Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Pandora Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges. Here you’ll find all the locations needed to complete this challenge!
Pandora Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges
The Droughts
Overlooking Varkid Valley

This Typhon log is located on Pandora in the Droughts. See the map below for the exact location. To reach it, head past the Sun Smasher’s camp and over the broken bridge. Then take a left and follow that road until you reach a fence with a shack behind it (you should be surrounded by a giant rib cage). Facing the fence, follow a path on the left near one of the ribs to come to a bus hanging off a cliff. The log will be next to it at the edge of the cliff.

Near the Eridian Dig Site

This Typhon log is located on Pandora in the eastern area of the Droughts. See the map below for the exact location. To reach it head to the Catch-A-Ride near Ellie’s Garage and follow it northeast until the road splits. Take a right to find the log in the middle of a skag den (far east of the map, south of the Eridian Dig Site).

Dahl Orbital Control

This Typhon log is in the Dahl Orbital Control Center located in the northeastern part of the Droughts. See the map below for the exact location. You can’t access it until the Taking Flight main mission.

Droughts Dead Drop Cache

This dead drop is located in the Dahl 3rd Brigade Memorial Dam. You can find it in the building at the back of the dam.
Ascension Bluff
Backwash Creek

This Typhon log is located directly south of the Ascension Bluff fast travel station overlooking a canyon with some old satellite dishes. See the map below for the exact location.

Near Spit Respite

This Typhon log is located on the southeastern side of Ascension Bluff east of the Heavy Outrunner vehicle area. It will be overlooking a rock bridge leading to a giant structure. See the map below for the exact location.

Near Path of Sacrifice

This Typhon log is located in the eastern region of Ascension Bluff near a bandit settlement you visit as part of the Gold Calves side mission. See the below map for the exact location.

Ascension Buff Dead Drop Cache

This dead drop is located on Ascension Bluff near the Holy Broadcast Center in a storage unit near the Catch-A-Ride.
Devil’s Razor
Lonely Pillar

This log is located in the southeastern region of the map near the map transition to The Droughts. See the map below for the exact location.

Bollock’s Niche

This log is located on the northern part of the map on top of a checkpoint near the defense turrets. See the map below for the exact location.

Phalanx Pass

This log is located on the top of a rock overlooking the pass. You can reach it by climbing up a crate with a car on top at Buff’s Bluff. You will then need to crouch under the pipes and follow the rock path forward until you can drop down to the rock below with the log. See the map below for the exact location.

Devil’s Razor Dead Drop

The cache is located directly south of the Phalanx Pass Typhon Log at ground level. To reach the cache, climb down the ladder in a small metal hole surrounded by trash. Once inside, the cache will be next to a couch and bed. See the map below for the exact location.

The Splinterlands
Logan’s Spar

The log is located south of The Splinterlands – Pitt’s Stop travel station right off the main road on a rock next to a chair. See the map below for the exact location.

Roller Coaster

This log is located in the southeastern part of the map right next to the giant roller coaster (which you can totally ride by the way!!). See the map below for the exact location.

The Homestead

This log is located overlooking a canyon on the path to the spring during The Homestead (Part 2) side mission. See the map below for the exact location.

The Splinterlands Dead Drop Cache

The cache is located in the center of the map south of the vending machines near the Rakk nests. See the map below for the exact location.

The Stacked Deck

This log is located in the very northeastern part of the map, west of the fast travel station. You will walk past it on your way to save Tannis during the Blood Drive main mission. See the map below for the exact location.

La Cage O’Tinks

This log is located on the third level of La Cage O’Tinks in a private booth area. See the map below for the exact location.

Azlan’s Stash

This log is located in Azlan Stash, which is a cave-like area that can be found in the northern part of the large open area. See the map below for the exact location.

Carnivora Dead Drop

This cache is located on the backside of a giant cylinder near the entrance to the big open area. See the map below for the exact location.

Konrad’s Hold
The Arrogant Approach

The log is located on the northeastern part of the map, northwest of the fast travel station. See the map below for the exact location.

Bleedout Smithy

This log is located on the third level of Bleedout Smithy. To reach the log, start from the entrance to the smithy. When you come to the mine car sitting on the track, take a right and head towards the silver ventilation duct. Climb on top of the duct and turn right. Crouch walk along the duct until you reach the middle under the platform above you. You will need to jump around the outside of the platform and grab the ledge to reach the top. This is tricky and may take you a couple of tries. The log will be located on that platform near a window. See the map below for the exact location.

Crawling Dungeons

This log is located in the Crawling Dungeons. After you drop down the elevator shaft, take the first right and the log will be straight ahead next to the tracks. See the map below for the exact location.

Konrad’s Hold Dead Drop

The cache is located in a stack of shipping containers in the Crawling Dungeons near the entrance to Tannis’ lab. See the map below for the exact location.

Cathedral of the Twin Gods
Fateward Walk

This log is located in the center of the map just before the COV base entrance. See the map below for the exact location.

Outside the Outer Sanctum

This log is located to the right of the Cathedral of the Twin Gods fast travel station. See the map below for the exact location.

Inside the Outer Sanctum

As you enter the Outer Sanctum, take a left and climb up the metal structure with yellow paint on it. From there, crouch under the metal door and take a right up the stairs. Follow the path until you reach the end of the walkway containing the log. See the map below for the exact location.

Cathedral of the Twin Gods Dead Drop

This cache is located in the entrance to a drainage pipe near the Fateward Walk Typhon Log. See the map below for the exact location.

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