Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Legendary Hunts Crew Challenge. Here you’ll find the location of all the targets needed for the Legendary Hunts Crew Challenge!
Legendary Hunts Crew Challenge
Pandora Legendary Hunts Crew Challenges
The Droughts
Lavender Crawly

The Lavender Crawly is located on Pandora in the western area of the Droughts in northern Varkid Valley. See the map below for the exact location. Lavender Crawly is a Varkid that will pod up when you are close to defeating it. That pod will break into two Varkids. When each of those Varkids get low on health, they too will pod up and create an additional two Varkids each.

Ascension Bluff

The Legendary Skrakk is located at Ascension Bluff on Pandora. It can be located southwest of the Ascension Bluff fast travel station. See the map below for the exact location. The Skrakk is accompanied by a pack of skags you will have to fight off while battling the Skrakk. It’s easier to deal with the skags first so that you can give the Skrakk your full attention.

Devil’s Razor

The Antalope is located in the dead center of the map. See the map below for the exact location.

The Splinterlands

The legendary phoenix is flying around directly south of the Pitt’s Stop fast travel station on the east side of The Splinterlands. See the map below of the exact location. You will have to kill the phoenix three times for it to be reborn as the legendary phoenix.

Konrad’s Hold

The Manvark is located in the center of the map in the Last-Stand Yard. See the map below for the exact location.

Athenas Legendary Hunts Crew Challenges

The Chupacabratch is located on the route to the cemetery near the center of the map. See the map below for the exact location. There isn’t anything special about this fight.

Eden-6 Legendary Hunts Crew Challenges
Floodmoor Basin
Chonk Stomp

Chonk Stomp is located in Primeval Grotto on the northwestern side of the map in a cave. See the map below for the exact location.

Voracious Canopy

The Jabbermogwai can be found in the northwestern part of the map, west of the Jabber village. See the below map for the exact location.

Nekrotafeyo Legendary Hunts Crew Challenges
Desolation’s Edge
Blinding Banshee

The Blinding Banshee makes its home in a little inlet in the central most northern part of the map. See the map below for the exact location.

The Pyre of Stars
Swarm Host

The swarm host, Brood Mother, is located down the hallway connected to the Nekrotafeyo Pedestal.

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