Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Promethea Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges. Here you’ll find the location of all the logs needed for the Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenge!
Typon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges
Meridian Outskirts
The Spillways

This log is located on a bandit bridge in the Spillways. To reach it, exit Fort Pissoff (tunnel containing the Meridian Outskirts fast travel station) and take a left into the Spillways heading west. The bridge will be right there. Use the elevator under the left (south) side of the bridge to reach the upper level. Exit the elevator and follow the path forward taking the first right up a flight of stairs, then head towards the toilet. Before taking the steps up to the toilet, jump on the railing to the left and look down to find a small ledge. Land on the small ledge to find the log.
The Spillways (2)

This log is located under a tower-like structure covered with tires, wires and a light at the top north of the Meridian Outskirts fast travel station.
The Spillways (3)

This log is located in front of a tunnel on the north side of the map near a Meridian Metroplex map transition.
Meridian Outskirts Dead Drop Cache

To reach this cache, start near the Meridian Metroplex map transition on top of the bridge near the civilian camp. Facing the Metroplex, head left and go threw the hole in the wall. Instead of taking the stairs down, go right to the elevator. Send the elevator to the bottom while you remain on the top floor. Then call it back up, jumping onto the top of the elevator as it ascends. This will lift you up to a secret area above the elevator where the cache can be found.
Meridian Metroplex
Halcyon Suborbital Spaceport

This log is located on a bridge above a Catch-A-Ride east of the Rise and Grind Coffee House along the eastern section of the map.
Titan’s Gate

This log is located in front of a giant Atlas building in Titan’s Gate, which can be found in the northern, central part of the map.
Meridian Mercantile

This log is just before the Maliwan Weapons Depot in Meridian Mercantile on the western side of the map, which you access during the Hostile Takeover main mission. The log is near the railing where you meet Rhys’ top operative.
Meridian Metroplex Dead Drop Cache

The dead drop is located close to Knoxx Station near the Lectra City map transition. Start at the end of the tunnel leading to Lectra City with your character facing south. Head left (east) along the platform until you come to two sets of three stacked shipping containers. Climb up the containers and then jump across to the concrete ledge. Follow the ledge south, jumping over a square metal container and then crouch under a metal pipe to find the dead drop straight ahead at the end of the ledge next to a building. There is also a Maliwan chest here.
Lectra City
The Dockyards

This log is located in the southeastern region of the map in the Bid Dock Energy dockyard. See the map below for the exact location. This is where you fight Trudy during the Kill Killavolt side mission. You will have to jump on some containers submerged in water to reach it.

Near Big Dock Energy

This log is located in the southern region of the map, southwest of Big Dock Energy overlooking a concrete structure with the letters K and V written on it. See the map below for the exact location.

The Hills

The log is located in the eastern region of the map in the area where you fought Lena in the Kill Killavolt side mission.
Lectra City Dead Drop Cache

The cache is located in Downtown Square on a rooftop in a storage container east of where you fought Lena in the Kill Killavolt side mission near the center of the map. To reach the roof, you will need to climb onto a dumpster with yellow paint and then climb up the ladder. See the map below for the exact location.

Maliwan Modulars

This log is located in a locked Maliwan room inside a cave. See the map below for the exact location. You’ll know your there when you see the big yellow pipes on the ceiling that say “Watch Your Head!”. From the locked door, follow the path forward coming to a broken walkway with “Sector 1” written on the wall. Drop down into the open area and move forward following the left rock wall. When you get to the end, jump off the ledge and turn around to find a doorway with a “1” written next to it. Enter the doorway and head up two flights of stairs to enter the room containing the log next to a gated window.

Near Tritanium Refinery

This log is located across from the laser thruster at the end of a stone path. See the map below for the exact location. To reach it, head to the metal platform across from the thruster and head south (right of the ladder leading to a higher platform). You will have to jump from rock to rock to reach the log.

Observation Deck

This log is located on the Observation Deck. See map below for the exact location. To reach it, you will need to jump down the long chute in Sector 4. This will place you in Fuel Processing. Exit through the door to enter a room containing a cylinder with a blue sphere in the middle of it. Take a left and follow the walkway to the end. Use the ladder next to the crate to climb up to a ledge. From there climb on top a crate then jump to the opening above. The log will be located on a metal platform across a gap.

Skywell-27 Dead Drop Cache

This cache is located in the server room near where the boss is located. See the map below for the exact location. Follow the hallway leading to the servers to arrive in a big open room. Armored robots will spawn on the other side. Deal with them then head up the stairs behind them. Take a left up another flight of stairs and follow the hallway to the end to locate the cache.

Atlas HQ
Courtyard of Innovation

This log is located on the second level of the Courtyard of Innovation along the eastern side. To reach it, access the second level via turret control room or the stairway on the west side of the courtyard.
Skunkworks Lab

This log is located on the second floor of the Lobby of Self-Actualization overlooking an elevator. Enter Atlas and head forward, past the spinning gold ball, then under the red ATLAS sign in the middle of the walkway. Follow the walkway forward until you reach a set of double doors. Instead of heading through them, take the flight of stairs up on the left or right side of the doors to reach the second level in the Lobby of Self-Actualization. Head south to locate the log.
Lobby of Self-Actualization

This log is located at the south side of the Lobby of Self-Actualization near where the Maliwan command ship was during the Atlas, at Last main mission. You can find it along the southwestern walkway. See the map below for the exact location.

Atlas HQ Dead Drop Cache

This cache is located on the second floor of the Lobby of Self-Actualization overlooking an elevator. See the map below for the exact location. Enter Atlas and head forward, past the spinning gold ball, then under the red ATLAS sign in the middle of the walkway. Follow the walkway forward until you reach a set of double doors. Instead of heading through them, take the flight of stairs up on the left or right side of the doors to reach the second level in the Lobby of Self-Actualization. Head south to locate the Skunkworks Lab Typhon Log from above then enter the room to the left (east) of it to find the cache.

Neon Arterial
Titan Skyway

This log is located diagonally from the Neon Arterial fast travel station next to a tree by a light post. See the map below for the exact location.

Apollyon Transit Station

This log is located on the north side of the Apollyon Station courtyard across from the giant Children of the Vault sign over the station entrance.
Restricted Catacombs

This log is located down a tunnel on the east side of the Restricted Catacombs just before you get to the vault. See the map below for the exact location.

Neon Arterial Dead Drop Cache

This cache is located on the west side of the Restricted Catacombs across from the previous Typhon Log.

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