Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Eden-6 Dead Claptrap Crew Challenge. Here you’ll find all the locations needed to complete this challenge!
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Eden-6 Dead Claptrap Crew Challenge Locations
Floodmoor Basin
Reinforced Rear Panel (Butt)

To reach this claptrap, start at the Catch-A-Ride nearest the drop pod facing north. Follow the road east until you reach a red barn. From the red barn, keep following the road north until you come across an old shack partially submerge in water with two washing machines in front. The claptrap will be caught in one of the giant tree roots behind (west) the shack. Just follow the skidmark down!

“Love” Module

This claptrap is located under a deck next to a building with a water tower on the top in a logging complex. You can find this complex on the northeastern side of the map near a Catch-A-Ride. See the map below for the exact location.

The Anvil
Hector’s Lament (Paint Job)

This claptrap is located behind a reception desk in the prison with the image of the Warden painted on it in Hector’s Lament. To reach claptrap, you will need to enter the big warehouse-like room after the reception area and turn left to find the door leading to the receptionist’s room. Claptrap is laying in water being electrocuted. See the map below for the exact location.

The Yard (Hairpiece)

This claptrap is located in a building on the left side of the Yard where you pick up the On the Blood Path side mission. Head to the north side of that building to find claptrap on a slab in a room. See the map below for the exact location.

Jakobs Estate
Grotto (Multi-Tasking Modifier)

This claptrap is located in the Grotto surrounded by bone piles. You will come across it during the Witch’s Brew side mission. See the map below for the exact location.

Ancestor’s Hall (Door Opening Module)

This claptrap is located in the hallway leading to the Servant’s Quarters in Ancestor’s Hall. You will come here during the Sacked side mission. See the below map for the exact location.

Voracious Canopy
The Green Labyrinth (Dance Protocol Driver)

This claptrap is located in the middle of the map just before the Wreck of the Family Jewel. It can be found in the back of a cave. See the below map for the exact location.

The Moist Hoist (Long Long Term Memory)

This claptrap is in the Moist Hoist near the middle of the map, southwest from the fast travel station. He will be stuck in some gunk attached to a blue wooden building.
Tig’s Big Rig (Hard Disk Slot)

This claptrap is near a broken metal machine in Tig’s Big Rig located in the southwestern part of the map. See the below map for the exact location.

Blackbarrel Cellars
Premium Casks (Antenna Accessory)

This clap trap is locate in the first room that contains enemies on the lower level laying on a table. See the map below for the exact location.

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