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Trinity Trigger – 07. Sight for Sore Eyes

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the 07. Sight for Sore Eyes quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with the Doting Grandfather in the residence near the western map transition in Astrum. For this quest, you’ll need to purchase Special Eyedrops from the Merchant in Astrum Forest Trail: South.

From Astrum, head south to reach the Astrum Forest Trail: South. In this area, follow the path to the north central part to find the merchant.

Speak with him then return to the Doting Grandfather at his residence in Astrum to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive Stamina Pill x3 and 1000 Liba.

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Trinity Trigger – 06. Lightspark

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the 06. Lightspark quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with the Innkeeper at Astrum. For this quest, the Innkeeper requires 3 Lightspark. Travel to Astrum Forest Trail: South, which is south of Astrum. Once in this area, gather the Lightspark from 3 sets of white flowers shown on the map below.

Once you’ve collected the flowers, return to the Innkeeper and speak with him to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive Skill Booster Recipe I and Antidote x3.

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Trinity Trigger – Hoplard Mountains: North Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, there are 13 chests in the Hoplard Mountains: North. Below are the locations of these chests along with what they contain!

Area 1


This chest can be found just off the main path in the southern part of the map across from some wooden stairs.

Poison Defense I

This chest can be found underneath the wooden bridge on the east side of the area.


This chest can be found up a set of wooden stairs on the western side of the area. To find the entrance to this hidden path, look for two snowman along the tree line by the central stairs leading up then walk between them!

Antidote x3

This chest can be found underneath a mound of snow just north of the eastern bridge. Give it a good whack with your sword to reveal it!

Divine Extract

This chest can be found behind giant rocks south of the northeastern map transition. You’ll need to progress in the story until you gain Zantis as a party member. Use his axe to reach this chest.

Area 2

Aqua Gel x15

This chest can be found in the central area between 2 wooden bridges.

HP Absorber I

This chest can be found between 2 rows of giant crystals on the eastern side of the area.


This chest can be found in the open plain just south of the northern map transition underneath a mound of snow.

1500 Liba

This chest can be found just west of the above chest underneath a mound of snow near a snowman.

Aqua Gel x15

This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of the area near the map transition. You’ll need to return to this area after obtaining Zantis as a party member!

Divine Extract

This chest can be found in a snow mound across the bridge on the northwestern side of the area. To access this area, you’ll need to have progressed through the story until you obtain Zantis as a party member. Use his axe to break the large rocks!

Untouchable Jewel I

This chest can be found under a snow mound just northwest of the above chest.

Stamina Pill

This chest can be found under a snow mound north of the above chest.

For more guides on Trinity Trigger, click here!

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Trinity Trigger – Lance Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, you’ll find numerous chests on the multiple floors of the Lance. Below is a guide on where these chests can be found and what they contain.

Lance F1

Order Shard x5

This chest can be found on the eastern side of the area.

Lance F2

1200 Liba

To reach this chest in the northwestern corner of the area, hit the orb on the pedestal directly west of the northeastern staircase.

Super Potion

This chest can be found in the southwestern corner of the area just after beating the giant mushroom.

Gold Ore

This chest can be found by breaking the cracked wall on the southeastern side of the area.

Lance F3

Fleet Feet I

This chest can be found on the northern side of this area. To reach it, whack the orb on the pedestal just south of it across the water.


This chest can be found behind a breakable wall on the western side of the area.

Strength Pill

This chest can be found near the base of the stairs in the southwestern corner.

Divine Extract

This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of the area. To reach it, whack the orb on the pedestal by the southwestern stairs. Please note that when you open this chest, you’ll be assaulted by a group of monsters.

Lance F4


This chest can be found in the southwestern corner of this area.

Softner x3

This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of the area.

Lance F5

This area becomes explorable during the 23. The Lance side quest!

Gold Stone II / Super Potion

These chests can be found along the main path just south of the northeastern stairs. The west chest is a mimic.

Smash Stone II

This mimic chest can be found in the south-central part of the area.

Harmony Fragment

This chest can be found west of the above mimic.

Smash Stone II

This mimic can be found north of the above chest.

Gold Rush Jewel III

This chest can be found north of the above mimic behind a breakable wall.

Quality Pearl

This chest can be found just north of the south-central mimic.

Arcane Extract

This chest can be found behind a breakable wall just west of the above chest.

