Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Promethea Crimson Radio Crew Challenge. Here you’ll find where to find the all the broadcast towers to complete this challenge!
Promethea Crimson Radio Crew Challenge
Meridian Outskirts
Meridian Outskirts Broadcast Tower

The Meridian Outskirts Broadcast Tower is located on the east side of the area. To reach it, start from the Meridian Outskirts fast travel station and exit Fort Pissoff. Take a ride and follow the road east until you come to a big open area with a stack of storage containers in the middle. Climb to the top of those containers and use the console to sabotage the tower.
Meridian Metroplex
Meridian Metroplex Broadcast Tower

The broadcast tower is located on the back deck of Dynasty Diner. To reach it, you will need to head to the second level right of the diner and use a shipping box to jump to the balcony where the terminal is located. Sabotage the tower to complete the challenge.
Lectra City
Lectra City Broadcast Tower

The broadcast tower is located in Market Quarter on the eastern side of the map on the roof of a tall building right before Big Dock Energy. To reach it, you will need to climb up to the roof of the adjacent building with yellow paint on the side of it across from the entrance to Big Energy Dock. From there, jump onto the street light with a speaker on it and then jump to the tall building. You will need to get a bit of a running start in order to make it onto the tall building’s roof. Sabotage the radio to complete the challenge. See the map below for the exact location.

Atlas HQ
Atlas HQ Broadcast Tower

The broadcast tower is located at the south side of the Lobby of Self-Actualization near where the Maliwan command ship was during the Atlas, at Last main mission. See the map below for the exact location. Take the southeast walkway to the end then jump down to an area under it to locate the tower. Sabotage the tower to complete the challenge.

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