Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Pandora Dead Claptrap Crew Challenge. Here you’ll find the locations of all the dead Claptraps in Pandora needed for this challenge.
Dead Claptrap Crew Challenge
The Droughts
Super 87 Racetrack (Gyroscopic Rotor)

This dead claptrap can be found at the Super 87 Racetrack located in the Droughts on Pandora. See the map below for the exact location. To reach it, head to Ellie’s Scrapyard via Ellie’s Garage and follow the path under the Ellie’s Crap billboard to reach the racetrack. Once there, make your way to the northern part of the canyon to locate the wall of cars along a cliff. The Claptrap unit will be behind the wall, hanging upside down from a magnet.

The Droughts – Highway (Motor)

This dead claptrap is located on the hood of a car a short distance (southwest) from the Droughts – Highway fast travel station.
Ascension Bluff
The Path of Sacrifice (Supermax Deluxe 3D Surround System)

This dead claptrap can be found on the Path of Sacrifice leading to the Holy Broadcast Center at Ascension Bluff. See the map below for the exact location. It will be tied to a metal pole holding up some lights and speakers.

Devil’s Razor
Sin-A-Plex (All-Terrain Motor)

This claptrap is behind some storage units stacked onto of each other in the Sin-A-Plex located in the northern section of the map. See the map below for the exact location.

The Splinterlands

This claptrap is located inside a wheel next to the giant roller coaster in the southeastern region of the map. See the map below for the exact location.

The Stacked Deck (LEDs)

Claptrap is located directly south of The Stacked Deck Typhon Log behind a bar like area in the bottom level of a storage unit that is lit with a red light. See the map below for the exact location.

Guts of Carnivora
Windshaken Catwalks (Gas Tank)

Claptrap is located at the end of a conveyor belt just before Mack’s Head Room. See the map below for the exact location.

Konrad’s Hold
Fallback Tracks (Pair of Arms)

This claptrap is located in a mine car on the very top northwestern side of the map near Traitor’s Mess. See the map below for the exact location.

Last-Stand Yard (Hand Clamps)

This claptrap is located to the left of a sealed Dahl Mining Co door on the edge of the cliff across from the Konrad’s Hold Broadcast Tower. See the map below for the exact location.

Cathedral of the Twin Gods
Outer Sanctum (Antenna Accessory)

This claptrap is hanging on a giant “V” in a bunkroom. After you crouch under a half-opened gate as part of the main story, you will enter a room with stained glass windows with images of Tyrene and Troy. Across from the stained glass, climb onto the raised metal platform and shoot the planks of wood on the door. Enter through this door to discover claptrap. See the map below for the exact location.

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