Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Pandora Echo Logs locations. Here you’ll find where to find all the Echo Logs!
Pandora Echo Logs
The Droughts
Getting Closer

This log is located on Pandora in The Droughts at Ellie’s Garage. You can find it on the steps of her pink trailer located behind the garage.

This log is located on Pandora in the northern region of the Droughts west of the Ascension Bluff map transition. It can be found in a lone two-story structure with a samurai picture on the side of it near where the Skag Dog Days side mission takes place.

This log is located on the northern side of the Super 87 Racetrack in the Droughts outside a lone shack overlooking a canyon.
Short Supply

This log is located in the room under the ship dock where the Biofuel Rig was parked.

This log is located in a bandit settlement on a wooden crate next to a couch and building on the second level reachable by a ladder. The settlement is directly north of the Droughts – Highway fast travel station. You fight/fought Mincemeat here as part of the Skag Dog Days side mission.
Worth the Wait

This log is located in Raiders’ Drydock (where Sanctuary was docked). It is on the south side in a workroom on a table. The workroom is above where Ellie was working at during the story. See the map below for the exact location.

Ascension Bluff
Mouthpiece’s Pitch (Part 3)

This log is located in the room overlooking the area where you fight Mouthpiece at the Holy Broadcast Center in Ascension Bluff.
Devil’s Razor
Building a God-Queen (Part 1)

This log is located in a house at the southeastern part of the map. See the map below for the exact location.

RSVP (Part 1)

This log is located in the northern section of the map in Bollock’s Niche near the Bollock’s Niche Typhon Log laying on a table.
RSVP (Part 3)

This log is located on a crate next to a building near the eastern Devil’s Razor Broadcast Tower.
The Splinterlands
Big Love (Part 2)

This log is located on a crate in a large barn with a silo next to it and barbed wire surrounding it in The Homestead. You will come her during the Homestead (Part 3) side mission. See the map below for the exact location.


This log can be found during the Blood Drive main mission when you pick up the Golden Chariot. The log is located directly across from the Catch-A-Ride on a couch. See the map below for the exact location.

Guts of Carnivora
Sourbones (Part 1)

This log can be found on a crate along the walkway on the right side of the room in Mack’s Head Room. See the map below for the exact location.

Sourbones (Part 2)

This log can be found on top of a storage unit on the left side of the room in Mack’s Head Room. See the map below for the exact location.

Sourbones (Part 3)

This log can be found on a fallen bar stool in Mack’s Head Room along the outside walkway with the chain-linked fence just before the boss room. See the map below for the exact location.

Konrad’s Hold

During the Wildlife Conservation side mission, you will head into the Unused Escape Tunnel. After you blow open the door, the Echo Log will be located straight ahead on the right side of the tracks sitting on a rock in a little nook. See the below map for the exact location.


During the Wildlife Conservation side mission, you will head into the Unused Escape Tunnel and eventually emerge to an outdoor area. Head through the cavern towards the exit. When you see the burn barrel on the left, take a left and head down the hill to find the log.

The log is on a large metal crate and is located in the building to the west of The Arrogant Approach Typhon Log on the second floor. See the map below for the exact location.

Old Life

This log is located in The General’s Perch at the northwest corner of the map on the ground along the fence. See the map below for the exact location.

Cathedral of the Twin Gods
[Name Unknown…We picked it up too fast :P]

This log is located in the Outer Sanctum in the west (right side) on the second level in a sink near some lockers and a yellow painted skull. See the map below for the exact location.

Rise of Mouthpiece

This log is located in the Courtyard of the Damned on a table under the large depiction of Troy (left of the giant face with flaming eyeballs). See the map below for the exact location.

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