Lance F6

Strike Stone II

This mimic can be found in the northwestern corner of the area.

Stamina Pill a / Order Fragment

These chests can be found behind a breakable wall on the northeastern side of the area.

Translucent Cloth x5 / Armor Stone III

These chests can be found on the southeastern side of the area. The western chest is a mimic!

Elixir / Panacea / Guillotine Thread x3 / Drain Stone II

These chests can all be found at the base of the south-central staircase. The northern chest is a mimic!

Lance F7

Brain Stone II / 4000 Liba / Chaos Fragment x4 / Detox Stone III

These chests can be found in the southern part of the area. The outside chests are mimics!

Synchro Recovery III / Black Branch x3

These chests can be found near the shrine.

Quality Citrine x4

This chest can be found in the northwestern corner of the area.

For more guides on Trinity Trigger, click here!

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Trinity Trigger – 08. Warmth Rekindled

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To begin the 08. Warmth Rekindled quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with the Hoplard Oracle in the Sanctuary on the eastern side of Hoplard. He’ll want you to check on the Woodcutter in his mountain hut to see why he’s not delivering firewood to the temple.

For this quest, set out to Hoplard Mountains: North via the northwestern map transition. Once there, the Woodcutter’s hut can be found along the eastern edge of the map, reachable via a wooden bridge.

Head inside and speak with the Woodcutter. You’ll learn that he hurt his ankle and needs us to make the delivery to the temple. After agreeing to help him out, return to the Sanctuary in Hoplard and speak with the Hoplard Oracle. The Warmth Rekindled quest will complete and you’ll receive Multi-Medicine I and Softener x3.

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Trinity Trigger – 01. Snowy Mountain Beasts

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To start the 01. Snowy Mountain Beasts quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Henry in front of the residence on the east side of Verte Workshop at Hoplard. For this quest, you’ll need to examine the coffin by the northwestern exit in front of the shop.

After the cutscene ends, you’ll fight the great Frost Beast, Snowhorn. This beast’s shield is weak to axe!

Once you take it down, loot the chest to receive an Attack Augite. II. The Snowy Mountain Beasts quest will then complete. As a reward, you’ll receive EXP Booster Recipe I and Potion x5.

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Trinity Trigger – 02. A Taste of Home

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the 02. A Taste of Home quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Firn in her house in Woodroost. For this quest, you’ll need to travel to the shop in Woodroost.

Next, travel north to reach Woodroost Forest Trail. Once there, head north to the next area of the Woodroost Forest Trail. Once in this second area, continue north and just before the next map transition head east to the large open clearing with the barrels, log and crates.

You’ll notice the grass is shining. Check it to find Mugwort.

Once you’ve collected the ingredient, return to Cyan’s house in Woodroost to complete the request. As a reward, you’ll receive Beginner Medicine and Round Tail x4.

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Trinity Trigger – 03. An Endless Cycle

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To begin the 03. An Endless Cycle quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Sally just south of the save point in Woodroost. She’ll need you to find Fred. Travel north to the Woodroost Forest Trail. Follow the path until a cutscene triggers. Poor Fred is surrounded by monsters! Defeat the 3 Carnibloom monsters to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive HP Absorber Recipe I and Divine Extract x3.

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Trinity Trigger – 05. Liches Get Stitches

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To begin the 05. Liches Get Stitches quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Kenneth in the inn at Woodroost. You’ll then need to defeat Liches until you collect 3 Dark Residues. Liches can be found in Gladius. We found the first on the western side of Gladius F1 just before the stairs leading up.

The second Lich can be found on the northwestern side of Gladius F2 just before the stairs leading up. To reach this area, you’ll need to break the cracked wall.

From the above Lich, head up the nearby stairs to reach a small room on Gladius F3. The last Lich will be here!

Take it out then return to Kenneth at the Woodroost Inn to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive Fleet Fleet II and 1500 Liba.

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Trinity Trigger – 04. Made with Love

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To begin this quest, speak with Ada in front of her residence next to Cyan’s in Woodroost. She’ll need you to deliver the lunch she made to her husband in Woodroost Forest Trail. Make your way north to Woodroost Forest Trail and head to the second area. You’ll find Tom in the large clearing with barrels, a log and crates just east of the northern map transition.

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Monsters will show up! Take out the 3 Yellow Wasps to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive Energy Booster II and Peridot x5.