Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 walkthrough on the Opposition Research side mission. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this mission!
Opposition Research Walkthrough
How to Start Opposition Research
To begin the Opposition Research side mission in Borderlands 3, you’ll need to talk to Gonner Maleggies who is in a ventilation shaft in Sector 1 to the left of the giant circular door in the image below at Skywell-27 on Promethea.

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Opposition Research Objectives
Get Katagawa Intel
Collect all 3 tapes from the spies.
Locate Spy
Head through the circular door mentioned above and make your way to the room with the giant elevator that leads down to the mine laser. Head to the second level and enter the doorway behind the elevator. Take the stairs down a level, turn right and head to the end of the hall to locate the spy.
Search Body
Inspect the body.
Follow Blood
Follow the blood trail into the 2nd stall from the left in a bathroom.
Search Toilet
Interact with the toilet to locate the intel.
Take Tape
Pick up the poop covered echo log.
Locate Spy
Keep making your way through the Maliwan facility, passing the laser thruster and entering Sector 4 (Tritanium Refinery). You know your in the right spot when you see the giant chute in the middle of the area. Head into the building west of the chute and take the stairs inside to the second level. Head through the doorway and take a left, heading through another doorway into a room. Go to the second room across from where you are to locate the spy.
Search Body
Inspect the body.
Open Locker
In the same room as the body, search the lockers on the right side of the room.
Kill Interrogator
Defeat the Interrogator in the hallway just outside the room.
Take Key
Grab the key the Interrogator drops when you defeat him.
Get Tape
Head back to the locker and use the key to unlock it. Once it’s open, pick up the echo log.
Locate Spy
Jump down the long chute in Sector 4. This will place you in Fuel Processing. Exit through the door to enter a room containing a cylinder with a blue sphere in the middle of it. Take a right and follow the path forward to arrive in the area before the boss leading to the server room. Enter the server room and head to the east side of the room to locate the spy.
Take Tape
Grab the tape from the spy
Open Door to Data Center
Follow the path in the room the spy was in to head to the Data Center. Press the button under the Data Center sign to open it.
Use Central Computer
Head into the Data Center and use the central computer.
Enter Password
Interact with the computer to enter the password two times.
Kill Maliwan
Fight off the Maliwan soldiers.
Kill COV
Take out the COV bandits that attack.
Turn on Loudspeaker
Press the button on the terminal to turn on the loudspeaker.
Clear Room
Fight the Maliwan soldiers and COV bandits.
Upload Data to Atlas
Press the button on the console near the central computer to upload the intel and complete the Opposition Research mission.
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