hitting them!

Horizon Stone II / Strike Stone II

These chests can be found in the central area. Both are mimics!

Energy Booster III

This chest will spawn in the center of the area if you get all the orbs to glow!

Gladius F5

Dodge Stone II

This mimic can be found in the southwestern corner of the area. To reach it, you’ll need to break the southwestern wall on Gladius F4 then take the staircase up.

Dispel Stone II

This mimic can be found in the southeastern corner of the area. To reach it, you’ll need to break the southeastern wall on Gladius F4 then take the staircase up.

Order Crystal

In the same room as the above chest, solve the light puzzle to get this chest to spawn!

Skill Booster III

This chest can be found in the center of the area just after solving the first large light orb puzzle.

The Gladius F5: Altar

Recovery Stone II / Horizon Stone II / Break Stone II / Recovery Stone II / Break Stone II

All these chests are mimics!

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Trinity Trigger – The Gladius Entrance Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, there are 4 chests at The Gladius: Entrance. Below are the locations of these chests and what they contain.

Potion x1

This chest can be found at the end of a hidden path marked by 8 trees with brownish leaves on the eastern side of the main path.

Divine Extract

This chest can be found across the road from the above chest next to a monolith.

Antidote x2

This chest can be found at the end of a hidden path marked by 2 trees with brownish leaves in the northeastern corner of the area near the save point.

Shiny Fang

This chest can be found behind giant rocks in the northwestern corner of this area. You’ll need to progress further in the game to gain Elise as a party member. You’ll then be able to use her spear to clear a path to this chest!

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Trinity Trigger – Woodroost Forest Trail Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, there are 2 chests along the Woodroost Forest Trail. Below are the locations of these chests and what they contain.

300 Liba

This chest can be found right along the main path and is extremely hard to miss!

Super Potion x1

This chest can be found in the northwestern corner of the area. To reach it, you’ll need to take a hidden path. The entrance of this path is marked by 2 trees with brownish leaves.

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