Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Promethea Dead Claptrap Crew Challenge. Here you’ll find all the locations needed to complete this challenge!
Promethea Dead Claptrap Crew Challenge
Meridian Outskirts
Cave (Universal Transistor)

This dead claptrap is located in a cave between Meridian Outskirts drop pad and the Meridian Outskirts fast travel station.
Meridian Metroplex
Stairwell (Stair-Climbing Update)

This dead claptrap is located in a stairwell to the right of Dynasty Diner (near the center of the map). Head below the green arrows in the image above to enter the stairwell containing the claptrap.
Lectra City
Downtown Square (8th Gen Emotive Resonator)

This dead claptrap is located under the Welcome Home neon sign in the Underpass in south-central Lectra City. To reach it, take the big concrete stairs in Downtown Square down to the area where you fight Jenny during the Kill Killavolt side mission. The dead claptrap is located in this room in the back corner.
Market Quarter (Eye Rotor)

This dead claptrap is located directly south of the Lectra City fast travel station on the roof of a shack overlooking the docks.
Sector 2 (Antenna)

This dead claptrap is located in Sector 2 of the Maliwan base. This is after passing the large elevator that leads to the laser and climbing through the vents leading back outside. Claptrap will be tied to a metal radio tower connected to a rock just past a bridge in the middle of the path. You will need to climb up the big rock across from the tower to jump over to it.
Observation Deck (Dubstep Library)

This claptrap is on the second level of a building in the Observation Deck. See the image below for the exact location. To reach it, you will need to jump down the long chute in Sector 4. This will place you in Fuel Processing. Exit through the door to enter a room containing a cylinder with a blue sphere in the middle of it. Take a right and follow the walkway down a couple of steps. Take another right and enter the building there. Climb up the two flights of stairs then jump through the open section of the wall to locate it.

Atlas HQ
Lobby of Self-Actualization (Claptrap-VPN)

This dead claptrap is located in Atlas Tower behind a bar on the second floor. Enter Atlas and head forward, past the spinning gold ball, then under the red ATLAS sign in the middle of the walkway. Follow the walkway forward until you reach a set of double doors. Instead of heading through them, take the flight of stairs up on the left or right side of the doors to reach the second level in the Lobby of Self-Actualization. The bar will be in the room on the northeastern side of the walkway.
Neon Arterial
Green Diamond Platform (Antenna Accessory)

This dead claptrap is located on the train track in the middle of the Green Diamond Platform. See the map below for the exact location.

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