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Trinity Trigger – 26. A Waking Dream

by NightlyGamingBinge in

After completing the 25. No Sadness Allowed side quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Isaac in Festibane to begin the 26. A Waking Dream quest. For this quest, you’ll need to find an Awakening Seed in the Festibane Trail: South. Head to the eastern side of the area to trigger a cutscene with 3 yellow mushrooms.

Defeat the mushrooms then loot the shiny item by the blue tree. Afterwards, return to Isaac to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive an Energy Booster IV.

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Trinity Trigger – 25. No Sadness Allowed

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To begin the 25. No Sadness Allowed side quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Isaac at Festibane after completing the Olde Arma Ruins as part of the story. For this quest, you’ll need to find some Gogetter so Isaac can participate in the festivities. Travel to Festibane Trail: South then make your way to the spot shown below.

There you’ll find a shiny object next to a bush. Grab it then return to Isaac to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive Synchro Gain Recipe III and High Quality Turquoise x6.

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Trinity Trigger – Olde Arma Ruins Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below are all the chests that can be found at the Olde Arma Ruins!

Olde Arma Ruins: Surface

Mega Elixir / Armor Stone III

In the northwestern corner you’ll notice a giant red ball. Punch it with fists to reveal these 2 chests! The right one is a mimic!

Purification Bell x3

This chest can be found on the eastern edge of the area.

Aura Stone II / 15000 Liba

These chests can be found on the south-central side of the area. The northern one is a mimic!

Olde Arma Ruins: Ancient Altar

Chaos Crystal

This chest can be found west of the altars behind a wall breakable by hitting the red ball with fists.

Divine Extract x2

This chest can be found on the western edge of the area.

Olde Arma Ruins: Middle

High Quality Peridot x5

This chest can be found in the northwestern corner of the area.

Order Fragment x4

This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of the area.

Fleet Feet IV

This chest can be found behind a breakable wall in the northeastern corner of the area. To reach it, you’ll need to head to the higher ground diagonally southwest from it then use your gun to hit the red ball.

Olde Arma Ruins: Depths

Vitality Pill x2

This chest can be found behind large rocks in the southwestern corner of the area. Use your gun to break them.

Skill Stone II / Smash Stone II

These mimic chests can be found in the northeastern corner.

Mega Potion

This chest can be found near the northern map transition and is extremely difficult to reach. You’ll need to break down the wall protecting it by shooting the red ball. To do this, we stood in the position shown in the picture below!

We had Bounding Grenade equipped in Slot 3 and the bullet was able to ricochet up there, hitting the red ball.

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Trinity Trigger – Festibane Trail: South Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below are all the chests that can be found along the Festibane Trail: South in Trinity Trigger!

Spirit Feather x4

This chest can be found just off the main path on the western side of the area.

High Quality Onyx x6

This chest can be found in the trees just off the main path in the southern part of the area.

Panacea x2

This chest can be found in near the center of the area just before the long bridge.

Defense Pill x3

This chest can be found just past the bridge surrounded by a wall of large rocks breakable via a bow.

HP Steal III

This chest can be found along the main path on the eastern side of the area.

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Trinity Trigger – 24. A Simple Request

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To begin the 24. A Simple Request side quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with the Loving Wife on the western side of Festibane. For this quest, she’ll need you to travel to Festibane Trail: West to look for 3 Sunsetters. They can be found in shiny bushes around the area.

See the below map for their exact locations!

Once you’ve collected all 3, return to the Loving Wife to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive Defense Augite IV and Purification Bell x3.

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Trinity Trigger – Festibane Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below are all the chests found at Festibane in Trinity Trigger.

Miracle Fruit

This chest can be found in the wooded southwestern corner of town.

Mega Potion

This chest can be found on the southern edge of town along a fence.

Defense Augite IV

This chest can be found behind some trees on the northeastern side of town. Enter this hidden path near the wagon.

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Trinity Trigger – Festibane Trail: West Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below are the chests that can be found on Festibane Trail: West in Trinity Trigger.

Area 1

5200 Liba / Chaos Fragment x6

These chests can be found in the southeastern corner of the area.

Miracle Fruit

This chest can be found in the center of the area at the end of a hidden path. You’ll need to head up two sets of wooden stairs to reach it.

Purification Bell x2

This chest can be found along the northern edge of the area.

Area 2

High Quality Garnet x3

This chest can be found on the west side of the area after heading up a small set of wooden stairs.

Energy Extender III

This chest can be found in the northwestern corner.

Super Potion

This chest can be found next to the northeastern map transition.

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Trinity Trigger – Stahl Plains: East Chests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below are all the chests that can be found at Stahl Plains: East in Trinity Trigger!

High Quality Diamond x5

This chest can be found on the raised ground just south of the map transition to Stahl.

Strike Stone II

This mimic can be found on the same section of raised ground as the above chest.

Strength Pill x2

This chest can be found on the northeastern side of the area behind large rocks breakable by using a sword.

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Trinity Trigger – 23. The Lance

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain 23. The Lance side quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Glaive in his house after completing 22. The Bowsong quest. For this quest, you’ll need to find 5 Jewel Fragments in the Lance. Make your way over to the Lance, which is north of Hoplard, then head on up to the top level via the teleporter.

Once you arrive, you’ll notice that a new way is now opened on the eastern side. Head into this unexplored area then defeat the scorpions. All but one can be found on F6. The last one is on F7. Once you defeat the last one, you’ll be telported out of the dungeon.

Make your way to Stahl and speak with Lime at the Verte Workshop. Afterwards, return to F7 of the Lance to open the sealed door next to the shrine.

Now that both Cyan and Zantis have receive the spear, return to Stahl and speak with Glaive to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive Good Fortune Jewel IV and Multi-Medicine II.

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Trinity Trigger – 22. The Bowsong

by NightlyGamingBinge in

After completing 21. The Gladius side quest in Trinity Trigger, speak with Glaive again to obtain the 22. The Bowsong side quest. For this quest, you’ll need to travel to the Bowsong in Astrum and teleport to the end of the dungeon.

Once there, you’ll find that a new path has opened. Make your way through this area until you reach the altar. Once you’ve acquired a bow for Zantis, return to Glaive to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive a Skill Booster IV, Quality Moonstone x4 and Quality Taaffeite x4.